Madani Phool Text (Hajj) : 141-M.P-Hatim

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Madani Phool Text (Hajj)


The section inside the semi-circled small wall on the northern side of Ka’bah.

Hatim is the part of the Ka’bah and entering it is just like entering the Ka’bah.

(Kitab-ul-Hajj, Page#35)

142-M.P-Maqam E Ibrahim



The heavely stone situated under a small dome in front of the door of Ka’bah.

Sayyiduna Ibrahim**** stood onto this scared stone to construct the Ka’bah.

It is a living Prophetic miracle of Sayyiduna Ibrahim that his blessed footprints are still
improinted on it.



Ka’bah (****)

It is called *****

i.e. the House of Allah ******

It is situated at the very centre of the earth. People throughout the world offer their Salah facing
it. The Muslim make Tawaaf of it with great fervor.

(Rafiq ul Haramyne,Page#60,Pulished by Maktabt-ul- Madina,Baab-ul- Madina


144-M.P-Mizab Ur Rahmat



The drain pipe made of gold, affixed on the roof of the northern wall between Ruqn-e-Shami and
Rukn-e-eIraqi. The rain water pour from it into Hatim.

145-M.P-Hajj Na Krnay Ki Wayeed

The noble Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has warned, ‘The person who has means of performing Hajj and who has
no apparent obstacles nor an oppressive ruler nor any disease that prevents him, even then, he
dies without performing Hajj, he may die as a Jew or as a Christen.’

(Bahar-e-Shari’at, Jild#1,Page#1035, Pulished by Maktabt-ul- Madina,Baab-ul- Madina


(Sunan Drimi, Kitab-ul-Manasik,Hadith#1785,Jild#2,Page#45)

146-M.P-Labaik Khanay Ki Fazilat

Sayyiduna Sahil Bin Sa,ad***** has reported that Prophet of Rehmah, the intercessor of the
Umah, The owner of Jannah ‫ ﷺ‬has said, ‘When a Muslim recites Labbaik, each and every
stone,trees and clod upto the edge of the earth towards towards his right and left, all recites

(Rafiq-ul-Hamramyne, Page#75, Pulished by Maktabt-ul- Madina,Baab-ul- Madina


(Tirmizi, Jild#2, Page#226,Hadith#829)

147-M.P-Eid Ul Azha Ka Satrt Kay 10 Din

Dawat-e-Islami’s publisher, Maktabt-ul-Madina’s published renowned book of Sheikh-e-

Tareeqat Ammer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat *****

Madani treasure of blessings consisting of 420 pages states on pages#340 with the reference of

It is mentioned in a blessed Hadis that Allah*** likes to be worshipped during the first ten days
of Zil- Hajj more than any other days. The fast of on anyone of these days is equivalent to a
year’s fasts and the night Salah during anyone of these nights is equivalent to that of Lailat-ul-

(Madni treasure of blessings,Page#340, Pulished by Maktabt-ul- Madina,Baab-ul- Madina


(Sunan-ut-Tirmizi, Page#192, Vol#2 ,Hadees#758)

148-M.P-Arafat Ka Roza

Dawat-e-Islami’s publisher, Maktabt-ul-Madina’s published renowned book of Sheikh-e-

Tareeqat Ammer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat *****

Madani treasure of blessings consisting of 420 pages states on pages#340 with the reference of
Sahi Musmlim.

Sayyiduna Abu Qatadah**** narrates the following fragrant statement of the Holy Prophet****

‘I have presumption from Allah*** that the fast of Arafah (The fast of 9th Zil-Hajjah) removes the
sins of the previous year and the following year.’

(Madni treasure of blessings,Page#340, Pulished by Maktabt-ul- Madina,Baab-ul- Madina


(Sahi Muslim, Page#590, Hadees#196)

149-M.P-Arafat Ka Roza Hazaron Rozon Say Afza Hai

Dawat-e-Islami’s publisher, Maktabt-ul-Madina’s published renowned book of Sheikh-e-

Tareeqat Ammer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat *****

Madani treasure of blessings consisting of 420 pages states on pages#340 with the reference of

Sayyidatuna ‘Aishah Siddiqah **** narrated that Rasululah **** said, ‘Te fast on the of Arafah
(9th Zil-Hajjah) is equivalent one thousand fasts.’

