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2x2 Republic of the Philippines pare DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT wens beioone REGIONAL OFFICE NO. Move then fobs! 103 decent ole ALIEN EMPLOYMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM — AEP hatin Frm 20181237 18 Please supply ail required information. Misrepresentation’ alse statement or fraud in this apblication or in any supporting document is ground {for denial revacation/cancaliation ofthe permit TYPE OF APPLICATION: L1NEW [.] RENEWAL PERSONAL DATA Name (Cast name) (First name) (Widdie name) Nationality Sex:___ Marital Status: Date of Birth: Place of Birth Passport No. Place of Issuance: Issuance Date: Expiration Date: Visa: Visa Validity: Highest Educational Attainment’: Basic ] Intermediate [ ] Advanced [ ] Course of Study: Address in the Philippines: Contact Number: E-Mail Address: Permanent Address Abroad: il. PRESENT EMPLOYMENT: Position: Place/s of Assignment: Name of Company/Employer: ‘Address of Company/Employer: Contact Number: _ E-Mail Address: Nature of Business - Jv. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY IN THE PHILIPPINES: (Please attach additional sheet if necessary) f - osit Duration of Employment Have your application for AEP been previously denied? yes [ ]no[{ ] When? Have your AEP been previously cancelledi/revoked? yes[ ]no[ ] _ When? Please state reason for denial/cancellation/revocation: What actions have you taken? lV. DECLARATION: | declare that the staternents made in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and | will abide by the Philippine laws, rules and regulations, ‘Name and Signature of the Applicant Date VI. ENDORSEMENT BY THE EMPLOYER: | certify that all the information written above are true and correct and currently | employ°__ Filipino nationals and___ foreign nationals. ‘Name and Signature of Employer Position Date * Mirepresentaton of fat inti spade known, or wiht bel int Wah, of eckessy whethe’ sue ols [gasie™ Elemaniary and High S00! Inetmedite ~ Catage, Advance ~ Masterl and Doctoral 5 Nomber ef Fipno and foreign atonal employed inte company pplication includes fraudulent marepresentatin ie, eles statement tat has a negatve eflectinthe evaluation of ho application

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