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In memory of my father

Donald Stuart Hutton (1930-2004)

ace and
the hird eich
Racial Anthropology
and Genetics in
the Dialectic of Volk

Christopher M. Hutton

Copyright © Christopher M. Hutton 2005

The right of Christopher M. Hutton to be identified as Author of this Work has

been asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act

First published in 2005 by Polity Press Contents

Polity Press
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Cambridge CB2 1UR, UK.

Polity Press
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All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purpose
of criticism and review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior
permission of the publisher. Acknowledgements viii

ISBN: 0-7456-3176-2 1 Introduction

ISBN: 0-7456-3177-0 (pb) 1
2 Nazi Ideology: An Attack on Difference? 5
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library and has Introduction 5
been applied for from the Library of Congress. The volkisch idea 7
National Socialism: between racial nostalgia
Typeset in 10.5 on 12 pt Times and modernity
by SNP Best-set Typesetter Ltd, Hong Kong 13
Conclusion 15
Printed and bound in Great Britain by MPG Books Ltd, Bodmin, Cornwall
3 Peoples, Races, Genes 17
For further information on Polity, visit our website: Introduction 17
Volk 18
Race and racial anthropology 21
Darwin, genetics and eugenics 25
Conclusion 32
4 Hans Gunther and Racial Anthropology 35
Introduction 35
The Nordic (nordisch) race 36
The Mediterranean ( westisch, mediterran,
mittelliindisch) race 38
The Dinaric (dinarisch) race 40
The Alpine (as tisch, alpin) race 42
The East Baltic (ostbaltisch) race 43
The Phalian (fiilisch, dalisch) race 46
The Jews 48
Metaphors of race 55
Conclusion 60

Vl Contents Contents vii
5 Racial Mixing or 'Bastardization' 64 11 Dynamics of Nazi Science 170
Introduction 64 Introduction 170
Miscegenation and purity in European thought 65 Science and ideology 171
The German debate about colonialism 67 Darwinism and the intellectual background to Nazism 173
Eugen Fischer and the 'Rehobother Bastards' 68 Walter Gross: balancing the claims of science
The evolution of Fischer's views 74 and ideology 181
Wider implications of the study 76 Race theory on trial: the case of Ludwig Ferdinand
Conclusion 78 Clauss 183
The scientific gaze 186
6 The Myth of an Aryan Race 80 Neo-Lamarckianism and Nazism 190
Introduction 80 Conclusion: the problem of telos 193
The biblical paradigm 80
Japhetic affinities 82 12 Nazism Beyond Race 195
The Aryan hypothesis 83 Introduction 195
Aryan versus Semite 87 Determinism and free will 198
Nazism and the term 'Aryan' 89 Biology and linguistics 201
Critics of Nazism and the Aryan hypothesis 94 Racial anthropology and the role of psychology 205
Conclusion 98 Dialectics of Volk 206
Conclusion 209
7 Aryan, Nordic and Jew 101
The Nordic race 101
106 Appendix I: Bibliographic Notes 213
Nordic versus Aryan
108 Appendix II: Biographical Sketches 218
The Nordic and the Jew
111 Appendix III: Nazi Legislation (Selected Examples) 224

8 The Nordic Race and the German Volk 113 References 228
Introduction 113 Archival references 228
Nordicism and nationalism 114 Primary printed sources (all pre-1945) 228
Critics of Nordicism 119 Academic commentaries (including all post-1945) 246
Conclusion 128
Index 262
9 Germany as Nordic Colony? Confusion
and Anxiety Post-1933 130
Introduction 130
The problem of hybridity 131
The view from psychology: Gerhard Pfahler 137
Conclusion 138

10 The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity 140

Introduction 140
Georg Schmidt-Rohr and the worship of
mother tongue 140
Eugen Fischer and the Nordic race 143
A German race? 149
Walter Gross and the idea of a German race 154
Hybridity and racial policy 157
Ideological stalemate 160
Conclusion 166
Acknowledgements Introduction

I would like to thank the following for their help and encouragement This book is intended to give an introduction to the major questions
in a variety of ways (the usual disclaimer applies): Barbara Bader, addressed in the study of race in Nazi Germany, and to assess their
Dominic Blaettler, Kingsley Bolton, Ellis Cashmore, Dafna Clifford, place within its evolving intellectual and ideological landscape. It
Paul Dennis, Frank Dikotter, Achim Mock, John Myhill, Lefteris offers neither institutional history nor detailed biographies of the
Roussos, Gerd Simon, Sally-Ann Spencer, formerly of Polity Press, participants. What is of particular concern here are points of tension,
Jutta Strauss and my colleagues in the Department of English at the controversy and uncertainty, both among academic theorists of race
University of Hong Kong. Julia Kuehn was an excellent research and between academics and the political authorities. The focus is on
assistant during the final stages of the writing. Grant Evans offered the politically and intellectually central concept of Volk ('people')
comments on an earlier draft and gave numerous suggestions for and on competing understandings of German identity. This work
further reading. My gratitude goes to Bill Marshall for inviting me to offers just one particular path out of many through the maze of the
present a paper on this topic at Glasgow University, and to Patrick Third Reich, and is written with the intention of informing debate
Seriot of the University of Lausanne for an invitation to the collo- about the relationships between race theory, National Socialism and
quium: 'Discourse on language under authoritarian regimes' wider trends in European thought. I have focused on those areas
(October 2003). I am grateful to Andrea Drugan of Polity Press for where in my view the received popular view is misleading, arid have
her patience and advice during the writing of this book, and to the not attempted to summarize the massive scholarly literature on the
staff of the following institutions: the Library of the University of institutional basis and implementation of the 'Final Solution' and
Hong Kong, in particular the Interlibrary Loan Department, the other crimes against humanity committed by the Nazi regime.
British Library, the Wiener Library, London, the Wellcome Library Nazism as an ideological system was both dynamic and con-
for the History and Understanding of Medicine, London, the tentious. There was no single centre of power, and no single figure
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, the Bundesarchiv, Berlin-Lichterfelde, who determined the political correctness of a particular intellectual
the Zentrum ftir Antisemitismusforschung, Berlin. Two anonymous direction. National Socialist Germany did not see the rise of a new,
reviewers provided praise and criticism respectively. My special clearly identifiable orthodoxy, as the major theoretical positions on
thanks go to Louisa for her love and support throughout. race were staked out long before the Nazi seizure of power in 1933.
This is not to say that there were no intellectual changes or devel-
opments between 1933 and 1945, but these changes tended to take
the form of the neutralization or marginalization of particular schools
or groups of academics, and the rise of others.
2 Introduction Introduction 3
The initial years of the Nazi regime saw intellectuals from many Republic. Ash (1999: 287) talks of 'constructed continuities' in schol-
disciplines making bids for a political, social or cultural role, and arly careers that spanned the Weimar era, the Nazi state and the post-
seeking the patronage of the Party and state with the intention of com- war occupation zones which became the German Federal Republic
pleting the political revolution of 1933 with an intellectual and ideo- and the German Democratic Republic.
logical one. The mobilization of academic theory involved pulling A considerable communication gap exists between specialist
down the barriers between academic research and 'life', and between studies on Nazi Germany and the wider academic public. To illustrate
humanities, social science and natural science. This was an attack on this one can take the notorious example of the 'Aryan race'. It had
narrow specialization in favour of a holistic or ganzheitlich approach been a commonplace among scholars across a range of disciplines
to knowledge, and reflected an ethnocentric suspicion of acade- from the last decades of the nineteenth century onwards to deny the
mic endeavour as an international enterprise. For example, Alfred scientific validity of this concept. If it could be shown that Nazi schol-
Rosenberg (1893-1946), official ideologue of the National Socialist ars promoted this 'myth', then we would have a simple model to show
Workers Party (NSDAP), was associated with Nordicism, racial how racist ideology undermined science and scholarship. However,
mysticism and a holistic approach to knowledge (Rosenberg 1939). while the term 'Aryan' was used in various fundamental ways in Nazi
However, revolutionary ideological projects were ultimately frus- Germany, there was no academic support at all for its use as a strictly
trated by inertia in the system and the pragmatic orientation of the racial label, and by 1935 this was accepted as orthodoxy by the politi-
state. There was in any case no consensus about the institution or struc- cal authorities. There was complete unanimity among scholars of
tures that should replace the socially and politically elitist, conserva- race, and in official publications, that the notion of an 'Aryan race'
tive-humanistic university and its traditional academic division of lacked any scientific basis. The case of the category of Aryan illus-
labour (Krieck 1932; Rein 1933; Paletschek 2001 ). Heinrich Rimmler's trates a wider point concerning theories of human identity. Frame-
(1900-1945) academic organization,Ancestral Heritage (Ahnenerbe ), works and paradigms are seldom fully superseded. Models, concepts,
steadily gained ground against Rosenberg, and evolved away from myths, folk names are conserved, reanimated and re-enacted in the
cultic Germanophilia towards an embrace of mainstream science. social imaginary, and paradigms of thought that are pushed to the
Nazi intellectual policy was caught between suspicion of self- margins of scholarly inquiry may nonetheless live on in marginal
appointed spiritual advisors to the movement and impatience with the scholarship, popular culture and intellectual folklore. Such concepts
apolitical aloofness of the professoriate. True believers who hoped to often retain strong political affect, as was the case with the category
find in the Nazi revolution the triumph of their particular ideology 'Aryan'.
were often disappointed by the direction of policy or the ruthlessly A second example concerns the idealization of the Nordic type,
pragmatic nature of the regime. Bureaucrats such as Walter Gross the blond, blue-eyed, long-headed race to which many - or even all
(1904-1945) of the Race Policy Office recognized that there was a - of the great achievements of humanity were ascribed. This ideal of
benefit to be obtained from the promotion of scientific researchers Nordic beauty was central to popular iconography in the Third Reich.
who were loyal to the National Socialist cause without being Nazi But developments in racial anthropology in the early twentieth
activists or ideologues. Gross expressed this view in a letter to the century had increasingly led to the conclusion that there was no direct
Dean of Medicine at the University of Frankfurt in reference to the correlation between physical type and psychological type, and this
appointment of the 'apolitical' geneticist Otmar Freiherr von Ver- was accepted by race theorists in the Third Reich. What was funda-
schuer. Verschuer's work, said Gross, could contribute to the strength- mental was the inner racial nature, the psychological and moral qual-
ening of the scientific foundations of the National Socialist doctrine, ities which made up the individual. One could not directly read off
as well as having propagandistic value (Volklein 1999: 75-6). The 'apo- the racial quality of an individual from their bodily proportions, hair
litical' scholar who was loyal to the regime, without seeking to define and eye colour. Mind and body were related in a deeper, more
its ideological direction, frequently prospered, while self-promoting complex way, the understanding of which required knowledge of
ideologues were often close to the centres of power only for short modern genetics.
periods (Sieg 2001: 258). In many cases, the theorists and scholars who The 'ideologically distorted science' or 'pseudo-science' model of
gained the upper hand during the Third Reich were able to carry that Nazi thought is thus potentially quite misleading. Early radical
dominance over into the academic system of the German Federal attempts by would-be National Socialist ideologues to question
4 Introduction
received scientific orthodoxy or to subsume science under ideology
were ignored, marginalized or repressed: 'Eventually the National
Socialist state effectively terminated all the rogue Aryan science or
technology movements' (Walker 2003: 1005). Likewise, there was
concerted oppression of occultism, spiritualism, clairvoyance and the
various strands of New Age Nazism, especially from 1937 onwards
Nazi Ideology: An Attack
(Rabinbach 2004). on ~Difference'?
This is not to say that failed intellectual projects within Nazism had
po impact on policy, or did not play a fundamental role in the evolu-
tion of the regime. Radical Nazi ideologues played a central role in
neutralizing politically liberal and internationalist strands in various
disciplines, and in the 'coordination' ( Gleichschaltung) of institutions.
But the idea of a racial or ethnocentric key to all areas of human
knowledge, which was seen by many would-be ideologues as defin-
ing intellectual Nazism, eventually faltered. Ultimately the dominant
model that emerged in Nazi Germany was the overt separation of Introduction
ideology from science, and intellectual discussion in Nazi Germany
broadly followed wider trends in European and western thought.
The discussions below of racial theorists and theories are not The modern science of race arose out of the Enlightenment, and the
directly concerned with individual motivation and moral interiority. term 'anthropology' has a complex history in debates about human-
Intellectuals and scholars who operated as committed Nazis were ism and the Enlightenment, often under the term 'philosophical
not guaranteed academic power and influence in the long run, while anthropology'. Anthropologie as used in German (or French) is
many scholars and scientists who self-consciously distanced their generally equivalent to 'physical anthropology' or 'biological anthro-
work from 'vulgar' National Socialism had successful careers. A par- pology' in English, with links to the comparative anatomy and mor-
ticular intellectual formation could be ideologically functional within phology of the human body. It has a wide sense as the 'study of the
the institutional and intellectual politics of the state, without being human species', with special attention being paid to theories of
expressly politicized and in the absence of overt 'Nazi content'. human origin and evolution (i.e. paleoanthropology). Carl von Linne
(1707-1778) first placed homo sapiens within a zoological order
(Fischer 1923: 7), but the figure conventionally identified as the
founder of physical anthropology is Johann Friedrich Blunienbach
(1752-1840). Blumenbach classified humanity into five basic races:
Caucasian, Mongolian, Ethiopian, American and Malay(Heberer et
al. 1959: 62). In the discussion that follows, theories of human diver-
sity based on race will be termed 'racial anthropology'. The nativized
German term is Rassenkunde.
Debates about continuities and discontinuities in ideology
between Nazism and wider trends in European thought began with
the advent of the regime and continue to this day. Discussion fre-
quently takes on a dualistic character, in which Nazi ideology is
assigned the role of the ideological 'evil twin'. Nazism symbolizes
godless materialism for the Christian; pseudo-science for the scien-
tist, etc. One such characterization has been of Nazism as a logical
fulfilment of Enlightenment modernity. The Enlightenment is com-
6 Nazi Ideology: An Attack on 'Difference'? Nazi Ideology: An Attack on 'Difference'? 7
monly understood as standing for reason, progress, rights and ideas bership of the Volk remain fundamental in contemporary ethnic
of human perfectibility. However, it is also associated with aggressive politics.
utopian modernity, with race theory (racial anthropology) and colo-
nialism. These phenomena are understood as embodying pathologi-
cal forms of oppressive rationality and Eurocentrism. The volkisch idea
The view that Enlightenment modernity involves new forms of
internalized and institutionalized scrutiny and control is associated
with the French philosopher Michel Foucault (1926-1984). Following German theorists of Volk were reacting to political and social forces
this, an influential understanding of Nazism sees it as the fulfilment which were perceived as coming from 'outside'. The French Revolu-
of oppressive state rationality within modernity (Bauman 1989). On tion (1789) and the ensuing Napoleonic Wars (1799-1815), which
this view, the Enlightenment is associated not only with ideas of brought much of Europe under French colonial rule, spread Enlight-
reason and progress, but also with the classification of human diver- enment ideals of equality, citizenship and the rule of law to German-
sity in terms of a fixed set of biological categories laid down at the speaking Europe. German intellectuals, like their post-colonial
centre of power. Regimentation, surveillance and technocratic mas- successors, were left with the ambivalence of their forced induction
tery are seen as involving the control and ultimate elimination of dif- into modernity, as Germans were incorporated to varying degrees
ference. Likewise, modern racism has been associated with human- into the world's first modern Empire. In response, the theorizing of
ism, to the point that Nazism has been described as the ultimate form an organically unified Volk became a long-term project of German
of humanism, understood as a flawed, racist universalism. intellectuals. They sought to impose 'hegemonic, exclusive concepts
Within this framework, critics of the Enlightenment have found of "national character" [Nationalcharakter], "national spirit" [Nation-
an opposition between racist humanism, realized in colonialism and algeist], or "nationalist feeling" [Nationalgefilhl] on a heterogeneous,
Nazism, and respect for the ecology of human diversity (Ede 1995: multicultural, and multilingual populace living within the borders
232). This expresses itself in a preference for Johann Gottfried von of the long-disintegrated Holy Roman Empire' (Zantop 1997: 94).
Herder (1744-1803) over Immanuel Kant (1724-1804). On this view, Those historical divisions were frequently presented as the products
Herder was the defender of the ecology of human diversity, whereas of modernity, in particular the political emancipation and partial
Kant's universalism has a racist subtext. Later critics of the 'zoologi- assimilation of Jews into German society, as if Jews were the only
cal' notion of human races looked back approvingly to Herder's view obstacles to the realization of the otherwise perfect unity of the Volk.
that the race concept, when applied to humanity, implied a 'degrada- German intellectuals developed theories of national identity which
tion of man'. Talk of human 'races' associated humankind with the stressed racial, linguistic and cultural diversity and expressed a mis-
animal sphere (Voegelin [1933] 1998: 84). After all, Kant digressed trust of universal ideologies which threatened to erase that diversity.
from his Anthropology to denounce Jews as 'usurious' and 'non- Germans were Europeans, but Germany was not part of the 'West';
productive' ([1798a] 1978: 101 fn.) and defined 'the pure moral rather it was a power block between west and east. Theorists
religion' as 'the euthanasia of Judaism' (1798b; Rose 1990: 96). in France also reacted against the egalitarian and t-heoretically
However, it was Herder who described the Jews as 'a parasitic race-blind 'citizenship model' of the French state, notably Arthur
plant on the stems of other nations' (Herder 1784-91 (III): 97, cited Comte de Gobineau (1816-1882) and Georges Vacher de Lapouge
in Rose 1990: 99). Likewise, Johann Friedrich Blumenbach saw Jews (1854-1936). In this tradition, National Socialism was later to under-
as 'an exception to the rules of nature that he himselfposited',namely stand itself as a force for liberation from oppressive western univer-
that human racial characteristics naturally varied with geography and salism. It was closer to anti-colonial nationalism than to any kind of
climate (Blumenbach [1795] 1969; Efron 1994: 20). The idea of Jews imperialism (Mtihlmann 1936: 445, 445 fn.).
as radically different has deep roots in racial anthropology. Anti- The creation of a German Reich by Bismarck in 1871 was merely
Semitism was fundamental to the ideology of Volk, and the concept a partial fulfilment of this dream of unified Volk. Defeat in the First
of Jews as 'parasites' on the natural ecology of nations runs through World War led to the demise of this Second Reich and the end of the
its modern history into Nazism (Wirth 1914: 139; Schwab 1937: 19; monarchy. The Treaty of Versailles (1919) left the Rhineland occu-
Haase-Bessell 1939: 17). These tensions over authenticity of mem- pied, imposed reparations both in money and raw materials, and
8 Nazi Ideology: An Attack on 'Difference'? Nazi Ideology: An Attack on 'Difference'? 9
stripped Germany of territory in the west, north and east, as well ing Gobineau's lead, argued that racial conflict determined the course
as seizing its colonial possessions. Germany appeared hemmed in, of world history at a deep structural level (Garbe 1938: 441), so that
denied access to both its ancestral territories to the east and to the the interactions between national states, and the direction of empires,
additional colonial territories which were its right as a great were a question of racial dominance both inside political units and in
European power. Within Germany, the rise of modernity was conflict between them: 'races make history' (Ekkehart 1936: 2).
perceived as reflecting the triumph of a foreign force. Jews were Biological and evolutionary metaphors were central to political
perceived as dominating key areas of national life and culture, and rhetoric, with notions of 'struggle' (Kampf), 'selection' (Auslese) and
seen as flourishing precisely in the urban environment which was so 'adverse selection' ( Gegenauslese) applied both to social questions
toxic to the best elements of the German Volk. Politically, the Weimar and to relations between nations. Adverse selection, as applied to
Republic represented the triumph of the Enlightenment, itself often human society, took place when the normal laws of natural selection,
understood as 'Jewish' in spirit. France, with its conception of citoyen in which the biologically fittest flourished, were perceived to be
or 'citizen', was viewed as racially degenerate. negated by social or cultural forces, so that inferior elements were
The term used to characterize radical German nationalist think- reproducing faster than superior elements. The view was widespread
ing is volkisch, variously translated as 'ultra-nationalistic', 'racist' or that the superior Aryan or Nordic element was disappearing through
simply rendered as 'folkish' or 'volkish'. The phrase volkische Bewe- regressive selection (ruckschrittliche Auslese), in that the more enter-
gung ('folkish movement') referred to a range of political positions prising racial element tended to undertake activities that brought
rather than a single organization. It had its roots in the late nineteenth it into danger, in particular by moving to the towns and cities. This
century (Puschner 2001, 2002: 5) and covered a broad spectrum of was the so-called 'Ammon's Law', named after Dr Otto Ammon
opinion. It embraced a range of religious beliefs, from nationalist (1842-1916), who had concluded that the age was witnessing the 'twi-
Protestantism to 'New Age' paganism. Some volkisch ideologues light of the Aryan' (Arierdiimmerung) (Ammon 1893; Gerstenhauer
were strongly anti-Christian, especially anti-Catholic, and saw Chris- 1913: 20). This law took on new resonance after the casualties of the
tianity as an expression of the Jewish spirit. Jews were juxtaposed to First World War.
Aryans, in a struggle for the soul of the Volk. However, European German ultra-nationalism and ideological Nazism was shaped by
racial anxiety was as often focused on Africa (the 'black peril') and powerful relativistic tendencies. Intellectuals and cultural activists
Asia (the 'yellow peril') as on the European Jews. Slavophobia was sought for Germany a political and ideological space in which to set
rampant in German nationalist circles in the first decades of the twen- their own moral and intellectual standards. However, the demand for
tieth century (Jakesch 1909: 86). The Slavs were seen as threatening cultural self-determination was difficult to distinguish from xeno-
through their rising birth-rate, while the Germans were an ageing phobia and anti-Semitism. Jews were seen as having biologically and
people 'without youth' ('Yolk ohne Jugend', Burgdorfer 1932, 1936: spiritually occupied the German Volk (Banniza von Bazan 1937).
254). This relativism thus shaded off into a dualistic ('Manichaean') under-
There was agreement among volkisch ideologues that Germany standing of difference. A simple example of this would be Walther
was facing a crisis, and that crisis was grounded in a nexus of histori- DarnS's 'The pig as a criterion for Nordic peoples and.Semites', in
cal, geographical, political and biological factors. Increasingly, the which cultural difference is grounded in climatic and ultimately race-
focus was on the biological: charts, graphs and statistics were pro- physiological difference: 'It is not inconceivable that the consumption
duced which painted a gloomy prospect for the future vitality of the of pork gives rise to a physiological disharmony in [the Semite's]
Volk (Burgdorfer 1929, 1934, 1936). The Volk was beset on all sides. body' ([1927] 1933: 24).
Thinkers such as the nineteenth-century prophet of racial decline The effect of this dualistic thinking was to create strong narrative
Joseph Arthur, Comte de Gobineau and the world historian Oswald compression, in the sense that there was a strong drive to reduce his-
Spengler (1880-1936) were understood as having demonstrated the torical and ideological phenomena to simple oppositions, such as
inevitability of the decline of European civilization. In Spengler's Aryan against Semite, Nordic against Jew, Nordic against Negro,
case there was the prospect of a new, vital spring following the col- Goethe against Newton, Volk against Masse (Ullmann 1936). A good
lapse, but his model was suffused with pessimism in relation to the example of this is offered by the terms 'Aryan' (arisch) and 'Nordic'
so-called progress achieved by modernity. Racial ideologues, follow- (nordisch). These two concepts were often equated in the popular
IO Nazi Ideology: An Attack on 'Difference'? Nazi Ideology: An Attack on 'Difference'? I I

discourses of early twentieth-century German racial narciSSism. and intellectuals of many political persuasions in the early twentieth
However, in scholarly writings of the late nineteenth and early twen- century. Just how pervasive this fear of modernity was among western
tieth centuries, they were distinct both methodologically and con- intellectuals and writers can be seen from the apocalyptic eugenic
ceptually. On the negative side, there was narrative pressure to relate fantasies of D. H. Lawrence, H. G. Wells, W. B. Yeats and others (Carey
the Jews to the Negro, and this was done in relation to perceived skin 1992). Intellectuals' experience of the slum-dweller involved an
colour and unbridled or destructive sexuality (Gilman 1993: 18-23). attraction-repulsion across class lines parallel to that experienced
There were also claims that Jews had a high proportion of 'Negro by white colonialists across the boundary of race. Nietzsche's
blood'. But the Jew and the Negro could also be understood dualis- critique of modernity was an inspiration for thinkers on both the left
tically, as embodying contrasting aspects of the racial negative. The and the right. Critiques of capitalism and the machine-age looked for
tension between narcissistic identification and methodological sepa- a new (or restored) organic-hierarchical social order, or for the
ration was even greater when Aryan and/or Nordic were associated liberation of humanity through the completion of the project of
with the category 'German'. modernity.
Modernity was seen not primarily as a socio-cultural process, but Eugenics was the new religion of the intellectuals. Eugenic ideas
as a biological one. It was associated with the rise of materialistic were 'taken up and developed by sexual reformers, pacifists, social-
mass-consumer societies, with democracy and political liberalism. ists and Jewish scientists as keenly as by right-wing intellectuals and
It involved the disruption of the relation of the Volk to territory, to politicians' (Weindling 1989: 317). There was a tension between the
landscape and to the political borders of the state, and the disruption socialist desire to raise up humanity through modern social and
of traditional social hierarchies, as found in rural society, between political reforms ('welfare-oriented eugenics', 'eugenics for all') and
classes and in the roles of men and women. Races, peoples, social an elitist 'aristogenics' based on the fear that that very modernity
groups, languages, cultures that had been clearly distinct and identi- would set loose the destructive forces of the inferior and the vulgar
fiable, held separate by geography or the operation of social or 'caste' (Weindling 1989: 471, 482). On the right, belief in the basic tenets of
boundaries, were now merging and blurring into one another. The political eugenics went together with pessimism concerning funda-
pre-modern 'ecology' or 'natural order', in which different racial and mental trends in western society. The modern biological understand-
cultural variants of humanity had their own 'place', was breaking ing of sexual reproduction as involving the entire hereditary history
down. The pure essences of the past were being lost, and a bas- of both the male and the female parent led to increasing anxiety
tardized, mongrel and degraded humanity was emerging from the about the quality of the human breeding stock. The distinctive feature
cities and ports of modern civilization. of eugenic debates was that traditional social forms as well as modern
A rising tide of biologically mediocre elements (the criminal, indi- society were subjected to bio-utilitarian analysis. The merits of we-
gent, asocial, insane, the racially and genetically undesirable) was lfare, warfare, female emancipation, sexual liberation, sexual absti-
seen as threatening to overwhelm socially elite groups. The natural nence, marriage, urban life, technological advance, capitalism were
elites were failing to reproduce fast enough to maintain their lead- discussed from the point of view of their contribution to the biologi-
ership position in society. On a wider stage, there was fear of the cal improvement of humankind.
potential rise of non-white peoples and races, a sense of threat from In modernity there was a sense that life was speeding up and that
an ill-defined 'east' and from migration and racial mixing. Conflict, old boundaries were disappearing. Electricity blurred the boundary
struggle and competition were deemed to be the fundamental deter- between night and day; urban life and the capitalist system put new
minant of the destiny of peoples and nations, and any nation which strains on the human nervous system (Goldstein 1913: 38-50).
ignored the lessons of nature was doomed to extinction. Germany Modernity, with its vastly increased mobility, also involved an accel-
needed to reorder its national life on the basis of organic principles; erated process of racial and cultural hybridization, and this posed an
it needed its lost territories returned, and it needed healthy, vital intellectual challenge to those disciplines which sought to track the
couples to have large numbers of healthy, vital children. history of races, peoples and languages. Scholars saw much of the
Ideas about the biological fitness of human beings, a fear of the evidence, the anthropological, ethnographic and linguistic data that
raceless mass or the cultureless mob, were pervasive among writers reflected the early order of things, apparently disappearing before
12 Nazi Ideology: An Attack on 'Difference'? Nazi Ideology: An Attack on 'Difference'? 13
their eyes. Their sense of a world rushing headlong towards chaos was thrived in modernity gave them unique power and influence over the
complemented by their sense of an intellectual crisis. The essences of distressed German Volk. Jews were caught between a left-wing and
the past were rapidly being erased beyond retrieval. moderate nationalist critique of their incomplete assimilation and
In the early twentieth century, anyone who tried to make overall a radical volkisch attempt to reverse the effects of emancipation
sense of race and its relations to prehistory, archaeology and linguis- (Breuer 2001: 328-9). Within fascistic ecology, Jews were seen as the
tics was therefore faced with a formidable task. Human identity was ultimate 'humans' in their perceived separation from, or destructive
studied in a multidimensional manner. Peoples, races or civilizations relationship to, nature. Carl Gustav Jung saw the dichotomy between
could be defined and identified by a whole range of criteria. These Aryans and Jews in terms of the vital, youthful, barbarian versus the
included material culture (tools, pottery, weapons, jewellery); bodily over-refined and overcivilized (Pietikainen 1998).
adornment (e.g. tattoos); religious or ritual forms (e.g. burial ritual There was however no necessary correlation between a belief in
and style, cosmology, myths); style of dwelling; language; race- eugenics and anti-Semitism; nor had anti-Semitism been a universal
anthropological features (skull type, hair, eye colour, height, bodily theme of European racial anthropology. Many professional, intellec-
proportion); original homeland, migration patterns; means of subsis- tual and educated Jews shared the eugenic beliefs of their fellow citi-
tence and relationship to the environment (pastoral, agricultural, zens; Jews in Germany held a wide range of socio-political views, and
fishing); diet; lineage structure (e.g. patriarchal versus matriarchal). were also active across the political spectrum, including in conserva-
To create any kind of coherent narrative required creating sets of cor- tive or nationalist politics. Not all definitions of the Volk specifically
relations between these different dimensions. Often this was done by excluded German Jews, though this 'liberal' view of the Volk typically
focusing on a subset of dimensions (e.g. skull type and burial-mound required Jews to abandon all vestiges of difference in order to be
type), or homeland and language, and leaving aside others. accepted. For some Jewish intellectuals, racial anthropology was a
The notion that advanced or civilized peoples were all racially vehicle for reflecting on or resisting the anti-Semitic discourse of late
mixed (Baur 1922: 6), and that primitive peoples were free of racial nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Europe (Efron 1994).
mixing, points to the curious vulnerability that racial anthropology
ascribed to the racial make-up of advanced or civilized peoples.
Primitive peoples, being closer to their natural state, were seen as true National Socialism: between racial nostalgia
to type, though their cultural level was inevitably inferior. In the case
and modernity
of the advanced peoples, the most dangerous form of racial decline
was one that affected the intellectual, creative and moral virtues,
rather than minor physical problems like short-sightedness which Within Nazism, the emphasis on hierarchy and elitism was in tension
could be corrected by cultural means (Lenz 1923b: 10-11). The con- with ultra-nationalist egalitarianism, in which that elite status was
sequence of the perceived vulnerability of advanced racial stock to offered to the Volk as a whole. Many Nazi ideologues looked back
the social and political institutions of modernity was a widespread with nostalgia to lost racial elites and caste hierarchies, whereas
pessimism, and a consequent willingness to embrace radical political others emphasized a modern, meritocratic vision of Volk, in which
solutions. educational and other opportunities were to be offered to all. Pre-
Anti-Semitism was fundamental to the world-view of almost all modern, dynastic forms of governance, and systems where wealth was
ultra-nationalist (volkisch) ideologues and, increasingly in the post- inherited, had at best an ambivalent status for radical, revivalist
war era, of race theorists. Jews were the essence of modernity, in that nationalism (Buchner 1894). Although a conservative-reactionary
they thrived in cities and in modern consumer capitalism. They rep- ideology of the Volk was promoted in Nazi Germany, with an empha-
resented materialism, liberalism, internationalism, Marxism; they sis on folkloric culture and the cultural revivalism of pure Germanic
embodied the promiscuity of modernity, in that they were citizens of forms, this gradually lost ground to the technocratic vision of volkisch
all countries, spoke many languages and lacked any organic rela- modernity. Walther Dam~ (1895-1953) saw it as the mission of
tionship to territory and landscape. They were a global people, vio- Nazism to bring a new leadership caste (Fuhrerschicht) or 'new nobil-
lating the natural ecology of humankind, which saw different races ity' (Neuadel) into being (Darn~ 1939: 13). As in other areas, a degree
predominating in different parts of the world. The fact that Jews of ambiguity in terms such as Adel ('nobility') was politically and
14 Nazi Ideology: An Attack on 'Difference'? Nazi Ideology: An Attack on 'Difference'? 15
intellectually functional, but Darn~'s vision of a new agrarian order Danzer 1937: 7) was most effectively pursued with the tools of
was not ultimately realized. modernity itself.
After 1939, Darn~'s plans for the resettlement of the east with a With its apparently revolutionary insights into human diversity,
Nordified German peasant stock came into conflict with Heinrich science offered the possibility not only of contributing a new dimen-
Rimmler's project of 'Germanization' ( Germanisierung). Rimmler sion to a historical understanding, but also of bringing that analytic
had been given a high-profile role in the eastern territories by his power to the policy agenda of bio-social renewal. With the prestige
appointment to the position of Reich Commissioner for the Strength- of the medical and biological sciences behind it, a science of race
ening of German Nationhood (Reichskommissar filr die Festigung promised to be able to see through the confusion of surface social
deutschen Volkstums). This project involved selecting those fit to be categories to lay bare the deep structures of bio-racial reality, both in
're-Germanized' ( wiedereindeutschungsfiihig) from assimilated or their historical evolution and in their contemporary distribution. The
lost Germanic elements within the eastern populations, including more powerful the analytic model, the greater the likelihood of the
Poles, Czechs and Russians (Mai 2002: 311, 357; Heinemann 2003). project of renewal being successful, provided that the political will
Darn~'s influence also waned on the home front, in the so-called was there. On the brink of the total triumph of the raceless masses,
Altreich, where his emphasis on the rural population met opposition amidst the fragmentation of an original categorical order - an order
from Josef Btirckel (1895-1944), the Gauleiter of the Saarpfalz, who now being overtaken by the new, misshapen or bastardized group-
sought a settlement policy that would unite both rural and urban ings of modernity in which only the Jews seemed racially invulner-
workers (Mai 2002: 223-87). able -this represented the last hope for an important section of the
National Socialism was not in essence a reactionary or nostalgic European intelligentsia. It offered an apparently viable alternative to
political formation. Once in power in 1933, Hitler showed no inter- cultural and racial pessimism and nostalgia for a lost greatness suf-
est in the restoration of Kaiser Wilhelm II and the monarchy, fused with thanatos.
and viewed the institution with contempt (Overy 2004: 101). The Nazi ideology was an uneasy fusion of different strands of racial
Habsburg monarchy had after all presided over a hybrid polity which elitism and popularism. The political rhetoric of Nazism was directed
had separated the Austrian Germans from their rightful place within at the German Volk, and the fulfilment of its historical mission. In
Greater Germany. Nazism reflected the anti-bourgeois sentiments of this sense, much of the political appeal of Nazism was grounded in
a whole range of radical ideologues of left and right. An ideology racial egalitarianism. Within the true boundaries of the Volk, all were
grounded in a 'socialism' of the Volk suggested an organic modernity promised racial equality, provided they met the eugenic criteria of the
rather than a return to the feudal past. Hitler viewed the urban state. This offered a promise of liberation from class barriers, and the
worker as ideologically central, and the concept of the Volk as a single possibility of social mobility in a new meritocratic social order (Aly
community without inner class divisions (Volksgemeinschaft) was 2003: 230). Every recruit could hope that he is carrying 'the field
fundamentally a forward-looking one (Overy 2004: 227-36). marshal's baton in his kitbag'. Whether he obtained high rank or not
The embrace of modern technology by leading Nazi ideologues was determined to a considerable extent by his genetic make-up
and by the key elements of the state apparatus was seen as a means (Erbveranlagung), though a totally reliable prognosis C'-'uld not be
of overcoming the 'cultural crisis' of German conservatism, and made in advance (Verschuer 1944: 20).
creating what Goebbels termed 'a new romanticism in the results
of modern inventions and technology' or 'steely Romanticism' (stiih-
lernde Romantik) (Herf 1984: 196-7). This fusion of avant-garde
enthusiasm for the machine age with Romantic organicism envi-
sioned National Socialist society as an organic machine. Combined
with the drama of public spectacle and display, this reflected Nazism's The idea that Nazism represented the fulfilment of humanism and
roots in 'fascist modernism' (Hewitt 1993). The revolt against egali- 1he Enlightenment project would have been puzzling to those
tarian, mediocre, bourgeois modernity and against the mongrelized German-Jewish scholars who saw in the Enlightenment legacy the
Massenmensch (as opposed to the high-achieving Leistungsmensch, counterweight to chauvinist nationalism, to exile German scholars
r6 Nazi Ideology: An Attack on 'Difference'?
who saw in Nazism a betrayal of Germany's Enlightenment legacy,
and not least to Nazi scholars and ideologues themselves, who poured
scorn on the Enlightenment's promise of progress, rights and increas-
ing equality under the reign of reason, and traced Germany's ills
to the political and social emancipation of the Jews. The alienation
of Jews from the 'natural' groupings of humankind and from the
Peoples, Races, Genes
'natural' relationships between peoples and territory fuelled an asso-
ciation between Jews, modernity and the Enlightenment. If the divi-
sion of humanity into different Volker was ordained by God or by
nature, then any group which threatened that ecology was striking at
the fundamental order of things: 'Every race, every people is an idea
of God's made flesh, which we must nurture. It is our task to protect
their distinctive nature' (Ekkehart 1936: 2).
The equation of Nazism with Enlightenment humanism and
rationality complements an understanding of Nazism as an attack on
'difference' or 'otherness'. But Nazism, while it shared conventional Introduction
European racism directed at 'inferior' peoples (Reche 1943: 163), was
fundamentally an attack on assimilation. That attack was carried out
in the name of 'difference'. To view Nazism as a direct reflection of Racial ideology under National Socialism was derived from three
Enlightenment's perceived contempt for 'difference' is to stand basic understandings of the relationship between individual and
history on its head. For it was Nazism that dreamed of an unlimited collective. Firstly, the individual could be understood as a member
horizon for the unfolding of difference (NSLB 1933), of a perfect, of a people (Volk); secondly, the individual was defined by anthro-
authentic self-realization at the fullest extent of that difference, and pological race (Rasse); thirdly, the individual was understood as the
which found in 'Jewish modernity' hybrid racial, political and con- intersection of genetic lines of transmission (Erblinien) within a
ceptual forms, including the awful possibility of looking at the world population defined as a reproductive community or 'stock' (Vital-
authentically from more than one point of view. rasse ). Each of these understandings of individual identity had a
Jews were not understood as conventionally inferior, but as radi- political life in popular debate, as well as being the object of special-
cally unnatural. Humanity was held to vary geographically, linguisti- ist disciplinary inquiry.
cally and culturally according to a natural ecology of difference. Jews There were two basic theoretical oppositions. The first was
were an unnatural people, since, within modernity, they were simul- between 'race' and 'people', Rasse and Volk (see below). The second
taneously different and apparently the 'same'. The attack on assimi- was between 'system race' (Systemrasse) and 'vital race' (Vitalrasse).
lation fed on a paranoid hostility to the blurring of racial and cultural In racial anthropology, a 'system race' was a group or sub-category
boundaries and to the uncanny sameness of the Jews. Bizarrely, in the study of human racial diversity (the 'Nordic race', the 'Negro
the idea of Enlightenment modernity as 'Nazi' is the mirror image of race'). In biological or eugenic discourse, Rasse was used in the sense
the idea of Enlightenment as 'Jewish', with the Nazis, instead of the of Vitalrasse to mean individual and collective genetically inherited
Jews, understood as destructive of racio-cultural difference within fitness, understood in terms of physical and mental health, strength,
modernity. intelligence, leadership qualities, etc.
The terminology of Systemrasse and Vitalrasse had been elabo-
rated by Alfred Ploetz (1860-1940) (1895, 1911: 114), and the terms
were theoretically quite distinct (Rittershaus 1936: 183-4). A 'vital
race' was an actual living population taken as a whole, judged accord-
ing to the quality of its genetic lines and its collective physical and
mental health, strength, abilities and capacities down the generations.
18 Peoples, Races, Genes Peoples, Races, Genes 19
The geneticist Hermann Siemens offered the following definition: can be found in the biblical notion of a people with its own language
'the super-individual unit of ongoing existence which is represented and territory as a lineage group descended from a single patriarch.
by a circle of similar individuals living together as a reproductive The biblical theory of Volk, the idea that there was God-given order
community' (1937: 195). A second meaning of Vitalrasse gave the of human diversity, fused within modernity with the idea that the Volk
notion of Volk a biological basis: 'the ongoing living continuity of the was a natural entity defined by common descent.
body of the people' (Volkskorper). The equating of Vitalrasse with The idealization of the German Volk evoked a historical entity
Volk (Viernstein 1935: 10) was however controversial, as Volk was with a collective trajectory and unique mission. The elaboration of
understood in academic discourse primarily as a linguistic and cul- the theory of the German Volk was carried out at the beginning of
tural construct. the nineteenth century, in the context of the Napoleonic Wars in
Two terms which took on a politically productive but imprecise Europe, with a strong focus on the German language, and an envi-
range of associations were Blut and Art. One could evoke ties of sioned but politically 'virtual' homeland where that language was
'blood' (Blut) and imply racial kinship without directly invoking the spoken. This concern with the virtual homeland was complicated by
problematic concept of anthropological race. Thus we have Blutein- attempts in the spirit of biblical speculation and European Roman-
heit ('unity of blood', Schultze 1934: 21), the famous slogan Blut und ticism to link the present-day German Volk with prehistorical and
Boden ('blood and soil'), Blutbewusstsein ('blood consciousness', early historical peoples and migrations, in particular an Aryan or
'racial consciousness'), Blut(s)gemeinschaft ('community bound lndogermanic Volk, postulated initially on the basis of linguistic
together by blood ties'), etc. (Schmitz-Berning 1998: 109-24). reconstruction.
In natural scientific discourse, Art is a synonym for 'species' (Marie Depth of historical continuity, in a popularized reworking of
1936: 71), but it was frequently used in a wide range of compounds notions of aristocratic lineage, was assumed to confer legitimacy and
as a synonym for 'race' or for a racially determined concept of human status. There were 'five thousand years of German history', with the
type (Schmitz-Berning 1998: 63-70). In the context of human racial first Reich of 'free Germanic tribes' founded around 2000 BC
variation, Otto Reche used Art to refer to what was effectively a sub- (Pastenaci 1933). But the German state in its modern form was not
species, a higher-order racial grouping, for example the original, long- founded until 1871. The Volk was the fundamental expression of
skulled European races. This Art consisted of the Nordic, the Phalian German collectivity, understood as a unity through historical time,
and the Mediterranean races (Kohn-Behrens 1934: 97). The term across geographical space and independent of the contingencies of
artverwandt ('related by racial type or blood') was used in the 1935 political boundaries. The concept was fundamental to academic dis-
Nuremberg Laws. Academics who advocated a specifically German ciplines like history (there was after all no German state with a clear
or Germanic approach to intellectual life termed this ideal an art- linear history), linguistics (since language was one of its fundamen-
gemiisse Wissenschaft (Bieberbach 1940: 5). The term Entartung was tal defining elements) and Volkskunde or folklore, which looked at
used in the sense of the racial degeneration, loss of purity of type, the the culture, customs and beliefs of the authentic members of the Volk.
biological decay of the Volk; the opposite was Aufartung, the attempt But it was also the central term in political rhetoric from a broad
to improve or purify the Volk. Similarly, 'Nordification' (Aufnordung) range of political standpoints, from the left to the radieal volkisch
was an ideology or policy which aimed to increase the proportion of groupings. Volk was the key politically mobilizing collective concept
Nordic blood in the German people, and the decline or loss of that in Nazi Germany.
racial element was 'denordification' (Entnordung). In Romantic identity theory, each Volk was assumed to have its
own culture, folklore and customs, its own law and social institutions,
and its own world-view. An individual was joined to the Volk by being
Volk born into it, and became a full member by absorbing from earliest
childhood the patterns of thought and associations unique to it. These
were expressed in its language and in the emotional bonds between
As members of a Volk, individuals were understood to be members family or clan, landscape and language. The 'mother tongue' was the
of a historically united organic collective, a descent group with its own most vital expression of the Volk, and could be used as a criterion to
territory, language, culture and world-view. The origins of this concept differentiate one people from another. The intellectual disciplines
20 Peoples, Races, Genes Peoples, Races, Genes 21

that elaborated and explored this concept included the academic serious bid for power, complained in Mein Kampf of the 'conceptual
study of language (historical and comparative philology, linguistics), boundlessness' of the term. It was unsuitable as the basis of a politi-
folklore, history, law and archaeology. cal movement, as anyone could use it for their own purposes
While Germanophile ideologues celebrated the unity of the (11925-6] 1992: 328-9). The key to a politically operational concep-
German Volk, Germany was in reality deeply divided. Germans t ion was the recognition of the importance of race and 'the presence
lacked a shared political philosophy and a shared sense of destiny. of the Aryan' (1992: 348). Hitler stressed in addition the creation of
There were deeply rooted confessional and regional loyalties, accom- a disciplined party which could rival that of the Marxist in its unity,
panied by mutually incomprehensible forms of vernacular speech. rather than present a 'hodge-podge of views'. This Party-supervised
Germany had no single political, economic and cultural centre. formulation of the 'folkish world-view' (volkische Weltanschauung)
Bismarck's creation of a German state under Prussian leadership in was the key to political victory (1992: 349; see Essner 2002: 21).
1871, the so-called second German empire, did not resolve these The theoretical question raised by the Nazi embrace of the concept
tensions but brought them more clearly into focus. Unity had been of Volk was its relationship to the ideological central Rasse: could the
achieved by military force. For Pan-German ideologues, there was the unity and the boundaries of the Volk be expressed in racial terms?
issue of the status of the Germans outside the new boundaries of
the Reich, most importantly in the Austro-Hungarian Empire and
then in the new state of Austria founded after the First World War.
Race and racial anthropology
Not all members of the German Volk were citizens of the German
Reich. In modern terminology, they had become 'minorities' (Min-
derheiten) (Bahr 1933) in states themselves largely defined as ethnic The category 'race' has a complex prehistory. The scientific study of
collectivities. If the German state was the political realization or race had its origins in the mid-eighteenth century, and became a
manifestation of the German people, why did it not include all branch of scientific learning at the beginning of the nineteenth
Germans? Why did it include many Danes, Poles and French? Even century with the application of morphological techniques from
the 'proper' Germans themselves could be presented as a colourful animal and human anatomy, botany and zoology to the study of
mix of diverse racial and national origins ('ein Sammelgemisch aller humankind. Many physical or racial anthropologists had zoological
moglichen Rassen- und Volksbestandteile', Wachler 1916/17: 48). or medical training, and in the history of the discipline anthropology
Wirth presented the German Volk as made up originally of Celtic, was often practised as an offshoot of comparative anatomy. The basic
Lithuanian, Germanic and Slavic blood, then Romans, Jews, premise of this discipline was that human beings could be divided
Huguenots and Italians, with a smattering of Swedes, Scots, Croats, into distinct races, and that their physical and mental characteristics
Irish, Hungarians, Spaniards and Turks (1914: 72). 'What a compli- were shaped by climate and geography.
cated people!' concluded Willy Hellpach (1877-1955) (1926: 138). The modern scientific understanding of the natural world as
The possession of German citizenship and mastery of German as ordered in hierarchical systems of categorization was applied to
one's first language was not universally understood as sufficient to human beings, and as the nineteenth century progressed increasingly
make someone 'German'. According to ultra-nationalist or volkisch complex taxonomies of human racial diversity were proposed. In the
ideologies, Germany needed to reassert its place as a great European course of the nineteenth century, race science achieved recognition
power, regain lost territory and rid the body of the Volk of what was as an academic discipline, with a distinct methodology and with
seen as a foreign and overly influential element, namely the Jews. different criteria for classification from those applied by linguists or
While mother tongue was the most visible and dynamic sign of mem- historians.
bership of the Volk, the increasing assimilation of Jews into German Racial anthropologists often had very different understandings of
society, which gave rise to a substantial German-Jewish middle class, how race was actually to be defined. As with other areas, scholars
put a question mark against the definition of the Volk as the collec- employed various tactics to attract professional status. Terminologi-
tive of mother-tongue speakers of German. cal innovation offered ambitious scholars the chance to put their own
The most radical political expression of the politics of Volk was stamp on the discipline. The classical methodology was based on an
volkisch thought itself. Hitler himself, with his eyes on making a assessment of external bodily appearance. The primary measurement
22 Peoples, Races, Genes Peoples, Races, Genes 23

