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,uu11- -Ll;;*hm* - &\I*ri':''
\* .n*--*
*"* .rmq* :;ffi e#\
- *t &*wu

$**u #* #,tt

Pri m Schnauzer
8, 46
' l*:i",I'

Affectio nate Datmatian

6, 13, 45
Me rr9 Pug
L2, 44

Dressed- up Parakeet
13, 14, 50

Mischievous Dachshund
Earnest Shiba 11,48
10, 47

Plagful Panda
L9,22, 54

Talkative Rabbit
12, L6, 49 Tweeting Sparrow
Cheekg, the Little Bear
with Big Ears
12,20, 55 G titte r H edge hog
23, 24, 58

Bambi the Dreamer

2L, 23, 56

Ladgbug Magnet
28, 66

EUe-Candu Monkeg
22, 26, 60
J ewe L- Li ke Turtle
23,29, 62

H eart '#i&
17,67 Mushroom
22, 68

2L, 22, 69
Green CaterpiLLar Magnet
30, 64

O Let's Make Earnest Shiba! . ......31

C Crocheting Charts and Techniques ... 41
C Crochet Chart Sgmbols .. ....7o

* -q-#",



Crystal and sotid eyes Woo[ need te

Embroidery floss Row-counting ring
Sparkling yarn Size two or three crochet hook
Standard crocheting yarn Scissors
Synthetic cotton G[ue
(For detaiIs, refer to page 47.)

Materiats and Too[s for Adding Accessories Different Sizes




- Ydi|

ffi, ffi

{}, ffi *i


lf you wish to turn the f inished characters into accessories, such You can make different sizes of the characters from the same
as key chains or charms, the following components may be added: crochet charts in this book simpty by changing the size of the
Accessory metal chains: Use your favorite types, such as strapping crochet hooks.
or key chains.
Metal rings, double metat rings: These attach to the finished
characters to connect to the metaIchains.
(Note: ln this book, I attach a simp[e string to the f inished characters.)

CrOChgti ng thg H gad tcircurar crocnering; increasing ano oecreasing;
s*p I Makins a stipknot for the centra[ loop

O==o @

Wind the thread twice around the Insert the crochet hook into Pu[[ out the yarn. Hook the yarn, and putt it
index finger of your left hand. the [oop. through the loop once again.

This completes the chain stitch Pu[[ your index finger out of
in the center. the [oop,and hotd the [oop with
your thumb and middte finger.

SW 2 Making single crochets (first row)

lnsert the crochet hook into Pu [[ out the yarn. Hook the yarn once again, and After you have putted out the
the [oop, and hook the yarn pu[[ out the two stitches together. yarn, the single crochet stitch
toward you rse[f. is com p[ete.

ide loop

he yarn

Repeat steps 1 to 4 five times, Loosen the [oop with the hook. Putt the end of the yarn tightty Putt the loop on the right to
to end up with six sing[e and make sure the thread on your side to tighten the [oop on
crochet stitches. the right can be tugged. the [eft.

The [oop has been tightened. Putt the end of the yarn in the The f irst row is comp[ete.
center again to tighten the [ooP
on the right side, untiIa[[ [oops
are invisib[e.

W 3 Crocheting the second row by increasing (without foundation chains)

lnsert the hook into the first Loop the yarn on the crochet After the yarn is pu[[ed out, The first stitch in the second
single crochet stitch. hook and pu[[ it out. hook the yarn once again and row is complete.
putt it through the two stitches.

lnsert a row-counting ring into the lnsert the hook into the same stitch, and make
first stitch of the second row. This one more stitch with a single crochet. This is how
witt hetp you to find the starting you increase the number of stitches. Continue this
point of the row, and witt simptify process for the remainder of the stitches in the
counting stitches and rows. f irst row.

The second rowltwelve stitches) When the second row is complete, take out the 0nce the stitch is crocheted, insert the row-
is complete. row-counting ring, and make one sing[e crochet counting ring. Repeat the same steps untiIyou
stitch in the third row on the stitch that was have finished the eleventh row, following the
hotding the ring. crochet chart on page 42.

SW4 Crocheting the twetfth and following rows by decreasing

Complete the first four stitches Start decreasing from the f ifth Pu[[ out the hooked yarn. lnsert the hook into the next
in the twelfth row. stitch in the twelfth row. lnsert stitch, grab the yarn, and putt it
the hook into the f ifth stitch out. The two stitches have now
and grab the yarn. been decreased to one.

Hook the yarn again and putt Puttthe yarn out. This is a single
out the three stitches together. decrease with a sing[e crochet.
Continue with the decrease.

SW 5 Makins a slip stitch to finish

To finish with a s[ip stitch, lnsert the hook into the next Cut the yarn and putt the yarn Putt the end of the yarn to
crochet the twenty-fou rth stitch, where the row-counting out of the crochet hook. tighten it.
stitch, the [ast stitch of the ring is attached, and pu[[ out
fourteenth row. the yarn.

