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Happiest quotes

We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged
in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we've established for
ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It
makes everything else in life so wonderful, so worthwhile. Earl Nightingale
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Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for
something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future. Think how
really precious is the time you have to spend, whether it's at work or with
your family. Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.
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We all walk in the dark and each of us must learn to turn on his or her own
light. Earl Nightingale
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No matter what has happened to you in the past or what is going on in

your life right now, it has no power to keep you from having an amazingly
good future if you will walk by faith in God. God loves you! He wants you
to live with victory over sin so you can possess His promises for your life
today! Joyce Meyer
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Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own
sunshine. Anthony J. D'Angelo
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Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
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Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow. Helen Keller
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We cannot change our past. We can not change the fact that people act in
a certain way. We can not change the inevitable. The only thing we can do
is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. Charles R.
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Infuse your life with action. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen.
Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And
whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for
grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make
grace happen... yourself, right now, right down here on Earth. Bradley
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What has been the happiest day of your life so far?

In your essay, tell what happened that made it so wonderful. Use your
personal observations, experience, and knowledge

Over the course of my life, I have experienced many days of happiness;

they all had a unique ingredient that separated them from each other as a
distinct experience. There is; however, a day that I remember with extra
fondness, a day that occupies a bigger space in my heart, the day of my
eighteenth birthday. I suppose I could say this is possibly the happiest day
in my life so far. The three factors that made this day so special were: a
birthday cake, my friends, and a train station.

First factor was the birthday cake. Not an ordinary one, but a torte au
pommes, the best cake this side of the Pyrenees, and possible the reason
why so many people came to my birthday parties. There was never a
birthday without a cake, but the torte au pommes was the best one

This was thanks to the fact that undoubtedly; my mother was the most
gifted baker in the area and she knew exactly were to get the right

Second, my friends. They came early that day as I was leaving the country
in the evening. Strangely enough, they did not bring any presents as they
always did in the past. It did not matter, all of them came as it was going
to be the last birthday I ever spent with them, as the hours went by, I said
my goodbyes and left to the train station.

Finally yet importantly, the train station, I had a train ticket to travel
around Europe for a month. At the end of the month I was not coming
back, it was my journey to independence.

To my surprise, as I arrived to the platform all of my friends and family

were there, with hands full of presents and another torte au pommes. It
was a going-away-turning-eighteen birthday party. Everyone was there,
old friends, new friends and their families.

The motion of the train slowly leaving the station, the powerful emotion of
the farewell still lingering in me as I watched my friends, family waving,
and the excitement of the journey towards my independency made this
the happiest day of my life.


This is a sample paragraph on The Happiest Day of My Life. We are

thrown in this world without any rhyme or reason—A French philosopher
Sartre based the whole philosophy of existentialism on this thought.

People have always been probing into the query why we are in this world
which is so full of ‘the weariness, the fever, and the fret’. But for me, it
has been so good to be in this world that I consider 2nd August 1967, my
birthday, the happiest day of my life. On this day with the waking yawn of
the dawn, I moaned and signaled my arrival in this world. Of course, like
many other babies, I was not happy to leave my mother’s protective
womb. So I cried a lot. But thereafter I have always been a jolly natured
creature. It’s not that life has been easy for me. No. Everyone has to fight
his way out, in the fray of ‘the survival of the fittest’. I have been too. But I
like taking up challenges. Life’s battles have always been a pleasure for
me. Besides challenges, there is so much beauty, so much love and
warmth that I am really thankful to that Almighty power, which made my
existence possible in this world. I hold my mother in deep regards since it
was she who introduced my little entity into this universe. My birth has
been the most wonderful thing both for my parents and myself. I want to
enjoy this gift of life to the lees.


Life is full of events. Some are pleasant while some are gloomy. Some are
not only pleasant but full of excitement and emotions. They leave such
impression on life that the day on which they happen, becomes the most
memorable day of the life.

