Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker Asks Support From New Zealand House of Representatives

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New Light of Myanmar


Volume XX, Number 345
Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker asks support from New Zealand House of
5th Waning of Tabaung 1374 ME Sunday, 31 March, 2013

Representatives and peoples. Office of Treaty Settlement,

The Speaker of New State Attorney-General Of-
Zealand’s parliament ex- fice, Statistics New Zealand
pressed his support for the and Electoral Commission.
Myanmar government’s In Auckland, the del-
economic and socio-eco- egation visited Modern
nomic reforms apart from Dairy Farm and Auckland
political reforms in transi- University Law School.
tion to democracy. The goodwill delega-
He also affirmed that the tion led by Speaker Thura U
New Zealand government Shwe Mann left Wellington
would provide assistance on 28 March and arrived in
for agricultural and livestock Sidney Airport at 4.25 pm
breeding sector of Myanmar. local time.
After the meeting, the Myanmar Medical As-
Speaker of New Zealand’s sociation in Australia hosted
parliament hosted a dinner a dinner in honour of the
in honour of the Myanmar delegation. At the dinner,
delegation. Speaker Thura U Shwe
The delegation held Mann met with national
talks with Ms Mayan Street, races of Myanmar and some
Chairperson of the Regula- organizations in Australia
tion Review Committee of and discussed latest devel-
New Zealand parliament, opment of Myanmar and
visited the parliament and duties, responsibilities and
Speaker of Pyithu Hluttaw Thura U Shwe Mann poses for documentary photo together with Speaker of
held talks with Mr Phil Goff, undertakings of Hluttaw.
House of Representatives of New Zealand Mr David Carter.—mna Opposition Spokesperson Speaker Thura U Shaw
Nay Pyi Taw, 30 ful political reforms in times when New Zealand and recommendations from on Foreign Affairs and Mr Mann and wife Daw Khin
March—Speaker of Pyithu Myanmar, promising to people complain their voices New Zealand, calling them Nathan Guy, Minister of Lay Thet and party arrived
Hluttaw Thura U Shwe closely support and share are gone “unheard” by the being crucial for Myanmar Primary Industries, on 27 back here by air this evening.
Mann paid a call on Speaker democratic experience to parliament. So, ombuds- democratization process. March. They were welcomed
of House of Representatives Myanmar. men are established to take He invited the New Zealand The Myanmar delega- back at Yangon International
of New Zealand Mr David He reckons that Myan- care of public complaints, Speaker to visit Myanmar tion attended a Maori Pow- Airport by Deputy Speaker
Carter at Parliament Build- mar parliament has started thereby forging the founda- bicameral parliament. He hiri welcoming ceremony at of Pyithu Hluttaw U Nanda
ings in New Zealand on 27 to gain public trust. Though tion of democracy added the believes that cooperation Museum Marae on 26 March Kyaw Swa and wife, Yan-
March. the New Zealand Parliament Speaker. between the two parlia- in Wallington. gon Region Chief Minister
The New Zealand is always listening to peo- The Pyithu Hluttaw ments would contribute to They also visited Te U Myint Swe and wife,
Speaker congratulated the ple’s voices, said the New Speaker asked for sup- friendship and cooperation Papa Museum, Ombudsman Speaker of Yangon
Myanmar Speaker for fruit- Zealand Speaker, there are port, experience-sharing between two governments Office, Ministry of Justice (See page 8)

Republic of the Union of Myanmar (g) Maj-Gen Zaw Win Member

President Office Deputy Minister
Ministry of Border Affairs
Notification No. 34/2013 (h) U Ye Htut Member
4 Waning of Tabaung 1374 ME
th Deputy Minister
Ministry of Information
30 March, 2013 (i) U Phone Swe Member
Formation of Central Management Committee for Deputy Minister
Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement
Emergency Period (j) Brig-Gen Kyaw Kyaw Tun Secretary
1. To control and handle the current rioting, the Central Management Committee Chief of Myanmar Police Force
for Emergency Period is formed with following personnel. Deputy Minister
(a) Lt-Gen Ko Ko Chairman Ministry of Home Affairs
Union Minister 2. The tasks of the Central Management Committee for Emergency Period are as
Ministry of Home Affairs follows:
(b) U Aung Min Vice-Chairman (a) to ensure effective cooperation between the security forces of the government;
Union Minister (b) to join hands with regional governments in making swift response if riots
Ministry of President Office (4) occur;
(c) U Ohn Myint Member (c) to carry out effective preparedness not to occur sectarian and religious riots
Union Minister again;
Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries (d) to be able to prevent instigation across the country, to expose main
(d) U Khin Yi Member instigators of riots and to take action against them;
Union Minister (e) to form township, ward, village guards for the people-centered police
Ministry of Immigration and Population system in cooperation with Myanmar Police Force and
(e) U Win Myint Member (f) to coordinate the tasks with the help of civil societies.
Union Minister 3. Region and state governments are also to form similar committees.
Ministry of Commerce
(f) Commodore Aung Thaw Member Sd/ Thein Sein
Deputy Minister President
Ministry of Defence Republic of the Union of Myanmar
2 Sunday, 31 March, 2013 New Light of Myanmar
local news
New three-storey building for Bago Loaded
University truck
B ago , 30 March —
The opening of a new
Union Minister for
Kyaw Oo formally opened
the new building, and Bago
three-storey building
(Ottha Building) for Bago
Education Dr Mya Aye,
Deputy Minister Dr Ba
Region Chief Minister U
Nyan Win unveiled the
on Yangon-
University took place at
the university, here, on 25
Shwe and Bago Region
Social Affairs Minister Dr
signboard of the new three-
storey building.—Kyemon
Yedashe, 30 March —A
22-wheeled truck loaded
with 17000 paper boxes each
of which includes 24 one-
liter engine oil containers
plunged down the roadside
after crashing into a bridge at
a turn on Yangon-Mandalay
Union Highway near Myohla
in Yedashe Township at
about 12.15 am on 25 March.
The loaded truck
driven by Kyaw Lin, 23,
Mandalay-Yangon passenger down-train of Hlinethaya Township
overturned due to its heavy
derails near Toungoo load after hitting the left
rail of Bridge No (209/2)
T oungoo , 30 March derailed as its passenger members took necessary while making a turn on the
— A railroad accident coach (BDTEZ 12546) measures and the express road. Goods onboard the
happened to No (12) behind the locomotive (D. F train resumed its services truck fell onto the ground
passenger down-train at an 1315) left the track, causing with the help of another underneath the bridge. The
intersection of the railroad a six-hour long delay. locomotive and headed driver and a truck conductor
with a motorway between As soon as the train towards Yangon. Necessary escaped unhurt. Myohla
mile post Nos (166/4) derailment occurred, investigation into the police station filed a lawsuit
and (166/5) near Toungoo officials of Myanmar derailment is ongoing. against them. — Kyemon
railway station at about 6
am on 26 March.
Railways and railway police Kyemon
Implementation of Regional
The Mandalay-Yangon Electrical overload cause fire in Mandalay development tasks in Naga
express train driven by U
Zaw Maung Maung Oo Self-Administered Zone
Nay Pyi Taw, 30 March Karhlan-Kyuyam earth
Man detained — The leading committee road, building of earth,
in possession of Naga Self-Administered
Zone carried out regional
gravel and tarred roads and
bridges and water supply
of stimulant development undertakings
in Lahe Township of the zone
task in Leshe, Lahe and
Nangyun Townships and
tablets under the supervision of availability of electricity
Rural Region Development through solar power for 20
Yangon, 30 March — Department of the Ministry housings and 600 houses
A man was arrested with of Border Affairs. was implemented, meeting
stimulant tablets near a bus- During 2012-2013 set standards for the long-
stop on Kyaikkhauk Pagoda fiscal year, construction term benefit of local people
road in Aungchantha ward of of Laungnauk-Lokkon in the zone.
Thanlyan Township at about gravel road and Naungpon- MNA
10.30 pm on 26 March.
A patrol police led by Photo shows a car accident in which a Hilux
Police Sub-inspector Aung hit a roadside tree near the main gate of
Naing seized eight stimulant Hmawby Airbase on Yangon-Pyay road at
tablets worth K 40000 inside Mandalay, 30 March fire. house of Daw Myint Myint
— A fire accident happened The fire sparked by Mar and spread other houses, about 12.15 pm on 27 March. The driver was
a small metal container from
Ye Lin Tun, 27, of Warso to a house at sector No (292) electrical overload of a wall reducing them to ashes. charged with reckless driving by the police
ward in Dawbon Township in Nannaungmyin ward of socket used for TV, DVD Loss of property in station concerned. —Kyemon
while the patrol police was Mahaaungmye Township player and refrigerator. It the fire amounted to K
conducting a search of him of Mandalay at about 2 pm caused a short circuit, setting 3,058,700. The house owner
as his behavior made them on 28 March. Seven houses fire to the bamboo wall. The was charged with reckless
suspicious. were burnt to ground in the fire swept through the whole use of electricity. — Kyemon
The police also
confiscated K 65550
Motorcyclist dies after crashing into brick block
and others including his Mawlamyine, 30 March motorbike driven by Maung way to Mawlamyine General
citizenship scrutiny card, a — A motorcyclist died after Ah Pa Laing of Kyun village Hospital. Eyewitnesses said
handset and two capsules. crashing into a brick block in in the township skidded that the crash was due to
Thanlyan Township police front of Kada village police out of control and hit the excessive speed.
station filed a lawsuit against outpost in Kyaikmayaw brick block that supports a Kyaikmayaw police
him and investigation is Township of Mon State at signboard. He had suffered station opened a case about
ongoing. about 6.45 am on 18 March. serious injuries and was the fatal road accident.
Kyemon An unlicensed pronounced dead on the Kyemon
New Light of Myanmar Sunday, 31 March, 2013 3

No end to Italy deadlock Obama touts infrastructure in
despite President’s efforts Florida trip focused on economy
Rome, 30 March— any of them. Miami, 30 March— The idea is to pull in private-
Italy remained in political Bersani won the largest President Barack Obama sector funding and pick
deadlock on Friday after share of the vote in the walked into the mouth of projects based on merit. He
a new round of talks led election but fell short of a a giant tunnel in Miami on would also create “America
by President Giorgio majority in parliament. Friday to highlight proposals Fast Forward Bonds” that
Napolitano failed to break The third biggest to boost investment in would help state and local
the stalemate created by force, Beppe Grillo’s US infrastructure, a governments attract money
elections last month that populist 5-Star Movement, move designed to show a for infrastructure projects.
left no group able to form a which holds the balance leader still focused on the These would be direct
government alone. of power, on Friday economy in the midst of subsidy bonds in which
Italy’s former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi broader policy battles in the issuer would receive a
Napolitano, 87, con- again rejected backing a
(C) speaks to reporters after a meeting with Italian Washington. 28 percent subsidy of the
ducted a swift round of talks Bersani government or any
President Giorgio Napolitano at Quirinale Palace in Obama’s tour of the borrowing cost as a way
with the three main forces in administration not led by
Rome on 29 March, 2013.—Reuters Port of Miami tunnel of attracting a wider set of
parliament on Friday after the them.
failure of a week of efforts by The centre-left in turn Bersani’s Deputy, the one led by outgoing project and a subsequent investors.
centre-left leader Pier Luigi reiterated that it would Enrico Letta, said after Prime Minister Mario speech were aimed at In addition, Obama
Bersani to win support for a not enter a coalition with meeting Napolitano that a Monti, whom they both convincing members of would add $4 billion to
new government. Berlusconi, which the coalition with Berlusconi’s blame for pushing Italy into the US Congress to back support two programmes
But all the parties 76-year-old billionaire centre-right, “would not be recession. proposals that would that are used to provide
remained in the same media magnate said after the choice of change the This had been seen as a leverage taxpayer dollars grants for infrastructure
entrenched positions they his talks with Napolitano country has asked for.” possible alternative way to into funds to rebuild projects like the Miami
have occupied since the 24- was the only way out of the Berlusconi and 5-Star give Italy the government
25 February election, with crisis short of a snap new both ruled out backing a it needs to address a deep
no sign of movement from election. technocrat government like economic crisis.—Reuters

Putin promotes Russian People’s Front as new power base

ruling party. heartland city of Rostov-
At an event that mixed on-Don — ranging from
echoes of Soviet Communist curbs on severance pay for
Party congresses with the corporate bosses to better
atmospherics of a US talk care for orphans, to higher
show, Putin said he planned standards for teaching
to raise the Front’s status Russian history in schools.
by making it a “public “We will meet
movement” and holding a regularly ... so that what we US President Barack Obama delivers remarks on
formal founding congress promised our citizens is not infrastructure investment at PortMiami in Miami,
in June. forgotten,” Putin said. Florida, on 29 March, 2013.—Reuters
He first set up the Front Sitting in the front row
two years ago to broaden flanked by activists, he called American roads, bridges tunnel.
the appeal of his ruling for uniforms at state schools and other infrastructure. It is unclear how far
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin (L) attends a United Russia party after and for a post-Soviet version “My main message is, the proposals will go in
conference held by the All-Russian People’s Front regional elections showed of the honourary title Hero of let’s get this done,” he said. Congress. Republicans are
group in the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don its influence waning. Since Socialist Labour. He made “Let’s rebuild this country reluctant to support what
on 29 March, 2013.—Reuters then, United Russia’s good on the latter promise that we love.” they consider government
R o s t o v - O n - D o n , a loyal support group reputation has taken further by creating the title Hero Obama, as he has in stimulus spending after a
(Russia) 30 March— called the People’s Front, blows. At Friday’s event, of Labour of the Russian the past, said he wanted much criticized $787 billion
Russian President Vladimir suggesting he may promote Putin made a series of Federation in a decree signed to develop a national stimulus plan that Obama
Putin staged a televised it as an alternative power populist pledges to loyalists shortly after the meeting. infrastructure bank and managed to push through
meeting on Friday with base to his scandal-plagued assembled in the southern Reuters capitalize it with $10 billion. Congress in 2009.—Reuters