CfOChgti ng the BOdg (crocheting with foundation chains; sinsle increase)

i*,,,, , .' '.'. .
,,iil ...,'.. t,t'

I :l,r',r::il.r:r.itrti:,irliiljr r:::'jii!li:iiii{iiaiii t,,,ir,iir, , u;.r'' li,,,tii,, ,;.#J

Make a slipknot according to lnsert the hook into the f irst Putt the yarn out. The first row Hook the yarn anc
the directions on page 32, and stitch and make a s[ip stitch. is complete. through the Loor i:
crochet the f irst row. a chain stitch.

ffi*"" j
, i :, r- : :;r ,*rlr+ur^,,,1.

W" ,'',...i,r1
lnsert the crochet hook into the Putt the yarn out. Hook the yarn again a:l :--.
first sing[e crochet stitch (the stip it out.
stitch in the first row, marked by
the *
in step 5) and make a single
crochet stitch in the second row.

@,,,,,,,,- @ @ L2
i' i'
af -a

The f irst stitch of the sing[e lnsert a row-counting ring into The stitches are now increased. The second rolv is cc* 3.:::.
crochet is comp[ete. the f irst stitch (*), insert the and the stitches fiir't r:'::s::,
crochet hook into the second
stitch, and make one more
single crochet stitch.

lnsert the crochet hook into the Continue through the seventh
stitch with the row-counting row, according to the crochet
\"g and make a stip stitch. chart on page 42.

CfOChgti ng the EafS (crocheting with foundation chains; changing yarn color within a row)

Crochet the first row and the Start the third stitch with a When you pu[l. out the yarn, The third stitch is complete,
f irst two stitches of the second sing[e stitch. Hook the yarn, hook the yarn with another and the co[or of the yarn has
row with chain stitches, just and then putI it out. co[or. The new coIor starts at been now changed to white.
like you did for the body. the fourth stitch.

Single-crochet the fifth stitch. Since the co[or of the yarn wi[[ be f he fourth stitch is complete. Complete the second row (a totaI
Hook the yarn and putt it out. changed again in the next stitch, The white (it is now in orange of seven stitches). The yarn is
hook the yarn with the originaI color in the actuaI project) is now white on[y in the fourth stitch.
and pu[[ it out, as per steps 3 and 4. changed to the brown.

CfOChgti ng the LegS (crocheting with foundation chains; changing yarn color between rows)

*,, @*

Crochet the first row and the Hook the fifth (and finat) singte Putt the yarn out to complete lnsert the crochet hook into the
first four stitches of the second crochet stitch of the second row. the f ifth stitch. first stitch of the second row (the
row, using chain stitches. Hook the yarn with the new stitch with the row-counting ring)
co[or and putI it out. and pu[[ it out.

€, dil
%,tc*- '_*e

The second row is comp[eted. Crochet the foundation chain The f irst stitch of the third row The third row is complete.
stitch of the third row. is comp[ete.

Crocheting the Mouth (Making chain stitches)

-\W W Making chain stitches

@ *''*,J* @ a*** @ .3e,Err#

Loop the yarn on the hook from the Hook the yarn with the crochet The foundation stitch is Hook the yarn with the crochet
back to the front, then twist the hook to putt it through. comptete. This stitch does not hook again and pul.t it through.
hook from the front to the rear side. count as the first one.

@ffi @ ,,,.t
- Fourth stitch

Front side - Third stitch

- Second stitch
- First stitch
Foundation stitch
lll;i;;iiiiiuii*ffiiii;ii:i,r:;;;i:.,:,,,;,: -

The f irst chain stitch is comp[ete. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to make

four chain stitches, and then
make a foundation chain.

*W d Making a single crochet stitch (first row)

O @ .{11 ,tt&
.lw,i iilol, r,i,to'
(( e Fourth stitch
Back ridge of the ((
chainstitches ,ffi

[[ '1,u.
e;*:lf#sr :'tr

Crochet sing[e stitches on the Make one single crochet stitch. The single crochet stitch lnsert a row-counting ring into
chain stitches. lnsert the hook Insert the crochet hook into the is com ptete. the first stitch.
into the fourth stitch of the back fourth stitch and hook the yarn.
ridge of the chain stitches on
the reverse side. Pu[[ it out.

@ *@
Crochet three single stitches At the end of the row, crochet Reverse the direction of the For the next stitches, crochet single
into the back ridge of the chain two stitches into the stitch stitches and crochet one more stitches on the reverse side by
stitch es. marked with >t in step 5. single stitch. Four singte stitches hooking two pieces of yarn f rom
are now comp[ete. front side of the chain stitch.

@* @ *:: ra @ ,s {,*- @ *p

At the end of the chain stitch, Crochet two more stitches, for a lnsert the crochet hook into The first row is now complete.
crochet two more stitches into totaI of twetve. the f irst stitch of the f irst row, Complete the next four rows,
the f irst stitch, as you did in hook the yarn, and putt att the per the chart on page 43.
step 6. stitches together.

Crocheting the Tai L (Making chain stitches)


Make six chain stitches to form Crochet one sing[e stitch on the The f irst stitch is complete. Switch the yarn co[or, and putI
a f ou ndation chain. Leave front side. the yarn through the sixth stitch.
approximatety ha[f an inch of
thread, in order to attach the
taiL to the body later.

