RedHat Certified System Administrator-7 (RHCSA) - Questions With Solution. ТАУ DevOpsAGE

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12/06/2019 RedHat Certified System Administrator-7 (RHCSA)- Questions with Solution.

– DevOpsAGE

RedHat Certi ed System Administrator-7 (RHCSA)-

Questions with Solution.
By DevopsAdmin | March 31, 2018 4 Comments

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In this blog, We will discuss the questions and its Solutions related to
the Redhat Certified System Administrator-7(RHCSA) (RHEL7 Q & A)
Examination. I’m writing this post, as I have already gone through this
examination and based on that questions, I thought of writing a post on it. You
can practice this on your Virtual machine and can appear for your
examination. Few things need to be kept under considerations.

Ldap Server needs to be configured

NTP(Network Time protocol) Server Should be Configured.

Note/Caution: This blog has been written to show you the exam pattern and to give you Linux System
Administration understanding. DevOpsAGE Technologies does not guarantee the passing of RedHat
Certified System Administration Exam.

So Let’s Start, You Will be Provided with the Network Details as


Note: Take care of the Ip’s, It will be different in the examination. 1/12
12/06/2019 RedHat Certified System Administrator-7 (RHCSA)- Questions with Solution. – DevOpsAGE

Ethernet/Device = eth0
Hostname =
IP address =
Netmask =
Default Gateway =
DNS search path =
primary DNS server =


Step: 1 change the root password in your virtual machine using single user mode.
– No Marks for this activity.


login to the virtual machine and open terminal

Reboot the system, Interrupt the booting process
press “e”, delete the tty console in the second line and add “rd.break”
press ctrl+x
# mount -o, remount, rw /sysroot
# chroot /sysroot
# echo ‘your_password’ | passwd root –stdin
# touch /.autorelabel
# exit
Now, log in with the new password.

Step: 2. Create network Connection

# nmcli con add con-name eth0 ifname eth0 type ethernet

# nmcli con mod eth0 ipv4.address '' ipv4.dns172.10.1.250 ipv4.dns-searc
# nmcli con mod eth0 connection.autoconnect yes
# nmcli con up eth0
# nmcli con show
# nmcli device status
# systemctl enable network
# systemctl restart network
# hostnamectl set-hostname
# systemctl set-default
# systemctl isolate
# systemctl restart network
# init 6 2/12
12/06/2019 RedHat Certified System Administrator-7 (RHCSA)- Questions with Solution. – DevOpsAGE


Qs-1. Configure yum client

Yum baseurl path =


# cd /etc/yum.repos.d
# rm -rf *
# vim devopsage.repo


# yum clean all

# yum list all
# yum repolist


Qs-2. SELinux should be in enforcing mode on your both systems.


# getenforce

If it is not in enforcing mode, then change it to enforcing mode by,

# vim /etc/selinux/config

# reboot 3/12
12/06/2019 RedHat Certified System Administrator-7 (RHCSA)- Questions with Solution. – DevOpsAGE

Note: In order to reflect the changes, it is mandatory to reboot the system.


Qs-3. Install the appropriate Kernel from Your machine should
boot with the updated kernel.


# uname -r // Verify the Current Kernel

# yum install firefox* -y
# wget
# rpm -ivh kernel-firmware.2.-------.rpm
# init 6 // Choose the newly installed Kernel to boot


Qs-4. Create the “LVM” with the name “fedora” by using 100PE’s from the
volume group “redhat”. Consider the PE size as “8MB”. Mount it on /mnt/data
with filesystem xfs.

Note: In the exam, you should create an only extended partition, don’t create a primary
partition as 3 primary partitions already exist by default. So if you create a primary partition
you won’t be able to create a further partition.


# fdisk -l
# fdisk /dev/vda (create a partition with "804M" & give hexa code as "8e" for linux LVM)
# partx -a /dev/vda (run this CMD twice)
# partprobe
# pvcreate /dev/vda4
# vgcreate -s 8M redhat /dev/vda4
# lvcreate -l 100 -n fedora redhat
# mkfs.xfs /dev/redhat/fedora
# blkid
# mkdir /mnt/date

# vim /etc/fstab

/dev/redhat/fedora /mnt/data xfs defaults 0 0 4/12
12/06/2019 RedHat Certified System Administrator-7 (RHCSA)- Questions with Solution. – DevOpsAGE
/de / ed at/ edo a / t/data s de au ts 0 0


# mount -a
# df -h


Q5. Extend the lvm size to 250MB the location from “/dev/redhat/fedora”
without loosing any data.


# lvextend -L +250M /dev/redhat/fedora

# lvs
# xfs_growfs /dev/redhat/fedora

Note: If it is in ext3 file system use below command,

# resize2fs/dev/redhat/fedora
# df -h


Qs-6. Extend the SWAP space with “512” MB don’t remove or extend the existing
swap. Your new Swap should be mounted at booting time also.


# free -m
# fdisk -l
# fdisk /dev/vda // create a partition with 512M & give hexa code as 82
# partprobe
# partx -a /dev/vda // run this CMD twice
# mkswap /dev/vda5
# swapon /dev/vda5

# vim /etc/fstab

/dev/vda6 swap swap defaults 0 0

:wq 5/12
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# mount -a
# free -m


Qs-7. Create a group named “admin”

A user harry and natasha should belongs to “admin” group as a secondary

group with users password “wakennym”.
user sarah should not have access to interactive shell and she should not be
a member of “admin” group.


