Drunken Driving Vehicle Avoiding System Using Arduino: Bachelor of Technology

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Mini Project Report



In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Electronics and Communication Engineering

Submitted By


Under the Guidance of

Guide Name add: Ms. S. JYOTHIRMAYEE

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Cheeryal (V), Keesara (M), Medchal District, Hyderabad– 501 301
(Approved by AICTE, Permanently Affiliated to JNTUH, Accredited by NBA, Accredited by NAAC with “A” Grade and
ISO 9000:2015 Certified)
Mobile:9391199932, Landline:040-31001618, Fax:040-24220320
Web: http://www.geethanjaliinstitutions.com


Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


This is to certify that the project report titled DRUNKEN DRIVING VEHICLE AVOIDING
SYSTEM being submitted by P.BHAGYARAJ,16R11A04H2, B.SAI BHAVANI, 166M1A0430 and
A.PAVAN, 16R11A04E8 in partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Technology in
Electronics and Communication Engineering is a record of bonafide work carried out under my guidance
and supervision. The results embodied in this report have not been submitted to any other University for the
award of any degree.

Internal Guide
S . JYOTHIRMAYEE Prof.B. Hari Kumar
Internal Examiner External Examiner


We, the Students of ECE department of Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology, would
like to convey heartfelt thanks to Dr. S. Udaya Kumar, Principal of the college for the wonderful guidance
and encouragement given to us to move ahead in the execution of this project.
We are highly grateful to the great personality in the field of Electronics, none other than Prof.B.Hari
Kumar, Professor and Head of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of GCET
for guiding and taking care of our career in this field. We are ever thankful to the Professor.
We are very happy for being guided by MS.S.JYOTHIRMAYEE, Associate professor for her/his able
guidance given to us to complete our technical work successfully.
Lastly, we like to thank our coordinator …………. for giving us this opportunity to present the
technical project work.
Above all, we are very much thankful to the management of Geethanjali College of Engineering and
Technology which was established by the high profile intellectuals for the cause of Technical Education in
modern era. We wish that GCET sooner should become a deemed university and produce uncountable
young engineers and present them to the modern technical world.

With Regards


Abstract ……………….. i
List of Figures ……………….. ii
List of Tables ……………….. iii
Symbols & Abbreviations ……………….. iv

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 ……………… 1
1.2 (3 to 4 pages) 2
1.3 3
1.4 .
1.5 .

Chapter 2 Literature Survey

2.1 (Not more than 5 Pages)

Chapter 3 Design (whatever is applicable)

3.1 Block Diagram ---- Its Explanation
3.2 Circuit Diagram ---- Its Explanation
3.3 Flow Chart
3.4 Programme Code
3.5 Applications
3.6 Advantages
3.7 Any Disadvantages/Limitations

Chapter 4 Operating Procedure

Chapter 5 Results

Chapter 6 Conclusion

Chapter 7 Future Scope

As everybody knows that the most of road accidents are taking place due to the drunken drivers,
especially this problem is severe in high ways and it is very difficult to trace the drunken drivers. These
days our patrolling police at high ways and traffic police in cities are checking the drivers through a hand
held portable alcohol sensors, but it is very painful activity and also consumes lot of time to check each and
every vehicle. There by the present technology implemented here is innovative by which the vehicle itself
will be stopped while trying to drive by drinking. This technology offers great ease to the police such that
they need not stop each and every vehicle for hunting the alcoholic driver, rather the vehicle itself stops if it
detects the alcohol content.

The purpose of this project work is to avoid, drink and driving of the vehicles. For this, an alcohol
sensor is placed in the vehicle that senses the smell of alcohol content. Whenever the driver/person who
consumed alcohol tries to start the vehicle, the vehicle will not be started avoiding the drunken driving and
immediately the alarm will be energized automatically indicating drunken person is trying to drive the
vehicle. And if the alcohol is being consumed while driving, the vehicle immediately stops and doesn’t
move any further again acknowledging by activating the alarm.

To prove the concept practically, each and every vehicle must be installed with an Alcohol sensor
inside the vehicle at some feasible point like dashboard, steering, etc. The alcohol sensor is interfaced with
an Op-Amp, which is constructed like a voltage comparator. Whenever the alcohol sensor detects any
alcoholic gases, the output of the Op-Amp (comparator) is triggered (gives a logic HIGH signal). The
triggered output of the comparator is fed to the micro controller.

