Nama: Brilliant Nasruddin Navy Nim: 18161040 Prodi: ILKOR

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Nim : 18161040

Prodi : ILKOR

1. Read and complete with the verbs in the box

Copied liked looked painted stayed

Stopped traveled used visited walked

Last Saturday, we (a) visited a big art gallery in New York. We (b) traveled by bus.
The bus (c) Stopped near a park. We (d) walked through the park to the museum. In the
gallery we (e) looked at a lot of paintings and drawings. After that, we (f) copied our
favorite painting in our notebooks. On Sunday morning, I (g) stayed in bed late. I was tired!
In the afternoon, I (h) painted a picture for my mom. I (i) used lots of different colors. My
mom was happy – she (j) liked my picture a lot!

2. Complete with the simple past form of the verbs.

Seurat was a French painter. He (a) lived (live) in Paris, France. He (b) studied
(study) art there. He (c) didn’t travel (not travel) a lot during his life. He (d) started
(start) to draw in black and white. Then he (e) learned (learn) about science and colors. He
(f) used (use) dots of color in his paintings. He (g) didn’t mix (not mix) the colors . Some
people (h) didn’t like (not like) his paintings because they were different. Seurat (i) didn’t
live (not live) for very long. He (j) died (die) when he was 31.

3. Here is an example of past activity. After taking a look at this example, please compose a
paragraph telling about your past outdoor activity!

The last holiday, I chose to spend the time at home just because I wanted to have a lot of
time hanging out with family at home.
The first day, I did some activities that I rarely do in school days. I started these activities
with jogging in the morning, then played games on the computer, and played online games until
10:00 a.m. After that I took a bath, and continued playing the online games again until 12.00.
Midday prayers time (Dzuhur) came so I must pray and then followed by lunch. After midday
prayers and lunch, I and all members of the family gathered in the living room to watch TV
together while chatting

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