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Name: ______________________________________________________ Grade and Section________________ Teacher: ________________________________

Module 1: Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies

8. Responds to Feedback or Open to Feedback: You must be concerned
Lesson1. Important Entrepreneurial Traits to know how well you are doing and keep track of your performance.
The following are the fundamental characteristics of an entrepreneur: You must obtain useful feedback and advice from others.

1. Hard working: If you are determined to run your own business, you 9. Take the Initiative: A successful entrepreneur takes the initiative. You
must concentrate on your work either as a producer or a seller. The must put yourself in a position where you personally are responsible for
success of your business depends on how much time and effort you will the failure or success of your business.
spend on it.
10. Willing to Listen: Take time to listen to the advice, suggestions, and
2. Self- Confidence: You must have a strong faith in your ability despite recommendations of fellow entrepreneurs. It will help your business
the problems that you will encounter along the way. grow.

3. Future-Oriented: Once a person enters in a line of business, you must 11. Set your Own Standards: This involves developing and using logical,
understand that you are in a non-stop contract that an entrepreneur step-by-step plans to reach the goals, or offering evaluation
should understand. It may take several years to build up a business to a alternatives, monitoring progress, and switching to successful strategies
reasonable standard. The goal for most successful business people is to for the goal you want to achieve. To be a successful entrepreneur you
build a secure job and stable income for themselves based on their own must take into consideration that sales and production depend on your
ability. own standards.

4. Profit-Oriented: When you enter into the world of business, obviously, 12. Copes with Uncertainty: Pursue your vision to be a successful
you are looking for income because you know that this will be your entrepreneur, you should know how to handle unusual events that may
bread and butter not only for you but also for your family. Therefore, you happen in the business which include problems in managing the
must see to it the business can generate income. Another plan of action workers, problems on the delivery of goods and services, and the
is to expand your own business through the use of your generated problems on demand and production. You must be patient in dealing
income. with these uncertainties.

5. Goal-Oriented: An entrepreneur is forward looking. You have an 13. Committed: You should know that in your business, personal needs,
advanced preparation for your business. You set a long-term goal for attachment to your friends, families and relatives are set aside. You must
the activities that are needed, an extensive preparation for the separate the money for your business from the amount that you need
production process and procedures that you need to go through to to spend for personal obligations and lifestyles.
acquire, human and non-human resources. Everything in your business
will have to be set clearly, organized, and planned depending on the 14. Builds on Strengths: Successful business people base their work on
goal you want to achieve. strengths. Use your manual skills, knowledge in creating products or
services, knowledge in trade and industry, ability to make and use of a
6. Persistence: Differences in opinion and judgment. Your opponent can wide network of contacts to build your business.
be a part of the rejection on what you intend to do for your endeavor.
As an entrepreneur, you must be firm, strong-willed, and stick or follow 15. Reliable and has Integrity: An entrepreneur must build a good
your own belief. reputation, possess the courage to do the right thing, do what you say,
walk your talk, be loyal, and be fair in dealing with the subordinates and
7. Copes with Failure: “Learn from your mistakes”. As an entrepreneur, costumers.
you must learn how to deal with the frustrations and failures instead, turn
these into productive learning experiences.

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Name: ______________________________________________________ Grade and Section________________ Teacher: ________________________________
16. Risk-Taker: Risk sometimes cannot be anticipated. When misfortunes the way it is made to the way it is packed and sold? You can also
happen, consider these as challenges and work them out and set good improve the materials used in crafting the product. In addition, you
alternatives. Risks may result to loss of your business or even bankruptcy. introduce new ways of using the product, making it more useful and
adaptable to the customers’ many needs. When you are improving the
Module 2: Environment and Market product or enhancing it, you are doing an innovation. You can also do
an invention by introducing an entirely new product to replace the old
Lesson 1 Needs and Wants of People one.