was the so-called 'cephalic index' (Schiidelindex), also termed 'cranial racially uniform. To racial anthropologists, it was evident that not all
index', 'length-breadth index'. This was obtained by multiplying the of those who spoke Arabic, indeed relatively few, were descendants
width of the head at its maximum point by a hundred and dividing of the original speakers, just as not all of those who spoke Aryan lan-
that number by the length of the head. The key terms were dolicho- guages were descendants of Aryan stock (Wirth 1914:61 ff.). The cri-
cephaly (Dolichokephalie), referring to a long or narrow skull, and terion of language-as-identity led to the inclusion of foreign elements
brachycephaly (Brachykephalie), a short or round skull, round- in the Volk.
headedness. Another extensively studied feature was the nose, Thus the claim that the racial taxonomy of humanity captured the
notably by Paul Topinard (1885). The two views of the human head, reality of human diversity, the deep structure of human variation,
from the front and the side, thus became characteristic for the undermined the authenticity of 'natural' status of Volk. A racial
photographic representation of racial types. For all the statistical analysis of the human species did not correspond in any simple way
sophistication of many approaches, racial anthropology belonged as to the division of the world's population into Volker, which were
much to the realm of the aesthetic, the intuitive and the metaphori- linguistic, cultural or political rather than purely racial collectivities.
cal as to natural science. A racial aesthetic promoted in northern As this developed, it became part of the disciplinary rhetoric of racial
Europe claimed superiority for the long skull over the round skull. anthropology - and indeed that of the academic study of language -
This aesthetic race theory, as well as the positivistic-statistical to distinguish racial or race-anthropological categories from lin-
approach to the comparative measurement of the human body, faced guistic ones, but the tension between these disciplines remained
a strong challenge from the new genetics in the early twentieth fundamental to the intellectual life of the Third Reich.
century. Racial anthropologists were however divided about the key issues
The application of techniques of natural scientific observation to in the study of race, e.g. the nature and definition of the concept 'race'
human variation implied that humankind was part of nature, not itself and the number of human races. There was no consensus about
above it, and therefore subject to its laws. This was true of all human which physical criteria could be used to identify racial identity,
beings, from the most regal and aristocratic to the humblest peasant. though generally the shape of head was favoured as the most salient
In this sense, modern racial science not only blurred the distinction and the most 'noble' feature of the body. There was also widespread
between animals and humankind, it also potentially struck at the disillusion with the 'cephalic-index' as a racial diagnostic (Wirth 1914:
notion that some human beings, in virtue of their aristocratic titles, 35). However, racial anthropology was continually reinforced by the
were a 'race apart' from the rest of humanity, and from nature. A commonsense perception that human racial diversity was an observ-
science of human measurement and racial evaluation was potentially able fact: 'Everybody can recognize without further ado who is a
meritocratic, since in theory it judged first and foremost the body Mongol, who is a black person, who is an Indian or a white person.
itself, abstracted away from social status, education or fine manners. No one will confuse a Chinese, even a naked one, with a Papuan'
According to race science, clothes certainly did not 'make the man'. (Wirth 1914: 37-8). Racial anthropologists did not agree as to how to
Although race science could be used to provide royal and aristocratic define the German Volk in positive terms. But there was consensus
lineages with a scientific explanation of their superiority, it was equally that the term 'Aryan' was primarily a linguistic term, and·"Should not
a potential ideological tool for the advocate of the common people. be used to designate a racial identity (Wirth 1914: 33-4). This was the
The yeoman, the sturdy peasant living close to nature could be set position of both linguists and racial anthropologists in the late nine-
against a corrupt and decadent- frequently 'foreign'- ruling class. teenth century, and this distinction ultimately provided a scholarly
From the mid- to late nineteenth century, the concept of Volk as justification for the Nazi regime to exclude Jews from the German
expressed in linguistic community seemed to be triumphing over Volk, even if many Jews were by all other criteria - namely citizen-
regional, confessional divisions and the pre-existing boundaries of a ship, cultural affiliation, mother tongue, consciousness of self -
shifting patchwork of imperial and dynastic states, kingdoms and Germans.
principalities. This process culminated in the unification of Italy in There was near universal agreement that each Volk was made up
1870 and Germany in 1871, and the rise of pan-Slavism, pan-Arabism of elements drawn from more than one race. Thus the German Volk
and other movements based on linguistic affinity. However, racial did not have a single racial identity; it was racially mixed, and in racial
anthropologists pointed out that these communities were far from terms overlapped with the membership of other Volker. This view
24 Peoples, Races, Genes
Peoples, Races, Genes 25
remained academic orthodoxy in the racial anthropology of the Third that in many cases these racial lines cut through them at sharp angles
Reich. By the 1930s, the German Volk was held to be made up of and correspond closely with the divisions of social cleavage. The great
approximately six races, namely the Nordic (nordisch), Mediter- lesson of the science of race is the immutability of somatological or
ranean (westisch), Dinaric (dinarisch), Alpine (ostisch), East Baltic bodily characters, with which is closely associated the immutability of
(ostbaltisch) and Phalian (fiilisch) races (see chapter 4). One branch psychical predispositions and impulses. (1916: xv-xvi)
of racial anthropology saw the Nordic race as superior, and sought to
promote the Nordic element in modern European societies. Racial The clearest expression of race boundaries were not the dividing lines
anthropologists debated readings of the racial composition of the between nations but those within them, those of class as well as more
German Volk and of individuals, in particular celebrated Germans in obvious racial boundaries. The only area of the world in which the
the military, political, artistic or intellectual spheres. For example, factors of race, language and nationality persisted 'in combination'
Friedrich Nietzsche was judged by Walter Rauschenberger to be a was Scandinavia (Grant 1916: 4).
Nordic-Dinaric-East Baltic composite, and his life and thought read The study of race took place as a cross-disciplinary enterprise both
against the different traits of these races (1939a: 10). Ludwig van within the humanities and social sciences and between these and the
Beethoven was primarily Phalian-Nordic-Mediterranean (1939b: natural and medical sciences. Racial anthropology, while it had pre-
119); Schiller was Nordic-Dinaric, like many of the great minds of tensions to scientific status in the various meanings of that term, was
humanity such as Plato, Dante and Goethe (1941). built on, and interacted with, popular understandings and stereo-
This Nordic race was characterized by a long skull, blue eyes, blond types. Thus even the most politically liberal lines of racial anthropol-
hair and a set of noble virtues and characteristics. One extreme view ogy were unable to distance themselves from the notion that the
saw the Nordic race as responsible for all major achievements of 'Negro' was essentially inferior. This assumption was built into the
humankind; other racial anthropologists saw this as exaggerated and foundations of that academic science from the very beginning.
unscientific. Racial anthropologists saw Jews, Africans and Gypsies As physical anthropology evolved in the early twentieth century,
(Roma and Sinti) as racially 'other', that is as racially foreign elements the emphasis on exact measurement of the human body, in particu-
which should not be allowed to mix with the 'blood' of Europeans, in lar the 'anthropometries' associated with Rudolf Martin, was increas-
particular the German Volk (Arlt 1938: 46). While there was a ingly challenged by biological and genetic understandings of human
'German people' (deutsches Volk), there was generally held to be no physical variation (Gessler 2000:29, 31-2). The use of 'race' in polemi-
'German race' (deutsche Rasse). It was the Volk that had a historical cal history and sociology as an equivalent to Volk also suggested that
trajectory and unity, and this sense of mission and destiny could not the concept was problematic. In the 1920s and 1930s there was
be straightforwardly mapped onto anthropological race. increasing uncertainty about the status of anthropological features
One aspect of the history of the race question that has been such as hair colour and skull shape. Paradoxically, the rise of
neglected is the question of how white Europeans themselves were evolutionary biology and genetics, as well as new developments in
ranked racially, and who among them was superior racially (Young psychology, offered 'race' a second chance at scientific status.
1997). This was a serious intellectual and political question, and The attempt was made to appropriate Mendelian genetic& to salvage
racism was not merely directed at outsider groups such as Jews, but the concept of anthropological race.
in many instances took on a regional or class character. Racial
elitists thus often looked with displeasure on the exploitation of
racial ideas for crude mass-nationalist purposes. Racial anthropology Darwin, genetics and eugenics
was in this sense hostile to nationalism, or at least provided no simple
script for nationalists to follow, since nationalism celebrated and By the close of the nineteenth century, biology stood at the begin-
heightened what in its terms was a racially hybrid political form. As ning of the genetic revolution. The genetic model of human identity
Madison Grant emphasized:
was one in which each individual acquired aspects of their make-up
from the interaction of the inherited characteristics of both parents.
Modern anthropology has demonstrated that racial lines are not only The science of genetics was an attempt to understand the basic units
absolutely independent of both national and linguistic groupings, but of heredity, the laws applying to the combination and transmission of
Peoples, Races, Genes 27
26 Peoples, Races, Genes
11u:ntal variations. The argument was made that the theory of muta-
those units, and the extent to which aspects of the human physical, 1ions could not explain the development of new species (Schneider
psychological and intellectual make-up were determined by genetic 1934). The reconciliation of Mendelian gene!ics with mutation theory
inheritance as opposed to environment, upbringing and culture. Each within a theory of evolutionary change IS normally termed the
individual existed as a point of intersection where lines of inheritance Modern or Neo-Darwinian Synthesis.
which stretched back though boundless time interacted and could The effect of this was to marginalize so-called 'neo-
be transmitted further. The collective associated with this concept of l.amarckianism', i.e. the belief that characteristics acquired by the
human heredity (a 'population') was not clearly bounded, but rather organism in the course of its lifetime, for example in reaction to the
displayed degrees of network density. environment could be transmitted to its offspring. A whole range of
Charles Darwin's theories of evolution and natural selection had t hcories asso~iated with Lamarck became suspect in terms of their sci-
been enormously influential both in science and politics, but, until the entific status. Vitalism saw life as driven by an autonomous 'life-force',
genetic revolution, the mechanisms of transition in heredity remained 1owards a perfect or harmonious final stage, and f~o~ this pe~spectiv.e
ill-understood, as were the causes of change. Gregor Mendel's experi- 1he theory of evolution was often seen as maten.a~Ist or ~hllosop~·u­
ments on common pea plants, which became widely known in the early cally impoverished. The theory of 'orthoge~esiS as~ociated with
twentieth century, showed that the mixing of two distinct but pure l.amarck held that the evolution of an orgamsm, species or culture
('homozygous') lines in respect of the gene for the trait for pea-colour was not primarily determined by external factors, but followed an
(green versus yellow) did not lead to a merger or blending of inherited inner drive involving a series of evolutionary stages which were latent
traits. Although the offspring in the first generation (fl) were het- in the initial stage. Change was understood as pro?ress towa~ds a
erozygous (i.e. they had inherited two different alleles), they were not greater degree of perfection, an inner harn:;rony or a ~Igher,consciOus:
a blend of the two, but were all yellow. However, in the next generation ness. In twentieth-century Germany, the vitalist notiOn of entelechy
(f2), some peas reappeared as green, in ratio of one green to three ( Entelechie ), derived from Aristotle, was applied . to biolo~y by
yellow. A trait that seemed to have disappeared reappeared after the 'neovitalist' Hans Driesch (1867-1941). Accordmg to Dnesch,
missing a generation. This suggested that genetic inheritance involved cells and organisms had an innate tendency towa:ds . wholeness
discrete units, which interacted in terms of dominance and recession or harmonious form, an inner drive towards self-realizatiOn or self-
and were transmitted independently rather than blending. fulfilment, the product of a vital force controlling the ?ev~lopment of
The impact of August Weismann (1834-1914) in Germany and the organism. (Driesch, a pacifist, was forced. to ret~re. m 193~, but
Europe was fundamental. Weismann drew a clear distinction between vitalist thinking was frequently used to underp~n fasc~st Ideologies).
the so-called 'germ line' (Keimplasma) and the 'somatic line' (Soma). Darwin's theory was purged of its Lamarckian t~mts, and ~o?er~
There was no way to show a link between the germ line ('the sex cells Darwinist thought is more accurately referred to as ne~-~arwmism.
in an organism's ovaries or gonads') and all the other cells of the Environmental factors were fundamental to neo-Darwmism, but not
body. Changes to the body during an organism's lifetime could not as the direct cause of changes to the germ line. Darwinism and neo-
be transmitted to its off-spring (Weismann 1885; Dennett 1996: Darwinism provided a framework and a new vocabulary within which
321-2). The implication was that fundamental improvement in the to understand the place of human beings within nature, and the forces
quality of a population was only possible through selection, and this that act upon them. Nature was constantly in motion, and acting with
moved eugenic measures to the centre of the political agenda (Weiss the inevitability of scientific law to root out the mal~dapted. O~e
1990: 13-14). Education, training and other environmental influences direct application of this vision was in modern eugemcs (Eugemk,
could only be effective if the appropriate genetic potential was Rassenhygiene, Rassenpflege, Fortpflanzungshygiene ). .
present. A further element in the developing understanding of evo- Eugenics sought to use the insights of scie~ce to Improve the
lutionary change was Hugo de Vries's (1848-1935) theory of muta- 'breeding stock' of families, nations or humamty as a whole. The
tion. Processes of selection were understood to act on spontaneous 'insane' the 'feeble-minded', those with genetic illnesses, the alco-
genetic discontinuities, which could be studied experimentally. Sub- holic, the criminal, the vagrant, as well as racially inferior elements,
sequently, debate in relation to mutation concerned the nature of might have five, six or seven children (often supported by the st~te
change: whether it was sudden and discontinuous (as Mendel's theory or charity), whereas the elite groups had one or two per family.
seemed to suggest) or produced out oflarge numbers of minute incre-
28 Peoples, Races, Genes Peoples, Races, Genes 29
Women from elite families were marrying later and having no - or of humankind (especially the so-called civilized peoples or Kul-
fewer- children. Measures advocated by eugenicists included steril- turvolker) as a domesticated species. Humanity had paradoxically
ization and legal-medical controls on marriage and social engineer- been domesticated by itself, since humankind's socio-biological
ing (tax structures etc.) which would encourage the superior elements environment, and its mating practices, were regulated by culture and
to have more children. Eugenicists argued that social reform and politics. The determination that humankind was part of nature and
improved education were of no use unless accompanied by measures governed by natural laws was accompanied by the realization that
to control the quality of the population, since social engineering alone humankind was, like domesticated animals, sheltered from the 'pure'
could not improve society. operation of those laws. In Darwinian terms, in the case of domesti-
The British statistician Francis Galton (1822-1911) is generally cated animals, where particular variants were bred for, and others
seen as the founder of eugenics. In the German context, Darwin was selected against, variation was not 'random', but the product of
understood as the fundamental thinker, in particular as interpreted human intervention.
by Ernst Haeckel, with Alfred Ploetz and Wilhelm Schallmayer Domestication (Domestikation or Haustierwerdung) came to have
formulating eugenics as a social and political programme. Galton's three related meanings: the 'transformation of wild animals into
intellectual successor, Karl Pearson (1857-1936), approached human domestic animals', 'the breeding of wild plants as useful plants
heredity through the statistics of 'biometrics'. Pearson was a critic of !Nutzpfianzen]' and 'the transition of humans from the natural state
Mendel, and engaged in a polemic with William Bateson (1861-1926) to civilization' (Marie 1936: 256). Darwin's insight had begun with the
over the status of statistical studies of the human body (Pearson observation of artificial selection, and this had led him to the theory
1903). From the point of view of Mendelian genetics, these measure- of natural selection (von Frisch 1936: 350-1). The dramatic effects of
ments were largely meaningless; however, Mendelians were accused the human breeding of animals and plants contributed to the dis-
of simplifying the relationship of heredity to 'feeblemindedness' and crediting of Lamarckianism, since no one had yet observed that
intelligence (Spencer and Paul 1998). Pearson's 'law of ancestral environmental influences alone could lead to changes in inherited
heredity' was 'the very antithesis of pristine Mendelism' (Froggatt characteristics and to 'an improvement of the races' (Verbesserung
and Nevin 1971: 1). One German scholar who cited Galton frequently der Rassen).
was the Catholic eugenicist Hermann Muckermann. Muckermann A further paradox was that the purpose of political intervention
credited Galton with the key synthesis of evolution, heredity and within self-domestication was to mimic the effects of true natural
selection as it applied to human culture (1932: 77-83, 1933:7-9, 1934a, selection, understood as the 'survival of the fittest'. The objective sci-
b) and even read Galton as sympathetic to a link between religion entific approach was here essential, as this required potentially harsh
and eugenics (1934a). political and legal intervention. In this way, radical human interven-
Evolutionary theory was central to political-ideological develop- tion in the individual and cultural mating practices of human beings
ments in Germany, and to Nazism as an intellectual phenomenon. For was justified as restoring a pre-civilization natural order, as revealed
Darwin seemed to offer a scientific framework for understanding the by science. This also involved political and ideological control of
rise and fall of individuals, races and species, and hence salvation, human sexuality, not just of women but also of men. For example, the
from the doom to which the German Volk, like all great civilizations sexual autonomy of males in the colonial situation was a threat to
before it, seemed condemned, and which racial pessimists such as racial and eugenic health (Grosse 2000). Culture would have to mimic
Gobineau foresaw. Darwin's theory captured the paradoxical posi- nature, and since in the domesticated species this did not happen
tion of human beings as animals subject to natural laws, and yet able naturally, it had to be imposed by a determined application of the
to understand those laws and manipulate their response to them. will, expressed as an absolute political force. As Earnest A. Hooton,
Science could offer a path to the salvation of the Volk and the white Professor of Physical Anthropology at Harvard University, declared:
races in general. The neo-Lamarckian notion of 'the inheritance of 'We need a biological new deal which will segregate and sterilize the
acquired characteristics' was rejected by academic and political antisocial and the mentally unfit. Intelligent artificial selection must
orthodoxy in Nazi Germany. replace natural selection' (1935: 31).
One effect of this Darwinian shift in the understanding of the rela- What kinds of policies were required to stem the tide of degener-
tionship between human beings and animals was to clarify the status ation? At the intersection of racial anthropology and eugenics, there
30 Peoples, Races, Genes
Peoples, Races, Genes 3r
existed a range of views about the kinds of racial engineering that
were most desirable. Alfred Ploetz, for example, while he shared the claims of racial anthropology, e.g. the idealization of the long-skulled
general view that the Nordic race represented the best of the white north European type (Goldstein 1913: 17). . .
races, envisaged the overall engineering of the racial diversity of Eugenicists were also ambivalent about modern warfare, smce It
humankind on eugenic lines as involving a degree of racial hybridity. killed off the youngest and fittest members of society b~fore they
It would be a mistake to base a future ideal humanity and an ideal could breed and protected the unfit (Nicolai 1917; v?n Fn~ch _1936:
'superman' (Vbermensch) solely on the Nordic race, as the Nordic 359). Opposition to war in Europe was compatible with belief ~n t~e
race also had some weakness. This ideal humanity would take on ele- inevitable decline of inferior non-European races and the desirabil-
ments from other races. From the coloured races one might get adapt- ity of their eventual extinction. Alternatively, war coul~ be prese~ted
ability to the tropics; from the Jews, strength of will and a strong sense as a process of selection, whereby healthy ~nd dynamic pop~lati_ons
of family (Ploetz 1927: 252). triumphed over inferior ones, as an expres_s10n ?f the nat~ralmstmct
This kind of eugenic view of the benefits of racial mixing, though for warfare, which was part of a natural b10logica~ selectiOn proc~ss.
it was grounded in the standard critique of modernity, and did not As the twentieth century progressed, many rac~al anthrop?logists
presume racial equality within the human species, was highly suspect were involved in a complex attempt to adapt their taxonomic wor~
in the eyes of many racial anthropologists, and was particularly offen- to the rapidly developing biological and geneti_c sc~enc_es, and th~s
sive to Nordicist ideologues. This explains the strong reaction to the- process continued within Nazi G~rmany._ The 1mplicat10?s of this
orists who were perceived to favour racial mixing in the early months were far-reaching. This became evident with the formula~10~ ~f the
of Nazi rule. Many Nordicist ideologues, as it turned out wrongly, distinction between the observed physical body of an mdlVldu~l,
equated 'the Nordic idea' with Nazi ideology. the 'phenotype' (Erscheinungsbild ~r Phiinotypus), ~nd the t~tality
Under the impact of modern genetics, many scientists came to con- of that individual's inherited genetic make-up, the genotype (the
ceive of human identity primarily in terms of a genetically transmit- Erbbild or Genotypus), by Wilhelm Johannsen (1857:-1927). In a so-
ted biological inheritance. As with the relationship of Volk to Rasse, called 'pure' population of genetically identical orgamsms, Johannsen
the new paradigm raised the question of how the categories of race had shown that artificial selection among beans could not create a
science stood up to the scrutiny of genetic science. Just as the concept new population with a higher average siz~. He concluded ~hat the
of race threatened the intellectual integrity of the concept of Volk, observed fluctuations were due to the envuonment, and comed the
so the rise of human genetics offered a serious intellectual challenge terms 'genotype' (the genetic constitution of the organis~) and 'phe-
to traditional racial anthropology. notype' (the product of the interaction between the orgamsm an~ the
Like racial anthropology, eugenics was on one reading hostile or environment) to express this (Johannsen 1909). In the case of a mixed
indifferent to nationalism (and even racism), and was far from con- population, selective breeding could however pr~duce such _a~ eff~ct.
sistently anti-Semitic. One could be an advocate of eugenics or 'race 1t was thus both very important and extremely difficult to dist~ng~Ish
hygiene' without subscribing at all to the existence of anthropologi- environmental factors from inherited variation in any mixed
cal races. Given this ambiguity, the tendency to translate Rassenhy- population. . . • h
giene as 'race hygiene' is potentially misleading. This term was used If these advances in understandmg heredity were accepted, t en
primarily to suggest a specifically German or Germanic approach to merely measuring and comparing human bodies was in~uf~cient _to
eugenics, but this did not imply a rejection of international standards ground a scientific understanding of race. A purely ~escr~ptive r~cial
in science. Although eugenic theorizing was not in practice absolutely anthropology appeared out of step w~t~ ad_vances m science, smce
distinct from racial anthropology, there was a widespread consensus one could not directly observe the distmctiOn b~tween phe_n?type
that these were different theoretical frameworks. Eugenicists gen- and genotype. This also triggered a potentially ~adical redefimt10n of
erally assumed the general superiority of the 'white race' over the the concept of race. Racial identity was inc~e~smgly understood as a
'yellow' or the 'black', while at the same time showing concern for composite of inherited Mendelian charac~enstlcs . Only those featu~es
the biological development of humankind as a whole (Goldstein which were inherited in discrete Mendelian fashion could be co_nsid-
1913: 93-6). But there was scepticism about many of the specific ered as properly racial. But since such inh~r~tance involve~ the mde-
pendent transmission of racial charactenstlcs (the shuffimg of the
32 Peoples, Races, Genes Peoples, Races, Genes 33
genetic deck of cards), no single modern individual could be said to standing of social and political problems, as well as for a rejection of
be the member of a race, where race was understood as a collective reforms based purely on changes in socialization and education. For
or grouping of individuals. The genotype of the individual was not if the key elements of the individual were laid down at the moment
trea~ed in an integrated fashion, as was the case with Galton's concept of conception, it was pointless to rely on social engineering alone to
(Mm 1997: 29-30). The observed phenotypical similarities and differ- deal with the crisis facing the Volk. Education and reform could be
ences in populations as they varied over time and space did not mark 11nderstood as bringing the best out of the potential that existed
the boundaries between races, but rather between areas where the ( Lenz 1925), but the crucial determinants of an individual's 'quality'
original congrue~ce of ~enotyp~ an~ phenotype was partially pre- were genetic and racial, not social and environmental.
served (the Nordic race m ~candmavia) and areas of greater mixing. As a result of the interaction between these strands, a complex set
A _race was a set of _hereditary features, and consequently did not of meanings had become attached to the term 'race'. The ambiguity
stnctly have any social or political identity. It was not possible to inherent in the term race proved politically and rhetorically useful,
create ne:w races out of the mixing of pre-existing racial elements. and the flexibility of the concept gave it 'strong integrative power'
:rnus the Idea that_ the German Volk could interact dialectically with across a wide range of research agendas (Schmuhl 2003a: 26-7). But
Its component racial elements and evolve into a new German race it also masked real intellectual tensions, in particular in relation to
:was academic heresy. Indeed, the charge that Nazism promoted the l he anthropological concept of race. The physical stereotypes of the
Idea of a ?erman ra~e was later identified by the Nazi ideologue 'Jew' and the 'Nordic' in popular imaginary could not be sustained
Bolko Freiherr von Richthofen with Soviet propaganda (1942: 324). by science, though they might exist in parallel with it. The Nordic race
was sometimes imagined as a living reality with actual 'members'. But
in strict scientific terms there was no contemporary reality to races.
They were not reproductive or biological communities. Peoples or
Conclusion Vmker could be understood as biological collectives, in that they
represented an actual lived reality existing through social networks,
The concept of ra~e as defined within racial anthropology was kinship ties, as well as a shared language and culture. It was Volker
profoundly decentnng for the nationalist vision of a united Volk. rather than races that were 'self-conscious' or 'self-aware' (Wirth
H?wever, the c~allenge to racial anthropology from the developing 1914: 71; Ruttke 1939: 9). While it was possible to understand a Volk
science of genetics was clear, and the extent to which racial anthro- as a Vitalrasse, these two terms belonged to different intellectual tra-
pologi~ts accepted ~he full logic of this challenge varied considerably. ditions, and many opposed any conflation of the two (Rittershaus
But this new paradigm also offered an opportunity for racial anthro- 1936: 184).
polog~ to escape the trap of data-oriented positivism. Mendelian One branch of racial thinking accepted the basic lessons of the new
?enetics suggested that an inventory of discrete features was shuffled sciences of race and genetics, and rejected the notion that the engi-
m ~ereditary transmissio~, and that these features, though they were neering of the physical, social and cultural environment, for example
subject to random mutatiOn, would not vary much over time. The l hrough education, could eradicate inherited, biological~ ('natural')
effects of natural selection would impact only on the distribution of inequalities. These inequalities existed between individuals, as well as
these features within a particular population. But the Darwinian view between human races, and were part of the natural ordering of the
of the ~atural world was a~so one of constant dynamism and change, human species. Only a political programme of action based on the
and this seemed to stand m stark contradiction to the idea of races appreciation of this fundamental scientific truth, and led by a lead-
as fixed in nature in _prehisto~ic time. Those racial anthropologists ership with the will to carry through that programme to its logical
who opposed ~endehan genetics and stressed the dynamic nature of conclusion, could save Germany and the German Volk from
race often pmd more attention to environmental factors and this destruction.
opened up their work to the charge of neo-Lamarckianism ~hich was There was a strong ideological rationale for the priority of modern
associa~ed with_ Marxist materialism and Soviet genetics. ' science over all other ideological considerations. The geneticist Erwin
The ~nteractwn and partial synthesis between genetics, eugenics Baur (1922: 12) had argued that there were no grounds for despair,
and racml anthropology strengthened the case for a eugenic under- in that it was not a general law of nature that all civilized peoples
34 Peoples, Races, Genes
(Kulturvolker) were destined to decline and disappear, and that the
West would repeat the fate of Greece and Rome. But decisive action
had to be taken if this fate was to be avoided. The need to overcome 4
this pessimistic model of the life-cycle of advanced peoples led to
an emphasis on natural science. For science and science alone, in
its neo-Darwinian formulation, could show why this pessimism was Hans Gunther and
We need to look closely at the tensions between the three basic Racial Anthropology
trends discussed in this chapter, as they were involved in a complex
and evolving set of relationships during the Nazi period. The cate-
gory of Volk, with its biblical roots, had made a successful transition
from pre-modernity to modernity, but when viewed from the point
of view of race, the unity of the Volk was shown to be illusory. There
was no one-to-one correspondence between Volk and Rasse. Volk
was however central to the political rhetoric of Nazism, much more
so than any racial category. Further, the categories of racial anthro-
pology were themselves intellectually vulnerable to the much more Introduction
sophisticated understanding of heredity offered by genetics.
It will be argued that there was a dynamic quality to the interac- Racial anthropology offered a range o~ ,methodol?gies and
tion between ideology and science of race in the Third Reich that led approaches. For example, the 'anthropom~tnc method_mvolved a
to the gradual neutralization or marginalization of trends that were positivistic and inductive approach to physical and medical anthr?-
openly anti-scientific or of unclear scientific status. In characterizing pology. The body was studied standing, at rest, and treated as a static,
Nazi ideology, it is not enough to take a static view and point to the symmetrical object, with its bodil~ meas~rements unders~ood rela-
writings of key individuals or particular policies; we must look for an tionally. This approach was associated with Rudolf ~artm (1914).
underlying process or dialectic. Racial anthropology was politically By contrast, the 'race psychologist' Ludwig Ferdmand Clau~s
and ideologically problematic on a number of levels. It ultimately ( 1892-1974) was concerned with the human body as a dynar~:nc
failed to offer a convincing definition of the nature of the German object, with a relationship to landscape. For Clauss, 'race' :vas ~~ud1ed
Volk, and there was increasing pressure for it to adopt a lower public in the expressivity of the human body through an_ act ofmtmtwn_ or
profile. Having served a useful purpose in justifying the exclusion insight on the part of the investigator. Most racial anthropologists
of Jews, Blacks and Roma and Sinti from the body of the Volk, and operated somewhere between these two methodological extremes.
by clarifying that not all native speakers of German were 'true' This was true of Hans F. K. Gunther (1891-1968), though he was
Germans, racial anthropologists were relegated to a secondary role, widely regarded by other racial anthropologists (part_icul~rly those
useful primarily for the production of certificates of racial identity. with medical or natural scientific backgrounds) as pnmanly a suc-
cessful and well-connected popular author. Other racial_ anthr_o-
pologists were not generally ideologically opposed to his. racial
anthropology; but they frequently saw themselves as offenng an
intellectually more rigorous alternative. .
In Gunther's presentation, each race has a set of bodily c~arac­
teristics combined with a set of psychological or mental attnbutes
(seelische Eigenschaften). There is at least a partial link bet~een these
two dimensions that is the descriptive language as apphed to the
body is to an e~tent a metaphorical index of t~e racial psy~hologt
The male is generally seen as the anthropological norm. Gunther s
36 Hans Gunther and Racial Anthropology Hans Gunther and Racial Anthropology 37

understanding of race occupies a middle ground between an aes-

thetics or stylistics, in which the body is a metaphor for temperament
and value, and a science of anthropology, in which there is an arbi-
trary link between body and mind and the body is seen as a set of
comparative measurements. This also placed Gunther between a dis-
course of popular racial and cultural stereotypes and a would-be
science of human diversity, which rejected this popular or folk image
of human races.
According to Gunther, six basic races made up the German Volk:
the Nordic (nordisch), the Mediterranean (westisch), the Dinaric
(dinarisch), the Alpine (ostisch), the East Baltic (ostbaltisch) and the
Phalian (fiilisch). The existence of a Sudetan (sudetisch) race had also
been proposed, but Gunther gave few details, beyond a brief sketch
of the bodily type. In addition, the German-speaking population had
undergone influence from non-European races, such as the Negro
(negerisch) race (in particular via southern Europe), the Mongolian
~innerasiatisch) race, the Near Eastern (vorderasiatisch) race, which
IS related to the Dinaric race, and the Oriental (orientalisch) race.
Gunther's highly influential model is introduced below. This
account follows Gunther's concise introduction to the racial anthro-
pology of the German people (in the 1933 edition), but not all details
in his descriptions are given. It should be borne in mind that the tax-
onomy below represents the tip of a massive scholarly iceberg, and
e~ery racial term and every characteristic attributed had a complex
history of scholarly and popular discussion.

Figure 1 Nordic type (GUnther 1933: 23)

The Nordic (nordisch) race

The Nordic type is tall, slender but strong, long-skulled, thin-faced, excitement, the Nordic has a terrifying gaze, as had been noted by
with the back of head prominent in relation to the neck, has a narrow, the Romans in relation to the mainly Nordic Germanic tribes. In
pronounced (hochgebaut) nose and narrow jaw with a strong chin terms of sport and physique, Nordic types are suited to middle-
(figure 1). The average height of the man is 1.74 meters; the cephalic distance running and to the throwing and jumping disciplines.
index is around 75, facial index over 90. The features are unusually The psychological make-up can be summed up in terms of ideals
bold and forceful, at least in the case of the males; in women the fea- such as bravery, single-mindedness, determination, nobility, heroism;
tures are less pronounced. The skin is a light rosy colour, as the blood the Nordic displays a clear-minded strength of will, discriminating
~h~mmers ~eneat? it, and in the young and females up to middle age
powers of judgement matched by a keen awareness of the real, a pre-
It IS often hke 'milk and blood'. The hair is straight or wavy, in some disposition to a chivalrous sense of justice. In a few cases these t:a~ts
children curly; the hair colour is blond, which can range from the can rise to the heights of visionary leadership of a state or creativity
common reddish undertone through golden blond to dark blond. in technology, science or artistic expression. A relatively high pro-
Blond hair also often gets darker with age. The eyes are blue, blue- portion of the outstanding individuals produced in the West have
grey or grey; often they have a luminous quality. In certain states of Nordic or predominantly Nordic racial traits, and comparatively few
Hans Gunther and Racial Anthropology 39
38 Hans Gunther and Racial Anthropology
of the important and successful individuals have been without any
noticeable Nordic influence. In dealings with others, the Nordic is
restrained in word and action and moderate in the expression of feel-
ings, even sometimes cool, and perceived by other non-Nordic people
as cold and stiff and less than personable. Nordic people often lack
the inclination to penetrate the inner life of foreign races.
Though Nordic people never entirely lose their chivalrous
approach, they can act with toughness or even ruthlessness towards
their human surroundings. Other characteristics include a mischie-
vous gift for storytelling; an inclination towards technology and the
natural sciences rather than the humanities; an understated self-
confidence, a sense of competition and an effusive power of imagi-
nation, which is seldom revealed to outsiders and which, after taking
flight, nonetheless returns to reality. This Nordic boldness can in some
cases lead to irresponsibility and extravagance; Nordic coolness can
become cold calculation.
The leading statesmen of Europe have all been predominantly
Nordic, and this drive to leadership has seen many such figures rise
up through society. This social rise is often at the price of having small
families, and this provides a clue to the gradual decline of the Nordic
race. The Nordic person reaches maturity late, and thus enjoys a
longer, more carefree youth, and this goes with an enjoyment of exer-
cise, sport and hiking. A very lively feel for nature might also play a
role there. Nordic types are also found in proportionally large
numbers in open-air professions. The Nordic person has relatively
high standards in bodily hygiene, but a characteristic disposition in
favour of a well-groomed appearance is usually found only in the
Figure 2 Mediterranean, from South France (Gi.inther 1933: 26)
middle and upper strata of the people.

The Mediterranean (westisch, mediterran, curving outwards, in rare cases inwards. The chin is less qefinite and
mittelliindisch) race more rounded (figure 2). .
The facial features are in general softer, or, one might say, more
feminine than the Nordic race, and the fleshy parts of the body also
The Mediterranean is generally small in stature, not thick-set but play a part in this. The skin is brownish, and has a warm-smooth
slender. The men are on average 1.6 meters, and the physique overall appearance; rosy cheeks are seldo~. seen, a?d the r~d of the ~ips
is a smaller version of the Nordic, although the height of the legs is shades off into a bluish tinge. The half IS sometimes strmght and shmy,
somewhat more pronounced. Even the broad hips of the women do more often curly; the individual hair is thin and soft. It is b~own,
little to diminish the impression of a slender form. The head shape is black-brown or black in colour. The eyebrows are thicker than IS the
the same as the Nordic race, although the brow is somewhat lower, case with the Nordic race, the eyelashes seem to be longer. The beard
and more rounded at the sides and the back, that is more domed than is brown or black; beard growth is quite thick. The eyes are brown to
sloping back. The nose is relatively short and seldom as sharply black-brown, with a warm hue. Mediterranean individuals and also
defined as in the case of the Nordic race, mostly straight or slightly
40 Hans Gunther and Racial Anthropology Hans Gunther and Racial Anthropology 41

Nordic-Mediterranean individuals often display a particular gift for

The Mediterranean race is hardly represented in the German pop-
ulation by pure racial types, and thus their psychological make-up
does not need close attention. It is a lively and passionate race, easily
aroused to anger and quick to be reconciled, open and receptive to
external impressions, with hearty but at the same time tense and
inquisitive relations with others, elegant in appearance and in lan-
guage, eloquent and inclined to crafty calculation. The Mediterranean
likes to enjoy life and work as little as possible, and has a strong sense
of personal honour in relation to reputation in the eyes of others. Wit
and verbal skill open up particularly in relation to sexuality. There
is an inclination towards cruelty, the mistreatment of animals and
sadism among predominantly Mediterranean populations.
The Mediterranean person displays a lively love of children, but in
the running of states reveals the lack of a strong sense of order and
careful planning, as well as a fickle temperament. There are higher
levels of criminality and murder in regions with predominantly
Mediterranean populations, in particular in Sicily and Sardinia, but
also in parts of Germany such as the Pfalz, the Mosel region, the

The Dinaric {dinarisch) race

The Dinaric type (figure 3) is generally tall, long-boned and thin

without being frail (derb-schlank). The arms are relatively short com-
pared to the Nordic and the Mediterranean, the limbs less finely ~tbb. !748., b. 6ftMirol. UN·witgtnb oinarifdJ
shaped, the neck slightly thicker or shorter. The form of the head is (3uriicNiegei1bt& !\inn nid)t l>iMdfd))

round but combined with a narrow face (cephalic index of around

Figure 3 Dinaric and predominantly Dinaric types (Glinther{1922] 1936:
85-7). The length of the head exceeds that of the width by only a
small margin, as the back of the head barely protrudes beyond the
neck, and in most cases the head appears chopped off (abgehackt) at
the back. The narrowness of the face is determined by the relatively
long nose, and the high, coarse chin; the forehead is in general In character the Dinaric race is epitomized by the Alpine freedom
broader than the Nordic or the Mediterranean. The nose is fleshy at fighter, as seen in those involved in the struggle against Napoleon or
the tip; the lips are fuller, or at least broader than with the Nordic in the mountain warriors of southern and southeastern Europe. The
race. Dinaric individuals often have fairly large, fleshy ears. The skin Dinaric individual has raw strength and is of upright character, has a
is brownish; the hair mostly curly, rarely straight. Individual hairs are strong sense of honour, shows a great love of native region and land-
thin and fairly soft, but hair on the head, as a beard and on the body scape (Heimatliebe) and has a lively connection with nature, bringing
is fairly strong. Beard hair is brown to black. The eyes are brownish a sense of order to home and landscape. However, the Dinaric indi-
black. vidual, though physically courageous, lacks strong forward-looking
42 Hans GUnther and Racial Anthropology
Hans GUnther and Racial Anthropology 43
dyna~ism an~ a ':'il~ to conquer. Living more in the present than the
Nordic, ~he Dm~n~ I~ not suited to planning long-term undertakings. outsiders. They are patient, practically minded, and often achieve a
A certam convlVlahty and rough joviality goes together with a position of respect and standing, in particular in those areas where
tendency to physical violence, as the crime statistics for southeast this practical sense can be applied, rather than where boldness or
C?ermany. suggest. The ability to get carried away, to become pas- decisive actions are required. The Alpine type is a person of moder-
siOnate, VIOlent or vehement is also connected with a disposition to ation, who wishes to combine pleasure with utility, and who seeks to
acting. Showing great insight into human character, the Dinaric is also avoid direct competition. In the contemporary world they are sym-
incl~n~d to. ~xhibit a degree of peasant cunning. The Dinaric also pathetic to the idea of equality and democracy, and can be resentful
exhibits abihty for music, in particular song, and Dinaric-Nordic indi- and jealous of the outstanding.
viduals are often the greatest musical talents. The Dinaric race is The Alpine type is oriented towards the familiar and the near, and
related to the Near Eastern race, in that they both descend from the rejects what is distant, 'pushy', disliking frivolity and waste. In reli-
same original race, and have diverged in different directions from it gious life they display an intimate, warm and contemplative piety,
by a process of natural selection. with a tendency to self-righteousness. Although not naturally inclined
to display martial qualities, the Alpine can be as effective in defence
as the Nordic and the Dinaric are in attack. They are quiet, malleable
underlings. Within a given people, the Alpine type is represented at
The Alpine (ostisch, alpin) race
all social levels, but less so as we go up the social scale. A proportion,
though, can work their way up in society by hard work, acquisitive-
Th.e Alpi?e short, thick, heavy-set and, even though of average ness, frugality and moderation, through their personal warmth and
height, gives qmte a different impression from the slender form of their practical ability to understand other people.
the Mediterranean. The average height of the male is around 1.63
meters; the enti~e body expresses stockiness, with short legs, heavy
calves, short, wide feet, broad, round hands, which often appear The East Baltic (ostbaltisch) race
padded, and short fingers. However, the pelvis of the women seems
relati~ely. narrow when compared with the other European races. The
head IS Wide and round, and sits on a short, thick-set neck, with a ten- Heavy-set like the Alpine race, the East Baltic individual is on a bull-neck. The cephalic index is on average around 88, the average somewhat taller, noticeably thick-boned, and broad at the
fac~almdex under 83. The cephalic index is high because of the width shoulders (figure 4). The head is likewise broad and thick-boned.
of the head, and the Alpine type can be called 'round-headed'. The The area of the face looks particularly solidly built when compared
facial features look blunt, due to a steeply rising forehead which is with the skull covering the brain. One factor in this is the broad,
curved back and to the sides; the root of the nose lies flat. The nose stubby, solidly built and bony lower jaw. The cephalic index is some-
is short, low~buil~, with a blunt tip above the lip; the chin lacks promi- what lower than in the case of the Alpine race; heads of the two races
nence. and IS. widely rounded. The soft parts of the body give a with apparently the same width differ in that the East Baitic race has
stout I~~resswn due to stores of fat and perhaps a thicker skin. a domed back of the head than with the Alpine race. The facial fea-
The skm IS yellow-brown and appears dull. The hair colour is brown tures appear blunt; the root of the nose is less prominent than with
to bl~ck; be~rd and body hair are apparently thinner than in the the Alpine race. The soft parts have a lower degree of fatty deposits
Nordic, Mediterranean and Dinaric races. The eye colour ranges than the Alpine race, and thus do not conceal the large boned struc-
from brown to blackish brown, without the warm hue of the ture of the face. The skin is light, but without a rose tint; it generally
Mediterranean. has a grey undertone. The beard hair is thin with hair that can grow
A. painter who wishes to portray a complacent, respectable, con- long and stiff. The hair colour is light, but tends more to the ash-blond
ventiOnal type, perhaps a small businessman or trader would tend to rather than gold-blond. In contrast to the golden or reddish tinge in
give the .fig~res. t?e rotund, heavy-set characteristics' of the Alpine the hair of the Nordic, the East Baltic has an underlying grey colour.
race. Alpme Individuals can be sullen and mistrustful in dealings with The eye colour is grey, grey-blue, whitish-blue or blue, but rarely true
blue, generally tending to the grey or the whitish-blue.
Hans Gunther and Racial Anthropology 45
The strong physique of the East Baltic race, combined with their
tough and doggedly determined character, makes the East Baltics
excellent long-distance and endurance runners. Artists who seek to
depict deceitful, vengeful, servile or grim figures often reproduce
the bodily characteristics of the East Baltic race, likewise in the
representation of gloomy or rapacious, hate-filled people, or those
in a state of unbridled excitation. East Baltic individuals appear to
strangers to be withdrawn, brooding, ponderous, mistrustful or shifty,
apparently content with little, and also a dully or grimly determined
worker. But on closer inspection the East Baltic type exhibits more
complicated traits. They can become quite talkative in the presence
of intimates, and cannot quite conceal a never-to-be-alleviated dis-
content, an imagination marked by a boundlessly wandering, soaring
fantasy, turning the conversation towards wild ideas and plans, which,
given the East Baltic's poor grasp of practical reality and the inabil-
ity to see things to completion, are never realized.
In spite of all his talk of plans, the East Baltic is no friend of inno-
vation, and lets everything continue in the old way, leaving things 'in
God's hands', falling victim again and again to a gloomy belief in fate.
However, the East Baltic can put up with a great deal of deprivation,
oppression and pain. The East Baltic displays a mass mentality and
can be easily led, and, given that they generally have a lively sense of
patriotism, can be a willing follower under the right leadership. This
can lead to a dependence on the leader that sometimes borders on
servility. With family and friends the East Baltic is helpful and hos-
pitable, often accommodating in the extreme, and tender towards
close family. In dealings with outsiders the East Baltic inclines
towards dishonesty and on occasion also to calculating vengefulness.
A tendency to brutality and underhandedness is unmistakable, and
this most likely explains the high levels of criminality in East Prussia,
Posen and Silesia, especially in regard to crimes involving grievous
bodily injuries and serious robberies. ·~
One striking contrast with other European races is the rapidity of
the East Baltic's mood swings, so that they can move rapidly from
violent anger against someone to tearful self-indulgent remorse, from
being downcast to wild exuberance, from dull indifference to fanati-
cism, from humility to arrogant superiority, from weeks of drudgery
and frugal penny-pinching to carefree extravagance, which can end
in mindless vandalism. Nihilism is an East Baltic state of mind. The
East Baltic has a good understanding of human nature and can
11bb. z67 a, b. Sinntanb. 'l.Jonvitjjmo oftbnttifd) portray others in a forceful way, even though these portrayals are
often somewhat incoherent and nebulous; their narratives have a ten-
Figure 4 East Baltic and predominantly East Baltic types (Gunther [1922] dency toward a grimly hopeless mood. We often find individuals with
1936: 136)
Hans Gunther and Racial Anthropology 47
46 Hans Gunther and Racial Anthropology
a gift for acting or music, combined with the tendency to the ethereal
and the nebulous. Bodily cleanliness and cleanliness in the dwelling
are in general somewhat lacking.

The Phalian (falisch, dalisch) race

The Phalian is tall in stature, on average taller than the Nordic at

least in the case of the male; not slender, but solidly or squarely b~ilt,
a bulky, burly figure. This bulkiness is reflected in different facets of
the body, in the form of the head and the stocky neck, in the sub-
stantial width of the shoulders and, even in the case of the men, of
the hips and the thick joints. The Phalian race is broad in the face and
has a long to medium skull shape (figure 5). The Phalian head, as is
the case with the Nordic and the Mediterranean, is extended well out
over the neck, but in general in a more angular, heavier form. The
facial features differ from the Nordic or the Dinaric races in having
a lower forehead, which rises more steeply than the Nordic forehead.
The lower jaw appears thick and heavy, in part due to the emphatic
angle of the jaw.
The fleshy body parts underlie the impression of stockiness, with
a well-defined philtrum, even in early youth, a crease from the corner
of the mouth to the chin and a rather wide mouth, with thin, com-
pressed-looking lips. The horizontal is emphasized by the ridge of the
upper eye sockets, the rather wide, hard-looking opening of the
mouth and the emphatic, often prominent lower jaw. The skin is light
r?sy, in the face tending to the light reddish, though without the dis-
tmct red cheeks of the Nordic race. The skin of the whole body looks
thicker and coarser than in the case of the Nordic and the Mediter- Figure 5 Predominantly Phalian types (Gunther [1922] 1936: 148)
ranean. The hair is coarser than with the narrow-faced European
races, apparently rarely straight, frequently more wavy or curly than
is the case with the Nordic race. The hair on the head is very thick
or honest reliability, then they will also give the figure Phalian
and apparently very robust, even in old age. Its colour is similar to
the Nordic race, but perhaps inclined more to reddish. The eye colour
The Phalian is as heavy and ponderous psychologically as physi-
is light, perhaps tending to the grey or the blue.
cally. They can be characterized as steadfast, resolute in carrying out
The Phalian race is mixed throughout the populations of central
calmly considered decisions, with a drive to conscientiousness and
and westerr: Europe, but rarely to the extent that pure or predomi-
probity, indeed a certain need to show themselves to be loyal. The
nantly Phahan types can be discerned or are able to influence the
worthy reliability of many Phalian individuals radiates a really rather
unconscious racial awareness of painters and sculptors. None the less
comforting feeling, in particular given that, for all their gruffness and
where an artist wishes to depict someone whose bodily features
a less than engaging self-contained character, they have a quality of
suggest a certain solid strength of spirit or a defiant steadfastness
48 Hans Gunther and Racial Anthropology Hans Gunther and Racial Anthropology 49
warm-heartedness and sensitivity, which also suffuses the religious sequently published as a separate work (G~nthe~ _1930), as well as
life of Phalian people. A tendency to brood and to take life very providing the basis of a section of the anti~Semitic Handbuch der
seriously (never or seldom expressed) is also characteristic of the .ludenfrage (Fritsch 1933: 18ff.). Gunther estimated that there were
Phalian. In contrast to the pioneering, driving determination of the approximately 620,000 registered Jews in Ge:~any, and a~ least the
Nordic, the Phalian is more dogged and persevering, and is capable same numbyr again of unregistered German citizens of Jewish blood.
of iron-willed resistance, which can also develop into stubborn- In addition, there were a certain number of eastern European Jews,
headedness. Phalian influence can be seen in the portraits of many often in transit to Britain or America ([1922] 1926: 419).
important figures, and this speaks to the influence of the Phalian race The number of Jewish-German Mischlinge was impossible to esti-
in the life of the Volk. For Lenz, the combination of Nordic daring mate, but it was likely that the number was greater in th~ ra~ks of th_e
and Phalian forcefulness has shaped men such as Bismarck and aristocracy. The Jews were an exceptional case. They mamtamed their
Hindenburg. One can also discern a Phalian racial influence in Martin identity as a people in spite of the fact that they were spread over_ the
Luther. entire globe and lacked a homeland and a state. They were not umted
by a common spoken language, as was the cas_e. with t~e Gypsies
([1922] 1926: 422); nor were they united by a rehg~ous fmth, and the
The Jews 'Mosaic core' was gradually shrinking under the Impact of western
freedoms. What Jews had in common was a consciousness of shared
blood, and this was expressed in a highly developed sense of sepa:ate
According to Gunther, there was no Jewish or Semitic race, in the identity. This had only been slightly loo_sened i~ th~ course ,of the_ mne-
same way that there was no German race; Jews, like Germans, varied teenth century. The idea that there existed a Jewish race was mcor-
as to their racial make-up. The southern Jews or Sephardim, about rect but not necessarily harmful in a non-scientific context. As a
one-tenth of the Jewish people, were a mixture of Oriental, Near par;icular fusion of races with a strong tradition of intermarriage, it
Eastern, Mediterranean, Hamitic (hamitisch ), Nordic, Negro, in which had taken on a certain racial unity, and could be called a secondary
the Oriental race was the predominant influence; the eastern Euro- racial grouping ('eine Einheit zweiter Ordnung',. [1922] 1926: 422).
pean Jews (Ostjuden) were made up of Near Eastern, Oriental, East That the Jewish people was not a race was evident from the range
Baltic, Mongolian, Nordic, Hamitic, Negro elements, with the Near of racial types, in addition to cases of conversion. In racial type, t~e
Eastern race as the dominant factor. The Near Eastern race was Jews overlapped to a greater extent with southern Europeans, and I_n
related to the Dinaric race, that is they both arose from the same root particular with the Greeks. Attempts had been made by Francis
race (Stammrasse), and developed by means of selection in different Galton (1822-1911) and Joseph Jacobs (1854-1916) _to create a
directions. composite portrait of what was distinctive about the Jewish type. (On
For Gunther, the racial quality of the Jewish people as a whole was Jacobs see Efron 1994: 58-90). Gunther quoted at length from the
primarily determined by the Near Eastern race, in the same way that .Jewish, Encyclopaedia's description of these studies, inclu~ing a com-
the German Volk was essentially determined by the Nordic race. The posite analysis of the ten portraits of schoolboys ~[1922] 1926: 4~3-6),
Jewish question was not a religious one, nor primarily an economic but his conclusion was that this composite portrmt was not very mfor-
one, although the main representatives of hegemonic international mative and instead he offered a racial description of his own, drawing
money-lending capital were Jews. The Jews were on average better nonetheless on Jewish sources ([1922] 1926: 426-30). Below is a
off than their fellow citizens, but the Jewish question was not the same summary of Gunther's discussion.
as the question of capitalism. What was at issue was the psychologi- In terms of stature, the Jews are short, on average 1.63 meters, and
cal or mental influence that this financial dominance had allowed even shorter in Poland. Jews mature physically relatively early, espe-
the Jews, who were predominantly of non-European racial origin, to cially when compared with the northern European races. Th~re is an
obtain within Europe. This was the 'Jewish question', and it was an unusually great disparity between the male and the female m terms
ethnological and race-anthropological one (1933: 57). of weight· the female is often especially fat, though Jews as a whole
Gunther devoted a substantial appendix of his Rassenkunde des are heav~-set. Many are short-legged. Other characteristics include
deutschen Volkes ([1922] 1926: 419-91) to the Jews. This was sub- narrow-chestedness, rather short legs minimal calves, often crooked
Hans GUnther and Racial Anthropology 51
50 Hans GUnther and Racial Anthropology
legs and flat feet. Most Jews are round-skulled, which is itself an
indication that the Jews are not of original 'Semitic' blood, i.e. of the
Oriental race. Bedouin Arabs are long-skulled. Ripley has observed
that Jews have relatively spaced-out teeth. One could observe that
Jews have strangely recessive chins.
The 'Jewish nose', i.e. the hooked nose, is rarer among the Jews
than is generally assumed; it often is not so much the shape as the
fleshy quality of the nostrils that is a Jewish trait (figure 6). Jacobs
has argued that the characteristic Jewish nose viewed from the side
resembled a 6. The lips are thicker than with the European races, with
the lower lip often prominent. The eyelids are often heavy or thick;
often the ears stick out, a trait that is particularly common among
Jewish children. The ears are often located higher on the head than
with other races; in Austria these are called 'Moritz-ears'. Jews, in par-
ticular the females, have a substantial layering of fat on the neck. The
skin is generally darker than with peoples of predominantly north-
em race; often Jews and mixed-race individuals with Jewish blood
have dull-yellowish skin. The skin is usually characterized as sweet-
smelling. The body hair is often thick, as is the beard; often men have
noticeable blue-black stubble which points to particularly thick, dark
beard growth. One might find greater Negroid (tight-curled) beard
growth if fashion were not against mutton-chop whiskers. Eyebrows
are often thick and grow together above the bridge of the nose. An
American survey has shown that 67 per cent of Jews have straight
hair, 20 per cent wavy, 6 per cent curly and 1 per cent frizzy hair.
However, it is likely that among those with straight hair, many have
tough, stiff hair. In the central European environment, Jews with
Negroid, very curly hair-weave are quite noticeable, and even blond
Jews or Jewesses have tightly curled hair. Anthropologically this is
most interesting, as it shows a mixing of Nordic with Negro blood.
The hair is mainly dark, either brown or black. There are a remark-
able number of red-headed Jews, and blond hair is so well repre-
sented among the Jews that in some areas of Europe they are blonder
than the non-Jews. According to the anthropological survey of the
population of Germany undertaken by RudolfVirchow (1821-1902),
among German schoolchildren 31.8 per cent could be labelled blond,
14.5 per cent brown; among Jewish children 11 per cent are blond
Figure 6 Jewish porter from Kurdistan (Clauss 1939: 152)
and 42 per cent brown-haired. The blandness among Jewish children
is more often the East Baltic rather than the Nordic blandness. Mixed
or intermediate forms are more common among the Germans than From this we can recognize quite clearly the decisive racial separa-
the Jews. Gunther quotes the anthropologist Johannes Ranke tion of the Jews from the Germanics among whom they live.'
(1836-1916) as follows: 'The purer the race, the lower the number of Dark eyes predominate but there are common cases of light-
mixed forms. In this respect it is certainly an important fact that we coloured eyes, due to East Baltic or Nordic influence. The dark-eyed
meet among the Jews the lowest number of mixed-raced individuals.
52 Hans Gunther and Racial Anthropology Hans Gunther and Racial Anthropology 53
Jews are often characterized by their strangely shining, sometimes among normal men this is present, even in cases of much lower intel-
moistly shining, eyes. The expression of the eyes has a somewhat ligence. Indeed it is often unfeminine women who were regarded
unsteady quality. The body language of the Jews is hard to describe, among Jews as particularly desirable. This seems to be the transition
perhaps easier to imitate. The head movements sometimes have a point to the infantilism so common among Jews. There is frequently
rocking motion, the movements of the whole body are often soft, so strong support among the Jewish intelligentsia for feminist causes. A
that Jews often appears to themselves and to non-Jews as unsoldierly. highly strung sense of existential despair among Jewish men can be
The Jewish gait is often indicative of flat-footedness; the feet are often contrasted with the unfeminine qualities and unrestrained ambition
barely pointed outwards, indeed often point inwards (This trait is also for personal status and success in public life among Jewish women.
found among people with Negro blood; is its presence among Jews This is apparently the result of a pervasive inhibition of instinctive,
related to a Negro racial influence?). Jewish body language is often unconscious processes in the cerebral cortex and the sub-cortical
perceived by non-Jews in Europe as having something of the Orien- centres through purely conscious processes.
tal. The influence of the European style is however often so strong Jewish emancipation has led to increased rates of suicide, para-
that many Jews can now barely be distinguished from non-Jews, but lysis, alcoholism, syphilis, judicial punishments, moral delinquency,
in many cases there is something forced, self-conscious in their mixed marriages and mortality. The suicide rate has risen particularly
manner. The Jews have preserved their own folk-character best in dramatically in Germany, whereas it is remarkably low among the
eastern Europe. Orthodox Jews of eastern Europe. It should be noted in addition that
The phenomenon of 'Mauscheln' [a stereotype of Jewish speech, there are relatively large numbers of the blind and the deaf-and-
used in stage caricatures of Jewish characters] must be a racially influ- dumb among the Jews. Jews are often lispers, and this might be a
enced trait, whereby Jews lend their own stress and intonation to dif- racially determined characteristic. In terms of criminality, Jews are
ferent languages. This is not only seen among German-speaking Jews, associated with economic crimes and crimes of financial corruption
but among Jews of all nations. One can explain this as an attempt by rather than with crimes of violence and drunkenness. Jews are less
Jews to give a racially foreign (artfremd) language at least their own likely to commit crimes of rape, incest and child abuse, but are
native (arteigen) quality. Among many western European Jews this involved in the distribution of indecent materials, and the trafficking
phenomenon is hardly present and has even disappeared in some of women is almost exclusively under Jewish control. There are links
cases. between Jews and vagabonds and swindlers, as the large number of
According to the physiologist Robert Stigler (1878-1968), there Hebrew words in the language of the underworld, Rotwelsch, indi-
is a blurring of the distinction between the sexes with regard to cates. Jews are in general more refined criminals than the cruder,
secondary sexual characteristics, both psychological and physical perhaps more violent, non-Jew. The sense of family is strong, and
(sexuelle Applanation). There are relatively frequent cases of women rates of illegitimate birth are lower than among the non-Jews. Jews
with broad shoulders and narrow hips, and of men with wide hips and are well adapted to city life, where their rapidity of thought and pierc-
narrow shoulders. It has been pointed out that Jewish women showed ing intelligence in the observation of events and phenomena is bring-
high degrees of 'hirsutism', combined with disruption of menstrua- ing them increasing success.
tion and a funnel-shaped pelvis. The psychiatrist Alexander Pilcz Gunther quoted figures from Fritz Lenz (1923b) in order to illus-
(1871-1954) confirmed that in his experience homosexuality was trate the predominance of Jews in trade and business. According to
relatively common among Jews. Among Jewish women there is high Lenz, Jews were in professions which required mental ability, espe-
frequency of unfeminine psychological characteristics, with a loss of cially where there was a requirement that the behaviour of others be
passivity, which means that normal psychological inhibitions, such as influenced. These included the clothing business, art dealerships, the
in relation to appearing in public, are set aside. This explains the large theatre and cinema, department stores, the stock exchange, journal-
number of women in Jewish public life, and the general disregard of, ism, acting, music, the law, medicine.
and loss of the normal instinctive sense for, the traditional social and Gunther ([1922] 1926: 437) noted that the materials he had pre-
vocational division between the sexes. sented were in themselves perhaps no more informative than those
Among Jewish men there is often an inability to recognize the of the Jewish Encyclopaedia, or than a general description of a
blurring of this psychological boundary between the sexes, whereas German type. The diversity of the Jewish people in terms of both
54 Hans Gunther and Racial Anthropology
Hans Gunther and Racial Anthropology 55
bodily and psychological characteristics was obvious once one listed
the variety of qualities that were ascribed to them. What was required associated with Jews sought to introduce fundamentals of life and
to make sense of the Jewish racial character was a reconstruction of principles of selection which were propitious for the Jews, but which
its history (Gunther [1922] 1926: 437ff.). meant destruction for the German Volk. Thus, while the Jews were
Gunther's ~iscussion of the Jews can be usefully compared to that not a race, they were a descent group with a particular biological
of Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer on the race biology of the Jews history and inherited characteristics which set them apart from the
(~938a). Verschuer dealt with the problem of characterizing the racial European 'guest peoples'.
difference be~we~n n.on-Jews and Jews by defining the two groups in
terms o~ the d~stnbut10n of features which overlap (1938a: 138). Much
of the discussiOn follows the same course as Gunther's, but the anti- Metaphors of race
Semitic rhetoric is sharper. According to Verschuer, the Jews are and
always h~ve been distinct in racial character. The central anomaly of
t~e Jew IS stressed: that they are a community which has survived
Gunther's model was grounded in a well-established discourse of
without a state in spite of 2,000 years of dispersal. Jews are commit- regional and national character. It involved an implicit metaphorical
ted. to ?enying the li~~s between race and culture and attributing hierarchy or set of hierarchies. The restraint and moral purity of the
t~eu difference to milieu and upbringing. But it is a fact beyond Nordic type was contrasted with the passionate, feminized Mediter-
dispute that both the psychological and bodily characteristics of the ranean. The Nordic race is the male, adult; the Mediterranean is the
Jews are genetically transmitted. Research into twins has shown this more feminized or childlike. The German Volk contains a multi-
and also that the differences between Jews and Germans lie in thei; dimensional set of contrasts, where the constitutional or bodily
distinct racial origins. The Jews are not a race in the sense of anthro- type is to a degree reflected in the psychological make-up. A race
pological race (Systemrasse). which is physically 'heavy' is also psychologically 'heavy' or ponder-
The Jews are a people who have 'bred themselves' (Verschuer ous. Gunther's discourse straddles the scientific (facts or revelations
1938a: ~49): All. the cent~al features of the Jews have operated as unknown to the general public) and popular racial and regional
factors .m biological se~ect~on: the Jews' lack of a natural relationship stereotypes. It is not an attack on racial commonsense, but rather the
to terntory and the mstmctual sources of life and nature their refinement of it, a superior form of the common 'insight'. It attempts
urbanis~, th.eir .trading disposition, their adeptness at formal-logical an alliance of science with commonsense and subjective, metaphori-
Talmudic .thmkmg, the sense of being a chosen people. The race- cal intuition.
psychological character of the Jews has become more uniform The eugenicist Hermann Muckermann (1877-1962), conceptual-
through this process of selection, whereas the bodily characteristics ized the racial composition of the German Volk as a composite of
are less uniform. The medical resistance to tuberculosis is evidence races with different 'genders' (1935). The Alpine race as a .whole
of their ?iologic~l adaptation to the city, as also is the preservation showed childlike or primitive character in terms of its development,
of certam physrcal pathologies such as blindness and deaf-and- but less so in the case of the men. Women, regardless of race, were
dumbness, which are normally selected against in a more natural less advanced in their racial development and as individuals. On
en~ironment. As part. of this process, Jews are also prone to psycho- Muckermann's model, the Alpine race as a whole was feminized or
logrcal and neurological complaints. Their alienation from nature infantilized in relation to other more advanced races, and in that
leaves the world emptied of spiritual meaning. There is no room for sense one can conceptualize the German Volk as a 'marriage' of the
true religiosity, for genuine, selfless love and for true reverence. Are male and the female, the racially advanced and the racially primitive
not urbanites of other races not also felt to be in some sense 'Jewish'? (1935: 91-2). The Dinaric race was presented by Muckermann as the
It is no coincidence that it is predominantly urbanites who enter into opposite of the Alpine. Although the Dinaric type also has a short
mixed marriages with Jews (Verschuer 1938a: 150). For Verschuer head, it was a different shape, and the total impression made by the
Je:vs p~sed a double danger for the German Volk: firstly, that of racial male face was one of extraordinary daring. The Dinaric race (found
aberratiOn, so that a complete and unconditional separation of Jews mainly in the south and southeast) was the racially most advanced,
from the Germans was required; secondly, the spiritual alienation and this was true also of the females, although they were slightly less
advanced than the males (1935: 95). The Mediterranean race, which
56 Hans Gunther and Racial Anthropology Hans Gunther and Racial Anthropology 57

for Muckermann had made the least impact on the German Volk, was external world as a separate, resistant entity to be operated on and
also described, in somewhat feminized terms, as being the smallest overcome, with the accommodating Alpine type, (Enthebungsmen-
a~d the most delicate (zierlich). In the case of the men, the body was
sch) who seeks a comfortable niche within the world, and seeks to be
t~m and 'well proportioned'. The women had strongly developed
left ~ndisturbed rather than challenge reality (1936: 17-19). The
hips, and, compared to the strong chin of the male, the chin was more Phahan was characterized by determination and persistence
softly rounded in the case of the females; a light moustache for (Verharrungsmensch); the Mediterranean type (figure 7) aims to
womer: wa_s regarded among the women as part of an ideal beauty, please, to make offerings, to sacrifice for others, often as a way to find
and this might have been artificially cultivated, particularly in Spain God (1939: 99ff.). The goal of the Desert (wustenliindisch) or Orien-
(1935: 97-8). tal type was revelation (Offenbarungsmensch); the Near Eastern type
An alternative line of thought was concerned with the relationship sought spiritual redemption (ErlOsungsmensch) (Clauss 1939).
between body type (build) and personality (Kretschmer 1931). For Clauss, a race 'was not an agglomeration of features or traits,
Kretschmer's work and constitutional psychology offered one ?ut a mode of experiencing which permeates the totality of a living
approach to the study of character within psychology, and stood in form' (1936: 17). Clauss's method thus involved the marginalizing of
uncertain relationship to the psychological types postulated by race physicalist or biological theories of race in favour of what he termed
psychology. Kretschmer identified three basic constitutional or the 'mimetic method' (mimische Methode), in which the investigator
'psych?somatic' types ('somatotypes'): 'leptosome' (tall and thin), strove to 'live with' (mitleben) the group he was studying. This began
wit~ the imitation of externals, such as dress and food, and progressed
'athletic' (muscular), 'pyknic' (squat, short and heavy-set). Different
personality types, criminal behaviours and mental illnesses were asso- until the true self of the investigator was set aside or locked away
ciated with each body type. inside a new self which performed or became the 'other'. This process
Ritter_shaus (1936) sought to reconcile these two approaches by was the internalization of a form of life through a process of acting
elaboratmg a complex system of racial types, which reflected the or 'playing along' (mitspielen). This implied a more profound form of
interaction between an original set of 'constitutional types' (Konsti- integration into the life of the community being studied than mere
tutionstypen) and racial types. These original constitutional types participant observation. This is not to say that Clauss regarded the
became racial characteristics (Rassenmerkmale) once races devel- body as irrelevant; Clauss did make comments about bodily type, and
~nderstood the human type as a totality formed in relation to a par-
oped (1936: 183). The problem with this was that to make the system
work Rittershaus had to introduce a much higher number of racial ticular landscape: 'It is the meaning of the body to be the manifesta-
types and subtypes (1936: 182-3). However, many studies of charac- tion of the soul' (1939: 94).
ter I?ade no significant reference to race-anthropological categories Clauss's formative experience had been his fieldwork with the
(Heiss 1936; Kunkel 1944). One discipline that became increasingly Bedouin in Palestine in the period from 1927 to 1931, where he had
significant was hereditary psychology (Erbpsychologie), in which the explored the problems of 'living with' or 'living as' a Bedouin at the
attempt was made to distinguish between hereditary and environ- same time as he studied their culture and took photographs (figure
mental aspects of human abilities, behaviour and personality on the 8). This required a simultaneous and paradoxical self-awar~ness and
basis of advances in genetics. forgetting of self. As part of his adoption of the Bedouin role, Clauss
One racial anthropologist whose work echoed both Gunther and had presented himself as a 'German Bedouin', indeed the 'pasha of
Kretschmer, but whose understanding of race as style or as a mode the German Bedouin on the other side of the Arabian desert' a
of being represented a more fundamental break with systematic performance that he completed by sending his research assista~t,
anthropology, was Ludwig Ferdinand Clauss. Clauss's approach to the Margarete Lande, to join the women's tent as his wife. Lande was an
study of human diversity was controversial within the field of racial Arabic speaker and of Jewish origin (Clauss 1933).
anthropology, but he had many admirers among the reading public, . _Clauss's understanding of the Bedouin world was shaped by hos-
and even those who disagreed with his methods were often impressed tility to the effects of modernity and western individualism, and a
by the skill with which he had elaborated his model. He made use of sense that their racial or cultural essence was to be found in collec-
the categories of racial anthropology, and contrasted for example the tive movement and rhythm, a rejection of 'work' in the modern sense
achievement-driven Nordic type (Leistungsmensch), who treats the and the strategic and ritual use of violence. Racial research was a
Hans Gunther and Racial Anthropology 59

