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The Effect of Abrasion on Geomorphology Changed and

Coast Line Conservation Effort in Karawang Regency

I F Ihsan1, T G Pin 2, A Wibowo3
Department of Geography Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Universitas Indonesia

Abstract. Coastline in Karawang Regency stretches 84,23 km which is in nine districts. One
potential disaster is abrasion. Losses caused by abrasion have impacted on public facilities and
housing residents around because of mangrove changes in Karawang regency. The objective of
the study was to calculate the abrasion rate associated with the existing mangrove condition.
The data used are satellite image of Landsat 5, Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 and field survey. The
method used to analyze abrasion rate was done by spatial-temporal analysis for 20 years. The
highest rates of abrasion occurred from 1996 – 2018 are in Pakisjaya, Cibuaya, Pedes, Cilebar,
Tempuran, Cilamaya Kulon, and Cilamaya Wetan. District. Efforts that have been made by the
community in the District of Cilamaya is to conserve with Manggrove planting and Artificial
Barrier Against the Waves.

Keyword: Abrasion, Mangrove, Landsat Image, Conservation, Spatial-Temporal

1. Introduction
Indonesia is a maritime country with 17.508 islands and 70% of its territory is covered by sea
with a coastline of 81,000 km2 or the second longest after Canada [1]. Objective conditions
with extensive coastal areas has considerable potential such as cultivation of fisheries,
industry, and coastal tourism, and others.
Coastal areas are environmentally rich in biological and non-biological resources. The
intensity of the utilization of this area is also high as settlement, fishery cultivation,
agriculture, and tourism. The high intensity of utilization and the lack of awareness in
conservation will result in negative impacts on the physical and social conditions of this
region and affecting its vulnerability.
Lots of factors that cause abrasion events that occur in the coast, in addition of human
behavior. Natural factors that are used as parametersare geological data, waves, sea level rise,
currents, and tides. The abrasion and sedimentation process are part of the coastal dynamics of
interest to be studied in order to know the dominant factor affecting the coastal process so as
to provide information to the local government in determining the management and planning
The coastal in Karawang Regency are flatand degraded land use in the form of rice fields,
settlements, cultivation, and other facility such as road. Changes in land conversion for the
benefit of human without concerning environmental aspects will exacerbate the effect of
abrasion in the coastal areas. If the factors from the mainland is more dominant, the beach will
experience sedimentation, whereas if the factors from the mainland cannot dampen the
oceanography factor, then there will be an abrasion on the beach.

2. Materials and Methods

The research area is Karawang Regency. Karawang Regency consists of several districts with
coastline. The method that will be used in this study is the time series method with data frequency of
the last 5 years. This method can see the morphological changes that happened in the last 5 years and
connect it with the impacts of abrasion and sedimentation, followed by a field survey to see any
conservation efforts within the area. The Framework of research see in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Research Framework

2.1. Data Collection

The data that will be collected in this study are secondary data from relevant agencies:
(1). Administrative area of Karawang Regency
(2). Landsat 8 OLI satellite imagery
(3). Study of literature, both printed and electronic.
(4). The primary data that will be collected are the results of field survey.

2.2. Data Proceessing

There will be several steps of data processing in this study that will use ENVI 5.1 and ArcGIS 10.1
software which are:
(1). Downloading the satellite imagery from USGS
(2). Radiometric correction using ENVI 5.1
(3). Satellite imagery cropping based on the study area
(4). Digitization of coastline based on satellite imageries using ArcGIS 10.1
(5). Digitization overlay of the coastlines from 2013 to 2018

2.4 Data Analysis

The data analysis in this study is overlaying digitized coastline from year 2013 and 2018. The result
will show the coastline changes in the last 5 years.
In this study, lyzenga’s water column correction algorithm is used to classify undersea object surfaces
such as coral reefs, sand, and deep sea. The composite image that uses in this study is 3-2-1 for
Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 7 ETM+, and 4-3-2 for Landsat 8 OLI. To analyze the common the
changes in the coral reefs area, overlay methods used.
3. Result and Discussion
3.1. Coastline Change 2013-2018
Coastline changes occurred in Coastline Karawang Regency obtained by comparing coastlines in year
2013 and 2018. The 2013 and 2018 coastline data obtained from Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS Satellite
Imagery acquired at September 10th 2013 and April 1st 2018. The coastline year 2013 used as the
starting coastline, and the coastline compared with coastline year 2018 to generated coastline change.
Two coastlines compared to see the processes that occurred in coastline area as abrasion or an
accretion. The coastline year 2013 see on Figure 2 and coastline year 2018 see on Figure 3.

Figure 2. Landsat Imagery 8 OLI 2013

Figure 3. Landsat Imagery 8 OLI 2018

Based on digital image data processing and interpretation of Landsat 8 OLI year 2013 and 2018, the
coastline changed can see in Table 1.
Table 1. Coastline Condition in Coastal Distrucs on
Karawang Regency in 2013-2018
No. Districs Abrasion Acretion Luasan
1 Pakisjaya Yes -
2 Batujaya - Yes
3 Tirtajaya - Yes
4 Cibuaya Yes Yes 23.21
5 Pedes Yes - 2.87
6 Cilebar Yes - 31.15
7 Tempuran Yes - 27.42
8 Cilamaya Yes -
9 Cilamaya Yes -

4. Conclusion
This research conclusion that geomorphology changed between year 2013 and 2018 caused by
abrasion effect located in 7 locations in Karawang Regency. The coastline changes due to abrasion
disaster located in Cibuaya, Pedes, Cilebar, Tempuran, Cilamaya Wetan, Cilamayakulon, and
Pakisjaya District.

Conservation effort that has been done by the community of Karawang Regency to reduce the impact
of abrasion is planting mangroves along the coastline. Besides mangrove plantation, the community
also prevents sedimentation by using bamboo fences and car tires. This effort to sediments drifted by
the tide and wave will be trapped inside and settles.

5. Acknowledgments
The author would like to thank Directorate of Research and Community Service (DRPM) Universitas
Indonesia, which has supported this research in HIBAH PITTA UI Year 2018 with contact number

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