Unidad 5activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric - Phase 5 - Final Project

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Academic and Research Vice-rector

Activities guide and evaluation rubric

1. General description of the course

Faculty or Academic Unit Faculty of Basic Sciences, Technology and Engineering

Academic Level Professional
Academic Field Disciplinary Training
Course Name New products development
Course Code 216005
Course Type Methodological Can be enabled yes ☐ No ☒
Number of Credits 2

2. Description of the activity

Type of the
Individual ☐ Collaborative ☒ Number of weeks 2
Moment of Unit
Initial ☐ ☐ Final ☒
evaluation: Intermediate:
Evaluative score of the activity: 125 Delivery Environment of the activity:
points Monitoring and Evaluation
Starting date of the activity: 29 Deadline of the activity: Wednesday, 12
November 2018 December 2018
Competence to develop:
The student understands and applies the methodology for determining the useful life of the new
product developed.
Topics to develop:
Unit 1. Innovation and process for the new products development.
Unit 2. Technical criteria for the new products development.
Steps, phases of the learning strategy to develop
Phase 5 - Evaluate the new product development. Final Project

For the management of the learning activities will be developed using the strategy of project-
based learning (ABPr).

Step 1. Inform. To finish with the Project development, each student reviews the features of
the new component and the aspects worked in the previous phases about the new product
development and proceeds to perform the individual activity.
Step 2. Plan. Each member of the group assumes a role and presents the work plan to the
interior of the group, where defined as the division of labor among the members of the group.
Step 3. Decide and control. The group proceeds to perform the activities raised in a
collaborative manner, on the basis of the activity assigned or assumed in the plan of work of
Step 2; each student gathers information and shares in the forum, arguing that there was a
response to the statements, to discuss and review the successes and failures, in order
to reaching a consensus, that allows to determine the criteria on the useful life of the new
product developed.
Step 4. Perform. The Rapporteur or compiler, systematizes the information and share in the
forum, in order that each member to review and to submit its comments, to make the
respective corrections or adjustments that are considered relevant.
Step 5. Evaluate. Once you have made the corrections, proceeded to organize the final
project and final review, in order to learn how to better assess the quality of their own work,
for what is taken the assessment criteria presented in the rubric of evaluation as a check list.
Activities to develop
Individual Activity:
 Individual contribution, arguing the answer to the statements
 Interaction and academic debate. Comment to contributions submitted by fellow
 Review and validation of the task group. Comments on the consolidated work by the
rapporteur or compiler
Collaborative activity: from the individual work group carries out the following activities:
The methods to prolong the shelf life of food must be based on the knowledge of the different
mechanisms involved in the deterioration of the food. (Carillo, M. 2007). It is required in the
forum the following aspects about the food product developed in the previous phases:

1. Make a table where mention is made of the advantages and disadvantages of each of the
methods or types of study of useful life of food products.

2. To detect the possible causes of deterioration of the new food product.

3. Identify the factors that contribute to the deterioration, those that affect the useful life of
the product.

4. Define the possible mechanisms of deterioration of the new food product

5. Determine the methodology for determining the useful life of the new product developed.
You should explain step by step the methodology.

6. Select the method(s) of conservation that control the mechanisms of decomposition of

the new food product.
 Knowledge environment: consultation of the bibliographic
references required and complementary to the Unit 1 and 2. OVI
Unit 2.
Environment for  Collaborative learning environment: make significant
the development contributions and make academic discussions in the forum of
collaborative work. Participate in Skype.
 Monitoring and evaluation environment: delivery of the product
group finished.
Individual: In the forum of the collaborative learning environment the
student will find a topic called "Construction work phase 5"; where each
member can submit their contributions.
Participation and individual contributions:
Original contribution, that demonstrates the analysis of the cutting
information engineering
Interaction and academic debate.
Review and validation of the task group
Collaborative: Group's final work:
1. A Power Point presentation that must be converted to PDF format with
the following structure:

Work Title: should frame the content of the final project
Introduction describing the purpose of the project and brief summary of
its contents.
General Objective: it must be typed in infinitive and integrate the
purpose of this work.
Products to
Specific Objectives: you type in infinitive and must present each of the
deliver by student
components that will be developed in the final work
Proposal criteria on the useful life of the new food product
Final conclusions. In response to the aims and achievements of
learning obtained.
Bibliographic references: general according to APA standards. Submit
all sources (author, date of where they were taken) of the content,
pictures, diagrams, charts and tables.