Since it is a proto type module, the demo module is constructed with a DC motor that simulates the
vehicle movement. When the controller receives a logic HIGH signal from the comparator, immediately,
the controller stops the movement of the DC motor, simulating the vehicle is stopped and simultaneously
also activates the alarm. At the initial state while the vehicle is to be started, if alcoholic gases are detected
the DC motor will not be started simulating the vehicle is not started even the start button is pressed. Thus
drunken driving can be avoided by such system. The system is quite useful in almost all the automobiles


The concept described in this project report is aimed to catch the drunken driver, as the concept is
critical sophisticated technology must be used to detect exact vehicle that is driven by drunken driver. To
achieve the goal accurately, suitable sensors must be used. But here since it is a prototype module, basic
concept is proven with sensor used here is named as MQ3 alcohol sensor. Since it can detect all sorts of
alocohol vapors and it is available easily every where, and this sensor is used here to detect the alcoholic
vapors. Presently this kind of sensors can be used for goods transport vehicles,cars and any other vehicles.

One advantage of using this sensor is that it can not detect little far vapors, because it is not so
sensitive. It is said to be advantage because it should not detect other drunken persons those who are little
away from the driving wheel. This indicates that the sensor must be installed over the dashboard and that
point must be very close to the driving wheel. If this kind of arrangement is made in the cabin, the system
can detect only drunken driver. As described above, the sensor is not so sensitive, during demo, the sensor
must be exposed to the alcohol vapor. For this purpose pour little alcohol (brandy or whiskey) in to a plate
and place the sensor little above the plate with a gap of 2 inches approximately. Depending up on the
alcohol vapor concentration in the air, the conductivity of the sensor will be varied and based on this
conductivity its output in the form of voltage levels will be varied automatically. These variations are
monitored through op-amp and a high signal will be generated whenever the sensor detects alcohol vapors
in the air.

The output of the sensor is used to trigger the Op-amp, this op-amp configured as voltage
comparator can generate a logic high signal when sensor output is greater than the reference voltage. Based
on this signal, the microcontroller used as processing unit is programmed to deliver the proportionate code
through its output. Whenever the system finds drunken driving vehicle, initially alarm will be energized to
alert the squad, and the vehicle will be automatically stopped. The controller halts the vehicle and doesn’t
allow the drunken person to drive the vehicle avoiding drunken driving.

Application point of view, the system designed here can be installed in each and every automobile. In
this regard alcoholic driver can be caught very easily without wasting time. Once the alarm is raised means
it is understood that some drunken person is driving the vehicle and it will be very easy for the police to
catch the driver red-handed.
The technology presented here is very simple, it can be used as demo module, but when it is going
to be used for real applications, all the vehicles must be equipped with real sensors which can detect even
small concentration of alcohol vapors present in the air.

The system described here utilizes a microcontroller unit and this unit is playing a dominant roll in this
project work. For this purpose arduino (microntroller ATmega328p) is selected. This chips are belongs to
ATMEL family. Since the task of reading the logic signals from the op-amp and operating the alarm and
DC motor, LCD.
Microcontrollers are increasingly being used to implement communication systems. It is therefore
important to under stand Microcontroller based systems well. Today, microcontrollers have become an
integral part of all digital communication systems. Dedicated system that use microcontrollers, have
certainly improved the functional, operational and performance based specifications. The architectural
changes in instrumentation and control systems where and are due to the computing and communication
capability of the Micro controller devices. Micro controller must be treated as a tool for computing and
communication; Knowledge of microcontrollers is meaning full and very rewarding if it is applied to design
a product that is useful in the industry or for the society in general. This is a subject, which has direct
relevance to industrial product development and automation. In this project work, microcontrollers are
programmed to perform the function of encoding and decoding techniques, which is essential for any digital
Any Micro-controller, that functions according to the program written in it. Here the program is
prepared in such a way, so that the system performs the function of establishing a digital communication
between two distant units. The program is nothing but an instruction set, this is often prepared in binary
code, & are referred as machine code, there by this software is called as machine language. Writing a
program in such a code is a skilled and very tedious process. It is prone to errors because the program is just
a series of 0’s and 1’s and the instructions are not easily comprehended from just looking at the pattern. An
alternative is to use an easily comprehended form of shorthand code for the patterns 0’s and 1’s. Micro
controller can read and it can store the information received from the remote control unit. Micro-controllers
are dedicated to one task and run one specific program. The program is stored in ROM (read-only memory)
and generally does not change. If there are any modifications in the function, or errors in the software, the
existing program must be erased from the chip & again modified program must be loaded in the chip
through chip burner. The detailed description of these controllers is explained in following chapters.

