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Analytic Geometry and Trigonometry PRACTICE PROBLEMS 4. To find the width of 9 river, a surveyor sets up a ‘ans al point C on one ever bank aod sgh diecly fctos to point 3 onthe other bank. The surveyor then falls slony the bank fr distance of 276m to pala A ‘Theangle CAB S7* 28. —— ee oe Whats the approximate width ofthe river? (A) 150m B) 290m © wom (©) 0m 2.1n the telangle showa, angles ABD and DBC are", AD=15,DC =, and AC= 25, 2 What ae the lengths BC and BD, respectively? (A) rand 8 (®) 1300437 (©) ands (D) ands ‘3, What is the length ofthe ine segment wit slope 4/ ‘hat extends from the point (6,4) 0 the yas? (a) 10 (@) 35 (©) 50 o 5 44. Which of the folowing exprossions i equivalent to nae (A) 2sin doo (B) com 0 sin? (©) sindeose py) Lewae 2 85. Which of to following equations desrites a czcle. with center at (2,3) and passing through the point Ca, (8) 437+ (ys ar=85 (©) (49) + (+9 = JE (©) @-3 +2) ©) 27 +3) @. The equation or a cgcle be P+ Ae +8 What are the coordinates ofthe cies center? 22 7. Which ofthe following statements is FALSE for all Soncleulrellpne? (A) The scenic, eis eas than one (B) The elipsehas two foc. (©) The sum ofthe two dlatanes fom the two fort to any polnt on the elipe is 2a (Le, twie the seimajor distance). (D) The coficients A and C preceding the # and terms in the general fort ofthe equation ate ual 1. What the aes ofthe shaded portion ofthe circle (c) ©) on- 5 (2.8 pips with x 20 om inner dameter ls Hed to ‘Sept aqua to ono-hied of its diameter. What the Sppraaimate aren in ow? (A) 3eu? @) Cent (© Ment (0) 100em* 410. The equation y= a+ mz it a algebraic expreston for which ofthe lowing? (A) a cosine expansion sares (B) projectile motion (©) a-ércein pla form (D) astraign tne 414, For the sight tangle shown, om ond 9 Most neatly, what ise? (A) 098 @) 12 Oar © 42 A circular sector hat radi of 8 cz snd an are Tength of 13cm. Mot nary, what eit area? (A) ent (8) went (©) Sent ©) 6em# 13: The equation ~3:"— yf =1 defies (A) ackae (B) anedipse (©) abypertota (D) parabola 414. What isthe approximate surface area. (inching both side and base) of fm high right crenlar cone sith bse Sm in dameter? (a) 2m @) mn © wnt ©) wo 45. particle moves in the nyplane. After ¢scconds, {he And ordinate of he arti’ netin ar and. y= cost. Which of the following ‘cquntionsdeserbes the path ofthe particle? SOLUTIONS: 4. Use the formula for the tangent of an ang in ight angle. 811m (0m) The newer is (0). 2. For ight triangle ABD, (ap? + (apy = 115? (BDF = (157"— (aBy* Forrght iangle DBC, (80) + (25— AB) = (0? (BO) = (20) ~(25- ABP gute the two expressions for (BD): (sy (ABy = (20)*- (29 + 50(AB) ~ (AB)? (a5) ~ (20y + (25) B= Alternatively, this problem ean be solved using the law conte, The eneweris (0) ‘3. The equation ofthe ine of the fore, met ‘The ope b m— 4/9, a a han i (2,9) ~(r8) ‘ind he piacere, -(os s-«-{$}o ‘Thecomplete equation it 2-3 2s the writer 0 the interseston with the pais at point (0,4). The tance between these to potas is = Vor w + G—aF (aye oF =0 The answer (A). 4. The double angle identity is sind — Qsin 000? Me anewer in (A. 8. Substitute the inown points nto the center ras formal the equation of cee. em (y-HF (3-2 + (4-39 an ‘The equation of the circle is (28+ (ys? =74 16. To ind the ctl’ center, put the equation of the sheartst+8y=0 Fede dt yt By 4 16= 4416 (242) + (744)"= 00 7.The generalform of the equation fran ellipse is Aats By Oy! + Drv By+ P= ‘The coticints preceding the squared terms inthe gen- ‘ral equation are equal nly fora right line or cle, ot for noncrealrelipe ‘The answeris 0).

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