Figure 8 Semi-nomadic girl from Palestine: 'Fear and hate in desert style'
(Clauss 1939: 124)

process which involved reading the human body against its natural
Figure 7 Mediterranean type (Clauss 1939: 93) landscape and environment; generalizing tendencies about race,
world-view and belief were set against close readings of individuals.
Each race was understood as having its own set of self-validating
ways of being, this being expressed in the body as a dynamic or
expressive entity. 'Nordic', the dominant mode of being of the
6o Hans Gunther and Racial Anthropology Hans Gunther and Racial Anthropology 61
German people, 'represents a value for us, not a value in and of itself' (European) races also brought positive virtues to the Volk, then this
(1939: 48). While Clauss belonged to the broad trend of Nordicism, seemed to suggest that racial mixing (at least among European races)
he set himself against populist and academic Nordic chauvinism, was a positive phenomenon. This view also downgraded the impor-
noting that the label 'Nordic' implied a mode of experience, but that tance of the boundary of the Volk, or at least left the status of that
the content of this experience might be morally good or bad: 'One boundary fundamentally unclear.
can be a dissipated or criminal person in a Nordic way- we can say From the point of view of a scientifically trained racial anthropol-
without qualms: one can also be a real swine in a Nordic way.' Clauss ogist or geneticist, even of a committed volkisch or Nordicist ideo-
rejected the notion that races had 'characters'; the properties that logue, many of GUnther's ideas and formulations were unscientific,
defined a race were on a more abstract - and elusive - level (1939: or at best represented an earlier, humanities-based stage of the study
48-9). of race which was rapidly being superseded. However, GUnther
accepted that Weismann and Mendel were fundamental to the study
of human heredity (1927: 273), and criticism of his work was often as
much a reflection of his lack of scientific training as of any particular
intellectual faults.
The faults of GUnther's model from a hard scientific point of view,
Central to GUnther's (highly eclectic) view of the Jews were the i.e. its subjectivity, the reliance on a particular aesthetic, the caricatur-
pathologies of modernity. Not only were the Jews themselves falling ing of group character, were shared by his more respectable
prey to the ills of modernity, but they embodied many of its most medically and biologically trained colleagues. In his study of the recep-
striking features, notably the blurring of the lines between male and tion of the Baur-Fischer-Lenz volume (editions from 1921 onwards),
female. The Orthodox Jews of eastern Europe were in this sense Fangerau notes that Eugen Fischer's (1874-1967) presentation of a
unproblematic. But once the Jew crossed into modernity, the radical racial taxonomy of the Europeans was not subject to a single serious
breach with the natural racial order begins. The Jew was both dis- criticism (2000: 86). But the assumptions that underlay Fischer's and
rupted as a type, and disruptive. Jews had no common spoken lan- Lenz's racial anthropology were not fundamentally different from
guage, no territory and no shared state. Paradoxically, the Jews were those of GUnther. It was Fischer who had declared confidently:
a people whose sole unifying force is consciousness of blood, yet they
did not form a single, unified race. The brains of the different races are organized in different ways; their
Science and politics interacted in complex ways in relation to the total psychological make-up [Psyche] is extraordinarily different; and
question of the definition of Volk. For, as GUnther's model illustrates, extraordinarily different are their intellectual achievements, their cul-
racial anthropology did not offer a straightforward model of German tural creativity. (Fischer 1910: 19)
unity; indeed, it stressed that Volk was a hybrid collective of differ-
ent races and psychological types. In addition, analysis of the German Fischer's elaboration of the basic taxonomy of the races that made
Volk made clear that there was no clear racial boundary between the up the German people included praise for the long-skulled, blond-
German people and its neighbours. Thus, rivals and potential or haired Nordic race as the origin of all the creative energy in the
actual enemies of Germany on the political, economic, military, cul- history of Europe (1910: 19). GUnther's model followed Fischer in
tural and linguistic level (that of Volk) actually overlapped with the most essential details, in particular in the parallel between the hybrid-
internal divisions of the Germans on the level of race (Rasse). There ity of the Jewish and German peoples.
was also a curious, half-repressed racial link between the German One Nordicist who was mildly critical of GUnther was Fritz Lenz.
Volk and the Jewish Volk. Both shared a partial origin in the Near Lenz objected to the artificiality of the contrasts between the differ-
Eastern race. ent racial characters in GUnther's model, but praised him for having
If the Nordic race was given too much prominence, then the other demonstrated that the Nordic race was the creator and carrier of the
races were at best diluting, and at worst contradictory or harmful, Indogermanic cultures. However, he considered GUnther's postula-
racial elements. The Nordic Scandinavian was a better potential tion of the Alpine and Dinaric races superfluous. The term 'Alpine'
member of the German Volk than an East Baltic type. But if the other had had its origins in Carl Linneus' (1707-1778) taxonomy of the
62 Hans GUnther and Racial Anthropology Hans GUnther and Racial Anthropology 63
human races as one of the categories of racial 'monstrosities' (Mon- hedged on this point by speaking of individuals whose racial identity
strositiiten), and had been taken over by Ludwig Wilser (1850-1923) was 'predominantly' Nordic. There was a clear tension between the
and Lapouge to describe a geographical race. There was insufficient political promotion of the Nordic race and the recognition that races
evidence to set up a separate racial category; the same was true for no longer existed in their pure form. This was particularly the case
the East Baltic race (Lenz 1936: 726-7). In the case of the Dinaric once the mainstream concept of race had shifted from a generaliza-
race, the observed facts could be accounted for by traits from the tion about a body type, in combination with particular character or
Nordic, Mediterranean and Near Eastern races (1936: 731). The psychological dispositions, to a Mendelian or genetic understanding
Mediterranean race was however better attested. of racial characteristics. In the evolving intellectual landscape, the
Lenz further objected to talk of 'the races of the German people', fundamental problem with Gunther's model was that, contrary to his
which seemed to imply that there were clearly defined separate races overt rhetoric, he effectively blurred the distinction between Rasse
present in the German Volk. What could be observed was the clus- and Volk, or at least downgraded the value of Volk as a lived com-
tering of particular physical and psychological traits. But these did munity in favour of nostalgia for lost racial community.
not amount to autonomous races. There was a general correlation Gunther did have some success in reorienting his work in a more
between physical and psychological traits, so that the areas with less scientifically acceptable direction (Weingart et al. 1992: 453), and it
Nordic populations in physical terms were also less psychologically was in any case not politic to attack Gunther directly. For example,
or temperamentally Nordic (Lenz 1936: 727). Gunther's work, with its static concept of race, was attacked by the
Gunther's scientifically trained colleagues were themselves far proponents of a dynamic theory of race - Karl Saller and Friedrich
from reluctant to engage in racial stereotyping. Fischer saw the east Merkenschlager - with their concept of continua between racial
in terms of an undifferentiated mass with indeterminate degrees of 'zones'. However, the dynamic concept of race itself ran into politi-
Mongoloid blood (Fischer 1936b: 192-3). For Lenz, the gap left by cal problems in the early years of Nazi rule (see chapter 10), when
the deconstruction of the Alpine and East Baltic races was filled by the Nordic ideal with which Gunther was associated was at the height
a vast fatalistic Mongoloid race element mixed in with other races in of its political influence.
the east. Populations with a strong Mongoloid element lacked mental Gunther was a highly significant figure in the academic and ideo-
agility; they were a fertile ground for mass suggestion (Massensug- logical profile of the Third Reich. His appointment by the Minister
gestion) and rule by a Mandarin class (Mandarinentum); they clung for the Interior and Education for Thuringia Wilhelm Frick
to superstition, lacking both a sense for nature and for modern (1877-1946) to a professorship in Jena in 1930 was an early Nazi
technology (Lenz 1936: 725). attack on the autonomy of the universities. It would however be a
One pragmatic line to take was that Gunther, like Gobineau, had serious mistake to identify Nazi ideology with his work (Breuer 2001:
played an important role in identifying and promoting the racial 70). Official recognition did not translate into genuine political influ-
question in the public domain, even if the implication was that his ence (LutzhOft 1971: 162). The effect of the strong opposition to
intellectual framework was defunct (Keiter 1941: 127; Verschuer Gunther's appointment was however to cement the association of
1941: 9-10, 92; Weingart et al. 1992: 453). Keiter's rhetorical question Gunther's work with Nazism (Weingart et al. 1992: 453). •
as to why Gobineau's work was still controversial, whereas Darwin
and Mendel were recognized as authoritative, was answered by point-
ing to their status as biologists. While questions of race and culture
might seem to waver between science and the humanities, they actu-
ally fell under the heading of biology and the natural sciences (Keiter
1938-40, 1: 2). There was a clear parallel in this between Gobineau
and Gunther.
Gunther's account of race could at moments be read as implying
that there were actual living individuals who could be described as
racially 'Nordic'. But the academic consensus was that the original
racial collectives had broken down and mixed into Volker. Gunther
Racial Mixing or 'Bastardization' 65
administrative and academic level the situation was much more
5 confused.
This chapter looks at the background to theories of miscegenation
in the Third Reich by focusing on Eugen Fischer's Die Rehobother
Racial Mixing or . . Bastardization' Bastards und das Bastardisierungsproblem beim Menschen (1913).
This was the study of a racially mixed population of the descendants
of male white settlers (Boer farmers) and so-called 'Hottentot'
(Nama) women from South Africa who had migrated to Ger~an
Southwest Africa (today Namibia). It established Fischer's reputatwn
as one of Germany's leading experts on the biology of race, setting
him on the path to academic eminence and a successful career in the
Weimar Republic and the Third Reich.
Fischer's work was widely accepted as representing an advance on
traditional theories of racial mixing. Fischer established that racial
mixing gave rise to biologically and socially viable populations.
Introduction However, he argued that there was a distinction to be drawn between
the mixing of closely related races (e.g. white Europeans) and
between distant races (i.e. between Europeans and Africans). Fischer
The question of racial mixing (known variously as 'miscegenation', was credited with a successful synthesis of classical taxonomic racial
'racial crossing', 'hybridization', 'bastardization', 'mongrelization') is anthropology and modern genetics, in particular Mendelian genetics.
fundamental to the Third Reich. The National Socialist regime is Further, his work contributed to the popularization of the fundamen-
widely associated with a political doctrine of racial purity expressed tal distinction between genotype (Erbbild) and phenotype (Erschein-
in virulent polemics against racial mixing. The racially mixed indi- ungsbild). The genotype was the totality of the genetic inheritance of
vidual (Mischling) was frequently described as pathological. The phe- an individual, whereas the phenotype was the actual constitution or
nomenon of racial mixing lay at the intersection of sociology and make-up of the individual. The lesson of modern genetics was that one
criminology, psychology, racial anthropology and genetics, where a could not arrive at an understanding of the inherited racial make-up
wide range of social and medical pathologies were identified (Herling of an individual merely by observation of their observed racial char-
and Hildebrandt 1935). The question of racial purity, which is a cliche acteristics. It followed from Fischer's interpretation of Mendel that
of popular presentations of Nazi thought, was however far from racial mixing did not and could not give rise to new races. It was not
straightforward in academic and political reality. possible, for example, for the various races that interacted in the
After the Nazi seizure of power in 1933, the regime came under German Volk to fuse together into a single race.
strong pressure from its radical supporters to enact stringent legisla-
tion against racial mixing, particularly between members of the
German Volk (known popularly as 'Aryans') and groups perceived as
'racially foreign', in particular Jews. Within the regime, there was Miscegenation and purity in European thought
widespread uncertainty about the best course of action, with civil
servants and legal experts concerned about the vagueness of the Racial anthropologists in the early nineteenth century were centrally
categories involved, especially the legal definition of the category concerned with monogenesis versus polygenesis, with the relationship
'Jew'. The overall architecture of the law did not, for example, easily of climate and landscape to human racial diversity, and with the fun-
allow for compulsory divorce. On the level of political pro-paganda damental nature of the human species. The European intellectual tra-
and mass education the authorities wished to drum home the dition lacked an agreed definition of the term 'human' and 'race' and
message that racial mixing was harmful to the Volk, with the Jew and hence of 'racial purity'. Scholarly discourse on the question was a
the 'Negro' presented as racially foreign (fremdrassig). But on the mixture of observation and second-hand anecdotes. Wrestling with
66 Racial Mixing or 'Bastardization' Racial Mixing or 'Bastardization' 67
th~ terms 'spec~es' and 'race', Charles Darwin (1809-1882) gave a black and white parents is, on the average, much shorter lived and
mixed report m the Descent of Man, noting that Paul Broca much less fertile than the race of either parent'. The 'mulatto'
(18~4-1880) had foun? 'good evidence that some races were quite was inferior to both parental racial stocks. Intermixture of closely
fertile together, but evidence of an opposite nature in regard to other related European races, by contrast, might result in an equally valu-
races' (Darwin 1871: 171). able or even more valuable racial product (Shaler 1904: 252;
For much of the history of European colonization there was no I -ivingstone 1984: 183--4, 193). But, from a scientific standpoint, both
funda.mental anxiety about sexual relations and reproduction across ( :hamberlain and Agassiz's frameworks looked increasingly dated, as
race hn~s. The pre-modern view was often that interbreeding or mis- monogenesis and neo-Darwinism became orthodoxy.
cegenatw~ was a means of elevating indigenous populations, and thus There was no general agreement as to how to evaluate racial
a key pohcy e~e~ent in maintaining settler colonialism (Anderson mixing. For Albrecht Wirth, racial mixing was the dynamic force
1991: 13-14; LIVIngst~ne 198_7). But as the nineteenth century pro- behind human history ('without it, no world history'), but an excess
gressed, there was an mcreasmg horror of miscegenation with 'lesser was damaging (1914: 83). It was after all racially hybrid peoples rather
breeds' (Hyam 1990). This was clearly related to the dissemination of than pure races which acted as historical agents. But the modern,
ideas fr?m racial anthropology, which had a dramatic impact on the mongrelized city, with its 'raceless masses' ( Grossstadtpobel) was a
world-view of educated Europeans. The later empire remained vision of horror (Wirth 1914: 1, 95).
however a place of sexual opportunity, in which there existed 'a com-
~uls~~e libid~nal attraction disavowed by an equal insistence on repul-
SIOn .m :elation to the non-white colonial subjects (Young 1995: 149).
Withm European nationalism, particular forms of racial hybridity The German debate about colonialism
were often celebrated. The British nation was sometimes conceived
of as drawing strength and vigour from its mixing of Celtic, Norman, British colonialism in India, and the resulting scholarly and intellec-
~n~l~-Saxon a~~ Danish elements. Broca, rejecting Gobineau's pes- tual excitement, played a fundamental part in shaping German
simistic propositions about racial hybridity and national decline as thought, in philosophy, literature and philology. In addition, the Euro-
'far too general', pointed to the rise of the United States, 'where the pean empires offered access for German scholars, in particular
Anglo-Saxofol race is still predominant, but which is overrun by immi- archaeologists, anthropologists and linguists, to an ever-widening
grants of va~wus other races'. Nonetheless, 'the prosperity and power' horizon of investigation. In the late nineteenth century, the newly
of the Umted . States. was growing with 'unexampled rapidity'. formed German state began to acquire colonies of its own. In 1884 and
Ho:vever, ?t~e~ Intermixtures were 'notably inferior to those of euge- 1885, Germany acquired substantial territories in Africa, i.e. Togo,
ne~Ic hybndity , and 'Mulattoes of the first degree, issued from the Cameroon, German Southwest Africa and German East Africa, as
umon o~ the ~e~manic (~nglo-Saxon) race with the African Negroes, well as territories in the Pacific. In 1898, it acquired Kiautschou
appear mfenor m fecundity and longevity to individuals of the pure (Jiaozhou, including the port of Qingdao) in China, and in 1899 a
races' (Broca 1864: 21-2). number of South Sea territories, including Samoa. In 1911, Germany
At the turn of the century, the intellectual situation remained acquired territory in French Equatorial Africa (Grosse 2000: 20).
co~fused: .Houston Stewart Chamberlain (1855-1927) offered an In Germany, there was deep anxiety that racial miscegenation in the
anti-Semitic re-reading of Gobineau's model of racial decline. He colonies would have repercussions at home (Rodenwaldt 1938). While
described a Jewis~ ra~ial con~piracy which exploited racial mixing as it was felt that Germany as a great power was no less entitled to
a strategy of dommatwn. This consisted in retaining a core stock of colonies than the other European powers, there was uncertainty about
pure-blooded Jews while other Jews mixed with the Indo-Europeans. the exact nature of such a colonial project. Empires were intrinsically
These would be reduced to 'a herd of pseudohebraic mestizos'. By projects of political and racial hybridization. It was unclear whether
polluting the blood of Europeans, Jews would become the only pure- colonies were primarily to be sources of raw materials (Berger 1938:
blooded people ([1899] 1932: 383). The American geographer and 146-51) or whether their role was military, including the raising of a
neo-L~marckian Nathaniel Shaler (1841-1906), a student of Louis colonial- and therefore multiracial- army. Was there to be dense set-
Agassiz (1807-1873) claimed 'the offspring of a union between pure tlement by whites, so that the colonies would be centres of emigration,
Racial Mixing or 'Bastardization' 69
68 Racial Mixing or 'Bastardization'
or was the white presence to be restricted to a small administration?
There was a question mark hanging over the long-term viability of
white settlement in hostile climates (the so-called Akklimatisations-
frage or 'acclimatization question', Livingstone 1987), and confusion
and fear in relation to the racial mixing that inevitably followed. Settler
colonialism in the east in what were seen as ancestral territories of the
Volk was seen by many volkisch ideologues as a more viable option.
These territories fell within the natural sphere of influence (Gross-
mum) or 'living space' (Lebensraum) of the German Volk at its widest
and healthiest extension. Germany was the heartland, the centre of
Europe (Land der Mitte) (Keiter 1936: 89).
Thus, the former colonial official Georg Fritz was to argue for the
priority of National Socialist settlement policy in the territories to the
east of Germany over colonial settlements overseas, on the grounds
that the Nordic and Phalian races (Nordrasse) were not suited to
warm climates, and the effect of the different environment, given
natural selection and the additional threat of racial mixing, would be
to create a new racial type distinct from the home population
(Heimatvolk) (Fritz 1934, 1935; Aschenbrenner c.1935).
One strand of anthropology, although perhaps racist by contem-
porary standards, was critical of crude racism, and of colonial policy
in relation to the indigenous peoples. This liberal-colonial tendency
w~s e~emplified by the Protestant missionary and anthropologist Figure 9 Rehobother women (Fischer 1913: 273)
D1ednch Westermann (1875-1956). Westermann took part in efforts
to protect the Ewe and other coastal peoples of Togo from land
expropriation (Smith 1991: 172). By contrast, the physician and racial cial, Maximilian Bayer (1905). The number of the Rehobother was
anthropologist Philalethes Kuhn (1870-1937) participated in the 1904 put at between 2500 and 3000. Fischer saw his study as representing
campaign against the Herero and Nama uprisings in German South- an important departure from more sociologically oriented, in
west Africa. These were brutally suppressed (Eckart 1997: 255-90). Fischer's view, unscientific studies, such as those carried out by
Germany's colonies were lost under the Treaty of Versailles (1919). Georges Herve (Fischer 1913: 137; Herve 1912). Fischer's reflections
There were however ideologues and politicians who saw their return on interracial breeding involved an acute awareness of wider socio-
as indispensable to Germany in its rivalry with the other European political questions both in the colonies and in Europe, as' is evident
powers, though the multiracial nature of the British and the French from a lecture Fischer gave in 1913, in which the question of mixed
armed forces was a cause of great distaste, mixed with envy. Fritz marriages both in the colonies and between 'Germanics' and
Lenz complained that the French had put their 'coloured hordes' into 'Semites' were described as raising important policy questions
battle against the Germans (1927a: 267). (Fischer 1914: 3-4).
Fischer saw the Rehobother as victims of an unjust land grab by
the Boers. Following this, the Rehobother had crossed the River
Eugen Fischer and the 'Rehobother Bastards' Orange to Rehoboth and founded the so-called 'Nation of Bastards'
in 1870 (1913: 29), though they were caught in the middle between
Historical background the warring Hottentots (Nama) and the Herero. The Rehobother had
come under German administration in 1884, but did not find peace
Fischer's attention had been drawn to the racially mixed Rehobother until 1892. According to Fischer, the population had undergone a
population (figure 9) by the publication of a study by a colonial offi- rapid transformation from a loosely associated group of related
70 Racial Mixing or 'Bastardization' Racial Mixing or 'Bastardization' 71
families under a single pastor to one that had shared suffering and unstable bastard mixture' (1913: 190). This implied, though Fischer
hardship. They had struggled with the harshness of the natural envi- did not spell this out, that the German Volk was composed of 'racial
ronment, and this had led to the preservation of many of their Hot- bastards'. Fischer stressed however that the Hottentots and the Euro-
tentot traits. They had also benefited in terms of cultural level from peans were distinguished by 'very many anthropological characteris-
the impact of the missionaries. This had led to the formation of a tics' and were 'very strongly distinct from each other' (1913: 140).
sense of identity, and marked out the group as distinct from the There was a greater gap between a Hottentot and. a Europ~an .tha~
indigenous people. Under German administration, once order had between two Europeans. It was the existence of this gap which JUSti-
been established in 1892, this group had then been able to flourish, fied the use of the label Bastardvolk.
becoming identified with, and allies of, the colonial administration, Fischer was unable to determine precisely the racial nature of the
and distinguishing themselves as soldiers fighting alongside German European component of the population, but he assumed that the
troops in putting down Hottentot rebellion (1913: 36). Nordic race predominated (1913: 45). As regards the non-European
elements, they were made up of Hottentot rather than from the slave
clements which had been brought in from a variety of areas. In
Racial mixing and the status of the 'Bastard' general, the Rehobothers' very strong 'racial pride' (Rassestolz) pre-
vented marriages with the indigenous people. In such cases, especially
In his introduction, Fischer noted that the phenomenon of race where the man was from the Bastardvolk, the child would remain
mixing had been neglected in favour of attempts to study 'pure' racial with the mother rather than become part of the Bastard population
groups. All kinds of views about race mixing were to be found in the (1913: 45). .
anthropological literature, but no detailed study of these processes Fischer was in no doubt that all mixed European-Afncan popula-
had been carried out, and the Rehobother case was perhaps a unique tions were inferior to Europeans, and this included the Rehobother
opportunity (1913: 1). One key issue was the rise and fall of races population. For this reason, the Rehobother required leadership. by
('Rassenentstehung und Rassentod', 1913: 1). whites as in free social competition they would be unable to survive.
Fischer contended that the Rehobothers' intelligence was not low, They ~ere however superior to the dark-skinned races from. wh.ich
and that many of them were equal in intelligence to the Boers (1913: they were partially descended. Fischer rejected the gen~rah~at10n
294). However, intelligence taken in isolation was less important than that all mixed offspring were inferior, especially morall~ I~fenor, to
normally believed in assessing the potential of the dark-skinned their parent races. However, it might happen that the mlXlng of two
races. Their relatively high level of intelligence had been erroneously highly distinct racial groups gave rise to disharmony in certain cas~s.
used to argue that it was only culture that separated them from the The most serious examples of this were the large urban centre~, m
whites. Fischer's argument was that for all their achievements the ports and mining towns, in which deracinated mixed-race populat~ons
Rehobother were inferior to the pure whites in terms of cultural level lived a degraded existence. However, 'where a person of m~xed
and in mental ability and performance (1913: 296). What differenti- descent is born from two races of high value, and is in a recogmzed
ated the Rehobother from the Europeans was that the masses in the position in society, that is he is free from these negative environ-
urban centers of Europe regularly produced individuals of excep- mental influences, then he will certainly be of equal value, or has the
tional ability. The superiority of these exceptional individuals was not potential to be so' (1913: 298).
purely intellectual; it lay in energy, imagination, in planning, in The observed phenomenon that persons of mixed race w~re of
making associations, in creative production and in qualities of char- inferior quality to their parental races was thus to be attnbuted
acter, such as self-assurance and consistency and loyalty to self (1913: largely to environmental factors, and in a small nu:n~er of cases. to
296). This quality of bringing forth remarkable individuals was a dis- the combination of totally disharmonious charactenstlcs. The notiOn
tinctive racial characteristic, and one that was completely lacking in that degeneration was the inevitable by-product of this process was
the dark -skinned races. erroneous, as could be shown by the superiority of the Rehobother
The effect of Fischer's work was to highlight the term Bastard in population to the indigenous peoples. While th~ Rehobother ha?
the context of European-African racial mixing, though Fischer did useful qualities from both races, there were .ne~atlve aspe~ts ~o their
also note that the population of central Europe was 'a completely character, deriving from a sense of supenonty to the mdigenous
72 Racial Mixing or 'Bastardization' Racial Mixing or 'Bastardization' 73
people, and a consequent laziness and desire to play the master. They then became social and political, and the paradoxical consequence of
had the consciousness of being the master without the concomitant a finding that racial mixing was not biologically pathological was an
sense of duty. This was attributable by Fischer to mishandling by the increased awareness for the need for eugenic social engineering.
Europeans. Fischer's final verdict was that the Rehobother offered a
multifaceted picture, but not a totally displeasing one. They were 'a
Reception and critique
capable little people', so long as they were restrained from their two
frailties, pride and alcohol (1913: 299). An example of the initial positive reception in the international
Fischer thus did not contend that mixed populations were unvi- scholarly community was a notice in Nature, in which Fischer's key
able. The struggle for survival of the Rehobother in the countryside finding was summarized as follows:
had hardened them into a compact group with a strong sense of iden-
tity, thereby preventing their assimilation into the racially promiscu-
His observations have convinced him that a new and permanent
ous milieu of the urban areas. Racial mixing could not be seen as human race cannot be formed by the amalgamation of two diverse
directly harmful, since there was no degeneration of racial inheri- forms of man - not from any want of fertility - for amongst the
tance. The application of Mendelian genetics implied that the racial Bastards there is an average of 7.4 children to each family - but
characteristics themselves were transmitted intact; they were not because certain characters are recessive, others are dominant, and the
merged into a new racial genotype in each individual. The crucial original types tend to re-assert themselves in the course of generations,
determinate of the social usefulness of the mixed racial population according to Mendel's law. Although the mean head-form of the
was the social structures within which the group found itself. The only Bastards is intermediate to those of the two parent races - Hottentot
exception to this was a small minority of cases in which the racial and Boer - yet in each generation a definite number of the Bastards
characteristics combined in a particular disharmonious way. While tend to assume the head-form of the one or the other of the parent
such a group as the Rehobother could not take on a leadership role races. There are certain facts relating to head-form known to English
anthropologists which can be explained only on a Mendelian basis and
in colonial society, it could perform useful social roles in an interme-
are in harmony with Dr. Fischer's observations. Between three and
diate position between the whites and the indigenous peoples. four thousand years ago England was invaded by a race with peculiarly
Fundamentally, this was a work of colonialist paternalism. The formed, short and high heads. During those thousands of years the
political position implied in Fischer's text was the need for authori- Bronze age invaders have been mingling their blood with that of the
tarian social control, in which the nature and effects of different older and newer residents of England. Yet in every gathering of
forms of interbreeding were monitored, and eugenic intervention was modern Englishmen - especially of the middle classes - one can see a
used as necessary to promote the welfare of the population. In the number of pure examples of the Bronze Age head-form. On the
case of the German or other European peoples, it was clear that the Mendelian hypothesis the persistence of such a head-form is explica-
admixture of non-European blood would lower the overall level. ble. (Anon 1913: 162)
Fischer made this very clear, stating that any European people that
admitted the blood of inferior races had paid for this with a mental- Fischer's study was also welcomed by Theodor ~Mallinson
spiritual and cultural decline: 'But if then there is only a probability, (1913/14), who had done research in German East Africa (Kater
or merely a possibility, that Bastard blood would damage our race, 1989: 230-1), and in general terms by Franz Boas in the United States
without there being against this a good chance that it would improve ([1922] 1982: 51, 52). Fischer's study continued to be cited favourably
us, then any reception of this blood must be prevented (1913: 303). in North America (Hooton 1935: 28), and has retained a vague aura
Ethical and legal norms needed to take account of this absolute of scientific respectability down to the present. The Austrian sociol-
biological truth (1913: 203). ogist Friedrich Hertz (1878-1964), a Catholic (but later, dismissed
Fischer's relative observational objectivity was potentially more from his post at the University of Halle on account of his Jewish back-
explosive than the traditional prejudice that racially mixed popula- ground), noted that Fischer had shown the falsity of many ideas about
tions had low fertility rates and were subject to decay. The conclusion racial mixing, but rejected Fischer's conclusions about the negative
was there was no biological mechanism for preventing the spread of impact on European peoples of racial mixing (Hertz 1925: 168-71).
mixed-race populations; their viability was a function of the kind of Fischer's presentation of his research at an International Congress
socio-political order under which they lived. The key to the question for Population Research was praised by Eric Voegelin (1901-1985)
74 Racial Mixing or 'Bastardization' Racial Mixing or 'Bastardization' 75
as 'a modern arrangement of races of a high methodological quality' ( 1923: 136-7). Observation had shown that almost all the traditional
([1933] 1998: 78 fn.). ways of thinking about racial crossing or Bastardisierung were false.
In an effusive tribute to the work published in 1938, Otmar von Fischer stressed that only laws governing the inheritance of racial and
Verschuer stressed that the work had achieved the crucial step from other individual characteristics were Mendelian. In that sense, a char-
traditional anthropology, with its emphasis on skull-measurements acteristic or feature could not be a racial characteristic unless it was
and exotic races, to 'racial biology' (Rassenbiologie ). This new inherited according to Mendel's laws. Importantly, skull shape was
discipline had been elevated under National Socialism to become also inherited in this way, and thus could be determined to be a gen-
the foundation of the new state (1938b: 138). Without National uinely inherited racial trait. Thus, any change in bodily characteris-
Socialism, racial biology would not have reached its present level; tics which was not transmitted according to Mendel's laws was ipso
without racial biology, the eugenic laws could not have been enacted facto not a racial trait, though not all hereditary characteristics were
so effectively (1938b: 139). racial (1923: 138).
More recently, it has been persuasively argued that Fischer's Fischer reiterated that in the case of racial crossing, no one side
general social and cultural commentary on the Rehobother was was preponderant (priipotent), contrary to popular belief. There was
entirely unsupported by his own anthropological investigation. In an no evidence that one race predominated over the other in the trans-
interview with Fischer's daughter, Gertrud Fischer, the geneticist mission of racial characteristics. This belief had become widespread
Muller-Hill commented that it was strange that Fischer 'didn't once in part because of the psychological salience of the 'foreign' part of
explain Mendelian segregation of physical characteristics, let alone the inheritance, leading the observer to miss the true proportion
mental traits, in that book' (1988: 107). In any case, Mendel was able between the two sides of the inheritance. This explained the erro-
to isolate homozygote (genetically uniform) populations before neous perception that the Jewish racial type was dominant over the
beginning his experiment, whereas Fischer was confronted with the European (1923: 139). Fischer noted that there was a great deal to
of~spring of populations which he knew to be racially mixed, as learn about the inheritance of racial traits, but it was clear that these
ne1ther the European population nor the 'Hottentot' population was were inherited independently of one another, i.e. that there was no
racially pure. This did not merely introduce a further level of com- correlation between different racial characteristics.
plexity into the study, as Fischer implied, but invalidated it as an Fischer's firm conclusion remained that no new races could be
application of Mendel's method. created by racial crossing, except in the case of selective breeding, so
One can sense a fundamental ambivalence. Within his own firmly that in mixed populations where the original hair colours were blond
held views on the hierarchy of races, Fischer rhetorically situated and dark, pure types could still be found after many generations.
h~mself as t_he paternalistic defender of the Rehobother. Though he This needed to be distinguished from cases of alleged 'demixing'
d1d conclusively deny the negative effects of racial mixing, his study (Entmischung), where a conquering race which mixed with an indige-
was much more positive in tone than contemporary academic and nous population, as with the Nordic race in southern Europe or the
popular race theory. Fischer seemed to suggest that this 'little people' Near East, were subject to the effects of selection (Auslesewirkungen)
could maintain a useful existence if the social frame were correctly because the incoming race was unsuited to the environment. Fischer
managed. Their culture was a harmonious fusion of the different ele- stressed that there was no such thing as the natural death of a race.
ments that made it up, but was now threatened by the arrival of the Races could only be destroyed or wiped out. This was what happened
railway and mining concerns (Fischer 1913: 230). when migrant members of the Nordic race in the warmer climates of
the south disappeared after a relatively short time, or, in reverse,
when South Sea peoples disappeared in the face of European contact
The evolution of Fischer's views (1923: 141-2).
Fischer noted a tendency for crosses to exceed their parents in
height and strength, a phenomenon known as Luxurieren (now
In his contribution to the 1923 volume,Anthropologie, Fischer argued termed 'heterosis' or 'hybrid vigour'), for example among European-
that racial crossing (Rassenkreuzung) was the historical norm for American Indian and the European-Hottentot crosses. On the
both primitive (Naturvolker) and civilized (Kulturvolker) peoples subject of their psychological attributes, Fischer again stressed the
76 Racial Mixing or 'Bastardization' Racial Mixing or 'Bastardization' 77
importance of environmental factors in the fate of cross-breeds in The conclusion was that a race was not a human group or collec-
urban centres, mining towns and ports, and he rejected the general- tive with members. It was fundamentally distinct from a category like
ization that Mischlinge were intrinsically morally inferior. However, Volk. A race was a set of hereditary features, which could be realized
there might be a greater frequency of disharmonious offspring in independently in different individuals. While it was possible to find
terms of the totality of their predispositions ( Gesamtbeanlagung), for regions where there was a preponderance of somatic types which
example in the case of Laplander Mischlinge in Norway, though they approximated the original race, these tended to be geographically or
might be fortuitous or favourable cases where a foreign element culturally marginal (for example, the Nordic type in Scandinavia).
brought some advantage (1923: 140). Racial characteristics were not subject to change under the impact of
In terms of the debate within racial anthropology up to the 1930s, the environment, and with the exception of chance mutations they
Fischer's position was an intermediate one: between the view 'that a did not lose their essential character. Thus a race could not disappear,
people of racially mixed ancestry is inferior to unmixed stock' and unless all the individuals carrying its racial characteristics were wiped
the view that 'crossing tends to better the population in which it out without heir.
occurs' (Herskovits 1934: 401). In relation to the lurid denunciations This offered a scientific answer to the pessimism of Gobineau and
of many of his contemporaries of the evils of racial hybridity (for Spengler, who argued that human races or peoples had a natural life-
example in the works of Madison Grant), Fischer's position was cycle. It offered to some the possibility of recreating the original race,
complex, since he stressed the role of environmental and political by breeding out the original pure types, but this possibility was
factors in determining the viability of mixed populations. Thus while rejected even by scientists sympathetic to Nordicism on the grounds
Fischer evoked the race chaos of modernity, that chaos was not the that one could at best achieve only a superficially 'Nordic' appear-
direct and sole result of race mixing. ance (Baur 1936). This understanding that the true Nordic nature was
primarily temperamental, spiritual and psychological posed difficult
questions to racial anthropologists. The ultimate effect of this p~ra­
Wider implications of the study digm shift was to marginalize racial anthropology as a whole, smce
the physical appearance of an individual was not conclusive as to
their true racial nature. This was particularly important if psychologi-
Throughout his career, Fischer stressed the importance of racial cal or mental attributes were included as racial characteristics, since
crossing not only as a field in its own right but for racial anthropol- one might have a Nordic mind in an Alpine body. But if this was the
ogy as whole: case, what was the point of focusing on the measurement and analy-
sis of the individual body?
A systematic understanding of the human races can only be attained Scholars in twentieth-century Germany were almost without
when we possess sufficient knowledge of the hereditary nature of dif- exception monogenists, and recognized the biological and genetic
ferent characteristics, and this can only be obtained from a study of as unity of the human species (Rusche 1937: 73ff.; Fischer 1940: 4--5). If
far as possible all types of racial crossing. (Fischer 1940: 22) the human race was biologically one, then there wasmo natural
barrier to the collapse of the world's racial ecology: 'All races display
The impact of Fischer's study of the Rehobother on racial anthro- an unrestricted and undiminished fertility among each other. This fact
pology was dramatic. If Mendelian genetics were fundamental to can be seen as proof of the unitary descent of humanity. It contra-
understanding the transmission of racial characteristics, then the mea- dicts the hypothesis which is sometimes put forward that the human
surement of the human body as an object of study, so-called 'somatic' races have multiple origins from different animal roots' (Verschuer
anthropology, could not on its own yield decisive insights into the sci- 1941: 92). The assertion of this 'zoological humanism' fed the racial
entific study of race. It also impacted on the basic definition of race. In anxieties of European intellectuals, and lay behind laws against mis-
general, races were defined as human groups which shared physical cegenation passed in the United States and Nazi Germany.
and psychological characteristics. But the logic of Fischer's position There is a direct parallel between the recognition of the mutual
was that, while at the point of origin a race may have been a collective fertility of the human races and Sir William Jones's assertion (1786)
of 'pure types', in historical time there was a process of mixing of the of the original unity of European and Indian languages, in particular
features which could be separately transmitted. Sanskrit (see chapter 6). Far from being grounded in God-given order
78 Racial Mixing or 'Bastardization' Racial Mixing or 'Bastardization' 79
or in biology, human difference was subject to erasure or confusion, Fischer and his fellow experts, since they had the immediate family
by conquest, migration and assimilation. The fall of humankind into history before them, and were able to use their intellectual author-
historical time began this process, and in modernity it was accelerat- ity to stress the undesirable effects of mixing between 'distant' races
ing at a frightening rate. There were no natural boundaries to racial (Pommerin 1979; Burleigh and Wippermann 1991: 128ff.). As Ver-
mixing, nor to the spread of languages across racial boundaries. schuer acknowledged, there was a direct line between Fischer's study
Modernity was a second Babel. and the investigations of Wolfgang Abel (1905-1977) into this popu-
One possible conclusion to be drawn from Fischer's analysis was lation in the mid-1930s (Verschuer 1938b: 138), commissioned from
that the mixing of races that had given rise to the German Volk was the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute by the Prussian Ministry of the Interior.
a positive fusion of different traits and abilities, whereas the mixing Abel identified a number of pathological physical and mental condi-
of Africans and Jews with European races was pathological. But this tions among the mixed offspring (Abel1937: 311; Kranz 1940: 7).
view of the nature of the German Volk was rejected by those who However, the extent and nature of Jewish racial assimilation into
saw the Nordic race as superior to all other European races, and the the German Volk was not defined clearly in academic terms. Nor was
Volk as involving the fall of the Nordic into racial hybridity. In this there a consensus about the extent of mixing between Slavs and
sense, the case of the African colonies or India was directly analo- Germans and the nature of the racial border between these two
gous to the early history of Europe, in which a superior conquering peoples, if any. On the question of racial mixing between Jews and
people had fallen into hybridity through sexual relations with an infe- non-Jews, Fischer acted as academic assessor (Referent), along with
rior servant or slave class. Most Germans would not have thought of Gunther, for a doctoral dissertation on the mixing of 'Jewish' and
themselves as being of mixed race. But in effect, according to racial 'German' blood (Paul1940). This thesis explicitly welcomed the anti-
anthropology, all Germans were Mischlinge: Jewish policies of the National Socialists. After the collapse of 1918
there had seemed to be no racial dividing line, and, while the removal
Racial anthropology is above all in the disagreeable position of having of Jews from the territory of the German people would prevent the
to pronounce the overwhelming majority of Europeans to be of mixed
race, to be bastards. This renders it an awkward, disturbing science,
production of further Mischlinge, there remained the problem of
making it something discomforting in the manner of that exhortation those already in existence. What would take many decades was the
to 'know thyself'. (Gunther [1922] 1934: 16) revival of the shattered racial instinct of the German people (Paul
1940: 7-8).
Academic orthodoxy required recognition that the German Volk, no A combination of scientific respectability and racist ideology was
less than the Rehobother, was composed of 'bastards'. to serve Fischer well in his career in the Third Reich. By the 1920s
Mendelian racial anthropology was nostalgic for lost purity, but in Fischer's reputation as an objective scientist was established, and his
a different sense than classical anthropology and popular Nordicism. leading position in the German academic establishment was con-
The Mendelian framework offered scientific reassurance that the firmed by his move to Berlin. In a talk held before the senate of the
Nordic race was not biologically doomed to destruction, but in the Kaiser Wilhelm Society he criticized aspects of Gunther's work as
present it remained tantalizingly out of reach, its traits scattered in 'tendentious', while praising Franz Boas's work on the environmen-
diverse combinations throughout the current German Volk. tal factors in the evolution of skull shape (Fischer 1926a: 749). He
argued that mixing between suitable races was more advantageous
than racial purity (1926a: 754), a position which could be read as anti-
Conclusion Nordicist, or at least contrary to popular or vulgar Nordicism. But the
raceless chaos of the proletarian masses reflected the effects of
promiscuous racial mixing (Fischer 1927a; Gessler 2000: 100). Fischer
Fischer's framework offered no clear answer to the general problem praised the legacy of Gobineau and Chamberlain and the contribu-
of racial mixing in the German Volk on a policy level. However, the tions of Gunther and Ludwig Schemann (Fischer 1926b, 1927b: 137;
case of the 'Rhineland bastards' - the offspring of black, North Massin 2003: 191---4). While their work did not conform to the latest
African and Asian French troops and German women illegally steril- scientific standards, there was a core of truth which should be
ized during the Third Reich - was theoretically unproblematic for recognized.
The Myth of an Aryan Race 8r
The search for links between the lineages of 'kings and princes'
and biblical figures (Anderson 1732) was gradually transformed into
6 the search for the lineages of nations or peoples. Proto-nationalist
scholars began to use this framework to make the case for the antiq-
uity and ancient purity of particular European peoples and lan-
The Myth of an Aryan Race guages. The sons of Noah, i.e. Shem, Ham and Japhet, were seen as
the progenitors of three branches of humankind, the Semites, the
Africans and the Europeans: 'every one after his tongue, after their
families, in their nations' (Genesis 10). The closer the language to the
speech of these ancestors, the more 'original' it was. These models
however increasingly involved working backwards, from the
observed language communities of contemporary Europe back
through history to the biblical story.
In his Elements of Universal History, J. A. L. Montriou had painted
this picture of the origins of human diversity:
Noah's descendants multiplied greatly, and attempted to build the stu-
pendous tower of Babel as a monument of their power, and a safe
The notion that Nazi race theorists promoted the notion of a superior retreat in case of any new inundation, 2247 BC. God punished their pre-
Aryan race is deeply embedded in academic and popular perceptions sumption by producing divers languages amongst them: they spoke, yet
of Nazism. The term 'Aryan' was widely used in Nazi Germany, and no longer understood each other; whereupon they parted, and dis-
'non-Aryan' became in many contexts a synonym for 'Jewish'. persed over the whole earth: Japhet settled in Europe, Shem in Asia,
However, Nazi race theorists opposed the promotion of 'Aryan' as a and Ham in Africa, about 2287 BC. (Montriou c.l787: 4)
racial concept. By 1935, the National Socialist regime had accepted
that this use of the term was unscientific. Almost every academic The methodology for establishing such claims was that of com-
commentary - outside specialist writings on race science in the Third parative linguistics. Paul Pezron (1639-1706), in his influential The
Reich - fundamentally misrepresents the intellectual history of this Antiquities of Nations ([1703] 1706), applied the technique of lin-
question. The notion that the Nazis 'confused language with race' or guistic comparison to the reconstruction of the history of nations
Volk with Rasse in relation to the Aryan question is completely false. (1706: 136): 'But seeing the language of these Two People were like
one another, the Reason is, because both of them came from the same
Stock.' Pezron assumed that the linguistic unity of humankind was
The biblical paradigm preserved up to the time of the Tower of Babel, i.e. that 'this first
Language was preserved by Mankind, not only till the time of the
An explanation of Aryanism as an ideology requires a brief discus- Universal deluge, but even to the Building of the Famous Tower of
sion of the 'biblical paradigm', which dominated the understanding Babel, since called Babylon' (1706: 141-2).
of human linguistic and national history in early modern Europe. The Pezron located the origins of human diversity in the descendants
biblical model of human identity was founded on the notion of a of the sons of Noah. The process of gradual diversification followed
lineage traced forwards through time from an original male ancestor. from the fact that 'the Heads of Families or Tribes having at that time
Lineages were distinguished by language and territory. For humanity different Languages, began to form different Peoples or nations'
taken as a whole, the language of the Garden of Eden was the orig- (1706: 142). The question became that of identifying the historical
inal or 'primitive' language' (Webb 1669); the identity of the original evolution and contemporary disposition of what he termed 'original
'Adamic' language of the Garden of Eden was the subject of intense languages' (1706: 221, 233): 'The Celtick or Gaulish Tongue, which
theorizing (Olender 1992: lff.). We call the British, is [... ] therefore an Original Language.' Other
82 The Myth of an Aryan Race The Myth of an Aryan Race 83
languages were the result of the mixture of these primary speech dering variety of peoples and languages. This, together with the devel-
forms. opment of the modern geological and archaeological understanding
In the dedication to his Remains of Japhet, James Parsons of time, posed profound intellectual problems for the developing
(1705-1770) spoke of using his leisure hours 'employed in consider- human sciences.
ing the striking affinity in the languages of Europe' (1767: iii). For The key metaphor remained the genealogical tree (Bouquet 1994),
Parsons, only the descendants of Ham were at Babel ('I, for my own which started at a single point or origin (an ideal ancestry) and then
part, cannot help exculpating the whole descendents of Japhet and divided into branches and sub-branches. The radical effect of this
Shem from having any hand in the attempt', 1767: 24), and the lan- model for human history and diversity was that human unity was
guages of Japhet and Shem formed a link to the antediluvian world. present at the point of origin only, there was no means within the
The descendants of Ham, starting with his son Canaan, were cursed metaphor whereby the branches and sub-branches could be rejoined.
by Noah and condemned to be 'a servant of servants unto his The emphasis was on reconstructing a basic set of national, regional
brethren' (Genesis 9: 24-5). or racial origins, though there remained a theologically inspired uni-
The adoption of this biblical framework for understanding human versal linguistics. In these nationalist reconstructions, the original lan-
affinities led to the discounting of the descendants of Ham, and the guage was restored through all the vicissitudes of 'Mixture and
juxtaposition of the Japhetic and the Semitic. The biblical account was Change' (Pezron 1706: 150). The stricter the philological method, i.e.
gradually hollowed out from within by the framework of linguistic the more the method was dominated by methodological purism and
comparativism. The biblical story was interpreted and in effect recon- caution in the face of superficial resemblance, the more difficult it
structed retrospectively in the light of the linguistic affinities revealed became to offer chronologically 'deep' reconstructions of history.
by the study of contemporary linguistic diversity. This represented a The power of the philological method was in part the power of
radical re-reading of biblical history, and shifted the evidential power writing systems themselves. For once words were written down, they
from the biblical text itself to the linguistic affinities observed by the were decontextualized in a fundamental way and could be compared.
philologist. The resulting observed affinities were then presented as independent
truths which could be brought to bear on matters 'which have hith-
erto lain in Obscurity' (Pezron 1706: 34).
Japhetic affinities Linguistic speculation created an extremely unstable horizon of
identification, since the resemblance between a few words in geo-
graphically and culturally distant languages might lead to the postu-
What emerged from the Japhetic tradition was a concept of linguis- lation of complex migrations in order to make the link between the
tic affinity that set the European 'us' against two forms of 'others': present diversity and past affinities. Claims of antiquity for particu-
there was the opposite, the dual other, the Semite, the Jew (Shem), lar vernacular languages entered the idiom of modern European lin-
who likewise could trace back a lineage to the very beginnings. The guistic nationalism. Eventually, questions of the antiquity, lineage and
descendents of Ham, whose language was confounded at the Tower original homeland of languages took on real political resonance. As
of Babel, had fallen into a thousand rootless histories. the modern sciences of language emerged, they were critical of the
From a search for the location of the original homeland of speculative etymology of eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century
humankind, the Garden of Eden, attention moved to the original scholars, which on the basis of perceived similarity between word
homelands of particular divisions of humankind. The postulation of forms led to what seemed in retrospect outlandish claims about pre-
ideal ancestors in remote mountain ranges also increasingly stood in historic affinities and migrations.
ideological tension with a nineteenth-century Romantic emphasis on
continuity of occupation of land, on rootedness and on the relation-
ship of language and culture to landscape. Discussion had broken free
of the debate about the location of Eden - the universal homeland The Aryan hypothesis
of humankind - to locate specific moments in the historical forma-
tion of ancestral nations or peoples. European exploration and The origin of the Aryan question is usually, though somewhat sim-
expansionism brought scholars into contact with a potentially bewil- plistically, traced to Sir William Jones's address to the Royal Asiatic
84 The Myth of an Aryan Race The Myth of an Aryan Race 85
Society in 1786. Jones argued on the basis of linguistic resemblances of Volk. This led to the replacement of the biblical concept of a people
for a historical 'affinity' between the ancient language of India, defined as a descent group or lineage sharing a common language
Sanskrit, and European languages such as Greek and Latin. This with two independent indices of affinity: the linguistic and the racial.
affinity was so strong that 'no philologer could examine them all The weight of scholarly or 'scientific' opinion eventually accepted the
three, without believing them to have sprung from some common distinction between racial and linguistic identity. However, the
source'. Applying the biblical model, Jones, in identifying a linguistic assumption was generally made that, at the point of origin, racial and
connection between European languages and Sanskrit, had also sug- linguistic identity had been congruent, that Volk and Rasse had been
gested a historical affinity between the speakers of those languages. one.
This statement, canonized in the context of a rising comparative and In the case of the Aryans, the original Aryan Volk was made up of
historical science of language, posed a profound set of questions for 'true' Aryans (i.e. racially pure Aryans) speaking the Aryan language.
European intellectuals, concerning the nature of linguistic affinity The distinction provided a potential index of historical change by
and the original homeland of the Aryan people. The debate about the providing an ideal 'pure' origin, since the greater the disjunction
Aryans became a debate about the original locus and essence of the between language and race, the greater the distance from that origin.
Europeans, and their relation to other peoples and territories. There was room for debate about how far these original relationships
Japhet was effectively the first Aryan: the term 'Japhetic' was used had been disrupted in particular contexts, and many linguists argued
in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries for a language that linguistic affinity did have a role in reconstructing the past.
family made up of European and Asian languages, that is, in the terms This model had two important consequences. The first was that the
preferred by the new science of historical and comparative linguis- linguistic affinity between Europeans and Indians was held to say
tics (comparative philology), 'Indogermanic' (indogermanisch), nothing definitive about their racial relationship. The determination
Indo-European (Siegert 1941142: 73-7) or Aryan. The third son of of racial affinity was the disciplinary task of racial anthropology. The
Noah, Japhet, became the idealized ancestor of the European; in this second was that the presence of an Aryan language in India was evi-
sense he became a transitional figure between the biblical account of dence that a once great civilization had been destroyed by racial mis-
history and the secular, philological story which looked back to a set cegenation, since the original speakers of that language had been lost
of ideal ancestors known as Aryans. Secular versions of this history to history. Archibald Henry Sayee (1845-1933), Professor of Assyri-
sought to locate the Aryans in an original homeland, a point of origin ology at Oxford, made this clear when he noted: 'When scholars had
which was in effect an Aryan Garden of Eden (Olender 1992). discovered that the Sanskrit of India belonged to the same linguistic
In the context of British colonialism in India, the impact of family as the European languages, they jumped to the same conclu-
'Aryanism' was dramatic. For some, the existence of a linguistic affin- sion that the dark-skinned Hindu and the light-skinned Scandinavian
ity was a justification for a benign paternalism. Canon Farrar, in con- must also belong to one and the same race.' (1888: 167) The logic of
templating the branches of the Indo-European language family, this position also applied to contemporary linguistic communities.
concluded that it was proof of the affinity between Europeans, The blood that ran in the veins of the English, who were bound
Persians and Indians; British colonialism was a coming home 'with together by a common language, was derived from 'a vety various
splendid gifts to visit a member of one common family' (1878: 306-7). ancestry' (Sayee 1888: 168): 'The Cornishman now speaks English; is
Samuel Laing gave a public lecture in Calcutta in 1862 'on the virtues he on that account less of a Kelt than the Welshman or the Breton?'
of Aryan brotherhood', though the Indian Aryans were understood The insistence on the distinction between linguistic and racial iden-
as the older brother who 'once far out-stripped us' but now had 'fallen tity became the foundation of a racial critique of modern national-
behind in the race' (Laing 1895; Leopold 1974; Maw 1990: 36-7). ism. The French race theorist Georges Vacher de Lapouge
Under the influence of European Romanticism, national move- (1854--1936), whose work L'Aryen was an important text of
ments based on the linguistic affinity played an increasingly impor- 'Aryanism', wrote that Aryan 'was far from being a satisfactory term'
tant role in the transformation of the European dynastic order. (1899: 330), as it fed the impression that 'all the Indo-European
However, the gradual rise of a scientific discipline devoted to the peoples ... descended from the Aryan stock, which is supposed to
study of race, the discipline of racial anthropology, drew attention to have swarmed all over Europe and a part of Asia'. Lapouge was trou-
what appeared in retrospect as the ill-defined and confusing concept bled by the indiscriminate use of 'Aryan' as a racial term since it
86 The Myth of an Aryan Race The Myth of an Aryan Race 87
included many modern individuals who were not of the original type, strains of the original owners of the land. [... ] In our Southern States
that is the long-skulled blond-haired type he referred to as Homo Jim Crow cars and social discriminations have exactly the same
Europaeus, the dominant element of the original Aryans (1899: 341). purpose and justification.' The modern-day Indian spoke 'a very
To call all the speakers of Aryan languages 'Aryan' was to confuse ancient form of Aryan language', but no trace was left of the blood
the part with the whole. For the racial aristocrat, the use of the term of the 'white conquerors':
'Aryan' for the 'brachycephalic' (short-headed) masses flattered
racially those of inferior type, who were destined to be followers and The boast of the modern Indian that he is of the same race as his
never leaders. Lapouge's discourse was intrinsically problematic for English ruler, is entirely without basis in fact, and the little dark native
European nationalism: 'In countries inhabited jointly by Homo lives amid the monuments of a departed grandeur, professing the reli-
gion and speaking the tongue of his long forgotten Nordic conquerors,
Europaeus and Homo Alpinus, the former element possesses more without the slightest claim to blood kinship.[ ... ] No ethnic conquests
than its proportionate share of wealth' (1897: 61). can be complete unless the natives are exterminated and the invaders
Houston Stewart Chamberlain, in the preface to his Arische bring their own women with them. (Grant 1916: 64-5)
Anschauung ([1905] 1938: 9), noted the problems with the term,
accepting a phrase like 'Aryan world-view', but preferring to reserve From the second half of the nineteenth century onwards there had
it for that people [Volk], which descended several thousand years ago arisen a series of political movements based on communality of lan-
from the Central Asian high plateau into the valleys of the Indus and guage, but within the assumptions of affinity within the biblical par-
the Ganges and which, claimed Chamberlain, by means of strict caste adigm. These were Pan-Germanism, Pan-Italianism, Pan-Slavism,
laws had kept itself pure from mixing with foreign races. In his influ- Pan-Arabism and the pan-Turkic movement known as the Turanian
ential work Die Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts, first pub- movement. But if language was not an accurate guide to blood
lished in 1899, Chamberlain concluded that we can perhaps only say kinship, then these movements, if understood as grounded in a his-
of individuals rather than whole nations that they are Aryans: torically real descent group or lineage, were based on intellectual fic-
'Linguistic affinity does not provide an absolute proof of a commu- tions, and the collectivity of language covered or masked an
nality of blood.' Theories about the migration of the Aryans from east underlying miscellaneous assortment of races. In successive waves,
to west or west to east are based on only meagre evidence, and the linguistic and then racial concepts of 'natural' or 'authentic' offered
evidence is strong that the 'European Aryans' have been settled in a continual challenge to the socio-political order, with the notion of
Europe since time immemorial ([1899] 1932: 314-15). linguistic nationalism challenged almost immediately by racial
The separation of linguistic identity from racial identity offered anthropology. The new collective ideologies that were transforming
reassurance that dark-skinned Indians were not of the same blood as the political map of Europe defined dynastic states and colonial
Europeans, yet it was also problematic for the new linguistic nation- empires as 'inauthentic' in relation to the natural ecology of human
alisms of Europe, since it brought into focus the racial diversity of the diversity.
European nation states. It suggested that communities based on lan-
guage were inauthentic, in relation to the deep structure of race: 'The
distinctions of race must be older than the distinctions of language' Aryan versus Semite
(Sayee 1888: 168).
The scientific recognition of the distinction between racial and lin-
guistic identity was therefore fundamental to anxiety about racial The term 'Aryan' and its equivalents (Indogermanic, Indo-European)
miscegenation and cultural decline. This fed a virulent racism and a had an extremely complex and diverse development in the course of
horror of the assimilation of the superior by the inferior. The con- the nineteenth century. In Gobineau's Essai (1853-5), there had been
temporary relevance of Aryan invasion theory was outlined by no historical or polemical contrast between Aryans and Semites, but
Madison Grant (1916: 64-5), who made a direct parallel between Gobineau's work contributed to the spread of the term 'Aryan' in
ancient India and the south of the United States: 'In Hindustan the intellectual circles and popular science. Its most public, politicized
blond Nordic invaders forced their Aryan language on the aborig- usage was in the opposition between Aryan and Semite. While many
ines, but their blood was quickly and utterly absorbed in the darker pan-German ideologues argued that participation by Jews in the life
88 The Myth of an Aryan Race The Myth of an Aryan Race 89
of the German Volk was possible if they relinquished all particular- 'Aryan clause'. Such clauses excluding Jews were introduced by
ity of belief, Wilhelm Marr (1819-1904) rejected the idea of Jewish Austrian sporting associations and student societies in the late nine-
assimilation, and saw Germans and Jews locked in a life-and-death teenth century. The term was used in this oppositional sense in
struggle (Marr 1879). The philologist Friedrich Max Muller llitler's Mein Kampf, and through these sources entered the public
(1823-1900) viewed this opposition as fundamental: language of the Third Reich.
However, the developments in the scholarly world discussed
As the language of the Veda, the Sanskrit is the most ancient type of above, in particular the rise of a self-consciously scientific discipline
the English of the present day (Sanskrit and English are but varieties of racial anthropology, had led to a widespread academic consensus
of one and the same language), so its thoughts and feelings contain in that 'Aryan' referred to a family of languages, not to a discrete human
reality the first roots and germs of that intellectual growth which by racial group. This was recognized by Max Muller himself, who real-
an unbroken chain connects our own generation with the ancestors of ized that, according to the latest developments in science, this was a
the Aryan race - with those very people who at the rising and setting
of the sun listened with trembling hearts to the songs of the Veda, that
strictly inaccurate phrase: 'Aryan, in scientific language, is utterly
told them of bright powers above, and of a life to come after the sun inapplicable to race' (Muller [1888] 1912: 90). Scholars increasingly
of their own lives had set in the clouds of the evening. Those men were devoted a great deal of energy to disambiguating racial, linguistic,
the true ancestors of our race; and the Veda is the oldest book we have national and political categories (Steinthal 1896; Helm 1923), which
in which to study the first beginnings of our language, and of all that they saw as being constantly muddled up by ordinary citizens and
is embodied in language. We are by nature Aryan, Indo-European, not nationalist ideologues. Max Muller offered this much-quoted conclu-
Semitic: our spiritual kith and kin are to be found in India, Persia, sion: 'To me an ethnologist who speaks of an Aryan race, Aryan
Greece, Italy, Germany; not in Mesopotamia, Egypt, or Palestine. blood, Aryan eyes and hair, is as great a sinner as a linguist who
(Muller 1871: 4) speaks of a dolicocephalic dictionary or brachycephalic grammar'
([1888] 1912: 120).
In many anti-Semitic ideologies, a Manichaean struggle was In his Biographies of Words, Muller noted that sites for the Aryan
evoked between two cosmic forces fighting for the soul of western homeland had been proposed in the east and the north (but not in
civilization, and at the centre of this struggle was a debate about the the south or the west), but the 'actual site of the Aryan paradise will
nature of Christianity. Was Christianity a 'Semitic' religion, and if so, probably never be discovered'. The site itself was not a matter of
how could it play a central role in the European identity? If Jesus great importance: 'Most of the Aryan nations in later times were
was a Jew, did not the conversion of Europe to Christianity represent proud to call themselves children of the soil, children of their mother
a form of Semitization? One solution to this problem, offered by earth, autochthones' ([1888] 1912: 127). However, 'patriotic scholars'
Theodor Fritsch (1852-1933), was to emphasize the role of Jesus as were now smitten with the idea of a 'German, Scandinavian, or
a radical critic of Judaism, defined as corrupt and priest-ridden, with Siberian cradle of Aryan life'. Muller himself was still convinced that
its mechanical rituals, its legalism and logocentricism ('Gesetzes- und the origin of the Aryans lay 'somewhere in Asia' ([1888] 1912: 127).
Buchstabenreligion'), its rationalism and worship of Mammon, and A range of methodological and ideological factors were converging
its messianic yearning for a world dominion of the priesthood (Fritsch to promote the case of northern Europe as the cradle of the
1933: 64-5). Academic theorists located an alternative origin in the Europeans. The east was increasingly seen not as an exotic origin but
lost Aryans, a people which erupted into history by sweeping down as a source of racial menace.
from the mountains or high plateaus of Asia onto the lowlands below.
It was this opposition between Aryan and Semite that shaped the
use of the term 'Aryan' in various strands of anti-Semitic and anti-
Catholic thought prevalent in the south of Germany and Austria. The Nazism and the term 'Aryan'
opposition between Aryan and the non-Aryan as the Jew was popu-
larized by Ludwig Schemann, the German translator of Gobineau, Nazism inherited the ambiguities of this political and intellectual
through the Wagner circle at Bayreuth (Schmitz-Berning 1998: 55). scene. It was committed to creating congruity between the political
This usage was institutionalized through the term Arierparagraph or and the natural boundaries of the Volk- this judged primarily by the
90 The Myth of an Aryan Race The Myth of an Aryan Race 91
(idealized) extent of its geographical speech community. Yet lan- 1933, Reichsgesetzblatt I s. 175), civil servants who were 'of non-
guage alone was not a true guide to the boundaries of the Volk. There Aryan descent' ('Beamte, die nicht arischer Abstammung sind') were
was no racial or biological barrier to linguistic assimilation. Nazi the- to be compulsorily retired (with exceptions made for those who were
orists pointed to the fact that Negroes in the United States spoke appointed before 1 August 1914, or who had served at the front in
English rather than African languages. Jews were the very embodi- the First World War, or whose father or son had been killed in the
ment of the split between language and race in modernity (von Leers war). Non-Aryan descent was defined so as to include those with one
1938: 400). German Jews spoke an 'Aryan language', i.e. German, as (or more) Jewish grandparent(s). The Minister of the Interior also
their mother tongue. The application of racial categories was, had discretionary powers to make recommendations in other cases
however, likewise problematic. For example, the Nordic race was not (ss. 3.1, 3.2). The Editors Law (Schriftleitergesetz, 4 October 1933,
congruent with the boundaries of the German Volk; there were Reichsgesetzblatt I s. 713) excluded from editorial positions anyone
Nordic elements in all the populations of northern Europe. Racial of non-Aryan descent or married to someone of non-Aryan descent
anthropology was thus a disruptive discourse in relation to linguistic (s. 5.3). Similarly, the Defence Law (Wehrgesetz, 21 May 1935,
nationalism, which had been seen for much of the nineteenth century Reichsgesetzblatt I s. 609) made Aryan descent a prerequisite for
as the foundational principle of German unity. active military service, and for the taking of positions of authority (ss.
In the early years of Nazi rule, there was a collision between this 15.1, 15.3). But the racial use of the term 'Aryan' was politically and
populist-political term and the basic tenets of racial anthropology. legally problematic (Schulle 2001: 75-6).
From the point of view of the National Socialist regime, there were The question of how a non-Aryan was to be defined in relation to
a number of fundamental problems with the term 'Aryan'. Firstly, if this and subsequent laws was controversial. There was concern from
used in a positive sense ('of Aryan descent'), it failed to distinguish some of the bureaucrats responsible for policy that valuable and hith-
Germans from non-Germans, since the concept 'Aryan' was much erto loyal racial elements were being alienated from the Volle
wider than 'German'. Used in the negative, the term also caused Someone who was a quarter Jewish was also three-quarters 'Aryan'
problems in relation to the status of foreign nationals resident in (Gruchmann 1990: 168). For Party radicals such as Julius Streicher
Germany (Gansmtiller 1987: 82). Though it was primarily targeted at this was much too lenient; there were calls for the compulsory ster-
Jews, it actually failed to pick them out in any precise or legally ilization of Mischlinge. The expert on Jewish affairs in the Ministry
defined way, even if everyone knew what 'non-Aryan' was intended of the Interior, Bernhard Losener, wrote an account of the behind-
to mean. There was the question of long-standing European popula- the-scenes debates about how official anti-Semitism was to be trans-
tions such as the Finns and the Hungarians who did not speak an lated into legal form (see Weingart et al. 1992: 505-13). Losener
Indo-European or Aryan language. Furthermore, it had been long subsequently defined his role as that of trying to moderate policy with
argued by scholars that the term 'Aryan' referred to a language family regard to Mischlinge, since in this regard there was room for flexibil-
and connoted a linguistic not a racial identity. In short, the term ity that was absent with the 'full-blooded' Jews (Volljuden) (Schle-
'Aryan' was unable to make the required racial distinctions unes 2001). What is clear is the fundamental confusion about the
(Feldscher 1943: 20), though one suggestion was to reject use of nature of the racial hybridity involved (Koonz 2003: 171ft.). In con-
'non-Aryan' for Jewish but retain 'Aryan' for peoples which consisted trast to the 1933 law, the 1935 laws defined any individual with three
of predominantly Nordic racial elements (Mollison 1934: 47-8). Jewish grandparents as a Jew. In the case of the Mischlinge with one
The term 'Aryan race' (arische Rasse) was not favoured in official Jewish grandparent (Mischling 2. Grades) or two (Mischling 1.
documents in Nazi Germany, and instances of this phrase are Grades), the definition of who counted as a Jew merged the ostensi-
extremely rare, though it is used in reporting the views of earlier race bly 'race-biological' and cultural criteria, including membership of
theorists (e.g. LotharTirala on Gobineau, 1935: 84ff.). Laws passed in the Jewish community and marriage to a Jew.
the early years of the Nazi regime used the notion of'Aryan descent', In late 1935, a terminological shift took place in the language of
but exclusively in its negative form, so that those 'of non-Aryan the law, and the term 'Aryan' ceased to be used. The Citizenship Law
descent' were excluded from different aspects of public life (Essner (Reichsbtirgergesetz, 15 September 1935, Reichsgesetzblatt Is. 1146)
2002: 135, n. 108). In the Law for the Restoration of the Civil Service restricted citizenship to those 'of German or cognate blood'
(Gesetz zur Wiederherstellung des Berufsbeamtentumes, 7 April ('deutschen or artverwandten Elutes', s. 2.1), and the Law for the
92 The Myth of an Aryan Race The Myth of an Aryan Race 93
Protection of German Blood and German Honour (Gesetz zum detail, i.e. the designation, number, nature of the different races), not
Schutz des deutschen Elutes und der deutschen Ehre, 15 September only that of German racial anthropologists, but also that of racial
15 1935, Reichsgesetzblatt I s. 1146) forbade marriage and sexual anthropologists internationally.
intercourse between Jews and those 'of German or cognate blood' Feldscher (1943: 20-1) explained that to be 'of German blood' one
(ss. 1.1, 1.2). These laws did not speak of a 'Jewish race', but of Jews had to be formed out of the racial mix of the German Volk as it had
defined 'according to race' ('der Rasse nach'), as opposed to converts existed for millennia. This was a community with a shared biological
to Judaism (Erste Verordnung zum Reichsbtirgergesetz, 14 Novem- inheritance. Each German shared a large number of ancestors with
ber 1935, Reichsgesetzblatt I s. 1333). This law also evoked the their fellow Germans, and that community was well-defined and dis-
concept of 'the purity of the blood' ('die Reinheit des Elutes', ss. 6. tinct. Thus it did make sense to speak of 'German blood', in the sense
1, 6.2). The phrase 'of German or cognate blood' was used in the later of belonging to the German Volk. This designation did not give any
Civil Service Law (Beamtengesetz, 26 January 1937, Reichsgeset- information about the specifics of the individual's identity in terms
zblatt Is. 41, ss. 25.1, 72.1). of the races that made up the German people.
The official solution was to replace the problematic term 'Aryan' The expression 'of cognate blood' referred to members of peoples
with the notion of 'German blood ties'. Setting out the argument for which were made up of the same races that were combined in the
a Sippenamt (Genealogical Office ),Achim Gercke (1934) argued that German Volk. The difference between the Germans and members of
such an office would 'watch over the purity of the blood' (Blutsrein- these other peoples was the contrasting proportions (Anteilsgrad) of
heit) of the Volk. Its task would be to awaken the 'racial will of the the racial mixture (Feldscher 1943: 21). 'Racially foreign' (fremdras-
people', and those who worked in the office should represent the best sig) were those peoples who consisted of races which were not com-
'German blood' (deutsches Blut). Dr Ernst Brandis, a senior legal ponents of the German Volk, such as Negroes, Gypsies and Jews
bureaucrat, in his commentary on the Law for the Protection of (1943: 22). Racial mixing between related races usually led to har-
German Blood and German Honour and the Law for the Protection monious results, whereas that between distant races was pathological
of the Hereditary Health of the German people (Gesetz zum Schutze (1943: 23)
der Erbgesundheit des deutschen Volkes or Ehegesundheitsgesetz, A circular issued by the Ministry of the Interior on 26 November
18 October 1935), defined 'German blood' in the following terms: 1935 advised that the designation 'German-blooded' (deutschbliitig)
was to be used in preference to both 'Aryan' and what was perceived
The German people is no unitary race, rather it is composed of as the linguistically awkward 'of German or cognate blood' (Feld-
members of different races (of the Nordic, Phalian, Dinaric, Alpine, scher 1943: 20). Bureaucratic language required a single adjectival
Mediterranean, East-Elbian race) and mixtures between these. The term to replace the original 'Aryan' (Schmitz-Berning 1998: 149-50).
blood of all these races and their mixtures, which thus is found in the The term deutschbliltig was prescribed for use in the context of the
German people, represents 'German blood'. (Brandis 1936: 33) Registry Office (Feldscher 1943: 20). Feldscher however noted that
the changed national-political circumstances meant that. the use
At the 1936 conference of the International Federation of Eugenic of the term ought to be restricted. This was - possibly - a:·reference
Organizations (IFEO) held in the Netherlands, Falk Ruttke, in pre- to the fact that Germany was at war with the United States, which
senting the German government's new eugenic policies, affirmed that had a large population of German origin.
Volk was the fundamental concept for the National Socialist world- It was accepted in official publications that the notion of 'Aryan'
view. The Volk was a self-aware composite of families related by was derived from linguistics, and was only properly to be used in rela-
blood, within which individual members represented racial mixtures tion to a language family, the Indogermanic or Aryan languages. It
out of the closely related races. The Volk as a whole was united by a had no current racial basis (Ulmenstein 1941: 11-13; Feldscher 1943:
single race that bound all its members (a reference to the Nordic or 20). A prominent encyclopedia, in the briefest of entries, classified the
Nordic-Phalian race) and had developed its own moral and ethical term as belonging to race-political (rassenpolitisch) discourse, and its
system (Gesittung) and its own language (Ruttke 1937a: 25). There is use was to contrast with 'Jewish' (ML, I 1936: 556). While some Nazi
no mention of an 'Aryan' race, and this notion of the racially hybrid activists were not interested in definitional technicalities, these were
German Volk followed academic orthodoxy (with variations in the a central concern for administrators and policy makers. Falk Ruttke
94 The Myth of an Aryan Race The Myth of an Aryan Race 95
(1939: 7) argued that conceptual clarity (Begriffsklarheit) in matters The American social psychologist Knight Dunlap (1875-1949) stated
of race and nationality was fundamental. that the Aryan myth was 'completely discredited': 'Ethnologists
(outside Germany) do not speak of an Aryan race any more than
they speak of a Jewish race. Linguists no longer speak of an Aryan
Critics of Nazism and the Aryan hypothesis family of languages, preferring the less succinct but more accurately
descriptive term 'Indo-European' (1944: 206).
Critics of National Socialist ideology, both then and now, have failed The historian Saul K. Pac\over, in a discussion of how the Japan-
to grasp this narrative. They have been misled by use of the term ese, now clubbed 'yellow Aryans', had assimilated 'the explosive
'Aryan' in the early laws and in many public contexts in the Third potency of "race" as a propaganda instrument', argued that 'the
Reich. The term 'Aryanization' (Arisierung) was used for the state- dogma of race is an ugly weapon in the hands of the Axis powers pre-
authorized seizure of Jewish property, and the popular terms for the cisely because it has no scientific validity' (1943: 191). Japanese pro-
genealogical certificate required to prove an individual's racial iden- paganda had pointed to the hypocrisy of attacks on Nazi racial policy
tity (the Abstammungsnachweis) were Ariernachweis or Arierpass. It from the United States, given the low status of the Negro, and made
h~s been a_ssumed that this terminology reflected the ideologically use of anti-colonial rhetoric in appealing for Asian solidarity. Padover
distorted views of scholars and academics about the relationship of saw the danger of this propaganda in its accurate diagnosis of injus-
language to race. tice and racial inequality among the western democracies. It needed
CJ:linther c?nsistently rejected the racial use of the term 'Aryan', to be countered by offering increased freedom to 'non-privileged
feanng that It would lead to the misleading classification of non- peoples'. Padover saw the use of Aryan as a racial term as funda-
~ordic racial elements (1930: 13-14). Gunther argued against its use mental to Nazi ideology (1943: 191).
m any scholarly context, including linguistics, ethnography and racial However, Morris Edward Opler (1907-1996), an American anthro-
anthropology. The juxtaposition of 'Aryan' with 'Semitic' confused pologist and opponent of racism, criticized 'a smug and self-righteous
linguistic with racial identity. The use of 'Aryan' in linguistics instead tendency ... to exculpate ourselves from responsibility for the
of Ind?germanic was also ill-advised, as the term would be again used "thinking with blood" that has made the world a shambles' (1944:
to designate anthropological race in a confusing way (1934: 13-44). 451). Opler stressed the international nature of these ideas, and the
The British bio-statistician Karl Pearson (1857-1936), who shared hypocrisy of criticizing German theorists for 'building the theoretical
many of the eugenic and racist beliefs of National Socialist ideology foundations of organicism and racism', giving a long list of apologists
(Se_m~el_ 1958), saw the Nazis as interrupting a natural process of from the United States 'who have stood fast for biology against
assimilatiOn by the Jews in Germany. This process of intermarriage culture' (1944: 451).
had_ led to a change in the cephalic index of Jews, rather than to any This misleading line of criticism of the term 'Aryan' continued
environmental adaptation. On the label 'Aryan', he commented as after the war and the defeat of Nazism. In his Human Types (1956),
follows: the British anthropologist Raymond Firth summed up the Nazi error
as follows:
Of course the German-speaking peoples are far from forming a single
ra~e. They cover a wide range of racial groups still very imperfectly The term Aryan much used in Hitlerite Germany is kept by scientists
mixed, and no one pure German type really exists; they, the Germans, as a name for types of language only. To what original race or races
are far from a pure Nordic community. Under the circumstances, they the speakers of the ancient Aryan languages belonged we are not yet
have taken the term 'Aryan' to describe their commixture - a word certain. But we are sure that the peoples of Europe who claim to be
stolen from linguistics - and covering a vast variety of racial groups Aryan in physical type are using the term in quite a different sense
other than German. (Pearson 1936: 33) from the scientific one; it must be regarded as a wish-fulfilment rather
than a statement of fact. (Firth [1938] 1956: 20)
But by the time Pearson's piece was published, the label had been Firth also attacked the notion of racial purity, noting that 'all modern
dropped. populations must be supposed to be very mixed from a racial point
Confusion a?out the actual situation in Nazi identity theorizing of view' ([1938] 1956: 21). But no Nazi racial anthropologist would
can be traced nght through the critical literature on Nazi Germany. have pretended otherwise.
96 The Myth of an Aryan Race The Myth of an Aryan Race 97
One of the most significant discussions of language and race in minology for the classification of languages; let ethnologists make
Nazi ideology is that of Leon Poliakov (1974). Noting a contrast with their own for the classification of skulls, and hair, and blood' ([1888]
other developing European nationalisms, Poliakov documents in 1912: 120-1). No Nazi race theorist would have disagreed.
detail a long history of deriving a German collective identity from The proposition that terms like 'Aryan', 'Indogermanic', 'Celtic',
the German (or Germanic) language. This history is unusual in the 'Semitic', etc. properly refer to linguistic identities is highly mislead-
European context, he contends - following the twentieth-century ing. These terms tended to be defined and elaborated by scholars of
German linguist Johann Leo Weisgerber, (1899-1985)- because the language, but historically they expressed the notion of Volk as a
order of inference was from language to people rather than the lineage group defined by its linguistic distinctiveness and territorial
reverse (Poliakov 1974: 73). Poliakov describes a tradition of origin. This notion of identity operated until racial anthropologists
'Germanomania' down to the Romantic era with the historical spec- began to promote their own claims to plot scientifically human affini-
ulations and idealizations found in the work of Johann Gottfried von ties, and to argue that terms like 'Aryan' and 'Semite' should be used
Herder, Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814) and Friedrich Schlegel only to refer to linguistic unities.
(1772-1829) (Poliakov 1974: 71-105). Speaking of these Romantic There never has been a purely linguistically based theory of iden-
writings, Poliakov observes 'how little distinction these writers make tity in European thought; rather, language has been used as an index
between the criteria of language and race' (1974: 100). But this is an of descent, affinity and shared identity. Developments in racial
entirely anachronistic criticism, akin to accusing them of ignoring the anthropology, interacting with the increasing sense of the blurring of
findings of modern genetics. Poliakov is intent on locating the origins boundaries in modernity, created a scientific framework and a meta-
of the Nazi heresy in a confusion of language and race. There seem language in which one could separate racial lineage from linguistic
to be two contradictory ideas at work: firstly, the notion that the con- affinity. The dramatic nature of this separation, the diagnosis of which
fusion between linguistics and race theory was set in motion by lin- was only possible once scientific concepts of identity had been devel-
guists; secondly, the notion that the idea of racial supremacy is the oped, fed the anxiety that the original congruencies of human 'eco-
key idea behind Nazism. The problem is that there is no necessary logical' diversity were disappearing. While notions of linguistic
relationship between these two positions. One might confuse lan- affinity and homeland remained, the pre-modern notion of lineage
guage and race and believe in the equal worth of all human beings. could not withstand scrutiny from racial anthropologists.
Alternatively, one might rigidly separate linguistic and racial criteria, Given the consensus that academics under the National Socialists
and be convinced of the superiority of some races over others. This abused the term 'Aryan', it is deeply ironic that one of the few serious
was indeed the Nazi position. historical analyses of this term has been written by a Nazi scholar,
More recently, James Mallory (1989: 269) argues that 'one hardly Hans Siegert, of Munich University (194112: 73). Siegert was a student
need emphasize that the implementation of Aryan supremacy by the and colleague of Professor Walter Wtist, the academic head of
Nazis was wholly inconsistent with Aryan as a linguistic term', since Rimmler's scholarly organization within the SS, Ancestral Heritage
'the myth of Aryan supremacy was neither a direct nor necessary con- or Ahnenerbe. This study remains arguably the single most authori-
sequence of the philological discoveries of the nineteenth century'. tative discussion (Pollock 1993: 120). In addition to tracing the
Nazism involved 'the misappropriation of a linguistic concept and its complex and confusing history of the use of the term, Siegert pointed
subsequent grafting onto an already existing framework of preju- to the current state of terminological confusion. Every German was
dices, speculations and political aspirations'. Mallory concludes that familiar with the use of the term to mean 'non-Jewish', but even stu-
the Indo-Europeans 'leave more than the legacy of Aryan dents of philology had little idea what to understand by a Seminar in
supremacy'. Yet one can see contemporary controversies in India Aryan Culture and Linguistics (Seminar ftir Arische Kultur- und
concerning the rift between 'Aryan' and 'Dravidian' as a direct legacy Sprachwissenschaft) (Siegert 1941142: 73 fn.).
of western linguistic theorizing (Chaudhuri 1974: 312). At the close of his discussion, Siegert concluded that it was doubt-
Max Muller has acquired a quite unjustified reputation as the ful whether the usage of 'Aryan' as equivalent to 'of German or
opponent of race theory and the ideological abuses of Aryanism. His cognate blood', which had gained popular currency so quickly, could
argument was a methodological one, not an attack on Aryanism as be eradicated. It might be possible to use a neologism, or adopt a
an ideology: 'We [linguists or philologists] have made our own ter- form such as teutisch, meaning 'belonging to one's own people', but
98 The Myth of an Aryan Race The Myth of an Aryan Race 99
he noted that common usage could not be easily overthrown ('usus was fixed only at the point of origin, and could be disrupted by factors
tyrannus!'). On the racial use of the term, Siegert commented as such as migration, conquest, miscegenation and assimilation. What
follows (1941/2: 99 fn.): 'For racial anthropology, the term "Aryan" is the new scientific position on this question made clear was that only
no longer usable in the first place because we have today a quite dif- the operation of individual and collective will could prevent further
ferent understanding of race than earlier anthropologists'. For this disruption, and it was political action as an expression of collective
reason, it was all the more important that precision be maintained in will which offered the possibility of restoring or recreating that orig-
scholarly discourse, and that it be used only in the well-defined com- inal congruence.
pound term 'Indoaryan' (indoarisch) or the equivalent, but that The idea that language and race were originally congruent in some
otherwise it be avoided. sense also gave linguistics and racial anthropology the potential to
cooperate in tracing the histories of peoples and languages (Gunther
1936: 317). This original congruence model also dramatized the
Conclusion urgent need to halt the blurring of identity in modernity, and the fact
that language was not a natural sign of race implied that the decisive
operation of political will was required to prevent further slippage
In the Third Reich, the term 'Aryan' became embedded in popular and to restore that original congruence (Gunther 1936: 340).
discourse with a racial meaning; in addition, it was used in academic There remained however intellectual questions about the extent
discourse when discussing the historical phenomenon of the Aryan to which that congruence had been disturbed, and how it might be
people, and Aryan civilization, which might be argued to underlie restored, and the relative importance of the various disciplines that
contemporary German culture in opposition to the 'Semite'. studied the notion of Volk. The use of terms like 'of German blood'
However, any ambiguity about the contemporary status of the term in place of 'Aryan' displaced the problem from one category to
'Aryan' threatened to suggest that Jews were Aryans because they another, and raised a much more fundamental problem, the scientific
spoke an Aryan language. The disambiguation of this required reaf- status of the concept of the German Volk. The notion of 'German
firming the scholarly consensus that 'Aryan' was a linguistic, but not blood' involved a profound evasion in respect of the nature of the
a racial, term. racial mixture which formed the Volk, and the interaction between
Taken in isolation, the status of the term 'Aryan' was not a serious its different racial elements. For if the term 'Aryan' was primarily a
problem for the racial anthropologists and linguists of the Third linguistic one, then so was 'German' (Deutsch). The rejection of the
Reich, since they were agreed that there was a clear disciplinary and category 'Aryan' logically put a question mark over the category
methodological boundary to be maintained. Its most vexing aspect 'German'.
was the rapidity with which the racial use of this term had taken root While it was no doubt useful in a propagandistic sense to be able
in popular discourse, leading to a degree of confusion and uncer- to point to Jews and Africans as a racially foreign element of the
tainty. Its use in this erroneous way, however, allowed scholars to German people, there remained a much more politically sensitive
observe popular usage from a distance, and offered them a potential issue, namely that of variation of the German people by-region and
role in educating the political authorities and the general public on by class. Lapouge's comments about the class structure of France
the latest state of scientific knowledge. The lesson for the political potentially applied no less to Germany. Were some Germans more
authorities was the importance of keeping a strict control of public racially equal than others? Racial anthropologists and eugenicists
discussion about race and identity, and of keeping the basic message were obsessed with mapping the relationships between race, class and
simple in the public domain. inherited talent, and in analysing processes of social selection (soziale
The consensus that racial and linguistic categories were distinct Auslese) (Lenz 1925: 21ff.). For example, as part of a detailed survey
reflected a sense that an original congruence had been lost (Reche of the population of Upper Silesia carried out in the late 1930s, Ilse
1921; Gunther 1936: 340). This fed the perception that the natural Schwidetzky (1907-1997) traced connections between racial origin
order of things was being broken down. This order was not protected and choice of profession and social mobility in Upper Silesia
by the operation of nature, since the link between language and race (Schwidetzky 1938).
100 The Myth of an Aryan Race
The notion that Nazism involved a confusion of language and race
is an extended historical red herring, as is the notion that the evils of
Nazism can be traced back primarily to modern theories of anthro- 7
pological race. What needs to be understood is the interaction
between the categories of linguists, the discipline of racial anthro-
pology and modern biological and genetic science. Aryan, Nordic and Jew