Japan, US “energetically” Rebels’ rising mortar attacks

discussing return of five against Syrian capital reflect
Okinawa facilities eagerness for civil disobedience
Tokyo, 30 March— negotiations.” Damascus, 30 March— A day earlier, the
Prime Minister Shinzo Meanwhile, several After several unsuccessful faculty of architecture
Abe said on Saturday bilateral sources said attempts to storm the Syrian engineering in Damascus
that Japan and the United on Saturday the two capital Damascus or at least University was hit with
States “are energetically governments are planning to paralyze the daily life twin mortars that killed
negotiating” the return to to stipulate that the US in the busy city, rebels in more than 15 students and
Japanese control of the five Marine Corps’ Futenma air Syria have seemingly opted injured 20 others.
facilities and areas leased station in Okinawa should People clean up the explosion site in Mumbai, India, to escalate their mortar Syria’s Special Judicial
to the US military south of be returned to Japanese on 29 March, 2013. At least five people were killed and attacks on several parts of Investigation Committee
the US Kadena Air Base in control over the next nine three others sustained injuries in an explosion at a the city to push the people ordered on Friday the
Okinawa Prefecture. years. small-scale industrial unit in Mumbai on Friday, toward a compulsory civil judicial police to accelerate
The two countries are Kyodo News a senior police official said.—Xinhua disobedience. the investigation regarding
vigorously engaging in the Mortar shells have the “criminal acts” against
talks over the plan for the Afghan, ISAF forces detain two Taleban increasingly hit government Syrian citizens, including
return “so we could agree institutions, schools and the university incident.
on it, including its concrete including local leader residential buildings alike, Quoted by Syria’s state-
schedule,” Abe told Kabul, 30 March— a statement of the alliance the name of the arrested local terrifying people, killing run news agency SANA,
reporters at Haneda Airport Afghan and NATO-led released here said. leader, the statement stressed many while forcing most Judge Ahmad Zaher al-Bakri
in Tokyo before leaving for International Security “During an operation that the leader “is believed to of Damascenes to stay said that the committee asked
Mongolia. Assistance Force (ISAF) on in Nahr-e Saraj District of exercise operational control indoors. the judicial police to expand
He declined to Friday arrested two Taleban Helmand today, an Afghan over multiple insurgent On Friday, one the investigation regarding
elaborate, however, on elements including a senior and coalition security force cells throughout Helmand person was killed and firing mortar shells at the
whether the two countries local leader in Taleban arrested a senior Taleban Province, committing others wounded when two Architecture Faculty to reach
could specify the timeframe former stronghold Helmand leader and detained one other multiple attacks against mortars slammed southern any information that help
for the return, saying, Province, 555 km south insurgent,” the statement Afghan and coalition forces.” Damascus’ suburb of identify the terrorists.
“All issues are now under of Afghan capital Kabul, added. Without identifying Xinhua Jaramana. Xinhua
4 Sunday, 31 March, 2013 New Light of Myanmar
S c ie nc e & Te ch no l o g y
Russian spaceship makes shortest
journey to dock with ISS
Moscow, 30 March— Moscow time on Friday shortcut option was used only
Russian spaceship Soyuz (2043 GMT Thursday). The for missions of unmanned
TMA-08M has docked at the spacecraft docked a Russian cargo ships before.
International Space Station Poisk module of the ISS at The crew of Russian
(ISS) within six hours, 06:28 Moscow time (0228 Pavel Vinogradov, Alexander
the fastest ever journey GMT), Roscosmos said. Misurkin and American
to the orbiting laboratory, The Soyuz made the Christopher Cassidy are
the Russian space agency journey under a six-hour expected to spend the next
Roscosmos said on Friday. “beeline” scheme after five months aboard the station
The Soyuz-FG rocket, orbiting the Earth four times after joining incumbent crew
carrying the Soyuz TMA-08M instead of the usual 30 times. Canadian Chris Hadfield,
spaceship, was launched This was the first time Russian Roman Romanenko
from the Baikonur space that such scheme was used for and American Thomas
centre in Kazakhstan at 00:43 a manned space flight as the Mashburn.—Xinhua

Chinese scientists unlock key genetic code of wheat

Beijing, 30 March— study of wheat evolution, of California, Davis. around the world to increase
Scientists from China and domestication and genetic Bread wheat (Triti- the crop’s yield and quality
the United States have improvement. cum aestivum) is one of by boosting genetic diver-
mapped a key genetic code The research, launched the most widely cultivated sity and resistance to cold,
for bread wheat, a discov- by a team from the Institute and consumed food crops drought and disease.
ery that will help improve of Genetics and Develop- in the world. It feeds about However, the extremely
the crop’s productivity and ment Biology under the 40 percent of the world’s large size and polyploid com-
ability to withstand extreme Chinese Academy of Sci- population and provides 20 plexity of the wheat genome
conditions. ences (CAS), was conduct- percent of a human’s daily have so far posed substantial
The sequencing and ed by Shenzhen-based BGI, recommended amounts of barriers for researchers to
drafting of the A genome, a leading genomics organi- calories and protein. Ma- gain insight into its biology
A man walks past an MTS shop in St Petersburg one of the three basic ge- zation, and the University jor efforts are underway and evolution.—Xinhua
on 18 March, 2013.—Reuters nomes of wheat, was pub-
Russia’s MTS acquires lished on the website of the
journal Nature on Monday.
China to build two more Antarctic research
stake in parent’s bank Researchers present the
generation, assembly and
stations by 2015
Moscow, 30 March— Bank and their majority analysis of a whole-genome
Russia’s top mobile phone shareholder Sistema that shotgun draft sequence B eijing , 30 March— be set up between the Victoria Land in Antarctica
operator MTS said on Friday were announced in October of the genome of wheat T China is planning to build existing Zhongshan and by 2015. The station will
it has acquired a 25.1 percent 2012. urartu, the donor of the A two new research stations Kunlun Stations to provide allow researchers to carry
stake in MTS Bank for MTS now owns around genome. in Antarctica by 2015 and replenishment and other out multi-disciplinary
5.1 billion roubles ($164 27 percent of MTS Bank, The identification of site inspections are already logistical support, the SOA research on bio-ecology and
million) by buying additional Sistema has a 65.3 percent around 38,000 wheat genes being conducted by an said. satellite remote sensing,
shares issued by the bank. stake, while the balance is expected to help provide expedition team, the State The station will be according to the SOA.
The deal was concluded of shares is held by other a valuable resource for ac- Oceanic Administration used to study geology, China’s three existing
in accordance with the minority shareholders, MTS celerating deeper genomic (SOA) said on Thursday. glaciers, geomagnetism Antarctic research stations
terms of an indicative said in a statement. breeding studies and offer A summer station and atmospheric science are the Great Wall,
offer between MTS, MTS Reuters a new foundation for the that can be used from in Antarctica. A perennial Zhongshan and Kunlun
December to March will station will also be built in stations.—Xinhua
Chinese regulator calls for tighter Solar plane to set out to cross US in early May
supervision of Apple M ountain V iew , 30 2003 with a 10-year budget the cramped conditions of the
March—The first crossing of of 90 million euros ($112 cockpit in the Solar Impulse.
S a n F r a n c i s c o , 30 the United States by a solar- million) and has involved “That’s a bad economy
March—Apple Inc has powered plane is expected to engineers from Swiss lift seat —you would not fly on
come under criticism from start in just over a month, its maker Schindler and research this airline,” he joked. “The
a Chinese marketplace creators said on Thursday, as aid from Belgian chemicals next one should be good
regulator, which called for they make final preparations group Solvay — backers who business class.”
stronger supervision of the for an attempt two years from want to test new materials While the current plane
iPhone-maker’s consumer now at the first round-the- and technologies while also was set up for 24-hour flights,
policies within the country, world flight without any fuel. gaining brand recognition. the next one would have
according to state-run media. Swiss pilot Bertrand Unveiling the current to allow for up to five days
On Thursday, the official Piccard and project co-founder plane at a news conference at and five nights of flying by
China National Radio cited and pilot Andre Borschberg, Moffett Field on San Francisco one pilot—a feat never yet
a Thursday notice from the whose Solar Impulse made Bay, Borschberg highlighted accomplished.—Reuters
State Administration for its first intercontinental flight
Industry and Commerce A visitor tries an iPhone at an Apple store in Beijing on from Spain to Morocco last
that urged authorities to 28 March, 2013.—Reuters June, aim for their plane
protect consumers’ rights to take off from near San
in accordance with the law. on 15 March by state-run attacking Apple for its Francisco in early May and
According to CNR’s website China Central Television “unparalleled arrogance”. land at New York’s John F
report, the notice mentions in an annual corporate An Apple spokesman said the Kennedy Airport about two
Apple but stops short of malpractice expose. Other company would not discuss months later.
specifying what exactly media outlets have since regulatory matters. Apple’s With the wingspan of a
they need to go after and taken up the baton, focusing popularity has helped offset jumbo jet and weighing the
how to do so. The notice, on the company’s warranty some of the state-run attacks, same as a small car, the Solar
CNR said, was in response policy on Mac laptops, which has incited strong Impulse is just a test model
to widespread reports since which critics say is shorter push-back from many Chinese for the team as they build a
15 March on how Apple’s than in other countries. The Internet users for what they see new aircraft they hope will
after-sales service had hurt Communist Party mouthpiece, as unfair treatment doled out circumnavigate the globe A man walks below a wing on the Solar Impulse at
Chinese consumers. the People’s Daily, ran an to the iPhone maker. in 2015. Moffett Field in Mountain View, California
Apple was singled out editorial on Wednesday Reuters The project began in on 28 March, 2013.—Reuters
New Light of Myanmar Sunday, 31 March, 2013 5

Big depositors in Cyprus to Prescription drugs cost least at Costco and most at CVS
lose far more than feared L A , 30 “Especially for the as a way to get consumers the United States to get
os ngeles
March—Some of the independent pharmacies, through the door with the retail prices, without using
most popular prescription if they want to retain your expectation that they’ll buy insurance, on a month’s
drugs that recently became business and loyalty, they other things,” Gill added. supply of five blockbuster
available in generic form will help you get the best Victor Curtis, senior drugs that have recently
are sold at the lowest prices price,” Lisa Gill, an editor vice president of pharmacy become available as generics.
at Costco and at the highest at Consumer Reports, said. for Costco, said the retailer The drugs were diabetes
prices at CVS Caremark, One reason for the wild does not sell below costs drug Actos (pioglitazone);
according to an analysis by cost fluctuations may be that and that its pharmacy is antidepressant Lexapro
Consumer Reports. different types of stores have a contributor to Costco’s (escitalopram); cholesterol
Failing to comparison different business incentives, overall profitability. fighter Lipitor (atorvastatin);
shop for drugs—such as she said. Consumer Reports blood thinner Plavix
generic Lipitor to lower “It really comes down conducted its analysis by (clopidogrel); and asthma
cholesterol or generic Plavix to a store’s business model. using “secret shoppers” drug Singulair (montelukast).
to thin the blood—could For example, big box stores who called more than 200 There was a difference
Depositors wait to enter a branch of Laiki Bank result in overpaying by tend to use their pharmacies pharmacies throughout of $749 between the highest
in Nicosia on 29 March, 2013.—Reuters $100 a month or even more, and lowest priced stores.
Nicosia, 30 March— shares in the bank worth depending on the drug, the For example, one
Big depositors in Cyprus’s 37.5 percent of their depos- report said. month’s supply of generic
largest bank stand to lose its over 100,000 euros, the The article will be Lipitor costs $17 at Costco,
far more than initially source told Reuters, while available in the May issue Consumer Reports’ secret
feared under a European the rest of their deposits of Consumer Reports. shoppers found. The same
Union rescue package to may never be paid back. Consumers may drug cost $150 at CVS. Rite
save the island from bank- The toughening of the find good deals at local Aid and Target had similarly
ruptcy, a source with direct terms will send a clear sig- independent pharmacies, high prices.
knowledge of the terms said nal that the bailout means the Consumer Reports said. Consumer reports
on Friday. end of Cyprus as a hub for One of the big takeaway recommends getting refills
Under conditions ex- offshore finance and could messages from the analysis for 90 days instead of 30
pected to be announced accelerate economic decline is that the customer must ask Shoppers push a trolley outside a Costco Wholesale days, as most pharmacies
on Saturday, depositors in on the island and bring steep- the pharmacist for the best store in Los Angeles, California on 6 March, 2013. offer discounts on a 3 months’
Bank of Cyprus will get er job losses.—Reuters price, the publication said. Reuters supply.—Reuters

