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COMELEC (A) The Court�s 11 September 2009 Decision

G.R. 181613 (or �the assailed Decision�) considered a person
11 September 2009 who files a certificate of candidacy already
a �candidate� even before the start of the campaign
FACTS: period. This is contrary to the clear intent and letter of
The COMELEC disqualified petitioner Rosalinda A. Section 15 of Republic Act 8436, as amended, which
Penera (Penera) as a candidate for mayor of the states that a person who files his certificate of
Municipality of Sta. Monica, Surigao del Norte, for candidacy will only be considered a candidate at the
unlawfully engaging in election campaign before the start of the campaign period, and unlawful acts or
start of the campaign period for the 2007 omissions applicable to a candidate shall take effect
Synchronized National and Local Elections, in only upon the start of such campaign period.
violation of Section 80 of Batas Pambansa 881 (the
Omnibus Election Code). The COMELEC found that Thus, applying said law:
Penera and her party-mates, after filing their
Certificates of Candidacy, conducted a motorcade (1) The effective date when partisan political acts
through Sta. Monica and threw candies to onlookers, become unlawful as to a candidate is when the
aboard trucks festooned with balloons and banners campaign period starts. Before the start of the
bearing their names and pictures and the municipal campaign period, the same partisan political acts are
positions for which they were seeking election, one of lawful.
which trucks had a sound system that broadcast their
intent to run in the 2007 elections. COMELEC (2) Accordingly, a candidate is liable for an election
Commissioner Rene V. Sarmiento dissented. He offense only for acts done during the campaign
emphasized that under Section 15 of Republic Act period, not before. In other words, election
8436 (the law authorizing the COMELEC to use an offenses can be committed by a candidate only upon
automated election system for the process of voting, the start of the campaign period. Before the start of
counting of votes, and canvassing/consolidating the the campaign period, such election offenses cannot
results of the national and local elections), as be so committed. Since the law is clear, the Court has
amended by Republic Act No. 9369, one is now no recourse but to apply it. The forum for examining
considered a candidate only at the start of the the wisdom of the law, and enacting remedial
campaign period. Thus, before the start of the measures, is not the Court but the Legislature.
campaign period, there can be no election campaign
or partisan political activity because there is no (B) Contrary to the assailed Decision, Section 15 of
candidate to speak of. Accordingly, Penera could not R.A. 8436, as amended, does not provide that
be disqualified for premature campaigning because partisan political acts done by a candidate before the
the motorcade took place outside the campaign campaign period are unlawful, but may be prosecuted
period � when Penera was not yet only upon the start of the campaign period. Neither
a �candidate.� Sarmiento posited that Section 15 of does the law state that partisan political acts done by
R.A. No. 8436, as amended by R.A. 9369, has a candidate before the campaign period are
practically made it impossible to commit premature temporarily lawful, but becomes unlawful upon the
campaigning at any time, and has, thus, effectively start of the campaign period. Besides, such a law as
repealed Section 80 of the Omnibus Election Code. envisioned in the Decision, which defines a criminal
Penera filed a Petition for Certiorari before the act and curtails freedom of expression and speech,
Supreme Court to nullify the disqualification. She would be void for vagueness.
argued that the evidence was grossly insufficient to
warrant the COMELEC�s ruling. She maintained that (C) That Section 15 of R.A. 8436 does not expressly
the motorcade was spontaneous and unplanned, and state that campaigning before the start of the
the supporters merely joined her and the other campaign period is lawful, as the assailed Decision
candidates. asserted, is of no moment. It is a basic principle of law
that any act is lawful unless expressly declared
ISSUE: unlawful by law. The mere fact that the law does not
Whether or not Penera should be disqualified for declare an act unlawful ipso facto means that the act
engaging in election campaign or partisan political is lawful. Thus, there is no need for Congress to
activity outside the campaign period. declare in Section 15 of R.A. 8436 that partisan
political activities before the start of the campaign
HELD: period are lawful. It is sufficient for Congress to state
Granting Penera�s motion for reconsideration, the that �any unlawful act or omission applicable to a
Supreme Court En Banc held that Penera did not candidate shall take effect only upon the start of the
engage in premature campaigning and should, thus, campaign period.� The only inescapable and logical
not be disqualified as a mayoralty candidate. The result is that the same acts, if done before the start of
Court said � the campaign period, are lawful.
(D) The Court�s 11 September 2009 Decision also exercises purely administrative functions. Moreover, it
reversed Lanot vs. COMELEC (G.R. No. 164858; 16 is expressly provided in Rule 27, Section 7 of the
November 2006). Lanot was decided on the ground COMELEC Rules of Procedure that any party
that one who files a certificate of candidacy is not a dissatisfied with the ruling of the board of canvassers
candidate until the start of the campaign period. This shall have a right to appeal to the COMELEC en
ground was based on the deliberations of the banc. Questions as to whether elections have been
legislators who explained that the early deadline for held or whether certain returns were falsified or
filing certificates of candidacy under R.A. 8436 was manufactured and therefore should be excluded from
set only to afford time to prepare the machine- the canvass do not involve the right to vote. Such
readable ballots, and they intended to preserve the questions are properly within the administrative
existing election periods, such that one who files his jurisdiction of COMELEC, hence, may be acted upon
certificate of candidacy to meet the early deadline will directly by the COMELEC en banc without having to
still not be considered as a candidate. pass through any of its divisions.

When Congress amended R.A. 8436, Congress DOCTRINE:

