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Ledership skills among the teachers


Goodmorning everyone. I am here to defind my study entittled the LEADERSHIP SKILLS AMONG
THE TEACHERS. So before we start let me fomally introduce to you my self. I am john paul d. dagdag
from 12 HUMSS 2.




Before everything else let have first a short introduction regarding my topic. So what is
leadership skills? So when we say Leadership skills is





The reason behind why do I choose this topic are firstly, for us to enlightened all our doubt and
for us to select the best leadership skills for teachers.

This research was conducted among the teachers of Cuyapo National High School. The
researcher was gathered information among the teachers. In this investigation, data was obtained by
using questionnaires checklist as the main gathering instrument in determining the leadership skills
among the teachers.

Before the administration of the questionnaires, the researcher initially sought the permission
and approval of the Principal to conduct and administer the instrument of the appropriate to the
respondents. This research was took 30 teachers in Cuyapo National High School.


What is the profile of the respondents in terms of?

a. Age

Group F %
Gender Male 14 46.7
Female 16 53.3

b. gender

c.Monthly Income


Since this research aims to determine the leadership skills in Cuyapo National High school during
the year 2019. Specifically, it will answers the following question which is first what is the profile of
the respondents including the age, gender,parent’s name students and teachers.

Here is the table one representing the demographic profile of the respondents.

Age 16-21 0 0
22-31 4 13.3
32-41 6 20.0
42-51 16 53.3
52-75 4 13.3
Monthly Income 8,000 and below 0 0
8,001-16,000 0 0
16,000-32,000 6 20.0
32,000-80,000 24 80.0
80,001 and above 0 0

The table shows the frequency of gender (male or female), age and
monthly income percentage.
The first problem in the study deals with profile of the residence in Cuyapo,
Nueva Ecija in terms of gender, age and monthly income .
The table shows that the majority of the respondents are female with the
frequency of 16 and percentage of 53.3%, while the male has the frequency of 12 and
a percentage of 46.7%.
It also show the percentage and total number of respondents according to their age,
such as; majority of the respondents are at the age between 42 to 51 with the total
frequency of 16 and a percentage of 53.3%. 6 out of 20 respondents are at the age
between 32 to 41 with the total percentage of 20.0%. 4 out of 20 residence of Cuyapo are
at the age between 22 to 31 and 52 to 75 with the percentage of 13.3%. no one of the
respondents are at the age between 16 to 21 years old.
It further shows that the percentage and the total number of the respondents
according to their monthly income, such as; 24 out of 30 number of respondents had a
monthly income of Php. 32 001 and 80 000 and with the percentage of 80.0%, 6 of the 30
number of respondents have a monthly income of Php. 16 001 to 32 000 and with the
percentage of 20.0%. It also indicate that no one rated the monthly income 8 000 and
below, 8 001 to 16 000 and 80 001 and above.

Is there a significant difference between the Academic Performance of
Introvert students and Extrovert students in first grading average of the


1. Learning facilitator, facilate professional 0 1 3 9 17 4.40 HS

of leadershipamong
among member is
teachers N MS S VS HS MEAN DR
another role of teacher leaders. S
2. curriculum specialist, to understand content 0 2 3 12 13 4.20 HS
standards, how various components of the
curriculum link together and assessment is
essential to ensuring consistent curriculum
implementation throughout a school.
3. Classroom supporters, to work inside 0 9 18 3 0 2.80 S
classrooms to help teachers implement new ideas,
often by demonstrating a lesson, co-teaching or
observing and giving feedback.
4. Resources provider, to help colleagues by 2 12 10 4 2 2.73 S
sharing instructional resources.
5.Instructional specialist help to colleague 0 15 13 2 0 2.57 S
implement effective teaching strategies
TOTAL 30 3.34 s


After the demographic profile of the respondents , lets now proceed in the significant
difference between the Academic Performance of Introvert students and Extrovert students in
first grading average of the respondents