Putl. the different-coIored yarn The foundation chain is comp[ete. Ftip the taitover and start the The first stitch of the second
through to complete the first row. second row. row is comp[ete.


s' ,tr
...f *#

Finish the second row. Cut the yarn, [eaving some Pass the end of the yarn Putt the yarn to curI the tai[.
extra [ength, and putt the yarn through the wooI need[e and
out of the crochet hook. push it through, in the opposite
direction f rom the stitches.

Stuffing the Parts with Cotton

For the nose, make foundation

chain stitches, and crochet
them with single stitches,
according to the chart on page
43. Att the parts are now done.

t:,:ii: : | :N:,:

Stuff cotton in the head and

* Refer to the crochet charts body. A toothpick or a Pair of
on pages 42,43, and 47. tweezers can be used to stuff
cotton in sma[[er parts.

Assembling the Face

Attach the nose to the mouth, and embroider the mouth [ine.

Attach the nose between Embroider the mouth tine on The mouth [ines shoutd be
the second and third rows of the mouth using the extended even[y under the
the mouth. embroidery floss. Start from nose. Make a French knot on the
the bottom part of the nose. reverse side and cut the f [oss.

Attach the eyes and eye b rows.

r.ii t:.i.

Appty glue to the stem of Use white yarn for the Appty a few stitches. The eyebrows are comp[ete.
the eyes and push them on to eyebrows. Push the wool need[e
the face. in and scoop some rows.
Assemble the Parts

Attach the mouth to the head. Stuff Attach the ears. The head is complete. Pass the end of the yarn of the
the mouth firm[y with cotton. Pass head to the front, cut the extra
the end of the yarn of the mouth into length, and sew it inside the head.
the wool needte and attach the
mouth to the head by picking up the
stitches one at a time.

Attach the head to the body. Attach the [egs to the body.
Since the number of the stitches
of the head is the doub[e that of
a body, sew two stitches of the
head to each of the body.

Pass the same yarn through both Attach the taitto the body.
legs two or three times to affix them.

.ffi= Othgr
\ Tgchniq ugs rArracning eyes an' magners,


Appty glue to the stem of the eyes and When the eyes are attached to the flat Push the magnet in the crocheted skin,
push them on to the surface. surface, use the naiI c[ippers to cut the so the magnet side is invisib[e.
extra [ength of the stems.

Crocheting Charts
and Technigues

+' + +

# I

The crochet charts on the next pages are shared by

most of characters in the book. For characters who
do not have att their parts Iisted in individuaI charts,
refer to the ones on pages 42-43.

The order of stitching is shown by the stitching symbo[s.

You can refer to the step-by-step techniques starting
from page 31, for most of the characters. For the basic
crocheting method, refer to pages 70-71.

Note that the f inished sizes of the characters are

approximations. Their actuaI size may differ depending
on the tightness of your crocheting.

The yarn used in this book is so[d in Japan by Richmond

Suspense. For hetp determining which brands of
sparkling yarn are best for your proiects, contact your
[ocaI yarn supp[y store. AIt the yarns referenced in this
book are sparkting yarns, except the white yarn, which is
standard, non -spa rkli ng.
lii;i; i 5i;3333*g$g*;$i*;$g*g$g*g$3$g$g$i*g*gtg*g$ifi;$g*g*g$g$;tg*g$g$g$gig$i*3$g*i*g$;*;$g*il;l;i

H ead (o n e piece)
Row Stitches
X 14 24

X 13 24 (-6l,
X 1,2 3o (-6)
X 8- 11 36

7 36 (+6)

f(x;i 6

30 (+6)

2a (+6)

3 18 (+6)
2 12 (+6)
X Six singte crochet
x 1 stitches on the

x center of the loop


Body A (one piece)

Row Stitches

3-7 12

2 12 (+6)
Six single crochet
I stitches on the
center of the loop

s':1r '-
I fl
+ * ; 1 -;1 Ii;1 ll I ,;i gI;1I5 ";; * "* 1"
; " ; +,i+-ai;;-;

Mouth (one piece) Nose and tai[ (one piece each)


XXXXO4 Row Stitches

XXXX03 + 4 16
XXXXO2 tt*..
3 16 Six slnglle crod+el
\ X X X X|'tt stitches oml ri're

1 ,????( )t 2 to (++) cenien' of ;i're .ooo

*Use the rere'se s := :':-:

Fl XXXX 1 12
stitches as irl€ '-: --.

Stip knot Four chain stitches

*Use the rerverse side of the

stitches as the f ront

Leg A (four pieces) Leg B (four pieces)

Row Stitches Row Siiiches

2-4 5
2-6 5
Five single crochet
1 stitches on the
5ix sinEte [rsc:{rtr
center of the loop
1 suitcre III':"€
ce[lirier cr:r"E ,ffa

Body B (one piece)