The Nordic race

The image of the tall, bond, blue-eyed, clean-limbed Nordic is a fa-

miliar one in fantasies of physical perfection. This image is associ-
ated with the fascist cult of the body in the European tradition.
The idealization of the Nordic race or 'Nordicism' (der nordische
Gedanke) can be seen in the context of wider socio-cultural and
political developments in northern Europe, such as the rise of
Romantic 'folk' nationalism with liberal-bourgeois characteristics, a
growing self-consciousness in relation to landscape and geography,
and a new aesthetics of bodily beauty, in particular the idealized
naked body set within a natural landscape (figure 10), coupled with
anti-urbanism, ecological awareness and the aesthetics of· purity
(Suren 1936; Kruger 1991). Nordic beauty was held to be superior to,
and removed from, mere sexual attractiveness (Hau 2003: 83). The
north was the source of 'light', i.e. the creativity and dynamism of the
northern European peoples (Pastenaci 1935: 94-5).
Nordicism covered a wide range of ideological and intellectual
positions. As with the volkisch movement with which it overlapped,
there was a wide range of Nordicist attitudes to Christianity. One ten-
dency involved a neo-Pagan rejection of the other-worldliness and
the mind-above-body dualism of Christianity, in particular Roman
Catholicism, and Judaism. But mainstream bourgeois Nordicism was
compatible with Christianity, especially its national, Protestant forms.
In this discussion, we are concerned primarily with the impact of the
idealization of a Nordic race on attempts to define or create a racially
102 Aryan, Nordic and Jew Aryan, Nordic and Jew 103

spaces hanging above the Atlantic in the endless twilight of the

northern summer, remoteness, severity' versus the 'Celtic, or sylvan,
or terrestrial twilight' (Lewis [1955] 2002: 74; Bramwell1985: 40).
Racial anthropology, and its political offshoot Nordicism, implied
a re-reading of conventional history to bring out the lost 'deep struc-
ture' of racial conflict. For example, according to Lothar Stengel
von Rutkowski (1908-1992) the Nordic element of France had been
reduced by the expulsion of Huguenots. The French Revolution was
read as an attack on the Nordic element by the racially inferior
masses; it was enough during the French Revolution to have blond
hair to be taken to the scaffold (Stengel von Rutkowski 1936: 45).
Jens Paulsen saw the struggle between the Nordic and the Mediter-
ranean races as the key to European history (1937). World history
was part of racial history (Fischer 1927b: 137). Nordicism could mean
admiration for the achievements of Britain or, more frequently,
those of the United States: 'The best Europeans are today resident
in America' (Lenz 1927a: 266).
The category 'Nordic' predated its appropriation within racial
anthropology, and continued to have both parallel cultural-historical
and racial meanings (Herpel c.1933: 9). Its popularization as a racial
category is usually ascribed to the French racial anthropologist,
Joseph Deniker (1852-1918), specifically his work Les races et les
peuples de la terre (Deniker [1900] 1926; Gunther [1922] 1930: 22).
The immediate intellectual background to this work was a debate
about the racial composition of the French nation, seen as divided
geographically by the Germanic elements in the north and the Galla-
Roman elements in the south (von See 1994: 213).
Figure 10 The idealization of the Nordic race (Hans Suren 1936: 109) Deniker argued on the basis of selected physical traits (cephalic
index, hair and eye colour, stature) that there were six basic
European races. But this scheme, like all racial taxonomies, was con-
troversial. Ripley complained about Deniker's invention of new ter-
purified German Volk, rather than with the wider cultural movement minology, a 'seemingly unnecessary rejection of time.-honoured
in Scandinavia and Germany. names'. Deniker's Nordic type corresponded well to Ripley's 'Teu-
The rise of Nordicism as an explicitly racial ideology took place in tonic' (Ripley 1899: 168). Deniker's methodology, according to
the late nineteenth century. The Nordic was associated with the purity Ripley, was not a classification of races, but 'a classification of exist-
of nature, and had the vulnerability and innocence that was associ- ing varieties' (Ripley 1899: 169-70; Deniker 1904). The Nordic race
ated with the unworldly. But the underside of racial narcissism was benefited in this methodological confusion from the apparent
self-hatred and fear. This was expressed in feelings of inadequacy salience of its key characteristics. It in effect stood out as a clear case
in relation to the Jew, who was understood as antithetical to nature. against the mixing and confusion of categories applied to the remain-
Jews were a counter-race (Gegenrasse). They had a more powerful der of Europe. Gunther also regarded Deniker's system as in many
race instinct than the Nordic race or Germanic peoples (Driesmans respects outdated (1933: 99).
1912/13: 149; Jakesch 1909: 29), and could thrive in cities and within Gessler (2000: 84) suggests that Fischer was most probably the first
the materialism of modernity. The Nordic could also be set against to use nordisch as a racial term in German. It was popularized by
the Celtic, in a contrast of light versus dark, 'a vision of huge, clear Gunther and Clauss, with strong support from the Nordicist publisher
104 Aryan, Nordic and Jew Aryan, Nordic and Jew 105

J. F. Lehmann (1864-1935). In Germany, the origins and pre-history There was a desire to evoke a glorious martial past; yet modern
of theN ordic race were a matter of controversy and debate. One ques- ideologies of Volk required a continuous history of occupation of
tion was the relationship of the Nordic race to other racial categories the national homeland. This was necessary to clarify the distinction
established on the basis of archaeological finds. Gunther assumed between Germans on the one hand and Jews and Gypsies on the
that the Nordic race had taken on its modern form by 7000 BC, other (Wirth 1914: 137). Both Gunther and Walther Darn~ rejected
along with the other two foundational European races, the the idea that the Nordic race should be seen solely as marauding
Phalian and the Mediterranean ([1922] 1934: 339). One popular hypo- invader, arguing that the history of the Nordic race showed the qual-
thesis was that the Nordic race was the result of a transformation of ities both of peaceful agricultural settlement and of warlike heroism
the Cro-Magnon race. The Nordic race had emerged, it was argued, (Darn~ 1934: 12). It was important to stress that the Indo-Europeans
from a small group which had undergone a highly rigorous process had not been a 'nomadic' people, and this created an ideological
of selection and in-breeding during the ice age. However, the exact preference for an original homeland within Europe (Reche 1936a:
details were unclear. Fischer argued that the Cro-Magnon type 119).
continued to exist alongside the Nordic race in the form of the A further problematic opposition was that between the 'barbar-
Phalian (jiilisch or dalisch) race (Gunther [1922] 1934: 320). There ian' prehistory of the Germanic tribes and the classical civilization of
was debate about the exact nature, number and interrelation of the Greece and Rome. One strategy was to reject the historiographic tra-
blond races in northern Europe, and the interrelationship between dition that defined the northern tribes as primitive savages and affirm
the Nordic and Phalian races, sometimes known collectively as the a Germanocentric view of history in which the Germanic peoples
'northern race' (Nordrasse). were viewed as having their own institutions and cultural order
The Nordic ideal was a fusion of two lines of thought. The first was (Hennig 1933: 3;Arntz 1936: 28). The 'primitive' and martial elements
the tradition of Romantic anti-urbanism. This involved the idealiza- of classical culture, including the ideal body of the classical statue,
tion of the German peasantry or Bauerntum (Mai 2002). Munkel were also celebrated.
(1996: 95-7) traces the origins of the National Socialist idealization Although the use of the term Nordic derived initially from an iden-
of the relationship between 'blood' and 'soil' (Blut und Boden) to tification of the Aryan homeland with northwestern Europe, subse-
Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl (1823-1897), generally regarded as the quent debate did not necessarily restrict the original homeland of the
founder of German folklore studies (Volkskunde ). A sense of crisis Nordic race to this location. The problem of reconciling the present-
was engendered by migration from the country to the city (Land- day German Volk with this mythic-racial origin remained, since the
flucht). Given that the peasantry was seen as the biological 'motor' creation of the German Volk was nonetheless the product of a migra-
which drove society, it was the duty of government to protect and tion and process of settlement, and therefore also of conquest of ter-
nurture it; the city was a place of degeneration (Entartung). This tra- ritory. Gunther stressed the need to link the origins of the Nordic race
dition emphasized 'rootedness', organic connection to landscape, and to the origins of the Indo-European peoples, and this pointed to
had anti-Christian tendencies, as exemplified in the work of one of central and southern Europe (Gunther 1934: 227ff.). Hans Weinert
the leading folklorists under National Socialism, Eugen Fehrle (1934) argued that the Nordic race had emerged with the freeing of
(Assion 1994). 'Germany' from the last ice age and the transitional middle Stone
The second was a complex composite of martial qualities and Age or Mesolithic period. The racial history of the Germans could be
mobility, associated with the Goths and the Germanic tribes. There fitted into a wider history of humankind, in that the branching off
was nostalgia for a lost heroic ancestry, as represented by a warrior between humankind and the other primates, and the branching of the
race which had swept down from the mountains of Asia to conquer human races from a common human ancestor, precede the formation
Europe. Gobineau had argued that all great achievements in world of different races in different climatic zones: 'This is the history of the
history were attributable to these lost heroic forebears. Nietzsche's development of humanity, clear and comprehensible in its broad
Zarathustra, the symbol of 'the vitalism of ancient Aryan religion', outline; it offers us the only possibility of grasping the nature of
had returned from ten years of mountain solitude to announce the our being [Dasein ], and it loses nothing in dignity and significance, if
death of God' (Herman 1997: 103). This was the Nordic as a 'warrior' it once began with the history of anthropoids [Menschenaffen]'
or 'martial race' (Kriegerrasse). (Weinert 1934: 31).
ro6 Aryan, Nordic and Jew Aryan, Nordic and Jew 107

Rasse, Homo Europaeus, nordicus usw.'). Nordic was (and is) also
Nordic versus Aryan
used as a linguistic category, and Aryan was used as a racial term.
Scheidt (1930b: 501) argued that the shifts over time in usage from
We can contrast Nordicism with Aryanism in a number of ways. A 'Aryan' to 'Germanic' to 'Nordic' represented a gain in precision,
shift from Aryanism to Nordicism involved a shift from linguistic to though Scheidt himself was critical of what he saw as a substantially
racial indices of identity, and in the location of the ancestral home- oversimplified presentation of the purity of the Nordic regional type
land from the east to Europe. The evidence for the existence of an (1930a: 140ff.). Neither Aryan nor Nordic was consistently distin-
original Aryan people was primarily linguistic. The starting point for guished from 'Germanic' (germanisch), itself a linguistic term with
the Nordic ideal was the proportions of the human body. Aryanism racial associations. The categories could be reconciled by postulating
was grounded in relations between words as the key to history: it was an original congruity. For Reche, the original Aryans, i.e. the Indoger-
in this sense 'logocentric'. An Aryan world-view could be inferred manic peoples, were of Nordic race (1936b: 312). Similarly, Lenz
from study of the Aryan languages. Nordicism was concerned with argued that the Nordic racial element was common to all the
the body as aesthetic sign (or 'icon'): the body was primary seen as Germanic peoples (1934: 189). In theory, 'Germanic' was distinct
an indicator of human identity. The Nordic ideal located the site of from 'German': 'Germanic and Germanicness are to German and
original perfection in northern Europe rather than in distant Asia. In Germanness what (classical) Roman and Romanness are to Italian
this sense, it offered a more straightforward account of historical and ltalianness' (Mees 2004: 257), but there were clear ideological
continuity than the convoluted debate about the origin and migra- pressures in favour of the compression of these distinctions. Terms
tions of the Aryans. These had to take account of the link to India like Germanentum could gain rhetorical precision by being set up
and other points in the east. The view that the Nordic race had been against 'Jewishness'.
responsible for not only the great achievements of classical anti- There was also considerable overlap in ideology between these
quity, and the civilization of ancient India, Persia, perhaps even strands. Both Aryanism and Nordicism were oriented towards a lost
China (Staemmler 1935: 16), was in effect a relic of biblical-linguistic perfection and implied an ill-defined hope of the restoration of that
Aryanism. This was also true of mystic Nordicism (Herrmann 1934). unity within modernity. These were nostalgic formations, looking
Aryanism was in one sense more compatible than Nordicism with back to lost essences, and lamenting the fall of superior peoples or
modern German nationalism, since the Aryans, like the Germans, races into racial hybridity. Under the impact of racial anthropology,
were understood as a Volk. Nordic was a racial category; there was the notion of a superior Nordic race became in part a substitute for
no contemporary Nordic racial community, but there was a German the historically over-complex and confused notion of Aryan.
Volk. There was a Nordic racial element within the German people, The Aryan hypothesis was originally associated with an eastern
but the nature, extent and role of that Nordic element was highly con- origin, but the further the authentic or symbolic origin was from
troversial. In this sense, the German Volk could have a historical Germany, the greater the narrative tension. While there was a gain in
mission and be capable of mobilization to seize its destiny; the Nordic mystery and historic grandeur, the chain of connectivity from that
race was embedded within many different Volker. In the contempo- mystic origin to the present was potentially highly complex, and
rary context, it lacked a capacity for independent, concerted action. subject to vicissitudes in intellectual fashion in a wide range of dis-
Individuals were frequently discussed in terms of their membership ciplines (comparative linguistics, archaeology, prehistory, etc.). An
of a race, as well as of a Volk. Lenz argued however that it was impos- understanding of the Aryan conquest of India, or the archaeology
sible in a racially mixed population to determine to which race an of prehistorical Europe, was at the same time a potential theory of
individual belonged: people could not be categorized like plants the nature of the German Volk. The prehistorian Gustaf Kossinna
(1934: 181). (1858-1931) quoted the nineteenth-century German historian
Aryanism and Nordicism were not always clearly distinguished, Heinrich von Sybel: 'A nation which fails to maintain a living con-
and Nordic racial discourse fused various scholarly disciplines. Eugen nection with its origins is close to withering away, in just the same
Fischer (1923: 15) listed the following 'synonyms' for the Nordic race: way as a tree which has been separated from its root. We are still
'Kymric, row-grave type, Germanic, Teutonic race, Homo Europaeus, today that which we were yesterday' (1936: 1). But there was no clear
Nordicus, etc.' ('Kymer, Reihengrabertypus, germanische, teutonische agreement as to how to define the identity of that former self.
ro8 Aryan, Nordic and Jew Aryan, Nordic and Jew I09
A transitional figure between Aryanism and N ordicism was Karl European peoples, so there was a Jewish one. But, crucially, the Jews
Penka (1847-1912), who argued for the origin of the Aryans in north- were not a single race but a Volk. Thus, in contrast to the Nordic race,
west Europe, so that the Aryan race was in effect a Nordic race. Penka they were able to operate directly upon history as a collectivity. The
also argued that the Nordic race did not survive well in warmer Nordic race had fallen into racial hybridity by combining with other
climes, leading to the 'de-Aryanization' (Entarisierung) of many European races in the European peoples. The strict academic posi-
peoples speaking Aryan or Germanic languages, unless there was tion was that it was not possible to find an individual who was 100
continual renewal from the Nordic heartland (Riedel 1937; Penka per cent Nordic; however, one could find individuals who were 100
1883, 1886; Schmitz-Berning 1998: 430). per cent Jewish. Far from being intrinsically inferior, Jews were su-
Northern Europe offered an ideologically propitious site of origin perior in their ability to adapt to the conditions of modernity and the
for a number of interrelated reasons. There was an association of city, viewed as toxic to the Nordic race (Fischer 1910: 22; Fischer and
racial and moral purity with cold climates, in contrast to the sensual Gunther 1927: 6).
excess of the tropical zone (Stepan 2001). The great ice age which was The concept of the Nordic race as a transnational elite, playing a
held to have preceded the emergence of the Nordic type could be vital role in the development of high culture wherever it was present,
understood as a particularly severe process of natural selection, out suggested a powerful racial force which operated within, but inde-
of which emerged a purified and homogenous human type. There was pendently of, modern nation states. It was the racial dynamo which
a powerful set of metaphorical associations, with snow and ice, white had driven the otherwise ordinary racial mix of the German Volk to
skin and blandness representing purity. The mountainous terrain of its historical achievements, and which exercised a decisive influence
northern Europe, in the Romantic imaginings, could be seen as a pure out of proportion to its numbers. Not only that; in order to operate
realm, an abode of the Gods. historically, the Nordic race had left its own homeland in northern
DarnS accepted the proven northwestern European origin as Europe; its historical achievements were at the cost of sacrificing that
demonstrating the natural-scientific correctness of the term 'Nordic' original relationship to homeland and to language.
(DarnS 1930: 188; Schmitz-Berning 1998: 431). This locus of identity Viewed from this angle, there was a suppressed parallel with the
had clear advantages in grounding the category Nordic in a simpler Jewish people. Egon Freiherr von Eickstedt (1934a: 359) even spoke
form of historical continuity, but the notion that the Nordic element of an enormous 'Nordic diaspora'. The Jewish people had also left its
was diluted, and threatened by migration and by its entry into the homeland and entered into history. It operated as a racial force within
lives of nations, evoked a peculiar vulnerability. However, there was different nations; its influence and impact was out of proportion to
still a narrative tension with this model, since the superior racial its numbers. A small number of Jews had such power and influence
element was understood to have come to Germany from outside. that they could threaten to dominate the life of the Volk. Here the
Gunther conjectured that all peoples were composed of two popula- contrast with the Nordic race is instructive. The Jewish people had
tion strata: an indigenous inferior race ruled over by a superior immi- abandoned its original homeland, unlike the Nordic race which still
grant race. Once this superior, creative racial element dies out, the had a dominant presence in its heartland. The Jewish people could
Volk will decline (Gunther [1922] 1934: 200-1). thus operate entirely as a deracinated people, and unlike the Nordic
race, which was threatened by the modern urbanized culture into
which it was being dragged to its destruction, the Jewish people was
able to thrive. The Jews were the ultimate case of acclimatization, of
The Nordic and the Jew universal adaptability, though Eugen Fischer found this quality both
in the Jews and the Chinese (1927b: 32). The Nordic race, or, more
In racial theorizing, there was both a fundamental contrast and a generally, the Europeans, seemed by contrast the least adaptable of
strong parallel drawn between the Nordic race and the Jews. On the all races. Fischer argued that the northern European was maladapted
one hand, the Jews were frequently understood as racially a 'desert to the tropics (1927b: 32). Lenz reported that the whites were being
people'; the Nordic race had been formed out of the last ice age. out bred by the Negroes in South Africa (1927a: 266). The Nordic race
However, both were understood as international, influential, racially was vulnerable to degeneration outside its traditional homeland and
defined sub-groups. Just as there was a Nordic element in all the its original rural life-style. Its entry into history was a perpetual sac-
I IO Aryan, Nordic and Jew Aryan, Nordic and Jew III

rifice. Lenz at least saw no similar problem with Nordic settlement Darwinian sense of 'the fittest' (i.e. fitness relative to environment),
in the Slavic east, where the population was a strongly Mongol Jews were the biologically best adapted to modernity.
mixture, and wide territories were open to colonization (1927a: 268). One solution for the Nordicist was likewise to seek to colonize the
In modernity, the Nordic was however the weaker 'twin' of the Jew. German Volk from within. If this were successful, the German Volk
From the point of view of racial anthropology, the Jews, like the would become increasingly Nordic, rather than 'Jewish'. This could
Germans, were a Volk not a race. There was no 'Semitic race', but this be done by measures designed to promote the Nordic component, on
did not mean that there were no significant racial differences between the assumption that the socially elite or superior elements were also
Jews and Europeans (Fischer 1923: 174). Gunther stressed that the the Nordic. But in this struggle for control of the German soul, the
linguistic expression of the Oriental race soul should be sought where Nordic race needed first to be awakened to awareness of its own col-
Ernest Renan had looked for it, i.e. in the Semitic languages (1933: lective existence, whereas the Jew, as it were, never slept. Gunther
55). The Jews were therefore a racial mixture, the main elements characterizes the Nordic person as having no special inclination to
being the Near Eastern race (which according to Gunther shared a penetrate the 'inner life' of foreign races (1933: 60). This ability was,
common ancestor with the Dinaric race (1933: 51) and the Oriental however, the special province of the Jew, though this Jewish-German
race (1933: 56). In the opposition between Jews and Germans, identity was often understood as a kind of inauthentic mimicry.
Gunther discerned an underlying struggle between the Nordic race The promotion of the Nordic race raised the question of whether,
and the Near Eastern race for mastery of the entire earth (1925: say, the Dinaric or Mediterranean racial elements in the German
124-5, 1926: 114). Volk could be seen as racially inferior. This had implications for any
As a Rasse not a Volk, the Nordic race was not a functioning col- understanding of the regional make-up of the German Volk, and was
lectivity; it was not an organic community, but a latent or potential highly sensitive in relation to the strong regional, cultural and con-
community. In this sense, it needed the German Volk in order to fessional divisions in German society. Further, the eugenic concern
act as a historical agent. We can compare this with the anti-Semitic with inherited pathologies, such as alcoholism, criminality, mental and
construct of the Jews as international elite. Seen as dynamic and physical disease, implied that the Volk contained many sub-standard
resourceful, Jews were capable of hollowing out from within the elements which could not be categorized as 'racially foreign', but
culture of different nations. The Jewish people was a Volk, not a also recognized variations in leadership qualities, character, intellig-
Rasse, that is it was not a virtual community. It could interact and join ence, bodily fitness. This might be expressed in a class analysis of the
with other Volker without losing its own collective identity. It had this genetic quality of the German people. If the Nordic race was
key advantage over the Nordic race, which likewise sought to deter- identified with the superior racial element, then should not the
mine the fundamental nature of the German Volk, but which could racially inferior elements be eradicated from the Volk in the same
not act independently of it. way as other foreign racial elements?
This particular anti-Semitic model was not premised on the racial
inferiority of the Jew. This is to misread entirely the racial pessimism
that gripped a substantial portion of the German intelligentsia in the
run up to the Nazi seizure of power. The familiar repertoire of anti-
Semitic rhetoric was remodelled and recycled by volkisch ideologues,
and this had an impact on racial anthropologists' description of the As noted above, the transition from Aryan race to Nordic race was
'racial character' of the Jews. But there was no suggestion among effected by the location of the original homeland in northern Europe,
racial anthropologists that Jews were inferior, as this notion was which offered one solution to the problematic vagueness and
understood in the racism that was directed at Africans or other dislocated historical trajectory of the Aryans. One fundamental pro-
'backward' or 'primitive' groups. The Jews were radically different or blem with the diversity of theorizing about origins and homelands
'other', in a very specific sense. They were not racially bound toter- was that it was endlessly decentring. If the Aryans had erupted into
ritory; they were not racially vulnerable to the effects of urbaniza- history from a high Asian homeland, then where was the historical
tion; they could adopt national forms (language, dress, culture), centre of the identities that linked themselves to those Aryans
simultaneously operating at a transnational level. In the strict racially and symbolically? If all the world's major cultures showed
II2 Aryan, Nordic and Jew
racial or cultural vestiges of a past Aryan or Nordic glory, was not the
whole world a chain of ruins, and were not the physical and spiritual
descendants of those great forebears in diaspora, just like the Jews? 8
The Jews had a spiritual homeland which had been given to them
by God. Even though the Temple was in ruins, there was a clear his-
torical narrative recorded textually with the authority of scripture,
The Nordic Race and the
and a clear teleology to Jewish history linked to that homeland, a tele-
ology taken over in secular form by Zionism. The Jewish homeland
German Volk
could further be understood as a textual homeland, one that could
not be conquered, in the sense that the texts and rituals that sustained
or embodied Judaism were independent of physical territory and
could be memorized, studied and carried from place to place. Jewish
history thus had a well-defined teleological structure, looking both
backwards, to a place (Jerusalem), and forward, to the coming of the
Messiah and a return to Jerusalem. Jewish culture was logocentric
('The people of the Book'); it existed in texts and as law (a so-called
'nomocracy', Chamberlain [1899] 1932: 386) realized as a history
of readings and commentaries. Racial anthropology stood in tension
with logocentricism, since it was based on images of the human body. In the first decades of the twentieth century there was intense debate
It was grounded in an anti-logocentric aesthetic of purity and racial within racial anthropology concerning the idealization of the Nordic
beauty, but needed textual and mathematical interpretation or 'read- race. The implication, not always clearly spelled out, was that the
ings' to operate within the conventions of modern universities and German Volk represented the product of the racial fall of the Nordic
the politics of science in modern societies. race. Modern Germany had in effect replicated the Aryan fall in
There was no authoritative original document for the Aryan- ancient India, albeit with a less dramatic racial contrast between the
Nordic-Germanic Germans. Even if the Vedic scriptures could be superior and inferior racial elements. Gunther argued that a com-
read as confirming an Aryan invasion and conquest, this did not parison between Norway, Sweden and Germany would confirm the
supply a clear original point, and even if it could be understood that leading role of the Nordic race, or of racially predominantly Nordic
way or one could be found, it failed to supply teleology through individuals, in Germany. While the overall percentage of Nordic types
return to a lost origin. If some Orientalist-Aryanist interpretations was higher in Norway and Sweden, in statistical terms Germany had
of British colonialism in India understood it as a home coming or many more, and this was the decisive factor. The Nordic race had a
reunion of long-separated branches of the Aryan family, no such clear particular mission in relation to the German people (Gunther 1925:
narrative was available for the German Volk, for which the most 36). The countervailing view was that the Nordic race, although it had
pressing political problems lay in the political geography of Europe. many fine qualities, had only achieved its greatest heights when it left
While a mystic origin in the high plateaus of Central Asia was appeal- Scandinavia and mixed with the other European races. Thus, the intel-
ing to the plethora of secret Germanic and Aryan (Ariosophical) lectual, cultural and political achievements of the German Volk were
cults, its value as a concept for political mobilization was limited. It far superior to those of the racially purer Scandinavians. The ques-
also raised a serious question about the relationship to territory of tion of racial hybridity was fundamental to debates about the nature
the present-day Germans, as to whether they were the descendants of the German Volk.
of conquerors or the conquered. If they were the descendants of both, Nordicism was suffused with nostalgia and racial pessimism,
this raised complex questions for an understanding of the racial com- though there remained the hope that the Nordic race and the
position of the German Volk. Was Germany, like India, a mixture of German Volk might yet be saved. By contrast, eugenic science, in its
Aryan remnants lost among the 'Dravidian' masses? pure form, was technocratic and 'progressive', in that it argued for
the engineering of a future bio-utopia. Some eugenicists identified
114 The Nordic Race and the German Volle The Nordic Race and the German Yolk 115

the best genetic elements of the German Volk with the Nordic race, product, unchanged since its origins, whereas other races were
but in principle eugenic principles applied independently of racial hybrids, albeit ones that had stabilized into a fixed set of features. The
classification, so that in any population or racial group there would language of this original pure type was Indogermanic, and 'all the
be fitter and less fit members. Thus, Bernhard Bavink (1879-1947) peoples who originally spoke this language were blond' (Hauser
supposed that any thoughtful person, even though they belonged to 1924: 52; Romer 1989: 69). But this model implied that the Nordic
a race seen as inferior by the Europeans, would be concerned with race was subject to a truly dramatic fall by its involvement in the
the genetic health of their population (1934: 9). German Volk.
Questions were continually raised about the relationship between A model slightly more congenial for German nationalism was that
eugenic policies and the concept of a Nordic race. Ploetz's notion of of Max Gerstenhauer (1873-1940), but tensions between Nordicism
'biological collective' or Vitalrasse stood in uncertain relation to the and nationalism are evident. Gerstenhauer rejected both Schall-
categories of racial anthropology and to the concept of the Germans mayer's concept of Volk as a reproductive community, as this
as a Volk. This had been recognized by the eugenicist Wilhelm Schall- deprived nationalism of its basis in science, and the notion that Volk
mayer (1857-1919) in his questioning of the favouring of the Nordic was purely a linguistic and historical construct (1913: 21). Contrary
element above other racial elements of the German people. Schall- to Ludwig Wilser's contention, the Volk did exhibit 'a commonality
mayer argued that, leaving aside the fact that there were no pure of type'. Gerstenhauer defined a Volk as 'the community of people
human races, even within the Nordic component there would be fitter sharing a common descent and a common national cultural identity'.
and weaker individuals (Schallmayer 1918: 385; Essner 2002: 43). A key factor in defining the unity of the Volk was a common lan-
At one extreme was fundamentalist Nordicism, which argued for guage (1913: 9).
the absolute supremacy of the Nordic race. At the other, was the view One could distinguish a white or European race, a black and a
that the German Volk had benefited from its hybrid quality, as each yellow race, but also other 'original races' ( Urrassen ). Within Europe,
race had had a specific contribution to make to the success of the Gerstenhauer identified three original races: the long-skulled Nordic
whole. Albrecht Wirth argued that the excessive emphasis on race put or Aryan as the actual white or lightest race (homo europaeus); a
in danger the 'hard-won unity' of the German Volk: Racial anthro- long-skulled but darker southern race (homo mediterraneus); and the
pology should be confined to historical investigations and kept out of further darker, short-headed, wide-faced Mongoloid race found in
politics (Wirth 1914: 115, 128, 134). central and eastern Europe, a so-called Alpine race (homo a/pinus or
homo centra/is) (1913: 18-19). There was a consensus that the
German people consisted of two-thirds Germanics (Germanen),
members of the long-skulled blond Aryan race whose original home-
Nordicism and nationalism land was Scandinavia, and one-third non-Germanics, representatives
of the Alpine race, who preceded the Germanic peoples in central
One position was that only the Nordic race was an 'original' race. Europe. On the threshold of their entry into world history, ,the Ger-
Otto Hauser (1876-1944) saw the contemporary world as one manics had been, as Tacitus had testified, still 'racially pur~ unmixed
without pure collective races, 'even among Negroes and Eskimos' Aryans of the noble type, which had arisen through the harsh selec-
(1930: 6). Each Volk might however display a number of more or less tion process of the ice age' (1913: 19).
racially pure individuals, who tended to be geographically concen- This model conceded the mixed nature of the German people, and
trated. Racial purity was thus the property of the individual, and if implicitly that the admixture of non-Aryans involved a loss of purity,
that individual mated with another racially pure individual, their chil- and therefore of racial quality. The Alpine component derived from
dren would most probably be of a pure racial type. The Nordic race the intermarriage of the Germanics with their indigenous slaves. This
was an originally pure formation; the Alpine and Mediterranean had happened in slightly different fashion in different parts of the
races, which were relatively recent, were mixed forms which had sta- area of settlement. In the conquest of west and south Germany (Flan-
bilized. The Alpine race was a product of a mixing of the Nordic with ders to Tyrol), a few of the previous inhabitants survived from the
the Polar (yellow) race; the Mediterranean race arose from a mixing pre-Roman and Roman eras; in the east the enslaved population
of the Nordic with the Negro race. The Nordic race was thus a pure were Slavs, who though originally Aryan had mixed with racially
II6 The Nordic Race and the German Volk The Nordic Race and the German Volk II7
darker elements; in the west and south, the originally Aryan Celts had aware of this issue, so that they could select a spouse with the best
been absorbed by the non-Aryan indigenous population, and the characteristics. The decline in physical beauty illustrated the negative
Romans who settled there were also no longer purely Aryan. These effect of mixing two physically incompatible racial types, such as the
foreign elements were short-headed (Gerstenhauer 1913: 20). Aryan and the Alpine, so that the original, divine beauty of the
While almost every German was of mixed race (Mischling), Ger- Germanic people has been lost; but the effects on the psychological
stenhauer argued that each people (Volkheit) was a collectivity with and mental constitution were more serious still. Lacking purity and
its own individual and independent character. This collectivity was harmony of type, persons of mixed race usually inherited the worst
made up of new physiological building-blocks, which were the con- characteristics of the two races (1913: 41-2).
sequence of centuries of cross-breeding and propagation. Weismann's Gerstenhauer noted that some had welcomed racial fusion as pro-
neo-Darwinism and Mendel's genetics taught that inherited charac- gressive, a position which he rejected, but others had raised doubts
teristics were not destroyed, but that in the mixing of two racial about a purely mechanical approach to human heredity, as if the only
groups the individual characteristics of each group remain latent in important question was that of selective breeding. Scholars were far
the total germ plasm (Keimplasma). Racial features were not erased from agreed as to whether the production of long-skulled individu-
and could recur. Someone with blond hair was not therefore neces- als actually would breed Germanic qualities (1913: 42). But these
sarily predominantly Germanic, any more than someone with a short uncertainties should not prevent the Germans from acting; Otto
head was predominantly non-Germanic. The non-Germanic-looking Hauser had proposed that the purest Germanic types, Goths from
individual could have latent Germanic features, and can even be Sweden, should be brought to Germany and given financial encour-
Aryan in terms of dispositions and abilities. In this sense, a Volk could agement to start families (1913: 43). Gerstenhauer put more imme-
form a vital racial unity, a Vitalrasse (Gerstenhauer 1913: 23). diate faith in political measures to preserve the German peasantry
The German people, from its original formation around 500 BC, and to create socio-cultural conditions in which the Germanic
and with some exceptions had formed a relatively compact trans- element of the population would flourish (1913: 43).
mission group, so that the overwhelming majority of Germans had Eugen Fischer's view was a further stage removed from the pure
common ancestors. Expressions such as 'the folk body' (Volkskorper) Nordicist position, since he suggested that the German Volk had to
and 'folk personality' (Volkspersonlichkeit) were scientifically justi- a degree benefited from racial mixing between the European races
fied; a Volk shared a common genetic inheritance (Erbmasse) (1923). Fischer nonetheless accepted the exceptional qualities of the
(Gerstenhauer 1913: 24). Although the Germans were not racially Nordic race; with Gunther he was a judge in a competition to find
pure Germanics, their nature was determined by the Germanic race the best photographic representation of the Nordic racial ideal
('germanisch rassenhaft bestimmt', a formulation attributed to Adolf (Fischer 1927a). Biologically, each Volk was an 'enormously varied
Bartels). There were many intermediate individual variations along mixture' (1923: 68). Racial differences between Volker were only rel-
a continuum between the two pure racial types, both in bodily type ative, in that the relative proportions of the races differed among
and in individual psychology, but there was also an intermediate neighbouring peoples; but even boundaries between these collectiv-
average type, a standard or average German (1913: 26). This evolved ities or physical types did not correspond exactly to language bound-
genetic collectivity had to be protected against further mixing and aries (Fischer 1923: 69).
degradation (1913: 27). Fischer also offered an intellectually more sophisticated model of
In urging the Germans to protect their racial identity, it was rela- the possible forms of interaction between conquerors and conquered.
tively straightforward to ask them to resist intermarriage with foreign Conquerors from outside might be unsuited to the climate or other
racial elements, as in the colonial context in Africa (1913: 40). But environmental factors, and undergo a process of decline. If the
Gerstenhauer also considered whether racial selection might be pos- leading stratum of society underwent this gradual process of 'dese-
sible within the German people, so that, applying Mendel's laws of lection', then the original conquered people might re-emerge as a
heredity, one might recreate a purely 'Germanic' German people by type (though perhaps with a few genetic markers from the now lost
promoting the breeding of those who show predominantly Germanic conquering people), and with a different language and culture. The
features. This, he stressed, was a matter primarily of psychological or model for this particular interaction was ancient India (1923: 128-30).
mental attributes. It would be advisable for Germans to be more Another possible outcome was where a biologically well-adapted
II8 The Nordic Race and the German Yolk The Nordic Race and the German Yolk II9
conqueror expelled the conquered group, but adapted some of the and a fear that the superior elements of the Volk were being gradu-
cultural forms of the defeated people (1923: 131 ). The fate of a people ally swamped by a rising tide of genetic mediocrity (1923: 326-9).
could be influenced by a host of environmental or other factors. Most Fischer was anxious that southern Germany not be seen as a
crucial of all however was the quality of its racial composition, given racially inferior zone, populated by the offspring of conquering
the great differences in quality between the races, in particular in Nordics and round-skulled slaves. Throughout his career, Fischer was
their mental gifts (1923: 131-2). Where the conquering stratum was preoccupied with the problem of the dominance of round-skulled
in some way compatible with the conquered and able to take on a types within the southern German population, so-called 'southern
leadership role, the new Volk might experience a sudden rise in eco- German brachycephaly'. In his early writings, Fischer had observed
nomic, political or creative energy. Whether such a particular combi- that skull type seemed to be inherited according to Mendel's laws,
nation would work or not was only discernible in retrospect. though the details were not all understood (1914: 14-15). However,
While the analogy between the life of an individual and the life of Fischer increasingly attributed a significant role to environmental
a Volk was misleading, nonetheless it was possible for a Volk to fall factors; in his view more so than other racial anthropologists (1933:
into decline and degeneration (Entartung) (Fischer 1923: 1). Peoples 297). He regretted the misleading picture presented in racial maps of
might rise and fall, but what determined this above all else was the Germany which focused on the cranial index. Contemporary writings
quality of their racial composition. A Volk might undergo an ageing gave the quite erroneous impression that the Nordic race had largely
process, but each race was unchanging and fixed in its nature - like disappeared in the south. This impression was due in great measure
a species of plants and animals- unless it was destroyed, that is 'dies to the geographical representation of the cephalic index in the pop-
an unnatural death' (1923: 132). In order to ensure the survival of the ulation. This was regarded in many circles as scientifically authorita-
German Volk, it was essential to understand the nature of its racial tive but 'there was no other hereditary feature about which we know
composition and the rules which govern the interaction between so little as the proportion of hereditary and environmental factors in
racial difference, the individual and the Volk (1923: 2). the shape of the skull'.
According to Fischer, the population of Europe consisted of four If the maps showed distribution of forms of the nose or the face
basic races: the Nordic, the Mediterranean, the Alpine and the or light colouring, then we would have a much better view of the pres-
Dinaric (1923: 134-40). The Nordic race was the carrier of the Indo- ence of northern racial elements in the German population (Fischer
European languages, and its original homeland was in northern 1936b: 298). The skull was not a mathematical precise entity with a
Europe, from which it spread out in waves of migration, and in some few simple dimensions but an 'anatomical construct' (1940: 10). There
cases mixed with other racial groups. The Slavic type was in fact a was a general drift towards the round-skull shape, particularly in
mixture of the Nordic with the Mongoloid, and it was the historic southern Germany, but also across much of Europe. This was not due
mission of the Slavic peoples to form a buffer between the Mongol to a change in racial composition but to 'peristatic circumstances', i.e.
hoards and the Germanic tribes (1923: 142). The further this wave of environmental factors (1940: 12). In similar vein, Hesch (1934: 68)
Nordic settlement progressed from its homeland, the more likely it attributed the predominance of round-skull forms to an increase in
was to go under. These processes of dynamic change were present in the width of the skull rather than a loss of length. Fischer's··views on
the European peoples today, as changes in racial composition leadto southern German brachycephaly illustrate the complexity of interac-
changes in mentality (1923: 144). tions between descriptive racial anthropology, Mendelian anthropol-
This model then was based on the superiority of the Nordic race, ogy, Nordicism and political nationalism.
and the dependence of the Nordic race on proximity to its homeland.
Implicit in this model was a continuum within the German people,
between the Nordic and the non-Nordic. The racial composition of
Critics of Nordicism
the German people was fundamental to its survival, and that survival
depended crucially on the defence of the Nordic element. Added to
this was a powerful pessimism about the current racial drift of the Nordicism was the target of a wide range of criticisms, both from
German people, indeed of all the 'civilized peoples' (Kulturvolker), within racial anthropology and in the general intellectual and politi-
120 The Nordic Race and the German Yolk The Nordic Race and the German Yolk 121

cal culture of the 1920s and early 1930s. The critiques discussed below Europe, did anyone doubt that Germany would not have done the
came from within racial anthropology, and often shared key assump- same if they had had colonial troops?
tions with the Nordicist wing. Wilhelm Schmidt (1868-1954), a As far as the racial profile of Germany itself went, Schmidt -
Catholic priest of the Verbite order, offered a critique of Nordicism applying the principle that the Germanic peoples reached their
which was in part grounded in the terminology and conceptual highest level of achievement at the end of their migrations in areas
scheme of the biblical paradigm. Schmidt attributed to the Nordic of racial mixing - argued that this had occurred along the Rhine and
race a mixed origin, including Hamitic elements; the Germanic the Danube, not in Scandinavia or on the North and Baltic Seas. This
peoples or the Nordic race were not an original and mystically supe- cultural formation, characterized by the second Germanic sound shift
rior people. Their rise reflected the superior role which was taken up (e.g. p > pf), was so successful that High German culture has become
by all pastoral peoples, and the totality of cultural conditions rather dominant over Low German culture, language and literature. The
than the specific characteristics of a particular race. The Indoger- Nordic movement was in effect a reaction against this southern dom-
manic or Germanic peoples came third in a line of pastoral peoples, inance, and Schmidt rejected the idea that the cultural achievements
the oldest of which was the Ural-Altaic people ( Ural-Altaier), fol- of the south were only to be attributed to the influx of Nordic ele-
lowed by the Hamito-Semites (Hamitosemiten ). Schmidt argued that ments. If this were so, then the highest achievements would be found
it was this mixture that gave the Nordic race its special advantage, where the Nordic elements were at their purest. Schmidt argued for
giving it both its conquering attributes, and, to a lesser degree, the the complementary nature of the Nordic and pre-Nordic elements in
artistic gifts of totemistic town-dwellers, as well as in a great measure southern Germany.
the thoroughness, seriousness and conscientiousness of the matriar- Both the Low German and High German cultures were in need
chal agricultural people (Ackerbauer) (1927: 41-2). of official protection and support, not merely the Low German
Rejecting what he saw as the partisan rhetoric of the Nordic enthu- (Schmidt 1927: 60). To protect the racial balance of Germany, mea-
siasts, Schmidt's conclusion was that the Nordic race was a young sures needed to be taken to harmonize the relationship of town and
race, one which had undergone many stages of composition, the final country. The Nordic racial element would benefit most from these
ones being in Europe. This gave it no more claim to be a European efforts, since it was concentrated to a larger extent than other races
race than the Mediterranean race. The oldest links of the Nordic race in the urban centres of northern Germany, and suffered the adverse
stretched deep into Africa and Asia. Whether or not it had received effects of the overcrowding there. The Nordic element would then
the repeated influx of the blood from 'master peoples', it was no less balance its efforts between the city and the country, and in achieving
true that it had been shaped by matriarchal, agricultural peoples. In a balance between the town and the country both parts of the
this lay its chief distinctive character, distinguishing the Nordic race German people would be able to regain some leadership over their
in particular from the Celtic. Schmidt denied that all superior own affairs, and the excessive influence of urban culture as intellec-
achievements of the Indogermanic peoples were to be explained by tual, business and administrative centres would be curbed. In partic-
the presence of Nordic blood, calling these ideas 'grotesque' or rather ular, Schmidt expressed concern about the power of the large
'childish', especially given the often initially destructive impact of the industrial concerns. The need was for a truly organic cultur-al leader-
Indogermanic peoples on other races and cultures, but also given the ship (1927: 61). Schmidt argued for the importance of large-scale agri-
late arrival in history of the racially and culturally composite Nordic culture remaining in the hands of the long-standing pastoral
race. The white races of Europe could not claim to be distinct and aristocracy, rather than being bought out by racially foreign interna-
separate from other races, nor could they claim a high degree of supe- tional capital, or falling under the control of the urban proletariat, as
riority. The internal racial differences were as great in many cases as had happened in the Soviet Union.
those that separated the Europeans from a number of Asiatic and Schmidt's diagnosis ofNordicism as a reaction to a traditional con-
Asian races. There was however a strong cultural divide. On these ception of south Germany as the racially and culturally purer region
grounds, Schmidt warned against the further rapid mixing of reveals how debates within racial anthropology must be read against
European with African and Asian peoples. He noted however that the deep cultural-historical (and class) divisions in German society.
this has been done for reasons of pragmatic necessity. While it was This north-south divide was the theme of Robert Gradmann's
regrettable that England and France had stationed foreign troops in (1865-1950) discussion of the cultural and racial make-up of south-
122 The Nordic Race and the German Yolk The Nordic Race and the German Yolk 123

ern Germany. Gradmann noted Bismarck's view that the northern climatic-racial zones, arising after the last ice age, which were orga-
Germans had greater mixed blood than the southerners (1926: 135). nized from north to south (1926: 141-2). The racial make-up of the
This was due to absorption by or mixing with the Slav population, south was due to inner selection within the Nordic element, a process
particularly east of the Elbe. However, Gradmann did not associate which could be explained by Mendelian genetics (1926: 144). The
purity of blood automatically with loyalty to the Volk. Racially mixed northern zone was the optimal homeland of the Nordic race; the
populations of ethnic Germans outside the political boundaries of processes of inner selection in the south had been accelerating with
Germany often showed extremely high national consciousness. urbanization and the ills of modernity. The southern Germans were
Southern Germany was not the original heartland of Germany, but the descendants of a fundamentally Nordic base; in addition, some
it had become so by conquest, after migrations due to the loss of ter- specifically 'German' characteristics, such as musicality and a fanati-
ritories in the northeast. In the south, the original inhabitants had cal love of order, were perhaps due to racial mixing (1926: 146).
been systematically exterminated or expelled; this had led to the Gradmann was caught between a desire to defend the racial
south becoming the stronghold of German culture and language. quality of the German people and respect for the Nordic ideology.
Gradmann recognized that RudolfVirchow's (1821-1902) anthro- He evoked the Nordic race as a tragically doomed sacrificial race,
pological survey of the population of Germany had shown that the leaving its homeland to build civilizations and high culture, and then
greatest concentration of the blond-haired was in the north, includ- falling victim to hostile climate and environment. Was southern
ing east of the Elbe. Virchow had concluded that the return migra- Germany due to fall victim to this process? Gradmann was not totally
tion of Germans east of the Elbe had driven out the darker-haired pessimistic, as the proportion of blonds was still relatively high in the
Slavic population, and that southern Germany was a zone of mixing south, and at least three-quarters of the southern population had one
between German elements, Celts and Slavs. The traditional under- or more racial characteristic of the Nordic race. Furthermore, while
standing had been turned on its head by racial anthropology. The data a very high proportion of high achievers had Nordic racial charac-
could not be challenged, but the conclusions drawn were question- teristics, so did some criminals and feeble-minded individuals whose
able, especially the equation of blandness with German origin. Not basic intelligence was less than a quick-witted Negro (1926: 148).
all blonds were members of the Nordic race, not all members of the There was no need for the south Germans and Swiss to feel inferior
Nordic race were Germanic, and Germanic and German were not to the Nordic, since one could assume that the psychological or
equivalent (Gradmann 1926: 138). mental characteristics of that race had been inherited to a greater
For Gradmann, the blond-haired population of northern Europe degree than the physical characteristics (1926: 148). While the optimal
was essentially a mixture of two different races, the Nordic race and zone for the Nordic race was in the north, which was the homeland
the East Baltic (ostbaltisch) race, newly identified by Gunther. The of the Indo-Europeans, there was a greater need than ever for unity
original Germanic peoples of the Roman era were purely Nordic; and exchange between the different parts of Germany, particularly
the East Baltic race did not have this original Germanic link at all. The as the northeastern territories were now once again threatened with
Nordic race, defined by the long skull, was also in part Slavicized, as assimilation (1926: 148).
grave-finds had shown. In this way, Gradmann sought to reconcile the One model which more directly rejected the Nordicist -emphasis
traditional view of the north as being heavily Slavicized with recent on racial purity was that of Max von Gruber (1853-1927), the presi-
anthropological findings. His interpretation of racial history involved dent of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in Munich. Von Gruber
a denial that southern Germany was historically a mixed Celtic- saw the German Volk as beset by inner divisions, and was a strong
Germanic zone. Rather it had an original and strong Nordic inheri- critic of Gunther and popular Nordicism. Although the German
tance, so that southern Germany was nine-tenths Nordic at the onset people was made up of at least three anthropological races, which dif-
of the Middle Ages (1926: 139). The apparent hybridity of the present- fered quite considerably in their external appearance (Nordic, Alpine
day south was due to factors of selection within the original Nordic and Dinaric), its current weakness was not attributable to racial
population, and was not due to migration from outside and the mixing mixture or hybrid character. Both the English and the French had
with Jews and Gypsies, which had been too small to be significant. The strong national feelings but were no more racially pure. Even more
factors that had led to the decline of theN ordic were explained by the striking was the example of the Jewish people, which was made up of
relationship of racial variation to geography, so that there were several very different races and two anthropologically distinct groups,
124 The Nordic Race and the German Yolk The Nordic Race and the German Yolk 125

