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Top strength: A HANDS ON LEARNER He succeeds through

Enjoys learning by
– having proven solutions Needs to be aware
Sha learns through experience and deals with doing when more
– learning on the job
problems by getting stuck in. – using his common sense analytical thought is

This strength is a key part of the way Sha THINKS

THINKING measures how abstractly or concretely Sha prefers to think when solving problems. He prefers to be hands on and get
stuck in. Sha enjoys finding intuitive solutions to practical problems and believes learning comes from experience, not text-books.
He applies his common-sense approach to even complex situations.

Top strength: SOCIABLE He succeeds through

Thrives on meeting
– being comfortable around people Can find it hard to
Social events are something Sha is naturally new people work alone
– being energised by spending time with
good at. He prefers being around people and others
enjoys making new connections. – taking an interest in others

Top strength: SUPPORTIVE He succeeds through

Is naturally
– his selflessness and desire to help Can be too
Sha is good at thinking about other people supportive of influenced by others'
before himself. He appreciates the support others colleagues
– his openness to other opinions needs
and ideas they can offer. – his focus on the group

These strengths help explain the way Sha works with other people – his CONNECTIONS
The CONNECTIONS result measures how Sha manages relationships and how well he works independently. Sha enjoys being at a
stage in his career where he is helping other people, establishing connections and growing a network.

Top strength: DISCIPLINED He succeeds through

Can be relied on to
– setting himself high standards Gets frustrated by
Sha is driven to complete what he starts and deliver tasks that don't have
– planning ahead
likes his workflow to be structured with to-do – providing consistency much structure
lists and calendars. People can rely on him
because he is efficient and cares about details.

This strength is part of what DRIVES Sha

Sha's DRIVE result measures his level of ambition. He is confident and determined to produce work that is consistently excellent. A
strong sense of competition motivates him, too. He values the respect of his superiors and enjoys being able to prove himself.

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