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Hydro Electric Power plants Effect on the Environment

Evangelista, Raye Niel I.

College of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
Technological University of the Philippines

I. Introduction

Using renewable energy in this case hydroelectric energy is a way in lessening the
effects of greenhouse gasses produced by the standard coal-fired power plant. Using
Hydropower plants has its advantages like reducing greenhouse gasses as stated
earlier, and also energy storage is a problem faced by other types of power plant but
not hydropower plant, hydropower plants are mostly built within the structure of a
dam where the way of producing its energy is by releasing a large amount of falling
water into a turbine where the turbine converts its kinetic energy and turns it into
mechanical energy, then a generator turns that mechanical energy into electrical
energy, needless to say, its main source of energy is the water that is stored inside the
dam. However since hydro power plants are dam that is purposely built for producing
energy it contributes significantly in terraforming its surrounding. This paper
discusses the effects of hydro powered power plants in the environment.

II. Review of Related Literature.

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