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Accidents Reporting


1. An unplanned event that causes, or has the potential to cause, an injury or illness
and/or damage to person, buildings, or the natural environment."
2. Incidents range from serious accidents & emergencies to near-miss accidents where
there is no actual injury or damage.

Types of Accidents:

1. Auto
a. Bodily injury or property damage caused by a land motor vehicle designed and
registered for use on public roads.
2. General Liability
a. Any injuries or damages to persons or property that are directly or indirectly
attributable to the design, formulation, manufacture, distribution, use, operation,
maintenance or repair of an entity; or the failure to warn of any such conditions
3. Property Loss
a. physical injury to or destruction of tangible property including loss of use if the
loss or use results from the physical injury or destruction of the property
4. Workers’ Compensation
a. Any injury or contracted disease arising out of and in the course and scope of

Accident Reporting:

1. All near misses, incidents and accidents should be reported no matter how slight they
may appear.
2. Reporting help identify the cause and help prevent this accident reoccurring.
3. Accident reporting varies w.r.t to accident type
4. The most effective way of reporting accidents is through a specific reporting form:
a. The form should contain a detailed description of the incident,
b. the persons and tasks involved
c. injuries obtained
d. any medical treatment given
e. Witness statements if they are available
f. If possible pictures of the scene should also be included
5. All reports should be submitted to the relevant investigation department, as soon as

Reporting Procedures:

1. Stay calm.
2. Secure medical attention for the injured
3. Report all accidents involving bodily injury immediately to (depending on type):
a. Supervisor (workplace)
b. campus police (campus),
c. local police
d. And to RMEH&S within 24 hours.
4. Obtain police officers name, police report number.
5. In case of auto accident;
a. Exchange driver’s licenses, vehicle data & insurance information.
b. Obtain the name(s) and contact information of any witnesses present at
the scene.
c. Assist police and RMEH&S with Accident Investigation.
d. Complete Accident Report Form and forward to RMEH&S.
6. In case of Student accidents:
a. It must be established whether the person was performing an activity as a
student (i.e. in pursuit of study) or as an employee (i.e. on a paid basis)
at the time.
b. If a student was an employee at the time of the incident, a Work Comp
First Report of Injury must be completed and forwarded to RMEH&S; and
police reports should also be forwarded to RMEH&S
c. If a student was involved as a student and incurred an injury or illness the
accident should be reported on the general Accident/Incident Report Form


a. Never argue with a third party who is involved in, or witness to, an accident.
b. Never admit liability or say that SMU will pay for any damages
c. Show compassion without an admission of responsibility.
d. Tell the party involved; “an investigation will be performed by the Police and/or
Risk Management, and responsibility will be assigned

Risk of Late Reporting:

a. Prevents early medical intervention

b. Results in higher total claim costs
c. Has a much greater probability of being denied coverage

Accident Investigation:

1. To find the underlying causes of an injury, illness, or “near miss” and to take corrective

1. Conduct the investigation immediately after the accident.
2. Conduct separate interviews of the parties involved.
3. Repeat the descriptions of the event to allow the primary person and witnesses to make
corrections or additions.
4. Review the completed form with each person involved to make ensure accuracy of the

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