Quarter of US firms in China face data theft: business lobby China

Beijing, 30 March—A Washington and Beijing. survey was conducted among
Merchants Bank
quarter of firms that are US Representative Dutch 325 members across China 2012 net profits
members of a leading US Ruppersberger said last late last year, before the
business lobby in China have month American companies release of Mandiant’s report. rise 25 pct
been victims of data theft, suffered estimated losses Only 10 percent of Beijing , 30 March—
a report by the group said in 2012 of more than $300 companies in the survey China Merchants Bank, the
on Friday, amid growing billion due to trade secret said they would use China- country’s fifth largest bank
vitriol between Beijing and theft, much of it the result based cloud computing by market value, said on
Washington over the threat of Chinese hacking. services, with most citing Thursday that its net profits
of cyber attacks. China says the cyber security concerns as increased 25.31 percent year
Twenty-six percent of accusations lack proof and a reason. Blocked Internet on year to 45.27 billion yuan
members who responded that it is also a victim of searches in China had (7.22 billion US dollars) in
to an annual survey said hacking attacks, more than impeded business for 62 2012. The company’s net
their proprietary data or half of which originate from percent of respondents. interest income gained 15.81
trade secrets had been The National Information Security Engineering Centre, a the United States. US officials have pressed
building commissioned by the People’s Liberation Army’s percent from one year earlier
compromised or stolen Foreign Ministry China to address Internet to 88.37 billion yuan, while
from their China operations, Cyber Unit, is seen at the Zhangjiang High Technology spokesman Hong Lei called attacks and cyber spying
Park, on the outskirts of Shanghai on 16 March, 2013. revenues from other sources
the American Chamber of the survey a “completely against American companies. rose 25.91 percent to 24.99
Commerce in China report Faculty members at a top Chinese university have irresponsible action”. US President Barack Obama
collaborated for years on technical research papers with billion yuan, the bank said
said. “We hope the relevant raised hacking concerns in in a statement filed to the
“This poses a substantial a People’s Liberation Army (PLA) unit accused of being side doesn’t politicize a phone call with Chinese
at the heart of China’s alleged cyber-war against Western Shanghai Stock Exchange.
obstacle for business in China, financial and trade problems, President Xi Jinping earlier in The value of the lender’s
especially when considered commercial targets.—Reuters does not exaggerate the so- March. A recent assessment total assets amounted to 3.41
alongside the concerns over said. A UScomputer security hacking attacks that targeted called issue of online leaks by US intelligence leaders trillion yuan, an increase of
IPR (intellectual property company, Mandiant, said the United States and stole and does more conducive said for the first time cyber 21.94 percent from a year
rights) enforcement and de in February a secretive data from more than 100 things for China and the attacks and cyber espionage earlier. Its non-performing
facto technology transfer Chinese military unit was companies. That set off United States,” Hong told had supplanted terrorism as the loan ratio went up 0.05
requirements,” the Chamber likely behind a series of a war of words between reporters. The Chamber’s nation’s top threat.—Reuters percentage points to 0.61

Consumer data support sturdy Michael Dell spoke with percent as of the end of 2012,
while its capital adequacy

first-quarter growth picture Blackstone during “go-shop” ratio came in at 12.14

percent, 0.61 percentage
New York, 30 March— the company, the person said points higher from 2011,
Washington, 30 known as the “sequester.” Though part of the Dell Inc founder and CEO on condition of anonymity the statement said.—Xinhua
March—Consumer spending “The economy is in a increase in spending, which Michael Dell met with private because the information is not
rose in February and sentiment good place now in terms of accounts for about 70 percent equity firms Blackstone Group yet public.
among Americans perked up momentum and strength, of US economic activity, was LP and Francisco Partners Michael Dell also met
this month, further signs of and it will need it as the because of higher gasoline during the computer maker’s this week with Blackstone
an acceleration in economic government spending cuts prices, Americans also “go-shop” period, a person senior managing directors Michael Dell arrives at the
activity in the first quarter after will take something off growth bought long-lasting goods familiar with the matter said on Dave Johnson and Chinh launch event of Windows
a near stall late last year. The as the year progresses,” said such as automobiles and Friday. The meetings, which Chu, although the outcome 8 operating system in New
data on Friday also showed a Chris Rupkey, chief financial spent more on services. Gas took place on 7 and 8 March, of these discussions has yet York, on 25 Oct, 2012.
rebound in income growth, economist at Bank of Tokyo- prices at the pump increased will be disclosed in Dell’s to become clear, the person Reuters
putting the economy in a better Mitsubishi UFJ in New York. 35 cents a gallon last month. proxy statement on Friday and added. Blackstone and Dell Dell explored alternatives
shape to deal with tighter fiscal Consumer spending increased After adjusting for inflation, indicate Blackstone explored did not immediately respond to Michael Dell’s and Silver
policy, particularly $85 billion 0.7 percent last month after a spending was up 0.3 percent early on the possibility of to requests for comment. Lake’s $24.4 billion offer for
in across-the-board federal 0.4 percent rise in January, the after advancing by the same keeping Michael Dell as During a 45-day go-shop the world’s number-three PC
government spending cuts, Commerce Department said. margin in January.—Reuters CEO in a bid to take over period that expired last week, maker.—Reuters
6 Sunday, 31 March, 2013 New Light of Myanmar
New York to resume search Bombs at five Iraqi Shi’ite mosques kill 19
for remains from 11 Baghdad, 30 March—
Car bombs hit five Shi’ite
sion. Glass scattered every-
where and the roof partially
insurgents are regrouping
in the deserts of western
sary of the US invasion.
Sunni Islamists see
September attacks mosques in Baghdad and
the northern Iraqi City of
collapsed,” said Moham-
med, a victim wounded in
Iraq, invigorated by the war
Sunni rebels are waging in
Prime Minister Nuri al-Ma-
liki’s Shi’ite-led govern-
New York, 30 March of the dead, who said they Kirkuk just after prayers on the Kirkuk blast, his shirt Syria over the border. ment as oppressors of the
—New York City plans to could not properly grieve. Friday, killing 19 worship- still covered in blood. Al-Qaeda in Iraq country’s Sunni minority
start sifting through earth The city widened its search pers and injuring another Police and health of- claimed responsibility for and are targeting Shi’ites to
and debris recovered from again in 2006. 130. Ten years after the ficials said the attacks in a wave of bombings and try to trigger the kind of in-
the World Trade Centre site The next search will US invasion that toppled Baghdad killed 16. Three suicide attacks earlier this ter-communal mayhem that
on Monday to look for the comb through 590 cubic Saddam Hussein, Iraq is more died in Kirkuk, where month that killed around 60 killed thousands in 2006-7.
remains of victims from the yards (451 cubic metres) still grappling with political the blast left a jumble of people on the 10th anniver- Reuters
attacks of 11 September, of excavated material taken turmoil and Sunni Islamist concrete wreckage in the
2001, officials said on Fri- from and near the World insurgents linked to al Qae- mosque and on the street
day. Trade Centre site, said da, who are stepping up at- outside.
The city’s Office of the Caswell Holloway, deputy tacks on Shi’ite targets and Attacks in Iraq are still
Chief Medical Examiner on mayor for operations, in a security forces. less common than during
Friday advised families of memo to Mayor Michael Friday’s blasts hit the Sunni-Shi’ite slaughter
the dead about the new sift- Bloomberg made public Shi’ite mosques in south- that erupted at the height
ing operation, the first since by the Medical Examiner’s east and north Baghdad of the last war, when insur-
2010, a spokeswoman said office. Much of the site while another tore the front gents bombed the Shi’ite
in a statement. The Medical known as Ground Zero is a off a mosque in Kirkuk, al-Askari shrine in Samarra
Examiner’s office has iden- construction zone for new an ethnically mixed city of in 2006, provoking a wave
tified remains of 1,634 peo- skyscrapers and a memorial Arabs, Kurds and Turkman of retaliation by Shi’ite mi-
ple out of 2,752 killed when where the twin towers once 170 km (100 miles) north of litias.
suicide hijackers crashed stood. the capital. Al-Qaeda’s local wing,
into the twin towers, leav- The building under “We were listening to Islamic State of Iraq, has Residents inspect a damaged vehicle at the site of a
ing more than 1,000 fami- construction known as One the cleric’s speech when we vowed to keep up attacks bomb attack in Kirkuk, 250 km (155 miles) north of
lies without any physical World Trade Centre has heard a very strong explo- and security officials say Baghdad, on 29 March, 2013.—Reuters
remains of those who died. surpassed the Empire State
After the initial clean- Building as the tallest in No solution in sight for Gaza’s severe water Turkish PM
up of the site, the city New York and, when com-
scaled back operations to pleted, would be the tallest crisis urges PKK
search for remains, draw- in the Western Hemisphere
ing criticism from families at 1,776 feet.—Reuters Gaza, 30 March—The may develop into a full- amount of salt and pollut- to lay down
Gaza Strip’s ongoing water scale humanitarian crisis ants in the water it contains.
crisis looks unlikely to be sooner than people expect. Monzer Shublaq, Director weapons
solved any time soon with Since Islamic Hamas General of the Gaza wa-
pollution affecting 95 per- movement took control of ters authority, told Xinhua before
cent of the aquifer in the the Gaza Strip in 2007, Is- that another factor behind
Palestinian coastal enclave, rael has been imposing a the water crisis is Israel’ s withdrawing
Palestinian and internation- blockade against the Pales- abuse of Gaza’s groundwa-
al experts said on Friday. tinian enclave. ter. Ankara, 30 March—
Husam Zaqout, the The embargo makes it Shublaq accused Israel Turkish Prime Minister Re-
Gaza-based expert of envi- difficult to build an efficient of establishing dozens of cep Tayyip Erdogan on Fri-
ronment, told a local work- water sanitation infrastruc- huge water pumps along its day called on the outlawed
shop marking the Interna- ture for the rapidly growing border with Gaza. He said Kurdish Workers’ Party
People walk by the World Trade Centre site before tional Water Day that the population. these pumps have taken (PKK) to lay down arms be-
ceremonies marking the 11th anniversary of the 11 groundwater in the Gaza “Water shortage in an excessive amount of fore withdrawing from Tur-
September, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Centre at Strip “is polluted to differ- Gaza climbed to 80 million groundwater from Gaza’s key. In an interview with pri-
Ground Zero in New York on 11 Sept, 2012. ent degrees by toxic organic cubic metres,” said Zaqout, aquifer, drawing in salty vate broadcaster CNN Turk,
Reuters and non-organic materials.” adding that the rocks in seawater and polluted water the Turkish Prime Minister
He warned that the wa- the aquifer are gradually to fill up the hole. urged PKK members to lay
Abe to meet with Mexican ter pollution and shortage eroding, giving rise to the Xinhua down arms so as to prevent
further confrontation, as “our
leader in Tokyo in early April Tanzanians dig for survivors after building security forces would not en-
gage with those who already
Tokyo, 30 March—
Japan and Mexico are ar-
cording to the sources.
The summit will be collapse laid down arms.”
According to Erdogan,
ranging a summit between Abe’s first face-to-face Dar Es Salaam, 30 Rescue workers said they economy has fuelled a con- around 1,500 to 2,000 PKK
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe contact with a leader of a March—A building under heard the voices of people struction boom, and Kari- militants still remain in Turk-
and President Enrique Pena country already involved in construction collapsed in trapped, possibly including akoo in particular has been ish territory.
Nieto in Tokyo on 8 April, the negotiations for the US- the centre of Tanzania’s boys who had been play- a focus for building. The The Turkish govern-
a meeting that would kick led free trade initiative— commercial capital Dar es ing soccer nearby when the speed of construction has ment has been holding peace
off in earnest Japan’s dip- known as the Trans-Pacific Salaam on Friday and res- building collapsed. Some raised concerns over stand- negotiations with Ocalan
lomatic campaign to join Partnership, or TPP—since cuers searched for survi- witnesses said construc- ards. since last October, with the
trans-Pacific free trade he formally announced Ja- vors under the rubble, with tion workers may also have Senior government of- aim of outlining a timetable
talks, government sources pan’s readiness to join the conflicting reports about the been trapped. ficials also gathered at the for the disarmament of PKK
said on Friday. talks on 15 March. number of dead. Tanzania’s buoyant scene.—Reuters militants and their withdraw-
Abe is expected to con- The upcoming meet- A senior police of- al from Turkish territory.
vey to his Mexican counter- ing will mark the start of ficer initially told reporters Last week, jailed PKK
part Japan’s readiness to join Japan’s diplomatic drive to 15 people were killed and leader Abdullah Ocalan
the negotiations that Mexico join the talks in July at the two people were pulled out called on his group to end
entered last year, and call for earliest, when countries in- alive. Hours later, the may- armed struggle and withdraw
cooperation as Japan seeks volved in the negotiations or for central Dar es Sa- militants from Turkish terri-
approval for its participation may hold a meeting. laam, Jerry Silaa, said two tory to northern Iraq where
from other countries already As part of the cam- people were killed and 17 the PKK members have
involved in the talks. paign, Foreign Minister survivors had been found. hideouts. The PKK, listed
During the meeting, Fumio Kishida is arranging The building, in the as a terrorist organization
Abe plans to express Japan’s a trip to Mexico and Peru, Kariakoo District, was at by Turkey, the United States
intention to secure excep- another country involved least 12 storeys high. Wit- and the European Union,
tions to tariff elimination for in the talks, during Japan’s nesses said some cars were An aerial view shows bystanders watching rescuers took up arms in 1984 in an
items such as rice and bar- Golden Week holidays be- crushed in the collapse and search for survivors amongst the rubble of a collapsed attempt to create an ethnic
ley, which are described by tween late April and early people were using their building in the Kariakoo District of central Dares homeland in southeastern
Tokyo as “sacrosanct,” ac- May.—Kyodo News hands to pull away masonry. Salaam on 29 March, 2013.—Reuters Turkey.—Xinhua
New Light of Myanmar Sunday, 31 March, 2013 7