Row Stitches

16 6 (-6)
15 12 (- 4l
4-1,4 16

3 16 (+a)
2 12 (+6)
Six singte crochet
1 stitches on the
center of the loop

M eff g PUg Artwork:4'72

Mate ria [s l

Pale-gotd-and-btack pug

Pa[e gotd yarn , 0.24 oz. Starting point ]

of the head

B[ack yarn, 0.12 oz. l


Black pug I

Ninth row Fourth to ninth rows

of the head of the head i
Black yarn , 0.25 oz. j

Two ctear plastic eyes, 0.24 in each


Second to
Synthetic cotton third rows
of the mouth
Doub[e strands of white embroidery floss Starting point
of the ears
White-out pen 1?;l
Size three crochet hook
Fifth to sixth rows
Eighth to twetfth
of the body
rows of the head

Ste p- by-Ste p Tech n iq ues Second row

of the body
(Crochet with one strand of yarn)
O Crochet each body part. Second to third rows
of the body
@ Rttach the nose to the mouth, and
embroider the mouth [ine.
@ Stutf cotton inside the head, body,
Mouth (one piece): Black
and mouth.
@ paint the reverse side of the eyes with
the white-out pen. Row Stitches

@ Atue the eyes to the head, and attach i XXXXXX03 t 4 20

mouth and ears there. XXXXXX02 L}'
4 \ XXXXXXl'rt
ffir+- 3 20
@ Rttach the body to the head.
@ Rttach the tait and tegs to the body. 2ffi( 2 20 (+a)

s\ XXXXXX fl 1 16

T XXXXXX Stip knot

Six chain stitches
on the center of
the ring

t:":i 111:: :T:::: r::: ii_*il::: XXXXXX *Use the reverse side of the
':: stitches to the front
Head (one piece): Crochet with pale gold yarn.
Body A (one piece): Crochet with pa[e gotd yarn.
Nose (one piece): Crochet with black yarn. Tail (one piece): Pa[e gotd or btack
Leg A (four pieces): Crochet with pa[e gotd yarn.
Use Affectionate Dalmatian chart on page 45 for: X X X X X X0.-r
Ears (two pieces): Crochet with black yarn.
First row: six chain stitches
For the black pug, crochet every part with the and six single crochet stitches
black yarn. with single crochet

Affectionate Datmatian Artwork: 6, 13

Mate ria 1s

White yarn ,0.25 oz.

Starting point of the head
B[ack yarn, 0.07 oz. Fourth row of the head

Two so[id eyes,0.18 in. each

Synthetic cotton
Starting point of tl're ea"s
Doub[e strands of black embroidery f loss
White-out pen Second to
third rows
Eighth to eleventh
Size three crochet hook of the mouth
rows of the head
1#l n.
Fifteenti to s ixtee,.:l'
Step-by-Step Tech n iq ues Eighth to eleventh rows of the bocu
(Crochet with one strand of yarn) rows of the head
Embroider th€ SLact s,o,ois
on the boov'a':crr.r r:-
@ Crochet each body part. b[ack ftoss
@ Rttach the nose to the mouth, and I Starting point
of the body
embroider the mouth [ine. Fifteenth row of the body
Sixth row Third to seventh
@ Stutf cotton inside the head, body, of the body rows of the body

and mouth.
@ A tue the eyes to the head, and then
attach the mouth and ears.
@ pass the yarn through the remaining Ear (two pieces): White
stitches in the [ast row of the body, and
putt the yarn to tighten it.
Row Stitches
@ Pass the yarn into the tast stitches in the
[ast row of the head, putt the yarn tightty 4 12

to tighten it, and attach it to the body. 3 12 (+3 t

@ Rttach the [egs and taitto the body. Starting point 2 9 (-3)
@ f mbroider the Datmatian's spots on C[ose up the facing Six srngl.e cro(,tre:
the body. stitches at the end 1 stitches or, tne
of crocheting center oj iN,e looE

Use Common Parts chart on pages 42-43 for: Ta it (o n e p iece): Wh ite

Head (one piece): Crochet with white yarn.

Body B (one piece): Crochet with white yarn.
Mouth (one piece): Crochet with white yarn.
Nose (one piece): Crochet with black yarn.
Leg B (four pieces): Crochet with white yarn.
xlxlxlx[x hilN Row

Stitch es

Five single c'o(i.:t

stitches on ths
center of the Looo

I'1I ;;*1',1,,I,
I1,H;: l:g Y;::Z:|C

Pfi m SChnaU Zef Artwork: 8

M ate ria [s Starting point Starting point

of the head of the ears
S ilve r ya rn , 0.25 oz.
Second to seventh
B[ack yarn, 0.04 oz. rows of the head
Embroider with
White standard yarn ,0.07 oz. white yarn
Two so[id eyes,0.18 in. each Second to fifth
rows of the mouth
Synthetic cotton I Sixth to seventh
Eighth to rows of the head
Doub[e strands of black embroidery f loss l]rll: eteventh rows Eighth row
of the head of the head
Size three crochet hook

Fifteenth Third to eighth

to sixteenth rows of the body
rows of
Step- by-Step Tech n iq ues the body
(Crochet with one strand of yarn)
Fifteenth row
of the body
@ Crochet each body part.
@ Rttach the nose to the mouth, and Mouth (one piece) : White
embroider the mouth [ine. Bottom

@ Stutf cotton inside the head, body, XXXXO5

and mouth. XXXXO?
@ C[ue the eyes to the head, and
Row Stitches

embroider the eyebrows. Attach the 3-5 16

mouth and ears then.
@ Rttach the tips of the ears to the head.
4\ XXXX|'rt 2 16 (+a)
( 2????q )' 1 t2
@ pass the yarn through the remaining
stitches in the [ast row of the body, and $l XXXX fl Stipknot Four chain stitches

putt the yarn to tighten it.

