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Training your core is important.

It not only improves appearance but also athletic performance and

prevents injuries. Sadly, most people do core training all wrong. They usually just some crunches, some
planks, and call it a day. However, there is much more to it than that!

Your core has many functions such as:

• flexing the spine
• extending the spine
• bending the spine to both sides
• preventing bending of the spine to the sides
• rotating the spine
• preventing rotation of the spine

If you just do crunches, you are only training one of these functions! Therefore you must do more to
train the core. Fortunately, proper core training trains the whole body. Here's how to do it.

The Exercises
You will be doing two types of exercises: movements and holds. Movements are exercises in which you
repeat a movement pattern. They are counted in reps. On the other hand, holds are positions that you
maintain. They are counted in seconds. Both are valuable for core training.

For movement exercises do 6-10 reps in each set. If you can do more then increase the resistance. You
can do this by holding more weight or shortening the length of a resistance band. Make sure you
gradually increase the resistance. This is called progressively overload and it is essential for progress!

If you try to increase the resistance but can't handle it don't worry. Simply return to your previous
resistance level and increase the volume by a small amount. Do just a few more reps or seconds each
set. After a few weeks, try to increase the resistance again.

For hold exercises, aim for 15 seconds in each set. If you can't hold it for 15 seconds, just keep
repeating the hold for a few seconds until the total is 15 seconds. If you can hold an exercise for more
than 15 seconds you need to make it more challenging. You can do this by holding some weight,
wearing ankle weights, or extend your spine.

By "extend your spine" I mean you go from a tuck position to an advanced tuck position. After that,
you progress to the straddle position, and finally, you attempt the exercise itself. This method applies to
the back lever, front lever, and planche. You will probably have to spend months on each progression so
be patient. To read more about this training method click here.

The Workouts
Do the following workout once every 3-4 days. If you prefer, you can do twice the sets once per week.
It's up to you. To make the workout requires less time you can do two exercises in sequence then rest
90-120 seconds in between sets. Click the exercise name to see a video demonstration.
Beginner Workout
Hollow Body Hold 3 sets of 15 seconds
Superman Hold 3 sets of 15 seconds
Unilateral Overhead Press (dumbbell or resistance band) 3 sets of 8 reps (each arm)
Note: you can decrease the workout's difficulty by doing fewer sets or reps.

Intermediate Workout
Tucked L-Sit Hold or Tucked Front Lever Hold 3 sets of 15 seconds
Superman Hold or Deadlifts 3 sets of 15 seconds or 8 reps
Unilateral Overhead Press (dumbbell or resistance band) 3 sets of 8 reps (each arm)
Unilateral Resistance Band Push 3 sets of 6-8 reps (each side)

Advanced Workout
Gymnastic Rings L-Sit Hold 4 sets of 15 seconds
Front Lever Hold 3 sets of 15 seconds
Superman Hold or Deadlifts 4 sets of 15 seconds or 8 reps
Unilateral Overhead Press (dumbbell or resistance band) 3 sets of 8 reps (each arm)
One Arm Push Ups 3 sets of 6-8 reps (each side)

You can substitute some of the exercises. I would recommend doing this occasionally so your workouts
don't become boring.

• L-Sits Substitutes:-ab wheel, hollow body hold, or V-ups

• Superman Hold Substitutes: deadlifts, front squats, hyperextensions, or tuck planche hold
• Unilateral Resistance Band Push Substitutes: one-arm push-ups or resistance band anti-
rotation holds
• Unilateral Overhead Press Substitute:-unilateral farmer walks

Another great core exercise is a break dance move called Broncos. Do 6-8 reps in each set. Click here
to see how it's done.

How To Make Your Abs Show

Now the above workout will certainly make your core strong, but it won't be enough to make your abs
visible. The only way to do that is to become exceptionally lean. You have two options:

1. Eat slightly fewer calories for weeks

2. Be a little more active for weeks

Doing both of these is definitely better than either one alone. To eat fewer calories eat slightly smaller
portions. Notice I said slightly and not significantly. You don't need to starve yourself! If you feel
hungry, you cut back too much.

Also, aim to eat healthy foods 80% of the time. You don't have to eat healthy foods 100% of the time to
lose weight. Healthy foods are naturally-occurring, full of micronutrients, and have 150 or fewer
calories per serving. Stick with the ones you like.

The best way to be more active is to pick up a new sport or active hobby. Sure you can do more
workouts but that's no fun. Also, start riding a bike instead of driving a car when possible. You will feel
free. Finally, walk on a treadmill while you watch TV. There are plenty of more ways to be more active.

If you do all these things for months you will get a six-pack. You just have to be disciplined and patient.
No one gets fit in 8-12 weeks. No one. Learn to enjoy the process. Do the best exercises and eat the
healthy foods you like. Be more active. Then you will have an amazing core!

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