the Ashkenazim and the Sephardim, but they nonetheless showed the than the average representatives of the different races - even the so-
longest-standing national ties (Volksverband) ever seen. A common called purest race was not uniform (einheitlich), but rather consisted
language, tradition literature, etc., made a stronger union than a of countless lines of inheritance (Erblinien) which in spite of all com-
common origin: the racially heterogeneous Jewish people was bound monalities exhibited great differences in value or quality ('Abstu-
together by the idea of the chosen people (von Gruber 1927: 244). fungen der Wertigkeit', 1927: 246). Von Gruber argued that there was
Marriages between different races often went wrong due to dif- generally a natural sexual repulsion between distant races, but that
ferent traditions and culture, not race; this was also true of cross- between close European races for example the 'foreign' was a special
confessional marriages. Children of such marriages often suffered a attraction. It had been shown scientifically that the result of a cross
lack of integration into the national community (Volksgemeinschaft), between a high-standing race and a low race, e.g. a white person with
so marriage with a 'racially other' ( volksfremd) partner should be a female 'Hottentot', was not good for the higher race as the offspring
avoided. The most important thing was the creation of a unified would lie in the middle. However, planters and breeders did not rec-
national feeling or consciousness and the rejection of the divisive ele- ognize any rule that racial crosses were always inferior (1927: 247).
ments. Von Gruber hoped that the shared suffering that the German The Nordic race was the purest and had achieved great things but
Volk had been through would achieve this. He denied that the it was not solely responsible for west Asiatic and European culture.
unequal nature of racial elements was a barrier to national unity, The cultures of India, Persia, Greece, Rome had all grown up in situ,
arguing that when one looked at the vastly different types from were not created on the Baltic where the Nordic race was based. Not
different parts of Germany, their 'Germanness' (Deutschheit) was all great men in German history were Nordic; they were all of mixed
unmistakable. Did not all Germans feel for the unhappy situation of race. None of the races in the German people was an ideal race which
Germans in South Tirol as well as in the lost lands in the north? (1927: was to be pursued (von Gruber 1927: 247). Even if it were possible
244). But the German people had an excessive number of inferior to breed out a pure Nordic element from the racial mixture, this
(minderwertig) individuals; there was a need for a proper process of would not be a worthwhile goal, since the Nordic race also had its
selection (Auslese) among those capable ofreproducing (von Gruber severe faults. The salvation of humanity did not lie in the past but in
1927:245) the future; there was a need to promote all the ideal lines of inheri-
The large-scale racial blocks that made up the human species cer- tance (Erblinien ). The best genetic quality had to be selected and
tainly had different characteristics, but did it follow from this that the bred, wherever it was present, whereas the lowest quality genetic
three 'German' races had psychological make-ups that were differ- lines had to be eliminated as painlessly but as thoroughly as possible.
ent in value ('hochst ungleichwerte Psychen'), so that one could make The aim of eugenics was the creation of people who - in addition to
an inference from an individual's appearance or somatic type having great strength, talents, firm judgement, a will to work and a
('ausserliche Merkmale') about his psychological make-up (von dutiful nature - were born with compassion and a willingness to sac-
Gruber 1927: 245)? Even if it were possible, it was not a good idea, rifice oneself. This would lead to the creation of a natural elite which
as inheritance was too complex and multifactorial. We can see a clear could serve the whole (1927: 247). Whether these superior peoples
physical difference between a 'Hottentot' and a blond blue-eyed contained brown-eyed or dark-haired individuals or whether the
Nordic from Niedersachsen (1927: 246); things would be simple if blonds and the blue-eyed were in the overwhelming majority seemed
there were clearly different psychical characteristics, if there were not to be of decisive importance in the future of the German people
racially specific thought-associations and racially inherited world (1927: 247). It was not sufficient to judge by appearances; it was ?o
views, as was often maintained, but these did not exist (1927: 245-6). good choosing a healthy-looking wife if her intellect or personahty
There were racial differences in intellectual make-up and in the was not up to standard (1927: 248).
direction of drives (Triebrichtungen) but no inborn concepts (Vorstel- Von Gruber concluded that among the noblest people he had met
lungen) or ideas. There was a continuum in ability between the races; recently, there were remarkably many who did not appear Nordic,
there was no intellectual quality to be found in the most intelligent but that there were also many brutal or selfish individuals who looked
races that was completely absent in the least intelligent. There were particularly Nordic. The notion of anthropological race (Systemrasse)
no totally amoral races (von Gruber 1927: 246). In terms of ability, was of great scientific interest; the application of this concept in civil
the extremes within one and the same race were much further apart life was problematic. A Negro or a Hottentot or a Bushman, an alco-
126 The Nordic Race and the German Yolk The Nordic Race and the German Yolk 127
holic, a habitual thief or con artist, a sexual criminal would have to In the same series of lectures, Ernst Kretschmer (1888-1964) of
accept a strong prejudice against his genetic inheritance, but was this Marburg University, whose theories on the relationship between
prejudice justified against a brown-eyed German, even if he had a body type (Konstitution or Korperbau) and character remain influ-
snub nose or a round head? The notion of anthropological race ential (Kretschmer 1931), complained that race psychologists were
should not be allowed to create further trouble among the members often simply venting their individual prejudices and political philoso-
of the Volk (1927: 248). phies (1932: 59). Kretschmer argued that in Europe the greatest cre-
The paleoanthropologist Franz Weidenreich (1873-1948) did not ativity and levels of achievement were to be found in transition zones
deny the existence of racial types, nor of racial superiority and infe- of racial mixing. The impact of the Nordic-Alpine racial mix on
riority, but rejected what he saw as the dogmatism of much con- modern European culture showed this, as did the achievements of
temporary racial theorizing. Contrary to Gunther and Fischer, ancient Greece and India (1932: 63). The racially purer areas such as
Weidenreich contended that new, mixed races (Mischrassen) could Lower Saxony and East Friesland produced strong physical and
be created (1932: 16). However, his critique of Nordicism shared an mental types, but were poor in geniuses and in cultural productivity
underlying framework with the more sophisticated defenders of (1932: 64).
Nordicism, namely that someone who was blond, blue-eyed and had Kretschmer was particularly positive about the mixing of the
a long skull was not necessarily 'more Nordic' than someone who had Nordic with the Alpine races, which, although dissimilar, comple-
a round skull and brown hair. The most primitive races, such as the mented each other very well. It was an error of the present idealiza-
Australian aborigines, were extremely long-headed; there was no con- tion of the Nordic element to assume that the incoming Nordic race
nection at all between long-skulled races and levels of intelligence always 'brought the genius with it'. This could be seen if we looked
and culture, and a look at leading intellectual and political figures at the Nordic race in its homeland settlements. Conquering or martial
showed no clear correlation between skull shape and genius. Though peoples were not necessarily superior or especially 'heroic', but came
they may have had other Nordic features, Bismarck, Kant and from geographically inferior zones in the far north or from deserts,
Schopenhauer were extremely short-headed. A purely Nordic body as in the case with the Germanic tribes, the Mongols and conquering
might therefore contain an Alpine or Dinaric brain, with the atten- Indians or Arabs. We should not see the conquering peoples as the
dant mentality and mindset. Lenz had argued that a dark-haired 'master race' (Herrenrasse) and the conquered as a 'slave race'
German could possess as many Nordic mental qualities as a blond- (Sklavenrasse), unless we have strong historical evidence. What was
haired one. decisive was the stage of cultural development of the peoples
Weidenreich noted that Ludwig Ferdinand Clauss had claimed involved. If the indigenous culture was on the rise, then the incom-
that Beethoven was able to wring Nordic expression out of his Alpine ers would be destroyed, whether they were Nordic or not. If the
body. But this kind of argumentation could lead to the same person invaders met with a declining culture, then there would be conquest
being classified differently by different race scholars. In spite of his and racial mixing; and if the two tribes or races were racially com-
diminutive stature and round head, Gunther had classified Napoleon patible, then this might give rise to a new cycle of creativity. But this
as Nordic, whereas Ammon defined him as an eastern type, a Mon- happened not in the native land, but in the territory of the conquered.
goloid. To further complicate the picture, Ernst Kretschmer had The historian Walter Goetz (1867-1958) of Leipzig University also
shown that different body types (Konstitutionstypen) reveal different gave a positive evaluation of racial mixing, and evoked a constant,
temperaments even within the same race, and there were cases of dynamic change under the impact both of racial mixing and the envi-
psychological types housed in the wrong body type. Weidenreich ronment. Goetz did not make a clear distinction between Volk and
argued that the individual should be evaluated on his own terms Rasse, preferring to use the term Volk (1932: 73), as he denied that
since there was no way of determining the racial composition of ~ races transcended historical change. Goetz argued that racial mixing
Volk at any particular historical juncture, and no way of determining was the prerequisite for the greatest human achievements, and -
or measuring racial psychology independent of all bodily and envi- attacking directly the volkisch race theorists - he extended his praise
ronmental factors. We have still not got past the beginning stage in to the case of the Jews, noting that Wilhelm Schmidt in Vienna, Fritz
our attempts to answer these questions about race (Weidenreich Kern (1884-1950) in Bonn and others had argued for the original
1932: 23-7). unity of the Indogermanic and Semitic-Hamitic peoples (Kern 1927;
128 The Nordic Race and the German Yolk The Nordic Race and the German Yolk I29
Goetz 1932: 77-8). Goetz did not reject the field of racial or physical both race and people or nationhood, created a considerable degree
anthropology as a whole; rather what he saw as its politicized use by of doubt and confusion. This was particularly true in relation to the
volkisch thinkers (Goetz 1932: 78). Goetz, a leading member of the idealization of the Nordic race, since the relationship between this
German Democratic Party, was forcibly retired from his university ideal race and the linguistic and cultural construct, the German Volk,
post in 1933 (Reiber 1991: 497; Haar 2000: 174-5). was both politically salient and theoretically ill-defined.
In debates about the survival of the German Volk, the parallel in
this model between modern Germany and ancient India was funda-
mental. In modern Germany, as in India, intermarriage had taken
Conclusion place between a superior population and a slave or subservient one.
In the case of the ancient Aryans, the consequence was racial fall and
Within Germany the Nordic bodily ideal fed a certain inferiority disappearance. The obvious solution was to prevent further racial
complex on the part of the 'average' German. Racial anthropology mixing and to undo as far as possible the mixing that had occurred.
held up a mirror in which the Germans saw themselves not as a blond Modern science offered possibilities in this direction, which had been
blue-haired ideal but as a miscegenated composite, though one not available to the Aryans of old. But should this model be applied
perhaps with a Nordic soul to compensate for the misshapen body. in all its rigour to present-day Germany? How could the inferior ele-
The accusation was thus frequently made that the Nordic ideal was ments of the population be identified and what measure should be
destructive of the unity of the German Volk. Ignaz Kaup (1870-1944) taken against them? From the radical Nordicist point of view, the
complained in effect of intra-German racism (Kaup 1925: 13-16; German Volk was not threatened solely by the presence of racial infe-
Gunther 1925: 43). The idealization of a Nordic race, taken to its riors (i.e. non-Nordic Europeans), but by the presence of the Jews,
logical extreme, did indeed involve the promotion of a transnational who were racially 'other' rather than conventionally inferior. Anxi-
racial elite, rather than a narrowly nationalist agenda. The claim of eties about hybridity and decline, entangled in the politically uncom-
modern race theory to scientific status was grounded in a rejection fortable model of racial diversity, were projected onto a Jewish threat
of the pre-modern, popular and perceived nineteenth-century acad- to the unity and survival of the Volk.
emic confusion of races with human groupings such as peoples,
nations and linguistic communities (Scheidt 1930a: 5). According to
Eugen Fischer, this distinction, as a distinction between a natural sci-
entific concept and one from the humanities, was particularly empha-
sized in Germany (Fischer 1955: 274). The distinction between race
as defined scientifically or biologically and Volk as defined culturally
reflected a philosophical and methodological division between the
sciences, on the one hand, and the humanities and social sciences, on
the other.
One solution was to argue that it was inner qualities which made
someone racially superior or 'Nordic'. But this seemed to reduce to
meaninglessness the category 'Nordic' itself, since Nordicism drew its
cultural impact and vitality from the aesthetics of bodily superiority.
It also made nonsense of the claims of racial anthropology to offer a
new, explanatory science of the human body. A second solution was
to argue for the benefits of racial hybridity for the Nordic race. But
this position was tantamount to advocacy of the benefits of racial
hybridity in general. While in principle the distinction between Rasse
and Volk was perfectly clear, the strongly holistic tendency of Nazi
thought in the early years of the regime, and the political stress on
Germany as Nordic Colony? I3I

There was great optimism among Nordic ideologues that the

9 decline of the Nordic race could now be halted, since a regime had
taken power which took that decline seriously and had the political
will to act. But there was considerable disquiet in the population,
Germany as Nordic Colony? occasioned by concern that measures would be taken to promote the
blond-haired, blue-eyed and long-skulled Nordic elements of the
Confusion and Anxiety Post-1933 German Volk against their squat, brown-haired, round-skulled fellow
citizens. For if the Nordic race was 'the creator of German culture'
(Paul1936: 462) and if the Germanic forefathers were of the 'Nordic-
Phalian' race who came from the north to conquer the present
German territory, then Germany was to become in effect a Nordic
colony. Internal colonialism would create a category of second-class
Germans, who would be ruled over by a Nordic elite, as the dark-
skinned Dravidians had been in ancient India. The psychologist Ernst
Rittershaus diagnosed an 'inferiority complex' in circles where there
Introduction was an ignorance of racial anthropology. This had led those who did
not measure up in appearance to the Nordic ideal to oppose the
promotion of an ideology based on race (Rittershaus 1936: 183).
The seizure of power by Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP in 1933 was
presented as a victory for the German Volk. Many ideologues,
philosophers and social theorists believed that their time had come
that their alienation from the state was over. They saw in Nazism ~ The problem of hybridity
new, revolutionary organicism or holism, in which the family and the
state, the private and the public, the individual and the collective There was a degree of confusion about the definition of Nordicism.
could be brought into harmonious alignment. In the universities, One ideological strand hostile to the Nordicism of Rosenberg and
advocates for Nazism rejected traditional academic boundaries such GUnther was volkisch Protestantism, as exemplified by Helmuth
as those between science and humanities, or between 'life', politics Schreiner (1934) and Walter KUnneth (1935). In his attack on Rosen-
and the university. An ill-defined concept of race was heralded as the berg and GUnther, Schreiner made use of a range of arguments,
new intellectual key, and a whole range of ideologues and theorists including the need for the political unity of the German Volk and the
emerged to claim their role in the 'New Germany'. The coming of the recognition of the contributions of all Germans. He quoted Fritz Lenz
Nazi regime led to an intensified interaction and competition (Lenz 1927b: 287; Schreiner 1934: 63) as objecting to 'the privileging
between different methodological and political strands within the of the Nordic race within the German people'.lt was not appearance
academic study of race, as positions which had been clearly defined that counted, as 'even most of the dark, heavy-set, round-headed
in the 1920s and early 1930s faced a new political reality. Racial Germans are predominantly of Nordic race' and traits such as
anthropologists, offering an explanatory model which aimed to 'blandness, slim build and long-headedness make up only a quite
transcend the divide between humanities and science, and between minor part of the inherited characteristics of an individual'. Lenz had
academic theory and social policy, looked to be in a highly advan- stressed that the Alpine and the Dinaric racial elements in Germany,
tageous position. Nordic ideologues were strongly represented in i.e. the Mongoloid element, were a mixed formation on a Nordic
political and academic Nazism, and the early years of the Nazi regime foundation (Lenz 1927b, cited in Schreiner 1934: 64).
saw attacks on those who were seen as insufficiently committed to Schreiner's conclusion was that there was no future for a German
the '~ordic idea'. However, this strand of Nazism was politically Volk based on a policy of Nordification (1934: 69). His more sub-
and mtellectually marginalized, falling, like the category 'Aryan' stantive theological argument was that race could not be the measure
before it, to the problematics of Rasse and Volk. of all values, since a 'religion of blood' left no room for religion. But
132 Germany as Nordic Colony? Germany as Nordic Colony? 133
this did not imply the rejection of a relationship between religiosity German history, this race was in need of particular protection. The
and blood or race. There was such a relation, analogous to that paradox that this revealed was that the Nordic race, in spite of its
between body type (constitution) and character. Nor did it imply a great achievements and qualities, was particularly vulnerable. The
rejection of eugenic attempts to improve the quality of the German Nordic race was more prone to exhaustion than other racial elements,
Volk,_ in which the promotion of the Nordic race also had its place. a fact which was linked to its superior gifts.
But, m these matters, the scientific study of heredity was the sole Increasingly, the rejection of racial mixing with Jews and 'racial
authority. Schreiner's objection to Nordicism was that it had tres- others' was emphasized in order to deflect attention away from the
passed both on the territory of religion, by implying a direct relation sensitive question of the hybridity of the German Volk. In Otto
between 'pure blood' and a 'pure heart', and on the domain of science Rabes's (b. 1873) concise introduction to genetics and eugenics
(1934: 76). (1934), the percentages of each racial group in the population were
The response of Nordic ideologues to anxiety about the promo- given in a table, with Nordic making up 50 per cent, Alpine 20 per
tion of the Nordic race was to emphasize the need for the leadership cent, Dinaric 15 per cent, East Baltic 8 per cent, Phalian 5 per cent
of the Nordic race in the interests of the Volk as a whole. While and Mediterranean 2 per cent (1934: 44). Rabes laid out the superi-
Germans were indeed largely Mischlinge with Dinaric and Alpine ority of the Nordic race unambiguously: 'Without wishing to damage
blood, the Nordic race was what united all Germans (von Hoff 1934: the sense of worth of each individual race, it must be said that the
145). In some accounts, this unifying factor was the 'Nordic-Phalian' maintenance of the Nordic race is of fundamental importance for the
race (Ruttke 1937b: 10), and the virtues of the Nordic-Phalian hybrid continued survival of the essential characteristics of the German
were argued in Rauschenberger (1938). The Nordic race was called people' (1934: 43). Pupils were offered also a visual representation of
to dominate and lead, the Phalian race was distinguished by its love what would happen to the 50 per cent component if for example its
of liberty. The combination of these two defined the Germanic type members married on average at age 33 and had three children,
both physically and psychologically (1938: 275). whereas the rest married at 25 and had four children. After 100 years
Martin Otto Johannes (1934) argued that the Nordic question had the 50 per cent would fall to 17.5 per cent; after 300 it would be at
to be approached with tact and objectivity. The dissemination of ideas 0.9 per cent. Thus Germany needed to work to keep its current racial
about race had sometimes been badly handled, giving rise to unin- mix, and for that reason it was necessary to oppose the further migra-
formed discussion of race in educational contexts, which the Party tion of eastern Jews (1934: 44).
was now rightly seeking to bring under control. It had to be stressed Otto Reche (1879-1966) followed more or less the standard model
that the Nordic component was the unifying bond between the racial popularized by GUnther, but emphasized that the superior racial ele-
elements of the German people, and that physical or bodily disposi- ments were also the indigenous ones (1933). The long-skulled were
tions (Anlagen) could be separately inherited from mental or psy- indigenous to Europe, and the round-skulled were originally from
chological ones, so that the phenotypical appearance of the individual Asia. The six races thus broke down into the indigenous (Nordic,
was not the primary criterion for evaluating racial value. Johannes Phalian and Mediterranean) versus the incomers (East Baltic, Alpine,
denied that he was merely promoting a politicized race nonsense to Dinaric) (1933: 10). The round-headed groups arrived at the end of
which the Fuhrer had given his stamp of approval, or promoting some the ice age, either through gradual migration or sudden conquest, and
superficial kind of Nordification. Johannes himself was brown-haired have long since been highly 'Europeanized'. They were thus now
and his 'objective' approach to race had been criticized by some i~ composite races (Mischrassen). The original homeland of the Nordic
the 'pro-blond' faction, but he knew very well that 'colour and bodily race was, as far as is known, northwestern Europe; that of the Phalian
form' were not decisive. The most important factor was 'Nordic spirit, race the central west; of the Mediterranean, southwest and southern
Nordic soul and Nordic mindset' (1934: 112). Europe (1933: 10-11). The two answers that scholars could give to the
Nordicists, while acknowledging the racially mixed nature of the question of what united the German were: the Nordic race and
Volk ('mixed with elements of other indigenous races'), stressed that German language and culture (Reche 1933: 5).
the German people was in its essence 'of Nordic blood' and that it Race was not a matter of mere physical appearance, understood
w~s permeated through and through with Nordic character and spirit. as a reflection of the environment and climate, but rather of inher-
G1ven the central role played by the Nordic race in world and ited predispositions which had arisen in ancient prehistory. These
134 Germany as Nordic Colony? Germany as Nordic Colony? 135
were transmitted with great fidelity and according to unchanging nal internal harmony could be disturbed by racial mixing, its survival
natural laws. These genetic dispositions or qualities were physical as a totality was never lost, as long as there were people who carried
(bodily), spiritual/mental and psychological characteristics ('korper- this race within them (1935: 208). A Volk was a living organism
liche, geistige und seelische Eigenschaften') (Reche 1933: 11). (Lebenseinheit) in which the dominant race determined the specific
Although environment and climate were not factors in the creation nature of the collectivity. It was not an aggregation of millions of
of this racial diversity, different races were adapted to particular cli- individuals, but a living totality animated by the inner law of the pre-
mates, so that the Nordic race was ill-suited to southern European dominant race (1935: 210). Race, while it might become atomized in
and tropical conditions (1933: 10). It was necessary to distinguish the individual person, always operated as a totality in the life of a
clearly phenotype from genotype. An individual could have a Nordic people (1935: 210-11). In the case of the Germans, this racial unity
appearance, but be of a quite different psychological make-up, and was provided by the Nordic race, and this racial element created an
vice versa. Thus, many of the pioneers of the Nordic ideal were not overarching unity in thought, feeling and action (1935: 259).
particularly Nordic in appearance, but were nonetheless possessed of Graf was an advocate of the Nordification of the German people
Nordic mentality and abilities. Investigation of an individual required (1935: 262). He discussed the objection that this had opened up a rift
expert analysis of as much of the extended family as possible, and in in the German people, with those who were Alpine in appearance
this way an expert - and only an expert - could evaluate the indi- feeling denigrated, and others of Nordic appearance taking on supe-
vidual (1933: 30-1). In an individual in whom the phenotype and rior airs. Graf however stressed that any criterion by which we judge
genotype were in harmony, we would see the totality of the racial was relative to the racial group that was making the judgement, and
ideal in its organic unity (1933: 32). This reflected the organicism or thus comparison between races could be made only with reference
holism ( Ganzheitsbegriff) of what Reche refers to as recent 'philos- to particular points, such as resistance to particular diseases, adapt-
ophy'. Reche's model shows a clear tension between the ideal of the ability to different climates and suitability for a particular culture or
organic unity of the racially pure individual, and the implications of form of moral civilization ( Gesittung). In the case of the German
Mendelian genetics, which undercut the necessity for such unity. people, since it was determined by its Nordic racial base, it was only
One way to express the key relationship between Rasse and Volk possible for it to apply the standards of that race, with the proviso
was through metaphor. Accepting the view that no advanced or that the emphasis was not only on physical characteristics, but on
civilized people was composed of a single race, Gustav Paul (1936: the mental, psychological and spiritual disposition (1935: 262). What
21) used the metaphor of metal alloy. Some alloys were hard and mattered was the inner nature of the individual seen against his
durable, and others were soft and of low quality. Similarly, a change or her ancestors and relatives (1935: 262).
in the racial composition of a Volk would bring about changes in its The Nordic race was the leading or dominant race (Fiihrerrasse)
character, and for the biological historian these could be the key and united the German people. The state needed to create conditions
to the explanation of specific events and processes, as the racial core that were ideal for the flourishing of this race. To those who felt
of the Volk was decisive in determining victory or defeat. The moral slighted in their racial type, it should be pointed out that almost no
of this for the German people was the centrality of the Nordic racial one was a pure Nordic type, but that Nordic blood flowed in the veins
component, given its military, political and intellectual achievements of every German. Everything that had been written about the divi-
(1936: 21). sions between the Nordic and the Alpine races could only be hurtful
For Jakob Graf, organicism operated in natural science by showing to someone who was still caught in a self-centred, egotistical mode of
how the entire genetic inheritance (genotype) was present in each thought, rather than partaking in the organic unity of individual and
living cell (1935: 206). This organic conception of part-whole rela- Volk. The question to be asked of each person was how compatible
tions could now be extended to higher organisms, such as races and their achievements and inner outlook were with the Nordic-German
peoples, and this led to a conception of race as an organic totality, in way of being (1935: 263).
which reproduction does not destroy or split the unity but realizes it. This racial relativism was also found in Philalethes Kuhn
In this sense, a race was outside time and history. It was an original (1870-1937) and Heinrich Wilhelm Kranz's (1897-1945) popularizing
living formation ('ein lebendiges Urbild'), and even though its origi- presentation of the problematics of Volk (1936). There was no uni-
136 Germany as Nordic Colony? Germany as Nordic Colony? 137
versal framework within which to judge the worth of a particular race, where the weakness of the government could lead to civil equality
and each Volk would see foreign (artfremd) racial elements as less for Negroes and other racially foreign peoples: France had betrayed
valuable than its own compatible (arteigen) ones. A racial element the white races (1937: 140-2).
that was beneficial to one people will be destructive and harmful to
another. Just as the nationalistic-Zionist Jew wished to drive out the
foreign mindset from the Jewish people, so the German people had The view from psychology: Gerhard Pfahler
not only the right but the duty to root out mercilessly all foreign
elements from the German people, and to promote the dynamic and
creative Nordic element. The psychologist Gerhard Pfahler (1897-1976) was concerned about
While recognizing the superiority and excellence of the Nordic the dangers of inner alienation, given the racial diversity of the
race, they also paid tribute to the beneficial effects of the other racial German Volk (1938: 152). It would be a mistake to represent the
elements of the German people in combination with the Nordic, for German people as being of a single racial style. While it might be
example the contribution of the Dinaric element to the production possible to have a Nordic psychology in an Alpine body, if all the
of musical geniuses. The Nordic race however determined the core of members of the Volk were to claim that they were Nordic, then the
each German's being. There was no intention to eradicate the Alpine, whole discussion would have become a farce (1938: 127). Either there
Dinaric and Mediterranean racial elements from the German people, was a fundamentally valid principle of the connection between body
as they were part of the German way of being. But the inferior and and psychology, and this connection determined ineluctably the racial
the pathological in each racial element of the German people had to fate of each person; or the German Volk was, in spite of all the bodily
be prevented from reproducing, so that the Nordic component was variation, made up of individuals who were all more or less Nordic.
not reduced further and remained the determining force. What had But if this was the case, why should we take race so seriously? The
to be destroyed was foreign (artfremd), i.e. non-European, blood second position made nonsense of racial anthropology (1938: 151).
and influence. Marxists and pacifists argued that racial mixing was Pfahler argued that it was a mistake to ascribe a Nordic soul to people
beneficial, and pointed out that the German people was racially of other races; this would be the end of racial anthropology (1938:
hybrid. But the key was the kind of mixing: there were beneficial and 150). We should not try to pretend that all Germans were Nordic
harmful forms of racial mixing (1936: 57-60). (1938: 125); nor should we allow the misconception that children
The German geneticist and dermatologist Hermann Siemens could be made more Nordic by the will of their parents (1938: 126).
(1891-1969), a professor at the University of Leiden, conceded that If the Nordic race was the ultimate source of all racial virtues such
'each race has its own eugenic values' (1937: 135), but of course the as discipline, self-composure and loyalty, then every member of the
eugenic health of one's own race was of most concern. He defined Volk would have to count as Nordic. But this would be to undermine
'our race' as the 'central European racial mix' ('mitteleuropaisches the fundamental tenets of racial anthropology, and the link between
Rassengemisch'); most of the key creative and scientific contributions body and psychology or soul. If it were accepted that there were dif-
to humanity had come from these races. The United States had had ferent races in the German Volk, then one single race could not have
the courage to recognize the importance of a cultural evaluation of a monopoly on these virtues. Each core racial element (Rassekern)
the races, and the greatest danger in Europe was the decline in the in the German Volk would then play its own special role in laying the
proportion of the Nordic race. Given the superiority of the predom- foundations of the new Reich (1938: 127). There were real correla-
inantly Nordic type (which Siemens admitted had occasionally been tions between race and hereditary personality (1938: 131), and these
somewhat overblown), its future must be protected. This was not to forms of hereditary endowment could not be wished away. Each core
drive a wedge between the blond- and brown-haired population; nor race had its own mission within the Volk.
should we favour a particular type over another in a mixed popula- Pfahler's basic answer to this problem was that it was the task of
tion. The determining factor was not the shape of the skull but the education to unite the Volk, to shape and protect its unity (1938: vii).
achievement and performance of the individual (1937: 137-9). What Where there was a danger of inner division, the shared history and a
was needed was a sense of racial pride. The original Hawaiians had common moral system would create a strong bond. It was the task of
been swamped by outsiders, and this was now happening in France, education to create these bonds, and this was why education main-
138 Germany as Nordic Colony? Germany as Nordic Colony? 139
tained a central role in the life of the Volk, within the mission laid The fact that the German Volk was not constituted out of a
down by National Socialism. Each race had its own possibilities and German race (Rasse) was clearly problematic both intellectually and
could attain its fulfilment in the service of the Volk - there thus politically. While Gunther had supplied the various races that made
remained a zone of freedom of action and potential within the up the German people types with their own psychological and cul-
unchangeable framework established by hereditary nature. Outside tural characteristics, the situation was unsatisfactory, in particular if
the Volk, there was no possibility for the individual to exist (1938: race theory was to be politically mobilized. While German culture
162-3).It was the task of hereditary psychology (Erbcharakterologie) recognized regional types, in part based on physical characteristics,
to give an account of the boundary between hereditary characteris- these regional types were also linguistic, cultural and confessional.
tics and environmental influences (1938: 24). However, this did not While Gunther's categories might pass for scientific in some eyes, the
entail recognizing the equality and equal worth of all members of the Nordic race aside, they had no direct reflex in popular culture or the
Volk; education could not overcome these fundamental differences. popular imagination. What were these races? What was their history?
The key question remained: what was the correct understanding What would be their future interaction? Whereas the German Volk
of the relationship between bodily type and racial psychology? In could be presented as a historical force with a historical mission,
the third edition of a work stressing the importance of education in nothing similar could be claimed of the Dinaric race. What great
spite of the fundamental role of heredity (Warum Erziehung trotz battles had it fought?
Vererbung?) Pfahler argued that the measure of an individual's worth Ultimately, as Walter Gross, the senior Party official with respon-
within the Volk was their contribution and achievements (Leistung) sibility for race, made repeatedly clear, there was never any question
in its service. Racial anthropology (Rassenkunde) and hereditary psy- of the Party and state authorities yielding their final authority in such
chology (Erbcharakterkunde) were now reconciled, as were racial matters to purely scholarly criteria. In any case, the scholars them-
anthropology and the study of human constitutional types (Konstitu- selves, for all their bluster, did not have coherent or convincing
tionslehre), as it had been shown that each race showed the same answers to offer. The regime increasingly sought to keep academic
basic variation in constitutional types, i.e. that these were separate and scholarly discussion of race separate from race propaganda in
dimensions of body-mind relations to those given by race (1938: the public sphere. This was to maintain control over the ideological
127-8). However, in his System der Typenlehre, Pfahler, while he messages being communicated to the general public, and to prevent
named 'race' (Rasse) and 'heredity' (Erbe) as the twin pillars of the racial anthropologists from setting themselves up as ideological
new social order founded on the Volk (Volksordnung), had nothing authorities.
to say about the categories of racial anthropology (1943: xiii). For political or propagandistic purposes, the concept of Volk,
unlike that of Rasse, was relatively unproblematic. Academic debate
about the composition of the Volk was not suppressed, but there was
Conclusion no political benefit to be gained from introducing definitional confu-
sions into the public sphere in an attempt to influence established
popular usage (Sieg 2001: 263). While Nordicist racial anthropologists
The dilemma of Nazism was that it emphasized the fundamental sought to exclude hybridity, the agreed 'facts' of German racial
importance of a scientific concept of race and a biological concept of history forced them to come to terms with racial mixing. Even the
heredity, yet the organizing concept of political Nazism, the Volk, was Nordic race was frequently understood as related to, or hybridized
not defined in either of these terms. It was neither Systemrasse nor with, the Phalian race. However, the Phalian race had no political or
Vitalrasse (Ruttke 1937b ). Both these theoretical options were seen historical resonance, and the popular image of the blond, blue-eyed
as potentially including Jews and other racial outsiders in the Volk, Nordic race had become a potential political liability.
in that they gave a scientific or biological basis to a cultural category
which had sometimes been understood as including Jews. A malign
focus on the Jews masked deep confusion, as it became increasingly
clear that racial anthropology did not have the intellectual tools to
disambiguate the nature of the German Volk.
The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity 141

Rohr (1890-1945). Schmidt-Rohr, a conservative nationalist, stressed

10 the fundamental role of language in the formation of Volk, arguing
that language outweighed racial factors in the process of identity
formation (Schmidt[-Rohr] 1917:22). Schmidt-Rohr's Die Sprache als
The Neutralization of Bildnerin der Volker (1932) must be understood with reference to the
perceived threat from theories emanating from racial anthropology,
Intellectual Diversity in particular Nordicism, to the unity of the Volk. Schmidt-Rohr rep-
resented the pre-racial concept of Volk, one grounded in the writings
of Fichte. In this tradition, there was no absolute racial barrier to
assimilation, as the concepts of racial anthropology had not been fully
absorbed into what was nonetheless a xenophobic model (Bartels
1920: 231).
Schmidt-Rohr's work was also welcomed as a strike against racial
Introduction dogma, seen as threatening the volkisch position (Thierfelder 1932:
257). Schmidt-Rohr recognized and accepted the distinction between
Rasse and Volk, but disputed the priority given to race over language
After theN azi seizure of power, many academics and ideologues who by racial theorists (1932: 289). The idealization of the Nordic race
already had long-standing involvement with the NSDAP, often in emphasized the divisions within the Volk, and encouraged arrogance
alliance with pro-Nazi students, sought to move closer to the centre towards a large portion of the German people (1932: 289, 291).
of power and to marginalize those they regarded as insufficiently Schmidt-Rohr, while noting that Jews were over-represented in the
committed politically. The opportunity that Nazism represented was divisive elements of the Volk, also attacked the racial anti-Semitism
the chance to gain institutional influence and prestige while guiding which claimed to distinguish those who could be assimilated into the
political decisions. Volk from those who could not. There was no relationship between
In racial anthropology and genetics, the 'Berlin group' associated language and race, in the sense that a particular race had a primor-
with the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut (Fischer, Muckermann, Verschuer) dial relationship to a particular language. Jews were a sub-group
initially lost ground to the more politically radical Munich eugeni- (Untergruppe) of the German people (1932: 301-2).
cists, led by Ernst Rudin. Figures such as Fischer were often seen as Hitler came to power as the second edition of this work was being
insufficiently committed politically, or as having contacts with unde- set in type, now entitled Muttersprache ('mother tongue'). In an
sirable elements. In Fischer's case, this was a reference to his collea- inserted discussion (written subsequent to the passing of the 1933
gue at the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut, the Catholic eugenicist Hermann Law for the Restoration of the Civil Service), Schmidt-Rohr spoke
Muckermann. Fischer, however, consented to Muckermann's of the pressure to remove or alter his section on the Jews, but he had
dismissal (Losch 1997: 243). A series of intellectual controversies decided to retain it. This was not because he was a great lover of
from the early years of the regime are sketched briefly below. justice or friend of the Jews, but as a matter of theoretical principle.
The intention is to illustrate the process of political coordination The real crisis of the Volk stemmed from the losses of territory and
( Gleichschaltung) as it affected intellectual debate and controversy, vitality, rising assimilation into other nations and the lack of internal
and the process whereby contentious policy issues debated by unity. These problems could not be solved by persecuting Jews as an
scholars were gradually removed from the public domain. outlet for the embittered discontent of the masses: cheap anti-
Semitism was no solution (1933: 309).
Georg Schmidt-Rolu and the worship of mother tongue Schmidt-Rohr argued that so-called 'Aryan peoples' had a great
deal of non-European blood; on average, more than the Jews them-
selves, who now belonged linguistically to the Aryans (1933: 311). In
One opponent of Nordicism and 'race-mysticism' who encountered a further page of explanation inserted into each edition, Schmidt-
political problems in the early days of Nazi rule was Georg Schmidt- Rohr stressed that he was arguing for the protection of Germans
142 The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity 143
outside the Reich (Auslandsdeutschtum), and he wished to stress that 1936: 362). Language -mother tongue - could unite across divisions
the German language was the key to their continued membership of of both space and time (Schmidt-Rohr 1934: 203). Schmidt-Rohr later
the German Volk. The German language played a 'maternal, holy published a summation of his theory in the journal Rasse, one of the
function' in the creation and self-determination of the Volk, in the major Nordicist publications. The piece ended with a plea for the
self-consciousness that was necessary for survival in the face of the recognition of mother-tongue ideology (Sprachgedanke) as compati-
threat of assimilation. Schmidt-Rohr acknowledged that his state- ble with racial ideology (Rassegedanke) (Schmidt-Rohr 1939b).
ments had led him to be misunderstood as a liberal defender of the The controversy clarified for linguists and others that the word
Jews, but he had been writing out of consideration for overall politi- Volk, as used in academic and popular discourse, must be understood
cal aims, i.e. the defence of the Volk. He now recognized that his as excluding the Jews. The linguistics of Volk and 'mother tongue' as
attacks on the exaggerations of race theory and the mistakes of anti- pursued by linguists such as J. Leo Weisgerber, Georg Schmidt-Rohr
Semitism had been overtaken by events. The text of this explanation and others needs to be read in this light. Weisgerber stressed that the
also appeared in the journal of the German Academy (Schmidt-Rohr study of race belonged to the natural sciences, whereas language was
1934). Schmidt-Rohr, who had joined the NSDAP at the end of April a 'cultural phenomenon' (1933/4: 171 (issue 16)). Edgar Glasser, like
or early May 1933, was threatened with expulsion from the Party, but Weisgerber a neo-Humboldtian, attacked what he saw as confusions
he was eventually rehabilitated by the Race Policy Office in 1939 (see in Schmidt-Rohr and Weisgerber's understanding of the relationship
extensive discussion in Simon 1979, 1985a, 1985b, 1986a). of Rasse to Volk, and stressed that race was fundamental for the study
What was required from Schmidt-Rohr was that he recognize that of language (Glasser 1939: 56). Glasser argued that his intellectual
Jews were not part of the German Volk, and that he cease his attacks opponents saw languages as creating peoples rather than the reverse
on the Nordic ideology and racial anthropology. This episode illus- ( 1939: 57). However, Glasser failed to give any explanatory substance
trates how the linguistic category of Volk -like that of 'Aryan' -was lo his claim that languages were racially determined, and his attempt
disambiguated in the early period of Nazi rule. Schmidt-Rohr repre- to merge race and language lost ground to Weisgerber's school. Weis-
sented the Herder-Fichte tradition, which stressed above all the inner gerber's neo-Humboldtian linguistics assumed the ascendancy in the
unity and solidarity of the Volk. Linguists tended to distrust what they Third Reich, and remained dominant in the Federal Republic until
saw as the materialism of racial anthropology (as opposed to vital- the 1970s.
ism of linguistics), and its neglect of the fundamental role of language
in identity formation (Debrunner 1932: 307; Romer 1989: 143). In this
'linguistic' tradition, cultural, psychological and descent or blood ties
were not fully disambiguated. The language community was a total
community of the like-minded, sharing a common 'world-view' and Eugen Fischer and the Nordic race
a common set of ethical and philosophical concepts that distinguished
them from neighbouring peoples. This model of the Volk was in one I laving delivered a talk in Berlin on 1 February 1933 entitled 'Race
sense more 'totalitarian' than that offered by racial anthropologists, crossing and intellectual performance', (Fischer 1936a), Fischer came
who were required by their own disciplinary training to recognize the under attack for his views on race mixing. Fischer had argued that
existence of a fundamental hybridity. many of the great Germans had come from racially mixed areas of
The effect of this controversy was not to marginalize volkisch lin- ( lcrmany, that the Nordic race in its pure state had not achieved as
guistics in the Third Reich, but rather to emphasize the methodolog- much as in a mixed state. There were examples of gifted Mischlinge,
ical separation between the study of race and the study of language. such as Pushkin and Booker T. Washington. The German Volk was
Language remained fundamental, since it was the outer sign of the fortunate in having benefited from not only the highly gifted Nordic
unity of the Volk. The 'mother tongue' of each Volk was a precious race, but also from the other racial elements of the German people.
possession which should be protected from all forms of violence; The talk was reported in the press, and triggered an attack by Lothar
mother tongue was 'its inner eye, its forms of thought with all its pos- ( lottlieb Tirala (1886-1974) in the journal Volk und Rasse (1934a).
sibilities of constructing the world. It is the voice of the childhood of I 'ischer also came under attack from the pro-Nazi Munich Society for
the people, and of its future, its memories and its longings' (Vossler I ·:ugenics, being sharply criticized by Karl Astel and Bruno K. Schultz.
144 The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity 145
His name was removed from the masthead of the Archiv fur Rassen- able (1934a: 186). Tirala focused in particular on Fischer's use of the
und Gesellschaftsbiologie (Weindling 1985: 316). concept of 'hybrid vigour' (Luxurieren der Bastarde). Tirala argued
Similar views on racial mixing had been expressed by Hermann that Fischer had exaggerated its importance, since it was not a general
Muckermann. Muckermann argued that the contribution of the phenomenon, and often the second and third generation lacked vital-
Nordic race was at its greatest where it had mixed in a harmonious ity (1934a: 186). There was psychological vulnerability in the case of
way with other compatible racial groups. The mixing of the Nordic Lapp-Germanic and Jewish-Germanic racial crossing, particularly an
race with the Phalian, Dinaric and Alpine races was without doubt 'inner conflict'; the offspring were less fit than their parents, and no
'harmonious', and it made no sense to argue about which line of great scholar or artist had been produced by such a union. What kind
inheritance (Erblinie) was the most important. This form of mixing of 'hybrid vigour' could he show in relation to the Rehobother? Now
was distinct from that with 'racially foreign' (fremdrassig) elements that finally, after an era marked by promiscuous miscegenation, we
(Muckermann 1933: 20-1). were entering a period of racial consciousness, it was irresponsible
Tirala argued as follows: At the turn of the century, racial anthro- for Fischer to claim that racial mixing was a positive phenomenon.
pologists (Rassenkundler) rather than biologists were involved in There was a need for a careful process of selection, i.e. to do the oppo-
measuring the body, skull, face, colour of hair, skin, eyes. They were site of what Fischer recommended, and revive the will of the Ger-
concerned with the question of the mixing of races, particular the manic forebears for the cultivation of the German stock ('deutsche
effect of racial mixing on skull shape. Opponents of racial anthro- Zucht', 1934a: 187).
pology had an easy target, as they could point out that long-skulled The editorial board offered Fischer the chance to reply (Fischer
Sicilians became medium-long-skulled without racial mixing but as a 1934). Fischer had little difficulty in dealing with the first part of
result of environmental factors; and that short-skulled Jews of Near Tirala's attack, as he could show that he himself had been credited
Eastern race in North America became more long-skulled. The racial with the rejection of the old descriptive anthropology. It was Fischer
anthropologists had no answer to this. It was with the help of modern who had argued for the importance of modern biology of heredity
genetics that the idea of skull shape as genetically determined could (Vererbungsbiologie) to racial anthropology, eugenics and population
be defended. Each measurable attribute was the expression of a 'reac- politics (Bevolkerungspolitik), and he had been the earliest (1913)
tion norm' (Reaktionsnorm), which was fixed genotypically. Thus, it and strongest advocate of the importance of 'anthropobiology' for
was not a particular skull shape that was inherited, but a 'reaction eugenics. Fischer argued that he had shown that in some cases one
norm', which allowed for variation according to particular conditions. could observe vigour, in others hybrid pauperization. He had stressed
The example Tirala gave was of the plant primula Sinensis which that the Rehobother were inferior to whites, and that they should
bloomed a different colour when subjected to high temperatures. We never be allowed to intermix with 'our race'. Tirala was citing news-
would not say that the heat has created a new inherited feature. For paper reports and other unreliable sources, which were reports from
Tirala, the stubbornly materialistic approach of many anthropologists Jewish reporters (1934: 247). Fischer pointed to his long-standing
had to be overcome in order to get a living notion of race and 'reac- warnings against the introduction of foreign 'genetic lines' into the
tion norm'. This involved understanding that the organism does German people, regardless of their eugenic quality, so as to preserve
respond to the environment, without the environment having the the unique racial character.
power to create new inherited characteristics (1934a: 185). The envi- Fischer diagnosed the cause of the attacks in his warnings against
ronment did not have a creative input (erzeugend) but only a deter- the exaggerated idealization of the importance of the Nordic race.
minative (bestimmend) one (1934a: 186). The culture of the German people could not be carried by the Nordic
Fischer was further accused of suggesting that racial mixing was race alone; the great men of German history - Luther, Bismarck,
unproblematic, and that from an anthropological point of view there Frederick the Great, etc.- were not purely Nordic in appearance. But
was no problem, so long as both parents were of equal racial value Fischer emphasized that the achievements of the German people and
(gleichwertig). It was a matter of pure chance whether someone was of these great individuals would not have been possible without the
blue- or brown-eyed, blond or dark-haired; this was little more than intellectual character, sensibility, will, heroism of the Nordic race. The
a question of aesthetics. This implied that the 'random mixing' of the Nordic race was the most important element of the Volk. Hitler had
main German races was not only unproblematic but actually desir- called it the 'core' (Kern), but these achievements were those of the
146 The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity 147
German Volk as a whole. We should not see Germans with brown ity and the racial mixing of the upper stratum with other social
hair as inferior; there were peoples with a greater Nordic component groups, and that such mixing was the cause of cultural development.
who had fewer achievements on the world stage than the Germans. Tirala argued that he had been at the forefront of the struggle for
They also had high racial value, but why should this view of the the regeneration of the German people, and had attacked Spengler's
achievements of our people be attacked? Could one say that the mystical notion of racial decline in 1920, several years before Fritz
Scandinavians have given more to the common European culture Lenz. He had shown that the fall of peoples was caused by racial
than the Germans? The other 'German races' were not of inferior mixing, which led to changes in world-view (1934b: 356). Fischer had
quality. defended the Jesuit Muckermann, and had not wished to accept his
Fischer argued that he had been a pioneer in the recognition of resignation. Along with his Catholic friends, Fischer had preferred the
the special value of the Nordic race, even before the celebrated term Eugenik to Rassenhygiene. But eugenics on its own ignored the
Nordic ideologue, GUnther (in Fischer 1923: 167), and at risk to his specific racial quality of a Volk, and offered only general rules for all
career. He had stressed that the common foundation of Indogermanic peoples.
culture had been laid in its Nordic homeland. What upset many was Tirala remained sceptical as to whether Fischer supported Nordi-
the idea that racial crossing with closely related and equal races could fication or not. Where was his evidence of the exaggerated praise of
produce particularly gifted individuals (1934: 249). This was shown by the Nordic element? Tirala argued that the best elements of the
Greek high culture, one of the greatest products of the Indogermanic German Volk needed to be promoted, and that this should be done
spirit. Did anyone want to say that the Greeks, for example Pericles, on the basis of experimental genetics, so that the will to reclaim a par-
were racially pure Nordics? (1934: 249). There were other Mediter- ticular type could be translated into the actual realization of that type,
ranean racial elements. Similarly, the Italian Renaissance had not even if it had been severely diminished by racial mixing. The great
been created by pure Nordics. Fischer was against any mixing with men of the Volk had been of the 'Germanic race' (germanische
foreign races, including the Jews. Wherever the Nordic race was elim- Rasse), made up of the Nordic and the Phalian race (1934b: 356).
inated, the culture declined; but it was a serious mistake to argue that Tirala conceded that in the case of many great German figures,
the entire culture of the Near East and Egypt and so on had been their phenotypical appearance included characteristics of the Dinaric
created by Indogermanic groups (1934: 250). and the Alpine races; but the question was whether these figures
The Volk was a community ( Gemeinschaft) and even if someone became great on account of this mixing, or in spite of it. The Dinaric
was born small of stature and dark-haired, that individual had the and Alpine elements, Tirala argued, generally failed to bring any sig-
right to be associated with the Nordic spirit of the ancestors, and nificant contribution to the make-up of genius, and more often than
should have no feelings of inferiority in relation to his blood, as these not they appeared as disruptive to the overall racial harmony of the
bloodlines could be traced back to the original source of the entire individual (1934b: 357).
German Volk. The new land policy of Hitler and Darn~ would Tirala concluded by accusing Fischer of arrogance. There had been
promote those who made their living on the land, as the only true no need for our forefathers to wait for Fischer's insights in order to
source of renewal and regeneration in the Volk. The community of understand what 'eugenics' was all about; they carried it out uncon-
the Volk was one to which each racial element could contribute for sciously through the cultivation of the stock (Rassezucht). Fischer had
the enrichment of the collective national existence (1934: 251). boasted of his achievements in 1913, but in the USA they had known
Tirala in reply (1934b) claimed he had relied on reports from about this long before and had tried to stop black-white mixing. His
experts; it was Fischer's fault if he had been misunderstood. These dispute with Fischer represented a struggle between two distinct
experts had all had the impression that he was warning against 'racial understandings of the world ('Kampf zweier Weltauffassungen',
purity' (Reinrassigkeit). He should have made his views clearer 1934b: 357). Tirala continued his attack on Fischer in his book Rasse,
before the coming to power of the National Socialists. Predictably, Geist und Seele (1935: 49, 52-3).
Tirala disputed Fischer's various claims to pioneer status, claiming Fischer further clarified his view of the question of racial mixing
priority for himself in advocating eugenics in 1905. Fischer had in an interview with Charlotte Kohn-Behrens (Kohn-Behrens 1934).
argued that there was a relationship between the rise of a collectiv- There, Fischer stressed the centrality of the woman in practical
148 The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity 149
eugenics, in the avoidance of 'damage to our blood', in particular in of different racial features. It was wrong to present such faces as rep-
relation to her following her healthy instincts in the choice of a resenting racial elements of the German Volk: they were more prop-
husband. It was particularly important in the case of the woman, since erly seen as deterrent examples of uncontrolled racial mixing (Fischer
her children would 'stay in the Fatherland'. This was not to say that 1936b: 192-3).
the man was not to be condemned 'if he causes one of those unfor-
tunate creatures to be born, which is what these Bastards are, because
two blood natures (Blutarten) are at war within them'. Given that it
A German race?
was exceptionally rare for new racial characteristics to appear, if it
were possible to eradicate all the negative lines of inheritance
(Erblinien) in the Volk, then 'we would arrive at a total restoration Giinther, following Fischer, had stressed that there was no possibil-
of our health' ('eine vollkommene Gesundung'). Given that inher- ity of the future creation of a 'German race' (Giinther [1922] 1934:
ited characteristics persisted down the generations, each man and 255). However, this idea, representing as it did the future reconcilia-
woman must respect the demand for racial purity (1934: 51-2). tion of the categories of Volk and Rasse, had obvious intellectual and
German culture, which had arisen over thousands of years, could only ideological, not to mention political, attractions. One logical conclu-
be sustained by the racial combination of the Nordic as the leading sion of a positive evaluation of the hybrid nature of the German Volk
race (Fuhrerin) and the Alpine and Dinaric races, which were to a was that as a collective it was, or could become, a race. One potential
degree its equals in value. Any admixture of foreign (artfremd) racial problem with this forward-looking or dynamic view of the biological
elements, for example of the Near Eastern-Oriental race (that is the status of Volk was that it did not sufficiently clearly exclude Jews and
Jews) was to be spurned (1934: 52). other racially foreign elements. It was redolent of the geographical
Fischer argued for a legal duty for all lineages with hereditary concept of race (associated now with Lamarck), which implied that
illness to register, now that the Law on Sterilization had been passed. distinct racial lines could coalesce into new racial unities. It carried
This would allow the processes of selection and weeding-out to take the potential implication that foreign elements would be included in
effect, 'which are found in exemplary fashion in nature'. The strong the future German race by virtue of their absorption linguistically
anti-Jewish policies would prevent this form of racial crossing from and culturally into the Volk. It also suggested that races could not
reoccurring (1934: 54). Fischer ended the interview with a panegyric only be created, but also die out as part of a strictly biological process.
in praise of higher birth-rates, to ensure that exceptional individuals Fischer's adaptation of Mendel had offered reassurance that only
were born (usually not the first-born), and to promote the vitality of external factors such as war and conquest could lead to the destruc-
the Volk in its competition with its neighbours. This was all summed tion of a race.
up by a quotation from Friedrich Nietzsche: 'Give me the man who Egan von Eickstedt affirmed that Germany itself was defined pri-
is fit for war, and the woman who is fit for childbirth!' ('Kriegsti.ichtig marily by its status as a political union- albeit incomplete- of speak-
wiinsche Ich mir den Mann, gebiirtiichtig das Weib!', 1934: 54). ers of the German language. Physical anthropology did not recognize
Fischer was the ultimate winner in the academic politics of the a German race, or even a Germanic race. While he agreell that the
Third Reich, and Tirala, who clearly believed he represented true German Volk was made up of a number of different races identified
Nazi ideology in this exchange, was side-lined (Reiber 1991: 445-60; by Giinther, this was not the end of the story (Eickstedt 1934b). The
Weingart et al. 1992: 541). As part of his complex 'two-track' com- force that bound these disparate races into a single unity, the Volk,
mentary on racial mixing, Fischer later attributed ugliness to dishar- was culture - in particular language. While there was no equivalence
monious racial crossing. This ugliness was particularly prevalent in between Rasse and Volk, there was however a relationship, since race
large cities and industrial regions, as opposed to the racially pure, was a physical collectivity based on blood relationships, whereas Volk
more inbred rural populations. The race Giinther referred to as the was the cultural collectivity based on blood relationships (1934b: 11).
'Alpine' race was frequently presented as the ugliest; but these were Eickstedt argued that each Volk had a predominant race, and that
in Fischer's view mixed types of East Baltic, Alpine and often truly in the German people the Nordic race was the dominant trait and
'Eastern', i.e. Mongoloid. It was not generally possible to offer an harmonizing force (1934b: 11). Out of the ancient races and their
accurate racial diagnosis of the face among products of such an array sub-types (Rassen and Unterrassen) emerged new racial types, with
150 The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity 151