*Use the reverse side of the
@ Pass the yarn through the remaining stitches
stitches as the front
in the [ast row of the head, pu[[the yarn
tightty to tighten it, and attach it to the body.
@ Rttach the [egs and taitto the body.
Ears (two pieces): Silver

Use Common Parts chart on pages 42-43for:

Head (one piece): Crochet with sitver yarn.

Body B (one piece): Crochet with silver yarn. Row Stitches

Nose (one piece): Crochet with black yarn. 5 -7 12

Legs B (four pieces): Crochet the first through 4 t2 (+21

third rows with white yarn, and the four 3 10 (+3)
through sixth rows in sitver yarn.
2 7 (+2)
Use Jewet-tike Turt[e chart on page 62 for:
Five singte crochet
Tait (one piece): Crochet with silver yarn. 1 stitches on the
center of the loop


Eaf nest Shi[if Artwork:ro

Mate ria ls

0 ra n ge ya rn, 0.21 oz.

B lack ya rn, 0.04 oz. Starting point Embroider
of the head with white yarn
White yarn, 0.07 oz.
Two sotid eyes,0.18 in. each
Synthetic cotton
Doub[e strands of black embroidery floss
Size three crochet hook
Second to
third rows Second to sixth rows
Height: of the mouth ofthe head
Step-by-Step Tech n iq ues 2.13 in.
Sixth to seventh rous
(Crochet with one strand of yarn) of the head

@ Crochet each body part.

Fifth to sixth rows
@ Rttach the nose to the mouth, a nd of the body
embroider the mouth [ine.
@ Stutf cotton inside the head, body, and
Second row
the mouth. of the body
@ Ctue the eyes to the head, and
. Second to third
broider the eyebrows.
em rows of the body
@ Rttach the mouth and ears to the head.
@ Rttach the body to the head.
@ Rttach the [egs and tait to the body.
Ears (two pieces): ffi 0range tr White

':: 3::: :T:i:: r::::i-1i9: Row Stitches

Head (one piece): Crochet with orange yarn. 4 t2 (+21

Body A (one piece): Crochet with orange yarn. 3 t o (+3)
Mouth (one piece): Crochet with white yarn. 2 7 (+21
Nose (one piece): Crochet with black yarn. Five single crochet
stitches on the
Leg A (four pieces): Crochet the first and 1
center of the loop
second rows with white yarn, and the third
and fourth rows with orange yarn.

TaiL (one piece): ffi 0range I White

Row Stitches

',W+) 2 s (-1)
X X X X X X0r 1 6
Stipknot Six chain stitches


Mi schi evo us Dac hs hund, Artwork: 11

Starting point of the head

Gotd yarn,0.18 oz.
0range yarn, 0.07 oz. Eighth row
of the head Eighth row
Black yarn,0.04 oz. of the head

Two so[id eyes,0.1a in. each

Synthetic cotton Second to
third rows Four stitches
Doub[e strands of black embroidery f loss of the mouth out from the eyes
Size three crochet hook
1.89 in. Starting point
of the ear

Eighth to
Ste p-by-Step Tech niq ues eleventh rows
Fifth to sixth rows
of the head
(Crochet with one strand of Yarn) of the body

@ Crochet each bodY Part. Second row

of the body
@ Rttach the nose to the mouth, and
em broider the mouth [ine. Second to third rows
of the body
@ Stutf cotton inside the head, bodY,
and mouth. Body (one piece): Go[d
@ A lue the eyes to the head, and attach
the mouth and ears there.
@ Rttach the bodY to the head. Row Stitches
@ Rttrch the legs and tail to the body.
3-9 12

2 12 (+6)
Six singte crochet
stitches on the
-'-l::: 1
center of the [ooP
Y:: ::'T"i l:::: :T:: :i l:s': ii-
Head (one piece): Crochet with gotd yarn.
Nose (one piece): Crochet with btack yarn'
Leg A (four pieces): Crochet with gotd yarn'
Ea rs (two p ieces) : 0 ra n ge Tait (one piece): 0range

Row Stitches Row Stitches

Fotd the finished ears into
two with the correct side
of the stitches toward the
3 18 (+6) 3 5

front, and ctose up the 2 12 (+6) 2 5

facing stitches.
Six singte crochet Five single crochet
stitches on the 1 stitches on the
center of the loop center ofthe [ooP

Tatkative Rab bit Artwork : 12, 76

Starting point
Materials of the heads
Pink rabbit

Pink yarn,0.21 oz.

Black yarn, 0.0 4 oz.
White yarn,0.07 oz.
Blue rabbit
Third to fourth
Pa[e b[ue yarn ,0.27 oz. rows of the head
Eighth row
Black yarn, 0.0 4 oz. of the head

W h ite ya rn, 0.07 oz.