Everyone has his or her own needs and wants. However, people have Business ideas may also be generated by examining what goods and
different concepts of needs and wants. Needs in business are important services are sold outside by the community. Very often, these products
things that every individual cannot do without in a society. These are sold in a form that can still be enhanced or improved.
1. Basic commodities for consumption 2. Examine the present and future needs. Look and listen to what the
2. Clothing and other personal belongings, customers, institution, and communities are missing in terms of goods
3. Shelter, sanitation and health and services. Sometimes, these needs are already obvious and felt at
4. Education and relaxation the moment. Other needs are not that obvious because they can only
be felt in the future, in the event of certain developments in the
Basic needs are essential to every individual so he/she may be able to community. For example, a town will have its electrification facility in the
live with dignity and pride in the community of people. These needs can next six months. Only by that time will the entrepreneur could think of
obviously help you generate business ideas. electrically- powered or generated business such as xerox copier,
computer service, digital printing, etc.
Wants are desires, luxury and extravagance that signify wealth and an
expensive way of living. Wants or desires are considered above all the 3. Examine how the needs are being satisfied. Needs for the products
basic necessities of life. Some examples are the eagerness or the passion and services are referred to as market demand. To satisfy these needs is
of every individual which are nonbasic needs like; fashion accessories, to supply the products and services that meet the demands of the
shoes, clothes, travelling around the world, eating in an exclusive market. The term market refers to whoever will use or buy the products
restaurant; watching movies, concerts, plays, having luxurious cars, or service, and these may be people or institutions such as other
wearing expensive jewelry, perfume, living in impressive homes, and businesses, establishments, organizations, or government agencies.
There is a very good business opportunity when there is absolutely no
Needs and wants of people are the basic indicators of the kind of supply to a pressing market demand.
business that you may engage into because it can serve as the measure
of your success. Some other good points that you might consider in Businesses or industries in the locality also have needs for goods and
business undertakings are the kind of people, their needs, wants, lifestyle, services. Their needs for raw materials, maintenance, and other services
culture and tradition, and social orientation that they belong. such as selling and distribution are good sources of ideas for business.

Lesson 2 Generating Ideas for Business 4. Examine the available resources around you. Observe what materials
Here are some ways by which you may generate possible ideas for or skills are available in abundance in your area. A business can be
business. started out of available raw materials by selling them in raw form and by
processing and manufacturing them into finished products. For
1. Examine the existing goods and services. Are you satisfied with the example, in a copra-producing town, there will be many coconut husks
product? What do other people who use the product say about it? How and shells available as “waste” products.
can it be improved? There are many ways of improving a product from

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Name: ______________________________________________________ Grade and Section________________ Teacher: ________________________________
These can be collected and made into coco rags/doormat and
charcoal bricks and sold profitably outside the community. 1. How much capital is needed to put up the business?
A group of people in your neighborhood may have some special skills 2. How big is the demand for the product? Do many people need
that can be harnessed for business. For example, women in the this product and will continue to need it for a long time?
Mountain Province possess loom weaving skills that have been passed 3. How is the demand met? Who are processing the products to
on from one generation to the next generation. Some communities meet the need (competition or demand)? How much of the
there set up weaving businesses to produce blankets, as well as need is now being met (supply)?
decorative items and various souvenir items for sale to tourists and 4. Do you have the background and experience needed to run
lowland communities. this particular business?
5. Will the business be legal, not going against any existing or
Business ideas can come from your own skills. The work and experience foreseeable government regulation?
you may have in agricultural arts, industrial arts, home economics, and 6. Is the business in line with your interest and expertise?
ICT classes will provide you with business opportunities to acquire the
needed skills which will earn for you extra income, should you decide to Your answers to these questions will be helpful in screening which ones
engage in income-generating activities. With your skills, you may also from among your many ideas are worth examining further and worth
tinker around with various things in your spare time. Many products were pursuing.
invented this way.
Lesson 4 Environmental Scanning
5. Read magazines, news articles, and other publications on new
products and techniques or advances in technology. You can pick up There is a need to conduct environmental scanning to identity
new business ideas from Newsweek, Reader’s Digest, Business the needs and wants of people, the niche for your business mission, and
Magazines, Go Negosyo, KAB materials, Small- industry Journal. The to give attention to trends and issues. This may also serve as an
Internet serves as a library where you may browse and surf on possible evaluation of the type of the entrepreneurial activity appropriate in the
businesses. It will also guide you on how to put the right product in the community.
right place, at the right price, at the right time.
Environmental scanning is defined as a process of gathering, analyzing,
Listing of possible businesses to set up in an area may also be available and dispensing information for tactical or strategic purposes. The
from banks or local non-government organizations. environmental scanning process entails obtaining both factual and
subjective information on the business environments in which a
Lesson 3 Selecting the Right Idea company is operating.

