William Wells Letter To First Coast News in 2018

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[Te News Manager 82-2018 | Several Years age the Fler da Department of Corcectiens (FROG) spent, MiMions of the texpayers hard earned meney te change their logo the color of there pinch Scheme, and mew medtching Usrfoons Feo thelr n StF Phroughost the stte, [This Lxs done oFter 0.0.C had Caught a Gad. Reputation Sora Series of Incidents thst tnvelved Inmate Aechy ond other mishaps +t ade this Stee agency hese Mette Ts CaceCustedy and Coritrel” leck tnept ot the least or possibly even CC minally negligent Inthe lexecution of 3s duties te the public, Buteren after a moltimiliten dotine. makeover te Tmpeve 1's temn)shee eg) Rik Stil Business 05 Usval ! The texpryecs money Spent for Gent © Ziman Famate housed act Florida Stete Psen (R50) one of Flocisa's most Secure. pCiSen5 thet houses Oeathrots maxi mun manogement, fond Close management, the So called lseestef the Lwocst, the one's Ith society doesn Feace abost. But our Famides ace a pact of thet feat 4s, of free peeple and they do caret Sadly their Voi ces a Gacely heard then they call their elected leaders te allege. tnstances of abuse of Powe By this depactment of Flocides apvecnment that has alceady Shown Br Sygtematically Vielates the Rights of 35 Thmates with Such Tmpurity.They ove only emboldened By the Lnvutitten Rule of Sweeging Such trans- Dcessiens oF 0.0.6 undce the Car pet ofthe Governas mansion, LThece #5 0 leasl code thet governs the F:0.0.6/ E45 Staff ond the. itnmates they are Supposed to care for Th: s leg Code ES cotled _ ehogter 33 Flecida Admrn:strative Code(FAC.), The Rules contain ed A+he5 lengthy Volume of DOS and. Don'ts tht Supposedly opvecn the, sem selfconteined World of DOC oce precise Lihen Pt Comes te Tne Konduet, Bat Become muddled and Vague Lhen dealing With mest steer conduct, THs omb: guty allows the 0.0.0 lawyers to wiggle - their Way compictely auct of Givi! lawsuits or to do 05 much damage -__Kancteal os pessible, Trniting Mescve publie'ty, y | Ia most cases-fhese Qules ace applied to the Tomstes. The Rules Pree ey fer the officers are loosely Understood to Ge Optional) When m paged a DAmate Breaks o Rule of Ch33 FAC They we wcitten a disciplanary Report (0.8) end face ative menber GtefP heacing eam Lhe vpen the Tamibes Conviction of the Rule they Broke Fmpcsi b punishnent Ranging from Probation or Up te 60 days Solttacy Confinement Solitary Confinement TS a misleading term duc tothe fact thet Veryane an Deatthrat Mode Mum Management ond clase Managemen < IFSP ace En a single man ceil locked down 24 hours a day, The Few privileges we have ace Reduced even more aPrecupy are sentenced Hera O6 ond. sent toa disciplanary confenenen (.C) wing. Tt 5 Sar Better te plead guilty toa OR even Ef ypu ore net guilty [As one of FS.P'S Sins 25 Ciscoe woerting false (Bogus) 0.85 on Bamates 05 0 means of Retaliation fr any long list ef things that ey upset theme Plead Met auitty aha DR Nearing Will gern ype the Rebuke “By God, ave Ypu calling my off cer a Var? That? lwshece the Tamate population foses the Gate for Sustice.E ‘comes down to whe ove they, ping % Pehieve an ofter or ‘an tnnate? This 35 Kind of Deonlc due tothe Sac you Can Check ROCs Website and See a long ist ef officers Being occested ON a Regular. Basis Ser smuggling drugs Tobacco, Cell phones ond a tens, lest of other promibited Contmband, But te Plead nat guitty they oct as TF they could net fcthorm suck fe thing and the theory of Innocent until preven quiy Ts change! He Guilty Gut Hurl! And 40 plead aurity even for a DR ypu did met commit will usually Result Ina let less IF any Dc Hime oc loss of opintime, This Ts eth fes5 than Coercion, forcing us te-fear pleading Nel quitty ond trying defend ourselves with the guarantees of Justice the United States Konsivhation Says we enjoy, Such af Ennocert until proven guilty, Right to 0 fir Anal ond Due process. The OR heating tears ot FSP cod Re the equrvalent of a Naz’ tribunal, And sotamete 5 pre Compelled te enter a.guilty plea ne matter BF they ore ernst, The Bully as fe Sti5-Fy these own apats, And ust When officers Wielate Chapter 32,they are Rerely pun sher Foc rt, The offenses Committed Bay prison Staff Tse long, list thel luwould make the devit stile, Net all Steff members ae Gas Bud the ones het are can Be down Right evil and SauisHic and they ar the ones thet Corrupt the New Taceming Recruits, | An To mates punishment 75 the loss of His or Her Freedom. Net Bel ng lable to come and op 05 they please, Eat What they Wart Go te the movies Lith theic family and frends, arc loss of Conjugal Rights wihtheie Joved onee THIS Metall oMcers Jeb te punish Us, Yes many seem te Hhink IFTS and file oduontie of Ete |The ceuel Reality 15 they Say Wwe have to shower once. wees BA, The [dont went us te shower ot alls Under chapter'33 Sor clese menage mens, the Rule ch 33-Gol, B00 Che N(E) 4 Stetes ‘ot a minimum each rnmate ry {close management Shall. Shower 3 Hmes per Week and on days thet the Tomate weeks.” | Se under thetc own Rules frem He State of Flerida,Wwe ace te Shower Freee Fimes pec Week sNct Be offered 0 Showe Bust, to Shower a.m sim bf three Fimes per weeks Thal net cuherthe Rule Says, When F shew them tre Word Shall sty the Rules They Suu thet doesn't mean Wave te, -_Tha’s Fanny, Because the US Supreme Court Tust Ruted on twe new Kases tobich led 40 an actcle Th the USA Today Newspaper Where they Sided wth a Company over the employees all Because of the Lord shall Which they Sad means abligatery or obidged to, D.0.c ante consterly define the Rules Tn Ahei-favery ed EF the _ Leamaches ted thal, they Woould oll Be Laden a OR end theown Into Konfinemenhs Hewsde they get atoay L475 You may 65K? They rake Sftevances disoppeee oF use anim ddtien to quell ony cl scerd, They hide Behind a Badge onda false fesde of honesty, They make Trmates, [Bisappes znte hospitals, qravesards ond of Course under the larse Rus Hhey hove a tendency to Sweep Heic Corruption, | So ust thete unchecked powersthe officers force thee Will upon ypu. 3 Ta sas bohet we Call Scare tactics, Whee TF We eKerCse OU Right Te go Ao the Shower alot of officers ull use the excuse of Contraband Checks |e go ale eur Cells UKile te Shower ond. Ranseck our ShufFyAnmesng.or fires our personal property Such a5 legcl wack, letters phates ond Sn Rodeos. re ai poe | They Sometines Rip the clean sheets off uc Bunks and throw them

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