.Indication that some of the respondents of this study was rated the level of
leadership skills among teachers number 1 which is “Learning facilitator, facilate
professional learning opportunities among staffs, member is another role of teacher
leaders” as “Highly serious” with the average weighted mean of 4.40. Some indicators
rated the level of leadership skills among teachers number 2 which is “ curriculum
specialist, to understand content standards, how various components of the curriculum
link together and assessment is essential to ensuring consistent curriculum
implementation throughout a school” as “Highly serious” with an average mean of 4.20.
The level of leadership skills among teachers number 3 which is “ Classroom supporters,
to work inside classrooms to help teachers implement new ideas, often by demonstrating
a lesson, co-teaching or observing and giving feedback” with an average mean of 2.80
and its rated as “Serious” , The level of leadership skills among teachers number 4 which
is “Resources provider, to help colleagues by sharing instructional resources” with an
average mean of 2.73 is rated as “Serious”, the level of leadership skills among teachers
number 5 which is “Instructional specialist help to colleague implement effective teaching
strategies” with an average mean of 2.57 and rates as “Serious”.

Is there a significant difference relation ship between Leadership results across a
profile of respondents?

Significance N MS S VS HS MEAN DR
1. To establish commitment to the students and 0 0 1 12 17 4.53 HS
2. To communicate and report 0 0 8 17 5 3.90 VS
3. To passionate about teaching and learning. 0 2 10 12 6 3.73 VS
4. To embrace change in every teacher’s career. 0 1 12 14 3 3.63 VS
5. To collaborate with others. 0 0 14 16 0 3.53 VS
TOTAL 30 3.86 VS


Indication that some of the respondents of this study was rated the significance
number 1 which is “To establish commitment to the students and educators” as “Highly
serious” with the average weighted mean of 4.53. Some indicators rated the significance
number 2 which is “To communicate and report” as “Very serious” with an average mean
of 3.90. The significance number 3 which is “ To passionate about teaching and learning”
with an average mean of 3.73 and its rated as “ Very Serious” , The significance number 4
which is “ To embrace change in every teacher’s career” with an average mean of 3.63 is
rated as “Very Serious”, the significance number 5 which is “To collaborate with others”
with an average mean of 3.53 and rates as “Very Serious”.

This chapter focuses on the result of the investigation regarding The Leadership Skills
among the Teachers during the year 2018.

On the profile of the respondents

1. Most of the respondent’s gender are Male with a lowest total frequency of 14 over 30
respondents with an average percentage of 46.7%. On the other hand, the Female with
highest total frequency of 16 over 30 with an average percentage of 53.3%
2. Most of the respondents’ age is between 42-51 years old, with a highest frequency of 16
over 30 respondents and the average percentage of 53.3%, on the other hand, the age
between 16-21 with a lowest total frequency of 0 over 30 and the average percentage of
3. Most of the respondents’ monthly income are between PHP. 32001 to 80000 with a
highest total frequency of 27 over 30 respondents and the average percentage of 80.0%.
On the other hand, the lowest in monthly income is 80001 and above, 8 001 to 16 000
and 80 001 which is 0 and a average percentage of 0.0%.

On the leadership skills as received by the teachers, the following are the Top 3:
a) Learning facilitator, facilate professional learning opportunities among staffs, member is
another role of teacher leaders
b) Curriculum specialist, to understand content standards, how various components of the
curriculum link together and assessment is essential to ensuring consistent curriculum
implementation throughout a school
c) Classroom supporters, to work inside classrooms to help teachers implement new ideas,
often by demonstrating a lesson, co-teaching or observing and giving feedback
On the significance leadership skills as received by the teachers, the following are the
Top 3:
a. To establish commitment to the students and educators
b. To communicate and report
c. To passionate about teaching and learning

1. The overall mean of the level of the leadership among the teachers is 3.34 which means
2. The overall mean of the significance of leadership among teachers is 3.86 which means

Based on the given data being presented, the following recommendation must be adhere:
1. Teachers must be more productive so that the children or student must understand what
she or he talked about.
2. a good educational leader needs a solid understanding of ones self and should have also
3. Perhaps the most important trait of being an educational leader is believed in your student
and the power of education.

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