decided to expressly incorporate the Lanot doctrine There are only three instances where a failure of
into law, thus, the provision in Section 15 of R.A. 8436 election may be declared: namely:
that a person who files his certificate of candidacy (a) The election in any polling place has
shall be considered a candidate only at the start of the not been held on the date fixed on account
campaign period. Congress wanted to insure that no of force majeure, violence, terrorism, fraud,
person filing a certificate of candidacy under the early or other analogous causes;
deadline required by the automated election system (b) The election in any polling place has
would be disqualified or penalized for any partisan been suspended before the hour fixed by law
political act done before the start of the campaign for the closing of the voting on account of
period. This provision cannot be annulled by the Court force majeure, violence, terrorism, fraud, or
except on the sole ground of its unconstitutionality. other analogous causes; or
(c) After the voting and during the
The assailed Decision, however, did not claim that preparation and transmission of the election
this provision is unconstitutional. In fact, the assailed returns or in the custody or canvass thereof,
Decision considered the entire Section 15 good law. such election results in a failure to elect on
Thus, the Decision was self-contradictory �reversing account of force majeure, violence,
Lanot but maintaining the constitutionality of the said terrorism, fraud, or other analogous causes.
The question of inclusion or exclusion from the list of
voters involves the right to vote which is not within the
CANICOSA V. COMELEC power and authority of COMELEC to rule upon. The
GR No. 120318 determination of whether one has the right to vote is a
5 December 1997 justiciable issue properly cognizable by our regular
Ricardo “Boy” Canicosa and Severino Lajara were It is only in the exercise of its adjudicatory or quasi-
candidates for Mayor in Calamba, Laguna during the judicial powers that the COMELEC is mandated to
8 May 1995 elections. Lajara was proclaimed winner hear and decide cases first by Division and then,
by the Municipal Board of Canvassers. upon motion for reconsideration, by the
COMELEC en banc. This is when it is jurisdictional.
On 15 May Canicosa filed with the COMELEC a
Petition to Declare Failure of Election and to Declare The COMELEC exercises direct and immediate
Null and Void the Canvass and Proclamation because supervision and control over national and local
of alleged widespread frauds and anomalies. officials or employees, including members of any
However, the COMELEC en bancdismissed the national or local law enforcement agency and
petition on the ground that the allegations therein did instrumentality of the government required by law to
not justify a declaration of failure of election. perform duties relative to the conduct of elections. Its
power to direct supervision and control includes the
ISSUE: power to review, modify, or set aside any act of such
W/N a COMELEC division should have first heard the national and local officials. It exercises immediate
petition before deciding on it en banc on a motion for supervision over the members of the boards of
reconsideration. election inspectors and canvassers. Its statutory
power of supervision and control includes the power
HELD: to revise, reverse, or set aside the action of the
NO. Section 3, Article IX-C applies only when the boards, as well as to do what the boards should have
COMELEC acts in the exercise of its adjudicatory or done, even if questions relative thereto have not been
quasi-judicial functions and not when it merely elevated to it by an aggrieved party, for such power
includes the authority to initiate motu proprio or by winner in the 1998 mayoralty derby as his
itself such steps or actions as may be required proclamation was under protest did not make him
pursuant to law. less than a duly elected mayor. There was no
interruption or break in the continuity of Ong’s
service respecting the 1998-2001 term.
ONG v ALEGRE (Pre Election Remedies)

1. Ong and Alegre were candidates who filed COC SWS v COMELEC (Election Propaganda)
for mayor of San Vicente in the 2004 elections.
Ong was then the incumbent mayor.
2. Alegre filed with the COMELEC Provincial Office
a Petition to Disqualify, Deny Due Course and 1. Petitioner SWS and Kamahalan Publishing Corp.
Cancel the COC of Francis Ong. (publisher of Manila Standard) states that it
3. The petition to disqualify was predicated on the wishes to conduct an election survey throughout
three-consecutive term rule. Francis having, the period of the elections and release to the
according to Alegre, ran in the May 1995, 1998, media the results of such survey as well as
and May 2001 mayoralty elections and have publish them directly. KPC also intends to publish
assumed office as Mayor and discharged the election survey results up to the last day of
duties thereof for three consecutive full terms elections on May 14, 2001.
corresponding to those elections. Hence, Ong 2. RA 3636 Section 5.4 dated Mar 1, 2001 states:
must be disqualified from running in the 2004 a. Surveys affecting national candidates shall
elections. not be published 15 days before an
4. First Division of COMELEC rendered in 2004 a election
resolution dismissing the said petition of Alegre, b. Surveys affecting local candidates shall
rationalizing that Francis might have indeed fully not be published 7 days before an election
served the mayoral terms but the mayoral term 3. Petitioners argue that the restriction on the
however, from 1998 to 2001 cannot be publication of election survey results constitutes a
considered his because he was not duly elected prior restraint on the exercise of freedom of
thereto. speech without any clear and present danger to
5. But the RTC of Daet, Camarines Norte Branch 41 justify such restraint.
has voided Ong’s election for the 1998 term
when it held that Alegre was the "legally elected
Mayor in the 1998 mayoralty election in San Issue:
Vicente, Camarines Norte."
Are the Comelec Resolutions prohibiting the holding
of pre-polls and exit polls and the dissemination of
ISSUE: W/N Ong’s assumption of office as Mayor of
their results through mass media, valid and
San Vicente, Camarines Norte for the mayoralty term
1998 to 2001 be considered as full service for the
purpose of the three-term limit rule even though the
“legally elected mayor” was supposed to be Alegre.
Ruling: NO

1. The Court held that Section 5.4 is invalid

HELD: because
a. It imposes a prior restraint on the freedom
1. Affirmative. Ong is disqualified as even if the of expression
COMELEC had declared Alegre to be the legally b. It is a direct and total suppression of a
elected mayor in the 1998 elections, it was category of expression even though such
without effect as the declaration only took place suppression is only for a limited period
AFTER the expiration of the contested office. c. The governmental interest sought to be
2. Ong’s assumption of office from 1998 to 2001 promoted can be achieved by means other
constitutes the full term served in contemplation than suppression of freedom of expression.
of the 3-term limit rule. 2. The prohibition in 5.4 cannot be justified merely
3. Requisites for 3 Term Limit Rule to apply: on the ground that is only for a limited period and
a. Official concerned has been elected for 3 it is only incidental. The prohibition may only be
consecutive terms in the SAME local post for a limited time but the curtailment of the right of
b. He has fully served 3 consecutive terms expression is direct, absolute, and substantial.
4. Ong’s contention that he was only a presumptive 3. Section 5.4 also fails to meet the criterion of the
O’Brien test, namely, that the restriction be not Electoral Tribunal within thirty (30) days after the
greater than is necessary to further the proclamation of the winner.
governmental interest. 2. Court has ruled that a “Public Office” is personal
4. Praiseworthy the aims of Section 5.4 may be to the public officer and not a property
(e.g. prevention of “Dagdag-bawas” cheating or transmissible to heirs upon death. Here, court
junking of weak candidates) they cannot be has denied substitution by wife/heirs. BUT while
attained at the sacrifice of the fundamental right the right to public office is personal and
of expression. exclusive, an “Election Protest” is not.
5. It has been held that "[mere] legislative 3. An election protest is not purely personal and
preferences or beliefs respecting matters of exclusive to the protestant or to the protestee,
public convenience may well support regulation hence, substitution and intervention is allowed
directed at other personal activities, but be but only by a real party in interest. A real party in
insufficient to justify such as diminishes the interest is the party who would be benefited or
exercise of rights so vital to the maintenance of injured by the judgment. The protestant’s widow
democratic institutions.” is not a real party in interest to this election
protest. Since in this case, no real parties such
as the vice-presidential aspirants in the 2004
elections, have come forward to intervene, or to
be substituted for the deceased protestant, the
FPJ v GMA (Post Election Remedies) petition must be dismissed.
4. Note that Mrs. FPJ herself denies any claim to
the office of President but rather stresses that it is
with the “paramount public interest” in mind that
she desires “to pursue the process” commenced
1. In the 2004 election, GMA was proclaimed the
by her late husband. However, nobility of
duly elected President. The second-placer in the
intention is not the point of reference in
elections, FPJ, filed an election protest before the
determining whether a person may intervene in
Electoral Tribunal in July 2004.
an election protest.
2. When the Protestant died in Dec 2004, his
5. In such intervention, the interest which allows a
widow, Susan Roces filed a motion to intervene
person to intervene in a suit must be in the matter
as a substitute for deceased protestant FPJ. She
of litigation and of such direct and immediate
claims that there is an urgent need for her to
character that the intervenor will either gain or
continue and substitute for her late husband to
lose by the effect of the judgment. In this protest,
ascertain the true and genuine will of the
Mrs. FPJ will not immediately and directly benefit
electorate in the interest of the Filipino people.
from the outcome should it be determined that
3. GMA asserts that the widow of a deceased
the declared president did not truly get the
candidate is not the proper party to replace the
highest number of votes.
deceased protestant since a public office is
personal and not a property that passes on to the
heirs. GMA also contends that under the Rules of
the Presidential Electoral Tribunal, only the
registered candidates who obtained the 2nd and
3rd highest votes for the presidency may contest FAELNAR v PEOPLE (Election Offenses)
the election of the president.

