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Nama Mahasiswa : SundariAstuti S.pd

Nomor Peserta. : 19290415710032

M3 LA 3 part 1

Task 2a
Fill in the story elements of “Maria Montessori“in the following table.
Orientation Events Reorientation

Maria Montessori was born She opened the first She is a good person, smart,
on August 31, 1870, in the Montessori school—the multitalented as educator,
provincial town of Casa dei Bambini, or inovator, and as a public
Chiaravalle, Italy. She was Children’s House—in Rome figuretoo whom also
well-schooled and an avid on January 6, 1907. campaigned vigorously on
reader—unusual for Italian Subsequently, she traveled behalf of women’s rights.
women of that time. The the world and wrote
same thirst for knowledge extensively about her
took root in young Maria, approach to education,
and she immersed herself attracting many devotees.
in many fields of study In 1907 Maria accepted a
before creating the new challenge to open a
educational method that childcare center in a poor
bears her name. inner-city district. Utilizing
scientific observation and
experience gained from her
earlier work with young
children, Maria designed
learning materials and a
classroom environment
that fostered the children’s
natural desire to learn.
News of the school’s
success soon spread
through Italy and by 1910
Montessori schools were
acclaimed worldwide.
Traveling in India in 1940
when hostilities between
Italy and Great Britain
broke out, she was forced
to live in exile for the
remainder of the war. At
war’s end she returned to
Europe, spending her final
years in Amsterdam. She
died peacefully, in a friend’s
garden, on May 6, 1952.

Task 2b

Answer these questions.

What do the bolded words in the text mean?

1. Phisycian is someone who practice medicine ,wirh concerned by promoting, mentaining

and restoring health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease.
2. Innovator is someone who some one who innovate some ideas to others
3. Educator is someone who can educate another people

What moral value can you draw from the text?

The moral values from the text the educational cantik apply to everyone, every where,
withoung seeing their Ages, sosial status, even genre.

How did Maria manage the struggle in difficult times?

Sheila managed the struggle in difficult Times by Utilizing scientific observation and
experience gained from her earlier work with young children, Maria designed learning
materials and a classroom environment that fostered the children’s natural desire to learn.
News of the school’s success soon spread through Italy and by 1910 Montessori schools
were acclaimed worldwide.

How did she end her life?

Sheila died peacefully in a friend's garden on May 6,1992

Why do you think Maria’s story beneficial for education?

I think because Of Her educational methods Thats builds the children on the natural learn.

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