The author has proposed a method to detect alcohol but uses GPS and GSM module which increases the
overall cost which could be avoided.In our project, we are using a siren which will be more cost efficient.
Use of siren will alert the people nearby and hence any kind of necessary action can be taken.

The authors propose to use a smart helmet to avoid accidents. There are many flaws with their design. A
major shortcoming is the limitation of the its application to only vehicles which use helmets, i.e. 2 wheelers
which is not a feasible idea while driving, especially for short distances. Another drawback being, the
system when implemented makes the helmet too heavy which is not favorable for driving. Also, they have
used an expensive microcontroller whereas we are using open source hardware, which is very cheap.

The authors discuss about complex health monitoring systems and infrared sensor to detect the presence of
alcohol. A major drawback of this system is the possibility of a false alarm. The system is designed in a
manner that even a slight change in some particular condition can result in ringing false alarms even though
everything was normal. In our project, we are
using only the required technology thereby making the system more reliable and cost effective when

The authors have proposed a system to prevent the accidents due to drunken driving. Major drawback of
this system is that they have used PIC16F877A microcontroller which is not as useful as Arduino Uno
microcontroller that we are using. Also, they have used an old design system which is not useful and
increases the overall cost of the system which makes it expensive and somewhat unaffordable to certain
segments of society thereby limiting its scope to be used. Hence, our system is more cost effective and can
be easily afforded.

The authors discuss the problem of drunken driving and propose to solve it by suggesting a system.
However, the major drawback of their system is that they are using MQ2 alcohol sensor which is not
accurate and is not specifically sensitive to alcohol. In our project, we are using a MQ3 sensor which is
designed to be accurate towards alcohol detection which gives more accurate results and saves from raising
false alarms. Also, they have used a PIC microcontroller which is expensive when compared to Arduino
Uno which is open sourced.

The author has tried to design a system to tackle the problem of helmet negligence and alcohol detection at
the same time. The system is overly complex. Also, the author has used P89V51RD2 microcontroller,
which is expensive when compared to Arduino Uno.
Also, this system has a limited scope is usage because it can work only with 2 wheelers and not with any
other segment of vehicle. However, our system can be integrated to not only 2 wheelers, but also with any
kind of vehicle thereby preventing more accidents and saving more people.

The target of this project is to give a idea and inventive method for avoiding drunken driving of a Motorcar
by locking the car. Likewise to permit a man who is not alcoholic to drive a same Motorcar. To broaden this
thought with more innovative headways and make it accessible in a financially effective way.
We need to plan a sort of framework which can recognize the alcohol content in the cars to prevent the
conduct of alcoholic driving. The framework comprises of these two sections:

1. Sensor Part- - used to identify the centralization of alcohol all around and send the concentration as
voltage signals to the accompanying part.
2. Display Part—used to get the prepared signal and demonstrate the information to users in LCD.

The sensor will be fixed close to the driver's seat. The driver should breath to the system before the
individual begins the car. On the off chance that the alcohol level identified is underneath the permissible
standard, the car can be started regularly. In the event that the alcohol level is over the suitable standard, the
framework will send caution to the driver through LCD display.

The framework ought to be protected, delicate, exact, advantageous and cheap. This sort of
framework can be fixed on each car to guarantee the driver's driving security. Drunk driving detection using
car ignition locking project have primary targets which need to outline the framework with the ability that
gives notification to drunken driver before driving the vehicles. The project is to set up intelligent
innovations for vehicles to produce alert as the notice and message will be shown in LCD display as
drunken driver. Another objective is to utilize alcohol sensor as the primary sensor to sense the presence of
alcohol gas noticeable all around. Essentially, the alcohol gas was identified from drunken driver after the
driver entered the vehicle.