Issue: May the widow substitute/intervene for the 1. Eugenio Faelnar filed his certificate of candidacy
protestant who died during the pendency of the for the position of barangay chairman during the
latter’s protest case? 1997-barangay elections in Cebu.
2. One day after filing such certificate (April 9), a
basketball tourney was slated “2nd Jing- Jing
Faelnar’s Cup” which lasted until April 30, 1997.
Held: NO This gave rise to a complaint for electioneering
against petitioner and Gillamac filed by Antonio
1. Only 2 persons (2nd and 3rd highest placers) may Luy. It was alleged that is was a form of
contest the election. Rule 14 (Election Protest): electioneering (campaign outside campaign
Only the registered candidate for President or for period) as there were streamers bearing the
Vice-President of the Philippines who received name of the petitioner in the venue, name was
the second or third highest number of votes may repeatedly mentioned in the microphone, it was
contest the election of the President or the Vice- widely published in the local newspaper, and a
President, as the case may be, by filing a verified raffle sponsored by Gillamac was held with home
petition with the Clerk of the Presidential appliances as prize. It constituted an election
3. Initially, COMELEC en banc in a Resolution
(973040) resolved to dismiss the filing of the case Lucman v. COMELEC
in the RTC. Antonio Luy moved for
reconsideration prompting COMELEC to proceed
with the filing of the case against petitioner.
Petitioner moved to quash on the basis that FACTS:
previous dismissal of COMELEC en banc was
immediately final and executory and that Luy’s
Petitioner Bairansalam Laut Lucman and private
Motion for Reconsideration of the Resolution
(973040) was prohibited pleading under respondent Mosama M. Pandi were mayoralty
Commission’s rules of procedure. candidates in Poona-Bayabao, Lanao del Sur, during
the May 10, 2004 elections.

Issue: W/N the MR of Luy is allowed in Election

Private respondent objected to the inclusion of ten
election returns, although only six of these are
subjects of the present controversy, to wit

1. A Motion for Reconsideration is allowed in

election offense cases and there is no question Municipal Board of Canvassers proclaimed petitioner
that what is involved is a resolution of COMELEC as the winning candidate, as shown in the Certificate
en banc in an election offense. Hence, MR of of Canvass of Votes and Proclamation of the Winning
such is allowed under Rules of Procedure.
Candidates for Municipal Offices, signed on May 19,
2. Rule 13 Section 1 (COMELEC’s Rules of
Procedure): The following pleadings are not 2004.[3] Petitioner won over private respondent by a
allowed…. (d) MR of en banc ruling, resolution, margin of 16 votes.
orders, or decision EXCEPT in election offense
3. COMELEC en banc is the one that determines
the existence of probable cause in an election Private respondent filed with Commission on
offense. But it may also be delegated to the State Elections (COMELEC) an appeal from the ruling of
Prosecutor of to the Provincial/City Fiscal but the Board, docketed as SPC 04-184, alleging massive
may still be reviewed by the COMELEC.
fraud and irregularities in the conduct of the
4. Rule 64 (Rules of Court):
a. Section 2: A judgment or final order or elections, e.g., force, threat and intimidation were
resolution by the COMELEC and COA employed on the voters, double voting, substitution of
may be brought by the aggrieved party to voters, snatching of ballots, padding of ballots and
SC except as provided…. existence of flying voters.[4] Private respondent also
b. Section 3: Petition shall be filed within 30 contended that the contested election returns should
days from notice of resolution sought to be have been excluded from the canvass, and that the
Board was precipitate in proclaiming petitioner as the
5. The grounds relied upon by petitioner are
directed at the validity of Resolution (973040). winning candidate, as private respondent has
The petitioner prays that such is null and void. manifested on record that he is intending to appeal
The petition is nothing but an attempt to the Board’s ruling.[5] Private respondent admits that
circumvent a final resolution of COMELEC. The the exclusion of the contested returns is a ground for
petitioner’s remedy was to seek its annulment by election protest, but he also argues that the
way of a special civil action of certiorari under
COMELEC may go beyond the face of the returns to
Rule 64 Sec 2. In the case, no such petition was
ever filed. The present petition to set aside the determine whether the elections in the precincts
orders of RTC denying its motion to quash and involved are a sham.
MR was filed more than a year after Resolution
(973040) was promulgated. The Resolution is
now final and binding upon parties.
Petitioner filed his Comment and/or Answer to the
appeal, arguing that the grounds relied upon by
private respondent are not proper in a pre-
proclamation controversy but in an election protest.
transmission, receipt, custody and appreciation of the
election returns

Whether the appeal from the Board of Canvassers to

the COMELEC (First Division) interjected by private SEC. 243. Issues that may be raised in pre-
respondent makes a case for a pre-proclamation proclamation controversy. - The following shall be
controversy proper issues that may be raised in a pre-
proclamation controversy:

HELD: (a) Illegal composition or proceedings of the board

of canvassers; (b) The canvassed election returns
NO, The proceedings in a pre-proclamation are incomplete, contain material defects, appear to be
controversy are summary in nature .[23] Issues such as tampered with or falsified, or contain discrepancies in
fraud or terrorism attendant to the election process, the same returns or in other authentic copies thereof
the resolution of which would compel or necessitate as mentioned in Sections 233, 234, 235, and 236 of
the COMELEC to pierce the veil of election returns this Code; (c) The election returns were prepared
which appear to be prima facie regular, on their face, under duress, threats, coercion, or intimidation, or
are anathema to a pre-proclamation controversy. they are obviously manufactured or not authentic; and
Such issues should be posed and resolved in a (d) When substitute or fraudulent returns in
regular election protest, which is within the original controverted polling places were canvassed, the
jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) results of which materially affected the standing of the
aggrieved candidate or candidates. The foregoing
The padding of the List of Voters may constitute fraud, enumeration is restrictive and exclusive
or that the Board of Election Inspectors may have
fraudulently conspired in its preparation, would not be Cipriano vs Comelec
a valid basis for a pre-proclamation controversy
either. For, whenever irregularities, such as fraud, are
asserted, the proper course of action is an election
Petitioner filed with the COMELEC her
Such irregularities as fraud, vote-buying and terrorism certificate of candidacy as Chairman of the SK for the
are proper grounds in an election contest but may not SK elections. And on the date of the elections, the
as a rule be invoked to declare a failure of election COMELEC issued Resolution No. 5363 cancelling the
and to disenfranchise the greater number of the certificates of candidacy of several candidates for the
electorate through the misdeeds, precisely, of only a SK elections, including petitioners. Also, alleging that
relative few. Otherwise, elections will never be they are not registered voters in the barangay where
carried out with the resultant disenfranchisement of they intended to run.
the innocent voters, for the losers will always cry fraud
and terrorism
But, petitioner, nonetheless, was allowed to
vote and her name was not deleted from the official
list of candidates. Petitioner won and took her oath of
DOCTRINE: office.

Section 241 of the Omnibus Election Code defines a The petitioner, after learning of Resolution No.
pre-proclamation controversy as “any question 5363, filed with the COMELEC a motion for
pertaining to or affecting the proceedings of the board reconsideration of said resolution. She argued that a
of canvassers which may be raised by any candidate certificate of candidacy may only be denied due
or by any registered political party or coalition of course or cancelled via an appropriate petition filed by
political parties before the board or directly with the any registered candidate for the same position
Commission, or any matter raised under Sections
Petitioner argues that she was deprived of due
233, 234, 235 and 236 in relation to the preparation,
process when the COMELEC issued Resolution No.
5363 canceling her certificate of candidacy. She Nonetheless, Section 78 of the Omnibus
claims that the resolution was intended to oust her Election Code allows any person to file before the
from her position as SK Chairman without any COMELEC a petition to deny due course to or cancel
appropriate action and proceedings. a certificate of candidacy on the ground that any
material representation therein is false. It states:
The COMELEC, on the other hand, defends its
resolution by invoking its administrative power to Sec. 78. Petition to deny due course to or
enforce and administer election laws. Thus, in the cancel a certificate of candidacy. - A verified petition
exercise of such power, it may motu proprio deny or seeking to deny due course or to cancel a certificate
cancel the certificates of candidacy of candidates who of candidacy may be filed by any person exclusively
are found to be unqualified for the position they are on the ground that any material representation
seeking. The Commission further contends that the contained therein as required under Section 74 hereof
publication of COMELEC Resolution No. 4801 is false. The petition may be filed at any time not later
governing the conduct of the Barangay and SK than twenty-five days from the time of the filing of the
elections in two newspapers of general circulation is certificate of candidacy and shall be decided, after
sufficient notice to the candidates regarding the notice and hearing, not later than fifteen days before
Commission’s administrative inquiry into their the election.
certificates of candidacy.
Further, the denial of due course or
cancellation of one’s certificate of candidacy is not
May the Commission on Elections within the administrative powers of the Commission,
(COMELEC), on its own, in the exercise of its power but rather calls for the exercise of its quasi-judicial
to enforce and administer election laws, look into the functions.
qualifications of a candidate and cancel his certificate
Benito vs Comelec
of candidacy on the ground that he lacks the
qualifications prescribed by law? Facts:
Ruling: Petitioner and private respondent were two
(2) of eight (8) candidates vying for the position of
No. The Commission may not, by itself, without
municipal mayor in Calanogas, lanao del Sur during
the proper proceedings, deny due course to or cancel
the May 11, 1998 elections. The election in the first
a certificate of candidacy filed in due form. When a
three (3), namely precincts 15A, 6A/6A1 and 17A are
candidate files his certificate of candidacy, the
the subject of BENITO's petition to declare failure of
COMELEC has a ministerial duty to receive and
elections filed before the respondent
acknowledge its receipt. This is provided in Sec. 76
of the Omnibus Election Code, thus:

Sec. 76. Ministerial duty of receiving and On the day of the election, voting started
acknowledging receipt. - The Commission, provincial peacefully at the polling place. Shortly before noon,
election supervisor, election registrar or officer however, it was interrupted when some thirty(30)
designated by the Commission or the board of armed men appeared at the school premises and
election inspectors under the succeeding section shall fired shots into the air. Petitioner alleged that the
have the ministerial duty to receive and acknowledge ballot boxes and other election materials were taken
receipt of the certificate of candidacy. to the municipal hall by the military forces providing
security. From then on, the voting allegedly never
The duty of the COMELEC to give due course resumed, even when voters who had not yet cast their
to certificates of candidacy filed in due form is ballots returned to their respective polling places after
ministerial in character. While the Commission may the lawless elements had left.
look into patent defects in the certificates, it may not
go into matters not appearing on their face. The However, private respondent avers that
question of eligibility or ineligibility of a candidate is voting in fact resumed when the armed men left at
thus beyond the usual and proper cognizance of said about 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon. There were no
body further untoward incidents until voting closed at 3:00
o'clock. As proof, private respondent submitted a
"Final Incident Report”. Petitioner filed petition to declare failure of election
and to call a special elections in precincts 15A,
After counting, these results emerged: 6A/6A1 and 17A He also filed a separate petition for
the annulment of the proclamation of private

Comelec denied Benito’s petition and confirmed the

CANDIDATE proclamation of the private respondent.

Issue: W/N the Comelec erred in denying Benito’s

petition to declare a failure of election?
Ibrahim Pagayawan 927

No, there are two (2) pre-conditions must

exist before a failure of election may be declared,
Zaipal Benito 879
thus: (1) no voting has been held in any precinct or
precincts due to force majeure, violence or terrorism;
and (2) the votes not cast therein are sufficient to
affect the results of the election. The cause of such
Amoran Macaborod 524 failure may arise before or after the casting of votes or
on the day of the election.

Of all the five precincts whose elections were

Jabbar Maruhom held in Disimban Elementary School, petitioner Benito
(no data available)
claimed only three precincts failed to function therein.

