CFD Nov:Dec 2017

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BB eee [AlU[H 1[P[P[o] . [clolm|» J Question Paper Code : 50838 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2017 Seventh/Eighth Semester Mechanical Engineering ME 6014— COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (Regulations 2013) (Common to : Aeronautical Engineering/Manufacturing Engineering/ Mechanical and Automation Engineering) ime : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks State clearly any assumption made with justification. Answer ALL questions. PART - A (10x2=20 Marks) 1. Sometimes computational approach for a given problem itself is a costly solution Agree/Disagree. Select the correct one with valid reason. 2. dissipate heat, a fin is attached to base surface and the other end is free but insulated. For this situation identify the type of boundary condition with a valid reason. 3. What are time marching problems ? 4. Why forward and backward differencé expressions are not more accurate than central difference expressions ? 5. What are the attractive features of ‘Quick’ scheme ? 6. What is Scarborough criterion ? What is Marker-and-cell (MAC) method ? 1 8. What are the difficulties in solving of Navier-Stokes equation ? 9. What are ‘Kolmogorov scale ratio's ? 10. What are viscous sublayer and log-law layer ? 50838 2 eae == (6x16=80 Marks) 11. a) i) Identify the nature of the following systems of partial differential equations. au_av du : ae V, where u and v are the two dependent variables. ® ii) Derive the x-momentum equation for unsteady 3D flow. ® (OR) b) i) With suitable examples explain the physical significance of elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic problems. ® ii) What are rules of mean time averages ? Explain in detail. 6 iii) Write the generalized governing equation for Transport phenomena and show how this equation turned to continuity and energy equation form. @ 12. a) i) Derive the finite difference expressions for a first order derivative with forward, backward and central difference approximations using Taylor series expansion. (8) ii) Using FVM, discretize the 1D steady state diffusion (no heat generation) equation as per the below form for imterior and exterior control volume. apbp = Awow + Bete +S, ® oR) b) Consider steady state heat conduction in a square region, subjected to the boundary conditions shown in Figure, Use mesh size Ax = Ay and determine the node temperatures indicated below. 16) (100°C) on eee om a 50838 A property @ i 13. a) A property @ is transported by means of convection and diffusion through one dimensional domain as shown in figure: ao ‘The boundary conditions are 4, = 1 at x=0 @ = 0 atx=L. Using five equally spaced cells and the Power-law scheme for convection and diffusion, calculate the distribution of $as a function of x for u = 2.5 m/s. The following data apply L=2.0M, p=1.2 kg/m’, =0.1 kg/m/s. (OR) b) Solve the above problem for u= 1 m/s and by using first order upwind scheme. (16) 14. a) i) Discuss in detail about the role of SIMPLE and its variants in numerical analysis. (a2) ii) Brief about PISO algorithm. Oy (OR) i b) Derive the equation for convective fix per unit mass (F) and the diffusive conductance at u-control volume faées, using staggered grid. as) 16. a) Write short notes on : . 3) Mesh refinement and grid independence study. ®@ ii) Adaptive mesh and numerical @Brors in CFD modelling. @ (OR) eS +) Discuss any two low Reynolds number turbulence models. Also discuss the various conatants and functions used for predicting near wall behaviour. (16) i

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