Once you have embarked on identifying the business opportunities, you Environment in the community can be viewed according to its
will eventually see that there are many possibilities that are available for technological, political, economic, and social aspects. For example, in
you. It is very unlikely that you will have enough resources to pursue all the past, people in the community used personal computers but the
of them at once. Which one will you choose? transmission of development in terms of technology was interrupted
because people were not satisfied with what they have today. They still
You have to select the most promising one from among hundreds and look for the changes in their life and the corresponding in their
one ideas. It will be good to do this in stages. In the first stage, you screen environment.
your ideas to narrow them down to about five choices. In the next stage,
trim down the five choices to two options. In the final stage, choose As a future entrepreneur, you must be well-versed in this kind of
between the two and decide which business idea worth pursuing. advancement and progression of your environment particularly in
technology so as to secure the success of your future business. Always
In screening your ideas, examine each one in terms of the following think of something new, something novel, authentic, reinvent the
factors: existing ones, and create your new version of goods/products, and

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Name: ______________________________________________________ Grade and Section________________ Teacher: ________________________________
services. For instance, your own hair straightening is herbal, while in the Students need to be aware of the type of hazards that are possibly
other salons it is made of synthetic chemicals. This kind of changes being present in their work environment.
made will effect the existing principles in business and industries that can
be easily adapted to the changes in producing the products/services Procedure
to meet the needs and wants of people in the community. 1. Identify the hazard
2. Clear the area close to the hazard
Bear in mind these simple rules for successful SWOT analysis. 3. Partition the hazard off or clearly identify the area to protect
other people from harm
1. Be realistic about the strengths and weaknesses of your business 4. If the hazard is easily and safely cleared, then do so
when conducting SWOT analysis.
2. SWOT analysis should distinguish between where your business is If not…
today, and where it could be in the future. 5. Report the hazard to the appropriate person (such as teacher in
3. SWOT should always be specific. Avoid any grey areas. charge, principal etc.) to obtain assistance.
4. Always apply SWOT in relation to your competition i.e. better 6. Following clearing of the hazard fill out the correct
than or worse than your competition. documentation to assist in identifying improved practice to
5. Keep your SWOT short and simple. Avoid complexity and over reduce further incidence of hazards.
6. SWOT is subjective. All hazards must be reported using Accidental Report form. This enables
us to track the kinds of hazards we have in our workplace, and take
MODULE 3: INSTALL COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS action where necessary to make it safer for all student and clients.


Forms are used to give specific details with regards to the
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Policy – An Information and accidents happened in the laboratory during experiments.
communication technology (ICT) student should know how to behave
when working in the computer laboratory, as well as implement a safe Accident reports contain the following details:
way of accomplishing every task. Safety practices should be learned
early and always adheres in working with any electrical and electronic 1. Name of the person injured
device, including personal computers and its peripherals. This is for your 2. Date and time of the accident
protection as well as to the people working with you, and for the devices 3. Type of injury
that you are using. The basis for this process begins with Occupational 4. First aid given
Health and Safety Policies. 5. Action taken to prevent further accidents

Occupational safety and health (OSH) is a planned system of working to Hazardous substances
prevent illness and injury where you work by recognizing and identifying
hazards and risks. Health and safety procedure is the responsibility of all If the workplace hazard appears to be dangerous to staff and
persons in the computer and technology industries. You must identify the clients and professional assistance is required:
hazards where you are working and decide how dangerous they are.
Eliminate the hazard or modify the risk that it presents. A. Call the supervisor or manager and advise them of the problem
and the urgency of the matter.
Occupational Health and Safety standards B. Depending on the risk it may be called as an evacuation.
Each student has a responsibility to their colleagues and their C. Follow the evacuation procedure.
organization to report and act upon any potential workplace hazard. D. The supervisor or manager will call in the fire brigade or
specialized personnel who will deal with the spill.