Here we propose a framework where the individual is identified for liquor level in his body
to stay away from accidents. Drivers will be detected before they begin their vehicle. Driver
will be detected by a sensor once he seated on the driver seat by his breath. Alcohol Sensor is put in the
steering to screen the breath level if the liquor content in breath is 0.8 mg/l then car motor won't start. In
this framework if the driver isn't drunk he can drive else he cannot drive until the point that the liquor
content decreases. Arduino uno is arranged and associated with the sensor additionally LCD display and
one dc motor is associated. Once the association is given power supply to it so the engine will start
running .Now liquor is sprayed in it where the liquor content is over 0.8mg/l so the LCD display will
demonstrate that alcohol is detected, dc engine will stop.



The above block diagram illustrates the drunken driving vehicle avoiding system through an alcohol
detection. The Arduino uno, alcohol detector (MQ-3), dc motor driver ,buzzer , lcd are the major
prerequisites for the system construction. The Alcohol detector sensor will be attached with arduino.

The input for the Arduino is identified by the alcohol detector sensor through the breath of a human. In
the next scenario the levels of alcohol measured by the sensor and compared with the set-in limits. If the set
limit of consumption of alcohol is more than the alcohol consumed by the person, the system of stops the
motor which in turn activates the automatic lock on the vehicle, i.e. it stops the motor rotation if it is in
running state or it is unable to start. The system will lock the Engine at the same time will automatically
give a buzzer. By this, we can avoid accidents by checking the driving people on the roads. Software
Program for the system developed in embedded C.

1. When driver starting car/vehicle then alcohol sensor begin detecting at condition
vehicle speed equivalent to zero.

2.If alcoholic driver recognized then promptly ignition system will turn off and notification will be shown
on LCD with alarm/buzzer.

3. If alcohol is recognized for this situation at that point signal is send to fuel blocker by
Arduino for locking the start system.so driver feel's that vehicle is going to stop and after that he will place
the car at proper location.



The Arduino UNO is an open-source microcontroller board based on

the Microchip ATmega328P microcontroller and developed by Arduino.cc.The board is equipped with sets
of digital and analog input/output (I/O) pins that may be interfaced to various expansion boards (shields)
and other circuits.[1] The board has 14 Digital pins, 6 Analog pins, and programmable with the Arduino
IDE (Integrated Development Environment) via a type B USB cable. It can be powered by a USB cable or
by an external 9 volt battery, though it accepts voltages between 7 and 20 volts. It is also similar to the
Arduino Nano and Leonardo. The hardware reference design is distributed under a Creative
Commons Attribution Share-Alike 2.5 license and is available on the Arduino website. Layout and
production files for some versions of the hardware are also available. "Uno" means one in Italian and was
chosen to mark the release of Arduino Software (IDE) 1.0. The Uno board and version 1.0 of Arduino
Software (IDE) were the reference versions of Arduino, now evolved to newer releases. The Uno board is
the first in a series of USB Arduino boards, and the reference model for the Arduino platform. The
ATmega328 on the Arduino Uno comes preprogrammed with a bootloader that allows uploading new code
to it without the use of an external hardware programmer. It communicates using the original STK500
protocol.[1] The Uno also differs from all preceding boards in that it does not use the FTDI USB-to-serial
driver chip. Instead, it uses the Atmega16U2 (Atmega8U2 up to version R2) programmed as a USB-to-
serial converter.

The Arduino project started at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea (IDII) in Ivrea, Italy. At that
time, the students used a BASIC Stampmicrocontroller at a cost of $100, a considerable expense for many
students. In 2003 Hernando Barragán created the development platform Wiring as a Master's thesis project
at IDII, under the supervision of Massimo Banzi and Casey Reas, who are known for work on
the Processing language. The project goal was to create simple, low-cost tools for creating digital projects
by non-engineers. The Wiring platform consisted of a printed circuit board (PCB) with an ATmega168
microcontroller, an IDE based on Processing and library functions to easily program the microcontroller. In
2003, Massimo Banzi, with David Mellis, another IDII student, and David Cuartielles, added support for
the cheaper ATmega8 microcontroller to Wiring. But instead of continuing the work on Wiring,
they forked the project and renamed it Arduino. Early arduino boards used the FTDI USB-to-serial driver
chip and an ATmega168.] The Uno differed from all preceding boards by featuring the ATmega328P
microcontroller and an ATmega16U2 (Atmega8U2 up to version R2) programmed as a USB-to-serial