their own sub-types (the terms are Volkstypus and Gautypus).It was recent forms, there existed clear continua in variation (1930: 215). The
the Volk not the Rasse which was the dynamic historical force (1934b: geography of human physical variation in Europe (as measured by
12). Race was an end point, Volk a point of departure. In this sense, eye colour, height, skull shape, etc.) showed fluid boundaries and
Volker were races in the making, and the biological carriers of the irregularities, and it was therefore senseless to impose rigid bound-
future of humanity. aries on these phenomena on the basis of isolated extreme types cor-
On this model, the German Volk was the German race in inchoate responding to different peoples or Volker.
form; a formation which was fundamentally formed out of the Nordic Saller made use of Kurt Gerlach's (1889-1976) studies of the dis-
race, and in dialectic with the other races, was forging the racial tribution of different abilities and talents in the various regional
future. But this raised a further problem. There were two foreign branches or 'tribes' (Stiimme) of the German people (Gerlach 1929)
peoples in Germany, the Jews and the Gypsies (Eickstedt 1934b: to conclude that though each individual branch might have its own
28-31). In addition, Catholics in the south of Germany, part of a pop- characteristics, there was no evidence for designating one of the races
ulation which was heavily Dinaric rather than Nordic, had a higher in the German Volk as producing more creative, scientific, political
birth-rate than Protestants in the north. The German birth-rate was or military talent. German culture was a creation of the interplay of
lower than other nations in Europe, and within Germany the birth- regional identities. It did not arise in the heartlands of the so-called
rate among the intellectual, skilled classes and independent farmers 'pure' races, but rather arose in the transitional and mixed zones,
was much lower than among the unskilled and the criminal (1934b: where several races overlapped. A sound Volk had to possess numer-
59-61). Eickstedt's dynamic model retained the xenophobic features ous possibilities of combination, the genetic material of which must
of Gunther's racial anthropology, but attributed the fundamental his- be transmitted through different racial forms, and these forms must
torical role to Volk rather than Rasse. His position however was not be able to interact in an appropriate way. Only a harmonious mixture
anti-Nordicist: it was not a matter of indifference whether the Nordic of races (Bastardgemisch) was a sufficient buffer against vicissitudes,
element increased or decreased, or whether there were stronger influ- and gave sufficient breadth to its quality as a people (Volkheit). The
ences from east or west (Eickstedt 1934b: 56). Eickstedt did not go specialized breeding towards particular types would always end in
so far as to claim that there really was an existing German race. fiasco if they went beyond the area for which they have been spe-
A more radical view of this question was taken by Karl Saller cialized - this was true in the case of people, as well as in the animal
(1902-1969), who argued that the German race had already come and plant worlds. This was the lesson of the botanical researches of
into existence. Saller, a student of Rudolf Martin, was something of Friedrich Merkenschlager (1933, 1934).
a maverick. Saller was ambivalent about Darwinism, and his teleo- Saller's conclusion was that it was not particular races that should
logical language, and eclecticism with regard to biological theories, be promoted - since there was such variation in any particular race
put him at odds with a developing academic orthodoxy grounded in that both good and bad qualities would occur - but rather proven
neo-Darwinism. But he was also a volkisch thinker, who wished to individuals and proven lines of inheritance (Erblinien), the identities
put his theories at the service of the German people and the Nazi of which can be ascertained through the creation of appropriate envi-
state. For Saller, the development of new races (Rassenentstehung) ronmental conditions (1930: 219). Saller insisted that races should not
was in principle the same as that of new species (Artwerdung), since be seen as fixed and that the boundaries between them were fluid.
the development of a new race could be understood as a step towards Processes of mutation (a process about which nothing definite was
the development of a new species. Saller rejected the conventional known), as well as racial mixing within a particular community, could
view of the present-day racial configuration of Europe, which held give rise to new races. The objects of research should not be forced
that the original races were found in a relatively pure form in a few into an abstract schema (1930: 220).
areas, while other areas represented transitional zones of mixing. Both Merkenschlager and Saller had made themselves personally
Rather, these so-called pure zones were the result of the isolation of unpopular with various influential personages before the Nazi's rise
a particular set of variants, which on account of their extreme devel- to power. In an attack on Gunther, Friedrich Merkenschlager (1927)
opment appear particularly striking. Even in prehistorical times there had claimed that, with the Alpine and Dinaric component, southern
were continua between races and a transgressive variability of most Germany had up to 80 per cent 'yellow blood' from the Mongol race.
characteristics, i.e. where there are offspring produced with pheno- Saller rejected what he saw as Gunther's unfounded 'construct'
types that exceed the parental extremes (1930: 214). In the case of (Konstruktion) of the Nordic race (Luddecke 1995: 59ff.; Weingart
152 The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity 153
et al. 1992: 318). What was important historically was the propitious the static taxonomy of Gunther and the fixed racial characteristics
mixing of racial elements: 'almost all the creators of modern Euro- described by Eugen Fischer (Saller 1963: 37). Race was understood
pean culture are bastards from the point of view of genetics'. It was as the dynamic interaction of environment and inheritance (Merken-
impossible for a single pure race to have played the significant role schlager 1933: 27), rather than as a fixed inventory of racial features.
that was ascribed to it (Saller 1932: 241). Ideally, race was a state of equilibrium, one in which a race was
Saller's model of human racial history paid little heed to anxieties grounded in the environment and nourished by it in an alliance of
about hybridity between east and west. Germany itself was under- soil, plant and man (1933: 31). There were no pure races, and
stood as a racial crossroads between Romance influence in the west Germany's strength lay in its position at the crossroads of the Ger-
and Slavic in the east. It was these mixtures that gave the southern manic, the Celtic and the Slavic worlds (1933: 47). Volk rather than
German Volk its dynamic character, in contrast to the relatively slow race was the highest expression or principle of humanity; eugenics,
developments in the north (1932: 239). Further, there was no neces- and the artificial favouring of one race, were expressions of racial
sary correlation between the achievements of a people or race and materialism (1933: 59-60).
its potential (1932: 239). In addition to his geographical use of the Volk was the living organic community, united by and interacting
term, Saller also used 'race' in a 'vertical sense', i.e. to refer to the through a common language, though not reducible to a linguistic
development of caste and class distinctions, and noted the rise of a community. The Volk was not defined by its links to an original
high-achieving class of black Americans (1932: 241-2). (This use of biological community, but was itself an actual living community
the term 'race' was later held against Saller as the distortion of a (Merkenschlager 1934: 43). The concepts of Volk and Rasse should
concept which was foundational for the new order (Luddecke 1995: be fused (Merkenschlager and Saller 1934; Luddecke 1995: 80). In a
89).) The Jews were formed by a different racial composition to their work named after the fabled lost Germanic city Vineta, which devel-
European 'host peoples' (Wirtsvolker), by their separateness as a oped Moeller van den Bruck's idea of the Prussian people as a syn-
reproductive community: thesis of Germanic and the Slavic (wendisch) (Breuer 2001: 74;
LutzhOft 1971: 155-7), Saller and Merkenschlager evoked an ideal
The importance of the Jews for the development of western culture is meeting place of east and west, and looked forward to a new age of
a matter of controversy. There is no question but that the Jew is essen- exchange and interaction between different racial currents and tem-
tially different in type from the western peoples. To this one should peraments symbolized by the Prussian people.
add that the frequent occurrences of hostility nowadays between the For Saller, Gunther's model had wrongly portrayed the Alpine and
Jews and their guest peoples must be attributed at least as much to the the East Baltic races as inferior. In fact, this mongrel mixture or 'Bas-
similarity in their aptitudes as to differences in type, as this leads to an tardgemenge' was a stage on the way to a new, higher German race
intensely competitive relationship. The Jewish spirit [Geist] is, next to
(Saller 1934: 17; Breuer 2001: 74-6). Germany's future strength was
the autochthonous culture, the main driving force in western culture
(Lenz) and to this culture Jews have contributed with many brilliant one in which all racial currents had a great role to play, i.e. those from
gifts. Anti-semitism is therefore unjustified, in so far as it is directed the north, the south, the east and the west (Merkenschlager and Saller
against Jews as a matter of principle. It is only justified when it involves 1935: 139). This was an implied criticism of conventional paranoid
a rejection of far-reaching particularist demands and those activities fears of the Asiatic hordes to the east (Merkenschlager 1933: 59) and
which seek to undermine or fragment the state, activities which are of the idealization of the Nordic race. It involved an unequivocal
associated with substantial parts of the Jewish people (Hennig). (Saller embrace of the vitality of a Volk as created by diverse and contrast-
1932:253) ing racial currents in their interactions with diverse landscapes. The
idea of the German Volk as a meeting point of Germanic, Celtic and
Richard Hennig (1874-1951) was a noted authority in geopolitics Slavic (Wendisch) was also in crass contradiction to the Nazi policy
(Hennig 1931). On the evidence of this quotation at least, Saller was towards the Sorbs (known as Wenden), where the problem was
not a racial anti-Semite, but politically a volkisch one (see also Saller understood in terms of a segregation into pure elements rather than
1934: 56; Luddecke 1995: 71). synthesis (see below). This ideology of balance between east and west
Saller and Merkenschlager emphasized the dynamics of racial was however implicitly expansionist, since the German Volk, in order
contact and interaction between races and landscape, and rejected to rise again after the trauma of defeat and destruction, needed 'as
154 The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity 155
much east as it has west' ('Deutschland braucht so viel Osten wie es composite would never have achieved its many-sidedness without the
Western hat', Merkenschlager and Saller 1935: 137). leadership of the Nordic race. Saller had argued that the German race
Although Saller and Merkenschlager used the categories of tradi- was a product of the towns and cities, but this was where the Jewish
tional racial anthropology, these were seen as undergoing constant influence had taken hold. Saller's work seemed to accord recognition
change and interaction. These categories were less significant in to this Jewish component as part of the German Volk. It was wrong
themselves than the interactions of race within Volk. Rather than the to equate the Nordic race simplistically with certain physical charac-
static, materialist category of anthropological race or Systemrasse, teristics: Nordic qualities were as much psychological as physical
they gave priority to the concept of Vitalrasse (1935: 86-7). The evo- (1934: 189). Without the Nordic ideal, our conception of the German
cation of direct interaction between 'soil, plant and man' involved a Volk would be that it was 'colourless, uncombative, equalizing'
rejection of orthodox neo-Darwinism and Mendelian racial anthro- (Leonhardt 1934: 190).
pology, as well as an attack on Gunther's racial taxonomy. It was The idea of a single German race was clearly identified with oppo-
heresy to suggest that the environment and landscape could directly sition to the promotion of the Nordic race as the leading race
act upon the racial characteristics of a people (Rittershaus 1936: 181). (Fiihrerrasse) within the German Volk. This was one area in which
This involved a rejection of Darwin's theory as the overarching expla- Walter Gross did indeed feel it necessary to intervene directly in aca-
nation for evolution and change (Saller 1949: 26-8). In his post-war demic debate. In a confidential circular issued from the Race Policy
account of the relationship between race theory and Nazism, Saller Office in Berlin dated 2 October 1934 (reprinted in Poliakov and Wolf
identified the work of Darwin, Haeckel and Mendel as crucial in the 1983: 411-13; Saller 1963: 83ff.), Gross made it clear that any talk of
shift from religious to biological, race-based anti-Semitism (1961: 23). the existence of a German race was both 'factually and politically
For Saller, Nazi race theory (and therefore Nazism itself) was a erroneous and damaging'. The background to this contention was a
product of scientific materialism. desire to mitigate what Gross recognized was the exaggerated and
one-sided rhetoric of the 'movement for the Nordic race' (nordische
Rassenbewegung). While National Socialist ideology did not stand in
need of academic proof, it was necessary that science played a role
Walter Gross and the idea of a German race
in the intellectual struggle with the enemies of National Socialism. In
this it would be a disaster if the scientific findings on which its racial
Like Fischer, Saller came under attack for favouring racial mixing. theories were based could be set aside for the sake of political con-
While Fischer needed only to shift his rhetorical ground slightly to venience, thus allowing the enemies of National Socialism to deny or
avoid political trouble, Saller, by advocating the existence of a German ignore the reality of the laws of inheritance. There was a German lan-
race within a neo-Lamarckian framework, was on a collision course guage, a German people, but racially Germany was a racial mix, and
with the academic and political establishment. Saller saw in this ideal- any racial description of the Germans must take account of this. The
ization of the Nordic race a latent hostility to German nationalism, concept of 'race' was thus defined by natural science, and $hould be
dubbing it the 'Nordic International' promoted by foreigners such as strictly distinguished from the sense in which we might speak of a
Gobineau, Vacher de Lapouge and Chamberlain (1934: 44). In the German person or the German people.
N ordicist journal Rasse Kurt Holler (1935a) poured scorn on their pro- Gross seemed to recognize that one possible motive for proposing
motion of the idea of a 'German race'. This theory had been promoted the existence of a German race was that of demonstrating the unity
by political undesirables such as Willy Hellpach, and by Jews like of the German people. However, he argued that this use of the term
Hertz, Friedenthal and Weidenreich. The idea that any infusion of race was characteristic of the enemies of National Socialism, in par-
Slavic blood into the German Volk was invigorating had to be rejected. ticular of 'Jewish-liberal and ultramontane' (Catholic) thought in
Holler called for the Race Policy Office to intervene. which external factors, such as a common history, language or citi-
Ludwig Leonhardt, an advocate of Nordification, attacked Saller zenship over blood lineage, were given precedence. This allowed Jews
for his acceptance of the ideas of the 'Jewish researcher' Franz Boas and Gypsies to be included in an Austrian or German race. Gross
regarding the plasticity of races, for promoting the idea of racial associated this viewpoint with the Berliner Tageblatt, and with the
mixing, and for his rejection of the priority of the Nordic race (1934). Austrian Chancellor Dr Engelbert Dollfuss, but he noted that com-
While the German Volk was a racial composite, that diverse racial ments from National Socialists such as Adolf Bartels and Achim
r56 The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity I57
Gercke had been picked up and interpreted by enemies of National This Saller understood to be in keeping with the political leaders of
Socialism as indicating a weakening of the ideology. the day, with Moeller van den Bruck, and with what Hitler had said
The next point of Gross's circular returned to the question of the after the Nazis had taken power. Saller's last words to his students
Nordic ideal and its potentially divisive impact, noting that he had a were: 'But it does move! Long live the German race in motion!'. ('Und
year previously expressed his opposition to the erroneous and one- sie bewegt sich doch! Es lebe die deutsche Rasse in der Bewegung!')
sided promotion of the external characteristics of the Nordic race as In addition to the allusion to Galileo, the word Bewegung
an ideal. This could give rise to feelings of racial inferiority and also contained a dig at the Nazi 'movement', known as die Bewegung
damage the unity of the national community (Volksgemeinschaft). (Weingart et al. 1992: 540). Vineta was banned (as 'nationalist-
Gross did not however reject the Nordic ideal, but he suggested not bolshevik', Saller 1961: 61), as was Friedrich Merkenschlager's
discussing the German racial mix or at least underplaying it to avoid Rassensonderung, Rassenmischung, Rassenwandlung (1933). Merken-
these unfortunate consequences. Talk of a German race should be schlager was also imprisoned for a period (Ltiddecke 1995: 87). The
quietly corrected in schools and other institutions, without making a downfall of Saller and Merkenschlager was greeted with jubilation by
public issue out of the question. If any public pronouncements were the Nordicists (Holler 1935b ). Michael Hesch (1935) noted that Vineta
to be made, they were to come from Gross himself. had been seen in Poland as justifying German expansionist claims in
For Gross there were at least two levels to discourse about race. the east and was being used in anti-German propaganda. This alone
There was the full complexity of racial theory, with its attendant sci- justified banning the work.
entific debates and controversies, within which Gunther's model of Saller was unfortunate in being in key respects ahead of his time,
the racial composition of the Volk achieved semi-canonical status. in particular in rejecting the static model of racial anthropology and
Then there was public or popular discourse about race, in which the promoting a dynamic understanding of Volk. Similarly, his rejection
Volk was presented both as a moral and biological community. The (1934: 32-4) of the idea of a simple association of the Nordic race
problem for Gross was not so much that of reconciling these two with the long-skull feature and his discussion of skull-rounding
levels of racial doctrine, but of keeping them from interacting in the (attributed to 'self-domestication'), while it may have contributed in
public domain and causing confusion in the minds of the German context to his profile as a anthropological dissident (Ltiddecke 1995:
public, thereby giving succour to the enemies of National Socialism. 75), was not in principle at all out of step with the evolving main-
The consequence of this was that race theory as academic or intel- stream position. Saller's support for closer links between eugenics
lectual discourse was much more politically sensitive than most other and medicine was also prescient (Saller 1933; Weingart et al. 1992:
areas of academic inquiry, even where that discourse was being pro- 318-19; Ltiddecke 1995: 72). However, Saller's model was suspect on
duced by approved ideologues or committed National Socialists. grounds of environmentalism and neo-Lamarckianism. Saller's
Race theorists were subject to much greater political control than biological eclecticism, and an eastern-oriented model of the hybrid
other academics and intellectuals. The question of the racial defini- German Volk, were also political liabilities. There were also funda-
tion of the German Volk was particularly sensitive in relation to the mental problems with the phrase 'German race'. The coqcept of a
eastern border between the German Volk and its racial others. In his 'German race' was after all intellectually analogous to that of an
final handout as a university teacher (17 January 1935), Saller made 'Aryan race'. The diffusion of this concept would have created disar-
the following statement: ray in the public sphere and its established discursive order. In that
order, the bridge between the academic and the popular was achieved
Races are not fixed in nature, unchanging over many eons. Like all by the concept Volk.
living things, they flow in a continual stream of change, in a tension
between differentiation and levelling. Races are not merely of the
body, they are of the mind and spirit. Thus history has led us from
earlier races to our present German race and we have grown up to Hybridity and racial policy
take our place in the community of peoples, a community in which we
have always wished to assert our place though our own achievements
in the great days of our history - this in the spirit of our dead broth- On one level, nationality policy, i.e. racial and ethnic policy on assim-
ers of the world war. (Saller 1935) ilation or reassimilation (Umvolkung), was guided by a clear set of
158 The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity 159
principles. In a memorandum produced by the Race Policy Office of public debate. Overall, National Socialist policy towards _the Slavs
in 1939 ([Report 3] 1939), foreign elements were divided into two did not follow a single, theoretical logic (Connelly 1999). Th1s was the
groups, regional minorities (Minderheiten) who belonged to a differ- case in relation to the Sorbs. In contemporary terms, the Sorbs
ent, neighbouring Volk and 'parasites' (Parasiten), such as Jews and (Sorben) would be viewed as a Slavic-speaking ethnolinguistic_min?r-
Gypsies. The Gypsies were defined as racially degenerate elements ity living within the boundaries of the German state. For Naz1 pohcy
(Entartungsteile) of an original nomadic people. Four policy options makers and racial anthropologists, the question was whether the
in relation to foreign elements within the Volk were discussed (1939: Sorbs known in German sources of the period as Wends (Wenden),
2-4): separation or isolation with degrees of autonomy (Abson- were 'an original Slavic-speaking minority on German territo_r~, or
derung); absorption or assimilation (Aufsaugung); sterilization whether they were originally Germans who had become Slav1c1zed
(Unfruchtbarmachen); and elimination from the Reich by deporta- (Burleigh 1988: 122). Otto Reche saw this as a chance to gain access
tion (Aussiedlung) or annihilation (Vernichtung). Authentic assimila- to research funds and play a role as state ideologue (Geisenhainer
tion took place between racially closely related peoples, as had 2002: 296-325). On the one hand, claims over territory required jus-
happened with Huguenots in Germany and Germans in the United tification in terms of a relationship between Volk and geography. On
States of America and South Africa. these grounds, it was ideologically preferable to define the Sorbs as
Examples of inauthentic assimilation were Negroes in the United Slavicized Germans, who would in the natural course of events return
States, Jews in all peoples, and the population of Polish origin in the to full membership of the German Volk. On the other, in the context
Ruhr, which in spite of linguistic assimilation had retained its 'Slavic of a general confrontation between Germanentum and Slaventum,
soul' and could never aspire to true German creativity. In these cases, there was general policy interest in emphasizing the differenc~s
there were merely pragmatic or material motives at work, and the between different Slavic peoples in a spirit of 'divide and rule'. Th1s
assimilated elements could never grasp the true essence of the might suggest advantages in emphasizing the distinct status of groups
adopted Volk. The process of Germanization (Eindeutschung), which such as the Sorbs.
was in any case frequently re-Germanization (Wiedereindeutschung), Reche argued that the Sorbs were of 'Slavic race', whereas Hans
had to be absolutely distinguished from these inauthentic forms of Kleiner concluded that they fitted into the general profile of the
assimilation. In addition to the question of those ethnic Germans German Volk in its regional variations (Geisenhainer 2002: 308-9).
outside the political boundaries of Germany who were unambigu- In 1937, there was an official attempt to create a united line among
ously part of the German Volk, the loss of elements of the Volk to scholars on the Sorb question, and to prevent the development of
other nations had created ruling elites of German or Nordic-Phalian nationalism among the 'Wends'. That line emphasized that the Sorbs
(nordrassig) origin. This had energized otherwise uncreative and were a Slavicized element of the German Volk (Burleigh 1988: 122;
politically passive peoples (1939: 6). These racially valuable elements, Schaller 2002: 146-8). The authorities sought to dampen down public
if suitable, were to be drained from these foreign nations (Auslau- discussion of the question, and a work by Reinhold Trautmann of
gung) and Germanized, but should be settled in the interior of Leipzig University on Sorbian-German place names was banned
Germany rather than on the border (1939: 7, 19-29). (Schaller 2002: 137-42). Questions of this kind ultimateiyfell within
In addition to its hostility to Jews and Gypsies, the memorandum Rimmler's expanding administrative empire as part of the. gene_ral
also exhibited virulent Slavophobia, in particular against Poles (1939: Germanization question in relation to the east. In the re-engmeenng
8). The question of the eastern racial boundaries of the German Volk of the east, those who failed to make the racial grade were to become
was much more contentious than that of the western. Estimates as to part of a serf class (Arbeitsvolk) toiling for the benefits of the
the extent of the Nordic-Germanic element in the eastern popula- Germans (Burleigh 1988: 217-18; Geisenhainer 2002: 318-19).
tions varied widely. One view was that the peoples to the east were A further controversy in relation to the contentious border
fundamentally racially different, with only limited desirable elements, between the German and the Slavic took place over the racial profile
and that any assimilation had to be carried out with great caution. of the population of Silesia. In this case, there ~as a direct confron~a­
Many of the eastern populations (e.g. the Poles and Hungarians) were tion between German and Polish scholarly vers10ns over the essentral
themselves highly mixed (1939: 21-6). nature of the region and its population, including claims and counter-
But when it came to the formulation of policy in specific contexts, claims about the percentage of Nordic population in the German and
the eventual result was theoretical confusion and the shutting down Polish peoples. Eickstedt, who was at the University of Breslau, had
160 The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity 161

completed a survey of Upper Silesia, but he was denied publication expanse of space and the lack of clear geographical and racial bound-
after the Ministry for the Interior had consulted Otto Reche. In a aries made the east in particular a source of racial paranoia about the
letter to Eickstedt (16 February 1937), Albert Brackmann noted that true boundaries of the Volk. On the basis of its geographical position,
'racial studies within frontier research are not particularly desirable at the German Volk was 'the most threatened of all the Germanic
the moment' (Burleigh 1988: 97). In 1941, Reche attacked Fritz Arlt peoples by the penetration of the yellow race from the northeast and
(the head of the Race Policy Office in Silesia) and Eickstedt for their the Oriental race in its diverse mixed forms in the southeast'
research on Silesia. Reche objected to their claim to have discovered (Mollinson 1934: 48). If defensive measures were not taken, Germany
a Si~esian ~acial type and to their model of racial hybridity in the pop- would become like many peoples in the east: 'a partly mongolized,
ulation. Fntz Lenz was consulted and he argued that, according to the partly orientalized racial mix which would have to renounce for ever
criteria applied, only one-third of the inhabitants were Nordic. This any claims for a leading role in the cultural development of Europe'
was politically undesirable from the point of view of pre-war Polish (1934: 48).
territorial claims (Burleigh 1988: 214; Eickstedt and Schwidetzky The attempt to consolidate racially the German Volk and define
1940). In addition to institutional and personal rivalry, there was a real an unambiguous boundary went together with a rejection of influ-
theoretical difference between Reche and Eickstedt. Eickstedt's mor- ence from the east. Opponents of the idea of an eastern or Asiatic
phological method was an attempt to create an objective set of para- origin of the Indo-Europeans, such as Otto Reche, were hostile to the
meters for the assessment of the individual body in racial terms, but whole tradition of ex oriente lux (Reche 1936a: 204, 18, 1936b: 313).
Reche objected that this failed to take into account the distinction The east, with its hostile climate and teeming masses of foreign races,
between genotype and genotype (Geisenhainer 2002: 325-9). had many times been the graveyard of the Nordic race (1936b: 316;
The theoretical ambiguities of racial hybridity were deflected on a Haase-Bessell1939: 17). The urge to consolidate the eastern bound-
policy level by a focus on Jews and Gypsies. The racial anthropolo- ary of the Volk went together with the view that Germany, or north-
gist Robert Ritter classified the Gypsy population on a scale from ern Europe, was the traditional homeland and heartland of the
'pure Gypsy' to non-Gypsy, concluding that the vast majority were Indo-Europeans (Kulz 1939). Hostility to the idea of ex oriente lux
racially mixed, known as 'ZM' or Zigeunermischling. The association was directed at Christianity, with its roots in the Middle East, and at
of this racial hybridity with a range of anti-social traits attributed to the Orientalist craze for exotic palaces and pyramids (Pastenaci 1935:
Gypsies gave anthropological justification for repression and murder 5-7). But racial anthropology could not provide a coherent or unan-
(Finger 1937; Ritter 1939; Friedlander 1995: 246ff.). The attitude imous racial diagnostic of the true boundary with the east.
towards the small minority of'racially pure' Gypsies (Verschuer 1941: Direct attacks on Nordicism and Rosenberg were ill-advised, as he
130) was however less clear-cut than that towards 'full Jews' (Vollju- and his allies were willing to mobilize whatever power and influence
den). Those deemed socially well adjusted were frequently not they could muster to ban offending works or persecute ideological
deported and killed (Lewy 1999). Ruttke (1939: 20-1) quoted a deviants. But in the wider scheme of things, Rosenberg was increas-
decree issued by Rimmler (8.12.1938), which required that full- ingly marginal. The conclusion of the early period of ideological
blooded Gypsies be treated differently from Mischlinge, since most foment was a kind of stalemate. Those like Fischer whe used the
of the criminality associated with Gypsies was the responsibility of language of racial mixing had received a warning that they should
those of mixed race. The most pressing need was for a central choose their language with care. Fischer responded by emphasizing
registry and racial evaluation of all Gypsies and those adopting an that he was against any mixing with racially foreign elements, and by
itinerant life-style. stressing his admiration for the Nordic race. Later in the Third Reich,
Fischer co-authored an anti-Semitic volume with Gerhard Kittel
One consequence of the Nordic question was the strengthening of
Ideological stalemate
doubts as to whether external physical markers should be used in
assigning individuals to superior or inferior groups. Professor Otto
~e extreme ra~ge of potential categorizations of eastern popula- Aichel (1871-1935), the director of the Anthropological Institute at
tiOns, on a contmuum from Nordic to Mongol or Asiatic, the vast Kiel University, argued that race science and racial propaganda
162 The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity 163
should be kept strictly separate (1933: 161), and that practical eugenic mentality'. By the same principle, 'an Alpine racial type can have the
policies could not proceed on the assumption that, for example, psychological qualities of the Nordic individual' (Viernstein 1935:
'blond, light-coloured eyes, long-skulled, tall' were qualities of high 111). Walter Schultze stressed that there was no programme to
racial value, and 'brunette, brown-eyed, round-headed, short' were 'breed' an ideal tall, narrow-faced, blue-eyed, blond type; no heredi-
racially less valuable. Individuals could only be judged on the basis tarily healthy member of the German Volk should feel second-class
of the investigation of their family-kin group and their intellectual or inferior on account of lacking these features. It was the psychol-
and psychological qualities (1933: 162). ogy, the morality, the personality of the individual that counted, and
Bruno Petermann (1898-1941) dismissed talk of static psycholog- the inheritance of external physical characteristics was a matter of
ical characteristics (Eigenschaften) or features (Merkmale) in paral- secondary importance. The idea that racial policies took as their ideal
lel with somatic racial characteristics. Psychology required the a particular physical type was misinformation spread by the enemies
replacement of the popular concept of 'race' with a commitment to of National Socialism (Schultze 1934: 16).
a truly scientific, 'genetic-functional' approach which involved under- This principle also logically applied to Jews, in that one could not
standing race character in the context of the processes of selection to define a Jew as someone with a particular set of bodily features. The
which each race had been exposed. Popularizing and 'mythic-occult' racially hybrid nature of the Jewish people meant that there was no
presentations of race should give way to an understanding of race single Jewish physical type (Thomalla n.d. [c 1935]: 125). Verschuer
as a dynamic, biological interface between hereditary factors and noted that someone physically of 'good Nordic type' might com-
environmental processes of selection (1935: 220, 222-3). Wilhelm pletely lack Nordic psychological qualities (1938a: 143). Further,
Hartnacke's verdict was simply that the idea of anthropology carried someone with Nordic appearance might even be of Jewish character,
out from a humanities perspective (geisteswissenschaftliche Anthro- and vice versa. This was recognized for example by Friedrich Keiter,
pologie) was a contradiction in terms (1944: 226). In the applied who stressed the difficulty of identifying Jewish Mischlinge on
domains of military and industrial psychology, race-typological grounds of bodily type alone (Keiter 1941: 179; Felbor 1995: 119).
systems were found to be dysfunctional: 'there were more supporters The existence of a serious methodological problem was recog-
of typologies among academic psychologists than among military or nized, as was the lack of intellectual tools to deal with it. Theodor
industrial psychologists' (Geuter 1992: 122). Mollinson for example stressed that it was the psychological and
Nordic ideologues were clearly told to dampen down their 'exag- moral racial qualities which were fundamental to the future of the
gerated' rhetoric about the unique virtues of the Nordic race. Volk, rather than the purely physical ones. But there was at present
Extreme Nordic chauvinism was discredited. The Nordic element was no precise statistical method which would underpin a science of race
by consensus agreed to be the unifying bond of the German people. psychology. It was impossible at present to separate environmental
The corollary was that there was no clear relation between somatic or educational influences on the individual from those on the group.
type and intrinsic racial quality. This was the logical conclusion of The only available methodology was to observe populations where
Mendelian race anthropology, and allowed for an apparent reconcil- one particular racial type was heavily dominant (1934: 35-7). It was
iation between the demands of unity of the Volk and the superiority self-evident that there was no tight connection between physical
of the Nordic race. One could have brown hair, a round skull, and and psychological racial qualities. Most people were Mischlinge.
still claim to be of Nordic character or mentality. A predominantly However, it was unlikely that someone would inherit all the physical
Alpine psychological make-up might be found in a predominantly characteristics of one race and all the psychological traits of another
Nordic body (Staemmler 1936: 119). This however reduced the (1934: 41).
Nordic ideal to at best an ideal set of character traits or at worst a The dilemmas of racial education can be clearly seen from the
mere slogan. guidelines issued by the Ministry for Education in 1938 for biology
Theodor Viernstein (1878-1949), in an official handbook for teaching in schools, summarized by Kurt Holler in the journal Rasse.
doctors undertaking a racio-biological survey of the ancestral agri- These required the teacher to stress that the phenotype was not nec-
cultural population (Erbhofbauer) of Bavaria, stressed that bodily essarily a guide to race-psychological character, and that phenotype
racial type had no necessary relationship with mental or psychologi- should be absolutely distinguished from genotype. A purely descrip-
cal type, so that 'a Nordic body did not necessarily imply a Nordic tive anthropology based solely on body measurements was not
164 The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity r6s
acceptable. However, the guidelines also stressed the unity of mind and of making judgements relative to a particular time and place, this
and body, so that children were encouraged to make links between kind of programme ignored what Haase-Bessell characterized as the
physical and psychological or personality traits. In this way, the child 'three-dimensionality' of race. What defined a race was not purity but
would grasp race in terms of a 'living unity'. It should be made very a harmonious equilibrium between diverse genetically transmitted
clear that the Nordic race was the unifying factor of the German traits. That diversity was itself functional for any major race which was
Volk. While the physical-chemical basis of life should be acknowl- spread over a large and variable territory (1939: 7).
edged, a purely mechanistic or mechanical presentation of biology However, there were important differences with Saller's position.
was insufficient. Older children should be taught the limits of the The emphasis on mutation theory implied adherence to the neo-
scientific method, but also that the Nordic-Germanic drive to knowl- Darwinian theory of evolution, in which the environment did not act
edge was constantly pushing back the frontiers of science, without directly on the transmission of hereditary traits. Further, Haase-
getting lost in unreal conjectures. There was however no room for Bessell recognized the Nordic race as the driving force in the creation
'metabiological speculations' in the teaching of biology (Holler 1938: of the German people ('mother race' or Mutterrasse), as well as of
469-70). the Swedish, Danish and English peoples. Each had acquired its own
In 1939, Haase-Bessell dismissed the idea of a typology in which character as a result of dispersal and inner processes of selection.
fixed physical and psychological characteristics were associated with Haase-Bessell's discussion of hybridity made no mention of any other
individual races as 'superficial' (1939: 4). The major human races racial category, such as 'Dinaric' or 'Alpine'. Haase-Bessell used the
should be understood not in terms of purity or a fixed inventory of term 'closely related' ('nahe verwandt') races, and thus avoided the
features, but as fields of variation in which genes showed particular question of the continuum between the German Volk and the non-
statistical distributions. These variations arose through genetic muta- Nordic peoples to the south and east. The evocation of the adaptive
tion (1939: 4-5). The interaction of race with territory gave rise to advantage of racial diversity was balanced by a strong statement
peoples (Volker), and these peoples were the product of both hori- rejecting the mixing of 'foreign blood': any admixture of foreign racial
zontal (i.e. geographical) and vertical (i.e. social-hierarchical) elements would destroy the harmony and balance of that inner diver-
processes of selection. sity (1939: 7). The Jews were a parasitic people (1939: 17). In addi-
To a certain extent, Haase-Bessell's view of race paralleled that of tion, pathological traits such as hereditary defects needed to be
Karl Saller and Merkenschlager, in that it rejected the idea of 'purity' eliminated (1939: 7).
and understood some forms of hybridity as positive. Within biology, For Haase-Bessell, Volk emerged out of Rasse; it formed an
the only concept that could express the idea of purity was absolute organic unity derived from the interaction of race and territory. One
genetic identity. Given the diversity of conditions prevailing on the analogy for Volk was with the concept of a non-unified energy field
earth's surface, any race which was genetically absolutely fixed would (heterogenes Feldes) in modern physics:
inevitably fall victim to natural selection (1939: 4).
Haase-Bessell also seemed to blur the boundary between Rasse Although a self-contained whole, the equilibrium of such a field is
and Volk. Race was not defined as a set of shared features but as a always unstable; it is not static, but rather subject to a particular
higher-order unity (1939: 7). For example, the Nordic race was intrin- dynamic. One can compare the energy lines (Kraftlinien) to the blood-
lines (Blutlinien) of a people, which are characterized by different
sically variable. In addition to blue eyes, one of its features was brown
abilities (professions) and different levels of rootedness in the soil
eyes. This was common, particularly in northwestern Europe (1939: (Bodenstiindigkeit), but it is precisely in the totality that the special
7). Rasse and Volk, seen historically, were a single biological unit in character of the people emerges. The image of an energy field brings
that races interacted with territory (Boden) to give rise to peoples. out well the unity but also the elastic character of a people- provided
Some peoples prospered and other declined, but there was no natural it deserves to be called a people. (Haase-Bessell 1939: 8)
law dictating the life-cycle of a people.
The German people was only now finding its true biological unity Another way of representing a Volk was through the statistical
('seine volksbiologische Form', 1939: 16). In a clear reference to Nordi- modelling of its genetic lines, so that the genetic profile of a Volk at
fication, Haase-Bessell rejected any idea of selective breeding with ref- a given point in time could be represented in three dimensions (1939:
erence to a single scale of values. Aside from the dangers of subjectivity 8ff.).
166 The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity 167
had shown their usefulness in making clear that Jews and other unde-
sirable elements were not part of the Volk, and in clarifying that the
Volk could not be defined purely in linguistic terms, but they had no
This gap between academic discourse on race and popular racial coherent answer to offer in relation to the positive definition of the
stereotypes was functional, in the sense that it allowed for the auton- German Volk.
omy of science in relation to vulgar Nazism. The separation of acad- This is not to say that racial anthropology was banned or perse-
emic from popular racism prevented the complexities of academic cuted as a discipline. Racial anthropologists were key personnel in
debate from interfering with the political message. But there was also the state's profiling of its population, and in the preparation of racial
considerable confusion within Nazism over the relationship of body evaluations of individuals and groups. The courts however did not
to mind, and of body and mind to race. always accept their opinions (Muller-Hill 1999). Walter Scheidt
Racial anthropology had an important role in stressing that some (1895-1976) was exceptional for refusing to undertake anthropolog-
elements were clearly harmful to, and to be excluded from, the Volk, ical assessments on behalf of the authorities, though he was a scien-
and, through Mendelian racial anthropology, in affirming that the tific purist rather than an ideological opponent of the regime (Felbor
modern German Volk had not merged irretrievably with the foreign 1995: 97-9;Massin 1999:19, 41-2). Kaupen-Haas (1986: 120) dates the
racial elements that had entered it. This also lay behind the rejection influence of racial anthropology within the Ministry of the Interior
of the notion of a German race, since this seemed to embody the fun- to the period from 1933 to 1939, and notes that this Ministry declared
damental error of confusing racial with linguistic identity, and the racial anthropology to be 'unscientific' in 1941 (1986: 118). Racial
'unscientific' notion that racial mixing meant racial blending. anthropologists were necessary for the state, frequently resenting the
The whole topic of the racial composition of the German Volk had drudgery of racial evaluations which took them away from their aca-
been shown to be at best a nuisance, and at worst a serious distrac- demic careers. Given the acceptance of the distinction between geno-
tion from the main political messages of the regime. In addition to type and phenotype, the emphasis in racial profiling was as much on
the Nordic question, there was the sensitive issue of the eastern the gathering of family medical history and genealogical information
boundary of the Volk. Could this be drawn clearly, i.e. could a racial (Sippenkunde) as on the measurement of the individual human body.
line be shown between Germans and Slavs? If not, where was the Church records and other family documents had a central role to play
'true' border? One simple answer was that it was the linguistic in this, as it was assumed that before 1800 there had been very few
border. But this was also unacceptable, given widespread assimila- conversions from Judaism to Christianity (Schulle 2001 ).
tion. Mendelian genetics as applied to race suggested that the border Discussions about the Nordic race had thrown the whole question
was an abstraction rather than a line on the map. Racial anthropol- of the definition of Volk into relief. There was no political benefit to
ogy could not draw a clear line around the Volk in relation to the be obtained from seeing the Volk as a kind of imperfectly realized
geographical neighbours, and there was no clear single answer to the underlying race, as in effect the result of the fall of races from their
question of how these relationships were to be understood. Racial original purity into hybridity. This presented a negative image of the
anthropology could however point out some elements within the Volk, suggesting it was somehow a second-class kind of grouping
Volk that were racially foreign and undesirable. The disciplines of (Alnor 1935: 33). This was not to say that the purely linguistic or cul-
Volk (linguistics, folklore, history, culture, human geography) might tural definition of Volk was acceptable. The 'Schmidt-Rohr' affair
claim to offer criteria for a clear external boundary. But they were demonstrated this quite unambiguously, since the notion that lan-
unable to point to the 'inner boundary', that between 'real Germans' guages had the power to create and define peoples or Volker could
and those assimilated Jews who were native speakers of German. be taken to imply that Jews were members of the Volk. Although an
This, combined with the admission that the most important racial outspoken anti-Nordicist, Schmidt-Rohr survived his brushes with
attributes were psychological, suggested very clearly that racial the authorities to promote a disambiguated ideology of the German
anthropology was neither scientifically coherent nor politically mother tongue in the Third Reich (Simon 1985b, 1986a, 1986b;
unproblematic. The notion of the German people having a collective Hutton 1999). A 1939 article in the journal Rasse was prefaced with
'Nordic soul' looked quaint, when set against the rising sophistication words of praise from Walter Gross, a clear sign of Schmidt-Rohr's
of evolutionary biology and human genetics. Racial anthropologists rehabilitation. Gross saluted the appearance of the piece as a sign of
168 The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity The Neutralization of Intellectual Diversity 169
developing intellectual consensus between different approaches, i.e. possible to take the racial mixture of the modern European city and
between racial anthropology and linguistics (Schmidt-Rohr 1939a: breed from it pure racial types. But this was to overlook one impor-
81). tant fact. Racial characteristics were inherited according to Mendel's
Nordicism survived as one available rhetorical answer to the laws, i.e. independent of each other. If we selected for the most promi-
problem of the unity of the German Volk, and to the meaning of nent characteristics of the Nordic or Mediterranean races, there was
'racial elite' as applied to other European nations. But the radical no way of ensuring that the psychological qualities of the Nordic-
agenda of Nordification (or re-Nordification) was politically dead. strength of character, firmness of will, intelligence- would be present.
Gross had clearly signalled the requirement that racial anthropology All that would be achieved is a degree of superficial Nordification of
adopt a lower public profile, and the official turn against Nordicism, appearance (Baur 1936: 93-4). Junker and Hossfeld read this con-
which was the strongest ideological offshoot of racial anthropology, clusion as a rejection of Nazi ideology (2002: 236; Junker 2004: 492),
added further to its political marginalization. This political- but on the contrary it is entirely in accord with the direction of racial
intellectual stalemate left evolutionary biology and human genetics thinking in the Third Reich.
in an advantageous position compared with racial anthropology. The
disciplines of Volk, notably linguistics, provided they respected the
boundary between Volk and Rasse, also benefited from this stale-
mate. The decline of racial anthropology left a space for an interme-
diary discipline between the humanities and the sciences. That
discipline was psychology, which was better placed to mediate with
the disciplines of Volk, since it was concerned with the interaction
between the individual and culture. It also had an important role in
the human sciences, since it was concerned with the boundary
between what was inherited genetically and what was acquired
socially and culturally. Advances in hereditary psychology offered the
possibility of a new, scientific understanding of the relationship
between body (understood as a set of inherited genetic qualities) and
mind. There could be unity of mind and body at the deep level defined
by hereditary psychology, rather than the superficial, quasi-
popularist readings of the body offered by racial anthropology.
The fate of Nordic ideologies in Nazi Germany was a complex
one, both ideologically and institutionally. Nordicism was effectively
marginalized by 1936, and though the invasion and occupation of
Denmark and Norway in 1940 raised the hopes of German Nordi-
cists for a Nordic alliance, these were not realized (Simon n.d.: 1).
Lutzhoft finishes his narrative of Nordicism in Germany in 1940, the
point at which, he contends, Gunther realized that his project had
failed in the face of the modernity of Nazism (Lutzhoft 1971: 24). This
move allows Lutzhoft in effect to separate Gunther's career from
Nazism. A more accurate way of understanding Gunther's career and
Nordicism in general was that it was ultimately a failed project within
Nazism. It had however played a key role in the dialectic of Volk.
In the posthumously published contribution to the Baur-Fischer-
Lenz textbook (Baur 1936), Erwin Baur discussed the scientific basis
of selective breeding. Thus many lay people thought it would be
Dynamics of Nazi Science 171

A further complication of Nazi intellectual life can be illustrated

11 by a polemical exchange between the philosopher Kurt Hildebrandt
(1881-1966) and the mathematician Pascual Jordan (1902-1980). This
exchange has been represented as an internal ideological conflict
Dynamics of Nazi Science within Nazism, between a 'volkisch, traditional German and some-
what romantic-mystical' idea and a stress on 'modern, especially mil-
itary technology' (Segal2003: 376fn., 377; Jordan 1935). Hildebrandt
was a scholar of Goethe (Hildebrandt 1942). Jordan was however not
a straightforward defender of scientific objectivity. He rejected the
'mechanist-materialist reduction of the physical world, its elimination
of life as a special category for organisms' and its political individu-
alism (Wise 1994: 225). Jordan saw in the ideology of scientific objec-
tivity a moral cowardice which lent support to egalitarian notions.
Nonetheless modern science, with its 'objective efficacy' (objektive
Introduction Wirksamkeit) offered a kind of technological truth (Wise 1994: 226).
The complicating factor here is that modern physics itself denied the
existence of a straightforward kind of physical objectivity; for Jordan,
In terms of intellectual culture, National Socialism was different in the moral relativism of Nazism could be reconciled with modern the-
character from the Soviet totalitarian model of the 1930s. In the case oretical physics. But this form of physics, in particular Einsteinian
of Nazism, persecution by a particular state agency or official could physics, had been seen by Aryan ideologues as 'Jewish'. Here we can
be neutralized by support from another power centre. Many acade- see a clash between two stereotypes of Jewish thought. For Nazi ide-
mics and intellectuals who were broadly supportive of Nazism were ologues in the tradition of Goethe, the Jews symbolized materialism
later to claim falsely that they were persecuted by the NSDAP when and universalism antithetical to volkisch values; for scientists who
they had in fact fallen foul of interpersonal or institutional rivalry. rejected the new indeterminacy in the physical sciences, Jewish
Except where an issue directly impacted on core state policy and science meant subjectivism and relativism understood as a chaos of
ideology (e.g. Marxism, Judaism), there was room for debate and dis- values. There were however moves to apply this notion of indeter-
cussion. Frequently the result of too vigorous a public debate in areas minacy to the study of race and heredity (Haase-Bessell 1939;
of potential policy relevance was marginalization, and the topic Verschuer 1944).
would be removed from the public domain.
An example of one such controversy was the question of the
eugenic status of illegitimacy. Under National Socialism, there was
debate about the status of family values and illegitimate children. Science and ideology
Gross and Lenz saw illegitimacy overall as an indicator of eugenic
degeneration. Paul (1940: 159) saw the cases of high-quality illegiti- The holism, organicism, bio-vitalism, anti-materialism and teleologi-
mate children as exceptions, and was concerned about the Romantic cal nature of much scholarship in the early phases of the National
view of illegitimacy. Gunther stressed the central importance of the Socialist period can be set within the context of the elitist revolt
institution of the family (1940). Heinrich Rimmler however wished against modernity, in particular the evocation of a historical elite
to see more offspring of high racial quality, regardless of civil status shaping the destiny of the Volk. The idealization of the Nordic race
(Lenz 1937, 1940; Lilienthal 1985: 27; Pine 1997: 42-3; Grunberger reflected this nostalgic elitism and ambivalence about new scientific
1971: 313-19). The publication of a book by Gunther defending the understanding of human biology. These trends reflected a desire to
eugenic status of the family and monogamy was eventually banned break down the barrier between the humanities and the natural sci-
- apparently on the wishes of elements in the SS, and in spite of the ences and between scholarship and ideology. Nazi academic ideo-
support of Gross (Lutzhoft 1971: 390-402). logues showed revolutionary distaste for the ivory-tower scholar, and
172 Dynamics of Nazi Science Dynamics of Nazi Science 173
for what they saw as the shallow materialism of modernity and the One marked feature of Nazi academic culture was a process of
machine age. The philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) saw in neutralization of the more extreme academic views and extreme
Nazism the possibility of an end to the alienation of authentic 'being' forms of academic politicization. Views and ideologues that were at
within modernity. Ludwig Klages (1872-1956) lamented the destruc- odds with scientific orthodoxy, as defined by scientific norms, tended
tive effect of regimenting mechanistic Geist on the freedom of to lose out in the long run. There was an underlying dynamic to intel-
rhythm and the 'pulse of life' (Lebenspulsschlag) (1934). lectual developments in the Third Reich, which ultimately militated
Holistic thinking (Ganzheitsbetrachtung) attempted to transcend against theories that specifically set themselves against scientific
the opposition between vitalistic and mechanistic views and mind- orthodoxy. That orthodoxy was defined as a commitment to the
body was a universal model, applicable not only to biology phylogenetic and biological unity of humankind, to Darwin's theory
but to all living systems, including sociology and history (Meyer[- of evolution - as it had been elaborated by August Weismann
Abich] 1934: 8-9, 18). Ecological thinking, the idea of the living, har- (1834-1914), drawing a clear distinction between the so-called 'germ
monious equilibrium between organism and environment was seen line' (Keimplasma) and the 'somatic line' (Soma) - to Mendelian
as inseparable from teleological thinking (Friedrichs 1934). Holistic genetics, to population genetics: in other words to the so-called
thinking was critical both of a positivistic approach based on precise neo-Darwinian synthesis which established itself internationally in
but superficial measurement and of genetics, with its ontologically the 1940s. This involved the rejection of neo-Lamarckianism, in par-
ill-defined notion of genotype (Keudel 1935). Some holistic thinkers ticular the notion of the inheritance of acquired characteristics, and
sought to make a direct analogy between holistic biology and the the marginalization of approaches to science which drew too overtly
National Socialist understanding of Volk as an organic unity. An indi- on vitalism, relativism, Goethean science or any of the metaphor-rich
vidual was not an isolated element (Element) of an aggregation but theories of evolution which had run in parallel to neo-Darwinism.
a part ( Glied) integrated into a whole. This was reminiscent of Hitler's One attempted characterization of Nazi ideology has been that of
statement: 'You are nothing, your people is everything' ('Du bist 'materialism' or 'race materialism'. But, as Harrington (1996) shows
nichts, dein Yolk ist alles', Keudel1935: 402-3). in her review of holism in German science, 'mechanistic' or 'materi-
One key factor in the intellectual climate of the Third Reich was alistic' were the polemical epithets of choice for a wide range of vital-
the accelerating mobilization and militarization of the state as the istic and holistic theories, including pro-Nazi ones. While the horror
level of international conflict increased. A four-year plan was of mass civilization and its materialism provided much of the intel-
declared in 1936 for the rearmament of the state, with high-level state lectual power behind the volkisch movement, eugenics, racial anthro-
commitment to applied science and technology. This led to the pology and Nazism itself could plausibly be presented as a product
increased dominance of a technocratic mindset (Sieg 2001: 258), and of this same mass culture of modernity. Alternatively, from the Nazi
impatience with ideological posturing and academic debate in sensi- point of view, Soviet civilization could be presented as offering a soul-
tive policy areas. In this sense, 1941 was very different from the less mechanized vision of life, in which the individual was crushed by
volkisch spring of 1933-6. In 1937, the 'radical romantic' Johannes a state system that was entirely alienated from the natural ~orld, and
Stark (1874-1957) was replaced by 'the opportunist pragmatic Nazi' in which the prevailing philosophical spirit was an imposed unifor-
Rudolf Mentzel in a key position in the German Research Founda- mity and 'mechanistic materialism' (Antonowytsch 1942: 54-5, 70,
tion, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) (Segal2003: 397). 95). The charge of 'materialism' was used by almost everyone against
The journal Deutsche Mathematik, which promoted a volkisch everyone else, and it thus has little to offer as a label for Nazi
approach to mathematics under the editorship of Ludwig Bierberach ideology.
(1886-1982) had declined in 'volkisch content and National Socialist
rhetoric' by the late 1930s (Segal 2003: 410). The Nazi educational
philosopher Ernst Krieck (1882-1947), who associated Darwinism Darwinism and the intellectual background to Nazism
with materialism, was highly critical of the increasingly technocratic
spirit of the Nazi state and what he saw as its neglect of the human-
ities (Krieck 1936; Muller 1978: 131; Paletschek 2001: 50). At the end One way to chart the question of science in Nazi Germany is in
of the 1920s, the humanities received 30 per cent of funding from relation to Darwinism. Darwinism can be defined, following Walter
DFG; by 1943-4 this had fallen to 15 per cent (Sieg 2001: 264). Marie's 1936 medical dictionary, as: 'a doctrine that a struggle for
174 Dynamics of Nazi Science Dynamics of Nazi Science 175
survival takes place among organisms produced in excessive numbers between a materialist view of matter and what he saw as the dualist
(the so-called 'struggle for life'), which, by means of natural selection, mysticism of vitalism and neo-vitalism with its concept of 'life force'
has the consequence of the survival of the fittest, and finally, on (Lebenskraft) and related teleological theories of nature ([1899]
grounds of inheritance and adaptation, gives rise to the emergence 1922: 55-6, 280). Haeckel's Monism asserted the fundamental unity
of new species' (1936: 226). 'Excessive numbers' points to the influ- of humanity with nature, and of organic and inorganic substance:
ence of the population theorist Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) on so-called 'pan-psychism'. In practice, the Monism of Haeckel and his
Darwin's work. followers was not always distinct from pantheism and indeed from
On the conventional reading of evolutionary theory, there is no holistic vitalism, and it took on an increasingly volkisch form, over-
goal or teleology to the processes of natural selection: 'evolution is lapping with various strands of pan-Germanism, paganism and
a mindless, purposeless, algorithmic process' (Dennett 1996: 320). occultism. However, Monists lacked a commonly agreed political
Superiority is always local; there is no global sense in which a complex agenda (Gasman 1971). Haeckel's most famous intellectual slogan of
organism is superior to a simpler one, and a variant which is selected 'ontology recapitulates phylogeny' was highly influential within
is only superior under the particular prevailing conditions. This biology and on theories of the mind, including that of the racial typol-
reading can be challenged by citing Darwin himself, who claimed that ogist Carl Gustav Jung (Noll1997: 104-6).
'as natural selection works solely by and for the good of each being, Following Haeckel's vision of an organic state, and the reformula-
all corporeal and mental endowments will tend to progress towards tion of Darwinism by August Weismann, neo-Darwinism became fun-
perfection' (Richards 1998: 592; Darwin 1859: 489). Richards argues damental to the eugenics movement in Germany. Haeckel stressed
that both Darwin and Herbert Spencer shared a view of progress that modern civilization led to the suspension of a process of natural
in evolution. However, what the theory of natural selection denied selection. Modern .medicine worked counter to natural selection; he
was that there was an innate Lamarckian tendency in the organism contrasted this with the Spartan practice of exposing babies to the
towards perfection (1998: 599). elements as a form of selection (Weingart et al. 1992: 76-7).
Both Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace (1823-1913) saw racial Late-nineteenth-century racial anthropology in Germany, under
struggle as giving rise to hierarchical racial difference (Stepan 1982: the leadership of Rudolf Virchow, was in general politically and
56-8). However, natural selection operated without reference to any racially liberal, monogenist and resistant to Darwinism, associating
divine ordering of the universe. Nature was at best its own teleology. it with radical political materialism and socialism. Virchow however
In Germany, Haeckel managed to construct a form of natural reli- did not dispute Darwin's importance as a scientist. A rapid shift
gion on the basis of this idea, but for many thinkers evolutionary took place at the turn of the century, towards a synthesis of neo-
theory drained meaning from the natural world. This was a more Darwinism, racial anthropology and eugenics. On Virchow's death in
profound intellectual shock than the scientific assimilation of human 1902, the intellectual tide, which had been running against Virchow,
beings to animals, one to which volkisch thinkers responded with turned, and Hermann Klaatsch and Gustav Schwalbe in particular
their own meaning-creating teleologies. For socio-political theories, began to promote Darwinism (Massin 1996: 114-15). Carl Stratz
the problem was not so much the fitting of a set of metaphors of strug- (1858-1924) (1904: 1-23) saw Haeckel as having harmed-,the recep-
gle and competition onto Darwin's theory, but the stark nature of tion of Darwinism in Germany by his lack of intellectual caution, and
pure neo-Darwinism. Disavowing any teleology (Zielgerichtetheit), at the dawn of a new century welcomed the arrival of a transformed
neo-Darwinism was however not itself incompatible with teleologi- anthropology on the foundations of biological science, as exemplified
cal thinking. in the comparative anatomical studies of Hermann Klaatsch
The reception of Darwin was central to intellectual developments (1863-1916). Klaatsch had thus 'sown the seeds, the fruits of which
in the second half of the nineteenth century. Darwin's work was trans- we hope to harvest in the twentieth century' (Stratz 1904: 23).
lated into German by Julius Victor Carus (1823-1903), and promoted Ludwig Woltmann produced a merger of Darwinism and volkisch
by the scientist and social theorist Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919). organicism, and argued that the leaders of the Italian Renaissance
Haeckel rejected both Christianity and Kantian idealism and human- were descended from the Goths and Longobards (Masse 1998: 102-3;
ism (Anthropismus) as falsely elevating humankind out of nature. Woltmann 1905). For Otto Ammon, Darwinism rather than economic
Heavily influenced by Goethe, Haeckel tried to negotiate a position theory provided insight into the fundamental nature of social
176 Dynamics of Nazi Science Dynamics of Nazi Science 177
processes, and revealed the intellectual poverty of social democracy Goethe's scientific writings, and of Indian and Kantian philosophy,
(1893, 1900: 1-14). Ammon dismissed Lamarck's theory of the inher- and in the hope 'of striking a death blow to the crudely empirical
itance of acquired characteristics as irrelevant, but not contradictory, theory of evolution' (1922: 127). Chamberlain saw causal theories
to his social theory. Since the theory was built on Darwin's theory of of evolution as gigantic intellectual structures built up on minimal
natural selection, Ammon argued that it could not stand or fall by observation (1922: 128).
whether there was an additional mechanism allowing the inheritance The volkisch movement contained strong elements of hostility to
of acquired characteristics (1900: 8-9). Darwinism. For example, the anti-Semitic volkisch feminist Mathilde
Although the eugenic pioneers in Germany, following their French Ludendorff (1877-1966), together with her husband General Erich
models, assumed that social hierarchies represented, or should Ludendorff (1865-1937), attacked Darwin's theory for its purely
represent, a hierarchy of eugenic fitness, and took for granted the materialist-mechanistic account of the origin of life (Strohm 1997:
superiority of white Europeans over other races, they were little 37-8). The volkisch ideologue Julius Langbehn attacked the narrow-
concerned with questions of racial classification, and were not ness and materialism of modern science, preferring subjectivity and
uniformly anti-Semitic. Their pessimism was formed by a biological Goethe's 'total wrongness' to Darwin's partial truth (Stern 1974: 125).
understanding of socio-political developments, and this directed One of the most prominent representatives of this intellectual trend
attention to the theoretical and practical aspects of social engineer- was Oswald Spengler (1880-1936), who compared his historical or
ing on eugenic lines. The aim might be to create a eugenic utopia, morphological method to Goethe's organicist approach to the natural
which would as far as possible resolve the conflict between Darwin- sciences. Goethe's call for the study of 'living nature' was echoed in
ism and humanitarian-socialist ideals (the view of Alfred Ploetz, Spengler's 'the world as history' ('die Welt als Geschichte'), in which
Weiss 1990: 18), or to restore or protect the biological vitality of the a mechanistic, mathematical understanding of nature as causality was
nation by encouraging the best elements to reproduce at a higher rate rejected in favour of 'the law of form' ('das Gesetz der Gestalt'), and
(the view of Wilhelm Schallmayer, Weiss 1990: 20-1). the understanding of cultures as following life-cycles. This method
Friedrich Nietzsche saw Darwin's theory as manifesting 'scientific involved 'empathizing, observing, comparing' (Spengler [1922] 1993:
nihilism' (Call1998: 11), and opposition to Darwinism had deep roots 35). In the 1920s, many ideologues had written off Darwin, but the
in German intellectual culture. In the Weimar intellectual culture, theory continued to gain ground (see Seiler 1928: 405).
intellectuals in many fields rejected what they saw as a utilitarian, In a work published in the aftermath of the Nazi seizure of power,
mechanistic and technological mindset: the cry was 'Back to Goethe'. Spengler distinguished between a zoological sense in which someone
In psychology, Kurt Goldstein (1878-1965) and Max Wertheimer might belong to a race, and race qualities that one possessed (1933:
(1880-1943) reconciled traditional empiricism dialectically with 161 fn). In this latter sense, he argued for a selection within the Volk
'Gestalt seeing' or Schauen (Harrington 1996:27, 29).Many intellec- of the elements with the highest racial quality, elements which should
tuals looked back to Goethe's morphology and other scientific writ- be chosen without regard to wealth or background (1933: 161). The
ings for an alternative theory of biological change. Intellectual trends Germanic race was 'the strongest willed race which has ever existed',
such as ecological biology, vitalism and neo-Lamarckianism inter- but this was not race defined in the sense of anti-Semitism1n Europe
acted with this 'Goethean' science in complex ways. The key to these and the United States. This fashionable view of race was Darwinist
alternate intellectual trends was the assertion of some form of tele- and materialist. For Spengler, racial purity was a 'grotesque' expres-
ology in evolutionary change. sion, given that for thousands of years there had been racial mixing,
In his autobiography, Houston Stewart Chamberlain (1922: 82ff.) i.e. outsiders of good racial quality being welcomed by healthy,
admitted to having been an admirer of Darwin in his youth, though martial groups, regardless of which 'race' they belonged to. Those who
even at that time he had felt a mistrust for the rigid abstraction spoke too much about race showed that they lacked 'race': 'It is not
of purely 'systematic' classification systems. An intuitive grasp of a question of the purity of the race, but rather the strength of the
organic relationships had eventually led him away from Darwinism. race, that a people [Volk] has within it' (1933: 157). Facing the twin
An unpublished work by Chamberlain, Die Lebenslehre, was to offer dangers of 'class war' (Klassenkampf) from below and 'race war'
a new understanding of the form of living beings and the relation- (Rassenkampf) from outside, Spengler feared an alliance of the
ships between organisms. It was written under the influence of European proletariat with the coloured races ('die Farbigen') which
178 Dynamics of Nazi Science Dynamics of Nazi Science 179
might end the white domination of the world. Looking to the future, the ideal inner harmony of a National Socialist Volk were drawn. The
he foresaw the unleashing of a transformative, martial 'Prussian' Jew, predictably, often stood for the mechanistic or the chaotic.
spirit which would ultimately transcend the boundaries of the nation This organicist holism could also be turned against the 'mechanis-
state (Spengler 1933: 164). tic mentality of Mendelism' (Grabe 1938: 148). However, in 1936 the
The disdain for zoological race theory and materialism was shared holistic trend associated with Karl Kotschau (1892-1984), Ernst
by the political scientist Eric Voegelin. In addition to looking back to Lehmann, Adolf Meyer-Abich, Wilhelm Troll (1897-1978) and others
Goethe, Kant and Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, in particular -which like its counterpart 'Aryan physics', was associated primarily
Blumenbach's notion of 'formative drive' (Bildungstrieb ), Voegelin with Alfred Rosenberg and his followers - began to come under
saw in the racial anthropology of Carl Gustav Carus (1789-1869) the attack from more technocratically oriented geneticists and racial
culmination of the Goethe an tradition. Subsequent developments had anthropologists from Rimmler's Ahnenerbe, in particular Karl Astel
represented a decline into a vulgar form of race materialism. Voegelin (1898-1945). The implausible accusation was made that this form of
represented a philosophical organicism which he perceived as threat- holism was a disguised form of Jesuitical doctrine. The Ahnenerbe
ened by various forms of modern materialism, including liberalism, took over control of Der Biologe in 1939, and announced a new
Marxism and racial anthropology (Voegelin [1933] 1998: 23-4). This emphasis on scientific facts. A number of factors were at play here,
elitist philosophical anthropology was ambivalent about contempo- including a shift towards a more pragmatic science as power shifted
rary racial anthropology and eugenics, seeing in them expressions of within the state to the army and the SS. This was one symptom of
modern materialism and mass culture. The crudity of the understand- Rosenberg's relative weakness in the face of his arch-rival Heinrich
ing of natural form through measurement and classification, Rimmler (see Harrington 1996: 175-206). Another was the closure of
and the treatment of human beings as domestic animals, seemed a the Race Policy Office in 1942 (Benz et al. 1997: 658-9), as Rimmler
vulgarization and popularization of the idea of the 'well-born man'. increasingly took charge of ethnic and racial policy, now focused on
Other important representatives of this philosophical-organicist the occupied territories in the east.
elitism and anti-logocentrism were the 'characterologist' and vitalist Reflecting his ambivalent place in neo-Darwinist orthodoxy,
Ludwig Klages and the anthroposophist Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). Haeckel had both National Socialist admirers, such as Ernst
Klages blamed Darwin's 'English mentality' for narrowing the vision Lehmann, and detractors, such as Gunther Hecht (1902-1945) of the
of the second half of the nineteenth century; Darwin's unconscious Race Policy Office (RPA) of the National Socialist Workers Party
metaphysic followed the dominant paradigm since the Renaissance, (Baumer 1990: 217-19). Lehmann saw in Haeckel a forerunner of
namely rationalism, with its assumption of a utilitarian drive behind National Socialism's striving for a relationship to nature, stating: 'The
an objectified nature, and its assimilation of human expressivity to deepest essence of the National Socialist world-view is the striving
reflex mechanisms (Klages 1936: 208-15). for a connection to nature. National Socialism is itself politically
The advent of the Nazi regime led to the exile or dismissal of applied biology' (Lehmann 1934a: 132). In contrast to Marxism, the
Gestalt biologists and psychologists who were politically or racially National Socialist world-view was built on race (Lehmann 1935: 378).
undesirable, or who rejected the volkisch interpretation of holism. Hecht contrasted Haeckel's materialist Monism with the volkisch-
The vitalist biologist Hans Driesch (1867-1941), an internationalist biological world-view of National Socialism, and urged that
and pacifist, was dismissed from his post in Leipzig on political Haeckel's intellectual legacy be confined to discussions with the
grounds, and was forbidden to hold public lectures in 1935, though scholarly sphere, without any attempt being made to apply it to
his work was a fundamental influence on vitalist supporters of matters falling within the responsibility of the Party and its organs
Nazism such as Adolf Meyer-Abich (1893-1971). The main propo- (Hecht 1937: 284). However, this opinion should be understood in the
nent of a National Socialist form of holistic and vitalist biology was context of Hecht's assertion that National Socialism could not be
Ernst Lehmann (1880-1957), the editor of Der Biologe, and follower defined by reference to any thinker or scholar. Echoing the stance of
of the holistic theories of the volkisch biologist and ecologist Jakob his boss, Walter Gross, and their ultimate superior, Alfred Rosenberg,
von Uexkiill (1864-1944). The Goethean concept of Gestalt was Hecht asserted that National Socialism was a political not a scientific
celebrated by Karl Lothar Wolf and Wilhelm Troll (1942), and or scholarly movement. Neither Lamarck, Darwin nor Haeckel, nor
metaphorical parallels between the inner form of an organism and their successors and opponents, could provide the political tenets of
180 Dynamics of Nazi Science Dynamics of Nazi Science 181

