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BAHASA inggris
Set 3
Discussion Text

Purpose of the Text :

To present information and opinions about more than one side of an issue (“For/Pros”)
and (“Against/Cons”)

Tujuan Penulisan :
Mengajak pembaca mengambil sikap tertentu terhadap sebuah issue atau masalah.
Pembaca diharapkan dapat mengidentifikasi isu tersebut dan mengulas pendapat yang
mendukung (Pro) maupun yang menentang (Cons) sebelum memberikan rekomendasi
terhadap isu tersebut.

Generic Structure (Struktur Umum) :

1. Issue: topik perhatian/isu utama
2. Arguments: alasan/pendapat yang mendukung gagasan pokok yang diikuti points dan
elaboration (uraian)

Language Features (Ciri-ciri Bahasa) :

1. Menggunakan Simple Present Tense
2. Conjunctions (Kata Penghubung)
3. Related verbs and Modal Constrastive


Text 1: SPMB 2004/R-I/440

The view that women are better parents than men has shown itself to be true throughout
history. This is not to say that men are not of importance in child-rearing; indeed, they are
most necessary if children are to appreciate fully the roles of both sexes. But women have
proven themselves superior parents as a result of their conditioning, their less aggressive
nature and generally better communication skills.
From the time they are little, females learn about nurturing. First with dolls and later
perhaps with younger brothers and sisters, girls are given the role of career. Girls see their
mothers in the same roles so it is natural that they identify this as female activity. Boys, in
contrast, learn competitive roles far removed from what it means to nurture. While boys may
dream of adventures, girls conditioning means they tend to see the future in terms of raising
Girls also appear to be less aggressive than boys. In adulthood, it is men not women,
who prove to be the aggressors in crime and in war. Obviously, in raising children, a more
patient, gentle manner is preferable to a more aggressive one. Although, there certainly exist
gentle men and aggressive women, by and large, female are less likely to resort to violence in
attempting to solve problems.
Finally, women tend to be better communicator than men. This is shown in intelligence
test, where females, on average, do better in verbal communication than males. Of course,
communication is of utmost important in rearing children, as children tend to learn from and
adopt the communication styles of their parents.
Thus, it is all very well to suggest a greater role for men in raising children, let us not
forget that women are generally better suited to the parenting roles.

1. The main information of the text is about ….

A. the importance of men and women in child rearing
B. the reluctance of men to play the role of parents
C. the reasons why women are better parents than men
D. the superior of women in family
E. the different attitudes of men and women as parents
Pembahasan :
Kalimat ditandai oleh kata penghubung yang dapat menunjukkan daftar (listing)
seperti: first, later, finally serta kata penghubung lainnya yang menunjukkan beberapa
perbandingan. Dari bacaan tersebut jelas terlihat adanya perbandingan serta alasan-
alasan yang timbul di masyarakat bahwa wanita memang lebih baik sebagai orangtua
dibanding pria dengan segala kelebihan dan kekurangannya.
Jawaban: C

2. As parents, women in general play a more important role than men because they are ….
A. not aggressive at all
B. good communicators
C. superior human beings
D. experienced in raising children
E. capable of solving problems
Pembahasan :
Pada kalimat terakhir pada paragraf pertama dikatakan bahwa wanita mempunyai peranan
yang lebih luas dan lebih banyak karena wanita umumnya mempunyai kemampuan dalam
berkomunikasi dan mengkomunikasikan segala sesuatunya dengan lebih baik dibanding
Jawaban: B

3. Most women are good mothers because they ….

A. have brothers and sisters with whom they play
B. had to learn about nurturing when they were children
C. have never dreams of adventure like boys
D. are not to learn about competitive roles
E. have known the role of career since childhood
Pembahasan :
Sejak kecil wanita telah diajarkan baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung oleh
lingkungan, terutama dari ibu mereka, mengenai apa yang harus mereka lakukan di masa
depan, terutama tentang bagaimana cara merawat dan mengasuh seorang anak. Tanpa
disadari, setiap wanita telah mempunyai naluri keibuan sejak mereka masih kecil, entah
karena terbiasa bermain dengan saudara maupun dengan meniru perilaku ibu mereka
dalam mengasuh anak; terbukti dengan lebih mampunya wanita dalam merawat anak
dan keluarga dibanding pria pada umumnya.
Jawaban: E

4. The following are the general characteristics of men, EXCEPT ….

A. aggressive
B. adventures
C. impatient
D. irresponsible
E. competitive
Pembahasan :
Aggressive ditunjukkan dalam kalimat “Girls are also appear to be less aggressive than
boys”; adventurous ditunjukkan dalam kalimat “Boys may dream of adventures”; impatient
ditunjukkan dalam kalimat “It is men, not women, to be the aggressor.”; dan competitive dalam
kalimat “Boys, in contrast, learn competitive roles.” Dari pilihan kosakata yang ada, maka

yang tidak termasuk karakteristik seorang pria secara umum adalah (D) Irresponsible atau
tidak bertanggung jawab. Karena tidak semua pria adalah pria yang tidak bertanggung
jawab pada berita tersebut
Jawaban: D