SC held that the COMELEC did not gravely

abuse its discretion in denying BENITO's petition to
Private respondent won over petitioner by forty-eight declare a failure to election and to call a special
(48) votes and was proclaimed as Mayor of election. It is indeed odd that petitioner singles out
Calanogas only precincts 15A, 6A/6A1 and 17A as the subjects
of his petition when there were two (2) other precincts
On the other hand, the total votes cast for the three in the same school. Likewise, he never objected to
(3) excluded precincts numbered forty-one (41) only, the inclusion of the two (2) other precincts during the
which is broken down as follows: canvassing and counting of votes.


15A 177 1

6A/6A1 225 19

17A 188 21

TOTAL 590 41
In a sense, petitioner equates failure of that Certificate of Canvass of Votes and Proclamation
elections to the low percentage of votes cast vis-à-vis dated May 31, 1998 issued by the City Board of
the number of registered voters in the subject election Canvassers of Cotabato City is HEREBY
precincts. However, SUSPENDED. Sema is directed to cease and desist
from taking his oath of office as City Mayor and/or
There is failure of elections only when the from discharging the functions of said office.
will of the electorate has been muted and cannot be
Despite the above order of the COMELEC,
ascertained. If the will of the people is determinable,
Sema assumed the office of the city mayor of
the same must as far as possible be respected.
Cotabato and commenced to discharge the functions
of said office.
Sema filed a petition for certiorari and
prohibition with prayer for the issuance of a temporary
restraining order and/or writ of preliminary injunction
directing the COMELEC to desist from enforcing the
Muslimin Sema and Rodel Mañara were two questioned order. Sema allege that the evidence
(2) of the eleven (11) candidates for city mayor of submitted by the private respondent before the
Cotabato City during the May 11, 1998 elections. Comelec proved beyond doubt that his appeal was
filed out of time and that he failed to comply with the
During the canvassing of the election returns requirements of a pre-proclamation controversy.
from the three hundred sixty-two (362) precincts of
Cotabato City by the City Board of Canvassers Issue: Whether or not the proclamation of Sema is
(CBC), numerous petitions for exclusion of election null and void?
returns were filed. Sema objected to thirty (30)
election returns and filed a petition for exclusion of
such returns on the ground that the same contained The party adversely affected by a ruling of the
material defects, were allegedly tampered with or board must take an appeal within three (3) days from
falsified, prepared under duress, threat, coercion, and the date of the ruling. In this case, the facts would
intimidation, or substituted with fraudulent ones. suggest that the CBC adjourned its proceedings on
May 30 and 31, 1998 without making any ruling on
On May 22, 1998, the CBC issued an order
Mañara’s objections to the CBC’s proceedings. When
dismissing 13 of the 30 petitions for exclusion filed
Mañara filed his appeal in it cannot be correctly
including that of Sema. Sema did not appeal from
argued that the 3-day period set by law for its
these orders within the reglementary period,
submission had expired because the CBC never ruled
consequently, the same already became final.
on his objections to the board’s proceedings. The
However, the CBC issued another order on May 29,
failure or refusal of the CBC to rule on Mañara’s
1998, this time granting Sema’s petitions for exclusion
objections should not prevent his right to elevate the
of 30 election returns, among which were the 28
matter to the COMELEC for proper review.
election returns already ordered included for canvass.
The failure of the Board to discharge this obligation
Manara questioned the order, the composition
should not in any way prejudice Mañara’s right to
of the CBC, the legality of its proceedings and the
elevate the matter to this Commission on appeal.
capacity of the board to act fairly and judiciously.

On May 31, 1998, Sema and the other winning It is clear that the CBC acted without authority
candidates for the City of Cotabato were proclaimed when it issued its May 29, 1998 ruling. Consequently,
by the CBC. the COMELEC acted without or in excess of its
jurisdiction and with grave abuse of discretion when it
On June 2, 1998, Mañara filed his written rendered the questioned resolution of October 18,
notice of appeal with the CBC and subsequently to 1999 denying due course for allegedly having been
Comelec questioning the exclusion of the thirty (30) filed out of time and affirming the proclamation of
election returns which he claimed to be illegal and Sema as Mayor of Cotabato City and the resolution of
petition for annulment of the proclamation of Sema. January 2, 2000 denying Mañara’s motion for
reconsideration of the October 18, 1999 resolution.
On June 29, 1998, COMELEC issued an order
Accordingly, the proclamation of Sema is null and he assumed office. This prompted petitioner Tan
and void as it was based on an incomplete canvass. to file a Petition for Annulment of the Proclamation
An incomplete canvass is illegal and cannot be the with the COMELEC First Division
basis of a valid proclamation. A proclamation made
where the contested returns set aside will affect the
result of the election and the board of canvassers
proceeded to proclaim without the authority from the COMELEC First Division issued an Order which
COMELEC is null and void. granted the petition and annulled the proclamation of
respondent Loong as governor of Sulu Province

November 20, 2006

on July 19, 2004, respondent Yusop H. Jikiri filed
before the COMELEC a Petition of ProtestAd
Cautelam, docketed as EPC No. 2004-66
FACTS praying, inter alia, for the recount or revision of the
ballots cast and the examination of election returns in
Abdusakur M. Tan and Basaron Burahan were the four (4) municipalities of Sulu, namely, Luuk, Tongkil,
gubernatorial and vice-gubernatorial candidates, Maimbung, and Parang
respectively, of Sulu Province in the May 10, 2004
national and local elections. On May 17, 2004,
petitioners, together with other local candidates for
congressman, mayor, and vice-mayor, filed with the OMELEC en banc, through its October 18, 2004 Joint
COMELEC four (4) Petitions for Declaration of Failure Resolution, dismissed all five (5) petitions filed on
of Elections in the towns of Maimbung, Luuk, Tongkil, May 17, 2004 to declare a failure of elections. This
and Panamao, all of Sulu Province prompted respondent Jikiri to immediately convert his
petition ad cautelam into a regular election protest
which was granted by the COMELEC First Division in
an Order
Tan and Burahan alleged systematic fraud, terrorism,
illegal schemes, and machinations allegedly
perpetrated by private respondents and their
supporters resulting in massive disenfranchisement of COMELEC en banc ruled that there was no failure of
voters. Petitioners submitted various affidavits and election in the subject municipalities of Sulu. It
photographs to substantiate their allegations reasoned that it could only exercise the extraordinary
remedy of declaring a failure of election in the three
instances mentioned in Carlos v. Angeles, in relation
to Section 6 of the Omnibus Election Code. and
COMELEC Second Division, acting on the Petitions Section 4 of RA 7166, which in gist are: (1) the
for Declaration of Failure of Elections, issued its May election is not held, (2) the election is suspended, or
17, 2004 Order suspending the proclamation of the (3) the election results in a failure to elect. COMELEC
winning gubernatorial candidate of Sulu, but lifted the held that none of the grounds relied upon by
suspension three (3) days later petitioners fall under any of the three instances
justifying a declaration of failure of election