National Socialism. National Socialism was a political-ideological nature of species and race]'. Haas did note that the Nazi scholar Hans
(politisch-weltanschau!ich) movement for which Hitler and 'his polit- Weinert had described these objections to Darwinism as 'pseudo-
ical soldiers' alone were responsible. It was not the scholar but rather scientific', but noted he also sought to support his scientific ideas
the leaders of the National Socialist movement who had the ultimate 'politically' (1941: 41).
authority to determine what was harmful to the 'health of the people'
(Hecht 1937: 290).
It should be stressed that not all neo-Lamarckians were hostile
Walter Gross: balancing the claims of science
to Darwin. Those who worked broadly within the conventions of
and ideology
contemporary natural science accepted that Darwin was an impor-
tant, groundbreaking thinker (Plate c.1909), but rejected the neo-
Darwinian view that the inheritance of acquired characteristics In two public lectures held at Berlin University on 26 November 1935
played no role whatsoever in evolution. Darwin after all 'had recog- and 20 January 1936, Walter Gross addressed a specifically academic
nized the interaction of selectional and Larmarckian factors' (Plate audience. Gross spoke in the spirit of Alfred Rosenberg in promot-
1932: vii). Neo-Darwinism, however, was central to the claim that ing the transcending of a false opposition between research (Wis-
National Socialism was grounded in, and drew on, scientific truth. In senschaft) and life (Leben) (1936: 31), a message which contained
this sense, Lamarckianism and vitalism were thus both scientifically both implied promise and threat to the university community. Gross
and ideologically vulnerable. Ferdinand Rossner (1900-1987), the attacked disciplinary isolation, apolitical distance from the concerns
Austrian zoologist Konrad Lorenz (1903-1989) and Paul Brohmer of everyday life and disdain for the destiny of the Volk, evoking a
(1885-1965) argued in their different ways for Darwin's importance holistic vision of academic striving in which, now that the political
in understanding the nature of human races and for National Social- and economic power had been brought under control, a new intel-
ism (Wegner 2002: 71-2). Konrad Lorenz in particular applied this lectual front would be opened up (1936: 9-11). This involved a rejec-
notion of domestication (Haustierwerdung) as part of a 'process of tion both of individualism and a universal humanity; the roots of all
reciprocal legitimation' between Nazism and his thinking (Kalikow intellectual striving should be in the Volk as a true community. It is
1980, cited in Deichmann 1996), reflecting both Darwin and Ernst this Volk from which meaning is derived, and the intellectual task
Haeckel's Monism (i.e. his rejection of a firm distinction between is that of contributing to the perfection (Vollendung) of its vision
humans and animals). Domestication was seen in the effects of civi- (Weltbildes) (1936: 13-14).
lization, in which certain hereditary traits come to the fore: 'overciv- Gross did not argue simplistically that science was subordinate to
ilized big-city man has a whole series of hereditary traits that would ideology. He recognized the scientific domain as having its own rules
readily mark any other animal life-form, exhibiting them as a typical and standards, and argued that National Socialist ideology could not
domesticated animal' (Lorenz 1940: 5; Deichmann 1996: 186). In the exist in contradiction to established scientific fact. It could however
wild there was an equilibrium between mutation and selection; this draw attention to facts that had been overlooked, or interpret par-
was not the case in the domesticated state, which led inevitably to ticular facts in a new light. The construction of Nationa1 Socialist
deterioration (Nachtsheim 1936; Paul and Falk 1999). vision on the basis of these facts was fundamentally a product of lived
Thus, while there were anti-Darwinian figures within the volkisch experience and belief (1936: 20). Gross rejected the idea that
movement who sought a role as Nazi ideologues, it is misleading to National Socialist ideology was a product or offshoot of scientific
read these as representative for National Socialism as a whole. Otto research, specifically the natural sciences and biology, and that the
Haas (1887-1976) of the American Natural History Museum saw the race science (Anthropologie) and biology of the previous decades
dismissal of the theory of evolution as symptomatic of National could claim to be the source of the new racial-folkish ideology
Socialist ideology (1941: 40-1): 'Evolution seems to be especially (rassisch-volkische Denkweise). Natural science had much more
suspect because it appears to be contradictory to the invariability of claim on our attention than the humanities: 'the findings of natural
species and races, required as dogma by the "Rassenlehre", and is in science demand recognition' (1936: 22). Gross described the worlds
consequence, stigmatized by Otto Muck as "Theorie des universalen of modern science and National Socialist ideology (volkische Weltan-
Art- und Rassenlosigkeit" [a universal theory denying of the distinct schauung) as independent if overlapping and mutually supportive
182 Dynamics of Nazi Science Dynamics of Nazi Science 183
domains, each with its own autonomy (1936: 22). In a similar vein, nation of science to ideology; nor did ideology give the initiative away
Gross asserted that the underlying laws of logic were the same for to science in the formulation of ideology and policy. This was also
everyone, but that their value and application within a culture the position articulated by Heinrich Hartle, namely that science or
depended on the stage of evolution and was also racially determined scholarship (Wissenschaft) and ideology (world-view, Weltanschau-
(1936: 28). ung) should be kept separate (Hartle 1941; Geuter 1992: 170).
Gross also defended Nazi thought from the charge of a determin- In an interview with Charlotte Kohn-Behrens, Gross described his
istic materialism, in which the mental-psychological-spiritual (geistig) role as neither research (the domain of the scientist) nor policy (the
and the cultural were simply determined by race. He denied that the domain of the Ministry of the Interior), but rather the educating of
scientific view of race took this one-sided view, and argued, in the the people. He was concerned with the unification of educational and
case of racial distinctions, that they embraced both the mental and informational efforts, so that in the public domain there should be
the bodily-physical, without necessarily making any fixed statement complete unity on race matters, with only proven facts being propa-
about the relationship between these two aspects. Thus, the laws of gated. Academic disputes and controversies should be carried on
inheritance applied both to the mental and the physical, but this did behind closed doors (Kohn-Behrens 1934: 74-5). Gross thus saw his
not imply there was a direct causal relationship between these task as central to the Nazi enterprise, since the German people could
domains (1936: 23). Again Gross stressed holistic unity and the total- be saved only by a collective rejection of the false ideal of equality
ity of 'life', and rejected the artificial separation of mind and body, as and by embracing wholeheartedly the propagation of the healthy
well as the marginalization of the body in favour of the mental and elements of the Volk, and this was essentially a matter of public
spiritual, which had left an unhealthy attitude to physical needs and education and the dissemination of a political message (Gross 1935).
drives, leading to a belief in their sinfulness or their unnatural repres- Gross's commitment to holism and the breaking down of barriers
sion (1936: 24). This plea for a holistic and life-centred philosophy led between science and 'life' reflects his commitment to Alfred
Gross to plead for the alienation between the humanities and the Rosenberg's vision of Nazi science. But Gross can also be seen as
natural sciences to be overcome 'in a new and fruitful synthesis', so attempting to mediate between this rhetoric and the rising status and
that both in life and in intellectual matters the opposition between prestige of biological and genetic science, which did not require a
the mental and the physical could be overcome, leading to the total direct synthesis between the humanities and the natural sciences.
fulfilment of the human being.
Just as this brought together what had been previously wrongly
separated, so Nazi ideology would separate where separation was the
Race theory on trial: the case of Ludwig
natural order of things, fighting against the internationalist tendency
Ferdinand Clauss
to blur national, cultural, linguistic and racial boundaries (1936: 25-7).
A new awareness has arisen of the profound differences that exist
among the races and the racially determined peoples of the world A chance to see Gross in action is afforded by his sustained attack
('zwischen den Rassen und rassenbedingten Volkern', 1936: 27). on the race psychologist Ludwig Ferdinand Clauss, a former student
To his denial that Nazism was materialist, Gross added a denial of Edmund Husserl (1859-1938). What Gross objected to in particu-
that it was chauvinistic or imperialistic, noting that it recognized the lar was Clauss's apparent belief that he was an authority on race
subjectivity of values and rejected the false objectivity of the liberal matters and could define the study of race in Nazi Germany. Clauss
world-view, which applied inappropriate standards to different cul- was particularly problematic for Gross, as he was a popular speaker
tures. Nor was it anti-religious, since it rejected superficial religious and lecturer whose books sold well and were reprinted regularly.
form and recognized that the profound inner experiences of a reli- In 1941, Clauss initiated proceedings in the Highest Court of the
gious nature were also racially determined (1936: 29). Nazi Party against Gross, charging Gross with obstructing his acade-
This model offered a means of reconciling science with the totali- mic work and hindering the dissemination of his ideas. Although it
tarian demands of the state, and had the effect of separating ideol- was Clauss who had initiated the proceedings against his fellow-Party
ogy from science and preventing the kinds of confusion that had member Gross, it was Clauss, not Gross, who became the accused
arisen in relation to racial mixing. This did not require the subordi- under the rules, since Gross was a Party veteran (alter Kampfer).
184 Dynamics of Nazi Science Dynamics of Nazi Science 185
Clauss, though in many ways an organic intellectual of race science, had long tried to persuade Lande to use her special insight to live
a popular author and a charismatic lecturer, was not securely posi- with and study Jews.
tioned within the academic system. Clauss overestimated his ability Clauss denied that he was insufficiently anti-Semitic, claiming that
to silence the upstart bureaucrat (Weingart 1995). his work had made a fundamental contribution to the Nordic move-
The trial had been triggered by letters sent by Clauss's wife to ment and to Nazism. He denied any sexual relationship with Lande,
senior Party officials, including Hitler, denouncing Clauss for his close emphasizing her status as an object of study, a scientific specimen, but
relationship to his Jewish research assistant, Margarete Lande. The also someone with an intuitive racial intuition. In his efforts to save
gist of these letters was that German race theory in the person of himself and Lande, Clauss made statements of the following kind:
Ludwig Clauss had fallen under Jewish control. Though the letters
showed clear signs of mental instability, Gross sought to use this I am interested in Judaism in the way that a doctor is interested in
denunciation to bring Clauss to heel. In his initial deposition, Gross disease. Against one germ I have put into action a counter-germ. Only
pointed to the lack of an empirical basis to Clauss's work, the paucity someone who is part of that can really sense the Jew in the fullest way.
I cannot live with Jews, no one can imply that of me. I can live as a
of the materials from which he made his generalizations. He objected Bedouin among Bedouin, but not as a Rabbi among Rabbis. I cannot
that Clauss, by identifying race with style, had no way of distinguish- share in the life of the ghetto. It is hard for Miss Lande, but she has
ing racial formation from environmental influence. His conclusions this ability. I need someone of this kind, if you like in the way that the
were not logically distinct from his premises police need their informers. ([Report 1]1941: 122)

It should be said that Clauss does believe that the 'mimetic method' Put another way, Clauss defined his task as drawing the boundary
of living with his subjects [Mit/eben] makes it possible to distinguish between Orient and Occident, part of his understanding that through
between inherited race characteristics and those determined by the the insights of his method 'we' can realize fully who 'we' are.
environment on the basis of psychological and physical architecture. Gross's intellectual attack distinguished three kinds of race theory:
... Here the phenomenological method reaches the limits of its possi- materialistic or physicalist race theory; Clauss's mind-body dualism,
bilities, and only in clear recognition of this can the scientific attitude with an emphasis on the mind or race psychology; and National
of the investigator be shown. (Weingart 1995: 83) Socialist race theory which was renewing scientific race theory,
through the ancient Aryan idea of the unity of mind and body. Gross,
The method was 'completely subjective'. Gross also poured scorn on while using the criterion of science to attack Clauss, nonetheless left
Clauss's claims to have passed himself off as a Bedouin, noting that final authority on race matters with a culturally privileged notion of
the Bedouin had had extensive contact with the British, the Turks and mind-body unity. Clauss, noted Gross, had tried to present himself
Germans, and were perfectly familiar with the modern world. as the saviour of contemporary race theory through his critique of
Without dismissing Clauss's method in its entirety, Gross argued that materialism and physicalism.
it could only be validated by submitting itself to the methods of bio- The criterion of science was also used against Clauss by .an expert
logical race theory, which Gross saw as transcending the mind-body witness, the Ttibingen Professor Wilhelm Gieseler (1900-1976).
dualism he attributed to Clauss. Gieseler argued that Clauss's method was not scientific in the sense
Clauss, accused of living in close proximity with a Jewish woman, that the methodology employed by Clauss was uniquely suited to
simultaneously found his authority as a race theorist and his research him. It was not a methodology that could be taught and reproduced
programme on trial. The case has great textual density, with Clauss institutionally. While not unsympathetic to Clauss, and noting that he
seeking to justify his use of the research assistant by objectifying her had always urged his students to read his work, Gieseler's evidence
as an object of study and arguing that his prominence as a race concluded: 'I cannot call this a scientific method' ([Report 1] 1941:
theorist put him above the normal restrictions of interracial contact. 15; Weingart 1995: 111-21).
Lande, Clauss argued, was half-Jewish and thus had a valuable under- The Party verdict was indeed, as Clauss protested, the consequence
standing of two racial psychologies; she was an indispensable tool of a trial of his race theory as a whole, rather than of his conduct in
(Werkzeug). In seeming contradiction to his own method, which relation to Lande. In expelling Clauss from the Nazi Party, the court
argued that a researcher from one race can understand and even denied that Clauss's work had any significant role to play in National
enter mimetically into the culture of another, Clauss reported that he Socialist ideology, since his lecturing and other popularizing work had
r86 Dynamics of Nazi Science Dynamics of Nazi Science r87
not been carried out under the Rosenberg Bureau. Were Clauss's (Gunther 1924: 139). Even more than with Gunther, vision and
work to disappear, it would leave no ideological gap. Clauss was an insight was the essence of Clauss's method. There was an intrinsic
opportunist, and someone who looked to the Party for recognition, tension in Clauss's work between his work as a popularizer and his
rather than seeking to serve the Party. Some of his ideas, when taken elitist insistence on intuition and insight. Clauss stressed the absolute
to their logical conclusion, were against National Socialist ideology, priority that had to be given to the training of the gaze, to Schauen
and the scientific status of his ideas was at least questionable. or Hinschauen; this - not abstract theory - was fundamental to the
In its judgement, the Party court emphasized that, the recognition development of the racial sense or intuition that Hitler wished for
of academic and scientific freedom notwithstanding, National Social- the German people (Clauss and Hoffmann 1934: 3ff., 14ff., 40). In the
ism required discipline of its scholars, who should accept the priority same spirit, Hunke (1936: 91) talked of the scientist as 'rese_archer,
of the Party to dictate matters of political importance. An example visionary and artist'.
of this was Gunther, who had responded to an instruction to moder- This intuitionist tendency in German science frequently - though
ate or suppress certain views with the required attitude, without not exclusively - drew inspiration from Goethe's 'remaining with the
claiming that this meant the end of academic freedom. No one who experience of the thing throughout the course of study', in which
knew Clauss and his boundless overestimation of his own importance the emphasis was on the education of the vision of and kinship with
would expect the same of him ([Report 2]: 11). the natural world (Seamon 1998: 9). It was essential to go 'with open
eyes through the natural world'. The classification of the natural
world into hierarchies of types was misleading, since some organisms
were similar in one respect and different in another. The model of
The scientific gaze
descent suggested by the genealogical tree was only part of the
picture; Goethe's visionary insight into comparative morphology led
Clauss's theory was grounded in an intuitive racial insight, and this to the recognition of a few basic forms ( Grundformen) under the
stress on intuition was shared by a range of racial and biological the- apparent chaos of the variety of natural organisms. The basic form
orists. There was a strong association between vO!kisch ideology and was not an abstraction; it was not enough to strip away the differ-
the praise of the intuitive or 'natural' vision of the engaged observer. ences between forms to reveal an underlying basic form. This form
Modernity had led to the loss of the instinctual racial gaze of the had to be seen, since it was always clearly visible (anschaulich) to the
ordinary people, and thereby blunted the racial instinct that had intuitive eye (Schaeppi 1940/41: 174-5, 184).
prevented interbreeding with distant races. Residues of this racial In mechanistic modernity, there was a visual deficit: the intuitive
instinct could be found in folklore, e.g. in proverbs and popular 'eye' was not valued. This was contrasted implicitly with the logo-
sayings (Schwab 1937), in folk images, e.g. of the build and physiog- centric nature of formal education, in which the written word- both
nomy of the devil (Kretschmer 1931: 1); and in a neglected history of religious and secular - took pride of place. Praise for the eye, and for
eugenic thinking (Scheidt 1941). intuitive, searching 'pure' gaze can be found, for example, in Houston
Eugen Fischer offered ambivalent praise to Gunther for combin- Stewart Chamberlain's intellectual autobiography, written--as a letter
ing the scientist with the artist and poet. Acknowledging the criticism to Baron Jakob von Uexkull. Uexkull's 'eye' is praised for its lumi-
directed at Gunther's work, Fischer stressed his role as an educator nosity (1922: 66). This memoir is an account of Chamberlain's visual
of the German people and his importance in preparing the way for education, with nature as the tutor of his gaze (1922: 68, 69). The emo-
National Socialism (1935: 220-1). Lutzhoft describes how the volkisch tional impact of nature was greatest in his youth before he lost the
publisher J. F. Lehmann was deeply impressed by Gunther's visual 'innocence of the gaze' ('Unschuld des Anschauens', 1922: 77).
acuity in diagnosing the racial character of passers-by on an Alpine Although drawn to the study of botany, Chamberlain also realized
walking tour. He subsequently commissioned Gunther to write his that he was a visually intuitive observer rather than a systematizer,
study of the racial profile of the German people, notwithstanding who had an intuitive sense of the 'inner connections' between organ-
Gunther's lack of formal qualifications in racial anthropology isms, a synthesizing gaze promoted by his short-sightedness. Short-
(Lutzhoft 1971: 30-1). Gunther himself deplored the loss of a strong sightedness was related to the imagination, as exemplified in the
visual sense of race among the Europeans, in particular the Germans adventures of Don Quixote, during many of which he transformed
r88 Dynamics of Nazi Science Dynamics of Nazi Science 189
reality (1922: 67). As a student, Chamberlain had brought together a recognized the importance of exact measurement in the study of the
collection of skulls with the intention of studying their form, but had human body, saw mathematical precision as insufficient: 'Above all
given up, since he did not have the systematizer's eye, that is he could however we must learn again to use our eyes, to see and to observe
find no normal skull (Normalschiidel) from which to measure the plainly and simply, without microscope and without laboratory'
differences. The synthesizing gaze, once its attention was directed to (1931: 2).
the detail, found no natural stopping point in its perception of dif- Ernst Dobers (1936), writing with regard to the teaching of
ferences. By contrast, the systematizing gaze achieved its goal biology, stressed the need to open the pupils' eyes to the world
through a determination to be blind, to not see. The systematizer was around them, to sharpen their vision and appreciation of detail
akin to the philologist, in the admirable but violent rigour of the gaze, (Blickschiirfung), including the apparently irrelevant. This was impor-
which achieved great successes, but which functioned in an anthro- tant in awakening the 'feeling for life' which had been lost in the
pomorphic way, lacking the innocence of the pure observation of modern, urbanized world. This would contribute more to the future
nature (1922: 83). From the eye of the landscape painter Hans Thoma of the Volk than whole libraries full of specialized literature (1936:
(1839-1924) there shone a light of incredible power (1922: 69). 383). This was particularly true with regard to race education
The pure eye was further contrasted to the blindness brought on (rassenkundliche Schulung), for which the teacher must develop a
by theory. Chamberlain praised the comparative anatomist Georges never-ending curiosity about processes and connections.
Cuvier (1769-1832), for whom, in contrast to Ernst Haeckel, 'the eye Dobers rejected the 'verbalism' of elementary education, and the
remains open and pure and is recognized as an irremovable, incor- over-reliance on textbooks. This could never achieve the desired
ruptible law maker in the natural sciences'. Thinkers like Haeckel effect of the 'biologizing' of the sensibility and mentality of the
end up with objectively derived falsity (1922: 121). Hermann Pol's people (Volksempfinden und -denken ). He favoured a dynamic model
lectures in Geneva were 'an education in pure seeing' (1922: 94). of pedagogy, in which the teacher, as a curious and engaged observer,
Chamberlain insisted that mistakes in observation could lead would experience the continual movement of racial processes. These
indirectly to truths (1922: 96). Chamberlain pleaded for the libera- underlay and shaped the surface phenomena which we call 'world
tion of visual perception from constraints: 'logic is not the goddess of history'. The key was not intellectual 'book-learning' but an educa-
truth, it is her maid; the eye is king, the ear is queen, the sense of tion of the senses (1936: 384). Examples of locales for this kind of
touch is the wise counsellor' (1922: 128). The aim was not to offer an observation were villages on the edge of a city, where the impact of
explanation, but to transform through perception realized as a urbanization could be seen; Gypsies living on the edge of a village; a
conceptual schema (1922: 128). station in Berlin where refugees were arriving from the Baltic- those
The characterologist Ludwig Klages, while praising Charles arriving on long-distance trains could be contrasted with those on the
Darwin's contribution to the study of expressivity in humankind commuter trains. Sport could be observed, as a good chance to see
([1872] 1999) as a solid contribution, noted that he had no 'intuitive the Nordic type in action. One could observe soldiers marching by,
insightful vision' (Hellblick) which could take him beyond the or discover the contrast between town and country types.
confines of the scientific study of appearances (Erscheinungswis- Otto Reche argued that, in training the eye, high-quality illustra~
senschaft), and thus could not offer true insight or explanation (1936: tions, including photographs that could capture the racially important
208-9). However, Wichler (1937/38: 368-9) defended Darwin against colouring, were necessary. Reche also argued that the photographs
Alfred Wallace by praising Darwin's ability to observe 'in the full used in many textbooks were too confusing, given the inevitable vari-
sense of the word'; Wallace was 'not a productive observer'. ation that existed in the population; it was difficult for the beginner
These tensions were reflected in concerns about the nature of the to identify the essential from the individual, and thereby to abstract
observation (i.e. gaze) that racial anthropology involved. This philo- the true 'racial type' (Rasse-Typus). The accompanying descriptions
sophical issue took on political salience in the Third Reich, since the were not enough to compensate, and often the pictures themselves
question arose as to whether the racially acute gaze of the anthro- did not present the ideal features presented in the verbal description.
pologist could be taught to the ordinary person or schoolchild, and if To give life to these abstract racial ideals, Reche had ideal illustra-
so, how. Many racial anthropologists, particularly those with a strong tions - combining all the ideal features of the racial type, both male
organicist or holistic approach, saw in racial anthropology possibili- and female, and eliminating this element of variation - realized as
ties of the training of the popular vision. Ernst Kretschmer, while he posters by an artist, Emil Frohlich of Leipzig. Reche noted that it was
190 Dynamics of Nazi Science Dynamics of Nazi Science 191

necessary to have both male and female exemplars illustrated, as the teleological thinking in German biology, on the other. Neo-
racial characteristics were 'different in the case of woman from those Lamarckianism, however, had deep roots in German scientific
of the man'. The portraits had been done from a frontal view and in thought, with its explanations of evolutionary change as having an
profile, in the same way that anthropological photographs are pro- order or logic, as a process of striving for a goal (Zielstrebigkeit), and
duced, which was important for objective comparison, even though as following an inner necessity (innere Notwendigkeit) latent in the
somewhat schematic from an artistic point of view. Reche recom- organism rather than being the result of random influences and
mended that the posters be hung in the classroom for at least a week, mutations (Schneider 1934).
so that the pupils would become familiar with the significant charac- One important factor was the association of Neo-Lamarckianism
teristics. The black-and-white pictures in the books were more for with the plasticity of the human races. If, for example, environmen-
orientation, as were the sketches of the primary skull types. tal factors could impact directly on the germ plasma, then racial
Reche stressed that these were racial types, and that these types divisions were liable to be eroded among groups of different races
rarely appeared in the pure realization of the German Volk (Reche living in the same environment. For this reason, Fritz Lenz associated
1933: 3-5). There is an educational paradox here. On the one hand, Lamarckianism primarily with Jews, explaining that their preference
the intent was to sharpen the racial acuity of the Volk by awakening for the theory derived not from any racial characteristic, but from a
their visual sense. This was to be done by presenting ideal types, who desire to see racial differences as contingent to and liable to be erased
represented the perfect realization of all the physical characteristics under the influence of the environment. If there was a possibility of
of particular races. But, outside these Platonic idealizations, appear- acquired characteristics being inherited, then there was nothing
ance was in itself deceptive, since phenotype was not consistent with standing in the way of the creation of a uniform human species ('eine
genotype. The consequence of this was that superficial judgements by Gleichartigkeit aller Menschen'). This, argued Lenz, was an attractive
lay persons based on individual appearance were to be avoided. theory to a group who relied on their success as a minority among
Expert evaluation of an individual would be based primarily on an racially different peoples. In addition, there was great 'demagogic
investigation of as much of the extended family as possible. Only value' in any theory which presented the genetic differences between
the expert could reach a proper evaluation of the racial status of an people as potentially erasable and therefore inessential (Lenz 1923a:
individual (1933: 31). Reche insisted that racial evaluation was a 425). The idea that organisms could alter their hereditary nature by
matter for experts and experts alone. striving (Streben) for change (Fischel 1934: 514), even if it was not
This question also related to the tension between elitism and pop- intended to apply directly to human races, also suggested the possi-
ularism in the Nazi treatment of race questions. Was every member bility of the willed assimilation of foreign races to the German Volk.
of the Volk to become a race expert? Gross had clearly identified the From a neo-Lamarckian point of view, if modernity created increas-
political dangers of this popularization of theories of race. While the ingly uniform living conditions, i.e. a uniform environment, then all
regime wished to raise consciousness about race, and impressed on racial distinctions would gradually be erased, even without direct
Germans the importance of selecting a suitable marriage partner, it interbreeding.
risked spreading confusion in the population if a serious attempt The ideological climate in the early days of the regime\vas decid-
was made to spread the teachings of racial anthropology among edly hostile to neo-Lamarckianism, but a debate did begin in the
the general population. It was surely evident that the subtleties of Nordicist journal Rasse. Kurt Holler (Leipzig) took the line that this
the phenotype/genotype distinction would get lost in the school view of human evolution suggested that Jews could become Germans
classroom. by racial assimilation to the Germanic milieu (Holler 1934: 37-8).
However, both the zoologist Ludwig Plate (1934) and Hans Boker
(1934) argued that there were no grounds to reject Lamarckianism
Neo-lamarckianism and Nazism
outright. Plate (Jena) rejected the notion that evolutionary change
could be explained entirely by arbitrary mutation: there was no need
for National Socialism to reject environmentalism (Umweltlehre)
The status of neo-Lamarckianism was complicated by its associations in its entirety. Plate, an outspoken anti-Semite, had belonged to a
with Soviet ideology, on the one hand, and anti-Darwinian and minority of professors who supported Gunther's appointment in Jena
192 Dynamics of Nazi Science Dynamics of Nazi Science 193
(Hossfeld 2003: 524). Boker (Jena) emphasized this distinction note from the editors, stating that the presentation of modern
between Lamarckianism and environmentalism (1934: 251 ). This view Lamarckian ideas was to serve the education of the educated layper-
of evolutionary change was not to be identified with Marxism. For son, but that these ideas have been misused in popular presentations
Boker, races were constant, but not species (1934: 254); his under- (1942: 104). This indicates the political sensitivity of Lamarckian
standing of change was derived from the holistic Goethean strand thinking, but also its relative marginality and insignificance in the
of German biological thinking. This relied on the neo-Lamarckian evolving intellectual landscape of the Third Reich.
concept of 'active, mnestic processes', i.e. changes which are triggered
by repeated stimulation of the organism and leave behind an asso-
ciative trace that can be transmitted to offspring (Boker 1937: 134).
Conclusion: the problem of telos
Rejecting the extreme mechanistic view which he saw as now dis-
credited, Boker argued for a synthesis of dynamic and static thinking
in biology (1937: 134). In 1934, the zoologist Bernhard Rensch was strongly criticized for
One aspect of discussions of evolutionary theory under National neo-Lamarckian sympathies (Rensch 1979: 77; Schmuhl 2003a: 26).
Socialism can be illustrated by an article contributed by Jakob Rensch had sought to make the case that Lamarckianism was not
Hamacher to the popular science journal Kosmos. That the topic was antithetical to National Socialism, but in the mid-1930s shifted his
politically sensitive was indicated by a note clarifying that the position. Rensch was a leading figure in the development of the neo-
discussion was merely intended to describe the different views Darwinism synthesis in Nazi Germany. While neo-Lamarckianism
expressed on this topic. Hamacher was clearly a reluctant Darwinist, was not totally taboo, it was politically suspect, and marginal to the
lamenting the lack of a clear teleology in the theory of evolution. scientific mainstream. However, the question of the purpose or direc-
While he recognized that the scientific evidence had come down on tion of life (telos) remained. The key ideological problem in this was
Darwin's side, including the neo-Darwinism of August Weismann, he the ateleological character of neo-Darwinism. Many who sought to
could not accept the purely mechanistic view of change that Darwin's effect a fusion of science and Nazism looked to neo-Lamarckian, or
theory seem to promote, in particular the lack of an overall direction to a range of holistic theories which denied the distinction between
of change ('richtungslose Veranderlichkeit', Hamacher 1942: 14). nature and Geist. This allowed for an underlying unity of purpose to
From this point of view, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck's (1744-1829) vision the unfolding or evolution of an organism over time.
of evolutionary progress as a striving upwards from simple organisms The National Socialist dilemma with regard to science can thus be
to more complex and perfect ones was more a congenial model, both framed as follows. Nazism was a political and ideological movement,
socially and culturally (Hamacher 1942: 50). intent on the mobilization of all sectors of the German Volk. This
How then could a reconciliation be effected between the mecha- seemed to argue strongly for the fusion of science and ideology, such
nistic theory of Darwinism and the need for order and meaning? that the pursuit of learning and scholarship would be in step with the
Hamacher's solution was a rejection of mechanism in favour of the wider goals of the movement and the Volk. The destiny of the Volk,
notion of 'organism', whereby living organisms are understood to the nature of its world-view, needed to be expressed across the entire
coexist within a holistic (ganzheitlich) system in which there is a rela- range of academic scholarship and science, from the study of litera-
tionship between units and processes. Hamacher denied that this was ture to the most abstract mathematics. The criterion of race would be
a mystical concept: 'Only with the methods of the exact natural sci- relevant across the entire spectrum of human endeavour, and the idea
ences and with a strict separation of subject/object can we capture of a separation of the material from the spiritual, moral and intel-
the fundamental phenomena [Gegebenheiten ]'(1942: 150). This lectual would be rejected. This engaged form of science would be rich
concept of holistic system involves a dynamic equilibrium, a system in metaphors of organic integration: will, duty, harmony, energy,
of self-regulation, as found in the thought of the Viennese biologist mission, totality and struggle. It would break down the barriers
Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1901-1972) (1942: 50). This was captured between 'life' and scholarship, and between the humanities, the social
by Bertalanffy's notion of 'organismic biology' (organismische sciences and the natural sciences.
Biologie), according to which impulses for change and transforma- But this proposed fusion of science with ideology had a number of
tion can come both from within and outside the organism (1942: drawbacks. It raised a question of authority, i.e. the question of who
50-1). The final section of Hamacher's article was prefaced with a was to have the final say over what was politically correct and what
194 Dynamics of Nazi Science
was not. If the Party or the Fuhrer determined what counted as good
science, then in effect science was redundant. This model was also
highly confrontational, as it involved a direct political attack on broad 12
sections of the German professoriate. The status of that professori-
ate was understood in relation to the adherence to discipline-
internal standards and norms of scholarship. This potential conflict
Nazism Beyond Race
was greatest in the natural, physical and mathematical sciences. Those
disciplines which involved the study of Volk could accommodate
themselves more readily to the teleological rhetoric of struggle,
destiny and mission, or indeed were already cast in these terms. Yet
it was not an option to exclude science and scholarship from politi-
cal control.
Nazi ideology existed in tension between a merger of ideology and
science and a strict separation. The dominant trend, it can be argued,
was the second, and this had become clear by the late 1930s. The Party
leadership of the regime was increasingly technocratic, working
towards a modernized, corporate state, with a powerful military-
industrial base. While there was no clear formulation or resolution of
the problem in these terms, there was an underlying logic at work In 1933, the extreme Nordicist Herman Gauch (1899-1978) argued
which made this direction functional within the Nazi state. The ideo- that the prime evolutionary gap was between the Nordic race and the
logically and scientifically most appealing solution to the problem of rest of the animal kingdom, rather than between human beings and
telos was the traditional distinction between natural science and other animals. Gauch thus distinguished between the Nordic race, on the
disciplines. This division of labour would give the disciplines of Volk one hand, and the Dinaric, Alpine, Negro, Mongol races, on the other.
the task of elaborating mission and teleology (under the tutelage of These were inferior Untermenschen akin to animals (Gauch 1933: 4,
the NSDAP), and the natural sciences would pursue their research 79). Gauch's views on the nature of the racial composition of the
agenda without being required to talk in political metaphors. This is German Volk were cited and mocked by the holistic biologist Ernst
not to say that science would become apolitical. This did not preclude Lehmann (1934b: 63-4). In a moral sense, we can describe both
metaphorical echoes across disciplinary boundaries, but it did not Gauch and Lehmann as 'Nazi', but both became marginal within aca-
require them. Applied science in particular would be highly politi- demic Nazism.
cized, but since National Socialism and modern science were not per- In 1937, Wilhelm Hartnacke (1878-1952) criticized Ernst Krieck's
ceived to be in conflict, science could best serve National Socialism use of the term Anthropologie to describe his folkisjJ.-political
by being at the forefront of international science as judged by inter- ideology (Krieck 1936). Krieck juxtaposed his ideology with the
national norms. This model avoided a conflict between science and 'rationalistic-humanistic' world-view, and set his holistic or
ideology, yet did not threaten the Party's ultimate dominance and organic (ganzheitlich) approach against materialist science. However,
control of both ideology and science. There was no room in this model Hartnacke objected that to describe volkisch ideology as 'anthropol-
for the interdisciplinary enterprise of racial anthropology to play a ogy' was to confuse natural science with politics. While he had no
dominant role. objection to the promotion of volkisch values, the term 'anthropol-
ogy' itself should be reserved for scientific approaches to the
study of humanity. The Volk was not an organic whole in the same
way that an individual organism such as a person was. To pretend
differently was to be carried away by a simile. A Volk was not an
anthropological racial unity, even if race played a role in its fate. To
speak of a Volk as a 'holistic organism' ('ganzheitlicher Organismus')
196 Nazism Beyond Race Nazism Beyond Race 197
was to blur the boundaries between natural science and ideology. This peoples. Given the racial characteristics of light hair and skin, there
confused the biological with the historical, linguistic and territorial was no possibility of a migration from the east (Heberer 1940: 631-6;
ties that bound a Volk. The idea of an ideological anthropology was Grahmann 1936). Rodenwaldt, while not rejecting the importance of
a contradiction in terms. Anthropology belonged to the realm of measuring the human body within physical and racial anthropology,
science and should be kept separate from the realm of politics. There noted that many measurements taken in the past by Rudolf Martin
could be no insight into the whole without the rigorous study of the and others offered only a quasi-precision (Scheinexaktheit) and were
parts. Science required precision, and Krieck's holism was intellec- no longer of practical relevance. Given advances that had led to the
tually muddled, and his model without any proper foundation. In the anthropobiological turn, attention was now focused on understand-
same vein, Haase-Bessell used the term 'totality' (Totalitiit) rather ing the complex of hereditary and environmental factors that gave
than Ganzheit, which she described as 'unfortunate' and 'frequently rise to the phenotype. All discussion of race biological variation was
misused' (1939: 3, 13). provisional until a better understanding of the ecology of races
Two collections of papers indicate the intellectual direction of ( Okologie der Rassen) was obtained (Rodenwaldt 1940: 646).
research into human heredity by the end of the 1930s. The first, on In the autumn of 1942, Gerhard Heberer (1901-1973) completed
the foundations of human hereditary biology, Die Grundlagen der editorial work on the second of these collections of papers, Die Evo-
Erbbiologie des Menschen (1940), was edited by Gunther Just. In his lution der Organismen (Heberer 1943). This work, produced under
introduction, Just noted the recent rapid development of the study of the patronage of the SS, represented the internationally ascendant
human heredity, in particular experimental genetics. The collection scientific paradigm which had achieved the 'unification of biology' on
included contributions by Gerhard Heberer (Jena ), Kristine Bonnevie the basis of neo-Darwinism, the so-called 'synthetic theory of evolu-
(Oslo), Nikolai Timofeeff-Ressovsky (Berlin), Paula Hertwig (Berlin), tion' (Junker and Hossfeld 2002: 223--4). One of the contributors was
Ernst Harnhart (Zurich), Hans Nachtsheim (Berlin), Gunther Just Nikolai W. Timofeeff-Ressovsky (1900-1981), the Soviet geneticist
(Berlin), H. Zwicky (Zurich) and Ernst Rodenwaldt (Heidelberg). The who had been working in Berlin since 1925 (Reindl 2001; Schmuhl
intellectual agenda was the integration of the study of human heredity 2003b: 340-2). In the introduction, Heberer stressed the fundamen-
into the field of genetics. As Just observed, some of the contributors tal role biology played in the world picture (Weltbild) or world-view
naturally made reference to 'race biological and eugenic questions' (Weltanschauung) of the times. These terms were often used as a
(1940a: v). However, the tone was one of scientific caution. Hertwig general description of National Socialist ideology. The previous era
reported on experiments in mutation in mammals triggered by of debate and disagreement over the theory of evolution and its ide-
exposure to X-rays. Could the hereditary damage be compared to ological role was now closed, and there could be no room for further
the effects of alcohol, smoking or nicotine? Although there was a discussion about its scientific status: 'The genetic understanding of life
possibility of damage to the germ cell (Keimschiidigung), there was no has now become a solid foundation stone of the natural scientific-
evidence as yet, and it was the duty of the geneticist to exercise caution biological world picture.'
in making such judgements (Hertwig 1940: 284). For Heberer, those in the humanities (Geisteswissenschaften) who
Just's concern was with the Mendelian genetic foundations of the saw the theory of evolution as 'naive' and with an inapprop-riate sense
human constitutional types as identified by Kretschmer, and while of certainty merely showed how out of touch they were with the
this did not imply a rejection of anthropological race (Just 1940b: importance of the theory for an understanding of the world and the
441), the racial taxonomy of Nordic, Dinaric, etc. was very much in formulation of a clear understanding of reality. This was also true of
the background. The concept of anthropological race, and that of the a 'completely chaotic' literature which had been appearing until
Nordic race, was at its most prominent in paleoanthropological and recently. This literature was produced mainly in Germany, and typi-
prehistorical discussion. Heberer's account of the racial history of the cally led to an unbridled mysticism. Ironically, Heberer quoted
northern Europeans argued for continuity between the long-skulled Goethe expressing despair at the Germans and their speculation, but
prehistorical races of Europe (Chancelade, Cro-Magnon) and the also showing scorn for those who commented on a field of knowl-
present-day Nordic-Phalian race. There were two highpoints in the edge which they did not practise.
history of northern and central Europe: the development of distinc- Heberer had in mind the 'pseudo-scientific literati', and diagnosed
tive Neolithic Indogermanic peoples, and the rise of the Germanic their rejection of evolutionary theory as a reaction to the rising recog-
198 Nazism Beyond Race Nazism Beyond Race 199
nition of the importance of biology as a foundational discipline. This involved fully determined genetic inheritance (as in some genetic ill-
was in particular true in relation to the integration of the human nesses, racial characteristics); the second involved inherited charac-
being as a totality into the natural scientific-biological concept of law- teristics which partake in a dynamic, open-ended system in which
governedness. Things had come to the absurd point that some in the other factors may determine how or whether these characteristics are
humanities had been arguing that modern biology had shown the expressed, and if they are harmful in effect; the third concerned inher-
theory of evolution to be erroneous. The work was intended to offer ited talents and character, which were not dependent on the material
a comprehensive refutation of these sceptics, and to that end it characteristics of genetic inheritance and of the environment, but
brought together theoreticians and practical scientists, geophysicists, were dependent on education and upbringing, in particular self-
geologists, palaeontologists, zoologists, botanists, geneticists, anthro- education (Selbsterziehung), though the ability in this respect was also
pologists, psychologists and philosophers. The volume had been pro- essentially genetically determined. In the case of the first level, there
duced in the midst of the 'struggle for freedom' in Europe. was complete predetermination; in the second, there was no pre-
Noting that the volume was only superficially affected by the ideo- ordained outcome; in the case of the third, 'the battlefield lies open
logical context of Nazism, Junker and Hossfeld conclude that 'the before us, and it is largely dependent on the will of the individual
widespread impression of a special relationship between scientific whether he remains on the field as a victor' (1944: 17). Even in the case
Darwinism and National Socialist ideology is not warranted by the of absolute predetermination of inherited character, there was a role
historical facts' (2002: 243). But this comment begs the question of for achievement and self-sacrifice. Verschuer gave the example of the
what that ideology was, and provides evidence for exactly the oppo- hereditary deaf-mute or blind, or even those with mental limitations,
site conclusion. The fact that Nazi ideology made foundational use who could contribute to society by their loyalty, love and sacrifice. In
of Darwinism should not however be understood as implying any addition, they would also have to make the sacrifice of not reproduc-
simplistic equation of the two. ing in order to safeguard the welfare of the Volk as a whole.
In the second case, there was a need for guidance in the individ-
ual's development, though again if there was a serious genetic ailment
then that individual should not have off-spring. In the third case, there
Determinism and free will was a great range of developmental possibilities, together with free-
dom of the will (1944: 19). Verschuer (1944: 17 fn.) denied that there
The distinction between genotype and phenotype offered one was a contradiction between his genetic view of human destiny and
framework for understanding the relationship between genetic deter- free will. Free will gave rise to responsibility. This model stressed not
minism and free will. For, although the genotype laid down the 'deep only fate or destiny (Schicksal) but individual and collective duty, task
structure' of biological inheritance, many factors combined to and mission (Aufgabe). Each individual had a responsibility to
produce the 'surface structure' of the phenotype. What was inherited protect his genetic inheritance in the interests of future generations.
was a set of dispositions, which might or might not be realized Did this imply that the aim was a new racial elite, a new racial mer-
(Rusche 1937: 114-15). These dispositions laid down a variable range itocracy? If the future of the Volk depended on the gifted and the
of reaction, a so-called 'reaction norm' (Reaktionsnorm), and the fittest having sufficient children (Verschuer 1944: 21), did that not
extent of their realization was dependent on environmental factors. imply that some people's children were more important than others?
In terms of psychology, the individual inherited dispositions and ten- Verschuer distinguished between the activities of the plant or animal
dencies, which did not fully determine their realization; nor were the breeder, which were directed at the emphasis of particular features,
'contents' ( Gehalte) of psychological life determined (Rusche 1937: i.e. specialization, and the aim of eugenics (Rassenhygiene ), which was
114ff.). not the breeding of special types (Spezialtypen) but the promotion of
One model which showed the tensions between determinism and the genetic health and racial particularity of the Volk as a whole.
free will, directionless change and teleology, holism and compartmen- Although the idea of a 'superman' ( Ubermensch) had been seen as
talization, was articulated by Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer. Ver- the possible next stage of development, there was no way scientifi-
schuer distinguished three levels of inherited characteristics, with cally to predict humankind's future direction. Eugenics could not
different levels of predetermination (1944: 17-19). The first level take the development of a 'superman' as its goal (1944: 21-2).
200 Nazism Beyond Race Nazism Beyond Race 201

Verschuer's approach focused on heredity within the Volk, seen in nature of individual characteristics, particularly at the level of the
effect as a population rather than as a racially determined mix. The psyche, in which heredity was often a prerequisite but only one of
term Rasse was used primarily as Vitalrasse. While Verschuer recog- several conditions. Culture and history therefore could not be ex-
nized the category of 'race' as intermediate between humanity and plained by race.
the individual (1944: 20), the classical concept of anthropological race Though heredity was fundamental to Volk and the state, the deter-
played a marginal role in the exposition, with no mention of its tax- mining role of Geist in culture and history should not be forgotten.
onomy of human racial types. Race in the anthropological sense was Modern genetic research gave absolutely no support to materialism
for Verschuer primarily a geographical category, as each race devel- and determinism of any kind, and each individual had a responsibil-
oped as a result of geographical isolation and through selection and ity to work at their own personal development in the service of the
mutation. As a result, each race was adapted to a particular environ- whole. Verschuer finished with a quotation from Goethe: 'Always
ment, and its inherited make-up would also determine whether it strive towards the whole and if you yourself cannot become a whole
could tolerate migration to a new environment. Migrations gave rise then serve a whole as a part' (1944: 24-5). Recognizing but allowing
to racial mixing, but the factors involved in the formation of races the anthropomorphic and teleological metaphor (marked with in-
(Rassenbildung) operated to restore harmony between humans and verted commas), Verschuer saw in natural forms a 'striving' towards
the environment. Verschuer stressed that human beings were not health and harmony, a 'search' of the body for normality, the body
passive in relation to the environment, and were able to actively reor- being a self-regulating totality in which parts are subordinated to the
ganize it. In this sense, the environment was determined by race whole ( Ganzheitsfunktion) (1944: 10).
(1944: 14-15).
Within each race there was a high degree of variability, and this
was true as much for bodily characteristics as for ability, character
Biology and linguistics
and temperament. In addition, Verschuer was in no doubt that 'the
culture and history of a people are dependent on race'. Although
history was made by humankind, this was only on the basis of a racial The functional and ideological advantages of academic compart-
prerequisite, such that great leaders (Filhrerpersonlichkeiten) arise, mentalization can be understood by looking at the relationship
and peoples take on historical roles. Genetic make-up was a key to between evolutionary biology and genetics, on the one hand, and the
the rise and fall of peoples, but peoples could also be wiped out by central discipline of Volk, linguistics, on the other. For genetics, the
violence or dramatic changes in the environment (1944: 15). Ver- Volk was a population made up of Erblinien, hereditary lines; there
schuer did not take a simply deterministic view of heredity and cul- was no natural or genetic boundary to the Volk. The proviso within
tural achievement. He compared developments in eugenics to those Nazi ideology was that the hereditary lines of racially foreign groups
in modern physics, which had shown that the classical laws of macro- had been excluded. In the dialectic from the biblical to the gene-
physics did not apply in microphysics. In the study of inheritance and tic conception of Volk, racial anthropology in effect served as the
heredity, the same process had occurred. Classical 'race biology' antithesis, negating the so-called linguistic understanding of human
(Rassenbiologie), of which Fischer was the pre-eminent exponent, identity, and identifying those elements which were to be excluded.
had developed a set of key concepts based on Mendel, natural selec- In the synthesis, racial anthropology could be displaced by human
tion, phylogeny, physical anthropology. These concepts had found genetics, which offered a superior form of science. Genetics was
their practical application in the eugenic and racial policies of the neutral as to the boundaries of the Volk, unlike racial anthropology,
day, and in rapid progress in genetic counselling and assessment. The which directly undermined the status of the primary boundary
range of applications of race biology were becoming greater and drawn between one Volk and another, and imposed an independent
greater. However, its limitations had also become clear. Heredity and racial grid on the European population. The idea of a language
race had been too often seen from the point of view of a materialist as an organic or holistic structure which expressed the world-view
determinism, as the only source for all aspects of human perfor- of its speakers explicitly defined a clear boundary between one
mance, in particular for culture and history. Modern genetics however language and the next. There was in this sense a complementarity
had shown that there was diversity in the genetically determined to the relationship between genetics and the disciplines of Volk,
202 Nazism Beyond Race Nazism Beyond Race 203
and not a conflict. They were operating in parallel and autonomous Weisgerber's rhetoric was suffused with organicism, with the ideali-
domains. zation of the German language as a total (ganzheitlich) way of seeing,
A genetically oriented discipline of psychology offered the theo- but this organicism was related primarily to the category of Volk, and
retical possibility of subsuming the undesirable racial traits identified only indirectly to race. A language was a particular mode of seeing,
by anthropologists under more general, non-racial traits associated which was founded in the emotional bonds between mother's milk,
with criminality, 'anti-social' mentality and indifference or hostility to landscape and Volk, but which also represented an ethical and
community values and norms, in particular the welfare and unity of cultural system and the acquired wisdom of generations of ancestors
the Volk. These traits, as with physical handicap, could be traced as (Weisgerber 1933: 230). This mode of seeing was grounded in these
pathologies through the generations of particular families (Sippen). intuitive bonds, yet, unlike the intuitive gaze, it had the precision that
The switch in emphasis from the physical racial type to the psycho- belongs to language, and was acquired by every member of the Volk
logical racial type was consistent with this possibility of transcending who was born into an authentic German-speaking household. The
the intellectual opposition between Rasse and Volk, and between acquisition of language was the acquisition of identity, a process
mind and body. Targeting genetically inherited criminal traits would which 'naturally' began at birth. The German language could speak
be as effective as - or more effective than - targeting individuals on for, indeed think for, the Volk. Race was mute. Weisgerber's under-
the basis of anthropological race. This required not a crude deter- standing of languages as 'mother tongues' was no less a construct than
ministic biology but a sophisticated and scientifically informed dis- Gunther's concept of race. However, the logocentric construct of a
cussion of the interrelationships between heredity and environment. language had much deeper intellectual roots than the aesthetic
Natural science, as defined by the neo-Darwinian synthesis, sought iconography of race, not least because of the cultural centrality of
to understand the nature of genetic inheritance, emphasizing the fun- writing.
damental but not absolute impact of heredity on human affairs. The Like Gunther's Nordicism, Weisgerber's linguistics had a clear
humanities, in particular linguistics, were concerned with non-genetic anti-Semitic subtext, as loyalty to one's language was made a central
or non-heredity forms of transmission, in particular language. Lin- moral quality of Volk. Within Nazi ideology, Jews notoriously lacked
guistic identity was not inherited, it was acquired. Language was the this natural loyalty to Volk and mother tongue, and to territory. Their
fundamental institution whereby inherited characteristics of the Volk concept of identity was based in a 'father language', Hebrew, and a
were transmitted: its history, ways of thinking, its understanding of set of texts. Here as elsewhere, Jewish adaptability was understood
the world and the place of the Volk within it; its values and morality. as an immutable characteristic (Gilman 1998: 80). This mutability was
This notion of the inheritance of acquired characteristics, which had a sign that a deeper essence was untouched and unshaped by the
no place in biology and genetics, was of course unobjectionable - mother tongue. Jews were 'eternally foreign' (Chamberlain [1899]
indeed it was fundamental - in relation to human culture and lan- 1932: 382). The Romance linguist Edgar Glasser, who rejected
guage in particular. Similarly, a language had a direct and intimate 'linguistic Lamarckianism' (1939: 8), sought to promote a 'racial
relationship with landscape (Weisgerber 1933: 230), in contrast to the linguistics' over Leo Weisgerber, but ultimately it was t,he fascist
indirect relationship within the neo-Darwinist framework. 'mother-tongue' linguistics of the former which emerged as the domi-
It was the German language, as understood in the theories of the nant intellectual and political force (Hutton 1999: 47-8).
key linguist in Nazi Germany, J. Leo Weisgerber, which embodied the In the division of labour, genetics would deal with those elements
acquired wisdom and world-view of the Volk in its struggles for of individual and collective identity which were hereditary in nature.
mastery of the world and the maintenance of its particular world- While there might be debate and doubt about the exact dividing line,
view (Weisgerber 1939; Hutton 1999). There was no intellectual con- there was no attempt to reduce the whole of human personality and
flict between this view of the Volk and the biological and genetic culture to genetics. There was, for example, a complex and method-
understanding of human heredity. Weisgerber used a wide range of ologically sophisticated debate about the relationship between
vitalist metaphors of energy, will and self-assertion, and strongly tele- heredity, environment and criminality. The simple deterministic
ological language about the mission and historical trajectory of the model was not uncritically accepted, and 'there was a trend towards
Volk. Again, there was no conflict between this vitalistic metaphor- increasing conceptual and methodological refinement in criminolo-
rich language and the anti-metaphorical stance of scientific genetics. gical research during the Nazi era' (Wetzell 2000: 229). There was
204 Nazism Beyond Race Nazism Beyond Race 205

awareness that categories of crime were in part socially constructed, shown to rest not only on the vital and life-affirming will of the
and that there was no simple deterministic relationship between German people, but on the science of biology. Science and the
heredity and criminal behaviour, or between race and criminality volkisch world-view were close allies (Spelter 1937: 4). There was no
(Exner 1939: 47-71; Wetzell 2000: 179-231). These positions were conflict between volkisch world-view and science; indeed, science
intellectually much more sophisticated, but in essence no less racist, offered the Volk a chance at unbounded existence.
than vulgar Nazism within which Jews were a 'criminal counter-race'
(Gegenrasse) (von Leers 1936; Wetzell 2000: 188). The specialist
in hereditary psychology and twin research, Kurt Gottschaldt
Racial anthropology and the role of psychology
(1902-1991), recognized that intelligence 'was so complicated that
even its hereditary aspect could not be carried by any single gene'
(Gottschaldt 1942; Ash 1999: 289). This division of labour also simplified the relationship between the
Mother-tongue linguistics offered a model of how the world-view popular-political and the academic. Racial anthropology, in particu-
of a community could be transmitted from generation to generation lar in its guise as Nordicist ideology, had sought to bridge this gap,
without compromising the scientific integrity and methodology of since it both made a claim to reflect the findings of modern science
genetics. Linguistics offered an established discourse of difference, and sought to mobilize political action. The resulting confusion led
and it could show how the world-view of the Volk had been fashioned Walter Gross to insist on a strict separation of the two levels. Gross
out of centuries of the operation of human will upon nature. A child was concerned about the lack of a clear orthodoxy on race, and what
born into a politically stable and homogenous speech-community he saw as a resulting 'free for all' in matters of race theory. By con-
would be inducted by the language into the Volk; it was not required trast, linguistics and other disciplines of Volk which participated in
that genetics explain every aspect of the world-view of the German the traditional discourses of cultural nationalism and exceptionalism
people. An organicist or holistic (ganzheitlich) approach to linguis- did not face any similar political problems.
tics meant seeing a language as a dynamic, meaning-creating unity; it The attempt by racial anthropology to create a synthesis of these
did not require the demonstration of any direct relationship between domains had created confusion and political doubt, and had laid open
race and language. This would have threatened the clear distinction National Socialist science to the charge of racial materialism, by way
drawn between Rasse and Volk. Once the Volk had been purged of of a parallel with Soviet dialectical materialism. On this argument,
foreign racial elements, then language could again become a true cri- race played a similar role within Nazi ideology to 'class' within Soviet
terion of the boundary of the Volk. The hereditary quality of that Volk Marxist-Leninism. Race in Nazism, in parallel to the economic base
would then become the province of genetics. in Marxism, formed the individual in their basic identity and deter-
This same pattern was seen, in a different form, in the rejection of mined the socio-cultural and political superstructure of the collective.
the world-historical speculations (Gobineau, Spengler) that saw While these race-materialist tendencies were in evidence, there were
Volker as analogous to individual organisms. According to Leo strong intellectual and political arguments against allowing them to
Frobenius, culture was 'an organism independent of its bearers', and set the agenda.
each was to be seen as 'a living creature which is born and passes The key discipline which emerged at the interface between the
through childhood, manhood and senility' (Frobenius 1921: 3-4, humanities and the biological and genetic sciences was not racial
translated and cited in Heine-Geldern 1964: 415). This represented a anthropology but psychology. This discipline was much better placed
confusion of modes of knowledge which were to be kept separate, to operate in this way than any other, since it could pick up at the
and this confusion had led to ill-informed pessimism about the point where racial anthropology left off. For the outcome of the
destiny of the German people. Biological metaphors were mislead- methodological debate over the status of racial anthropology had
ing when applied to historical epochs or nations (Verschuer 1934: 58). been to stress the importance of psychological and mental qualities.
In his discussion of the role of the teacher as instructor in race The shift embodied in the 'racial idea' against purely cultural expla-
(Rassenkunde), Josef Spelter stressed the importance of modern sci- nations of human society and behaviour remained fundamental to
entific knowledge, as defined by Mendel's laws, in refuting this widely Nazi thought. However, the debate increasingly shifted to genetics,
held assumption. The eternal Reich of the Germans could thus be and the question of 'nature versus nurture' fell to psychology. Psy-
206 Nazism Beyond Race Nazism Beyond Race 207

chology, at the intersection of the study of human heredity and the Racial anthropology thus operated dialectically within Nazi ideol-
humanities, was much better suited to this intermediate role than ogy, serving usefully to define the Volk negatively, yet ultimately mar-
racial anthropology, which had conceded that there was no direct ginalized in favour of two parallel, autonomous and complementary
relationship between inherited racial characteristics of the body and ideological formations, namely the humanistic disciplines of Volk, on
inherited aspects of the mind. the one hand, and genetic and biological science, on the other. The
complex and ideologically contested area in between was the
province of psychology, in particular hereditary psychology (Erbpsy-
chologie). Theories that seemed to stress the dynamic relationship of
Dialectics of Volk
environment to race, such as those of Saller and Merkenschlager,
were silenced; those which offered a static but confused vision of the
Racial anthropology, which for intellectual, political and strategic racial hybridity of the Volk were marginalized from the public sphere.
reasons, had needed to argue that racial types were permanent, could There was a retreat from the simplistic holism of some pro-Nazi
offer no dynamic, forward-looking vision of the German Volk. The scientists in the early years of the regime, where every human
notion that the Nordic component needed to be maintained and pro- phenomenon was related to the category of race, an approach which
tected was apiece with the racial and eugenic pessimism to which frequently went together with a vulgar ideologization of scientific
Nazism sought a bio-political solution. It was a backward-looking, discourse. That holism was frequently embodied in anti-Darwinist
nostalgic, discourse which, while it was in tune with the reactionary strands in German science.
cultural politics of a broad section of the intelligentsia, did not sit well Neo-Darwinism suggested that there should be a rigorous sep-
with the radical and revolutionary eugenic and technocratic utopi- aration of the natural sciences and the sciences of culture. Neo-
anism of the new genetics. The industrial-technocratic drive of the Lamarckianism, suspect because of its association with environmen-
Nazi state and its militarization coincided with the increasingly talism and its status within Soviet ideology, did not merely shift the
radical policies of the leadership, culminating with the attack on the boundary between science and culture, but effectively merged the
Soviet Union in 1941. The paradox of the expansion of the Nazi state biological and the cultural. The notion that acquired characteristics
was that inherent within European colonialism. The greater the area could be directly inherited suggested that racial differences could be
of territory annexed, the greater the hybridity of the population con- modified by social engineering. Neo-Lamarckianism suggested that
trolled by the state. The genocidal nature of that expansion, in par- races could merge under the influence of the environment, a form of
ticular in the east, reflected its radical settler-colonial agenda and the hybridity that was anathema to the xenophobia of Nazism.
radical will to police the boundaries of the Volk. Yet Nazism needed to offer a definition of the boundaries of the
The nostalgic pessimism of traditional racial anthropology and Volk which allowed both for genetic inheritance and the inheritance
its intellectual cousin historical and comparative linguistics was of acquired characteristics. The option of deriving everything from
grounded in what was an essentially biblical model of human evolu- biological race was problematic, in that, in addition to it~ method-
tion, in which history itself was constituted by an original racial- ological and philosophical failings, it offered no place for free will,
linguistic fall. The narrative of history enacted and re-enacted that culture and education. If the essential qualities of an individual or a
fall from authentic racial being. The vision that this presented was of collective were laid down by their genetic inheritance, then much
a contemporary landscape of ruins and relic forms. These were frag- social action, the striving for self-improvement might seem futile. This
ments of lost organic wholes which the race theorist or the linguist was politically problematic for an ideology which placed such empha-
could discern amid the misshapen forms of modernity. By the exer- sis on the individual and collective will, and which sought to mobi-
cise of scholarly alchemy, lost wholes could be restored, proto- lize the Volk politically. If the neo-Lamarckianism was ruled out on
languages reconstructed, an endless series of lost homelands pro- ideological grounds, the alternative was to adhere strictly to the logic
posed and debated, and pure racial types abstracted. But this was a of the neo-Darwinian synthesis. Racial materialism in its purest form
paper exercise only, and no plausible political agenda could emerge offered no scope for the operation of the individual and collective
from this. This had become clear in the early years of the regime when will in influencing the destiny of the Volk, and no clear role for edu-
the Nordicist wing of Nazism had been effectively neutralized. cational and cultural activism, since racial destiny was laid down in
208 Nazism Beyond Race Nazism Beyond Race 209

advance. This smacked of the pessimism of Gobineau and Spengler. disciplines of Volk, on the other, with psychology operating at the
This racial pessimism was the central intellectual target of Nazi interface in the central debate over the relation of mind to body, and
science, and fuelled its embrace of neo-Darwinism. genetic inheritance to environment.
Ultimately, there was a convergence of interest between political
expediency and a re-affirmed distinction between the natural sciences
and the humanities. The attempt by racial anthropologists to ap-
proach the definition of Volk holistically had ended in confusion. The
concept Volk could best be defined by denying any direct causal link
between the biological and the linguistic-cultural. This was not to say The eugenic concept of Vitalrasse had lacked racial specificity, and
that there was no place for a holism, but that holism was not to seemed to imply that the mixing of distant lines of inheritance, pro-
operate globally between all areas of scholarly investigation. There vided they were genetically healthy, was beneficial. This was at odds
was still room for political rhetoric about the need to forge a bridge with the strong political, ideological and intellectual currents that saw
between academic science and 'life', and for emphasizing the ultimate racial mixing as leading the German Volk to its doom. The taxono-
links between mind and body. mic concept of Systemrasse or anthropological race expressed this
The underlying logic leads not to a popularized race theory but to concept of racial distance (see Duncker 1934) in unambiguous terms,
a separation of racial anthropology from popular race propaganda. even if it was in reality grounded in 'common-sense' perceptions of
The aestheticizing racial anthropology of Gunther fell precisely into human racial diversity, and offered a scientific rebuttal of the argu-
this middle ground, in which the attempt to describe in 'objective' ments for the assimilation of the Jews in the German Volk. The
language breaks down and is drawn towards a comparative aesthetic Negro, the Gypsy and the Jew represented 'otherness', and a threat
of the racial body. While this aesthetic was fundamental to Nazi to the purity of the bloodlines of the German Volk. This otherness
images at the level of propaganda, it was inadequate as a basis for a was also given aesthetic or visual form, and could be grasped in
science of race. The picture (i.e. the photograph) and the accompa- metaphors of contagion, corruption, degeneration, etc.
nying text did not together amount to a definition that could be But racial anthropology could offer no such clarity with regard to
applied or operationalized. the 'European races', and the racial composition of the German Volk.
If racial anthropology was the product of the subjectivity of the It was caught between two intellectual and ideological poles. The first
racial expert, if it was an aesthetic discipline, then the power to deter- involved the politically problematic racial elitism of the Nordic move-
mine where the crucial distinctions lay was held by the anthropolo- ment. The second accepted the equality or equal value of all the
gist. This was not acceptable to the political authorities, who wanted ('European') races that had contributed to the German Volk. This
a discipline that could serve the forensic needs of the state, yet which embrace of racial hybridity among the European races could be pre-
would not itself pronounce on the fundamentals of ideology. That role sented as a process of chaotic mixing and levelling to the lowest
fitted much more closely the self-understanding of natural scientists, common racial denominator. Neither of these options offered a clear
including racial anthropologists who saw themselves as being in definition of the nature of the German Volk. The rejectiofi of racial
alliance with genetics. The opposite of the intuitive aesthetics of hybridity ultimately implied a rejection of racial anthropology.
Gunther and Clauss in this sense was to be found in Reche's attempt The discipline that was best placed to define the uniqueness of the
to replace somatic anthropology with a racial diagnostic based on German Volk was linguistics. Linguistics could provide an account
blood type (Geisenhainer 2002: 127ft., 169ft.). There were evident of the relationship between linguistic structures and world-view,
methodological reasons why it had to fail, in particular because the between culture and landscape, and between the individual and the
term 'race' is circularly defined within the theory (see Marks 1996). collective. Each language had its unique world-view, and the German
But had it succeeded, then the racial anthropologist would have language expressed the world-view of the German could offer
evolved a technique which any laboratory technician could apply. It an account of how that world-view was transmitted from generation
would be digital rather than analogue. Nazism ultimately needed a to generation, namely in language acquisition, in the induction of the
digital theory of human identity, and the disciplines that potentially child into the community of the 'mother tongue'. This was intellectu-
offered that theory were human genetics, on the one hand, and the ally much more defensible than the aesthetic approach of racial
210 Nazism Beyond Race Nazism Beyond Race 211

anthropology, as it was grounded in the 'word' rather than the duce scientifically precise meanings into the public domain had
'image'. But the linguistic definition of Volk, like the concept of Vital- spread confusion and suspicion about the ultimate aims of Nazi popu-
rasse, did not automatically exclude the Jews from membership. That lation policy. However, any confusion of race with partly or wholly
was the task of racial anthropology in the dialectics of Volk. cultural constructs like nationality, peoplehood or language was sys-
Once Jews had been excluded from the Volk (both at the tematically rejected.
intellectual-metaphorical level and in their progressive segregation Reactionary and pessimistic forms of 'Germanocentrism' and
within, and elimination from, German society), racial anthropology racial nostalgia could not offer a convincing account as to why the
lacked a clear role in positively defining the nature of that Volk. The German Volk would not this time fall into degeneration and hybrid-
categories of racial anthropology were intellectually crude in ity, as had happened to previous superior civilizations. Racial anthro-
comparison with the new genetics. Fischer's appropriation of Mendel pology was hostile to the city, and nostalgic for an agricultural past
had offered racial anthropology the possibility of a synthesis with based on a vision of an organic rural society. It viewed the city and
genetics, but the idea of a race as an eternally unchanging set of modern mass society as the graveyard of the Nordic racial elite.
characteristics did not sit well with the neo-Darwinian synthesis, a Modern evolutionary science offered a framework within which such
paradigm which was based on perpetual change. Genetics could offer degeneration could be understood and avoided, and thus had a key
a eugenic assessment of the Volk; linguistics provided an account of role in the technocratic vision of a forward-looking Nazism based on
what made that Volk different from others. a racially purified Volk. This model reconciled scientific universalism
Linguistics offered an unproblematic account of the inheritance of with volkisch particularism. It showed how the supremacy of nature
acquired characteristics, i.e. the transmission of culture and ethics· and natural processes could exist in parallel with the demand that
genetics within the neo-Darwinian synthesis denied that acquired culture achieve mastery over nature. It defined a complementarity
characteristics were transmitted in heredity. The interface between between determinism and voluntarism, and between science and
these two was psychology, which had the task of distinguishing the ideology, and held out the promise of a vital and dynamic future for
culturally from the genetically transmitted characteristics. This model the German Volk.
reconciled 'difference' (the uniqueness of the German Volk and its National Socialism had no Jesus Christ or Karl Marx to provide it
world mission) with an adherence to international standards in with teleological vision. Marxism offered the reassurance of histori-
science and technology. It would also restore the 'authentic' rela- cal science that the utopia of the future was latent in the murderous
tionship between being a native speaker of German and being a present. Nazism drew on biblical, and quasi-biblical or mystical,
member of the German Volk. This Volk would also be protected by understandings of the Volk and its destiny. But reassurance that the
a powerful state with the will to police both its inner and outer bound- Volk was not doomed like its Aryan predecessors could only be
aries. The insistence that there was no necessary link between bodily offered by modern evolutionary science, a science not available to the
form and race-psychological character, combined with an insistence heroic but doomed forefathers. Courage, martial prowess, force of
that there was a profound unity between the body and the mind ('die will and racial taboos were not enough, as the Aryan fall into misce-
Leib-Seele-Einheit des Menschen', Meyer and Zimmermann 1942: genation had clearly shown. The situation of the modern German was
214), gave no serious role to racial anthropology. more desperate still than that of the ancient Aryans. The Aryans had
The traditional distinction between natural science and the hu- faced an enemy who was racially inferior, though superior in
manistic disciplines of Volk was ultimately more functional in rela- numbers, but the modern Aryan, the German, was threatened not
tion to the needs of the state than attempts to merge the two into a only by the faceless hordes of the east, the Slavs, but a more deadly
common, holistic form of 'Nazi science'. This offered a means of rec- opponent, the Jewish people. The Jews did not merely survive in
onciling 'directionless evolution' (Darwin) with vitalistic metaphors modernity, they were comfortably at home there; Jews could take on
of dynamism, teleological metaphors of destiny and mission, and the mask of national forms and languages, and were behind the uni-
organic metaphors of holism and unity (the disciplines of Volk and versalizing ideologies of capitalism and communism. Crucially, unlike
political Nazism), without compromising the scientific integrity of the the Nordic race, the Jewish people had retained its racial instinct
enterprise. The ambiguity of the term 'race' was functional in popular intact, whereas the hybridity of the Volk was a cracked mirror in
and political presentations of race ideology, and attempts to intro- which the German found racial self-hatred and paranoia.
212 Nazism Beyond Race
All the key elements of this world-view had been constructed and
repeatedly reaffirmed by linguists, racial anthropologists, evolution-
ary scientists and geneticists. Ludwig Plate observed that 'progress in
evolution goes forward over millions of dead bodies' (Plate 1932: vii).
For Nazism, survival in evolution required the genocide of the Jews. Bibliographic Notes