 Include only the names of people who worked on the development of

the project.
 Must upload one document per group in link assigned for the delivery
of the activity in the environment of evaluation and follow-up.
 Review the rubric of evaluation, in order to know what is evaluated
and graded and the topics that must be completed in the guide.
 The file must be named as: Course Code_number of group_Phase_5.
For example: 216005_05_Phase_5
3. General guidelines for the collaborative work

1. The first thing you should do is to establish the roles for the development
of collaborative work and continue with the planning of the work according to
what was requested in the guide.

All of the interventions and contributions should be evidenced directly in

the forum, not in a single message but in different, according to the work
raised in the guide.
The contributions must be on the job raised and on the contribution of one
or more fellow group members, based on the subjects studied and, as
requested in the guide.
Each participant in the forum should respond by the definitive work
funded by the rapporteur therefore must participate until the end, bringing
about the consolidated work, before being sent by the Monitoring and
Evaluation Environment.

2. The following is a model for the planning of the collaborative work of

students within the group, both at the start of each phase, it is vital that the
diligencian to determine the responsibilities within the group.

Planning of
Activity Work Schedule Responsible
activities for the
development of
collaborative Reading of the The day-month-year-time
work theoretical resources to day-month-year-time
Preparation and delivery The day-month-year-time
of the individual to day-month-year-time
Interaction of the group The day-month-year-time
based on individual to day-month-year-time
Preparation of The day-month-year-time
deliverables to day-month-year-time
Review of the The day-month-year-time
products to day-month-year-time
Preparation of The day-month-year-time
deliverables in to day-month
accordance with the
established standard
(according to the
Source: Abadia Garcia, Sailing Gonzales, & Vargas. (2014)
Each one of the integral part of the Collaborative Group must play a role and
assume the responsibility that this entails, the following table lists the roles and

Role assumed Tasks or functions performed

Responsible for the communication between the tutor
and the team, as well as to present to your computer
the information it collects from the observation - to
the development of activities - made to the other
workgroup teams. Responsible for delivering the final
Roles to perform Responsible for the rapporteurship on the rights of all
by the student in processes in written form. It is also responsible for
the collaborative collecting and systematizing the information delivered
group to the teacher-facilitator.
Time watcher: Controls the time schedule established, and is
responsible for the team to develop the different
activities within the agreed time.
Who cares for check the inside of the computer that
you are assuming the responsibilities of individual and
The dynamic of
group, conducive to maintain interest in the activity
the process:
and finally questioned permanently to the group to
build bridges between what has already been learned.
Responsible for getting the material and/or tools
Handyperson: according to the needs of the team for the
development of the activities and/or processes.
Each one of the members of the group must participate at least three times in
the forum:

1. To socialize their individual work relevant to the request of the activity

2. To feed back to one of your groupmates.
Roles and
3. To comment and make comments on the consolidated work by the
responsibility for
Rapporteur of the working group.
the delivery of
products by
Note. Independent of the role they play in the forum, all must contribute to the
collective construction of the work, with timely and relevant contributions to the
Roles Function
Consolidate the document that is the end product of the
debate, taking into account that you have included the
contributions of all participants and to include only the
Compiler participants involved in the process. You should inform the
person responsible for the alerts to notify who did their
shares, which are not included in the product to be
Ensure that the document complies with the rules of
presentation of required work.
Ensure that the document contains the criteria present in
the rubric. You must communicate to the person in charge
of the alerts to report to the other members of the team in
case you have to make any adjustment on the subject.
Ensure that you notify the members of the group of the
Alerts news and comments made by the guardian and verifies that
make the final adjustments of the work.
Alert on the delivery times of products and send the
document in the time stipulated, using the resources
allocated for the shipment, and indicate to other colleagues
who has made the delivery.
To submit quotations or references in the development of the content of the
individual and collaborative work should be done using the APA standard.
To present the bibliography at the end of the individual and collaborative work,
Use of references
you must use the APA standard, version 3 in Spanish Translation (version 6 in
english). You can See How to Implement them by going to the page
In the agreement 029 of December 13, 2013, article 99, the mistakes that
infringe upon the academic order, among others, are the following: paragraph
e) “To plagiarize is to present as your own work the whole or part of a writing,
report, task or document of invention performed by another person. It also
implies the use of cites or lack of references, or includes cites where there is no
coincidence between them and the reference” and paragraph f)”To reproduce, or
copy for profit, educational resources or results of research products, which
Plagiarism policy
have intellectual rights reserved for the University”.