MR upgrade Mohnyin, Rice and provisions donated to hill region
N a y P y i T a w , 30
March—Ministry of Border
Mogaung stations Affairs and Nay Pyi Taw monasteries
Council donated provisions
Mohnyin, 30 March— one feet thick platform to five monasteries from
Myanma Railways plans at Mohnyin State and hill region of eastern part of
to upgrade Mohnyin and decoration of roof and Pyinmana Township.
Mogaung stations in Kachin walls. On 16 March, the
State in 2012-2013 fiscal year At present, the platform donation ceremony was held
and Hopin Station in 2013- with measurement of 217 at Aungmingala Monastery
2014 fiscal year. feet long, 32 feet wide and in Thanmaye Village.
Engineer II U Win one foot and nine inches Member of Nay Pyi Taw
Myint and party of Myanma thick has been constructed Council Col Myint Aung
Railways are building 500 at Mogaung Station. Than and party took the Five
feet long, 30 feet wide and Myanma Alinn Precepts from hill region
Summer culture course missionary Sayadaw Maha
opened in Hline Bhaddanta Ñaninda of
H l i n e , 30 March— Chairman of Township Koetaphoneso Village.
J o in tly o r g an ized A ll Association Thiha They then donated
Myanmar Theravada Thudhamma Manijotadhara provisions and alms worth K
Buddhist Organization U Khin Hla, Secretary of 1 million to five monasteries.
and Border and Hill Township Association U Myanma Alinn
Region Sasana Nuggaha Hla Tun, ward administrator
Vocational training course Rice donated to nuns in
Association, Hline U Htin Kyaw Win and
Township Sasana Nuggaha course instructor Daw Khin commences in Myitkyina Mandalay
Association, Myittawady Thanda Oo formally opened Mandalay,30March— Thitayanthi and Thitsakami
Parahita Monastery and the course. Myitkyina, 30 March— with an address by Family The rice donation ceremony nunneries opened the
Ward 16 Sasana Nuggaha Vice-Chairperson Jointly organized by Organizing and Discipline was held at Shwedinga ceremony with recitation of
Association, the summer of District Association Vocational Training School Enforcement Committee Monastery on Upoktaw Namo Tassa.
culture course was opened at Thudhamma Theingi Daw of Myitkyina Township Daw Marlar Hsint. Principal Ward of Aungmyethazan The Chief Minister’s
the Myittawady Monastery Ohnma Lwin donated cash Social Welfare Department of the school Daw Khin Township on 18 March wife and wellwishers donated
on 20 March. to the fund of the course. and Myitkyina Airbase, the Ohn Myint explained the evening. rice and cash to nuns from
Vice-Chairman of Over 700 trainees vocational course No 1/2013 purpose of conducting the It was attended by three nunneries.
Region Sasana Nuggaha attended the course. was opened at the hall of course. Coach instructors Daw Myat Ngwe, wife of At the ceremony the
Association U Ye Aung, Myanma Alinn the airbase on 21 March, Daw Annie and Daw Khin Mandalay Region Chief donations amounted to K
Myint Kyi are providing
ATR-72 600 airplane introduced training to the trainees up
Minister U Ye Myint, region
ministers and wellwishers.
1,215,000 and rice worth K
to 9 April.—Myanma Alinn Nuns from Atulawady, Myanma Alinn
Padaung disseminates public-centred health
Padaung, 30 March— Padaung Township on 13 and preventive measures.
Population Service March. Head of Township Population Service
International (Myanmar) Health Department Dr Thin International provided
and Township Health Thin Hlaing made a speech. health care services to
Department of the Ministry Coach instructors Dr 4207 malaria suspected
of Health jointly opened the Hein Ko Ko, Dr Win Htut persons and 477 malaria
public-centred health care and Dr Pyae Pyae Phyo patients from 2010 to 2013
Yangon, 30 March— Myint of Air KBZ Ltd replied to queries raised by anti-malaria course at the from PSI gave lectures on in Padaung Township.
Air KBZ introduced the explained matters related to media persons. hall of People’s Hospital in matters related to malaria Myanma Alinn
already bought new ATR
72-600 airplane was held
ATR 72-600 airplane.
Deputy Managing
Air KBZ was established
in 2010. ATR-72 600 can
Loans for members of market cooperative
at Parkroyal, here, on 21 Director U Khin Maung admit 69 passengers. The society
March. Myint, CEO U Okkar Tun newly-bought airplane runs
Deputy Managing and General Manager its schedules as of 31 March. H sipaw , 30 March— Development Supervisory Market Cooperative Society
Director U Khin Maung (Commercial) U Myat Thu Myanma Alinn Hsipaw Township Rural Committee held a Office on 20 March afternoon.
coordination meeting in Chairman of the
Pathein, 30 March— Farmers learn tractor driving, farming conjunction with the loan cooperative society U
Under the instruction of disbursement ceremony Aye Kyaw explained
Ayeyawady Region Chief equipment utilization in Pathein at the hall of Zaygyodaw development of the
Minister U Thein Aung and U Aye Maung Kyi of Pathein society and financial
under the supervision of District made a speech. tasks. Chairman of the
Head of Ayeyawady Region Head of District AMD U Supervisory Committee
Agriculture Mechanization Khin Aung Nyunt explained Township Administrator U
Department U Aung Myint the purpose of training Myo Tint Zaw reviewed the
and Head of District AMD course. reports.
U Khin Maung Myint, Kangyidaunt Township Next, the township
technicians of the department Administrator U Myint administrator, the chairman
conducted the farmers in Swe, Head of District of the society U Aye Kyaw
the operating of tractors Agriculture Mechanization and officials presented
and farming machinery Department U Sai Kyar Ohn loans to 10 members of the
control course at Basic and technicians conducted cooperative society.
Education Primary School the training to 62 farmers The cooperative
in Hsattwin Model Village from Pathein, Kangyidaunt, society constituted with
in Kangyidaunt Township Kyaunggon, Thabaung, 529 members of vendors is
of Ayeyawady Region on Kyonpyaw, Yekyi and operating its functions with
18 March. Ngaputaw townships. over K 150 million.
Deputy Commissioner Myanma Alinn Myanma Alinn
8 Sunday, 31 March, 2013 New Light of Myanmar
Sunday, 31 March, 2013
Invisible threat to us (friom page 1)
Region Hluttaw U Sein Tin
It is not entirely exaggerated that ozone Win and Deputy Speaker
depletion can aggravate the impact of UV U Tin Aung, officials of
radiation on human health ever further. The more Pyithu Hluttaw Committee
ozone layer becomes thinner, the greater people and Commissions.
get acute and chronic UV-related health effects The delegation
members Chairman of
on the skin, eye and immune system triggered
Pyithu Hluttaw Inter-
by overexposure to higher UV radiation level. national Relations
Although small amounts of UV are beneficial Committee U Hla Myint Oo,
to people and essential in the production of Chairman of Pyithu Hluttaw
vitamin D, excessive exposure to sunlight is Agriculture, Livestock and
widely accepted as a root cause of skin cancer Fisheries Development
as UV index which is up to 10-11 can be harmful Committee U Soe Naing
to the human skin. and officials also arrived
Speaker of Pyithu Hluttaw Thura U Shwe Mann and party visit Auditor-
Now daily temperature is about to reach General Office in New Zealand.—mna
its peak in April that is considered to be the
hottest month of the year in our country. Most Cash and kind donated for victims at relief camps
of Myanmar people have little awareness of the
risk of UV rays and they lack a wide knowledge in Meiktila
about health effects of UV radiation. According N a y P y i T a w , 30 At the ceremony,
to a well-known local meteorologist, Myanmar March—Cash and kind wellshers donated rice,
is brought face-to-face with the danger of donation ceremony for instant noodles, edible oil,
higher UV level as UV index is up to 9 in some victims in Meiktila took purified drinking water,
regions and states. Even in Yangon, UV index place at communications blankets, longyies worth K
staff quarters, Meiktila, 55,980,000 through Region
had reached 12.8 since one month ago and it is
this morning, attended by Chief Minister U Ye Myint
expected to increase more than 13. Alarm bells Mandalay Region Chief and Deputy Minister U
on skin cancer and permanent blindness begin Minister U Ye Myint, Deputy Phone Swe.
to sound to be cautious that a high UV index is Minister for Border Affairs The deputy minister for
very dangerous for our health. Statistics indicate Maj-Gen Zaw Win, Deputy border affairs and party visited
that worldwide annual deaths of about 66,000 Minister for Social Welfare, relief camps at No 1 BEHS
people and some 12 to 15 million who go blind Relief and Resettlement U and Magyigon monastery
annually are due to UV-related diseases like skin Phone Swe, officials and where they viewed health
wellwishers. and provisions of victims
cancers and cataracts. Deputy Minister Maj-Gen Zaw Win donates cash
Deputy Minister Maj- and donated K 1.7 million
It is time to heighten the public awareness of assistance to Chief Minister of Mandalay Region Gen Zaw Win clarified the to Magyigon Monastery
health hazards of UV radiation and to develop U Ye Myint.—mna purpose of donations. Sayadaw.—MNA
sun protection measures which is urgently needed
for Yangonites and dwellers of other cities and
towns. As sun’s UV rays are the strongest at
Press Release
noon and after noon, simple precautions to be Lists of banks, bank branches and exchange counters
adopted are shade, clothing and umbrellas or
hats which are best protection when you walk for FEC withdrawal programme
outside in the midday sun. If you are going to be
1. In accordance with the guidance of the Government and (r) 31 of Kanbawza Bank Ltd
out in the sun, it is required to protect yourself the Ministry of Finance and Revenue, the Central 2. Services and their name lists of those banks, branches
from too much exposure to the UV rays and to Bank of Myanmar is implementing the withdrawal and exchange counters are listed in the appendix.
adopt the following sun safety practices —limit of Foreign Exchange Certificates (FEC) to avoid (The appendix is available at the Central Bank of
exposure to direct sunlight during these hours, the losses of FEC holders. In doing so, FEC can be Myanmar’s Website and advertisement supplement
search for shade under the scorching heat, exchanged at the following bank, bank branches and of daily newspapers)
keeping the shadow rule in your mind: “Watch exchange counters across the country, totaling 357. 3. FEC can be also exchanged for kyat at the private
your shadow— short shadow, seek shade!”, wear (a) 282 branches of Myanma Economic Bank banks and the companies that do not include in the
tight woven, loose fitting clothing and sunglasses, (b) Myanma Foreign Trade Bank list of banks, branch banks and exchange counters
(c) two branches of Myanma Investment and described in the para (1).
and take cover under an umbrella or hat that
Commercial Bank 4. FEC withdrawal rate will be equivalent to USD
offer good sun protection. (d) two branches of Myanmar Citizens Bank Ltd exchange rate at every banks and counters.
(e) Cooperatives Bank Ltd 5. FEC holders can exchange their FEC at the above-
Latter Day Saint Charities (f) seven of Myanmar Oriental Bank (MOB) mentioned banks, branches and counters along
(g) Asian Green Development Bank with their documents (Citizenship Scrutiny Card or
donates wheelchairs (h) Yoma Bank Ltd Passport or Company Register) in line with bank
(i) seven of Small and Medium Industrial procedures.
Nay Pyi Taw, 30 Latter Day Saint Charities
Development Bank Ltd 6. For any inconvenience, can contact the following
March—Latter Day explained the purpose
(j) two of Ayeyawady Bank Ltd addresses.
Saint Charities of US of donation and handed
(k) Myanma Livestock and Fisheries Development Foreign Exchange Management Department of CBM
donated 95 wheelchairs over the documents
Bank Ltd Ph: 01-543136, 01-543532, 01-559278 and 01 8603748
and equipments for the related the wheelchairs
(l) First Private Bank Ltd Fax: 01-543532
disabled to Social Welfare and equipment through
(m) Tun Foundation Bank Ltd Email:
Department of Ministry the Director-General of
(n) seven of United Amara Bank Ltd 7. The above-mentioned facts are available at the Central
of Social Welfare, Relief Social Department. It is
(o) four of Inwa Bank Ltd Bank of Myanmar’s website:
and Resettlement at the sixth donation by Latter
(p) three of Myanma Apex Bank Ltd
department yesterday. Day Saint Charities.
(q) three of Myawady Bank Ltd FEC Withdrawal Supervisory Committee
Country director of MNA
New Light of Myanmar Sunday, 31 March, 2013 9