One such day of my life was 25thDecember 2011. Our school closed for
Christmas but that day there was a cricket match in my school against a
famous club of the city. I was also selected in the team by the game
I had been taken as a fast bowler. My father had been cricketer of his
time. He had taken pains in training me in the skills of throwing balls. He
promised me to purchase an auto-cycle if I came out successful as a
bowler in the team and if my team won.
Every passing minute was making me anxious. The old man thanked me
when we reach his home and said he would tumble if I would not have
helped him.
Then I ran fast towards the field. I was ten minutes late but I was lucky
match had been delayed. The teacher-in-charge scolded me for my
reaching late. But allowed me to play the match, and we won the match.
My father ran towards me and congratulated me for winning the match. I
even told him the story of the old man whom I helped. He hugged me and
told me that I have done a noble work, and he is proud of me.
My father presented me the auto-cycle as promised. And also bought me
a remote control helicopter as a token for my good deed and encouraged
me to continue doing such good deed.
So that day become the most happiest day in my life. I not only won the
match but also made my father proud of me; he was happier about the
good deed and gave me two gifts auto-cycle and remote control
On that we also went for dinner along with my mom and sister to
celebrate Christmas. I ate my favourite pizza and Sunday ice- cream. This
day will always remain the most happiest and memorable day of my life.

330 words short essay on Happiest Day of My Life (Free to read). Life is
a mixture of joys and sorrows. Most of the days are ordinary days when
joys and sorrows get mixed up and overlap each other. There are only a
few days of pure joy or pure sorrow.
However, one day which haunts my mind frequently is the 15th August,
1992. Even otherwise, it is an auspicious day, being the Independence
Day. It was on this day that the result of my plus two class of 10+2+3 was
declared. The result had been inordinately delayed for several reasons.
When I opened the morning newspaper, to my surprise, I found that the
result of my class had been declared. I became curious. My joy knew no
bounds when I found that my Roll Number appeared at the top. I had
topped the list of all the candidates in the state. Undoubtedly, I had done
my papers fairly well, but I never expected first position.
As my parents and other members of the family came to know of this,
they were overjoyed. Soon, there was a bee-line of my friends who came
to congratulate me. I brought some sweets from the market to offer the
same to every congratulator.
It was about noon when the postman appeared abruptly with a telegram.
It informed me that I had been selected in the I.E. to appear in which I had
been permitted provisionally, pending the declaration of my +2
examination result. I had thus killed two birds with one stone. Not only
had I got through an examination, but also my future career had been
secured at one stroke.
Needless to say that the number of my congratulators increased manifold.
My double success became the talk of the town. Even the principal and
teachers of the school were kind enough to come to my house and
congratulate me and exhort me to maintain the tempo of successes
through hard work. I can indeed never forget the happiest day of my life
15th August, 1992.


Life is full of surprises and shocks, good tidings and bad news, unexpected
turns and sudden twists. At times in life, fortune so favours certain
individuals that they are elevated to the pinnacle of glory and joy. I found
myself in such a situation. Recently, good luck struck me and brought me
the happiest day of my life.

I remember the day and date. It was a Saturday, 4th Oct., 2002. That day I
had gone to the near-by town of Tinsukia, Assam, to see a friend of mine
who was in a private hospital in the town. On the way to the hospital
casually I purchased from a wayside bookstall the magazine, ‘India Today’.
I am an avid reader and used to spend a lot of my free time reading. My
half-yearly examination had just got over and so I had plenty of free time
to spare. When I reached home in the evening after the visit to my friend,
I went through the magazine, which I had bought. I was surprised to find a
‘scratch and win a gift’ page with an attached post card in it.

Free Essay on the Happiest Day of My Life – When I think of my life
there had been many happy days, like my birthday, meeting with the
President of India, festivals and celebrations.

But the happiest day of my life had been the day when I gave a music
performance for the first time on the stage.
The date was 3rd March, 1994. The Mother International School organised
an Inter-school Classical Music Competition. Many students from different
schools in Delhi participated in this.
Some students rendered vocal songs, while some budding artists played
tabia, harmonium and Tanpura. The little artists enthralled the audience
with guitar, veena and sitar.
Now, it was my turn. It was my first performance on the stage. I felt very
nervous and prayed the god to save my honour. However, after I started
singing I forget everything. I was totally engrossed in rendering Rag Vihag.
I even forget if any audience was listening to me till there was loud
clapping in the auditorium. I was thrilled with joy, when my name was
announced for the first prize.

