Title Author Year No. of Copies

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Silliman University

Building Competence, Character & Faith

List of Materials Donated to MAYOR PRAXEDES P. VILLANUEVA II MHS

Received June 21, 2019

Copyright No. of
Title Author
No. Year Copies
Study Guide to accompany McConnell
1 Economics Robert C. Bingham 1969 1
2 The Good Black Paul M. Barret 1999 1
3 Doctors Sherwin B. Noland 1988 1
4 Vector Analysis Murray R. Spiegel, Ph.D 1959 1
5 The Store Cook Book Bert Greene and Denis Vaughan 1974 1
Using Psychology Principles of Behavior
6 and Your Life Morris K. Holland 1985 1
Michael Domjan and Barbara
7 The Principles of Learning and Behavior Burkhard 1982 1

8 Readings in Social Psychology Sharon S. Brehm and Saul Kassin 1996 1

9 Sociology Kurt Finsterbusch 1987 1
10 Breaking with Moscow Arkady N. Shevchenko 1985 1
11 I Think Before I Laugh John Allen Paulos 1985 1
12 Rocky III Robert E. Hoban 1982 1
13 Self Esteem (The New Reformation) Robert H. Schuller 1982 1
14 Introduction To Photography Marvin J. Rosen 1976 1
Illusion and Disillusion: The Self in Love
15 and Marriage John F. Crosby 1973 1
Open Marriage A New Life Style for
16 Couples Nena O'Neill and George O'Neill 1972 1
17 Child Development Sueann Robinson Ambron 1978 1
Basic Keyboarding and Typewriting Crawford, Erickson, Beaumont,
18 Applications Robinson, Ownby 1983 1
19 Engineering Wonders of the World Rene Poirier 1957 1
20 Botany Walter H. Muller 1974 1
Beatrice S. Mikulecky and Linda
21 Reading Power Jeffries 1986 1
Irwin Maxwell Stillman, M.D. and
22 The Doctor's Quick Weight Loss Diet Samm Sinclair Baker 1967 1

23 Technical Drawing Giesecke, Mitchell, Spencer, Hill 1974 1

24 Nutrition Almanac John D. Kirschmann 1979 1

Alease S. Bruce, Barbara Cocanour,

25 Laboratory Manual (Human Anatomy) Ted Namm, Joseph P. Farina 1992 1
26 Easy Does it Yoga (for older people) Swami Rama 1979 1
27 Later Life (The Realities of Aging) Harold G. Cox 1988 1
Introductory Algebra: An Applied Richard N. Aufmann and Vernon C.
28 Approach Barker 1995 1

29 Graphing Calculator Keystroke Guide Benjamin N. Levy 1995 1

Mind and Brain Journey Through The
30 Mind and Body Alexandria Virginia 1993 1
The Enigma of Personality Journey
31 Through The Mind and Body Alexandria Virginia 1994 1
32 Oh my Aching Back Leon Root 1973 1
33 Illness as Metaphor Susan Sontag 1977 1
34 The Magic Years Selma H. Fraiberg 1959 1
35 Buying Guide Issue Barry Horowitz 1992 1
36 Sounds and Senses Laurence Perrine 1963 1
37 Guidelines for Cancer Care Joyce M. Yasko 1983 1
38 Managing Yourself Alfred Goodloe 1984 1
Do I Have to Give up Me to be Loved by
39 You Jordan Paul 1982 1
40 Language, Truth and Logic Alfred Jules Ayer 1936 1
The Complete Book of Pregnancy and
41 Child Birth Sheila Kitzinger 1980 1
42 Pre-Calculus Mathematics Bell and Howell 1983 1
43 The Natural way to Beter Eyesight J.L. Rodale 1968 1
44 The Intimate Enemy George R. Bach 1968 1
45 How to Give Away your Faith Paul E. Litle 1966 1
46 Screening Sickness Ernest Lehman 1982 1
47 Time Saving Cookbook Kraft Dinners 1972 1
48 Family Survival Kit Don and Renee Martin 1986 1
49 Encyclopedia of Cooking Meredith 1970 1
50 Keys for Writing Barbara G. Hanagan 1996 1
51 World History Larry S. Krieger 1992 1
52 Intermediate Algebra Hubbard Robinson 1995 2
53 The White Monkey John Galsworthy 1969 1
54 Strength - Training Principles Ellington Darden, Ph. D. 1977 1
55 The Process of Economic Growth W. W. Rostow 1962 1

56 Essays in the Scientific Study of Religion Charles Y. Glock 1973 1

57 Life Science Levon Balzer 1987 2
R. Charles Moyer, James R.
58 Contemporary Financial Management Mcguigan, William J. Kretlow 1995 1
Debbie Guice Longman and Rhonda
59 College Learning and Study Skills Holt Atkinson 1988 1
60 Mathematics Unlimited Holt 1988 1
61 The Art of Editing Floyd K. Baskete and Jack Z. Sissors 1971 1
62 Hawaii James A. Michener's 1959 1

Prepared by:
School Library Coordinator

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