Union Attorney-General Interfaith meeting held to discuss peace and harmony
meets foreign guests of all communities
N a y P y i T a w , 30 and signing New York Yangon, 30 March—
March—Attorney-General Convention by Myanmar. Organized by National
of the Union Dr Tun Shin He also met Democracy Social and Economic
received delegation led and Governance Officer Mr Advisory Council to the
by Mr Go Hashimoto of Gerry Porta of USAID at the President and Myanmar
Nishimura & Asahi Law same venue this noon. They Peace Centre, an interfaith
Firm of Japan at his office discussed the role of the meeting took place at
yesterday. office and duties of region/ Myanmar Peace Centre
The meeting focused on state advocates-general. here this afternoon. It was
legal assistance in settling Member Mr Jacobs of participated by State Ovada
commercial disputes, aids USAID said they would Cariya Sayadaws, members
by Daiwa Security Group assist in drafting bills and of the President’s National
Companies to establish shared his experiences of Social and Economic
stock exchange, Japanese drafting bills. Advisory, personnel
investments in Myanmar MNA from political parties and

Committee for Implementing

Latpadaungtaung Copper Mine Project National Social and Economic Advisory Council of the President and
Report holds work coordination meeting Myanmar Peace Centre jointly hold an interfaith meeting.—mna
religious organizations, the C en tr e ex p lain ed th e message of Sitagu Sayadaw
chairman and members of purpose of the meeting and Dr Ashin Nannissara.
Myanmar Movie Asiayone Sayadaw Bhaddanta Gunika During the meeting,
and businessmen and Bhivamsa, Joint Secretary all participants discussed
personnel from community Sayadaw of State Sangha and gave suggestions for
associations. Before the Maha Nayaka Committee, peace and harmony of all
meeting, U Aung Naing delivered an address and Dr communities in Myanmar.
Oo of Myanmar Peace Ashin Paññasiha read out the MNA
New gravel road reduces travel time
in Pyu Township
P yu , 30 March— A 2065 ft long and 10 ft wide Pyu Township Development
newly opened road has linking Waegyi and Ohbo Affairs Department and was
saved the travel time villages in Pyu Township formally opened by Pyu
between two villages in and it was inaugurated on Township Administrator
Work coordination meeting of Committee for Implementing Latpadaungtaung
Pyu Township. 22 March as a gesture of U Than Aung and Pyu
Copper Mine Project Report in progress.—mna The gravel road was hailing the 68th Anniversary Township Development
Nay Pyi Taw, 30 Ministers and deputy leaders Chief of Myanmar Police Armed Forces Day. Affairs Department
and international standards.
March—The work submitted completion, Force Police Brig- The road was Executive Officer U Aung
So far, a total of 510
coordination meeting of the follow-up programme and Gen Kyaw Kyaw Tun constructed at a cost of Myint Htay.
farmers in villages of
Committee for Implementing difficulties. also discussed work 20,750,000 funded by the NLM
Latpadaungtaung copper
Latpadaungtaung Copper After that, Union programmes. After that, mine project area have
Mine Project Report took Ministers U Ohn Myint, Union Minister U Hla Tun been compensated K
place at the meeting hall of U Win Tun and Dr Myint highlighted transparency, 1637.9 million for their
Region Government Office Aung, and deputy minister dissemination of knowledge farmlands.—MNA
in Monywa, here, yesterday
noon, with an address Meiktila Central market re-opened
by Committee Chairman Nay Pyi Taw, 30 skies have dispersed with teashops and bazaars are
Union Minister at the March—Thanks to 24-hour locals back to normal life. also open now. In addition,
President Office U Hla Tun. security measures of security Meiktila Central transportation services
Union Minister U forces, Tatmadawmen and market was re-opened this have also resumed to the
Hla Tun said that the duty-conscious people, the morning. Likewise, stores, happiness of locals and
government has assigned clouds of fear over Meiktila shops, eateries, kiosks, travelers.—MNA
subcommittees to
implement investigation
report on Latpadaungtaung
copper mine project. For it, The opening ceremony of gravel road in progress
the government is providing
in Pyu Township.
necessary assistance to
respective ministries.
He urged officials to
educate local people and
have transparency. Officials 1. Yangon City Development Committee will collect
are to follow procedures tolls on using new Strand Road from vehicles which
for administration and the pass on it as from 1 April, 2013, at the following rate.
rule of law. It also needs to
(a) Vehicles which are 14 ft and under in length
seek the difficulties in the
regions, he added. K1500 rate
The Vice-Chairman (b) Trucks with vehicle weight 20 tons and above
Region Chief Minister K4000 rate
reported on committee’s 2. A vehicle will be charged at the above rate only one
undertakings, completion, time during 24 hrs from 6 am to 6 am the next day.
difficulties, peace
and stability and rural Yangon City Development Committee
development. Deputy
10 Sunday, 31 March, 2013 New Light of Myanmar
South Africa says Mandela makes progress, in good spirits British soldiers in Mali for
the Nobel Peace Prize lau- winning the country’s first military training
reate, hospitalized before all-race election in 1994.
midnight on Wednesday. A former lawyer, he is Bamako, 30 March— French general who is the
Global leaders sent their revered at home and abroad Dozens of British soldiers head of the European Union
best wishes. for leading the struggle are in Mali for the military Training Mission (EUTM),
President Jacob Zu- against white minority rule training of local troops, ac- said the training of the Ma-
ma’s government had al- —including spending 27 cording to the Presidency of lian soldiers by the EU in-
ready reported Mandela years in prison on Robben the war-torn West African structors will begin on 2
was responding well to Island—and then promot- country. April.
treatment, and Zuma had ing the cause of racial rec- The Presidency said EUTM hopes to con-
sought to reassure the na- onciliation. on Thursday 21 British sol- tribute to the improvement
tion, recalling that the re- In churches across diers arrived in Mali earlier of the military capacity of
vered statesman’s advanced South Africa, many includ- this week to join 40 others the Malian Armed Forces,
age meant he required fre- ed Mandela in their prayers from the Royal Marines and so that they are able to re-
quent medical checks. on Good Friday, one of the the Royal Artillery for the establish the country’s ter-
“President Nelson most important days in the training. ritorial integrity under the
Nelson Mandela sits beneath the window of his prison Mandela is in good spirits Christian calendar. The statement released control of the civilian au-
cell on Robben Island near Cape Town, and enjoyed a full breakfast At the Regina Mundi by the Presidency said 21 thorities.
on 28 Nov, 2003.—Reuters this morning,” Zuma’s of- Catholic Church in the soldiers from the Royal The training pro-
Soweto, (South Af- hospital for the third time in fice said in a statement. Soweto township outside Irish Regiment arrived in gramme which will last for
rica), 30 March—South four months for a lung in- “The doctors report Johannesburg where Man- Bamako on Tuesday under 15 months targets four bat-
African former President fection. that he is making steady dela once lived, church- the auspices of the Europe- talions and will bring to-
Nelson Mandela is in good The medical report was progress. He remains under goers lit candles for him. an Training Mission for the gether 200 instructors from
spirits and making progress, a relief to South Africans treatment and observation “He’s an icon today and we Malian Army (EUTM). 15 EU member states.
doctors said on Friday, who had been anxiously in hospital,” it added. Man- are free because of him,” Francois Lecointre, a Xinhua
after the 94-year-old anti- praying and waiting for dela became South Africa’s parishioner Oupa Radebe
apartheid hero was taken to an update on the health of first black President after said.—Reuters

Deforestation Seven killed in northern Mexican bar

in Brazil’s shooting
Amazon up Ciudad Juarez , 30
March—Seven people were
weapon involved, it is to be
assumed,” said spokesman
ing drugs into the United
killed when a gunman Carlos Gonzalez. In spite of a change
26 pct opened fire in the early The attack occurred in of government in Decem-
Rio de Janeiro, 30 hours of Friday in a bar in the city of Chihuahua, the ber and a new strategy that
March—The area of de- northern Mexico, which has capital of the state that is avoids direct confrontation
forestation in Brazil’s seen a resurgence in drug- also home to Ciudad Juarez, with the powerful cartels,
Amazon rain forest from related violence in recent considered one of the most violence in Mexico has
August 2012 to February weeks. violent cities in the world picked up in recent weeks Cherry trees blossom in downtown Vancouver,
2013 increased by 26.6 The man, armed with until recently. The attacker with fighting along the bor- Canada, on 29 March, 2013. Vancouver is home
percent year-on-year, an an AK-47 assault rifle, entered the bar with his face der, in the western state of to thousands of cherry trees that blossom mostly in
official institute said on killed four men who were covered by a bandana, said Michoacan and the tourist April.—Xinhua
Thursday. clients in the bar in Chihua- the spokesman. destination of Cancun.
According to the sat- hua state as well as three
women who worked there,
Chihuahua has seen
heavy fighting between
Nearly 3,200 people
have been killed in drug-
Hundreds of migrants
ellite detection system,
Deter, of the National said a spokesman for the
state attorney general’s of-
the local Juarez cartel and
the Sinaloa cartel, led by
related violence during the
first three months of Presi-
rescued off Italian coast
Space Research Institute
(INPE), 1,695 square km fice. “It has not been deter- Joaquin “Shorty” Guzman, dent Enrique Pena Nieto’s Rome, 30 March—Ital- tempts to reach the Italian
of forest —Sao Paulo, mined whether the attack who is seeking to control government, according to ian coastguards said on Fri- coast have picked up mas-
South America’s larg- is connected to drug traf- the city that is one of the Mexican government data. day they had intercepted sively,” the coastguard said
est city—were destroyed ficking, but by the type of main routes for traffick- Reuters almost 700 mostly African in a statement. A 15-metre
in the six-month period, Firefighters try to put migrants trying to get to the long rubber boat carrying
compared with the 1,339 out the fire after an country on board 10 flimsy 98 people from sub-Saha-
square km destroyed dur- oil tank exploded in and rickety boats. ran Africa was intercepted
ing the same period a year Gaoliu Township in One vessel crammed 96 miles off the coast of
ago. Qingzhou, east China’s with 150 people sent out a the tiny Sicilian island of
The midwestern state Shandong Province, distress call about 80 miles Lampedusa on Thursday, a
of Mato Grosso has the on 29 March, 2013. off the tiny Sicilian island coastguard official said.
largest deforested areas of An oil tank exploded of Lampedusa on Friday Rescue workers then
734 square km, followed and caught fire in east afternoon, the service said. received an emergency call
by the northern states of China’s Shandong Emergency services were from another boat carry-
Para with 428 square km Province on Friday, sent to rescue them and an- ing 131 people from sub-
and Rondonia with 270 leaving one person other 70 people in a rubber Saharan Africa, Pakistan
square km, the institute seriously injured and craft nearby. All the other and Bangladesh close to
said. another one missing, boats were stopped over the Lampedusa, which they
Brazil’s environ- local authorities said. last two days. brought to shore.
mental protection agency Xinhua Italy’s coast is a com- Overnight the coast-
Ibama said it has stepped
up patrols in the Amazon Two people missing after light plane crashes mon destination for mi-
grants from north and sub-
guard rescued 31 people
from Morocco and sub-Sa-
region after it was in-
formed of the increase in
into sea in New Zealand Saharan Africa.
Thousands have died
haran Africa on a boat off
the southern coast of Sicily,
deforestation. Wellington, 30 March tion Centre said the twin- found 20 km north west of during the risky voyage which was also heading to
“We have started the —A light plane crashed engined Beechcraft Baron the entrance to Kawhia Har- across the Mediterranean Lampedusa. The official
Green Wave operation, into the sea off the coast aircraft was flying from bour near Gannet Island. as a result of shipwreck, said 214 other migrants,
occupying critical areas of Kawhia in New Zealand Ardmore to Timaru when it Spokesperson Steve harsh conditions and a lack mainly from Africa, on
that amount to 54 percent North Island’s Waikato re- reported engine failure and Rendle said a helicopter of food and water, say ac- five boats had also been de-
of the deforestation in the gion on Saturday. lost radar contact, at about was doing an aerial search tivists. tained in the past 48 hours.
Amazon Rainforest re- Wreckage has been 12.20 pm on Saturday, Ra- while the coastguard is “With the arrival of the All the migrants are being
gion,” Ibama Director Lu- found but two people were dio New Zealand reported. scouring the sea for the spring and the subsequent held in reception centres in
ciano de Meneses said. missing. It said the wreckage missing people. improvement in the weath- Sicily and Lampedusa, the
Xinhua The Rescue Coordina- and an oil slick has been Xinhua er conditions, migrant at- official said.—Reuters
New Light of Myanmar Sunday, 31 March, 2013 11