 Microcontroller: Microchip ATmega328P

 Operating Voltage: 5 Volt
 Input Voltage: 7 to 20 Volts
 Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
 Analog Input Pins: 6
 DC Current per I/O Pin: 20 mA
 DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 50 mA
 Flash Memory: 32 KB of which 0.5 KB used by bootloader
 SRAM: 2 KB
 Clock Speed: 16 MHz
 Length: 68.6 mm
 Width: 53.4 mm
 Weight: 25 g

The ATmega328 is a single-chip microcontroller created by Atmel in the megaAVR family

(later Microchip Technology acquired Atmel in 2016). It has a modified Harvard architecture 8-
bit RISC processor core. The Atmel 8-bit AVR RISC-based microcontroller combines
32 kB ISP flash memory with read-while-write capabilities, 1 kB EEPROM, 2 kB SRAM, 23
general purpose I/O lines, 32 general purpose working registers, three flexible timer/counters with
compare modes, internal and external interrupts, serial programmable USART, a byte-oriented 2-
wire serial interface, SPI serial port, 6-channel 10-bit A/D converter (8-channels
in TQFP and QFN/MLF packages), programmable watchdog timer with internal oscillator, and five
software selectable power saving modes. The device operates between 1.8-5.5 volts. The device
achieves throughput approaching 1 MIPS per MHz. As of 2013 the ATmega328 is commonly used
in many projects and autonomous systems where a simple, low-powered, low-cost micro-controller
is needed. Perhaps the most common implementation of this chip is on the
popular Arduino development platform, namely the Arduino Uno and Arduino Nano models.

This module is made using Alcohol Gas Sensor MQ3. It is a low cost semiconductor sensor which can
detect the presence of alcohol gases at concentrations from 0.05 mg/L to 10 mg/L. The sensitive
material used for this sensor is SnO2, whose conductivity is lower in clean air. It’s conductivity
increases as the concentration of alcohol gases increases. It has high sensitivity to alcohol and has a
good resistance to disturbances due to smoke, vapor and gasoline. This module provides both digital
and analog outputs. MQ3 alcohol sensor module can be easily interfaced with Microcontrollers,
Arduino Boards, Raspberry Pi etc.

This alcohol sensor is suitable for detecting alcohol concentration on your breath, just like your
common breathalyzer. It has a high sensitivity and fast response time. Sensor provides an analog
resistive output based on alcohol concentration. The drive circuit is very simple, all it needs is one
resistor. A simple interface could be a 0-3.3V ADC.


 5V operation
 Simple to use
 LEDs for output and power
 Output sensitivity adjustable
 Analog output 0V to 5V
 Digital output 0V or 5V
 Low Cost
 Fast Response
 Stable and Long Life
 Good Sensitivity to Alcohol Gas
 Both Digital and Analog Outputs
 On-board LED Indicator


 Concentration : 0.05 mg/L ~ 10 mg/L Alcohol

 Operating Voltage : 5V ±0.1
 Current Consumption : 150mA
 Operation Temperature : -10°C ~ 70°C


 VCC – Input Power Supply

 GND – Supply Ground
 DO – Digital Output
 AO – Analog Output


 Vehicle Alcohol Detector

 Portable Alcohol Detector

3.3.3 LCD

All character lcd's have

 Eight(8) data pins D0-D7
 Vcc (Apply +5 volt here)
 Gnd (Ground this pin)
 Rc (Register select)
 Rw (read - write)
 En (Enable)
 V0 (Set Lcd contrast)



1 Ground (0V) Ground

2 Supply voltage; 5V (4.7V – 5.3V) Vcc

Contrast adjustment; the best way is to use a variable resistor such as a

3 potentiometer. The output of the potentiometer is connected to this pin. Rotate the Vo / VEE
potentiometer knob forward and backwards to adjust the LCD contrast.

RS (Register
4 Selects command register when low, and data register when high
Select )

5 Low to write to the register; High to read from the register Read/write

Sends data to data pins when a high to low pulse is given; Extra voltage push is
required to execute the instruction and EN(enable) signal is used for this purpose.
6 Enable
Usually, we make it en=0 and when we want to execute the instruction we make it
high en=1 for some milliseconds. After this we again make it ground that is, en=0.

