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This week at the CDC was both fast and slow at the same time!

I did many things and

have a few things that are waiting on completion so I tried to be really intentional this week

about mapping out what I needed to do. I was also making sure that everyone who needed to

know what was going on had the proper information. On Monday, I updated everyone first thing

in the morning to make sure that we were all on the same page. That was the first thing I did

when I got to the office so that I could cross it off my to-do list. After doing that, it just becomes

a waiting game on responses so I wanted to finish up my presentation to make sure that I would

have time to edit and practice before it got here. Next week is going to be a shorter week for me

so I wanted to set myself up to do well. I was a little frustrated towards the end of the day

because I felt like I had run out of things to do and didn’t know what else I could be doing to

make myself productive. On Tuesday and Wednesday, I bounced around from assignment to

assignment to try and keep myself entertained as well as staying on track. I also wanted to make

sure that I was keeping up with my school assignments. I finished up my e-portfolio, as much as

I could, and started practicing my presentation. Thursday was just an okay day for me. I have

some personal things going on and I have found it somewhat hard to not let those things affect

my attitude and performance at work. I think that it is good to have these experiences but

sometimes still can be hard. I went out for my birthday lunch with my co-workers which was

really sweet and lifted my spirits a little bit. I believe that it is good to get to know people on a

deeper level than just at work so I really enjoyed the chance to talk with everyone outside of the

office environment. After lunch, the rest of the day seemed to fly by which was really nice

because then it was just time for me to go home! I still hadn’t heard back from many of the

people I have been emailing which was also frustrating. I have noticed that everything takes so

much longer than it should and that is hard for me to grasp. On Friday, I set up another call with
someone about my project. It was a little frustrating to hear back from them so much later than I

had asked because now I feel as thought I have my project at a good place. Not only that, it has

been reviewed by many people so I’m hesitant to go back in and make major changes. With that

though, I did schedule the call for Monday because I am not going to turn down the chance to

make connections and learn something. I found myself this week thinking about what I would do

once my internship was over and really wanting to be “in the real world” and making money. I

feel like the summer has gone by so fast so it will not be slowing down anytime soon!

Hours: Please note that unless otherwise stated, 30 minutes for lunch has been calculated in.

Monday - 7:15 - 3:15 (working lunch)

Tuesday - 7:15 - 3:45

Wednesday - 7:15 - 3:45

Thursday - 7:15 - 3:45

Friday - 8:00 - 4:00 (working lunch)

Total: 40

Total to date: 272

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