I*o so[id eyes,0.18 in. each Second to

Synthetic cotton third rows
Height: of the mouth
Doub[e strands of black embroidery floss z.oa in.

Size three crochet hook

Eighth to
eteventh rows Fifth to sixth rows
Step- by-Ste p Tech n iq ues of the head of the body

(Crochet with one strand of yarn)

@ Crochet each body part. Second to third

rows of the body
@ Rttach the nose to the mouth, and
Second to third
em broider the mouth [ine.
rows of the body
@ Stutf cotton inside the head, body,
and mouth.
@ g tue the eyes to the head, and then
attach the mouth and ears. Ears (two pieces): tr White ffi Pink/Pa[e b[ue
@ Rttach the body to the head.
@ Rttach the legs and tail to the body.

Row Stitches
;.;;;;;;;,;;;;-;;;;, I 8 (-2)
Head (one piece): Crochet with pink/pate 7 1o (-4)
b[ue yarn. 6 t4
Body A (one piece): Crochet with pink/pate 5 1a (+2)
blue yarn.
4 12 (+2)
Mouth: Crochet with white yarn.
3 10 (+3)
Nose (one piece): Crochet with btack yarn.
2 7 (+2)
Leg A (four pieces): For the pink rabbit, crochet
Five singte crochet
with pink yarn. For the blue rabbit, crochet the 1 stitches on the
first and second rows with white yarn, and the center of the toop

third and fourth rows with pale blue yarns.

Tail (one piece): Crochet with pink/pate
blue yarn.

Dressed-up Parakeet Artwork: 13, 14

Materia [s
Blue-and-pate-btue parakeet

Si[ver yarn, 0.12 oz.

Pa[e b[ue yarn, 0.2 5 oz.
Seventh to eighth
Btue yarn, 0.12 oz. rows of the head

Ye[low yarn, 0.0 4 oz.

Embroider with
Gotd yarn ,0.07 oz. btue/lime green yarns

Yel[ow-a nd-lime-green parakeet Starting point of the wings

Si[ver yarn, 0.12 oz. Hei

Yellow yarn ,0.25 oz.
Lime green yarn,0.72 oz.
Gotd yarn ,0.07 oz. Eighteenth to nineteenth
rows of the body
Two sotid eyes,0.16 in. each
Eighteenth to nineteenth
Synthetic cotton
rows of the bod
Size three crochet hook

Step- by-Ste p Tech n iq ues

(Crochet with one strand of yarn)

O Crochet each body part.

@ Stutf cotton inside the head/body. Tail (one piece): Pate btue/yellow
@ g tue the eyes to the head, and attach
the beak.
@ Pass the yarn into the remaining stitches
of the [ast row of the body and tighten it. Row Stitches

@ Rttach the tait, wings, and legs to the body. 6 8 (+2)

@ f mbroider the area between and under the 5 6
eyes with the blue or lime green yarns.
4 6 (+2)
2-3 4

Four single crochet

1 stitches in the
center of the loop

Body/head (one piece): tr Silver +tr{i} Pa[e b[ue/ye[[ow

Row Stitches

20 22 (- 4)

19 26 (-6)
18 32 (-2)

t7 34

16 t+ (+a)
Pa[e btue/
15 30 yeItow

14 30 (+2)
13 28
t2 2s (+2)
11 26 (+2)
10 24

5-9 24

4 2a (+6)
3 l8 (+6)
5 itve r
2 12 (+6)
Six single crochet
1 stitches in the
center of the [oop

Wings (two pieces): B[ue/Lime green

Beak (one piece): Yettow

Row Stitches

Row Stitches
lr 3 6

)( 6 36 (+6) 2 6 (+2)
5 go (+6) Four singte crochet

2a (+6)
18 (+6)
Y' 1 stitches in the
center of the loop

2 12 (+6)
Six single crochet
1 stitches in the Legs (two pieces): Go[d
center of the loop

Row Stitches

2 3
Fotd the finished wings in two,
with the correct side of the Three singte crochet
stitches toward the front, and 1 stitches in the center
ctose up the facing stitches. of the loop

I;lllrtttti;liI;lilil;Iiiiliiitiii$itil;I;lil;lil3i;i;l;i;*gl;Iil;x;iiX;l; " + * "# ,4
,i+.t -rfJ"
.,. +$,o

lii lfi g;,$

. g *'
ff 9 I; fl fl 3 ll s ;T i; il
*1g ffi g;g s; ;l ;1 :': $5; ;H tl$;5-$ 3 fi
$ .g,
#: ]}- $; ;9 ft3' :f;
l ;g :1s : s.1"
,9 1;

Tweeti ng S Parrow Artwork: 18

0 ra nge ya rn, 0.1 8 oz.

Yellow yarn, 0.0 4 oz.

