Online Voting System: - KNG Adithya (160116733103) - S Sai Manideep (160116733104)

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- KNG Adithya ( 160116733103 )

- S Sai Manideep ( 160116733104 )
S No Contents Page No
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Purpose 3
1.2 Scope 3
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and 3
1.4 References 3
1.5 Document Overview 3
2 General Description 4
2.1 Product Perspective 4
2.2 Product Functions 4
2.3 User Characteristics 4
2.4 General Constraints 4
3 Specific Requirements 5
3.1 Functional Requirements 5
3.1.1 Login 5
3.1.2 Cast the vote 5
3.1.3 View the manifesto 5
4 Non-functional Requirements 6
4.1 Security Requirements 6
4.2 Safety Requirements 6
4.3 Reliability Requirements 6
4.4 Availability Requirements 6
4.5 Maintainability Requirements 6
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to define the requirements for
Online Voting System. The intended audience of this document includes
the citizens of the country who hold a valid voter card. It is also intended
to provide guidance to the voters and educate them.

1.2 Scope
In India only the persons who reside in India during elections are able to
vote. But those who are not present in their constituency during the
election time are not able to exercise there voting right. This problem will
be solved by our application. So, a person residing anywhere in the world
having access to internet can cast their vote.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

User: Any person who is eligible to vote (voter)
OVS: Online Voting System( the system under development)
SRS: Software Requirement Specification
Owner: A person with administrative power in OVS

1.4 References

1.5 Document Overview

Chapter 1 provided the purpose and scope of the application. Chapter 2
of the SRS describes the product in more detail. Chapter 3 provides a
complete list of the Functional Requirements of the intended system.
Chapter 4 provides the Non-functional Requirements.
2. General Description
2.1 Product perspective
The mission of an OVS is to make the voting system easier and efficient.

2.2 Product functions

User must provide his/her voter ID and a OTP would be sent to the phone
number or email address registered with the voter ID.
Cast the Vote
After successfully logging in, the user would be displayed the list of the
candidates contesting in his/her constituency from which the user needs
to select one option.
View the Manifesto
The user would also be provided the manifestos of different parties.
Our application will be active only for a specified period of time during
which the users can cast their vote. After the expiry of the time, no one
can cast their vote and the results will be displayed.
2.3 User Characteristics
• Users need not have technical expertise to use the application.
• User friendly environment.

2.4 General Constraints

• The application can be used in any device having a internet
connection and a web browser
3. Specific Requirements

3.1 Functional Requirements

3.1.1 Login
The user needs to login to use the application.

3.1.1.a Input
Voter ID and OTP are the inputs.

3.1.1.b Processing
Voter ID and the OTP entered and sent by the system will be verified.

3.1.1.c Output
If the details provided are correct the user would be allowed to use the
application, Otherwise a message stating that the details are incorrect
will be displayed

3.1.2 Cast the vote

The user can cast his/her vote.
3.1.2.a Input
The user needs to select the candidate from the list displayed.

3.1.2.b Processing
The users’ selection will be recorded.

3.1.2.c Output
An acknowledgement will be displayed.

3.1.3 View the manifesto

The user can view the manifesto of any party.

3.1.3.a Input
The user needs to select the party from the list displayed.

3.1.3.b Output
The manifesto of the selected party would be displayed.
4. Non-Functional Requirements

4.1 Security Requirements

Every user can vote only after entering his voter Id followed by a OTP
which would be sent.
4.2 Safety Requirements
The system shall provide persistent storage where all the user details,
list of candidates, votes are stored.
4.3 Reliability Requirements
This application is more reliable. There will be no chance of
4.4 Availability Requirements
The users having an internet connection can access this application.
The users can cast their vote in this application only during the time of
elections.In all other times this application does not allow the user to
cast the vote.
4.5 Maintainability Requirements
Most of the features are divided into modules. So, if there any changes
or updates they can be easily made.

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