On May 24, 2004, COMELEC directed the concerned

boards of canvassers to suspend their proceedings While the authenticity and integrity of the election
and to refrain from proclaiming any winning returns from the municipalities of Luuk and Panamao
candidate. were questioned by petitioner Tan, those of
Maimbung and Tongkil were left undisturbed
throughout the preparation, transmission, custody,
and canvass of the returns. Petitioners alleged that
on the same day that the COMELEC First Division
fraud and terrorism took place in Luuk and Panamao
issued the said Order, private respondent Benjamin
because voters were forced to affix their signatures
Loong was proclaimed the winning governor of Sulu
and thumbprints; and the ballots in Luuk and
Panamao were filled out by respondents’ poll election protest on October 28, 2004, petitioner
watchers and supporters. Benjamin T. Loong filed on November 8, 2004 his
Answer with Motion to Dismiss and/or with Counter
Protest. Petitioner Loong anchored his motion to
Citing Grand Alliance for Democracy v. dismiss on the ground that the COMELEC had no
COMELEC, the COMELEC en banc ruled that the jurisdiction to take cognizance of an election protest
grounds raised by petitioners were best ventilated in filed out of time.
an election protest.
On December 14, 2004, the COMELEC First Division
The COMELEC did not give credence to petitioners’ issued the first assailed Order denying petitioner
evidence in support of their allegations of fraud and Loong’s motion to dismiss, ruling that the protest was
not filed out of time as there were still pending pre-
terrorism since their evidence consisted mainly of
proclamation cases before it, the result of which could
affidavits executed by their own poll watchers. The affect Loong’s motion. It further held that it did not
Commission considered the affidavits self-serving and matter that these pre-proclamation cases were not
insufficient to annul the results of the election. filed by respondent Jikiri but by another candidate,
Besides, it pointed out that petitioners presented only Abdusakur M. Tan, as Section 248 of the Omnibus
a single affidavit of an alleged disenfranchised voter. Election Code does not require that the petition to
annul or suspend the proclamation be filed by the
Thus, on October 18, 2004, the COMELEC, through a
protestant. Thus, the COMELEC First Division
Joint Resolution, dismissed the petitions for lack of concluded that these pending pre-proclamation cases
merit. would not prevent respondent Jikiri from converting
his protest ad cautelam into a regular one, and which
fact would not preclude the Commission from
deciding the election protest case. After all, the
However, the Joint Resolution was not concurred in COMELEC First Division noted that pre-proclamation
by COMELEC Commissioner Mehol K. Sadain who controversies and election protest cases have
signed it with a note: "DISSENTING. DISSENTING different causes of action, and thus, could proceed
OPINION TO FOLLOW." Subsequently, independently. Finally, the COMELEC First Division
Commissioner Sadain submitted his Dissenting directed the concerned parties to take the appropriate
Opinion on November 23, 2004 or 36 days after the steps to address the financial and personnel
joint resolution was issued. The Commissioner opined requirements for the protest and counter-protest
that there was failure of elections as the voters were proceedings.
allegedly not sufficiently informed about the change
and transfer of polling places (clustering of precincts) Subsequently, petitioner Loong’s Motion for
approved by the COMELEC en banc on May 9, 2004 Reconsideration was denied through the second
or on the eve of the May 10, 2004 elections. assailed February 7, 2005 Order which directed
Commissioner Sadain citedHassan v. COMELEC field personnel to comply with the
COMELEC and Basher v. COMELEC which held directives of the December 14, 2004 Order. However,
that insufficient notice of the change of date and in a subsequent order, the COMELEC First Division
venue deprived voters of the opportunity to participate stayed the implementation of these directives pending
in the elections. resolution of the instant petition in G.R. No. 166891.

This basis of Commissioner Sadain’s Dissenting Meanwhile, on March 18, 2005, the COMELEC First
Opinion, however, was not raised by the petitioners in Division’s dismissal of the appeal filed by petitioner
their May 17, 2004 petitions (for declaration of failure Abdusakur M. Tan in SPA Nos. 04-163, 04-164, and
of elections) before the COMELEC. 04-165 for the exclusion of certificates of
canvass, rendered moot and academic the issue on
The Sadain Dissenting Opinion was released on the annulment of the proclamation of Benjamin Loong
November 23, 2004, and a copy of the opinion was as governor of Sulu.
served on petitioners’ counsel on November 24, 2004.
Petitioners filed the instant petition in G.R. Nos. ISSUES
166143-47 on December 13, 2004, 19 days after they
received a copy of the Sadain Dissenting Opinion, 1. Whether [or not] the respondent COMELEC
and 53 days after they received a copy of the October committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to
18, 2004 Joint Resolution. lack or excess of jurisdiction, in dismissing the
consolidated petitions despite the evident massive
After the dismissal of the petitions to declare failure of disenfranchisement of the voters.
elections on October 18, 2004 and the conversion of
respondent Jikiri’s protest ad cautelam to a regular
2. Whether [or not] the proclamation of the The trial court declared Malaluan as the duly elected
respondents, albeit patently null and void, bars the municipal mayor of Kidapawan, North Cotabato. The
filing of the instant petitions for declaration of failure of lower court found Evangelista liable not only for
elections. Malaluan’s protest expenses but also for moral and
exemplary damages and attorney’s fees. Except for
HELD moral damages, the decision was affirmed by the
Comelec when it found Malaluan liable for attorney’s
fees, actual expenses for xerox copies, and unearned
1. No. There is no evidence of massive salary and other emoluments from March, 1994 to
disenfranchisement. Factual findings of the April, 1995. Is Evangelista entitled, in particular, to
COMELEC which has the expertise in the unearned salary and other emoluments appurtenant
enforcement and administration of all election laws to the position of mayor during the above period?
and regulations are binding on the Court
As a general rule, notwithstanding his
subsequent ouster as a result of an election protest,
an elective official who has been proclaimed by the
2. No. There is no failure of elections.
Comelec as winner in an electoral contest and who
assumed office and entered into the performance of
the duties of that office, is entitled to the
compensation, emoluments and allowances legally
Doctrine: Instances to justify failure of elections gives provided for the position. Nevertheless, if the
(3) instances; defendant, directly or indirectly, had committed
unlawful or tortious acts which led to and resulted in
1. The election in any polling place has not been his proclamation as senator-elect, when in truth and in
held on the date fixed on account of force majeure, fact he was not so elected, he would be answerable
violence, terrorism, fraud, or other analogous cases for damages. In that event the salary, fees and
emoluments received by or paid to him during his
illegal incumbency would be a proper item of
2. The election in any polling place has been
recoverable damage.
suspended before the hour fixed by law for the closing
of the voting on account of force majeure, violence, In this case, the award of salaries and other
terrorism, fraud or other analogous causes. emoluments to Evangelista is improper. Malaluan was
not a usurper because, while a usurper is one who
3. after the voting and during the preparation and undertakes to act officially without any color of right,
transmission of the election returns or in the custody Malaluan exercised the duties of an elective office
or canvass thereof, such election results in a failure to under color of election thereto. Malaluan is a de facto
officer who, in good faith, has had possession of the
elect on account of force majeure, violence, terrorism,
office and had discharged the duties pertaining
fraud, or other analogous causes thereto and is thus legally entitled to the emoluments
of the office.

