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17/07/2019 Tinder and Online Dating Survey

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This survey is being conducted by Cheyenne Dermody, Julia Watkins, Jessica Arman and
Casey Schmiegel, students at the department of Mass Communication and Communication
Studies. Participation in this project is completely voluntary. You can refuse to answer any
question and you can stop participation at any time.

If you have any questions regarding the survey questions, please feel free to contact
Cheyenne at 609-235-6598 or

By agreeing to participate you are giving your consent for us to use the information you provide
in academic research. Thank you very much for your participation.

1. On a scale of 1-7, please indicate how you feel toward various aspects of online dating. 1 means
strongly disagree and 7 means strongly agree.

strongly somewhat somewhat strongly

disagree disagree disagree neutral agree agree agree

1. Online dating is
an effective way to
meet people.

2. I think my friends
using an online
dating website to
meet people is a
good idea.

3. I feel that people

that use online
dating are looking
for a long-term

4. Online dating is
more effective than
being set up with
someone on a blind

5. Online dating is a
trustworthy way to
learn about people. 1/1

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