Pa[e gotd yarn, 0.0 4 oz.
Refer to the crochet
White yarn,0.07 oz. chart on page 53

Two so[id eyes, o.16 in. each

Synthetic cotton Eighth to
tenth rows
Size three crochet hook of the head
1.77 i
Eleventh row Starting point
Step- by-Ste p Tech n iq ues of the body of the wing
(Crochet with one strand of yarn) Third to eighth
rows of the body
@ Crochet each body part.
@ Stutf cotton inside the head and body. Fourth row
of the body
@ Atue the eyes to the head, and attach
the beak. I Second to third
rows of the body
@ pass the yarn through the remaining
stitches of the [ast row of the body, and
tighten it.
@ pass the yarn through the remaining
stitches of the [ast row of the head, and
tighten it [ight[y. Wings (two pieces): 0range
@ Rttach the head to the body.
@ Attach the tai[, wings, and [egs to the body.

ffi) Row


18 (+6)

2 t2 (+6)
Six single crochet
1 stitches in the
center of the loop

Legs (two pieces): Pa[e gold 'Pffi'4:

Three singte crochet stitches on Fold the f inished wings in two with the
the center of the [oop front side of the stitches toward the
f ront, and close up the facing stitches.


piece): tP'# 0 range White

Row Stitches

14 24

13 24 (-6)
12 30 (- 6)

8- 11 36
7 36 (+6)
6 3s (+6)
5 24

4 2a (+6)
3 18 (+6)
2 12 (+6)
Six singte crochet
1 stitches in the
center of the loop

The position The position

of the eye of the eye

Body (one piece): '#t 0range I White Beak (one piece): Yellow
The betty side of the body

Row Stitches

11 B (-4)

10 12 l-2l,
*Use the reverse side of
9 t4 (-z ) the stitches as the front

8 16

7 16 (-2)

4-6 18 Tait (one piece): 0range

3 18 (+6)
2 12 (+6)
Six singte crochet
1 stitches in the
center of the loop

The top-side of the body


P[aUful Panda Artwo rk:1e,22

M ate ria ls

White standard yarn ,0.27 oz.

Starting point
B[ack yarn, 0.1,2 oz. of the head

Two so[id eyes, 0.2 in. each

Synthetic cotton
Doub[e strands of black embroidery f loss
Size three crochet hook Second to
third rows
of the mouth
Third to seventh
rows of the head
Step-by-Step Tech n iq ues
2.16 in.
(Crochet with one strand of yarn)
Seventh to tenth
rows of the head
@ Crochet each body part.
Eighth to
@ Rttach the nose to the mouth, and eteventh rows Fifth to sixth
embroider the mouth [ine. of the head
rows of the body

@ Strtf cotton inside the head, body,

and mouth. Second to third
rows of the body
@ Ctue the eyes to the head, and use the
naiI ctippers to cut the extra [ength of Second to third
rows of the body
the stems.
@ Rttach the mouth, the outer btack parts
of the eyes, and the ears to the face.
@ Rttach the body to the head.
@ Rttach the [egs and tait to the body. Ears (two pieces): Black

Row Stitches

y:: ::T',:i l1::: :T:::: r::::i -lii::: 4 10

3 10
Head (one piece): Crochet with white yarn.
Body A (one piece): Crochet the f irst through 2 10 (+s)
Five single crochet
fifth rows with white yarn, and the sixth and
1 stitches in the
seventh rows with btack yarn. center of the loop

Mouth (one piece): Crochet with white yarn.

Nose (one piece): Crochet with black
spark[ing yarn.
Leg A (four pieces): Crochet with black
sparkling yarn. Outer parts of the eyes (two pieces): Btack
Tai[: Crochet with white yarn.

Position of the eye

*Use the reverse side of

the stitches as the front

CheekU, the Littte Beaf With Big EafS Artworkzt2,2o
Materia [s
Starting point
Wh ite ya rn, 0.07 oz. of the head

Gotd yarn ,0.27 oz. Fifth to

thirteenth rows
Black yarn, 0.0 4 oz. of the head

Two solid eyes,0.18 in. each

Synthetic cotton
Second to
Doub[e strands of black embroidery floss third rows of
the mouth
Size three crochet hook
Height: in.

Ste p-by-Ste p Tech n iq ues Eighth to

(Crochet with one strand of yarn) eleventh rows
of the head
Fifth to sixth rows
of the body
O Crochet each body part.
@ Rttach the nose to the mouth, and Second to third
embroider the mouth [ine. rows of the body

@ Strtf cotton inside the head, body, Second to third rows

of the bodY
and mouth.
@ gtue the eyes to the head, and attach
the mouth and ears.
@ Rttach the body to the head. Ears (two pieces) : Go[d
@ Rttach the legs and the taiI to the body.

Y:: ::'::: T::: :h::::i rs'::l- * I:::

Head (one piece): Crochet with gotd yarn.
Body A (one piece): Crochet with gotd yarn.
Mouth (one piece): Crochet with white
standard yarn.
Nose (one piece): Crochet with black yarn.
LegA (one pieces): Crochet the f irst and
second rows with white standard yarn and
the third and fourth rows with gotd yarn.
Tai[: Crochet with gotd yarn.
Row Stitches

6 24

5 24

4 2a (+61
3 18 (+6)
2 12 (+6)
Six single crochet
1 stitches in the
center of the loop


Bambi the Dfeamef Artwork:2l

Materia ls
W h ite ya rn, 0.07 oz.
0 ra nge ya rn, 0.28 oz.
Starting point
Dark brown yarn, 0.07 oz. of the head