7 DB0

8 DB1

9 DB2

10 DB3
8-bit data pins
11 DB4

12 DB5

13 DB6

14 DB7

15 Backlight VCC (5V) Led+

16 Backlight Ground (0V) Led-

RS (Register select)

A 16X2 LCD has two registers, namely, command and data. The register select is used to switch from one register
to other. RS=0 for command register, whereas RS=1 for data register.
Command Register: The command register stores the command instructions given to the LCD. A command is an
instruction given to LCD to do a predefined task like initializing it, clearing its screen, setting the cursor position,
controlling display etc. Processing for commands happens in the command register.

Data Register: The data register stores the data to be displayed on the LCD. The data is the ASCII value of the
character to be displayed on the LCD. When we send data to LCD it goes to the data register and is processed
there. When RS=1, data register is selected.

Features of 16×2 LCD module

 Operating Voltage is 4.7V to 5.3V

 Current consumption is 1mA without backlight
 Alphanumeric LCD display module, meaning can display alphabets and numbers
 Consists of two rows and each row can print 16 characters.
 Each character is build by a 5×8 pixel box
 Can work on both 8-bit and 4-bit mode
 It can also display any custom generated characters
 Available in Green and Blue Backlight

3.3.4 BUZZER

A buzzer is a small yet efficient component to add sound features to our project/system. It is very small and
compact 2-pin structure hence can be easily used on breadboard, Perf Board and even on PCBs which
makes this a widely used component in most electronic applications.

There are two types are buzzers that are commonly available. The one shown here is a simple buzzer which
when powered will make a Continuous Beeeeeeppp.... sound, the other type is called a readymade buzzer
which will look bulkier than this and will produce a Beep. Beep. Beep. Sound due to the internal oscillating
circuit present inside it. But, the one shown here is most widely used because it can be customised with help
of other circuits to fit easily in our application.

This buzzer can be used by simply powering it using a DC power supply ranging from 4V to 9V. A simple
9V battery can also be used, but it is recommended to use a regulated +5V or +6V DC supply. The buzzer is
normally associated with a switching circuit to turn ON or turn OFF the buzzer at required time and require

Applications of Buzzer

 Alarming Circuits, where the user has to be alarmed about something

 Communication equipments
 Automobile electronics
 Portable equipments, due to its compact size


3.3.5 DC MOTOR

A DC motor (Direct Current motor) is the most common type of motor. DC motors normally have just two
leads, one positive and one negative. If you connect these two leads directly to a battery, the motor will
rotate. If you switch the leads, the motor will rotate in the opposite direction.

Warning − Do not drive the motor directly from Arduino board pins. This may damage the board. Use a
driver Circuit or an IC.

Components Required
You will need the following components −
 1x Arduino UNO board

 1x PN2222 Transistor

 1x Small 6V DC Motor

 1x 1N4001 diode

 1x 270 Ω Resistor

Follow the circuit diagram and make the connections as shown in the image given below.

Take the following precautions while making the connections.

1.First, make sure that the transistor is connected in the right way. The flat side of the transistor
should face the Arduino board as shown in the arrangement.

2.Second, the striped end of the diode should be towards the +5V power line according to the
arrangement shown in the image.


Jumper wires typically come in three versions: male-to-male, male-to-female and female-to-female. The
difference between each is in the end point of the wire. Male ends have a pin protruding and can plug into
things, while female ends do not and are used to plug things into. Male-to-male jumper wires are the most
common and what you likely will use most often. When connecting two ports on breadboard,male-to-male
wire is need.

Male to male male to female

Female to female

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

const int rs = 12, en = 11, d4 = 5, d5 = 4, d6 = 3, d7 = 2;

LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7);

void setup() {

// set up the LCD's number of columns and rows:


lcd.begin(16, 2);

pinMode(A0,INPUT);//alchol sensor



void loop() {

// set the cursor to column 0, line 1

// (note: line 1 is the second row, since counting begins with 0):


float a=0;

for(int i=0;i<10;i++)


float v=(a/10)*(5.0/1024.0);

float mgL=0.67*v;

if(mgL>0.8)//density of ethyl acohol






digitalWrite(7,HIGH);//buzzer on

digitalWrite(9,LOW);// motor off


lcd.print("non alcholic");

Serial.println("non alcholic");





 Safe driving: There are many accidents in which the driver often loses his precious life under the
influence of alcohol.

 Prevents traffic chaos: A person under the influence of alcohol doesn’t have control over his actions
as it impacts synchronised coordination of brain and body, as a result, he/she violates the traffic
rules which can prove to be fatal. The proposed system takes action based on the alcohol content.
 Compact size: Only the MQ-3 alcohol sensor has to be placed on the steering wheel and the rest of
the components are hidden. The MQ3 sensor doesn’t occupy more than 3 inches space.