I was given a gold medal by the Chief Guest. I felt very proud and happy.
This was the happiest day of my life.

All my days are happy. My parents and sister keep me happy always. Good
dresses, god food and good school are there in my family. My teachers
teach me very well. The relatives are very fond of me. I have what a girl of
my age should have. But the topic is happiest day in my life.

My birthday is my happiest day. I wait for it the whole year. That day I
wear new dresses. My parents take me to the temple to offer worship in
my name. Mt parents, sister, relatives and friends wish me Happy Birth
day. MY give sweets and chocolate to my friends who are studying with
me in my school. They are also happy on that day.

‘On that day, we give feast to all in my family. I cut birthday cake. All are
happy. I eat candies. On that day, I was the center of my whol family. For
this I always long for it. The whole house is decorated with mango-tree-
leaves and colour papers. The complete environment was colourful. I like
it to my complete satisfaction.

Life is a conscious contact with our surroundings. The more conscious we
are, the more alive. The great writer Dr. Johnson says:
‘Life every where is little to be enjoyed and much to be endured.’
Such being the nature of life on this blighted planet (earth), happiness is a
rare experience. Some days are dark; some, murky and a few are bright.
Life is full of sufferings, pains and tragedies. Wise persons bravely face life
and do not run away from it. The pious put their hopes in God and keep
their powder dry.
Everyone has a routine in life. Social gatherings, outing, parties, sports
and picnics bring change and provide fun and enjoyments. So on a holiday
we made a programme for families combined picnic at Howksbay. There
were about forty members including children. We hired a bus, kept food
and water on the bus and started for the Point. We also purchased some
fruits on the way. At about ten we reached Howksbay, and hired a hut.
Soon the seashore buzzed with noises.

The young people enjoyed bathing, the children waded in water and made
sand-houses. The old surveyed the fun and cautioned the youths. After
great fun, amusements and hullagulla, there were calls for food and
drinks. The young had their grub in dripping clothes and half pants. The
seniors supervised the scene and the ladies played the host. After eating
some desserts, the children and elders retired for nap. Some children and
youths played games on the shore and some plunged in water.
Misfortunes always come unaware. Two of my cousins defied the elder’s
instructions and went in deep waters. Indeed, tide and time wait for none.
They were caught up in a high wave and drowring. There were cries;
‘Help!, help! Save, save’. The elders were awakened from sleep and
dashed to the shore. There was great hue and cry. The women and
children were weeping and wailing.
One of the drowning cousin was saved by a brave nearby English
gentleman. The other was tossed by the waves. Nobody dared to take the
risk and rescue the victim. Youth is hot and age is cold. The, old uncle
Shams, once a champion swimmer, plunged into the angry sea, reached
the drowning man and dragged him out after great struggle Jimmy was
unconscious rather beyond hopes.
Uncle Shams gave quick first-aid to the Jimmy. Weeping and crying
drowned the funs. A large number of people had gathered around the hut.
A naval team arrived at the spot, took charge of the situation and took
Jimmy into the nearby Centre. There was a struggle between life and
death. Mirth and marrying making changed into moaning.
The day was dark and dreary. After one hour’s frantic efforts to save
Jimmy’s life the naval doctor announced: “The kid is out of danger.” Jimmy
was weak and drowsy. Anyhow he revived after some hot drink. Our Joy
knew no bounds. And it was the happiest day in my life. We prostrated
and thanked Allah for His mercy

There are many days in life that bring joy and pleasure but some days are
the happiest and remain in our mind forever. These days are the
reminders of the amazing time we have spent. The happiest day of my life
is a visit to an orphanage. The happiness I felt that day is no match with
any other day of my life.
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Birthdays are very memorable day for everyone. And, each and every
individual waits for this day curiously. And of course I'm one of those. It is
very common that, it comes only once in the year.

Birthdays are celebrated with great joy and excitement. Of course, I've
also celebrated my every birthdays by inviting all my relatives and friends.
But my last birthday was quite special. It was my last birthday in my
school and with those stupid friends, whom I loved a lot. I was willing to
celebrate it in special manner. I discussed 'bout this with my friends.

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