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Fahey LD

“Anarchy” Kritik

Because the resolution uses the United States’ criminal justice system, it perpetuates the
flawed system of government. I present a counter resolution,

Resolved: The United States ought to revert to an anarchist society

Framework: the affirmative has chosen his point to prove and I have chosen mine. The duty of
the negative is to prove the affirmative wrong by whatever means. There are no rules against a
counter-resolution and there are no rules dictating how a negative case must be structured. My
counter-resolution will be based on a critique of the affirmative resolution.

Contention 1: The Liberty Factor:

Liberty is intrinsically linked to anarchy writes author and philosopher J.C. Lester, 2000:

Anarchy means ‘no rule’ in the sense of no imposed control by the state. In a sense,
there are ‘anarchic holes’ wherever the state does not interfere with voluntary activity, but only
full anarchy is anarchy – though monarchy, or minimal statism (which is the opposite of
anarchy) might come close. In a society where people interact without imposing costs on
each other (that is, where liberty exists), no one can be ruled. Anarchy is thus linked to
interpersonal liberty. To the extent that we have liberty, we approach anarchy; to the
extent we lack liberty, we approach totalitarianism.

Philosopher Hanna Arendt shows that totalitarianism destroys human dignity in her work, The
Origins of Totalitarianism, she says quote:

It is necessary for totalitarianism to destroy every trace of what we commonly call human
dignity, for respect of human dignity implies the recognition of my fellow men or our fellow
nations as subjects. What totalitarian ideologies therefore aim at is not the transformation of the
outside world or the revolutionizing transmutation of society, but the transformation of human
nature itself.

As we can see, anarchy provides for greater liberty. This prevents nightmarish situations
such as Orwellian Society, Solzhenitsyn’s depiction of the Stalinist Gulag

Subpoint 1: The Feminist Factor:

Nancy Folbre of the New York Times writes on the ever-present and unrecognized American
patriarchy, quote:

“Traditional patriarchal systems restrict women’s legal and economic rights. Even in
countries like the United States, patriarchal norms assign women primary responsibility for
Fahey LD

family care. Such norms continue to exercise a powerful influence. In 2010, the General Social
Survey asked a representative sample of Americans whether they agreed that “it is much better
for everyone involved if the man is the achiever outside the home and the woman takes care of
the home and family.” About 35 percent of respondents agreed or strongly agreed.

Dr. L. Susan Brown, author and famous anarchist, commented on Anarchism’s link to feminism
in saying, quote:

“As anarchism is a political philosophy that opposes all relationships of power, it is

inherently feminist."

This kind of patriarchal mindset that is bred by the government through images such as the First
Lady and the lack of response to sexism in the nation is statism oppressing women’s liberty as
human beings. We need a strong anarchist movement to bring awareness to this societal illness
and to restore proper liberty to women.

Contention 2: The Economic Factor:

Nobel Laureate Economist Milton Friedman conclusively expresses the negative position in his
work Free To Choose, quote:

The System blames all problems on external influences beyong its control and takes
credit for any and all favorable occurrences. It thereby continues to promote the myth that the
private economy is unstable, while its behavior continues to document the reality that
government is today the major source of economic instability.

In his landmark philosophical work, Anarchism, George Woodcock answers the question of
whether or not anarchism can provide a better economy than statism. Quote:

The injustices and economic crises of capitalism process, not from overproduction, but
from underconsumption, and from the diversion of labor into unproductive tasks. If all the
energy misdirected into bureaucratic and military activities were diverted to socially useful tasks,
then there would be no problem in providing plenty for all.

Contention 3: The Genocide Factor:

Objectivist philosopher Ayn Rand distinctly drives home the negative’s argument by showing
that all statist systems are qualitatively the same – they all lead to mass murder. Quote:

“A statist system is based on the government’s unlimited power, which means on the rule
of brute force. The differences among statist systems are only a matter of time and degree; the
Fahey LD

principle is the same. Under statism, the government is not a policeman, but a legalized criminal
that holds the power to use physical force in any manner and for any purpose it pleases against
legally disarmed, defenseless victims. Nothing can ever justify so monstrously evil a theory.
Nothing can justify the horror, the brutality, the plunder, the destruction, the starvation, the
slave-labor camps, the torture chambers, the wholesale slaughter of statist dictatorships.”

This may sound extreme, and you may be saying to yourself “This is insane, we’ll never
get that bad.” But it already has, I ask you to look to the 1890 massacre of Sioux at Wounded
Knee by the United States’ military, the bombing of Hiroshima which University of Chicago
professor Bruce Cumings called “to call the bombing of Hiroshima gratuitous is kind, a more
accurate term would be genocide”, The use of Agent Orange on innocent civilians in the
officially termed “Vietnam Conflict” (as we were never officially in a state of war, the last
declaration was in 1942 against Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania), and even the conflicts in the
middle east where it was reported that American Troops killed 655,000 Iraqi citizens by 2006
and displaced 3 million more. These acts of terror and evil cannot and should not be tolerated.
There is a solution, however.

Contention 4: The Alternative is proceeding with Anarchic Society:

It is the conviction of the negative that instead of perpetuating our statist government, we should
reform and proceed with an anarchist society. This has been shown to be a more acceptable
society, as it provides for greater liberty and a more stable economy, while eliminating the
possibility of a mass murder of the populace that has been shown to be a direct result of a statist
government that, may I reiterate, the affirmative perpetuates.

Voting Issue:

By passing the affirmative case, our statist system of government is perpetuated. This is arbitrary
for two reasons, as shown above. The first is Liberty. If you value liberty and dignity, you must
reject the affirmative case. Even if the liberty statement falls, you must reject the affirmative case
because anarchy provides for a greater economy than a statist system. This is especially pivotal
as we are in a recession. Our despicable statist government caused our recession. A negative
ballot is necessitated for these reasons.

Blocks: Anarchy K

What do we do about criminal justice in anarchy? Do we let prisoners run free?

We Privatize It

Switzerland has an entirely privatized criminal justice system run by a Company named
Securitas. The BBC reported that the US’ crime rate is about 38 times more than that of
Fahey LD

R: Who Pays For It?

Individuals in this anarchist society can choose to collect and pay for it for their own benefit

R: Isn’t that essentially what taxes are?

No, one is voluntary and one isn’t.

History has shown Anarchy never working

Can you give me an example (they can’t)?

R: It’s self-evident

No it isn’t, I just gave you four reasons why it would work.

R: Can you give me an example of it working?

Yes, look to hunters and gatherers. They managed to live, work, and prosper as individuals.
Certain sections of Anarchy Catalonia in Spain were prospering until centralized Spain took
over the land.

R: That’s only two examples; we can see many of government-based countries working.

But they haven’t, they have sustained themselves while ultimately fucking over the individual.

This is Ridiculous

No it isn’t.

You need a value structure


R: It’s the rules of LD

There are no rules of LD

Kritiks aren’t allowed in LD

Yes they are.

R: They’re against the rules

There are no rules except our time slots.

You are hindering education

Fahey LD

I can assure you that you had never heard those cards before, if you were listening, which I hope
you were, you would have learned about the benefits of Anarchy, the current patriarchy and a
brief history lesson on American committed genocide.

This isn’t fair

Is it fair that a shy freshman gets Aff and has to speak first and may have stage fright? Is it fair
when tournaments collapse ALD and NLD because there are too little ALD competitors? No, it
isn’t, but we don’t take that as a handicap and judge the debate on content, not silly theory

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