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Thematic approach is an interesting way to spice up the lesson with young

learners with a theme. It approaches that will make the students to think creatively
with many areas of curriculum are integrated together under one approach. The
benefits of using this approach among the students will make the lesson more
enjoyable, less discipline problems and students enjoy learning in fun way. Apart
from that, the teacher won’t be under pressurized for more lesson preparation as well
great time management. Research by Piaget (1969), Vygotsky (1962), and Bruner
(1960) also supports an integrated approach to teaching and learning.

The students are most likely to get involved compared to normal traditional
approach as well acquiring skills whilst learning. The most common learning scaffold
used to aid children through the zone of proximal development is language (Bruner,
1986). Thematic approach also well known as natural teaching that is less
complicated and fragmented. For an example, when school time is divided into
different subject areas and the young learners will be able to learn and drill their
exercises frequently not including the educator’s lesson or objective, when their self
write it up on a whiteboard. It is also important to find the point of interest from the
young learners so the learning will take place efficiently. Thematic are backbone of
schools and teachers with several of advantages included. Children learn what is their
best when they are having fun.

Firstly one of the most beneficial people from this approach will be both the
parties, which are the teacher, and the students also known as young learner. Every
activities and lessons carried out in a classroom will be centered to one single theme
for that day. One of the importance for teachers is to plan and prep their lessons for
their prep box, can be reused and also recycle for other lessons as well. Other
advantage is that keeping up and sharing their materials with cohorts will save up
more time and being less exhausted prepping materials or resources. A teacher can
plan their lesson or for thematic approach for theme to help them to stay in advance
especially in prepping and there we shall find some peace from within when the
educator is ahead with excellent themes that will encourage learning.
Importance for the children or the young learners perspective is that the
thematic curriculum allows the young learners at preschool to learn, investigate,
explore and identifying the problem as well renewing their learning under this
approach. Besides that, this approach also takes environmental learning into its
concern. The young learner will combine all they’re learning into one piece instead of
being single subject oriented. This creates young learners with variety of abilities. In
order to choose the right theme, the educator should be able to plan the themes
according to the young learners input as well as ideas. Not only that, themes should
be based on syllabus or curriculum of the preschool. Themes that are being chosen
should be able to foster all the needs of the child for learning, development and most
importantly growth.

Secondly, the young learner will be able to benefit from making connection
and drawing connections from the real world. This is also known as cross curricular.
Most of the young learners at preschool or taska will be able to learn efficiently
because it builds on prior knowledge of the child. Some students can be quick, short
span of attention, slow and variety of abilities but this approach will be able to cater
all needs of the young learner because it keeps the learning fun and they (the young
learners) wouldn’t even know that learning is taking place. The teacher plays an
important role to make the learning as authentic as he or she could as well as learning
experiences. Obviously, the learning is up to each child to cater their learning need
and they can have their choice in what they want to learn. As for the language
acquisition perspectives, the young learners will be able to view the bigger picture for
most of the second language learners. Also, new vocabulary should be frequently
used for learning and make it as natural as possible. Lastly, the children should be
allowed to demonstrate their own learning as every child are different in their own
Other advantages from the thematic approach are that it helps the students to
draw connections and how to connect to the real world. They all will be focusing to
one common theme. It also creates variety within learning which means where all the
young learners will be able to learn in many different ways of learning. It also keeps
the students engaging because the activities are fun and varied. As for the educator,
this approach gives them the opportunity for the educator to be more creative,
authentic by also keeping it real. The educators can use all the subjects such as
science and geography under one common theme. Classroom culture will me much
more engaging and cooperative learning will take place by sharing one goal. This
thematic approach is not at all teachers centered but fully student centered. Biggest
advantage of all it is time saving because the teacher will be teaching multiple
subjects at one time at the same time. It is also a sensory center where the young
learners to enhance their learning ways will use all the five senses.