The information below is intended to offer the reader a brief

overview of further reading on subjects relevant to this book, in par-
ticular those concerning individuals, institutions and policies. The
victims of Nazism, a diverse set of 'social outsiders' (Gellately and
Stoltzfus 2001), fell into categories defined by political, intellectual,
cultural or religious belief; racial or national identity; medical status;
sexual orientation; perceived alienation from fundamental commu-
nity norms. Crimes committed against these victims ranged from
harassment, dismissal from employment, expropriation, loss of citi-
zenship and other civil rights, social exclusion, sterilization, impri-
sonment, torture and abuse, deportation, forced labour and murder.
The search for the origins of Nazi ideology has proved an elusive
one, with lines of continuity debated in relation to many thinkers and
overlapping intellectual trends. One much discussed group are the
Romantic theorists of Volk, Johann Herder (Dtinninger 193$; Curran
2000), Johann Gottlieb Fichte (Kaufmann 1942) and Friedrich Hegel.
The Gobineau circle around Richard Wagner, including the 'evange-
list of race' Houston S. Chamberlain, is discussed in Field (1981).
Nietzsche's views on race are surveyed in Schank (2000). Jones (2000)
analyses Nietzsche's 'misappropriation' within Nazism. Ernst
Haeckel was proposed as fundamental to Nazi ideology by Gasman
(1971). Classic analyses of 'volkish thought', also in the context of
Nazism, are those by Stern (1974) and Mosse (1998). Both Gasman
and Mosse identify Nazism with a rejection of Darwinism. Aryan
mysticism or 'Ariosophy' is discussed in Daim (1958) and Goodrick-
Clarke (1992); the broader background to occultism in Germany can
now be found in Treitel (2004). Steigmann-Gall rejects the view of
214 Appendix I: Bibliographic Notes Appendix I: Bibliographic Notes 215

Nazism as fundamentally anti-Christian (2003). Georges Vacher de Philosophy of the Life Sciences (1996). The genocide of the Hereros
Lapouge is the subject of works by Hecht (1999, 2000, 2003) and in Southwest Africa is treated most recently in Bridgman and Worley
Quinlan (1998). The history of German anti-Semitism is the subject (2004). On German colonialism in Africa and racism directed at
of Rose (1990). Africans and black Germans, see Grosse (2000), Eckart (1997),
On Nazism and Enlightenment, see Max Horkheimer and The odor El-Tayeb (2001), Silvester and Gewald (2003) and Lusane (2003).
Adorno's Dialectic of Enlightenment ([1947] 1973), where it was The best general introduction to the racial policies of theN azi state
argued that 'Nazism was the final product of the Enlightenment' is Burleigh and Wippermann's The Racial State: Germany 1933-1945
(Herman 1997: 305), and Bauman (1989). For discussion of the (1991). Good general introductions to many issues of race policy and
relationship between Nazism and modernity, see Levinas (1990), and eugenics are Proctor's Racial Hygiene: Medicine under the Nazis
Beyerchen (1997) and Lindenfeld (1997). On the ambivalences of (1988) and Koonz's The Nazi Conscience (2003); see also, from a
fascism and modernity in relation to images of the United States, see more specialized point of view, Kater (1989), Klee (1997b, 1999) and
Gentile (1993). Bavaj (2003) gives a detailed overview of the litera- Weindling (1989). Muller-Hill (1988) has been highly influential.
ture, including discussion of Aly and Heim (1997). Eckart's (1997) historical study of German doctors and colonialism
In recent years, attention has shifted from the Romantic, volkisch also looks at the Nazi period. Schmuhl (1992) and Burleigh (1994)
and irrationalist origins of Nazi thought to the role of modern bio- deal with 'euthanasia' in Nazi Germany. On the institutional links
logical science. On the biopolitics of modern science, see Massin between brain research and euthanasia, see Schmuhl (2002). A recent
(1993) and Dickinson (2003). Darwinism and Social Darwinism are survey of the Nazi murder of disabled people is Gallagher (2004); an
treated in Zmarzlik (1963) and Weikart (2004); on geopolitics and the important study of sterilization policy in Nazi Germany is Bock
theory of Lebensraum ('living space'), associated with Karl (1986). The link between the euthanasia programme and the genoci-
Haushofer, see Dijkink (1996), Graml (1993) and Murphy (1997); on dal Final Solution is the subject of Friedlander (1995). On this inte-
irrationalism and the destruction of reason, Lukacs ([1955] 1988); on grated approach to Nazi racial policy, see Bock (1991). Meinel and
German philosophical idealism, Brumlik (2002); on Enlightenment Voswinckel (1994) offer a collection of papers on medicine, technol-
humanism, Lacoue-Labarthe (1987) and Rockmore (1995). Aly and ogy and science, including Lilienthal's study of Germanization (see
Roth analyse the relationship between the registration and classifi- also Lilienthal1993). On the fate of the Gypsies in the Holocaust, see
cation of the population, the dehumanization of the individual and Oesterle (1998), Lewy (2000), Weiss-Wendt (2003) and Milton (2004).
extermination (2004). Anti-Semitism in the context of Nazi Germany A survey of different elements of the Nazi elite is found in Hirschfeld
is surveyed in Graml (1992). Brechten (1998) recounts the history of and Jersak (2004). Kestling (1992, 1998) and Lusane (2003) look at
the so-called 'Madagascar solution' for the Jews, from 1885-1945. On the question of Germans of African descent; Bastian (2000) is a dis-
sexuality and Nazism, see the essays in the Journal of History of Sex- cussion of the fate of homosexuals in the Third Reich. Hale (2004)
uality (volume 11, nos 1 & 2, 2002). describes the SS expedition to Tibet in 1938. On the issue of polemics
On the history of western race theorizing, see the contrasting in relation to Nazi Germany, see remarks in Evans (2004).
studies by Hannaford (1996) and Malik (1996). Kiefer (1991) analy- A good introduction to the massive literature on the -tJ.istory of
ses the question of a 'Jewish race'. On race theory in the nineteenth eugenics in the English-speaking world is Kevles (1995). Barkan
century, see Stocking (1986, 1987, 1996). On the reception of race traces the decline of scientific racism to before the Second World War
science, see Efron (1994) on Jewish doctors, and Dikotter (1992) on (1992). The standard work on the history of eugenics and racial
China. Gilman (1985) looks at ideas of bodily beauty and racial anthropology in Germany, including extensive materials on the Nazi
pathology in the western tradition. Colonialism, hybridity and race era, is Weingart et al. (1992). Stefan Ktihl (1997) looks at the eugen-
theory are approached from a post-colonial perspective in Young ics movement as an international phenomenon. Material on race
(1995). Aryanism and empire is the subject of a series of papers by theory in fascist Italy can be found in Gillette (2002), notably the con-
Joan Leopold (1970, 1974, 1987), and is treated historically in Leach fusions around the relationships between the categories 'Italian',
(1990), Maw (1990), Trautmann (1997) and Ballantyne (2002). The 'Aryan' and 'Mediterranean'. There is a wealth of material on racial
abuse of the human sciences is the theme of Gould (1981). The anthropology and linguistics in Romer (1989). The myth of distinct
history of blood group genetics is treated in volume 18 of History and languages is treated in Harris (1981, 2002). Studies of academic lin-
216 Appendix I: Bibliographic Notes Appendix I: Bibliographic Notes 217

guistics in Nazi Germany include Maas (1988), Hutton (1999), Ding), see Mosse (1975: 115-18), Reichel (1993: 210-11 ), Vander Will
Knobloch (2002), and a set of detailed archival studies by Gerd (1995: 121-2). In language-planning policy, the state was more mod-
Simon produced since the late 1970s (e.g. Simon 1985b, 2001). A ernizing and centralizing than archaizing, see Simon (1979), Willberg
range of important materials can be found at the website of (1998), Birken-Bertsch and Markner (2000).
the Gesellschaft fur interdisziplinare Forschung Ttibingen General collections on science in the Third Reich include Olff-
(GIFT) including papers by Gerd Simon (http://homepages.uni- Nathan (1993), Renneberg and Walker (1994) and Sztilltisi-Janze (2001). For discussion of the issue of scientific standards, see Schmuhl
There are many excellent discussions of the volkisch movement (2003a) and Massin (2003). On the role of the humanities in Nazi
and radical right in Germany. Important recent works include those Germany, see the contributions in Hausmann (2002). Other impor-
by Breuer (2001) and Puschner (2001). An early work with a wealth tant works include: Ingrid Richter's study of the relationships
of information is von See's Barbar, Germane, Arier (1994). Questions between Catholicism and eugenics (2001) and an edited volume on
of space, territory and agrarian policy are treated in Mai's Rasse und the University of Jena in the Nazi period (Hossfeld et al. 2003). Felbor
Raum (2002). Weikart's From Darwin to Hitler (2004) traces the lines looks at race biology and genetics in the medical faculty at the Uni-
of thought from Darwin to National Socialism. Hossfeld and Bramer versity of Wtirzburg from 1937 to 1945 (1995). The Lebensborn e.V.
(2001) offers papers on 'Darwinism and/as ideology'. A detailed was analysed in Lilienthal (1985). Kroner (1998) looks at the Kaiser-
analysis of the Nuremberg Laws is available in Essner (2002). Wilhelm-Institut after 1945 and addresses questions of continuity.
Schweizer gives an overview of psychiatry and eugenics in Recent works include two collections on the Kaiser Wilhelm Insti-
Switzerland and Germany in the National Socialist period (2002). tute (Schmuhl2003b, Sachse 2003). Mai (1997) surveys the history of
Gerstner (2003) offers a discussion of racial elitism in volkisch think- 'twin-research' in Germany up to 1945. The reception of the Baur-
ing in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Fischer-Lenz volume is discussed in Fangerau (2000). A detailed
German scholarship is particularly strong in the study of institu- guide to National Socialist terminology is given in Schmitz-Berning
tions and academic disciplines within Nazi Germany. Legal and (1998). English renderings of 'Nazi-German' are found in Michael
administrative frameworks for the treatment of non-Germans by the and Doerr (2002).
Nazi regime are presented in Majer (2003). Academic-institutional Plant biology and agricultural research are treated in Heim (2002).
politics are treated by Fahlbusch on the Volksdeutschen Forschungs- An important collection on German prehistorians is Steuer (2001),
gemeinschaften (1999); Hausmann on the Aktion Ritterbusch (1998); and an overview of the disciplines of prehistory and early history is
Hammerstein on the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (1999). One given in Pape (2002). Questions of continuity and discontinuity are
important genre is the study of particular universities within the Nazi discussed in Kaupen-Haas and Saller (1999). The classical study of
period, e.g. Hopfner (1999) on Bonn University. Important insti- the Ahnenerbe is Kater (second edition, 1997); that of the Amt
tutional studies include Heinemann's study of the Rasse- und Rosenberg, Bollmus (1970). Lerchenmiiller (1997) is a political-
Siedlungshauptamt (2003) and Diana Schulle's analysis of the ideological history of Celtic studies in Germany from 1900 to 1945.
Reichssippenamt (2001 ). An earlier study of the Sippenamt is Seidler Harten (1996) surveys questions of Germanization and education in
and Rett (1982). The general history of the Kaiser-Wilhelm-/Max- Nazi-occupied Poland. The broad intellectual and ideological context
Planck-Gesellschaft, including the Nazi period, is treated in Vierhaus of the relationship between National Socialism and the Slavic world
and vom Brocke (1990). The links between biological and genetic is discussed in Schaller (2002).
science and Auschwitz are discussed in Sachse (2003). The histories Biographical studies include Rissom on Lenz (1983); Weber on
of psychology and psychiatry within Nazism is particularly complex, Rudin (1993), but see comments in Roelcke (2003) and in Wetzell
reflecting the pivotal position of these disciplines at the intersection (2003); Weingart on Ludwig Ferdinand Clauss (1995); Hossfeld on
of intellectual debates on heredity, environment and behaviour (see Heberer (1997); Vtilklein on Mengele (1999); Geisenhainer on Reche
Ash 1995, 2002; Geuter 1992, 1999; Prinz 1985; Weber 1993; Schweizer (2002); Gessler (2000) and Losch (1997) on Fischer; Liiddeke on
2002). The marginalization of Germanophilia in law is discussed in Saller (1995) and on Eickstedt (2000); Hagemann on Baur (2000);
Stolleis (1998); on the failure of the 'Thing-movement' which aimed Fager and Taschwer on Lorenz (2001). Useful sources of biographical
to revive a traditional communal-legal Germanic assembly (Thing or information on Nazi scholarship are Klee (2003) and Griittner (2004).
Appendix II: Biographical Sketches 219

L~schan, at the Geographical Institute (Geographisches Institut)

w1th Norbert Krebs and then at the Anatomical Institute (Anatomis-
APPENDIX II ches Institut) with Eugen Fischer in Freiburg. He subsequently
worked in Vienna at the Museum of Natural History (Naturhis-
torisches Museum) and then at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences
Biographical Sketches (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften) in Munich, where
Theodor Mallinson was professor. He published on a wide range of
topics, including anatomy, an anthropological taxonomy of
humankind, the reconstruction of Neanderthal man and biometrics
of India. In the First World War he was a medical officer stationed in
Romania, where he investigated the anthropometries of prisoners of
war, including non-Europeans, especially of the Sihks, the topic of his
dissertation. India was the destination of his first organized research
trip (1926-9). In 1929, he obtained an academic post in Breslau,
where, on the initiative of H. von Eggeling, the anthropological
department of the Anatomical Institute was made into an indepen-
Ludwig Ferdinand Clauss (1892-1974) dent Anthropological Institute. Here, the Indian materials were orga-
German racial anthropologist. Clauss was awarded his doctorate in nized and evaluated and an investigation of Silesia begun. He was
1921 in Freiburg; between 1923 and 1931 he undertook anthropolog- awarded his Habilitation in anthropology in 1930, and obtained a
ical expeditions. He was awarded the Habilitation in 1936, and taught teaching position in Breslau in 1933. The publication of his 1934 work
'race psychology' (Rassenseelenforschung) at the University of Rassenkunde und Rassengeschichte der Menschheit made him widely
Berlin. Clauss was a student of Edmund Husserl and brought this known. He was editor of the Zeitschrift fiir Rassenkunde und die
phenomenological background into the study of race. Fieldwork in gesamte Forschung am Menschen. Between 1937 and 1939, he under-
Palestine involved living with the Bedouins and applying his 'mimetic took a research trip to India, China and the Malay Archipelago, which
method' ('mimische Methode') and immersing himself into the resulted in his Rassendynamik von Ostasien (1944). After the 1945
lifestyle and psychology of his subjects ('Methode des Mitlebens'). destruction of the Institute in Breslau, Eickstedt failed to save the
Allegations about Clauss's relationship with his Jewish research assis- anthropological collections. In 1946, Eickstedt obtained a post at the
tant (Margarete Lande) and his self-appointed role as a popularizer University of Mainz, and founded the journal Homo in 1949. (Ref-
of racial thinking led to conflict with Walter Gross of the Race Policy erences: Schwidetzky 1955; Ltiddecke 2000.)
Office. In 1943, Clauss was expelled from the NSDAP and lost his
teaching position, but was able to obtain support from the SS. Friends Eugen Fischer (1874-1967)
in the SS helped him rescue Lande. After the war his association with German anthropologist and anatomist. Studied medicine i:aFreiburg,
the SS meant that he was unable to resume his teaching career, where he completed a doctorate and then was employed as Assistant
though he was honoured by the state of Israel for saving Lande. (Ref- in the Anatomical Institute. He achieved his Habilitation in 1900 and
erence: Weingart 1995.) in 1904 took up a post teaching anatomy and anthropology. A l908
research trip to German Southwest Africa let to the publication of
Egon, Freiherr von Eickstedt (1892-1965) Fischer's influential study of racial mixing, Die Rehobother Bastards
Anthropologist and ethnologist. Eickstedt studied physical anthro- (1913). Fischer joined the Germany Society for Eugenics (Deutsche
pology, philosophy, psychology, ethnology, geography, prehistory and Gesellschaft fur Rassenhygiene) and founded a branch in Freiburg
linguistics in Berlin and Freiburg. A decisive influence was Felix von in 1910. He also became a member of the German Society for Hered-
Luschan in Berlin. He served as an assistant at the Museum of itary Science (Deutsche Gesellschaft ftir Vererbungswissenschaft).
the Sea (Museum ftir Meereskunde) under Albrecht Penck, at the Fischer taught in Wtirzburg in 1912 before returning to teach in
Ethnological Museum (Museum ftir Volkerkunde in Berlin) with Freiburg. He served as a military surgeon in the First World
220 Appendix II: Biographical Sketches Appendix II: Biographical Sketches 221

War. Menschliche Erblichkeitslehre (1921) (trans. as Human Heredi- he was head of the Rosenberg Bureau (Hauptamtwissenschaft in der
tary Teaching and Racial Hygiene, 1921), co-written with Erwin Baur Dienstelle Rosenberg). In 1943, he left the Protestant Church. Gross
and Fritz Lenz, became the standard survey work of genetics, eugen- was a formidable operator at the intersection of politics and race
ics and racial anthropology. He was also the general editor of the pub- science. He was, with Gerhard Wagner, an influential medical advisor
lication series Deutsche Rassenkunde which began in 1929. Fischer in the preparation of the Nuremberg racial laws, a consistent advo-
was appointed to a chair at the University of Berlin in 1927, which cate of compulsory sterilization for undesirable elements and of other
he held until retirement in 1942. He was co-founder, with Hermann radical eugenic measures, including the murder of the mentally ill and
Muckermann, of the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut ftir Anthropologie, mentally retarded, and a committed anti-Semite in the spirit of his
menschliche Erblehre und Eugenik in 1927. Fischer served as its mentor Alfred Rosenberg. Gross committed suicide in 1945. (Refer-
director until 1942. Fischer was rector of the University of Berlin ences: Klee 1997a: 50-1; Gruttner 2004: 64-5; Weingart 1995.)
from 1933 to 1935, and in that capacity enforced Nazi exclusionary
policies on university personnel. After the Nazi seizure of power, he Hans F. K. Gunther (1891-1968)
acquiesced in the dismissal of Hermann Muckermann, a Jesuit, from German anthropologist and race theorist. Gunther studied modern
the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut. Fischer came under fire from National languages in Freiburg and Paris. He was awarded his doctorate in
Socialist ideologues for his views on racial mixing. In 1932, Fischer Freiburg in 1914. He volunteered for military service in the First
had been involved in deliberations of the Prussian State Health World War but was soon invalided out, and worked as a volunteer
Council over a Law on Sterilization, and was an advisor in the steri- medical orderly from 1915 to 1919. In 1919, he left the Protestant
lization of the mixed-race offspring of French troops who had served Church. Between 1919 and 1930, he worked as a private scholar and
in the Rhineland, the 'Rhineland bastards'. He served as a medical freelance writer. With the backing of J. F. Lehmann, he began to
advisor in the Higher Hereditary Health Court (Erbgesundheits- publish works on racial anthropology. Gunther lived in Norway and
Obergericht) in Berlin from 1937 to 1945. Fischer had been a member Sweden between 1923 and 1929. In 1930, he was appointed to a chair
of the volksich DNVP (the German National People's Party) from in racial anthropology (Sozialanthropologie) in Jena. The appoint-
1919 to 1926, and became a member of the NSDAP in 1940, and of ment was forced through against objections from the university pro-
the council of the anti-Semitic Reich Institute for the History of the fessoriate by the Nazi State Minister of Education for Thuringen,
New Germany (Reichsinstitut ftir Geschichte des Neuen Deutsch- Wilhelm Frick. He joined the NSDAP in 1932. In 1933, he joined the
lands) in 1941, and made many appearances at conferences organized Expert Advisory Council of the Ministry of the Interior for Popula-
by its Research Department for the Jewish Question (Forschungs- tion and Race Policy (Sachverstandigebeirat des Reichsministers des
abteilung Judenfrage ). (References: Gruttner 2004: 48; Schmuhl Innern ftir Bevolkserungs- und Rassenpolitik). From 1939 to 1945, he
2003b: 330; Weiss 1998: 122-3; Losch 1997.) held a chair in Freiburg, a position from which he was dismissed in
1945. (Reference: Gruttner 2004: 66.)
Walter Gross (1904-1945)
Gross studied medicine in Gottingen, Tubingen and Munich from Fritz Lenz (1887-1976)
1923 to 1928. He joined the NSDAP in 1925, and was one of the German eugenicist, student of Alfred Ploetz. Lenz studied medicine
founders of the Gottingen Nazi Student Union (NSDStB). He was in Berlin, Breslau and Freiburg between 1905 and 1912. He com-
awarded a doctorate in Gottingen in 1929, and worked as a doctor in pleted his doctorate in Freiburg in 1912, and his Habilitation in 1919
Braunschweig from 1929 to 1932. From 1932, he was a member of the at the University of Munich. In 1913, took over the editorship of the
Nazi Doctors Union (NS-Artzebund). In 1933, Gross founded and Archiv ftir Rassen- und Gesellschaftsbiologie, and served until 1933.
directed the Education Office for Population Policy and Eugenics He obtained a teaching post in Munich in 1923 in eugenics, the first
(Auflkarungsamt ftir Bevolkerungspolitik und Rassenpflege ), which post with this title. Menschliche Erblichkeitslehre (1921) (translated
became the Race Policy Office of the Nazi Party (Rassenpolitisches as Human Hereditary Teaching and Racial Hygiene, 1921), co-written
Amt der NSDAP, RPA) in 1935. He taught courses in racial anthro- with Erwin Baur and Eugen Fischer, became the standard survey
pology at the University of Berlin and became an honorary profes- work of genetics, eugenics and racial anthropology. A single-authored
sor in 1938. The RPA was dissolved in 1942, and from 1942 to 1945 companion volume Menschliche Auslese und Rassenhygiene
222 Appendix II: Biographical Sketches Appendix II: Biographical Sketches 223
(Eugenik) was published at the same time. In 1933, he moved to the Humangenetik) in Munster and served until his retirement in 1965.
University of Berlin and became the dismissed Hermann Mucker- Proceedings against Verschuer for his involvement in crimes relat-
mann's successor as Head of the Department for Eugenics at the ing to concentration camps were cancelled in 1965. (References:
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut ftir Anthropologie, menschliche Erblehre Gausemeier 2003; Grtittner 2004: 177; Kroner 1998; Schmuhl 2003b:
und Eugenik. From 1933, he was a member of the Expert Advisory 342.)
Council of the Ministry of the Interior for Population and Race
Policy (Sachverstandigebeirat des Reichsministers des Innern ftir
Bevolkserungs- und Rassenpolitik); in 1940, he participated in
official discussions on the drafting of a law on euthanasia. He joined
the NSDAP in 1937. After the war he taught in Gottingen, obtaining
a chair in human genetics in 1952. The focus of his research was the
genetic inheritance of disease in the context of eugenics. (References:
Grtittner 2004: 108; Kroner 1998; Schmuhl 2003b: 333; Rissom 1983;
Weiss 1998: 296-7.)

Otmar, Freiherr von Verschuer (1896-1969)

Medical doctor and human geneticist. After military service in the
First World War, Verschuer studied in Marburg, Hamburg, Freiburg
and Munich. He participated in Marburg student action (Marburger
Studentkorps) against the communist movement in Thtiringen in
1920. Verschuer obtained his doctorate in 1923, and his Habilitation
in genetics in Ttibingen in 1927. In the same year, he became head of
the Department of Human Genetics at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute
for Anthropology, Human Genetics and Eugenics. Like his col-
leagues, he was involved in official deliberations of the Prussian State
Health Council over a Law on Sterilization. He served as a medical
advisor in the Hereditary Health Court (Erbgesundheitsgericht) in
Charlottenburg, Berlin. From 1933, he held a teaching post in Human
Genetics and Eugenics at the University of Berlin. In 1934, he
founded and edited the journal Der Erbarzt. In 1935, he was
appointed to a chair in Frankfurt am Main and served as director of
the Institute for Hereditary Biology and Eugenics, Frankfurt am
Main (Institut ftir Erbbiologie und Rassenhgyiene) until 1942. Ver-
schuer became a member of the NSDAP in 1940, and participated in
conferences of the anti-Semitic Reich Institute for the History of the
New Germany (Reichsinstitut ftir Geschichte des Neuen Deutsch-
lands). He became director of the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut ftir
Anthropologie, menschliche Erblehre und Eugenik in Berlin in 1942,
as successor to Eugen Fischer. A specialist in twin research, Verschuer
supervised Josef Mengele's doctoral thesis and allegedly received
anthropological materials from Auschwitz. After the war Verchuer
was attacked for his record under the Nazis. In 1951, he was
appointed head of the Institute of Human Genetics (Institit ftir

Nazi legislation (Selected Examples)

7 Apr. 1933 Gesetz zur Wiederherstellung des The so-called 'Arier-Paragraph' (§3) excludes all
Berufsbeamtentums ('Law for the citizens 'of non-Aryan descent' from the civil
Restoration of the Professional Civil service (a person with one Jewish parent or
Service') Reichsgesetzblatt [RGBl] I S. grandparent counting as non-Aryan); excluded
175 from this law are Jews who fought in the First
World War or who entered the civil service before
1 Aug. 1914.
14 July 1933 Gesetz zur Verhtitung erbkranken Compulsory sterilization for any person suffering
Nachwuchses ('Law for the Prevention of from congenital madness, schizophrenia, manic
Hereditarily Diseased Progeny') RGBl I depression, hereditary epilepsy, Huntington's
S.529 chorea, hereditary blindness, hereditary deafness
and grave physical deformities (§1.2).
30 Nov. 1933 Reichserbhofgesetz ('Reich Hereditary §13 states that only a person of Aryan or related
Farm Law') RGBl I S. 549 blood can become a farmer; excluding those with
Jewish or black blood ('jtidisches oder farbiges

26 June 1935 Gesetz zur Anderung des Gesetzes zur §2 sanctions abortion within the first six months of
Verhtitung erbkranken Nachwuchses pregnancy in cases of women categorized as
('Law for the Alteration of the Law for 'hereditarily ill' by the Hereditary Health Courts;
the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased §4 stipulates sterilization or the termination of
Progeny') RGBI I S. 196 pregnancy if the physician has decided that this
would forestall a threat to the life or health of the
person concerned.
15 Sept. 1935 Reichsbtirgergesetz ('Citizenship Law') §2 limits citizenship in the German Reich to
RGBl I S. 1146 'Germans or those of related blood'.
15 Sept. 1935 Gesetz zum Schutz des deutschen Elutes 'The purity of German blood is essential for the
und der deutschen Ehre ('Law for the existence of the German Volk and the Reich
Protection of German Blood and German possesses the unbending will to safeguard the
Honour') RGBl I S. 1146 German nation for the entire future'; law prohibits
marriage (§1) and extramarital relations (§2)
between Jews and people of German blood; bans
Jews from employing German female domestic
servants (under 45 years) and from hoisting the
German flag (§3 and §4);
18 Oct. 1935 Gesetz zum Schutze der Erbgesundheit §1 prohibits marriage with a person who is
des deutschen Volkes mentally retarded or suffers from a hereditary
(Ehegesundheitsgesetz) ('Law for the disease (as set out in the 'Law for the Prevention
Protection of Hereditary Health of the of Hereditarily Diseased Progeny'); §2 introduces
German People/Marriage Health Law') a certificate attesting the suitability of a marriage
RGBl I S. 1246 ('Ehetauglichkeit').
14 Nov. 1935 Erste Verordnung zum Gesetz zur Prohibits marriage between a Jew and a Jewish
Ausfiihrung des Gesetzes zum Schutze des Mischling or two Jewish Mischlinge (§2, §3, §4); a
deutschen Blutes und der deutschen Ehre certificate (§7) attests the suitability of a marriage
('First Supplementary Decree on the Law ('Ehetauglichkeit') [i.e. confirms that the two
for the Protection of German Blood and partners entering marriage have no hereditary
Honour') RGBl I S. 1334 disease or Jewish, black or Gypsy blood that
would prevent a union].
14 Nov.1935 Erste Verordnung zum Reichsbtirgergesetz Defines a 'Jewish Mischling' as a person with one
('First Supplementary Decree on the or two Jewish grandparents (§2.2) and a 'Jew' as a
Citizenship Law') RGBl I S. 1333 person with at least two Jewish grandparents
and/or fulfilling other criteria such as being
married to a Jew or born to a Jew (also
extramarital) (§5); a Jew cannot be a
'Reichsbtirger': s/he has no vote and cannot
become a civil servant (§4).
26 Jan.1937 Deutsches Beamtengesetz ('Civil Service §25 stipulates that only a person 'of German or
Law') RGBl IS. 41 related blood' can become a civil servant and- if
married - is married to a person of German or
related blood; a civil servant must only marry a
person of German blood (in some cases a second-
degree Mischling); a person who incorrectly and
without false intention has claimed to be of
German blood/to be married to a person of
German or related blood and is found to be
otherwise, must retire from his duties at once (§72).

12 Nov. 1938 Verordnung zur Ausschaltung der Juden Jews are banned from possessing and running
aus dem deutschen Wirtschaftsleben small businesses, import and export businesses,
('Decree for the Elimination of Jews from manufacturing works and industrial units (§1 and
German Economic Life') RGBl IS. 1580 §2); Jews in leading managerial positions can be
made redundant with six weeks' notice (§2); Jews
are excluded as union members (§3).
1 Sept. 1941 Polizeiverordnung tiber die Jews who have completed their sixth year must
Kennzeichnung der Juden ('Police Decree wear the 'Judenstern' at all times in public (§1);
for the Marking of Jews') RGBl IS. 547 Jews are prohibited from leaving their residential
area without authorization through the authorities
(§2); excluded from §1 and §2 are Jews married to
a German and having no children/non-Jewish
4 Dec.1941 Verordnung tiber die Strafrechtspflege Poles and Jews in the newly incorporated Eastern
gegen Polen und Juden in den Territories are subject to German law: any act
eingegliederten Ostgebieten ('Decree for jeopardizing the sovereignty of the German Reich
the Legal Situation of Jews and Poles in and the reputation of the German Volk is
the Newly Incorporated Eastern prohibited ('Sie haben alles zu unterlassen, was
Territories') der Hoheit des Deutschen Reiches und dem
Ansehen des deutschen Volkes abtraglich ist.')
(§1.1); they will suffer capital punishment (in less
severe cases, imprisonment) if they attack a
German citizen or German institution, utter anti-
German sentiments, or are found in possession of
weapons and ammunition (§1.2, §1.3, §1.4).
References: pre-1945 229

Anderson, James (1732). Royal Genealogies: Or the Genealogical Tables of

Emperors, Kings and Princes, from Adam to these Times. London.
Anon (1913). The antiquity and evolution of man. Nature, 9 October 1913:
Antonowytsch, Michael (1942). Das Schicksal der ukrainischen Gelehrten in
References der Sowjetukraine. In: Bolko Freiherr von Richthofen, ed., Bolschewist-
ische Wissenschaft und Kulturpolitik: Ein Sammelwerk. Konigsberg
(Pruss.): Ost-Europa Verlag, pp. 45-130.
Arlt, Fritz (1938). Volksbiologische Untersuchungen uber die Juden in
Leipzig. 4. Beiheft zum Archiv ftir Bevolkerungswissenschaft und
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Index 263
Baur, Erwin (1875-1933) 33-4, Chamberlain, Houston Stewart
168-9,217 (1855-1927) 66,86, 112,
Bavink, Bernhard (1879-1947) 176-7,187-8
114 Christianity 8, 88, 101, 104
beauty, Nordic 101 class, racial equality and 99
Index Bedouin 57, 184 classical culture 105
Bertalanffy, Ludwig von Clauss, Ludwig Ferdinand
(1901-1972) 192 (1892-1974) 35,56-60,
biblical paradigm, Aryan race myth 183-7,217,218
80-2,84 climate 108, 123, 134
Bierberach, Ludwig (1886-1982) collective-individual relation 17,
172 18-21, 137-8
biology of race 8-9, 10-11, 15 colonialism 6, 7, 67-8, 72, 78, 84, 87,
Darwinism 26, 27,28-9,32, 154, 215
173-81,192,198,207 country population see rural
genetics see genetics population
idea of a German race 149-50 criminality 203-4
language and 201-5 culture
Abel, Wolfgang (1905-1977) 79 Houston Stewart Chamberlain late 1930s heredity research genetic determinism 200-1
academic theory-ideology relation 66 196-8 and a German race 149-50,
see Nazi ideology, academic ideology-science link neo-Lamarckianism 191-2 151-2
theory/theorists and summarized 210,211-12 physical characteristics see Nordicism and 121-3, 127, 146
aesthetic race theory 22, 101, 208 neo-Lamarckianism 191-2 physical characteristics see also language(s)
see also Gunther Nordicism and 110-12 racial mixing 65, 66, 72-4, 75,
African-European racial mixing racial mixing 64, 79, 148 77-8,115-16,164 Darn~, Walther (1895-1953) 9,
65,66,67-74,75-6,78-9,145 Saller on 152, 154 science-ideology relation 171, 13-14,105,108
Agassiz, Louis (1807-1873) 66, 67 Schmidt-Rohr affair 141, 142 172 Darwin, Charles (1809-1882) 26,
Aichel, Otto (1871-1935) 161-2 Verschuer's rhetoric 54-5 scientific gaze 186-90 28,29,66,174,188
Alpine race Weisgerber's linguistics 203 see also eugenics Darwinism 26, 27,28-9,32, 154,
Clauss 57 anti-urbanism 101, 104, 211 Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich 173-81,192,198,207,213-14
Gauch 195 Arierparagraph 88-9 (1752-1840) 5,6,178 De Vries, Hugo (1848-1935) 26
Gerstenhauer on 115 Art, use of term 18 Blut(blood) 18,92-3,99,104 Deniker, Joseph (1852-1918) 103
Gunther 36, 42-3, 61-2 Aryan race 8, 9-10, 13 Boas, Franz (1858-1942) 73, 154 determinism 198-201
ideological stalemate 162, 163 myth of 3, 80-100 bodily characteristics see physical dialectics of Volk 206-9, 210
Lenz 61-2 Aryan-Semite opposition 82, characteristics 'difference', Nazi ideology as attack
Muckermann 55 87-9,94 body, cult of 101, 106 on 5-16
Rasse-Volk opposition 24 biblical paradigm 80-2, 84 Boker, Hans 191-2 Dinaric race
Ammon, Otto (1842-1916) 9,175-6 Japhetic tradition 82-3, 84 Brackmann, Albert (1871-1952) Gauch 195
Ammon's Law 9 Nazism and 80,89-100 160 Gunther 36,40-2,61-2
anthropology, use of term 5 origin 83-7 Brandis, Ernst (b. 1880) 92 Lenz 61-2
see also racial anthropology Nordicism and 106-8, 111-12 breeding see sexual reproduction Muckermann 55
anthropometric method 35 Rasse-Volk opposition 23 Broca, Paul (1824-1880) 66 Nordicism and 111
see also physical characteristics Ash, Mitchell 3 Brohmer,Paul (1885-1965) 180 Rasse-Volk opposition 24
anti-Semitism 6-7, 9, 10, 12-13,214 Astel, Karl (1898-1945) 143, 179 Burckel, Josef (1895-1944) 14 Dobers, Ernst 189
Aryan race myth 87-9, 90-4 Driesch, Hans (1867-1941) 27,
Clauss case 184-5 bastardization see racial mixing Carus, Julius Victor (1823-1903) 178
Gunther's rhetoric 48-54, 60 Bateson, William (1861-1926) 28 174 Dunlap, Knight (1875-1949) 95
264 Index Index 265
East Baltic race Cro-Magnon race and 104 Glasser, Edgar (1910-1970) 143, Herder, Johann Gottfried von
Gradmann's view 122 and the German Volk 117-18, 203 (1744-1803) 6,213
Gunther 36,43-6,60-1,62 128 Gobineau, Joseph Arthur, Comte Hertwig, Paula 196
Lenz 62 the Jew and 109 de (1816-1882) 7, 8-9, 62, Hertz, Friedrich (1878-1964) 73
Rasse-Volk opposition 24 post-1933 debate 143-9 87, 104 Hesch, Michael 119, 157
education, racial 137-8, 163-4, 183, racial mixing 75, 79 Goethe, J. W. von (1749-1832) 171, hierarchism 13
188-90 racial taxonomy 61 176-7,178-9,187,197,201 Hildebrandt, Kurt (1881-1966) 171
Eickstedt, Egon Freiherr von racial mixing 65,68-79,117-18, Goetz, Walter (1867-1958) 127-8 Rimmler, Heinrich (1900-1945) 14,
(1892-1965) 109, 149-50, 143-9,161 Goldstein, Kurt (1878-1965) 176 159,160,170,179
159-60,218-19 scientific gaze 186 Gottschaldt, Kurt (1902-1991) 204 historical factors 7-9
elitism 13-14,15,24-5,171-2,178, taxonomy of races 61, 62 Gradmann, Robert (1865-1950) Aryan race myth 81-3,84
190 folkish movement see volkisch idea 121-3 Nordicism 103, 104-5, 106, 107,
Enlightenment modernity 5-6, 7, 8, folklore 104, 186 Graf, Jakob (b. 1891) 134-5 111-12,122-3,133-4
15-16,214 Foucault, Michel (1926-1984) 6 Grant, Madison (1865-1937) 24-5, racial mixing 67-8, 78, 133-4
environmental factors 71-2, 76, 77, France 7, 8, 103 86-7 the Volk concept 19-20, 22-3
119,153,154,200 free will 198-201 Gross, Walter (1904-1945) 2, 139, Hitler, Adolf (1889-1945) 14,20-1,
environmentalism 191-2 French Revolution 7, 103 155-7,167-8,181-4,185,205, 132,194
eugenics 27-31, 32-3, 215 Fritsch, Theodor (1852-1933) 88 220-1 holism 171,172,178-9,182-3,192,
Darwinism and 175-6 Frobenius, Leo (1873-1938) 204 Gunther, Hans F. K. (1891-1968) 195-6,207,208
genetic determinism 199, 200-1 aestheticizing racial anthropology Holler, Kurt 154, 163-4, 191
illegitimacy 170 Galton, Francis (1822-1911) 28, 49 35-55,60-3,208 Hossfeld, Uwe 198
Nazi ideology as attack on Gauch, Herman (1899-1978) 195 Aryan race myth 94 humanism, racist 6, 15-16
'difference' 11, 13, 15 gaze, scientific 186-90 biography 221 hybridization see racial mixing
Nordicism and 111, 113-14, 125 genetics 17-18,25-34,217 idea of a German race 149
racial mixing 72-3, 74, 92-3, 145, biology-linguistics relation 201-5 illegitimacy 170 ideology see Nazi ideology
146-8 determinism-free will relation Nordicism 36-8, 55, 60-1, 62-3, illegitimacy 170
European-African racial mixing 198-201 104,105,108,110,113,168 India, Aryan race myth and 84,
65,66,67-74,75-6,78-9, dialectics of Volk 207-9 on racial mixing 78 85-7,96,106,129
145 ideological stalemate 162, 163-5, scientific gaze 186-7 individual-collective relation 17,
evolutionary metaphors 9 168-9 Gypsies 150, 155, 158, 160, 209 18-21,137-8
evolutionary theory 26-9, 174-7, late 1930s heredity research intellectual diversity, neutralization
180-1, 191-2, 197-8 196-8 Haas, Otto (1887-1976) 180-1 see neutralization of ,
neo-Lamarckianism 191 Haase-Bessell, Gertraud 164-5, 196 intellectual diversity
Farrar, Frederic William racial education 163-4 Haeckel, Ernst (1834-1919) 174-5, intuitionism 186-8
(1831-1903) 84 racial mixing 65, 72, 73, 74, 75-6, 179
Fehrle, Eugen (1880-1957) 104 77,78 Hamacher, Jakob 192-3 Jacobs, Joseph (1854-1916) 49
Feldscher, Werner 93 ideological stalemate 164 Harrington, Anne 173 Japhetic tradition myth 82-3, 84
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb Nordicism 116-19, 125, 133-5 Hartnacke, Wilhelm (1878-1952) Jews 6-7,8,9, 10,12-13,15-16
(1762-1814) 96,213 Gercke, Achim (1902-1997) 92 162,195 Aryan race myth
First World War 7-8, 68 Gerlach, Kurt (1889-1976) 151 Hauser, Otto (1876-1944) 114 Aryan-Semite opposition
Firth, Raymond (1901-2002) 95 German race, idea of 149-57, 166 Heberer, Gerhard (1901-1973) 87-9,94
Fischer, Eugen (1874-1967) Germanization project 14, 158, 217 196-8,217 biblical paradigm 82
after Nazi seizure of power 140, Gerstenhauer, Max (1873-1940) Hecht, Gunther (1902-1945) Japhetic tradition 82
143-9, 161 115-17 179-80 Nazism 90-2,93-4,98,99
biography 217, 219-20 Gessler, Bernhard 103 Heidegger, Martin (1889-1976) 172 Clauss case 184-5
the Nordic race Gestalt 178-9 Hellpach, Willy (1877-1955) 20 Gunther's model 48-54, 60
Aryanism and 106-7 Gieseler, Wilhelm (1900-1976) 185 Hennig, Richard (1874-1951) 152 linguistic definition of Volk 210
266 Index Index 267
Jews (cont'd) Klages, Ludwig (1872-1956) 172, Lapouge, Georges Vacher de mimetic method 57, 184-5
Nazi ideology-science relation 178,188 (1854-1936) 7,85-6 mind-body dualism 182, 184, 185
summarized 210,211-12 Kleiner, Hans 159 Lebensraum 68, 214 miscegenation see racial mixing
neo-Lamarckianism 191 Kohn-Behrens, Charlotte (b. 1899) legislation 90-2, 94, 216, 224-7 modern (neo-Darwinian) synthesis
Nordicism 102, 108-11, 112, 147-8, 183 Lehmann, Ernst (1880-1957) 178, 27, 173, 193
123-4,133,163,165 Kossinna, Gustaf (1858-1931) 107 179, 195 modernity 5-6, 7, 8-9, 10-16
as 'otherness' 209 Kranz, Heinrich Wilhelm Lehmann,lF.(1864-1935) 104 Gunther's race model 60
racial mixing 64-5, 66, 75, 79, (1897-1945) 135 Lenz, Fritz (1887-1976) N ordicism 109-11
91-2,93 Kretschmer, Ernst (1888-1964) 56, biography 217,221-2 racial mixing 77-8
Fischer affair 148 127,188-9 illegitimacy 170 science-ideology relation 171-2,
Germany as Nordic colony 133 Krieck, Ernst (1882-1947) 172, neo-Lamarckianism 191 173
idea of German race 152, 158 195 Nordic and the Jew 109-10 scientific gaze 187
ideological stalemate 163, 165 Kuhn, Philalethes (1870-1937) 68, Nordic versus Aryan 106, 107 Mollinson, Theodor 73, 163
racial policy 158, 160 135 racial mixing 68, 131, 160 monarchy 14
Verschuer's discourse 54-5 racial taxonomy 53, 61-2 Mongoloid race 62, 115, 118, 195
the Volk 6-7,8,9,10,12-13,15 Laing, Samuel (1812-1897) 84 Leonhardt, Ludwig 154-5 mongrelization see racial mixing
German race idea 150, 152, Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste linguistics 201-5, 209-10, 214-15 Montriou, l A. L. 81
155-6 (1744-1829) 192 see also language(s) Muckermann, Hermann
individual-collective relation Lamarckianism 27, 29,176,191-3 Lorenz, Konrad (1903-1989) 180, (1877-1962) 28,55-6,140,
20 Lande, Margaret 57,184-5 217 144, 147
Nordicism 109, 110-11, 123-4, Langbehn, Julius (1851-1907) 177 Losener, Bernhard 91 Muller, Friedrich Max (1823-1900)
133 language( s) Ludendorff, Erich (1865-1937) 177 88,89,96-7
racial mixing 64-5, 79, 93, 133, Aryan race myth Ludendorff, Mathilde (1877-1966) Muller-Hill, Benno 74
148,152,163 Aryan-Semite opposition 88, 177 Munkel, Daniela 104
Rasse-Volk opposition 23 89,94 Lutzhoft, Hans-Jurgen 168 mutation theory 26-7, 151, 164, 165
Schmidt-Rohr affair 141-2, biblical paradigm 80-2, 84
167-8 Japhetic tradition 82-3, 84 Mallory, James 96 Napoleonic Wars 7, 19
Weisgerber's linguistics 203 Nazism 90, 93-100 Marie, Walter 173-4 National Socialism see Nazi
Johannes, Martin Otto 132 origins 84-7 Marr, Wilhelm (1819-1904) 88 ideology
Johannsen, Wilhelm (1857-1927) 31 Nordicism martial race, Nordicism 104-5 nationalism 7-13, 15-16
Jones, Sir William (1746-1794) Aryanism contrasted 106 materialism 172,173,177-8,179, Aryan race myth 84-6,87,89, 90,
83-4 the Jew contrasted 110 182,205 96
Jordan, Pascual (1902-1980) 171 nationalism 115 Mediterranean race Nordicism 114-19, 128
Junker, Thomas 198 Schmidt-Rohr affair 141, Clauss 57 racial mixing 66
Just, Gunther (1892-1950) 196 167-8 Gerstenhauer on 115 radical see volkisch idea
racial mixing 77-8 Gunther 36,38-40,55,62 Rasse-Volk opposition 24-5
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut fiir the Volk 18-20,22-3 Lenz 62 natural selection 26-7,29, 31, 32,
Anthropologie, menschliche Aryan race myth 85 Muckermann 55-6 174-6
Erblehre und Eugenik 79, biology-linguistics relation Nordicism 111 nature
140,217 201-5 Rasse-Volk opposition 24 Nordicism 101, 102
Kant, Immanuel (1724-1804) 6 boundaries of 166 Mentzel, Rudolf 172 place of humans within 22, 27,
Kaup, Ignaz (1870-1944) 128 defining uniqueness of 209-10 Merkenschlager, Friedrich 28-9,174-7,179,180
Kaupen-Haas, Heidrun 167 idea of a German race 149 (1892-1968) 151-4, 157 scientific gaze 186-8
Keiter, Friedrich (1906-1967) 62, Nordicism 115 metaphors of race 55-60, 134 Nazi ideology
163 Schmidt-Rohr affair 141-3, Meyer-Abich, Adolf (1893-1971) academic theory/theorists and
Klaatsch, Hermann (1863-1916) 167-8 178, 179 2-4,34,140-69,170-94,
175 Weisgerber on 143 militarization 172 209-12,213
268 Index Index 269
Nazi ideology (cont'd) evolutionary theory 28, 174-7, Fischer 61, 75, 79, 104, 106-7, organism, Hamacher's notion
Clauss case 183-6 180-1,191-2,197-8 109,117-18,128,143-4, 192-3
Darwinism 173-81, 192, 198, genetics 30, 31, 32, 162, 163-5, 145-6 orthogenesis 27
207 168-9,196,198-205, and the German Volk 24, 113-29
dialectics of Volk 206-9, 210 207-9 Aryanism and 106, 107, 108, Padover, Saul K. 95
elitism 171-2, 178, 190 Gunther's significance 63 112 Parsons, James (1705-1770) 82
Fischer affair 140, 143-9, 161 individual-collective relation 17, boundaries of 161-5, 166, Paul, Alexander 170
Gauch 195 18-21 167-9 Paul, Gustav 134
Gross's role 154-7, 167-8, Nordicism 104, 128-9 dialectics of 206 Pearson, Karl (1857-1936) 28, 94
181-5 see also academic Gauch on 195 peasantry see rural population
Hartnacke on volkisch theory/theorists above Goetz's evaluation 127-8 Penka, Karl (1847-1912) 108
ideology 195-6 racial mixing 64-5, 68, 74, 79, Gradmann's criticism 121-3 personality types 56, 163
Hildebrandt-Jordan debate 91-3 the Jews and 109, 110-11, Petermann, Bruno (1989-1941) 162
171 see also academic 123-4 Pezron,Paul (1639-1706) 81,83
holism 171, 172, 182-3, 192, theory/theorists above Kretschmer's argument 127 Pfahler, Gerhard (1897-1976)
195-6,207,208 Rasse-Volk opposition 17, 23-4, mythical-racial past 105 137-8
idea of a German race 149-57, 32,34 nationalism 114-19,128 Phalian race
166 Systemrasse-Vitalrasse opposition post-1933 confusion 130-9 Clauss 57
ideological stalemate 160-5, 17-18 racial education 164 Fischer on 104
166, 167-9 Negro race 9, 10, 195, 209 racial mixing see below Gunther 36, 46-8
illegitimacy 170 see also African-European racial Schmidt-Rohr 140-1, 142, hybridized with Nordic 132, 139
Krieck's holism 195-6 mixing 167-8 Rasse-Volk opposition 24
late 1930s heredity research neo-Darwinian synthesis 27, 173, Schmidt's critique 120-1 physical characteristics
196-8 193 Von Gruber's model 123-6 Clauss's method 57-60
linguistics 209-10 neo-Darwinism 27,173,174,175, Weidenreich's view 126 Deniker's model 103
materialism 172, 173, 177-8, 180,193,207 Gunther 36-8, 55, 60-1, 62-3, genetics 26, 31, 33, 73
179,182,205 neo-Lamarckianism 27, 28, 32, 154, 104,105,110,113,168 Gunther's model 35-54, 55, 62,
Nazism's dilemma summarised 173,176,179-80,190-3, the Jews and 102, 108-11, 112, 63
193-4 207 123-4,133,163,165 Kretschmer's approach 56, 127
neo-Lamarckianism 173, 176, neutralization of intellectual Lenz 61,62, 106,107,109-10 Lenz's view 62
179-80,190-3,207 diversity 140-69 racial mixing 71, 75, 77, 78, 79 Muckermann's model 55-6
post-1933 confusion 130-9 Fischer 140, 143-9 Fischer affair 143-4, 145-6 Nordic race 36-7, 101, 103
problem of telos 193-4 Gross 154-7, 167-8 and the German Volk 113-19, Aryanism and 106
psychology 205-6,210 idea of a German race 149-57, 120-1,122-5,126,127-9 Fischer affair 146
racial policy 157-60 166 idea of a German race 151-2, and the German Volk 115-16,
Schmidt-Rohr affair 140-3, ideological stalemate 160-5, 166, 154-5,156,157 119,122,125,126,128
167-8 167-9 and the Jew 109, 163, 165 ideological stalemate 161-5,
science-ideology relation racial policy 157-60 post-1933 confusion 131-7 166
summarized 209-12 Schmidt-Rohr 140-3, 167-8 racial policy 158-60 post-1933 confusion 131,
the scientific gaze 186-90 Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900) Nordification 18, 131-2, 135, 164-5, 133-5,139
technocratic mindset 172 176 168-9 Saller's model 157
Aryan race myth 80,89-100 Nordic race/Nordicism 3, 9-10, north-south divide, Gradmann on racial education 164
as attack on 'difference' 5-16 101-5 121-3 racial mixing 61, 73, 74, 75, 76,
biology-linguistics relation Aryanism and 106-8, 111-12 77,115-16
201-5 Clauss 56-7, 59-60 Opler, Morris Edward (1907-1996) Fischer affair 144-5, 146, 148-9
eugenics 30, 31, 145, 146-8, Deniker on 103 95 ideological stalemate 163
175-6,199-201 eugenics 30 organicism 172, 174-7, 178-9 post-1933 confusion 133-5
270 Index Index 271

physical characteristics (cont'd) Schmidt-Rohr affair 140-3, Fischer's study and 77, 78-9 Schmidt, Wilhelm (1868-1954)
racial psychology and 138 167-8 CJtinther's model 60-1, 62-3 120-1
Rasse-Volk opposition 21-2,23, methodologies 35 Haase-Besse! on 165 Schmidt-Rohr, CJeorg (1890-1945)
24,25 Nazism's science-ideology idea of a <Jerman race 149-57 140-3,167-8
scientific gaze 190 dilemma 194 Nordicism see Nordic Schreiner, Helmuth 131-2
Verschuer's view 54 Nordicism see Nordic race/Nordicism, and the Schultze, Walter 163
Pilcz, Alexander (1871-1954) 52 race/N ordicism <Jerman Volk Schwidetzky, Ilse (1907-1997) 99
Plate, Ludwig (1862-1937) 191-2, psychology and 205-6, 210 racial mixing 65, 77, 78-9, 92-3, science-ideology relation see Nazi
212 racial mixing 65-7, 68,76-7, 114, 128-9, 151-5 ideology, academic
Ploetz, Alfred (1860-1940) 17-18, 143-9,209 Schmidt-Rohr affair 141-3, theory/theorists and
30,114 Rasse-Volk opposition 21-5,32, 167-8 sexual reproduction 11
Poles, racial policy 158-9 33,34,60-1,62-3 Reche, Otto (1879-1966) 107, and eugenics 27-8, 29, 31
Poliakov, Leon 96 scientific gaze 188-90 133-4, 159-60, 161, 189-90 Nordification 164-5, 168-9
political ideology see Nazi ideology Systemrasse-Vitalrasse opposition Rehobother 65, 68-74, 76-7, 145 Saller's view on breeding 151
popularism 15, 190 17 religion see also racial mixing
psychological types use of term 5 Christianity 8, 88, 101, 104 Shaler, Nathaniel (1841-1906) 66-7
Clauss 56-7 Verschuer 54-5 natural selection and 174-5 Siegert, Hans (b. 1911) 97-8
CJtinther 35-54,55,62,63 racial education 137-8, 163-4, 183, Nordicism and 131-2 Siemens, Hermann (1891-1969) 18,
ideological stalemate 162-3, 164 188-90 see also Jews 136-7
Kretschmer 56 racial hybridity see racial mixing Rensch, Bernhard (1900-1990) 193 Silesia 159-60
Lenz 62 racial ideology see Nazi ideology Richards, Robert J. 174 Slavs 8,118,122,158-60
Nordicism 37-8, 137-8, 162-3 racial mixing 64-79, 214 Riehl, Wilhelm Heinrich social processes, Darwinism and
racial mixing 75-6,77,116-17 Aryan race myth and 85-7, 91-3, (1823-1897) 104 175-6
Rittershaus 56 94 Ripley, William Z. 103 somatic characteristics see physical
Verschuer 54-5 colonialism 67-8 Ritter, Robert (1901-1951) 160 characteristics
psychology, role of 205-6, 210 Darwinism and 177-8 Rittershaus, Ernst (b. 1881) 56, 131 Sorbs 153, 159
dialectics of Volk 206, 207 Rodenwaldt, Ernst (b. 1878) 196, Spelter, Josef 204-5
Rabes, Otto 133 European intellectual tradition 197 Spengler, Oswald (1880-1936) 8-9,
race-people opposition see 65-7 Romanticism 14, 19-20, 96, 101, 104 177-8
Rasse-Volk opposition Fischer 65,68-79,117-18,143-9 Rosenberg, Alfred (1893-1946) 2, Stark, Johannes (1874-1957) 172
racial anthropology 5-7, 11-13, 15 idea of a <Jerman race and 179 Steiner, Rudolf (1861-1925) 178
Aryan race myth 84-5, 89, 90, 151-5,156-7 Rossner, Ferdinand (1900-1987) Stengel von Rutkowski, Lothar
94-5,97-100 ideological stalemate 163, 165 180 (1908-1992) 103
Clauss 35, 56-60 Nordic race 71, 75, 77, 78, 79 Rtidin, Ernst (1874-1952) 140, 217 sterilization 28, 91, 148, 158, 213,
Darwinism 175,207 Fischer affair 143-4, 145-6 rural population 14, 22, 104, 121, 215
dialectics of Volk 206-9 and the <Jerman Volk 113-19, 211 Stigler, Robert (1878-1968) 52
genetics and 29-33, 166-7, 120-1,122-5,126,127-9 Ruttke, Falk 92, 93-4, 160 Stratz, Carl (1858-1924) 175
199-200 idea of a <Jerman race 151-2, Systemrasse (system race) 17-18,
CJtinther and 35-54, 55, 60-3 154-5,156 Saller, Karl (1902-1969) 150-5, 125-6,138-9,209
intellectual diversity neutralized and the Jew 109, 163, 165 156-7,214
140-69 post-1933 confusion 131-7 Sayee, Archibald Henry technocratic mindset 172
Fischer 140, 143-9 racial policy 157-60 (1845-1933) 85 Tirala, Lothar CJottlieb (1886-1974)
idea of a <Jerman race 149-57, Rassenhygiene 30 Schallmayer, Wilhelm (1857-1919) 143,144-5,146-7,148
166 Rasse-Volk opposition 17,21-5,32, 114 towns
ideological stalemate 160-5, 33,34 Scheidt, Walter (1895-1976) 107, anti-urbanism 101, 104, 211
166,167-9,209-11 Aryan race myth 80, 85, 88, 167 Schmidt's view 121
policy on racial mixing 157-60 89-90,92-3,97,99 Schemann, Ludwig (1852-1938) 88 Trautmann, Reinhold 159
272 Index
Uexki.ill, Jakob von (1864-1944) racial policy 158, 159
178,187 see also under Nordic
ultra-nationalistic movement see race/Nordicism
volkisch idea Schmidt-Rohr affair 141-3,
universalism 6, 7 167-8
science-ideology relation
Verschuer, Otmar Freiherr von summarized 209-12
(1896-1969) 2, 54-5,74,79, scientific gaze 190
163,198-201,222-3 Vitalrasse and 18
Viernstein, Theodor (1878-1949) volkisch idea 7-13, 213, 215
162-3 Darwinism and 174-81
Virchow, Rudolf (1821-1902) 50, Goetz's criticism 127-8
122,175 Hartnacke on 195-6
vitalism 27,175,178-9,180 Hildebrandt-Jordan debate 171
Vitalrasse (vital race) 17-18, 114, individual-collective relation
138-9,209 20-1
Voegelin, Eric (1901-1985) 73-4, Nordicism 110
178 Saller 150, 152-3
Volk 6-14,15,213 Schmidt-Rohr and 141, 142-3
Aryan race myth 80, 85, 88, scientific gaze 186
89-90,92-3,97,99 Von Gruber, Max (1853-1927)
biology-linguistics relation 201-5 123-6
boundaries of 160-5, 166, 167-9
dialectics of 206-9, 210 Wallace, Alfred Russell (1823-1913)
Gunther's model 35-54, 55, 60-3 174
Hartnacke on 195-6 war
idea of a German race 149-57 eugenicists' views of 31
individual-collective relation 17, First World War 7-8, 68
18-21 warrior race, Nordicism 104-5
Lenz's model 62 Weidenreich, Franz (1873-1948)
linguistics defining uniqueness of 126
209-10 Weimar Republic 7-8
metaphors of race 55-6, 134 Weinert, Hans (1887-1967) 105
Nazism's science-ideology Weisgerber, J. Leo (1899-1985)
dilemma 193-4 143,202-3
neo-Lamarckianism 191 Weismann, August (1834-1914) 26,
Nordicism see Nordic 61,173
race/Nordicism, and the Wends (the Sorbs) 153, 159
German Volk Wertheimer, Max (1880-1943) 176
race and see Rasse-Volk Westermann, Diedrich (1875-1956)
opposition 68
racial mixing 64-5, 68, 71, 77, Wichler, Gerhard 188
78-9,92-3 Wirth, Albrecht (1866-1936) 20, 23,
Darwinism and 177-8 67,114
Fischer affair 143-9 Woltmann, Ludwig (1871-1907)
and idea of a German race 175
151-5,156,157 women, practical eugenics 147-8

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