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Otel prismatic 1.

2343 - 79 x 79 x 120 mm - 6 kg (8 €/kg )

Operatie Ore [h] Tarif [RON/h] Total [RON]
Frezare DMU80 9.5 110 1045
Operator 9 75 675
Tratament termic 60

Cost semifabricat 226

Cost achizitie SF 6.00% 14
Cost total prelucrari 2019

Regie sectie 5.00% 101

Coeficient de risc 3.50% 71

Cost total 2191

Din motive de confidentialitate a datelor, tarifele prezentate in tabelul de mai s

Internal: All rights reserved. Distribution within DRÄXLMAIER Group, customer and partners.
Otel prismatic gaurit si tratat termic 1.2343 - 79 x 79 x 120 mm - 6 kg (12,5 €/kg )
Operatie Ore [h] Tarif [RON/h] Total [RON]
Frezare DMU80 5 110 550
Operator 4.5 75 338

Cost semifabricat 226

Cost achizitie SF 6.00% 14
Cost total prelucrari 1127

Regie sectie 5.00% 56

Coeficient de risc 3.50% 39

Cost total 1222

ifele prezentate in tabelul de mai sus sunt diferite fata de cele reale.

Internal: All rights reserved. Distribution within DRÄXLMAIER Group, customer and partners.

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