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Om Suastiastu

Good morning the honorable ones; the judges, the teachers, the participant of English speech
contest and all audiences. Before I begin to deliver this speech, I would like to invite you to
thank to the Almighty God, Who has given us Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet together in
this place. Secondly, let me introduce myself. I am _______ from SMA Negeri 1 Bebandem.
Today, I would like to deliver a speech about Environment.

Ladies and gentlemen, environment is a place where living things live in this world. And
human’s life cannot be separated from the environment. Our environment is the place where
we do all of our activities Our life depends a lot on the environment. We drink water provided
by our environment, we breathe air from our environment and we eat foods which are planted
and grown from our environment. Our environment has a great influence in our live. Our
environment gives us life. Good or bad the condition of our environment will definitely affect
our life and our existence. Our environment is our life. Therefore, we must keep our
environment so that we can live comfortably in it.

However, nowadays, the awareness to keep our environment clean and healthy is extremely
reducing. We can find rubbish everywhere easily. Limited area of the forest left in the world.
The waste from the houses and the factory is flown to the river. Pollution threatens our clean
water and fresh air. Many things are damaging our environment today.

Rubbish is something that we can find easily in our environment. Most of them were made
from plastic. Do you know that plastic is hard to asunder? It takes time, more than 50 years to
do it. That’s why, plastic waste that we see today will keep remaining the same, even definitely
increase. If we don’t stop the use of it, then, the land that we live on will be full of plastic. What
a scary and uncomfortable future that we have to face.

Besides the rubbish, our environment also loses an important part of it: the forest. The forest is
no longer green and woody as it used to be. Now, it has changed into blocks of concrete.
Industrial area and houses change the function of the forest itself. As we know, the forest keeps
the water source and supplies the fresh air for human. But, disrespectfully, we destroy the forest
by cutting down all of the trees without doing reforestation after that. Can you feel the effect
of the deforestation now? When the dry season comes, water crisis happens in many places. In
contrast, when it’s the time of rainy season, flood and land slide threaten the areas. Who is to
blame? No one. It’s totally human’s fault.
Ladies and gentlemen, another thing that damages our environment where we live is pollution.
Our water is not clean anymore to drink as it has been polluted by the waste from factory and
mine that is flown to the river. The clean water changes darker and smelly. It’s not good for
our health to consume. The air that we breathe is also no longer fresh enough for our lungs. In
the big cities, the use of motor vehicles causes the air polluted and the temperature of the earth
increased. These pollutions cause global warming that we can feel recently. It is like a
nightmare for all creatures that live in this planet. Therefore, our awareness of the environment
to reduce the pollutions is highly needed. Because global warming is not cool.

The concrete building that we see now, unhealthy air that we breathe, and polluted water that
we drink become our daily menu right now. Do we just stay still and make them worse in the
future? Of course not. We still have a hope to see green trees, breathe fresh oxygen, and drink
clear water once more.

Ladies and gentlemen, the future of our environment is our responsibility. We can start from a
very simple thing from now on. Start from ourselves and from our closest surrounding. Like
what Bali Governor has been doing recently to prevent the supermarket and minimarket to
provide plastic bags and educate the costumers to bring their own shopping bags. It effectively
reduces the plastic rubbish in Bali till 50%. Our duty now is to keep this positive habit

Planting more trees and reduce the usage of motor vehicle are also the wise action to heal the
environment. If those small actions are done by people in this world, it will create
an opportunity to our next generation to have the clean and healthy life in the future.

The future condition of our environment depends on us. It’s not too late for us to start now. It’s
not only for us, but also for the other living creature on this planet. Remember,
our environment is our life. If it is destroyed, our life will be destroyed too. Treat it well and it
will treat us well.

Ladies and gentlemen, that is all my speech. I hope my brief speech can give a small impact
for our environment. And also I would like to ask for apology for all of my mistakes. Thank
you very much for your attention. Have a nice day.

Om Santih, Santih, Santih, Om

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