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Ego States

We communicate with one another in transactions. These transactions take place between our ego
states. We have three ego states to our personality and we use them constantly. The Ego states are:

1. Parent Ego:
a. Thought concept of life
b. Authoritarian and directive
c. Identifying Statement:“Do as I Do”
d. Person thinks, feels and behaves in ways copied from parent
e. Two levels of Parent Ego:
i. Nurturing Parent
ii. Controlling Parent

2. Adult Ego:
a. Thought concept of life
b. The reasoning ego state
c. Identifying Statement: “I will be frank with”
d. Thinking, feelings and behaviours that are direct result of current happenings
e. Level of Adult Ego:
i. Rational Adult

3. Child Ego:
a. Feel Concept of life
b. The emotional care in us
c. “What shall I do”
d. Thinking, feeling and behaving like one did as a child
e. Four levels of Child ego:
i. Natural Child
ii. Curious Child
iii. Rebellion Child
iv. Little Professor

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