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I intend to focus on chicken feed production which is in form of whole, cracked, or rolled grains.

i would
need the services of a qualified animal nutritionist to provide the right formula for products. I would
need constant supply of raw materials such as maize,corn, cassava, minerals and common salt, oyster
shell, soya beans meal and so on, depending on the nutritional requirements and need. These materials
are readily available in Kano where i reside. The business would also require custom made machinery
such as Mixers, Pellets, Cookers, sifters, sealers and Bag sewers. The business would require a mini
factory for production of feeds and storage of raw materials and equipment's. To quickly gain
customers, i would need a small retail outlet in Kano Livestock market so as to make the feeds readily
available. 2-3 sales representative to market and sell the products. A small delivery van to deliver feeds
to clients. The services of 2-3 staffs would also be needed in the production of the feeds. I intend to use
social media to create a strong presence for the product and also a website.

Having done a feasibility studies, i have outlined some of the risks involved which include but not limited
to: Dealing with competition, i intend to cope with this challenge by creating a strong marketing plan,
close access to market and good customer relationship management plus after sales services. Capital is
also another challenge as the business require adequate funds to startup. Since i am prepared for the
worst, i feel nothing can stop me.

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