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Name: ______________________________________________________ Grade and Section________________ Teacher: ________________________________
Fire exits 1. Wear shoes with non-conductive rubber soles to help reduce the
All fire exits should be kept clear of from obstacles. All students have a chance of being shocked or seriously injured in an electrical
responsibility to make sure that chairs, empty boxes or any other type of accident.
obstacle are not placed in or near fire exit doorways. 2. Do not work on components that are plugged into their power
All corridors also need to have equipment stored on one side only to 3. Do not remove expansion cards from a computer when it is
ensure that in the event of an emergency there is a clear exit. turned on.
4. Remove jewelries when working inside any computer related
Fire Safety Procedure equipment.
Each work area has a designated fire warden, who in the event of a fire 5. Be sure not to mix electronic components and water.
will take charge. They are recognized by the wearing of a red hard hat.
If you find the fire
A computer is one of the most brilliant inventions of mankind. Thanks to
1. Assess the danger prior to doing anything. the computer technology, we were able to achieve storage and
2. If it is safe to move assist anyone in the vicinity of the fire away processing of huge amounts of data; we could rest our brains by
from danger. employing computer memory capacities for storing information. Due to
3. If it is possible close the door to the fire area. computers, we have been able to speed up daily work, carry out critical
4. Call for assistance. Verbally call FIRE, FIRE, in a loud and clear transactions and achieve accuracy and precision in work.
5. Break the glass section of the fire alert call point. Computers of the earlier years were of the size of a large room and were
6. Call to the switch; ensure you know where the fire is, any other required to consume huge amounts of electric power. However, with
details that may be of assistance to the fire brigade. Details the advancing technology, computers have shrunk to the size of a small
could be size of the fire, cause or type of fire, any people hurt or watch. Depending on the processing power and size of computers, they
trapped, has anyone tried to put it out. have been classified under various types. Let us look at the classification
7. If safe to do so, attack the fire with the correct extinguisher or fire of computers.
Different Types of Computers
If the designated fire officer is not present, someone quickly needs to
take responsibility and: Based on the operational principle of computers, they are
categorized as analog, digital and hybrid computers.
1. Locate the source of the fire.
2. Locate any people. 1. Analog Computers: These are almost extinct today. These are
3. Remove all people from the building. different from a digital computer because an analog computer
4. Once outside do a head count? can perform several mathematical operations simultaneously. It
5. Notify the authorities. uses continuous variables for mathematical operations and
utilizes mechanical or electrical energy.
Personal Safety While Working with PC’s
2. Digital Computers: They use digital circuits and are designed to
Computer equipment can be dangerous, and you or others can be operate on two states, namely bits 0 and 1. They are analogous
injured or even killed if you don’t follow proper safety guidelines when to states ON and OFF. Data on these computers is represented
working along with PC’s. The following are some precautionary as a series of 0s and 1s. Digital computers are suitable for
measures to take before working with any computer equipment: complex computation and have higher processing speeds. They
are programmable. Digital computers are either general

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Name: ______________________________________________________ Grade and Section________________ Teacher: ________________________________
purpose computers or special purpose ones. Special purpose
computers, as their name suggests, are designed for specific B. Minicomputers: In terms of size and processing capacity,
types of data processing while general purpose computers are minicomputers lie in between mainframes and microcomputers.
meant for general use. Minicomputers are also called mid-range systems or
workstations. The term began to be popularly used in the 1960s
3. Hybrid Computers: These computers are a combination of both to refer to relatively smaller third generation computers.
digital and analog computers. In this type of computers, the
digital segments perform process control by conversion of C. Servers: They are computers designed to provide services to
analog signals to digital ones. client machines in a computer network. They have larger
storage capacities and powerful processors. Running on them
are programs that serve client requests and allocate resources
like memory and time to client machines. Usually they are very
large in size, as they have large processors and many hard drives.
They are designed to be fail-safe and resistant to crash.

D. Supercomputers: The highly calculation-intensive tasks can be

effectively performed by means of supercomputers. Quantum
physics, mechanics, weather forecasting, molecular theory are
best studied by means of supercomputers. Their ability of parallel
processing and their well-designed memory hierarchy give the
supercomputers, large transaction processing powers.

