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The case study that is to be presented features a patient who has a Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Uncotrolled; Non- healing wound.

I as a nursing student is involved in learning what type of nursing interventions that I will apply to this
type of patient. Beyond understanding the relevant health issue, this case study will also explore other
factors that can enhance my knowledge in the field of our nursing practice. This is also the primary
reason why I choose this case study because I know that it is highly beneficial aside from it is being
considered unique.

Included with the case study are the discussions of the anatomical parts, through physical assessment of
the patient, laboratory results and their corresponding findings. Added to this I also have a discussion of
the patient’s daily activities and nursing care plans.


General Objectives

 To be able to apply what I have learned theoretically at the hospital and school and after that
study, I can be able to understand this disease more deeper together with the help of our Clinical
Instructors able to provide optimum or standard quality care to the patient through making of the
nursing intervention and healthe ducation regimen.

Specific Objectives

Student-Nurse Centered:

 To gain knowledge about the disease process, predisposing factors, clinical manifestation and the
disease management.

 To gain skills and appropriate attitudes needed to function as a student-nurse in the community.

 Identify problems: Develop a teaching plan and strategies appropriate for the goal attainment.

 To be able to use the nursing process as framework for care of the patient.

 To develop and establish interpersonal relationship while the case is ongoing.

Client Centered:

 To manage his disease.

 To know the importance of his compliance to his disease.

 To prevent and manage the potential complication that might occur.

 Perform emphasized health teaching and follow dietary instruction and restriction as well as
performing appropriate exercise

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