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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Roxas City




At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. identify the folk arts from Southern Luzon and Bicol Region.


a. Topic: Folk arts from Southern Luzon and Bicol Region.
b. Reference: Music & Arts Learner’s Material (pages 100 – 105)
c. Materials:
 Pictures
 Powerpoint Presentation


A. Daily Routine
a. Opening Prayer
b. Checking of Attendance

B. Review of the Past Lesson


I have here a short review.

I will ask you some questions or a short test about
our yesterday’s lesson.
Are you ready? Yes Sir.

A Headgear the Ivatan women of Batanes wear to Answer:

protect them from the heat of sun and during the
rainy season. D. Vacul
A. Bakwat
B. Pastillas
C. Singkaban
D. Vakul

Belt used by mothers of nueva viscaya after giving Answer:

birth; usually made of white with beads as accents
and patterns of rivers & mountains. A. Bakwat
A. Bakwat
B. Pastillas
C. Singkaban
D. Vakul

Bulakeños’ Local term for bamboo arches Answer:

elaborately designes with kayas.
A. Bakwat C. Singkaban
B. Pastillas
C. Singkaban
D. Vakul
And soon….

Your answer class are all correct. You did a very

good job.
Now we will move to our next lesson. Are you
ready? Now let’s begin.

C. Motivation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

I will show some picture of the different places The students will identify the following
in southern Luzon that are known for their pictures and participate actively in the class
artworks. you are going to identify the activity.
following places if what province they are

D. Lesson Proper


Our topic for today is about the Folk Arts  Art is the way you appreciate the beauty of
from Southern Luzon and Bicol Region. an object or a skills of making something
But first, how do you define “Art”? through imagination.
 Art is a knowledge or skills.
 And soon….

 The students will listen to the teacher.

That’s right class. All your answers are correct
when we say art that is a skill or knowledge
that is being applied through your

Now let us move on to the main topic of this  The students will listen to the teacher.
lesson which is the Folk Arts from Southern
Luzon and Bicol Region.

First we have the Folk arts in Laguna please  UKIT – Paete motifs consisting of floral,
read. curves and hooks

 TAKA – papier mache’ technique

Next the Folk arts in Rizal, please read.  PETROGLYPHS – oldest artistic
expressions in the Philippines and listed
as a National Treasure
 PETROGLYPHS – oldest artistic
expressions in the Philippines and listed
as a National Treasure
 HIGANTES FESTIVAL – celebration
conceptualized in 1980s where giant
papier maches of human figures are
used to express sentiments about the
Spanish hacienderos.

Now let us discover what is the famous  SAPIN-SAPIN – type of delicacy made
Delicacy that can be found in Cavite? from grounded glutinous rice

 BALISONG – also known as butterfly knife.

How about the Folk Arts in Batangas?
Now let us have the type of Folk Arts that can  KIPING – decors that are made from
be found in the Province of Quezon? ground glutinous rice thinly coated on
special leaves and cooked over low fire.

Great job class. Those are the Folk Arts from  None sir.
the Southern Luzon. Any questions?

Now let us proceed to the Folk Arts from The  The students will listen and participate
Bicol Region, let us discover the arts that actively in the class discussion/activity.
made them well known.

Let us have the folk arts that can be found in  MORIONES FESTIVAL -
Marinduque. annual festival held every Holy Week.
The "Moriones" are men and women in
costumes and masks replicating the
garb of biblical Roman soldiers as
interpreted by local folks.

How about in Mindoro?  Iraya Mangyan of Mindoro are fond of

making baskets with intricate patterns
and designs of men, animals, trees and
other objects.

Next, the Folk arts in Romblon?  Romblon is known not only for its fine
marble products but also for their
beautifully woven mats and bags out of
romblon plant.

 MANUNGGUL JAR – serves as a

May we have in Palawan? container for secondary burial of the
deceased loved ones.
 SALUGIN – Traditional Tagbanua attire
made from pounded bark of trees.
 AMBALAD – piece of loincloth and a
rattan waistband Tagbanua men wear in
the olden times.

Very good class! Those are the Folk arts from  The students will listen.
the Bicol Region.

Are you ready for the next activity?  Yes sir!

Ok class Let’s begin.

E. Application


Those are the Folk Arts from the Southern

Luzon and Bicol Region. Any question? None sir.
Since everything is all clear, this time I will
group you into two (2), each group will be given
a flag. You will raise your flag if you know the  The students will participate actively in
answer. I will flash one picture about the Folk the class activity.
arts in the Southern Luzon and Bicol Region one
at a time. The first group who will raise their
flag will be the first to answer.

F. Generalization


 What do you think are the importance of

Folk arts that can be found in the (The students’ answers may vary)
different Regions in the Philippines,
specifically in the Southern Luzon and
Bicol Region?

 As a student what do you think is your

role to preserve this culture that we have
here in the Philippines?


Direction: Read each sentence carefully and identify the following Folk Arts from
Southern Luzon and Bicol Region. Write your answers on a ¼ piece of paper.

1. Paete motifs consisting of floral, curves and hooks.

A. Higantes Festival
B. Petroglyphs
C. Taka
D. Ukit

2. oldest artistic expressions in the Philippines and listed as a National Treasure.

A. Ukit
B. Taka
C. Petroglyphs
D. Higantes Festival

3. type of CAVITEÑO delicacy made from grounded glutinous rice.

A. Balisong
B. Kiping
C. Salugin
D. Sapin-Sapin

4. LUCBAN, QUEZON’S FAMOUS decors that are made from ground glutinous rice thinly coated on
special leaves and cooked over low fire.
A. Balisong
B. Kiping
C. Salugin
D. Sapin-Sapin

5. Palawan’s Traditional Tagbanua attire made from pounded bark of trees.

A. Ambalad
B. Raffia
C. Romblon
D. Salugin

Bring the following ART MATERIALS:

1. Oslo Paper
2. Pencil & Eraser
3. Any of the following coloring materials (choose ONE):
Oil Pastel

Prepared by:


MAPEH Teacher

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