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Bugeness Custom In Indonesia


Madrasah is an institution or organization is complex and unique. complex, because in

its operational madrasah was built by various elements that were revealed each other.
Unique, because madrasah is an organization that has specific typical, organizing the
process changes of human cultural process , that is not owned by institutions
Because of complex and complicated, so the implementation of education in schools
need the concept and regulation, direction and co-ordination against a school
principals with the community and the stock holder in constructing the maximal
collaboration and developing not only the building schools, but the substantial
psychological and scientific of the madrasah products. The effective Madrasah is one
of Islamic education that had a curriculum, the, teaching and learning strategy and
there was effective instruction through with the people that have an interest (the
students, teachers, parents, environment and officials were related) and is producing
outcome can be relied on
Vision and mission were hoped all organization/institutions to build their future (what
do they want to have). vision to motivate and pride for an organization. So the mission
is desired by all organization or institution to be like what you want it the future (what
do they want to be). Madrasah education is realizing the community and people of
Indonesia, who have the attitude of religious people, capable in scientific-charitable
and skilled and professionalized, to give a guarantee of the life clearly, to children of
the nation, because seen conditions of education sector, morals, and cultural of the
countries people was declined and tent to be destroyed culture and morals

Thus, the Madrasah can be said to be effective if educational institutions in Islam was a
purpose, mission, and target, so that they produce output that can be relied on

Key word : Empowering, Global, Future, Context

A. Preview
The concise of manner vision it was coveted organization to own or obtained in the
future ( what do we want to have ).While the mission is the hopes all of the
institution. So it would be what is the future happen to them ( what do they want to
be ). As it can be effectively and powerful; the vision should be clear, harmonious
and compatible. The vision is as an ideal concepts to be achieved by an institution,
which is to be most excellent institution. The Vision is something coveted by the
organization or institution for the the future ( what do they want to have ).Vision
describe aspirations of the future without specification ways how to accomplish it
Vision is most effective can be raised the inspiration. Because the Inspiration are
usually associated with a craving best. The vision provide motivation and pride for
an organization. A visions become more real terms when expressed in the form of a
mission. So the mission is what coveted by an organization or institution to become
like what is desirable in the future ( what do they want to be ).
Seed the vision for the vision of macro education of Madrasah is the flagship it was
the realization of the community for the people of Indonesia (agamis), a smug
attitude provide ilmiah-amaliah, skillful and professional. Micro vision education of
madrasah was the realization of individuals having attitude, provide ilmiah-diniah,
skilled and professional in accordance with the life. The mission of Madrasah
describe the mission of education it the flagship was:
a)Creating a candidate religionist.
b)Creating scientist candidates who are devout.
C )Creating a candidate exertion has a professionals skilled
B. General Principle To Build Madrasah
General principle to build a good Madrasah, that there are several a general
principle that must be considered in building a Madrasah:
1. The attention of achievement of targets and the purpose of Madrasah
Effective determined priorities and limiting what can be accomplished. Clarity of
philosophical guidelines and mission and focused on the participation, and the
attention of the relevant party will determine that school must be narrowed the
range of the purpose of the most important to be accomplished.

2. Effective leadership
One of the characteristic is taken the initiative and appropriate action to address
the various challenges exist. There are several factors that is recommended in the
management of school, among other:
1 ) The leadership of the principal value, is more flexible to
2 ) Vision and mission Madrasah shall be communicated
3 ) Attention on institutional, vision, the mission and the value of school
4 ) All of staff and students parents active build culture school desired based on
the vision and mission
3. Strategy, Plan and the Implementation
The development in multi dimensional things, because the development of an
organization including Madrasah, is not always the upper hand. The challenges
and obstacles can be step aside of course. Thus, the planning that was ripe with
strategies might be more optimize to the existence of a Madrasah itself.
4. The management of schools and public participation
5. Responsibilities is conferred to one of engages or affected by the activities of a
Madrasah in the division of job description should be clear and right on target is
considered as the first step is good in the management of the implementation of
all forms of organization. It is hoped vision, the mission and a goal may be
achieved optimally.
4. Participation in Decision Making
In a Madrasah that has a small scale decision-making can be conducted based on
a deal. In a madrasah should be great interested to all parties have connected to
his deputy ( bp3 ). The effectiveness of a Madrasah will more readily apparent if
there is clarity of a decree issued.
The establishment of high standards of students learning has to active through
environmental motivation teaching and learning. The effectiveness of a team of
teachers and school as a principal for doing system in its evaluation and honest