Figure1. Different Types of Computer

Classification of Computers
The following are the classification of the different types of
computers based on their sizes and functionalities:

A. Mainframe Computers: Large organizations use mainframes for Figure2. Classification of Computer
highly critical applications such as bulk data processing and ERP.
Most of the mainframe computers have the capacities to host E. Microcomputers: A computer with a microprocessor and its
multiple operating systems and operate as a number of virtual central processing unit it is known as a microcomputer. They do
machines and can substitute for several small servers. not occupy space as much as mainframes do. When

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Name: ______________________________________________________ Grade and Section________________ Teacher: ________________________________
supplemented with a keyboard and a mouse, microcomputers
can be called personal computers. A monitor, a keyboard and I. Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs): It is a handheld computer and
other similar input output devices, computer memory in the form popularly known as a palmtop. It has a touch screen and a
of RAM and a power supply unit come packaged in a memory card for storage of data. PDAs can also be used as
microcomputer. These computers can fit on desks or tables and portable audio players, web browsers and smart phones. Most
prove to be the best choice for single-user tasks. of them can access the Internet by means of Bluetooth or Wi-Fi
Personal computers come in different forms such as desktops,
laptops and personal digital assistants (refer to Figure 3). Let us J. Tablet Computers: Tablets are mobile computers that are very
look at each of these types of computers. handy to use. They use the touch screen technology. Tablets
come with an onscreen keyboard or use a stylus or a digital pen.
F. Desktops: A desktop is intended to be used on a single location. Apple's iPod redefined the class of tablet computers.
The spare parts of a desktop computer are readily available at
relatively lower costs. Power consumption is not as critical as that K. Wearable Computers: A record-setting step in the evolution of
in laptops. Desktops are widely popular for daily use in the computers was the creation of wearable computers. These
workplace and households. computers can be worn on the body and are often used in the
study of behavior modeling and human health. Military and
G. Laptops: Similar in operation to desktops, laptop computers are health professionals have incorporated wearable computers
miniaturized and optimized for mobile use. Laptops run on a into their daily routine, as a part of such studies. When the users'
single battery or an external adapter that charges the computer hands and sensory organs are engaged in other activities,
batteries. wearable computers are of great help in tracking human
actions. Wearable computers do not have to be turned on and
off and remain in operation without user intervention.


As an aspiring computer technician, it is very important to know the

system that runs your computer and different devices attached to it.
Each device plays an important role, without each other computer
system will not work properly.

Classification of Computer Software

Computer software can be classified into following categories:

Figure3. Types of Personal Computer Operating System

 Operating system (OS) is the basic software responsible for
H. Netbooks: They fall in the category of laptops, but are interacting with the hardware.
inexpensive and relatively smaller in size. They had a smaller  It is the foundation on which user programs and application
feature set and lesser capacities in comparison to regular programs are built.
laptops, at the time they came into the market.

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Name: ______________________________________________________ Grade and Section________________ Teacher: ________________________________
 It helps the user to enter programs or data, store them in files and
execute programs.
 Two popular operating systems in use today are:
1. Unix – for mainframes and minicomputers.
2. Windows (Microsoft) and Linux – used for personal

User Programs
 User Programs: Written by users or programmers for themselves
or for their organization.
 Examples: School database system like DepEd, Private company
system. Figure 5. Application Programs

Application Programs Lesson 1: Understanding the Computer System

 Computers are increasingly being used in almost every activity - As an aspiring computer technician, it is very important to know
business, industry, commerce, health, education, entertainment, the different components of a computer system. These are the
sports, etc. hardware, software and peopleware. Each component plays an
 Examples: Word processing, Desktop Publishing, Spreadsheets, important role, without each other computer systems will not work
Powerpoint properly.

1.1 Hardware- the physical, touchable, electronic and mechanical

parts of a computer system.

A. Major hardware components of a computer system

 The physical, touchable, electronic and mechanical parts of a
computer are called the hardware which is composed of
different devices attached to the computer.

The following list represents a basic set of devices found in most Personal

1. System Unit- The main part of a microcomputer, sometimes

called the chassis. It includes the following parts: Motherboard,
Microprocessor, Memory Chips, Buses, Ports, Expansion Slots and

Figure 4. Operating System 2. CPU (Central Processing Unit) - The processor is the main “brain”
or “heart” of a computer system. It performs all of the instructions
and calculations that are needed and manages the flow of
information through a computer.

