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Date: July 19, 2019

Competency: EN10LT-If-2.2

I. Objectives:
A.Identify the elements of plot of the myth, Orpheus, which contribute to its theme.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Orpheus, by Alice Low
B. Reference: English 10 Learner’s Material (Celebrating Diversity through World Literature), pp. 55-58,
C. Materials: Video clip, projector, speaker, power point presentation

III. Procedure:

A. Pre-learning Activity
Ask these questions to the class:
* Have you ever loved someone?
* What are the things that you are willing to do for the one you love?
* To what extent would you use your strengths to save the person you love?

B. During Learning Activity

* Let the students watch the video clip.
* Ask their insights about the material viewed.
* Ask comprehension questions through a lyre pass (cabbage pass). The music of Orpheus will
play and when it stops, the students who holds the lyre will get one rolled paper with a number in it.
Each number has a corresponding question.

C. Post Learning Activity

* Give a short review about the elements of a plot that will serve as a review for the group activity.
* Present the bulb puzzle.
* Divide the class into 5. Each group will be assigned one element (exposition, falling action,
climax, rising action, resolution). The students will identify and supply the bulb puzzle. They will be
given 10 minutes for this.
* Ask the processing questions for this activity.

IV. Evaluation:

Let the students answer these questions in their quiz notebooks.

1. What was the greatest strength of Orpheus? What was his weakness?
2. What effect did Orpheus’ music have on people and gods? Cite two examples of this.
3. Why did Orpheus decide to rescue his wife from the underworld?
4. Why did Orpheus look back to see if Eurydice was following him?
5. What reasons might have the gods have for allowing Orpheus and Eurydice to be

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