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‘Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96,00792R0007004300025, Sriacceannnoe ns Psychophysiological Correlates of Communication, Gravitation and Unity The Syaterale Theory J. GRIVBERGZYLAERBAUM Prolre nnd de Tenge Conv, Fst ae hae, Uns Non! ‘Jers dees coo Pot En eo Coca he tin cream ext al (he ero ek) Iori (Sh ad ase srl sr pe er ees ih ayer sto fo heaton te nom ‘sta ‘Seta ie ace mata tana, tn hamen comand 08 is propose tat rin operating in highly ecbewat mode ad ina abstr fubion Se Moree ne oa” ee acon ins mite sonst mee {ths coucie fshon Gow neon ban) teats nsrnal fe that cu ‘ie fhc foe onet fi trig pce one medal ike webs acne cnperece conse are ttonbarvee th era tal an le ny Soa of uA ee se tte cling fom he iron ot ot neta! Fels wt at act ak tet ints sn te gad ine to ade ie od So ‘Set mer ae tp aie pa ine se i” 1, THEORETICAL INTRODUCTION A few months before his death, Zen master Shanty Suzuki si eg osm ue yo Ua we he of cn Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000700130002-5 RDP96-00792R000700130002-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA. ae J. GRINBERG-ZVLBERBAUM of distance must be abandoned, ly true, the existence of a unique mind, if accepted, makes cumbersome orp would be necessary to prove that 1) Brain activity exists outside the skull This extra-skull activity establishes 2 functional connection between different brains and unites them, iif) Space is « componont in our brain's perceptual co iv) A fundamental energetic m: yehind every physical manifest ¥) The feeling of individ perception of unity. jon of reality terial object and oxi ity can be transcended to gain access to the i one of the aforesuid pos Let us examine & vy. fs, in order to discuss their 1.1. Brain activity exists outside the skull It is obvious that the existence of extra-sk for all subsequent discussions about the unique mind. Without extra-skul COMMUNICATION, GRAVITATION AND UNITY 2 the hypothesis abou the existence ofa unlgue big mind i unacceptable ‘There are atleast two pieces of evidence that suppor point Ll Fs, th human magnetoencephalogram (Reite, Zimmerman, and Zimifrman 1976). Second, the recent dicovery ofa relationship between rerio changes and brain activity (see section 5 below), s ional effect shige tha and Bpeting 3S vy (the Bation see Torres and Canseco, 1980), @ synergic 08 (the neuronal field) is created inside the brain microstructure, and lager“on @hands into the surrounding space. “ the aforesaid micro-structure, K.H. Pribram writes: prigent ore an extended cation a any momes ich has a micto-structur ie Wve activation of the brain microstructure of which the above mentionedftvave fronts ere only part 3 Furthermore, in the experiment about the and gravitational slobal change in in which > asynergi@hietd 2 Grinberg-Zylbexgium, RDP96-00792R000700130002-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA. 230 J. GRINBERG-ZYLBERBAUM 8 a functional connection between 4.2 This extra-skull activity esta different brains and unites them To accept this po intercourse between brains exis Evidence that during human communics of significant messages occur, has been obtained (Grinberg-Zylberbaum, Cuell in the experimer coherences appeared in the brains of the subject during the ‘communication sessions. The fact that both direct communication and gr ‘This lest hypothesis will be discussed in | 4 below. 1.3 ‘Space is a component in our brain's perceptual construction of reality In the interaction between our retinal recept must be postulated in order to explain our perceptual ex igital messages in the optic the basis of concept for 19802). If an energy system located in the quantum field is capable of being neuro- coMMUNIC GRAVITATION AND UNITY 2 algorithmized by the brain, Som f the the management of a digital U®Gverse. ¢ analogical universe inside ougybrain. (ie. a sound) interacts -opodium powder has been deposited. These Cymat e fi bey of fom ni matt Tecorgto te meg hear (Gib yeaa, 1978, 79 80, athe et o neuroslgorithmic and the neuronalquantum fief int 2 particular levefpf our medium of soBbration notexist. D 3 1.4 Afurdamuntalonrgtc mati exits behind avery material object & phyla sin the phys of element e sudden appearance of part as a result of

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