# groupadd admin
# useradd -G admin harry
# useradd -G admin natasha
# useradd -s /sbin/nologin sarah
# passwd harry
# passwd natasha
# passwd sarah


# echo "wakennym" | passwd --stdin sarah

# echo "wakennym" | passwd --stdin natasha
# echo "wakennym" | passwd --stdin harry
# cat /etc/passwd // Verify the newly created users
# cat /etc/group


Qs-8. Create the Directory “/home/admin” with the following characteristics.

Group ownership of “/home/admin” should go to “sysadmin” group.

The directory should have read, write & access permission for all members
of “sysadmin” group but not to any other users. ( It is
understood understand that the “root” has full access to all files present in
the system). 6/12
12/06/2019 RedHat Certified System Administrator-7 (RHCSA)- Questions with Solution. – DevOpsAGE

Files created under “/home/admin” should get the same group ownership is
set to the “sysadmin” group.

# mkdir /home/admin
# chgrp sysadmin /home/admin
# chmod 2770 /home/admin
# ls -ld /home/admin


Qs-9. The user sarah must configure a cron job that runs daily at 14:23 every day.
and executes “/bin/echo “Welcome to the world of Linux”.

# crontab -eu sarah

23 14 * * * /bin/echo "Welcome to the world of Linux"


# systemctl restart crond

# systemctl enable crond
# crontab -lu sarah


Qs-10. Copy the file /etc/fstab to /var/tmp and configure the “ACL” as mention

The file /vat/tmp/fstab is owned by the “root”.

The file /var/tmp/fstab belongs to the group “root”
The file /var/tmp/fstab should not be executable by any one.
The user “sarah” should able to read and write to the file.

The user “natasha” can neither read nor write to the file. other users (future and
current) shuold be able to read /var/tmp/fstab. 7/12
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# cp /etc/fstab /var/tmp
# setfacl -m u:sarah:rw- /var/tmp/fstab
# setfacl -m u:natasha:--- /var/tmp/fstab
# getfacl /var/tmp/fstab


Qs-11. Create the user “jein” with uid 4332 with password “wakennym”.

# useradd -u 4332 jein

# echo "wakennym" | passwd --stdin jein
# passwd jein


Qs-12. locate the files of owner “harry” and copy to the location /root/result
directory. Also preserve the permission, ownership and time stamp.

# mkdir /root/result
# find / -user harry -exec cp -rvfp {} /root/result/ \;
# cd /root/result
# ls -lrt


Qs-13. Find the string “squid” from “/usr/share/dict/words” file and copy the
lines in /root/lists.txt.

# grep "squid" /usr/share/dict/words > /root/lists.txt

========= 8/12
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Qs-14. Note the following. BASE DN: dc=example,dc=com LDAP path

ldap:// Download the certificate from
“” Ldapuserx should login
into your system.

# yum install sssd authconfig-gtk -y

# system-config-authentication

Mention LDAP search base DN : dc=example,dc=com here,

LDAP SEVER = ldap://

Click the CA certificate

Click Apply

Provide the proper entries which are mention in the question paper & Click Apply

# getent passwd ldapuserX

# id ldapuser


Qs-15. Note the following, “Nfs exports” and Nfs Version 3

Ldapuser’s home directory is
Ldapuser’s home directory should be automounted locally beneath
If login using ldapuserX then only home directory should accesible.

# yum install autofs* -y

# vim /etc/auto.master
/home/guests /etc/auto.misc
# vim /etc/auto.misc
ldapuserX -rw,vers=3
# systemctl stop autofs.service
# systemctl start autofs service 9/12
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# systemctl start autofs.service
# systemctl enable autofs.service
# su - ldapuserX
# pwd


Qs-16. Synchronize time of your system with the server

# vim /etc/chrony.conf
// comment the above servers then write below as it is
serverX iburst
# systemctl restart chronyd.service
# systemctl enable chronyd.service
# chronyc sources -v
# timedatectl

NTP Sync: Yes


Qs-17. Compression & archive for /etc folder in gunzip/bunzip2 format.

# tar czvf etc.tar.gz /etc

# du -h etc.tar.gz
# tar cjvf /etc
# du -h

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12/06/2019 RedHat Certified System Administrator-7 (RHCSA)- Questions with Solution. – DevOpsAGE


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Category: Linux Shell Script Tags: Redhat certified system administrator , RHCSA , RHCSA

4 thoughts on “RedHat Certi ed System Administrator-7 (RHCSA)- Questions with Solution.”

Rich Davis
August 20, 2018

This is great stuff ! Thanks

Couple of corrections :-

Qs-8. Create the Directory “/home/admin” with the following characteristics.

“The directory should have read, write & access permission for all members…..”

Should read (replace access with execute) :-

“The directory should have read, write & EXECUTE permission for all members…..”

Qs-16. Synchronize time of your system with the server

# vim /etc/chrony.conf
// comment the above servers then write below as it is
serverX iburst

Should read (remove the X from serverX) :-

Qs-16. Synchronize time of your system with the server

# vim /etc/chrony.conf
// comment the above servers then write below as it is 11/12
12/06/2019 RedHat Certified System Administrator-7 (RHCSA)- Questions with Solution. – DevOpsAGE

server iburst


DevopsAdmin Post author

August 24, 2018

Thanks Rich for Valuable comment, I will recheck and make changes accordingly.

June 10, 2018

Extremely educative contents. I am preparing for RHCSA exams and i found the article
very elaborative. Share more Please. Thanks and keep it up.

DevopsAdmin Post author

June 12, 2018

Thanks Hillary, I’m Glad that you liked it. I will keep on updating the posts on Linux,
DevOps, cloud and more!! 12/12

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