5. According to the text, which of the following statement is TRUE about parents in
A. Children love their mothers more than they love their fathers.
B. All fathers tend to be aggressive and violent towards their children.
C. Mothers play a greater role in the education of their children.
D. Even gentle fathers are unable to communicate with children.
E. There is no communication between fathers and their children.
Pembahasan :
Secara keseluruhan, teks tersebut menggambarkan tentang betapa hebatnya peranan
seorang wanita dalam kehidupan keluarga mereka. Meskipun pria juga mempunyai andil
yang cukup besar, namun peran seorang ibu tidak dapat tergantikan oleh siapapun.
Karena itu, jawaban yang paling tepat untuk pertanyaan tersebut adalah (C).
Jawaban: C

Text 2: SBMPTN 2014

Did you ride your bike to school when you were a kid? A generation ago most kids rode,
walked or caught the bus to school; very few of us were dropped by our parents at the school
gate. These days most of us have experienced the daily traffic jams around schools at drop-
off and picked-up times, as parents drive their children to the school gate. While there is a
national data on the number of children who walk or ride to school, a recent Victorian survey
found nearly half of children are driven to school every day.
Parents choose to drop their kids at school for a number of reasons—mostly do with
safely and convenience. But experts say chauffeuring your kids to school every day could
mean they are missing out on much—needed exercise and other life skills.
Researchers suggest at least a third of Australian children aged 9−16 years are not
getting the amount of daily physical activity recommended by national guidelines. But this
is not because children’s participation in leisure of sporting activities has dropped off, says
Dr. Jan Garrad. Participation in these activities has not altered much over the years, Garrad
says but what has changed is the level of incidental activity children do. “When you look at
countries where children are just active as part of everyday life, they do not have to be sporty.
All they have to do is to get away around the way the community gets around by walking and
cycling, and they get enough physical activity,” she says.

6. The author develops some ideas in paragraf 2 by ….
A. describing parents’ chauffeuring followed by its effects
B. explaining reasons for chauffeuring and their advantages
C. discussing the function of chauffeuring and the impacts
D. arguing for chauffeuring practice for children’ safety
E. exposing how parents chauffer and its drawbacks
Pembahasan :
Menurut paragraf kedua dari bacaan di atas, para orangtua memilih untuk menyetir dan
mengantarkan langsung anak mereka ke sekolah karena berbagai alasan. Di antaranya
karena alasan keamanan dan kenyamanan. Namun, tanpa mereka sadari, dengan selalu
mengantarkan anak mereka ke sekolah membuat anak-anak kehilangan waktu untuk
bersosialisasi dan juga berolahraga di lingkungan sekitar; dan itulah yang menjadi
Jawaban: E

7. By writing the sentence ”… chauffeuring your kids to school every day could mean they
are missing out on much-needed exercise and other life skills.” (paragraph 2 lines 2-3); the
author implies that ….
A. taking kids to school makes them deprived individuals when they grow up
B. kids given lift to school likely lose vital social and physical advantages
C. schooling means not only learning in classes but also socializing with others
D. parents spoil their kids’ future social and physical life by giving them a lift
E. when a child needs physical and social training, parents should facilitate them
Pembahasan :
Berdasarkan petikan kalimat tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa selain memiliki sisi
positif dari pihak orangtua, namun ternyata terdapat sisi yang negatif bagi para anak.
Diantar-jemput setiap hari ke sekolah membuat mereka kehilangan kesempatan untuk
bersosialisasi dengan lingkungan dan menggerakkan tubuh.
Jawaban: B

8. Dr. Garrard statement “… where children are just active as a part of everyday life, they do
not have to be sporty.” (paragraph 3 line 5) may be best restated that ….
A. children who are active do not automatically mean they will be good sport
B. being muscular should not be the aim of children who are naturally active
C. children’ physical fitness is not closely related with their daily activities
D. activeness in children does not mean to make these children physically fit
E. when naturally active, children need no more scheduled sports activities
Pembahasan :
Pada kalimat di atas, dengan kata lain dapat dikatakan bahwa ketika anak-anak sudah

terbiasa untuk bergerak secara aktif, maka sesungguhnya mereka tidak perlu lagi
melakukan olahraga secara rutin. Karena dengan selalu bergerak setiap hari sama dengan
melakukan olahraga secara rutin. Berdasarkan pilihan jawaban diatas, maka jawaban yang
paling tepat untuk pertanyaan tersebut adalah pada pilihan (E).
Jawaban: E

9. The part following the passage above most likely contains information on ….
A. advice to parents for their children to have enough physical activities
B. the decreasing trend of children to do physical activities at their will
C. parental motives behind chauffeuring their children to school
D. reason for children not to do fun and incidental activities
E. effects of having children not to be given a lift to school
Pembahasan :
Pada paragraf kedua dalam bacaan tersebut dikatakan bahwa orangtua memiliki banyak
motif atau alasan untuk mengantarkan sendiri anak mereka ke sekolah. Maka pilihan
jawaban yang paling tepat adalah pilhan jawaban (C).
Jawaban: C

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