C. The Vision and Mission Concept

In a nutshell the vision is what the coveted organization to "owned" or procured in
the future (what do we want to have). While the mission is about us expectations it
will "become" what's in the future (what do we want to be). To be effective and
powerful, the vision must be clear, harmonious and compatible. The vision is the
concept of an ideal to be achieved by an institution, that is to be the most superior
institution. The vision is something that coveted organizations/institutions to be
owned in the future (what do they want to have). The vision reflects the aspirations
of the future without specifying ways to achieve it. The most effective vision is a
vision that can bring up the inspiration. The inspiration is usually associated with
best wishes. The vision of providing motivation and pride for an organization. A
vision becomes more real when expressed in the form of missions. So the mission is
what is coveted by the organization or institution to became the nutshell.
D The Purpose of a Madrasah
This goal was expressed with the phrase a clear, positive, challenging, invite
participation and shows a picture of the future. The underlying basis of the
Madrasah is a superior general purpose the purpose of national education as stated
in the GBHN and the Statute of the system of national education that produces men
who believe in God Almighty, ethical sublime, personality, independent, tough,
intelligent, creative, skillful, disciplined, hard work, professional, responsible,
productive, healthy physical and spiritual, have an nationalities vigor, love the
motherland, social solidarity, awareness of the nation's history and attitude,
appreciate the heroes, as well as future-oriented..
E. The Teaching System of Madrasah
Specifically Madrasah seed was intended to produce education curriculum having
preeminence in the following:
a ) Faith and ketaqwaan to god the one and the only;
b ) Nationalism and patriotism is high,
c ) Insight science and technology deep and wide;
d) Motivation and a great commitment to achieve a feat and excellence;
e) Social awareness and leadership; and
f) Discipline high supported with the physical condition of being superfine
Education is a whole business transform science, knowledge, ideas, notion, norm,
law and values to others in some ways, good structural formal, and informal and
non-formal in a system of national education. Madrasah is organization or
institution complex and unique. Complex, because in the system, Madrasah built by
various elements each other interconnected and mutual determine. Unique, because
Madrasah an organization typical, hold For the complex and complexity of the
implementation of education. Madrasah requires the concept of governing, directs
and coordinate the head against a Madrasah. The success of Madrasah, is the
success of the head and on the contrary.
F. The Effective of Madrasah Strategic
Madrasah should be effective by making a good curriculum and approaching, like
the Islamic education strategy, teaching and learning effective and there ' s
interaction with the relevant party ( students, the teacher, parents, the environment
and officials associated ) and produces output that can be relied on, hold the process
of change human behavior and the processes in cultural, which is not possessed by
any institution. For the complex and complexity of the implementation of education
to requires the concept of governing, directs and coordinate against appointed to the
head of a Madrasah with the community and the shareholders in the fostering and to
develop not only the learning and teaching But also the aspect of substance and
scientific. There were effective way is an institution if it has curriculum and the
Islamic education teaching and learning strategy.
Hence, Madrasah can be said to be effective if an educational institution that has the
goal, the religion of Islam the mission and target so as to produce out put who can
be relied on. Effectiveness is not can understood sure. There are differences
hanging from which the angle of vision that is used and their own interests.
Related to the management of Madrasah, is that how Madrasah able to carry out all
the main task of school, please public participation, obtain and use resources, the
sources of funds, and the source of learning to embody the purpose of school.
Usually the issue of the effectiveness of closely related to the comparison between
the accomplishment of an objective with plans which had been arranged before, or
comparative results real with the result that has been planned. Madrasah, the
effectiveness of our management as the effective of education in general can be
seen based on the theory of systems and dimension of time. Supposed to mean the
criteria have to reflect the effectiveness of a whole cycle input-procedures-output,
not only the output or result they also must reflect relationships mutual
understanding between management and the surrounding environment.
G. The Concept of Madrasah Empowering
The concept of the management of the effective Madrasah
Management based on Islamic ways. Its advent a renewal of the education system in
Indonesia. It has existed, In general, could be established by the process of Muslim
non-governmental organizations ( private ). Madrasah have the legal basis that
clearly in national education. Prosper the position of a Madrasah with other public
elementary school, ( junior high school and senior high school ).Management issues
about our school-based ( school fee-based management ) is actually a central theme
in the reform education in various countries. Management our school-based power,
are defined as a diversion authority and responsibility of the management of
middlemost to outpost of education, management namely schools and their
1. Management Based on Madrasah (MBM)
Basic concepts MBM to restore the management school to the consumer and sides
involved in it, decentralization the process is deemed having effectiveness is high.
There are real purpose to be achieved in renewal this. With the implementation
concept mbm expected more capable of improving the people nation to mastery