Finally, there is failure of election only if the will of the PRE-PROCLAMATION CONTROVERSY
electorate is muted and cannot be ascertained. If the
will of the people is determinable, the same must be PRE-PROCLAMATION CONTROVERSY; THE
respected as much as possible FACT THAT A CANDIDATE PROCLAIMED HAS
Hermosisima, Jr., J.
FACTS: [G.R. No. 149803, January 31, 2002]
Luis Malaluan and Joseph Evangelista were
both mayoralty candidates in the Municipality of
Kidapawan, North Cotabato, in the Synchronized
National and Local Elections held on May 11, 1992. PARDO, J:
Evangelista was proclaimed by the Municipal Board of
Canvassers as the duly elected Mayor. But Malaluan FACTS: Petitioners and respondents were
filed an election protest with the RTC contesting 64 candidates for the provincial elective positions in the
out of the total 181 precincts of the said municipality.
province of Maguindanao in the May 14, 2001 On September 26, 2001, petitioners filed the
election. Petitioner Ampatuan and respondent present petition. They claimed that by virtue of their
Candao contended for the position of governor. The proclamation pursuant to the June 14, 2001 order
slate of Ampatuan emerged as winners as per issued by the Comelec, the proper remedy available
election returns. to respondents was not a petition for declaration of
failure of elections but an election protest. The former
On May 23, 2001, respondents filed a is heard summarily while the latter involves a full-
petition with the Comelec for the annulment of blown trial. Petitioners argued that the manner by
election results and/or declaration of failure of which the technical examination is to be conducted
elections in several municipalities in the province of would defeat the summary nature of a petition for
Maguindanao. They claimed that the ballots were declaration of failure of elections.
filled-up en masse by a few persons the night before
election day, and in some precincts, the ballot boxes, On October 22, 2001, the Comelec issued
official ballots and other election paraphernalia were an order suspending the implementation of the two (2)
not delivered at all. assailed orders. However, on November 13, 2001,
the Comelec issued another order lifting the
On May 25, 2001, the Comelec issued an suspension. On November 20, 2001, the Supreme
order suspending the proclamation of the winning Court issued a temporary restraining order.
candidates for congressman of the second district,
governor, vice-governor and board members of
Maguindanao. It was however lifted by Comelec on ISSUE: Whether the Commission on Elections was
June 14, 2001 in response to the petition filed by the divested of its jurisdiction to hear and decide
petitioners on May 30, 2001.Consequently, the respondents' petition for declaration of failure of
Provincial Board of Canvassers proclaimed elections after petitioners had been proclaimed.
petitioners winners.
On June 16, 2001, respondents filed with the
Supreme Court a petition to set aside the Comelec
order dated June 14, 2001, and preliminary injunction HELD: NO. Petitioners submit that by virtue of
to suspend the effects of the proclamation of the their proclamation as winners, the only remedy left for
petitioners. Meantime, petitioners assumed their private respondents is to file an election protest, in
respective offices on June 30, 2001. On July 17, which case, original jurisdiction lies with the regular
2001, the Court resolved to deny respondents' courts. In Loong v. Commission on Elections, the
petition. court ruled that "a pre-proclamation controversy is not
the same as an action for annulment of election
Petitioners' assumption into office results, or failure of elections." These two remedies
notwithstanding, on July 26, 2001, the Comelec were more specifically distinguished in this wise:
ordered the consolidation of respondents' petition for
declaration of failure of elections with SPA Nos. 01- "While, however, the Comelec is restricted,
244, 01-332, 01-360, 01-388 and 01-390. The in pre-proclamation cases, to an examination of the
COMELEC further ordered a random technical election returns on their face and is without
examination on four to seven precincts per jurisdiction to go beyond or behind them and
investigate election irregularities, the Comelec is duty
municipality on the thumb-marks and signatures of
bound to investigate allegations of fraud, terrorism,
the voters who voted and affixed in their voter's violence, and other analogous causes in actions for
registration records, and forthwith directed the annulment of election results or for declaration of
production of relevant election documents in these failure of elections, as the Omnibus Election Code
municipalities. denominates the same. Thus, the Comelec, in the
case of actions for annulment of election results or
On August 28, 2001, the Comelec issued declaration of failure of elections, may conduct
another order directing the continuation of the hearing technical examination of election documents and
compare and analyze voters' signatures and
and disposition of the consolidated SPAs on the
thumbprints in order to determine whether or not the
failure of elections and other incidents related thereto. elections had indeed been free, honest and clean."
It likewise ordered the continuation of the technical The fact that a candidate proclaimed has
examination of election documents as authorized in assumed office does not deprive the Comelec of its
the July 26, 2001 order. authority to annul any canvass and illegal
proclamation. Respondents' allegation of massive
fraud and terrorism that attended the May 14, 2001
election in the affected municipalities cannot be taken  §11(b) mandates the COMELEC to procure and
lightly as to warrant the dismissal of their petition by itself allocate to the candidates space and time in
the Comelec on the simple pretext that petitioners had the media. There is no suppression of political ads
been proclaimed winners. but only a regulation of the time and manner of
 Comelec Space- space procured by the
Elucidating on the concept of failure of
commission in atleast one newspaper of general
election, the Court held that: " . . . before Comelec circulation, in the absence of which shall be done in
can act on a verified petition seeking to declare a any other magazine or periodical in the said
failure of election, two (2) conditions must concur: province or city where candidates can announce
first, no voting has taken place in the precincts their candidacy allocated equally and impartially,
concerned on the date fixed by law or, even if there free of charge.
was voting, the election nevertheless resulted in a  Comelec Time- radio and television time procured
failure to elect; and second, the votes cast would by the commission to be allocated equally and
impartially, free of charge amongst the candidates
affect the result of the election. In Loong vs. within the are of coverage of all radio and television
Commission on Elections, this Court added that the stations.
cause of such failure of election should have been  In Justice Feliciano’s opinion of the court in NPC,
any of the following: force majeure, violence, he stated that the law’s concern is not with the
terrorism, fraud or other analogous cases." message or content of the ad but with ensuring
media equality between the candidates with “deep
pockets” and those with less resources.
 This law was part of a package of electoral reforms
adopted in 1987.
 In this law, there was no total ban on political ads,
much less restriction on the content of the speech.
Given the fact that print space and air time can be
Petitioners: Emilio M.R. Osmeña, candidate for Pres. controlled or dominated by rich candidates to the
disadvantage of poor candidates, there is a
of the Phil. and Pablo P. Garcia, running governor of substantial or legitimate governmental interest
Cebu Province. justifying exercise of the regulatory power of the
COMELEC under Art. IX-C, §4 of the Constitution.
 Section 4. The Commission may,
during the election period, supervise
 This is a petition for prohibition, seeking a or regulate the enjoyment or utilization
reexamination of the validity of §11(b) of R.A. No. of all franchises or permits for the
6646, The Electoral Reforms Law of 1987, which operation of transportation and other
prohibits mass media from selling or giving free of public utilities, media of
charge print space or air time for the campaign or communication or information, all
other political purposes except to COMELEC. grants, special privileges, or
 In a previous case, National Press Club v. concessions granted by the
COMELEC, it has been held that §11(b) of R.A. No. Government or any subdivision,
6646 is valid against claims that it abridged agency, or instrumentality thereof,
freedom of speech and of the press. including any government-owned or
 The petitioners are claiming that since the ruling on controlled corporation or its
NPC v. COMELEC, “the ban on political advertising subsidiary. Such supervision or
has not only failed to level the playing field, [but] regulation shall aim to ensure equal
actually worked to the grave disadvantage of the opportunity, equal rates therefor, for
poor candidate[s]” by depriving them of a medium public information campaigns and
which they can afford to pay for while their more forums among candidates in
affluent rivals can always resort to other means of connection with the objective of
reaching voters like airplanes, boats, rallies, holding free, orderly, honest, peaceful,
parades and handbills. and credible elections.
 Petitioner’s contention is that, contrary to the  The provision in question does not suppress
holding in NPC, §11(b) works to the disadvantage political ads. It only prohibits the sale or donation of
of candidates who do not have enough resources to print space and air time to candidates but require
wage a campaign outside of mass media. Their the COMELEC to procure space and time in the
financial ability to sustain a long drawn-out mass media for allocation, free of charge, to the
campaign, using means other than the mass media candidates.
to communicate with voters, cannot be doubted.  Instead of leaving candidates to advertise freely in
the mass media, the law provides for allocation, by
the COMELEC, of print space and air time to give
all candidates equal time and space for the purpose  This is an original action filed before the SC acting
of ensuring “free, orderly, honest, peaceful, and as a Presidential Electoral Tribunal (PET).
credible elections.”  Miriam Defensor-Santiago (DS) ran for presidency
in the 1992 National Elections. She lost, but filed
this present protest against the winner, Pres. FV
ISSUE: does §11(b) of R.A. No. 6646 prohibit freedom Ramos.
of speech and of the press as indicated in Art.  Subsequently however, she ran for Senator in the
III sec. 4 and 7 of the Constitution? 1995 Senatorial elections where she won.
 She assumed office as Senator in 1995.