Every educator should integrate all the subjects such as sciences, arts, and
literacy as well as other subjects when it comes to planning. Every young learner
environment, surroundings as well as culture should be taken into consideration as
preschool or taska are one of the early learning or can be said as early stage learning
as well sharing experiences while learning are crucial part of development of every
young learners. Themes or ideas can be ideally from the young learner that arises
based on their curiosity or even questions that they asked. For an instance, the
universe, elephants or even insects. Common topics can be created around the
classroom or even from discussions among the young learners such as families, body
parts or even transportation. Some of the successful stages when it comes to thematic
approach in preschool are those young learners that are involved in asking questions,
voicing out their opinions in early planning stages by the educator. The young
learners will have their own responsibility and this will cause them to earn motivation
from within as well as sense of ownership in whatever task they are taking part in.
The educator needs to know their students and create question based on their liking or
preferences. The young learners will help the educator to narrow their learning ideas,
the educator can continue whilst integrating the important content of areas.
As I am concluding that thematic approach will be the most fun way to teach
and learn. Both parties will be able to understand each other well and this will make
the learning to be out of the box. Throughout the lesson and theme, young learners
will be able have a meaningful learning experience. Skillful planning for the
curriculum as well as integrating the frameworks that helps students to be introduced
to living skills, academic skills, critical thinking as well as ample of knowledge. Not
only that but through thematic approach young learners at preschool or taska will be
recognized as valuable assets that will be reflected in the curriculum. Lastly but not
least, thematic approach deals with instructions incorporating every subject of
knowledge under one subject tree and enables young learners to relate scholarly
abilities to true thoughts.

Following is a lesson plan planned according to the Thematic Approach. The

theme for today’s lesson is celebrations. It is about special occasion that the young
learners have celebrated.

Theme: Our Little House

Background: The young learners have no chance or idea that a stimulated imaginative
play will be able to give ample of opportunities for these children’s from preschool to
expand as well as develop and improve their ability in speaking and acquiring
language also listening skills. These young learners will have their own corner that
later will be developed into a ship, a dentistry, restaurant or even school. The educator
will be reorganizing the shelves to create a space at a corner in a classroom. The
educator will add the chairs, table for this young learner to have their own space
known as “Our Little Home”. Not only that, little cups, collection of saucer and sets,
bowl, doll and television will be added at the particular space. Once the setup is
completed, the educator plays an important role to explain to these young learners on
how they are going to make use of the space provided by the teacher. The teacher give
them ideas that they can use the space to play in the little house and everyone will
have their turns to play in their little house. This will make the young learners to be
excited and once these kids are in the house their imagination will take place. They
will start playing their roles even those young learners that are timid to even speak up.
The conversation will take place and at the same time playing an important roles each.
Here these young learners will be able to play imaginative roles which holds that
instant drama lesson, fast improvisation opportunities, building their very own
confidence skills and most importantly to develop literacy skills among the young
learners their self.

Class: 1 Neptune
Date: 21st July 2018
Day: Monday
Time: 10.10 till 10.40 (30 minutes)
Number of students: 10 students
Objective: The students will be able to responsibility and actions under the
Theme of “Our House.
Background Knowledge: The young learners have assisted the teacher to set
the place outside of the class.
Absorption of value: Responsibility, moral values and sense of belonging to
the area have been setup by the educator.
Learning resources: Checklist for activity, Materials for setup, role-play for each
Added value: Being patience and courageous.
Intelligence: Great variety of multiple intelligence
Steps Educational Activity
Time Content Record
Initiating 1. The teacher will be
Induction Set conversation by initiating questions such
(5 minutes) teacher and as:
young learners. a) What will you do
when you have your
own space outside of
your house?
b) What will you do
c) How will you plan
your arrangements?
Step 1 Setting up a 1. The teacher introduces Set up
place called “Our the space that has been equipment’s
home” outside of allocated to the kids. and
classroom. 2. The kids will have their materials
(This will be space to carry out the
done earlier by responsibility that has
the teacher) been given to them.
Step 2 English 1. Teacher will assign Spot areas
(15 minutes) Language: Name students with role for planning for
the things setup each of them outside of the students
outdoor. the classroom.
Play an 2. They will converse and
important role turn the place into a
and converse grocery store.
among their 3. Different students will
classmates. be entitled to play their
role in order to complete
their task.
Step 3 The educator will 1. Here, the educator will Role
While activity walk around the be walking while activity for
(5 minutes) yard (Where the observing the students. each
place have be en 2. Some students will be student
setup) given guidance while
*Guiding will conversing. Even the
take place shyest kid will try to take
part, as this is something
they are observing
Step 4 Closure 1. At the end of the Checklist
Post activity (1 minute) activity, the young sheet
(5 minutes) learners will be having a
discussion to share their
experience with their
educator and friends
2. Teacher explains the
activity and the objective
of the lesson.
3. Teacher shares the moral
value of today’s lesson
4. At the end of the activ
Following are the cross curricular activity that will be taking place at “Our Home”
which is outdoor at the school backyard.