science and technology. In MBM, intended to improve the performance school
that can reach its destination optimally, effective and efficient. To empower
schools must also traveled efforts empower learners and local residents beside
change paradigm education owned by teachers and principal education and
2. Increasing the of Community Participation
Increasing efficiency it would obtained among others via the utilization of
resources of the scope of community participation, and simplification of the
education system, while improving the quality it can be obtained by: a flexibility
of management through parents. Madrasah can increase professionalism of the
teachers and schoolmistress. The effectiveness of the management of a Madrasah
is the key central of the sustainability of a Madrasah. So madrasah can be
competate in the global market. Capable of being promising and cultivate a
favorable view in society. The effectiveness of this, its to look at education within
the framework of productivity, expressed in three dimensions, namely:
1) The administrator production function:
Namely function that review administrative sweep school in terms of
productivity, How big and good services that can be provided in a process of
education, either by teachers, principal, and other parties concerned. The
psychologist product function, can see productivity in terms of output,
behavioral change, and to occurs in participants as a depiction of academic
achievement. And it has been rise in periods of study. The economics
production function: namely function economical pertaining to financing
education service at school. This includes the price of financing education
service given and obtained inflicted by the service
2) The Framework to do
Education provided and obtained inflicted by the service of the framework, for
building a Madrasah effective, and making framework to build a Madrasah
consisting of 6 components, namely: a general sense and the base of a
conception of the same there should be imposed in any organization the
presence of a common vision philosophical for his trip. So it is in Madrasah.
The effectiveness of this is supported by the concept of philosophical
dialectical, known to the good and the character of humanists, ideological,
values ( Islam, social, and tolerance ) and mission ( academic and nobleness
moral, there are three statement to hold them:
1. The administrator production function:
It will see the function so far its happen, to see the productivity of the wide
to access of administrative. This is concern about how better the services
could given in one education prose’s, such as by the teacher, head master,
even the others who has concerned about it
b. The psychologist’s product function:
This function is, to see how is the out put, the change of behavior, that
happened to participant or student, to see how is the academic result that
had been achieved by them in learning period
c. The economics’ production function:
That is economic function, it was connected with the fund and budgeting
of education services in the Madrasah. That is including the prices of
education services that was given and obtained cause of that services
3) Curriculum and management
On the basis, the aspirations of the people here, shall have a good purpose and
clear goals in education. Clarity is reflected in the curriculum used, and not
supposed to the exclusion of the aspirations of the people. The book academic and
output moral of Madrasah can be effectively assign to a book for academic,
likewise, quality/ethics of Islam teach curriculum for Islamic education and side
by side with curriculum, capable of being demonstrated and nationalism on rites
and activities outside.
4) Do not let Madrasah be a Poor School, or Poor School for the Poor Children
To be super clear, let’s distinguish between three claims here:
1. Education is a way to end poverty.
2. Education is the best way to end poverty.
3. Education is the only way to end poverty.
Now let’s focus our attention on number one, that education is a way to reduce
poverty. So Madrasah has a role too, to reduce the poverty. Truly, Madrasah
should has or Having more money to make a developing and making a change to
the poor. This is come from an idea that’s, education is the best way to reduce
poverty. Since it is not even sufficient for reducing poverty, this is wrong. But
even if it were sufficient for reducing poverty, all of the international and
domestic evidence we have indicates that the best way to cut poverty in a rich,
developed country like this is to simply change the distribution of income in
society. It’s not hard. If the pre-tax distribution of income is no good (and it isn’t),
you just tax and transfer money around. That is the proven way to dramatically
cut poverty. It is surely the best way to do so, not education.
H. facilities learn enough
This relation of the exploration of the ability to the student with optimal. So
participants be able to apply in reality of a variety of the concept of it. Thinking is
still abstract. With so construction knowledge participants will be more successful.
The manifestation behavior, there are special behavior, created and mutually agreed
to whether to pay precepts and misgiving, appreciation, and so on.
The ultimate goal, the management of a madrasah is capable of competence of the
spawn an output, so that is no doubt. This objective is not may be obtained by
without regard to various aspects. Output of good. Depending on how Madrasah
trying, as hard as seriously.
I. Conclusion
The conclusion of the discussion at the top, can be concluded that the concept of a
Madras, that effective way there was maintained in accordance with curriculum, in
the strategy, teaching and learning and the existence of a reciprocal relation (teacher,
students, parents, the environment and officials associated), so as to harmonize the
purpose that is listed in the mission and vision of Madrasah, and produces output
that can be relied on. To embody the effectiveness of some things that must be
considered, namely pertaining to the skeleton build of effectiveness and build a
Madrasah to the Islamic principles