 Reduced number of accidents: The main focus of this system is to reduce the number of accidents
due to alcohol consumption during driving.

 Apt complementing device for cops: Every vehicle cannot be checked by the cops manually. This
device can automate the process (alerts can be made to reach the local police station), thus freeing
the cops to task more important tasks such as investigation of robbery, murder and other crimes in
the society.


Drunk Driving is one of the biggest threats to Road Safety. Applications of Automatic Engine Locking
System Through Alcohol Detection can be used anywhere to reduce the probability of road accidents.

 “Automatic Engine Locking System Through Alcohol Detection project” can be used in various
vehicles for detecting whether the driver has consumed alcohol or not.
 This can also be used in various companies, organisations, mines to detect alcohol consumption of


 Every system is subject to certain limitations and inherent errors, the MQ3 based system for
detecting alcohol content in blood too is subject to failure and system crash –
 If the driver wears a mask on or covers his mouth, the amount of breath exhaled by the will not be
enough for the sensor to trigger the action.
 If the driver covers the sensor module by something like a handkerchief or a piece of cloth it will
not function as desired as the input to the sensor gets blocked and enables the start of the vehicle.
 If the windows of the vehicle are open, then too the sensor will not be able to detect whether the
driver is drunk or not and if drunk whether the level is above the legal limit or not. Also, the open
windows cause noise (disturbances) to the sensor resulting in the insufficient functioning (error in
the reading) of the sensor.
 If the vents of the sensor get blocked due to some dust/dirt or other materials, this will too result in
the system not being able to perform efficiently.
Operating procedure

Some of the operational scenarios are listed below:

1. Driver is drunk before entering the vehicle

2. Driver consumes alcohol after the vehicle ignition or while driving

3.Passengers are consuming alcohol while vehicle is moving

In the first case, the driver may have attended a party or otherwise, has consumed alcohol above the legal
limit and then entered the car. In this situation, the system is designed in a way such that whenever the
driver starts or tries to ignite the engine of the motor-vehicle, the MQ-3 alcohol sensor gets activated, the
sensor starts sensing for alcohol and does its assigned job. The MQ-3 sensor detects alcohol as the driver
starts exhaling; it works on the basis of sensing the level of alcohol consumed from his breath when he

The second possible case could be if the driver is stressed out or wants to relax while driving and starts
consuming alcohol (though not a best way to relax) while on move. The system is designed such a way that
it will continue to operate during the entire course of driving and will keep checking the alcohol content on
a continual basis. The moment detected level goes beyond the stipulated legal-limits it triggers the desired

The third case occurs when the driver is not drunk and the passengers in the vehicle start consuming alcohol
while on move. in that case it will not detect since the system is embedded on the steering wheel and has a
limited range of two-meters. Not only the positioning of the device matter but also the behaviour of the
fellow-passenger (consuming alcohol) as he/she has to ensure that they don’t enter into the defined range
that triggers the activation of the sensor.

Whenever a drunk person tries to take control of vehicle, the alcohol sensor will detect the presence of
alcohol and if presence of alcohol is detected by the sensor, it will shut down the vehicle’s engine and
sound an alarm . The LCD screen present in the vehicle will display “Alcohol Detected” . Therefore, by
using this system on a vehicle, any kind of loss of life or damage to property can be avoided. Simulation of
the system has been done in Proteus software. All the components have been tested and connected as
required thereby providing us with the desired result.

In this project we have built up a real time model that can automatically lock the motor engine when a
drunken driver tries to drive a car. Now a days car collisions are mostly observed. By fitting this alcohol
sensor into the car, we can save the life of the driver and furthermore the rest of the travelers. The life time
of the task is high. It has low or zero
support cost and obviously low power utilization. This is a developed system to check drunken driving. By
executing this outline a safe car travel is possible decreasing the mishap rate because of drinking. By
executing this outline, drunken drivers can be controlled so are the mishaps because of drunken driving.


1) We can implement GSM technology with alcohol detector. So Alcohol detection & vehicle controlling
through text SMS will inform the relatives or owners of the vehicle about the alcohol consumption.

2) We can implement GPS technology so that once alcohol detection is done, the system will find out the
location of the vehicle.

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