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Name: ______________________________________________________ Grade and Section________________ Teacher: ________________________________
3. Motherboard / Mainboard / System Board- The main circuit
board of a computer. It contains all the circuits and components
that run the computer.

Figure8. Example of CPU

4. Primary storage- (internal storage, main memory or memory) is

the computer's working storage space that holds data,
instructions for processing and processed data (information)
waiting to be sent to secondary storage. Physically, primary
Figure6. Tower Type System Unit storage is a collection of RAM chips.

Two (2) Types of Memory

a. ROM – (Read Only Memory) ROM is non-volatile, meaning it holds

data even when the power is ON or OFF.

b. RAM – (Random Access Memory) RAM is volatile, meaning it

holds data only when the power is on. When the power is off,
RAM's contents are lost.

Figure 9. Examples of RAM Figure 10. Examples of ROM

Figure7. Modern Motherboard

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5. Expansion Bus - A bus is a data pathway between several
hardware components inside or outside a computer. It does not
only connect the parts of the CPU to each other, but also links
the CPU with other important hardware.

Figure 13.Power Supply Unit Figure 14.Optical Drive / CD ROM

Figure 11.Expansion Bus Figure 12.Adapter

6. Adapters- Printed-circuit boards (also called interface cards)

that enable the computer to use a peripheral device for which
it does not have the necessary connections or circuit boards. Figure 15.Hard Disc
They are often used to permit upgrading to a new different
hardware. B. Input Devices - Accepts data and instructions from the user or
from another computer system.
7. Power Supply Unit (PSU) - Installed in the back corner of the PC
case, next to the motherboard. It converts 120vac (standard Two (2) Types of Input Devices
house power) into DC voltages that are used by other 1. Keyboard Entry – Data is inputted to the computer through a
components in the PC. keyboard.

8. Hard Disk Drive (HDD) - Also known as hard drive, is a magnetic Keyboard - The first input device developed for the PC. Data is
storage device that is installed inside the computer. The hard transferred to the PC over a short cable with a circular 6-pin Mini-
drive is used as permanent storage for data. In a Windows din connector that plugs into the back of the motherboard.
computer, the hard drive is usually configured as the C: drive
and contains the operating system and applications.

9. Optical Drive- An optical drive is a storage device that uses lasers

to read data on the optical media. There are three types of
optical drives: Compact Disc (CD), Digital Versatile Disc (DVD)
and Blu-ray Disc (BD).

10. Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) - Designed to optically access data

stored on a DVD. A laser moves back and forth near the disk
surface and accesses data at a very fast rate.
Figure 16. Keyboard

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Name: ______________________________________________________ Grade and Section________________ Teacher: ________________________________
2. Direct Entry – A form of input that does not require data to be
keyed by someone sitting at a keyboard. Direct-entry devices
create machine-readable data on paper, or magnetic media,
or feed it directly into the computer’s CPU.

Three Categories of Direct Entry Devices

1. Pointing Devices - An input device

used to move the pointer (cursor)
on screen.
 Mouse - The most common 'pointing Figure 19. Light Pen
device' used in PCs. Every mouse has
two buttons and most have one or two  Digitizer Tablet - A graphics drawing tablet used for sketching new
scroll wheels. images or tracing old ones. Also called a "graphics tablet," the user
contacts the surface of the device with a wired or wireless pen or
puck. Often mistakenly called a mouse, the puck is officially the
Figure 17. Mouse "tablet cursor."

 Touch screen- A display screen that is sensitive to the touch of a

finger or stylus. Used in myriad applications, including ATM machines,
retail point-of-sale terminals, car navigation and industrial controls.
The touch screen became wildly popular for smart phones and

Figure 20. Digitizer Tablet

2. Scanning Devices- A device that can read text or illustrations

printed on paper and translates the information into a form the
computer can use.