Howeer this ast is Makruh for one who is in the plains of Arafah to perform Hajj.

(Madni treasure of blessings,Page#340, Pulished by Maktabt-ul- Madina,Baab-ul- Madina


(Shu’ab-ul-Iman, Page#357, Vol#3,Hadees#3764)

150-M.P-Arafa Ka Roza Hajiyon Kay Lya Nhe Hai

Dawat-e-Islami’s publisher, Maktabt-ul-Madina’s published renowned book of Sheikh-e-

Tareeqat Ammer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat *****

Madani treasure of blessings consisting of 420 pages states on pages#340 with the reference of
Shih Ibn e Khuzaymah
Sayyiduna Ibn e Khuzaymah**** narrates with reference to Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah*** that the
Holy Prophet prohibited (Hajj-Pilgrims) to fast on the day of Arafah (9th Zul-Hajj) in the plains of

(Madni treasure of blessings,Page#340, Pulished by Maktabt-ul- Madina,Baab-ul- Madina


(Shih Ibn e Khuzaymah,Page#292, Vol#3,Hadees#2101)

151-M.P-Haji, Hajj Eysa Kay Goya Aaj He Apni Waldah Kay Peth Say Pedha Hoa

The belove and blessed Prophet*** has stated, The one who perform Hajj avoiding indecent
talks and sinful acts will return (from Hajj) as free from all sins as he was on the day his mother
brave birth to him.’

(Bahar-e-Shari’at, Jild#1,Page#1031,Madni treasure of blessings,Page#340, Pulished by Maktabt-

ul- Madina,Baab-ul- Madina Karachi,Pakistan)

(Bukhari Shareef,Kitab ul Hajj, Baab Fazail Haj-e- Mabroor,Hadith#1521,Jild#1,Page#512)

152-M.P-Hajj O Umarah Say Ghorbat Or Mushkilat Door Hoti Hain

Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah bin Mas’ud*** reports that the Holy Prophet*** has stated, ‘Hajj and ‘Umrah
remove poverty and sins as (the blacksmiths’) furnace remove all impurities from iron, gold and
silver. The reward for Hajj Mabrur is Paradise.’

(Bahar-e-Shari’at, Jild#1,Page#1032, Pulished by Maktabt-ul- Madina,Baab-ul- Madina


(Jami’ut Tirmizi, Awaab ul Hajj,Hadith#810,Jild#2,Page#212)

153-M.P-Haji 400 Ki Shafa'at Kraye Ga

The prophet of Rehmah. The intercessor of Ummah **** has stated, ‘The Hajj will intercede for
his 400 family members and will be freed from sins as he was on the day he was born.’

(Rafiq ul Haramayn,Jild#1,Page#46, Pulished by Maktabt-ul- Madina,Baab-ul- Madina


(Musnad ul Bazzar,Jild#8,Page#169, Hadith#3196)

154-M.P-Haji ki Shafa'at
Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah*** reports that the Holy Prophet*** has stated, The Hajji is forgiven and
the one whom the Haji asks forgiveness is also forgiven.’

(Rafiq ul Haramayn,Jild#1,Page#46, Pulished by Maktabt-ul- Madina,Baab-ul- Madina


(Majjma uz Zawaid,Jild#3,Page#483, Hadith#5287)

155-M.P-Hajj Kay Lya Nikal Or Rastay Main Mar Gya Usko Sawal Jawab Nhe Hoga

Sayyiduna ‘Aishah Siddiqah**** reports that Prophet of Rahmah,the intercessor of Ummah**

has stated, ‘There will be no accountability for the one who departs for Hajj or ’Ummrah and
dies on the way. He will be order to enter in Paradise.’

(Rafiq ul Haramayn,Jild#1,Page#46, Pulished by Maktabt-ul- Madina,Baab-ul- Madina


(Al- Mu’jam ul Auwsat ,Jild#4,Page#111, Hadith#8835)

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