R e gio na l
Thai opposition leader calls for early Japan to
construction of high-speed rail linking set up force
China via Laos against cyber
Bangkok, 30 March — the Thai government’s “Why should a
Former Thai Prime Minister “railroad revolution” and Bangkok-Chiang Mai attack
Abhisit Vejjajiva urged on other logistics reconstruc- high-speed route be built Tokyo, 30 March —
Thursday the government to tion plans, the leader of ahead of a Bangkok-Nong Japan’s National Police
build a high- speed railway the opposition Democrat Khai route? Why should Agency will establish a
to link Thailand with China Party advised that the a Bangkok-Chiang Mai force of special investiga-
via Laos at the initial stage planned construction of a route be built ahead of tors to combat Internet cy-
of a historic 730-billion-US- high-speed train project a Bankok-Padang Besar ber attacks, Kyodo News
dollar logistics reconstruc- between Bangkok and route? Agency reports.
tion scheme. Nong Khai, Thailand’s “To serve the Prime A crane lifts the containment top head to cap the first
unit of the Haiyang Nuclear Power Plant in Haiyang, Japan is to strengthen
He also expressed northeastern Province Minister’s policy toward its defence capabilities
opposition to the govern- sharing border with Laos, the making of a connectiv- east China’s Shandong Province, on 29 March, 2013.
The first unit of the Haiyang Nuclear Power Plant, against cyber attacks from
ment’s plan to borrow loans should be implemented ity between Thailand and government bodies and
to finance the scheme, say- ahead of a similar project the ASEAN neighbour which will be installed with the third generation of
nuclear power technology, the AP1000, has seen com- high tech enterprises. The
ing it should instead be to link the capital city with states, the Nong Khai, special force will compro-
covered by the government the northern city of Chi- Padang Besar and Dawei pletion of its civil construction on 29 March. The unit
is planned to come into stream at the end of 2014 with mise of around 140 staff
budget. ang Mai, the hometown of destinations should be and will be affiliated to lo-
Debating a legislation incumbent Prime Minister taken into account first,” annual generation capacity of 17.5 billion Kwh.
Xinhua cal police departments.
seeking loans to finance Yingluck Shinawatra. said Abhisit.—Xinhua The special force will
be in charge of supervis-
20 percent Nepalis have access ing online posts which try
to Internet to incite cyber attacks, an-
alyzing the characteristic
Kathmandu, 30 leased by Nepal Telecom boom, Internet is mostly of cyber attacks and alert-
March— Around 5.7 mil- Authority. limited to urban areas of ing government bodies
lion Nepalis accounting Among the key in- Nepal, where 80 percent of and enterprises. The spe-
for 20 percent of the total ternet providers, gov- population live in the ru- cial force will also be al-
population have an access ernment-owned Nepal ral areas. Government has lowed to cooperated with
to Internet now, a report Telecom has 2.6 million provisioned nominal fee other countries to combat
said on Friday. subscribers, while private for Internet providers to ex- attacks.
The increase has been company NCell has 2.9 pand services in rural areas. The force will also
witnessed due mainly to million customers. These However, the Internet pro- establish an information
the mobile service compa- two companies account viders say their investment sharing system with public
People visit a booth on the opening day of the 4th nies, which simultaneous- for 96.5 percent (5.5 mil- is at risk when they operate services including electric
Malaysia International Shoe Festival (MISF) in Kuala ly provide mobile-based lion) of the total internet in the countryside without power, gas and high tech
Lumpur, Malaysia, on 28 March, 2013. —Xinhua Internet to a large chunk users. some protection measures companies.
of users, said the report re- Despite a subscription in place.—Xinhua
Five killed in factory Xinhua

explosion in Mumbai Chinese leaders urge rescue of landslide-trapped

New Delhi, 30 March said, on condition of ano- workers in Tibet
—At least five people nymity.
Beijing, 30 March which is at an altitude of istration Commission of mittee members of the
were killed and three oth- Police and fire brigade
—Chinese President Xi 4,600 metres. the State Council have Communist Party of Chi-
ers sustained injuries in an officials rushed to the spot
Jinping and Premier Li Local authorities also led work teams na (CPC) Central Com-
explosion at a small-scale soon after the explosion.
Keqiang on Friday or- and officials of the to guide rescue efforts mittee Political Bureau,
industrial unit in Mumbai “This is just an accident, not
dered top efforts to rescue State Administration of at the affected mining as well as other senior
on Friday, a senior police any kind of terror act as those
workers who were buried Work Safety, Ministry area. officials also expressed
official said. injured did not sustain any
in a massive landslide in a of Land and Resources Liu Yunshan and their concerns for the
“The incident hap- splinter injuries. However, a
mining area in Tibet Au- and State-owned Assets Zhang Gaoli, who are trapped workers.
pened in Sakinaka area of probe has been ordered to as-
tonomous Region. Supervision and Admin- both the Standing Com- Xinhua
Mumbai’s Andheri area. certain the exact cause of the
Those killed were factory incident,” the official added. At least 83 workers
workers who got crushed Explosions are common in were buried in a landslide
under a wall of an adjoining factories in India because of that occurred around 6 am
building, which collapsed lack of basic safety require- on Friday in Maizhokung-
due to the explosion in the ments. Many industrial units gar County of Lhasa, the
aluminium sheet manufac- don’t adhere to the safety regional capital. The bur-
turing unit. norms and authorities also ied, including two Tibet-
Those injured sus- don’t properly inspect them ans, were workers from
tained burn injuries,” he and enforce laws.—Xinhua a subsidiary of the China
National Gold Group Cor-
Bangladeshi Army chief to poration.
Xi, who is paying
visit India next week state visits abroad, and Li,
New Delhi, 30 March gh, Indian Air Force chief respectively, have told lo-
—Bangladeshi Army chief Air Chief Marshal NAK cal authorities to spare no
General Iqbal Karim Bhui- Browne and Indian Navy efforts to rescue the bur-
yan will visit India next chief Admiral DK Joshi,” ied and prevent secondary
week, sources said on Friday. the sources said. disasters.
“General Bhuiyan India is helping Bang- They also urged to
will arrive in India on 1 ladesh with “building ca- lose no time to confirm the
April. He will lead a del- pacity” of the Bangladeshi number of buried workers
egation to this country. military, including impart- and determine the cause of
During his four-day tour, ing training, conducting the landslide. Photo taken on March 29, 2012 shows the scene where a large-scale landslide hit a
he would hold talks with exercises and providing Some 1,000 rescuers, mining area in Maizhokunggar County of Lhasa, southwest China’s Tibet Autono-
Indian Defence Minister military supplies and tech- including police, firefight- mous Region. Dozens of workers from a subsidiary of China National Gold Group
AK Antony, Indian Army nology. ers and medical personnel, Corporation were trapped. The exact number of trapped workers were not
chief General Bikram Sin- Xinhua are working at the site, immediately known. —Xinhua
12 Sunday, 31 March, 2013 New Light of Myanmar
Claims Day Notice Armenia,
MV esm cremona voy No (070)
Consignees of cargo carried on MV esm cre- China sign
mona VOY NO (070) are hereby notified that the pact on
vessel will be arriving on 31.3.2013 and cargo will be
discharged into the premises of m.i.p where it will lie technical,
at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the
byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. economic
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am cooperation
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day now
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo Yerevan, (Armenia), 30
from the Vessel. March—Armenian Deputy
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after Minister of Foreign Affairs
Sergey Manasaryan and
the Claims Day. Ambassador of China to
Shipping Agency Department Armenia Tian Changchun
Myanma Port Authority have signed an agreement
Agent for: M/s orinet overseas in Yerevan on technical
container lines and economic cooperation
People ask for job opportunities at a booth by army force during the job fair at the
Phone No: 256908/378316/376797 between the two countries,
Vancouver Convention Centre in Vancouver, Canada, on 28 March, 2013. The
the Armenian Ministry of
47th and final BC Jobs Start job fair kicks off in Vancouver on Thursday, with the
China, Greece boast huge participation of more than 50 employers. Until February 2013, the umemployment
Foreign Affairs announced
in a Press release on Friday.
rate in BC is 6.3% and the government expected about one million job openings
potential in tourism will be seen by 2020 in the Province.—Xinhua
The agreement fore-
sees the construction of a
cooperation: Athens mayor World Bank nods to 230-mln-USD loan to Chinese school of regional
significance in Armenia.
Beijing, 30 March—
Beijing and Athens, as well
crisis has made tour there
less expensive.
Morocco to modernize agriculture Within the frame-
works of technical and
as China and Greece on In Athens, tourists can Rabat, 30 March— ized and diversified market contributes to 19 percent of economic cooperation be-
broader horizon, boast huge set out on a shopping spree The World Bank (WB) on environment will boost the the country’s gross national tween Armenia and China,
potential for cooperation of world’s top brands and Friday approved a loan of performance of the agri- product (GNP) and employs a number of agricultural,
in tourism, visiting Athens feast on tasty traditional 203 million US dollars to food sector and contribute over 4.5 million people. Mo- public health and trans-
Mayor Georgios Kaminis Greek cuisine, Kaminis Morocco to further help the to reducing rural poverty,” rocco plans to double the portation projects have
told Xinhua here on Friday. said. “We have tradition- country modernize its agri- said Simon Gray, WB’s value-added of the agricul- been implemented in Ar-
Kaminis, who is in al Greek cuisine, part of cultural sector, the bank bu- Maghreb Country director. tural sector and add another menia with the support of
Beijing on his maiden trip Mediterranean cuisine, reau in Rabat said in a Press The Green Morocco 1.5 million jobs in the sector the Chinese government.
to China, said his main which is nutritional and release. Plan, the country’s core by 2020.—Xinhua Xinhua
purpose is to seek approval healthy. They can also en- The loan is part of the agricultural strategy which
from the Chinese side for joy a very good time and support for the Green Mo- started in 2008, also aims to
the opening of a direct air good weather,” the major rocco Plan, a large-scale provide better opportunities
route to Athens so as to at- added. agricultural programme to farmers by transforming
tract more Chinese tourists Earlier on Friday, the aiming to improve food the agri-food sector into
to Greece, where tourism mayor attended the first security and promote Mo- a stable source of growth,
industry serves as a pillar of meeting of the Beijing-Ath- rocco’s integration into the competitiveness and broad-
the economy and provides ens Cooperation Commit- global economy, among based economic develop-
nearly 20 percent of em- tee, which was established others. ment in rural areas.
ployment. to promote inter-city coop- “Developing a liberal- The agricultural sector
Tourism earnings, eration in commerce, agri-
which accounted for 16.5 culture and tourism. WB loans to Sri Lanka to
percent of the country’s Meanwhile, Kaminis
GDP in 2011, fell by 4.6 said he came here also to help fight non-communicable
percent year on year to 9.89 promote a post-graduate
billion US dollars in the programme between the diseases
first 11 month of 2012, ac- University of Athens and
Colombo, 30 March— leptospirosis, HIV/AIDS as
cording the central bank of China’s University of In- Photo taken on 27 March, 2013 shows vendors
The World Bank (WB) has well as persons with acute
Greece. ternational Business and duplicating keys in old town of Havana, Cuba. Since
approved a concessionary and chronic non-communi-
Kaminis said it is more Economics on China-EU Cuba permitted the existence of small private busi-
loan of 200 million US dol- cable diseases like injuries,
cost-effective now to visit relations, and push for the nesses in 2010, the number of individual businessmen
lars to Sri Lanka to help the heart diseases, strokes, hy-
the ancient city of Athens, establishment of a business has reached over 400 thousand, mainly in restaurant,
government provide health pertension, diabetes mel-
one of the most favoured council to attract more Chi- rental housing, transportation, food processing and
services to mitigate esca- litus, cancers and mental
tourist destinations in the nese investments in Athens. marketing among the 178 permitted trades.—Xinhua
lating non-communicable disorders.
world, as the eurozone debt Xinhua
diseases such as obesity, “The current health
diabetes and cancer, a state-
ment said here on Friday.
system needs improve-
ments to deal effectively
Over 200 rescued from ice
The project is expected with emerging health prob- floes off Latvia coast
to benefit the whole popula- lems of a middle-income
tion of 21 million people of country such as ours,” WB Riga, 30 March—A to- Riga, according to the local
the country, especially the Senior Health Specialist tal of 219 people who were reports.
poorer and more vulnerable Kumari Vinodhani Nav- stranded on two ice floes Strong winds and high
population groups who de- aratne was quoted as saying that drifted from the shore waves have washed one
pend more on public health in the statement. of Latvia has been rescued of the ice floes some four
services. The WB estimates that successfully on Friday, me- kilometres from the shore,
Those who will benefit during the past half-centu- dia reports quoted Latvian causing trouble for the res-
directly from this project ry, the proportion of deaths emergency ministry as say- cue, which was joined by
are those vulnerable to un- due to cardiovascular dis- ing. boats, helicopters and navy
A visitor takes pictures of a wood sculpture at the Afri- der-nutrition, maternal and eases has increased from 3 Among them, 180 ships.
can Wood Sculpture Collection exhibition in Nanjing, childcare problems. percent to 24 percent while residents were stranded Latvian authorities
capital of east China’s Jiangsu Province, on 29 March, The funding will also that due to infectious dis- on an ice floe near Vakar- have issued warnings, urg-
2013. The exhibition kicking off on Friday displays near cover people suffering from eases has decreased from bulli beach, while another ing people to avoid ice-fish-
600 wood carving works from dozens of countries in the a range of ailments includ- 42 percent to 20 percent. 39 were on an ice floe near ing or walking on ice, said
sub-Saharan Africa.—Xinhua ing tuberculosis, dengue, Xinhua Majori beach in the Gulf of the reports.—Xinhua
New Light of Myanmar Sunday, 31 March, 2013 13