Figure 18. Touch Screen Devices

 Light Pen - A light-sensitive stylus wired to a video terminal used to

draw pictures or select menu options. The user brings the pen to the
desired point on screen and presses the pen button to make
Figure 22. Barcode Reader
Figure 21. Image scanner

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Name: ______________________________________________________ Grade and Section________________ Teacher: ________________________________
3. Voice- Input Devices - Audio input devices also known as b. LCD Monitors - Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) technology has been
speech or voice recognition systems that allow a user to send used in laptops for some time. It has recently been made
audio signals to a computer for processing, recording, or commercially available as monitors for desktop PCs.
carrying out commands. Audio input devices such as
microphones allow users to speak to the computer in order to
record a voice message or navigate software.

Figure 23. Microphones Figure 25. Liquid Crystal Display Monitor

C. Output Devices - Any piece of computer hardware that displays c. LED Monitors (Light Emitting Diode) - A display and lighting
results after the computer has processed the input data that has technology used in almost every electrical and electronic
been entered. product on the market, from a tiny on/off light to digital
readouts, flashlights, traffic lights and perimeter lighting.
1. Computer Display Monitor- It displays information in visual form,
using text and graphics. The portion of the monitor that displays
the information is called the screen or video display terminal.

Types of Monitor

a. CRT Monitors - Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT) were the only type of
displays for use with desktop PCs. They are relatively big (14" to
16" deep) and heavy (over 15 lbs).

Figure 26. Light Emitting Diode Monitor

2. LCD Projectors- utilize two sheets of polarizing material with a

liquid crystal solution between them. An electric current passed
through the liquid causes the crystals to align so that light cannot
pass through them. Each crystal, therefore, is like a shutter, either
Figure 24. Cathode Ray Tube Monitor allowing light to pass through or blocking the light.

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Name: ______________________________________________________ Grade and Section________________ Teacher: ________________________________
 Line Printer - Contains a chain of characters or pins that print an
entire line at one time. Line printers are very fast, but produce low-
quality print.

 Thermal Printer- An inexpensive printer that works by pushing heated

pins against heat-sensitive paper. Thermal printers are widely used in
calculators and fax machines.

Figure 27. LCD Projector

3. Smart Board - A type of display screen that has a touch sensitive

transparent panel covering the screen, which is similar to a touch

Figure29. Types of Printer

5. Speakers - Used to play

Figure 28. Smart Board
sound. They may be built into
the system unit or connected
4. Printer - A device that prints text or illustrations on paper.
with cables. Speakers allow
you to listen to music and
Types of printer
hear sound effects from your
 Ink-Jet or Bubble-Jet Printer - bprays ink at a sheet of paper. Ink-jet
printers produce high-quality text and graphics.

 Laser Printer - Uses the same technology as copy machines. Laser

printers produce very high quality text and graphics.

 LCD and LED Printer- Similar to a laser printer, but uses liquid crystals
or light-emitting diodes rather than a laser to produce an image on
the drum. Figure30. Speaker

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Name: ______________________________________________________ Grade and Section________________ Teacher: ________________________________
D. Storage Device Jump drive and USB flash drive- is a plug-and-play portable storage
device that uses flash memory and is lightweight enough to attach to a
What is a Storage Device? key chain. A USB drive can be used in place of a floppy disk, Zip drive
Aside from the devices attached on a PC, there are also the so disk, or CD.
called storage devices that perform a special task in computing system.
Storage device is any apparatus for recording computer data in a Hard drive- is the main, and usually largest, data storage device in a
permanent or semi-permanent form. computer. The operating system, software titles and most other files are
stored in the hard disk drive.

LS-120- is a drive which supports a special floppy diskette which can

store up to 120MB of information as well as being backwards
compatible and still supporting the standard 1.44MB floppy diskettes.

Zip drive-is a small, portable disk drive used primarily for backing up
and archiving personal computer files.

Figure 31.Storage Devices

Types of storage devices

Floppy diskette- is a random access, removable data storage medium

that can be used with personal computers. The term usually refers to the
magnetic medium housed in a rigid plastic cartridge measuring 3.5
inches square and about 2millimeters thick. Also called a "3.5-inch
diskette," it can store up to 1.44 megabytes (MB) of data.

Digital Versatile Disc (DVD)- an optical disc technology with a 4.7

gigabyte storage capacity on a single-sided, one-layered disk, which is
enough for a 133-minute movie.

Compact disc (CD) – also called optical disc is a nonmagnetic, polished

metal disk used to store digital information. The disc is read by the CD-

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