The academic punishments that the student will face are:

a) In case of academic fraud proved in the academic work or evaluation, the
score achieved will be zero (0.0) without leading to disciplinary measures.
b) In case of plagiarism proved in the academic work of any nature, the
score achieved will be zero (0.0), without leading to disciplinary measures.
4. Evaluation rubric

Evaluation rubric
Activity type : Individual activity ☒ Collaborative activity ☒
Moment of the Unit
Initial ☐ ☐ Final ☒
evaluation Intermediate
Assessed Performance levels of the individual activity
Aspects High score Media score Low score
The student The student The participation in the
participated actively participated in the actual elaboration of the
Participation and effectively in the forum, but their work is limited, by which
and individual preparation of the contributions are the achievement of the
contributions requested product moderately effective in goals is not expected. Did
creating the end not participate in the
product. development of group work
(Up to 25 points) (Up to 17 points) (Up to 8 points)
Assessed Performance levels of the collaborative activity
Aspect High score Media score Low score
Table It is appropriate to Is partially correct It is inappropriate to the
advantages and the interpretation on and/or complete the interpretation on methods
disadvantages the methods or types interpretation on or types of study of useful
methods or of study of useful life methods or types of life or not present
types of study study of useful life
of useful life (Up to 10 points) (Up to 7 points) (Up to 5 points)
Is accurate and Is partially correct The information presented
complete the and/or complete the on the causes of
Causes of information information deterioration of the new
deterioration of presented on presented on food product or not present
the new food the causes of the causes of
product deterioration of the deterioration of the
new food product new food product
(Up to 10 points) (Up to 7 points) (Up to 5 points)
Is accurate and Is partially correct The information provided
complete the and/or complete the on the identification on the
Factors that information presented information provided identification of factors that
affect the useful on the identification on the identification affect the useful life of the
life of the of factors that affect of factors that affect product or not present
product the useful life of the the useful life of the
product product
(Up to 10 points) (Up to 7 points) (Up to 5 points)
Mechanisms of It is relevant to the Is partially correct It is inappropriate to the
deterioration of interpretation of the and/or complete the interpretation about the
the new food possible mechanisms interpretation possib possible mechanisms of
product of deterioration of the le mechanisms of deterioration of the new
new food product deterioration of the food product or not present
new food product
(Up to 10 points) (Up to 7 points) (Up to 5 points)
It is relevant to the Is partially correct Is inadequate
methodology for and/or completa the the methodology for
Methodology for
determining the useful methodology for determining the useful life
determining the
life of the new product determining the useful of the new product
useful life of the 40
developed and life of the new product developed, it explains the
new product
explains step-by-step developed and/or not step-by-step or not present
explains step-by-step
(Up to 40 points) (Up to 25 points) (Up to 10 points)
It is the selection of Is partially correct t Is inadequate,
the method(s) of and/or complete the the selection of
Method(s) of conservation that selection of the method(s) of
conservation control the the method(s) of conservation that control
that control the mechanisms of conservation that the mechanisms of 10
mechanisms of decomposition control the decomposition or not
decomposition mechanisms of present
(Up to 10 points) (Up to 7 points) (Up to 5 points)
The document Although the document The document does not
presents a full presents an appropiate present the full
Structure of the
structure and content structure, missing paragraphs 5
sections or topics
(Up to 5 points) (Up to 3 points) (Up to 1 points)
The wording is The drafting errors It has weaknesses in
adequate. and/or spelling. The writing. Lacks of
Bibliographic bibliographic references bibliographical references.
Writing, references are do not comply with the Not presents conclusions
spelling, adequate and well structure of the
Conclusions and structured. The standard required. The
References Conclusions are conclusions are not
consistent and consistent with the
objective objectives
(Up to 5 points) (Up to 3 points) (Up to 1 points)
Final score 125

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