Lilo wanted their Why James Franco refused a romance with
relationship to
become romantic, Lindsay Lohan
but James Franco New Delhi, 30 March Lindsay Lohan, didn’t you? estly, she was a friend. I’ve
refused because he —James Franco turned Back then when she was met a lot of people that are
felt that he would be down sex with Lindsay a lot hotter?” He replied: troubled and sometimes
taking advantage of Lohan because she had “is- “Oh, gosh. Poor Lindsay. you don’t want to do that.”
the “troubled” star. sues”. I haven’t talked to her in a The 34-year-old ac-
The Spring Breakers while... We were friends. tor has been romanti-
actor met the troubled ac- My house in LA was being cally linked with
tress — who is due to be- redone, so I did this thing his Spring Breakers
gin her sixth stint in rehab where I just stayed at the co-star Ashley Ben-
in May — through mu- [Chateau Marmont] hotel, son, and though he
tual friends and though she and she had been living refused to confirm
wanted their relationship there for a couple years. I the rumours, he did
to become romantic, he re- mean, I don’t want to brag admit he is ready to
fused because he felt that about it. I don’t know how settle down.
he would be taking advan- that got out. She was hav- He said: “Let’s
tage of the “troubled” star. ing issues even then, so say I’m dating. I’m
SiriusXM host How- you feel weird. getting older. I would
ard Stern asked Hon- like a long-term rela-
him: “You turned tionship.”—PTI
down sex with
Eva e s
des g cause he lov
ha i n
tes film her better.
US rapper
helped to make
Gucci Mane L ,
o nd o n She said: “We
30 March— Even knew each other for years before
though the 39-year-old actress filming. You can be friends with
plays the love interest of her someone and not like how they
real life boyfriend Ryan Gosling work but I respect him so much. He
in new movie The Place Be- certainly upped my game.”
yond the Pines, she admitted Eva has also recently said she
filming the romantic scenes gets upset when people call her

US rapper were still difficult.

She told Us Weekly
sexy, because there is so much
more to her than just looks.

Gucci Mane magazine: “Love scenes

are awful. Let’s just say
She said: “Being sexy is just
one component of who I am — it’s

jailed for that. They’re always

a thing I can be. It’s a side of my-
self I can tap into, just like I can

alleged assault However,

says working with
Eva tap into my funny side, my quirky
side or my dramatic side. It’s not
A t l an t a , Ryan was great be- what I am.
30 March— “I know I can do the kind of
Rapper Gu- work where people are going to
Eva Mendes will be seen with Ryan Gosling in the
cci Mane was recognise me just as much for my
movie The Place Beyond the Pines.
jailed in Georgia determination and sensitivity and
on Wednesday for humour as for being sexy.”
allegedly hitting Demi Lovato back for “X PTI
a fan in the head
with a champagne
Factor,” 2 new judges yet to
bottle at an Atlanta be announced
nightclub earlier
this month. Los Angeles, 30
Mane, whose March — Singer Demi Lo-
real name is Radric vato will return as a judge
Davis, turned himself on TV contest “The X “X
in to authorities late on Factor” for a second year, Factor”
Tuesday, according to broadcaster Fox announced producers
Fulton County Sheriff’s on Thursday, but there was however
Office records. no word on two more open have yet to
Mane, 33, faces an ag- positions on the celebrity announce
gravated assault charge af- panel. replace-
ter causing a “severe lacera- The 20-year-old for- ments for
tion” to the man whom he mer Disney Channel star depart-
hit with a champagne bot- will be back in her seat ing judges
tle on 16 March, according when the show returns in Britney
to a police report. The fan the fall of 2013 along with Spears and
had approached Mane and creator Simon Cowell. record pro-
tried to strike up a con- “I couldn’t be happier ducer Antonio
versation, police said. that Demi wants to come “L.A.” Reid, who quit at
Mane left the nightclub before police back this year,” Cowell the end of the show’s sec-
arrived. said in a statement. ond season in December.
A magistrate judge denied bond “She’s a superstar in “There are going to be
for Mane at his first court appearance her own right and was a four judges,” a source close
fantastic mentor last year. to the show said on Thurs- Recording artist Demi Lovato performs
on Wednesday, sheriff’s spokeswoman
Tracy Flanagan said. Even though she can be day, but gave no details on “Give Your Heart a Break’’ during the VH1
Mane did not enter a plea. His next really, really annoying - I who they might be or when Divas 2012 show in Los Angeles, on 16 Dec,
hearing will be on 10 April, Flanagan truly enjoyed working with the two new names would 2012.—Reuters
said.—Reuters her and so did the artists.” be announced.—Reuters
14 Sunday, 31 March, 2013 New Light of Myanmar
PSG show Barcelona what to expect with Montpellier win Casillas must wait for Real
while Beckham came in for
Marco Verratti. Madrid return
Beckham had an almost Madrid, 30 March— 11 games he has played for
immediate impact as the for- Real Madrid goalkeeper Real. In that time the team
mer England captain’s pass Iker Casillas is back in train- have qualified for the King’s
was collected by Menez, ing after injury but lacks Cup final and the last eight of
who released Ibrahimovic the necessary sharpness to the Champions League.
on the left for the Sweden make the squad for Satur- There has been lots of
striker to gift Gameiro with day’s La Liga game at Real speculation about whether
the perfect pass. Zaragoza, according to as- Casillas will be restored to
Four days before Barca sistant coach Aitor Karanka. Real’s side when he has
try and impose their posses- The Spain and Real captain recovered, especially bear-
sion game at the Parc des has been out with a broken ing in mind the frosty rela-
Princes in a much-antici- finger since January and also tionship that media reports
pated Champions League missed the World Cup quali- say exists between him and
quarter-final first leg, PSG fiers against Finland last Fri- coach Jose Mourinho.
showed they were quick on day and France on Tuesday. Real survived the in-
the break. “The medical team ternational break unscathed
They could be even passed him fit a week ago by injuries and have a full
more dangerous on Tues- but he doesn’t have the squad available for Satur-
day when Brazil forward competitive edge needed to day’s game, bar one doubt
Lucas and Argentine striker be 100 percent for games,” over Portugal defender Fabio
Ezequiel Lavezzi are ex- Karanka told a news confer- Coentrao. “Coentrao is in the
Paris St-Germain’s Jeremy Menez (L) challenges Montpellier’s Daniel Congre (C) pected to be back in ac- squad and we will see how he
and Hilton (R) during the Ligue 1 soccer match at the Parc des Princes Stadium ence on Friday.
tion after missing Friday’s “He is training well and goes tomorrow as to whether
in Paris on 29 March, 2013.—Reuters game through injury. French he starts,” Karanka added.
this is good for everyone.
Paris, 30 March— from time after David Beck- Wiel in quick succession. champions Montpellier When he is 100 percent Real are second in
Paris St Germain offered a ham started a counter attack Ibrahimovic came close with barely threatened the PSG he will be cleared to La Liga 13 points
glimpse of what Barcelona nine minutes after coming on a 20-metre snapshot that defence, which once again play but because he is a behind leaders
can expect in their Champi- as a substitute. shaved Geoffrey Jourdren’s was perfectly marshalled by goalkeeper it is tough- Barcelona with
ons League clash next week PSG have 61 points left post. Jourdren dived to the impressive Thiago Silva. er.” Diego Lopez, 10 games left to
when Kevin Gameiro fin- from 30 games and lead his right to tip away Thiago Montpellier are seventh signed from Se- play.
ished off a lightning quick second-placed Olympique Silva’s header as PSG in- on 45 points, six points from villa in January Reuters
counter attack to earn the Lyon, who take on Sochaux creased the pressure in a a Champions League prelim- as cover for
Ligue 1 leaders a 1-0 home on Sunday, by eight points. lively first half. PSG, how- inary-round spot. Casillas,
win against Montpellier on The hosts were denied ever, struggled to break the On Saturday, fourth- has ex-
Friday. two possible penalties af- deadlock, prompting Carlo placed St Etienne will leap- celled
Substitute Gameiro ter Benjamin Stambouli Ancelotti to substitute mid- frog Olympique Marseille into in the
tapped in from a Zlatan Ibra- brought down Jeremy Me- fielder Clement Chantome third if they beat strugglers
himovic cross 10 minutes nez and Gregory van der with striker Kevin Gameiro Troyes away.—Reuters
Wheatcroft leads in Houston, McIlroy and Mickelson make cut Spain’s goalkeeper Iker Casillas attends a 2014 World
Cup qualifying soccer match between France and Spain
Los Angeles, 30 to continue to hone his way- being deposed by Tiger definitely more consistent to- at the Stade de France stadium in Saint-Denis, near
March—Unheralded Ameri- ward game before the US Woods from golf’s rankings day than yesterday,” McIlroy Paris, on 26 March, 2013.—Reuters
can Steve Wheatcroft carded Masters after he ground out a summit, managed three bird- told reporters. “I gave myself
another five-under-par 67 to
take a one-shot lead after the
two-under-par round of 70 to
make the cut on the number
ies and just the lone bogey in
a more accomplished effort
quite a few chances. It could
have been a couple better,
Barcelona lifted by return of
second round of the Houston at one-under. than his opening round of 73. but, you know, it was an im- Vilanova and Abidal
Open on Friday, while major McIlroy, a week from “It was okay. It was provement on yesterday.”
winners Rory McIlroy and The Northern Irish- Madrid, 30 March— “An example for every-
Phil Mickelson fought hard man’s season has been less Eric Abidal was included in one! Congratulations Abi!”
to just make the cut at Red- than stellar, with the twice Barcelona’s squad to play Barca striker David Villa
stone Golf Club. major winner adding next Celta Vigo in La Liga this said on his Twitter feed.
The 35-year-old Wheat- week’s Texas Open in San weekend only a few days Abidal last played for
croft only earned a start for Antonio to his schedule as after coach Tito Vilanova re- Barca in a 2-1 win at Atletico
the event through Monday he seeks form ahead of the turned following two months Madrid in February last year.
qualifying but now sits at year’s first major at Augusta out receiving cancer treat- Vilanova will not travel
10-under, holding the 36 National which starts on 11 ment. to Vigo, but his assistant
hole lead over fellow Ameri- April. Since signing a new France international Jordi Roura said there was
cans Jason Kokrak (69) and equipment deal with Nike in Abidal, 33, has not played a strong possibility he could
DA Points (71) who are tied the offseason, he has missed since having a liver trans- join the team in Paris.
second at nine-under. the cut in Abu Dhabi, lost in plant last April, and was Vilanova flew back to
England’s Brian Davis the first round of the WGC passed fit to return to train- Barcelona on Tuesday af-
(70) and former British Open Match Play Championship ing with his team mates last ter two months undergoing
winner Stewart Cink (66) are Steve Wheatcroft of the US hits out of the sand trap on and walked off mid-round month. chemotherapy and radiother-
joint fourth at seven-under. the 17th hole during second round play at the Canadian at the Honda Classic when His return is timely with apy treatment in
World number two Open Golf tournament at St. George’s Golf and Country headed for another missed fellow defenders Carles Puy- New York.
McIlroy will get the chance Club in Toronto on 23 July, 2010.—Reuters cut.—Reuters ol, Adriano Correia and Jor- Reuters
di Alba all out injured for
Murray to face Ferrer in Miami final Satur- day’s trip,
and a
Miami, 30 March—Brit- Sony Open where he will where he was serving for it and then at the end of the set
ain’s Andy Murray fought face Spaniard David Ferrer at 5-4 but double-faulted on you kind of look up at the
back for a 6-7, 6-1, 6-2 win on Sunday. break point and ended up los- stats and I had hit over 20
over France’s Richard Gas- Murray recovered after ing out in the tie-break. winners and lost the set,” the
quet to reach the final of the making a mess of the first set Gasquet had been play- Scotsman told reporters.
final first leg
Spain’s David Ferrer re- ing some inspired tennis “So I realized I had to
away to Paris St Ger-
turns a shot to Germany’s but he was outplayed in the cut out the unforced errors. I
main approaching next
Tommy Haas in their second set and the Scotsman did a good job of that. Half-
men’s singles semi final never looked in danger in the way through the second set I
match at the Sony Open third. started to find the right way Barcelona’s Eric Abidal gestures to his team mates dur-
tennis tournament in Key “The first set was a to play, the right shots to go ing a training session at Ciutat Esportiva Joan Gamper
Biscayne, Florida on 29 tough one to lose, because I for and I did well after that,” in Sant Joan Despi near Barcelona
March, 2013.—Reuters obviously served for the set he said.—Reuters on 13 Feb, 2013.—Reuters
New Light of Myanmar Sunday, 31 March, 2013 15