a. Nama : Ali Halidin, S.Ag, M.Pd.I
b. Tempat, Tgl/Lahir : Kendari, 25 April 1976
c. Pekerjaan : Dosen STAIN Parepare
d. Nip : 197604252009121002
e. Jabatan/Pangkat : Lektor/III/c
f. Alamat : 1. Perumnas Wekke’e Blok H Baru No. 248 Parepare Sulsel
2. Pesantren DDI (Darul Taqwa) Jl. Poros Pabrik Gula
Camming,Dusun Seppange, Desa Tungke depan Kantor KUA
Kec. Bengo, Kab. Bone Sulsel
g. Agama :Islam
h. Status : Menikah
i. No Telp/HP : 1. 085299271138
2. 082346192418
j. E-mail :

1. 2009 – Sekarang : Dosen Jurusan Tarbiyah STAIN Parepare
2. 2012 – 2014 : Koordinator Pengembangan Bahasa Arab/Inggris, pada
Program Pengembangan Insan yang Handal (PASIH) STAIN
3. 2010 – Sekarang : Trainer Metodologi Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris Bagi Guru
MTS/SMP, SD/MI Kabupaten Bone
4. 2008 – Sekarang : Pembina Pesantren DDI Kec. Bengo Kabupaten Bone


a. 2002 : Magister Program Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Negeri
Alauddin Makassar Program Studi Pendidikan Islam
b. 1999 : Strata 1 Universitas Muslim Indonesia Makassar Program Studi
Ushuluddin Konsentrasi Tafsir Hadis
c. 1989-1994 : Madrasah Diniyah Salafiyah Ma’had Darullughah Wadda’wah
Raci Kecamatan Bangil, Kabupaten Pasuruan Jatim Indonesia
d. 1995 : SMA Bawakaraeng Makassar
e. 1992 : MTS DDI Bone
f. 1988 : SD Inpres Tello Baru ½ Makassar


1. 2009 : Certified, Teaching Knowledge Test ESOL Examinations, English
for Speakers of Other Languages, University of Cambridge
2. 2009 : Peserta HIV Mainstreaming Workshop diselenggarakan oleh

Burnet Institute
3. 2008 – 2009 : Peserta English Learning Training for Islamic School (ELTIS)
Diselenggarakan LAPIS ELTIS Australia Indonesia Partnership
4. 1996 – 2005 : Anggota English Meeting & conversation Club (PEMCC) Fort
Rotterdam Makassar

1. 2011 – 2014 : Pengurus PC NU Kota Parepare
2. 2011 – 2015 : Pengurus DDI Kabupaten Bone
3. 2008 – 2010 : Ketua Bidang Kaderisasi IP DDI
4. 2005 - 2007 : Pengurus Fokus Islam BTP Tamalanrea Makassar
5. 2006 – 2009 : Pengurus BKPRMI Kota Makassar
6. 2006 – 2009 : Ketua Majelis Pertimbangan BKPRMI Kecamatan Biringkanaya


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