Cross Curricular Activities

1. Language of Arts which will be drama, improvisation, role play as well

extending their listening skills, vocabulary (spoken), writing and drawing
“Our little house”
2. Numeracy where the young learners will be able to learn sorting. For an
example; the young learners will arrange or sort the groceries food into
their groups such as vegetables, poultry and dairy. Also, counting when
the sales is taking place such as; one,two,three…. Asking questions such
as: how much does this cost?
3. Arts: The children will have to create curtain by drawing arts using
sponges application. They also will be in charge of the other house deco
such as windows, shelves and potted plan. Everything will be created such
as drawing and colouring the view of outside at “our little house”. The
young learners will be using paper cups as well as straws to make potted
plans for the window.
4. Science: Growing beansporut as their plant in their “little house”. This will
be place nearby window and the young learners will be able to learn the
entire process of growing of beansprout.
5. Geography: The young learners will be able to learn about different types
of home.

At the end their lesson: The educator will draw 12 circles at the back cover
and each of the children portrait will be drawn by teacher so they will be able to have
the sense of belonging towards “ Our Little House”. Then, the children’s will
carefully write name next to their portrait.
The children’s reflection; This will give an opportunity to the educator to
spend some quality time with the young learners while the educator drew and the
children posing for their portraits. The children will love the portraits and love
looking at their own face drawn in the portrait constantly discussing with their friend
how they would felt. Mostly they will talk how they look like and their characteristics
as well as their features. Lastly, they will be happily identified their classmates as
well as different members of the class. Here and indistinctive approach to chat
without initiating them to converse. This is a wonderful way to build their literacy
skills especially those second language acquisition learners.

The teacher also should be able to reflect upon the theme on strength and
weakness for the future planning. Materials and related things can be shared among
the educators or the educator can recycle it for the upcoming years. Activities that the
young educators have completed can give back to them for them to keep it.
Drawbacks are very crucial such as what went wrong and the educator can improve
which are the areas have to be listed. An action plan will be the right way to record all
Following are the pictures from” Our Little House”

1. The portrait drawn either by the educator or the learners to be up in “Our

Little House:

2. An image shows that how a corner of classroom is used for this lesson.
This space doesn’t require much space and each and every corner is put into work.
3. One of the integrated activities that show the how the bean sprout is
growing and will be used as decoration for the house. Each young learner has their
own responsibility to water them and nurture them.
4. Some of the images that shows us how a backyard is setup as “Our home”
to carry out the lessons out there.


Dalton, J. & Boyd, J. (1992). I Teach: A Guide to Inspiring Classroom Leadership.

Melbourne: Eleanor Curtain.

Adams, M. J. (2001). Alphabetic anxiety and explicit systematic phonics instruction:

A cognitive science perspective. In S.B. Neuman & D.K. Dickinson (Eds.), Handbook
of early literacy research (pp. 66–80). New York: Guilford Press.

Mari Haas, (2000). Thematic, Communicative Language Teaching in the K–8

Classroom. EDO-FL-00-04 ERIC Digest. thematic-approach/retrivedon/12/05/2016

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