Lebanese fisherman injured by
Syrian fire
Beirut, 30 March—A in Lebanese territorial
Lebanese fisherman was waters since early 2011,
injured on Friday after a when Syria’s political
Syrian boat which entered unrest erupted.
Lebanese territorial waters In January 2012, a
opened fire on his fishing young Lebanese fisherman
boat off the northern coast was killed and his uncle
of Arida. The fisherman, injured when Syrian
identified by the state-run soldiers opened fire on them
National News Agency as near Arida. But Damascus
Khaled Ahmed al-Ali, was said then the sailors were Students queue to get water beside a water well at the
Firefighters try to control a forest fire in Panama City, Junior High School of Shixiawan Township in Dingxi
capital of Panama, on 29 March, 2013. The cause of injured in the leg. smugglers and it was other
The Syrian navy has nearby Lebanese vessels City, northwest China’s Gansu Province,
the forest fire is still under investigation.—Xinhua on 28 March, 2013.— Xinhua
often fired at fishing boats that fired first.—Xinhua
Cambodia’s economy to grow by 7 pct in 2013 French public debts rises to 1833.8 bln euros
Phnom Penh, 30 March and financial stability Diamond Island Exhibition Paris, 30 March— compared to the third percent of GDP, estimating
—Cambodia’s economy and transparent legal Centre. Public debt of France quarter 2012, the national its public debt would stand
is projected to grow by 7 framework will encourage Lower-middle-income widened by 15.8 billion statistics bureau INSEE at 89.9 percent in 2012.
percent this year, Deputy more foreign investors to countries are those with euros (20.25 billion US said in its latest report. Heavily plagued by
Prime Minister and Finance come to Cambodia in years GDP per capita between dollars) to stand at 1,833.8 Furthermore, the net climbing unemployment
Minister Keat Chhon said to come. 1,006 US dollars and 3,975 billion euros by the end of public debt rose by 32.2 and sluggish economy, the
Friday. “With this expected US dollars, as defined by the fourth quarter 2012, billion euros, INSEE added. Eurozone’s second largest
He said the growth growth, Cambodia will get the World Bank. official figures showed on In the meantime, the economy has admitted it
still is contributed by out of the classification of Last year, Cambodia’s Friday. French government public might not fulfil its pledge
garment exports, tourism, a low-income to a lower- GDP per capita was nearly As a percentage of deficit reached 4.8 percent of cutting public deficit of
agriculture, real estate and middle-income country at 1,000 US dollars, and it was gross domestic product of the GDP, according to GDP to 3 percent in 2013,
construction. the end of this year,” he expected to rise to 1,080 (GDP), it peaked at 90.2 the official data. but suppose it stands at 3.7
The minister added said at the opening of the US dollars this year, Keat percent in the fourth The government had percent.
that the country’s political 3rd Cambodia Industry- Chhon said. quarter, 0.3 point higher projected a deficit of 4.5 Xinhua
stability, macroeconomic Handicraft Fair at the Xinhua
Rodgers calm over Suarez exit Tunisia denies rumours of
talk setting up US base in country
London, 30 March— the 26-year-old gave an Tunis, 30 March— “baseless.”
Liverpool manager Brendan interview in his homeland Tunisia’s Defence Ministry He meanwhile said
Rodgers on Friday insisted he which fuelled the spokesman denied rumours the recent visit of head of
has no intention of panicking speculation as he suggested of allowing a US military the US Africa Command,
over Luis Suarez’s future he would listen to offers base to be set up in his General Carter Ham, in
after the Uruguay striker from Champions League country, the official TAP Tunisia was a farewell visit.
hinted he would consider an teams. Losing Suarez, Press agency reported Ham, who met
offer from a more successful Liverpool’s most influential Friday. Tunisia’s leaders and
club. performer this season with Colonel Major Mokhtar defence officials during his
With Liverpool 29 goals in all competitions, Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers.—Xinhua
Ben Nasr told reporters visit, warned against the
unlikely to qualify for would be a major blow. “All I am aware of is just talk about Liverpool in the capital Tunis that threat posed by al-Qaeda
next season’s Champions But Rodgers claims we have an outstanding and when you are away those rumours relayed by in the North African nation
League, many reports have there is no need for Reds player who has given with your international certain media and social and the Maghreb.
claimed Suarez will be fans to fear the departure everything for the club and team concentrate on your networking websites were Xinhua
targeted by big-spending of their talisman. “I haven’t he is very happy here. international team so there
Paris Saint Germain, spoken to Luis yet. He was “Every time he goes is no drama.
Juventus and Manchester back late yesterday and we away, there is always “So what he says
City. just ran the medical team something. I always say to when he is with Uruguay
And ahead of World over him and he trained this players I have a simple rule: is of no great relevance to
Cup qualifiers last week morning,” he said. when you are with Liverpool Liverpool.”—PTI
Jennifer Lopez axed from IPL 6 opening ceremony
Kolkata, 30 March—Indian Premier League organizers have dropped pop
diva Jennifer Lopez from the opening ceremony of its sixth edition, to be held in

Kolkata on 2 April .

According a report in The Sun, the 43-year-old singer was said to have

demanded a private plane and dozens of hotel rooms for her entourage. She also

wanted to bring along her personal stylists, assistants and chef as well.

Describing Jennifer’s demands as ‘idiotic’, a source said: “The demands

were outrageous. She effectively priced herself out of an event which has a huge
audience.” However a spokesman for the singer has said she had turned down the
deal because she was busy recording an album.
Last year singer Katy Perry, who was dressed in Bollywood attire, performed
at the IPL 5 opening ceremony, watched by an estimated 56 million people.
International rap artist Pitbull has been roped in this year to perform alongside Trucks are led to the Yichang New Bridge on the
Bollywood stars Shah Rukh Khan, Katrina Kaif and Deepika Padukone.—PTI Lianyugang-Horgos Highway in Sanmenxia City,
central China’s Henan Province, on 28 March, 2013.
Thermal power plant fire kills one, injures three in Ukraine The Yichang New Bridge opened its two-way traffic
Kiev, 30 March—At eastern Ukraine, the State plant in Donetsk region, was sweeping through the on 29 March morning, after its construction passed
least one person was killed Service for Emergencies when the blaze broke out nearby area, it said. the latest test. The 80-metre-long section of the old
and three others were said. inside the power station According to the State Yichang Bridge which was under repair collapsed after
injured in a massive fire The accident occurred unit and spread rapidly to Service for Emergencies, an explosion involving a fireworks-laden truck
that broke out on Friday at at 3.15 pm local time (1315 the roof, triggering a large the fire has been already put on 1 February. The accident claimed 13 lives.
a thermal power plant in GMT) at Uglegorsk power amount of smoke which out.—Xinhua Xinhua

R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information.
5th Waning of Tabaung 1374 ME New Light of Myanmar Sunday, 31 March, 2013

Mandalay Region chief minister calls for public Union SWRR Minister
cooperation in security measures attends disaster
Nay Pyi Taw, 30 management coord meeting
March—Mandalay Region N a y P y i T a w , 30 The meeting focused
Chief Minister U Ye March—Union Minister for on ICT-aided disaster
Myint called for public Social Welfare, Relief and prevention, emergency
cooperation in restoration Resettlement Dr Daw Myat responses, data-sharing,
of law and order as he met Myat Ohn Khin attended ICT infrastructure, and
Meiktila townselders at a coordination meeting on cooperation of government,
Meiktila District General ICT application in disaster private organizations and
Administration Department management on 23 and 24 people for effective disaster
this noon. March in Tokyo, Japan. management.
Also present on the The meeting was The Myanmar
occasion were Deputy also attended by disaster delegation went to Japan
Minister for Social Welfare, prevention and relief Meteorological Agency
Relief and Resettlement U ministers from Sri Lanka, and Japan Broadcasting
Phone Swe, Deputy Minister the Philippines, Thailand, Cooperation (NHK) to
for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Turkey, Cambodia, Chile, observe disaster prediction,
Kyaw Zan Myint, region Indonesia and Bangladesh, reporting and data flow
ministers, administrators delegates from ICT-related management through ICT
and officials. Mandalay Region Chief Minister U Ye Myint meeting with townselders at establishments, and radio application on 24 March.
The region chief Meiktila District General Administration Department.—mna and television stations. MNA
minister called on the
townselders to cooperate
Myanmar Police Force and
the armed forces.
measures being undertaken.
Deputy Minister for Home
joint security measures
of the ministries and
Development undertakings
with authorities concerned
in taking security measures.
The townselders put
further questions about
Affairs Brig-Gen Kyaw Zan
Myint explained in detail
going well around Taninthayi
He also elaborated on security measures and Region
security measures of the reported on security Winner cyclists awarded in Pre- Nay Pyi Taw, 30 He met departmental
Weather Forecast for SEA Games Cycling Contest March—Advanced personnel, village
tailoring course No administrators and
First Dekad of April 2013 NayPyiTaw, 30 March—
The Pre-SEA Games Cycling
women’s event. Pyo Wai Zin
of Myanmar stood second in
34 and basic tailoring
course No. 63 concluded
townselders at Kanmaw
Village Basic Education
Contest was opened at the the men’s event. Tanaphon at Kawthoung Domestic Middle School in Kyunsu
Bay of Bengal Condition cycling ground at Pozaung Jarupeng of Thailand won
Weather will be partly cloudy in the Andaman Sea Training School, with an Township the following
Hill in Ottarathiri Township the first prize in the downhill address by Taninthayi day. He then visited
and Bay of Bengal. on 28 March. men’s event and Vipavee
Rainy condition Region Chief Minister Kanmaw Station Hospital
Chairman of the Leading Deekballes in the women’s U Myat Ko. The region and Sakhanthit Village.
Rainy days are expected about 2 to 3 days in Upper Committee for Organizing the event. Buanin of Indonesia
Sagaing and Taninthayi Regions, Kachin, Shan, Kayin chief minister inspected The region chief minister
XXVII SEA Games Union stood first in the men’s BMX roadworks on Myeik inspected Kye Bridge
and Mon States, weather will be partly cloudy in Yangon Minister for Sports U Tint event and Nicha Prasoetsria
and Ayeyawady Regions and Rakhine State and generally Union Expressway and construction site, development
Hsan, deputy ministers and of Thailand in the women’s met departmental personnel undertakings in Pulaw,
fair in the remaining Regions and States. guests enjoyed participation event. The Union minister and
Day temperature at Karathuri Sub-township Palauk regions, condition of
of cyclists in the contest. party awarded the winners. and Bokpyin Township. He Myeik-Dawei raod section,
Day temperatures will be above April average Chandra Rafasnzani of In the evening, the Union
temperatures in Lower Sagaing, Mandalay and Magway visited Kyaunglamu Village construction of BEMs
Indonesia secured the first minister hosted a dinner to Basic Education Primary (branch) in Nyeinchanaye
Regions, Kayin and Mon States and bout April average prize in the cross country the managers, coaches and
temperatures in the remaining Regions and States. School and inspected road Village in Thayetchaung
men’s event and Kusmawati cyclists at Mount Pleasant condition along Taninthayi- Township.
NLM Yazid of Indonesia in the Hotel.—MNA Myiek Road on 23 March. MNA

Myanmar’s first solar-powered groundwater

By Tin Hlaing (Meiktila)
pumping put into service
Today, world people with the use of a borehole batteries using solar
are suffering drastic efforts drilling machine of Water panels was undertaken by
of drought, untimely Resources Utilization Assistant Director U Maung
heavy rain, hailstones Department under Yanpal Maung Lwin of Irrigation
falling, severe storms and creek in Kokokwa village Department. Then feeding
intense heat triggered by of the township. Thanks to electricity to the water
climate change. strenuous efforts of staff pumping followed. In
While the world is led by Deputy Director U this way, groundwater ws
encountering climate Hla Min of the department, transported to Kyi-yoe-kyi
change, the first-ever works to tap groundwater lake situated 2000 feet
solar-powered under- from 80 feet below the far from the tubewell via
ground water pumping surface with the use of a three-inch water pipeline
system has been introduced 10-inch diameter pipe were on 10 March. The tubewell
in Taung-dwingyi completed on 21 December can produce 6000 gallons
Township of Magway 2012. of clean groundwater per
Region that lies in the Next, Assistant hour. As solar power-
dry zone of Myanmar Director U Thet Shae and run groundwater pumping
under the directives of Staff Officer U Thein Aung system will supply water to
Deputy Minister for of Irrigation Department lakes in summer, thereby
Agriculture and Irrigation carried out sinking of contributing towards
U Khin Zaw. Tapping tubewell and installation greening of the region and their cattle, local people are the first solar-powered Taungdwingyi Township.
underground water started of 39 solar panels. Next adequate supply of drinking appreciated with the efforts groundwater pumping Kyemon: 26-3-2013
on 18 December 2012 changing 20 200-volt water for local people and of officials concerned. So, was put into service in Trs: YM

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