HELD: NO. It does not prohibit freedom of speech ISSUE:

and of the press, as its main purpose is to
1. W/N the electoral protest was abandoned by the
regulate. Any restriction on speech is only
protestant when she got elected as Senator?
incidental, and is no more than what is
necessary to achieve its purpose of promoting
equality of opportunity in the use of mass HELD: Yes. Her actions with filing her certificate of
media for political advertising. candidacy without any qualification, condition or
reservation, her inability to comply with conditions set
 Democratic reforms should be seen for what they by PET, and upon her acceptance of the senatorial
are: genuine efforts to enhance the political process
seat, it affirmed her withdrawal from the said protest.
rather than infringements on freedom of expression.
 The statutory provision involved in this case is part
of the reform measures adopted in 197 in the
aftermath of EDSA.
 A reform-minded Congress passed bills, which  In accordance to the constitution doctrine that a
were consolidated, into what is now R.A. No. 6646 public office is a public trust, when she filed her
with near unanimity. certificate of candidacy, she already entered into a
political contract with the electorate that if elected,
she would assume the office of Senator, discharge
its functions and serve her constituency as such for
the term for which she was elected.


Petitioner: Jamela Salic Maruhom (Maruhom)

Respondent: Mohammadali “Mericano” A. Abinal (Abinal)

 Maruhom and Abinal are both mayoralty candidates in the Municipality of Marantao, Lanao del Sur, for the the
14 May 2007 national and local elections.
 On April 1, 2007, Abinal filed a Petition for Disqualification and to Cancel the Certifiate of Candidacy (COC) of
Maruhom under Sec. 78 of BP blg. 881 or the Omnibus Election Code (OEC)
 Abinal alleged that Maruhom
o Is a double registrant. Maruhom supposedly registered first in Marawi and only after 3 days, she registered
in Marantao, without canceling her Marawi registration;
o Made false representations on both of her registrations.; and
She supposedly indicated that 1) she was registered in 2
different cities, 2) that she placed different birth dates,
and 3) she indicated different names on her COCs
o Made false material representation in her COC.
 Maruhom answered that she was qualified to run as municipal mayor of Marantao. She further added that a
candidate could only be disqualified for a ground provided by law, and there was no law declaring double
registration as a ground for disqualification.


1. W/N COMELEC committed a grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction when they declared
petitioner a double registrant?

2. W/N COMELEC’s decision to declare petitioner a double registrant valid?


1. NO. the case is well within the jurisdiction of COMELEC as provided for under Sec. 78 of the OEC.
The Constitution also extends to COMELEC all the necessary and incidental powers for it to achieve the
holding of free, orderly, honest, peaceful, and credible elections.
 Under Sec. 78 of the OEC, a false representation of material fact in the COC is a ground for the
denial or cancellation of the COC. The false representation must pertain to a material fact that
affects the right of the candidate to run for the election for which he filed his COC.
 It is within the competence of COMELEC to determine whether false representation as to
material facts was made in the COC.
 If the candidate states a material representation in the COC that is false, COMELEC is empowered
to deny due course to or cancel the COC.
 Upon cancellation of his/her COC, the person is not treated as a candidate, as if such person
never filed a COC.

2. YES. Given that when she filed in Marantao without cancelling her prior registration to Marawi, she cannot
be considered a registered voter in Marantao. Since she claimed to be one in her COC, she made a false
 Material facts with regards to under Sec. 78 of the OEC:
• Candidate’s eligibility or qualification for elective office like citizenship, residence or status as a
registered voter.
 An elective office is a public trust. He who aspires for elective office should not make a mockery
of the electoral process by falsely representing himself.

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