How Does Alcohol Affects The Central Nervous System

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How does alcohol affect the Central Nervous System?

English II – February evening shift 2018

Teacher: Anabella Herfert

Student: Lucila Belén Santojanni

Major: Psychology
Record # 23803.
English II – February evening shift 2018

How does alcohol effects the Central Nervous System?

This paper is about the Central Nervous System (CNS) and effects of alcohol
consumption on the Central Nervous System.

The Nervous System is a complex network of nerves and cells that carry
messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to various parts of the body. The
nervous system includes the Central Nervous System (CNS), the Peripheral
Nervous System and the Autonomic Nervous System.
The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord. It is safely contained within
the skull and vertebral canal of the spine. It is referred to as "central" because it
integrates information from the entire body and coordinates activity across the whole
The Central Nervous System controls thought processes, guides movement,
and registers sensations throughout the body. For example, some of the actions that
would be under the CNS control could be talking, walking, laughing or withdrawing
your hand when exposed to fire.

Alcohol is a colourless volatile flammable liquid which is produced by the

natural fermentation of sugars and is the intoxicating constituent of wine, beer, and
other drinks, and is also used as an industrial solvent and as fuel.

The effects of alcohol on the electrical activity of the brain have been studied
in animals and in man. Himwich and Callison (1972) reported that alcohol in normal
doses depresses the functions of the Central Nervous System. Begleiter and Platz
(1972) concluded that the effects of alcohol on human EEG (Electroencephalogram)
appear primarily to be a slowing of its frequency.

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Lucila Belén Santojanni
English II – February evening shift 2018

Alcohol in the blood affects the Central Nervous System in a mild way or with
irreversible damage:

 It affects brain functions and could alter motor control like mood
swings, slower reactions, poor pronunciation when speaking, loss of
 Alters the action of neurotransmitters: decrease alertness and self-
control, delay reflexes, produces changes in vision, loss of muscle
coordination, hallucinations.
 It damages the brain cells irreversibly.
 Produces periods of amnesia, alterations in memory
 Causes sleep disorders.
 It increases the risk of suffering from depression, anxiety and stress.
 It prevents the correct brain development in adolescents.

The gross changes in personality and behavior are readily apparent during
alcoholic intoxication. The earliest effects, tingling sensations in the mucous
membrane of the mouth and throat, may appear with a blood alcohol level as low as
10 mg%, it's like drinking a wine bottle.

The blood alcohol concentration is not a clear one-to-one relationship.

Genetic factors and gender play an important role in the metabolism and behavioral
actions of alcohol, and doses producing pleasurable feelings, activation and
reduction of anxiety in some humans can have aversive, sedative, or no effect in

In conclusion, we must be aware of the consumption of alcohol because it can

cause irreversible damage to ourselves. Being aware of the limits of intake and the
consequences of alcohol is important, especially in adolescents who are in a stage
of development.

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Lucila Belén Santojanni
English II – February evening shift 2018


Begleiter H., Platz A. (1972). The Effects of Alcohol on the Central Nervous System
in Humans. In: Kissin B., Begleiter H. (eds) The Biology of Alcoholism. Springer,
Boston, MA.

F. Dangond. (2017). What Is the CNS (Central Nervous System)? Retrieved from

Porjesz B., Begleiter H. (1973). The Effects of Alcohol on the Somatosensory

Evoked Potentials in Man. In: Gross M.M. (eds) Alcohol Intoxication and Withdrawal
I. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol 35. Springer, Boston, MA.

T. Newman. (2017). All about the central nervous system. Retrieved from

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Lucila Belén Santojanni

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