Two so[id eyes ,0.2 in. each First to third rows

Third to fourth
of the mouth
rows of the head
Synthetic cotton
Double strands of dark brown embroidery floss Eighth row
of the head
Size three crochet hook Attach the spot patterns

Fifteenth to
sixteenth rows
Ste p- by-Ste p Tech n iq ues g.s+ in.
of the body
(Crochet with one strand of yarn)
Seventh to eteventh
rows of the head
@ Crochet each body part.
@ Rttach the nose to the mouth, and Thirteenth to
Starting point fifteenth rows
embroider the mouth [ine. of the body of the body
@ Strtf cotton inside the head, body,
and mouth. Third to
@ gtue the eyes to the head, and attach fifth rows
of the body
the mouth and ears.
@ pass the yarn through the remaining
stitches of the [ast row of the body and
tighten it.
@ Rttach the head, legs, and taitto
the body. Head (one piece): 0range
@ Rttach the white spots to the body.

'::':lT::'1::: :T::": l:s:: :i-lifI:

Nose (one piece): Crochet with dark brown yarn.

Row Stitches

12 15 18

11 18 (-6)
10 24 (-61
6-9 30

5 30 (+6)
4 2a l+61
3 18 (+6)
2 12 (+6)
Six single crochet
1 stitches in the
center of the loop


Body (one piece): 0range

X 0'te

Row Stitches White spot patterns: White

19 6 (-6)
1B 12 (- 6) Row Stitches

17 18 6) Six single crochet

1 stitches in the
s- 16 24 center of the loop

2a (+6) *Use the reverse side of the

stitches as the front
3 1s (+6)
2 12 (+6)
Six single crochet
1 stitches in the
center of the loop

Ears (two pieces): tr White ffi 0range

Mouth (one piece): White Row Stitches

8 8 (-2)
Row Stitches
7 1o (-4)
4 12 (+3)
6 1,4
3 9
5 1a (+2)
2 e (+3)
4 12 (+21
Six singte crochet
1 stitches in the 3 10 (+3)
center of the loop
2 7 l+21
Five singte crochet
1 stitches in the
center of the loop

Legs (four pieces): ru Dark brown I0range

Tait (one piece): 0range

Row Stitches Row Stitches


Five single crochet


{.{6A{ 1

Five single crochet

stitches in the
center of the loop
1 stitches in the
center of the loop
G titte r H edge hog Artwo rk:23'24

Materia [s
6ray yarn,0.35 oz. Length:
2.56 in.
Pa[e gotd yarn ,0.21 oz.
0range yarn, 0.0 4 oz.
Ninth rows
Two so[id eyes,0.1o in. each of the head

Synthetic cotton
Size three crochet hook

Ste p- by-Ste p Tech n iq ues

(Crochet with one strand of yarn)

O Crochet each body part.

@ Stutf cotton inside the head and the First row
body, then pass yarn through the
I of the head
remaining stitches of the tast row of the Sixth row stitch es
of the body the entire surface of the hedgehog
body. Tighten it to hotd. Ninth to tenth rows (except the be[1y), starting from the
@ 0 tue the eyes to the head, and attach of the body ninth row of the body.
the nose and ears.
@ Rttach the legs to the body.
@ Wind the double strands of the yarn
around the body to create the Making the hedgehog fur
hedgehog's fur, and cut the end of the
yarn to the appropriate [ength. Leave the
extra [ength

Use Common Parts chart on pages 42-43 for:

Nose (one piece): Crochet with orange

Four out
sparkling yarn.

Pass the doub[e strands of the gray yarn into the crochet
hook, and wind it through the stitches.
When the yarn is wound as shown here, cutthe ends atthe
appropriate [ength.
Ptant the f ur as densely as possib[e. After the f ur is a[[
planted, trim it with scissors so it is even.


Head/body (one piece): Pa[e gotd


//^x AXDo xx Row Stitches

/7;xx AXXoig xx 2t 8 (-4)

X XXX X XXXOig XX 20 t2 l-4l,

,AXXX/NXXXOiZ XX 19 16 (-4)

t7 2A (-4)


Y XXXTVX X X 0e XX I 2a (+al

20 (+a)

\ \YX\YXOb XX 6 16 (+a)
5 t2
4 tz (+4)

3 8 (+2)
X X03
2 6

x x02 I 6

Two chain


Legs (four pieces): Pa[e go[d Ears (two pieces): Pa[e gotd

This side attaches

to the head.
Row Stitches
Row Stitches
3 5
2 7 l+21
2 5
Five single crochet Five singte crochet
stitches in the center 1 stitches in the center
of the loop of the toop


Eg g - Candu MO nkgu Artwo rk:22,26

Materia ls
Orange monkey
Starting point
Starting point of the head
0range yarn,0.18 oz. of the face

Pa [e go td ya rn, 0.1 2 oz.

Red monkey

Red yarn, 0.18 oz.

Pa[e go[d yarn,0.12 oz.

Purple monkey Fourth to eteventh
rows of the head
Purp[e yarn, 0.18 oz.
He ight: Starting point
Pa[e gotd yarn,0.12 oz. 1.89 in. of the ears
Eighth to ninth rows
of the head
Two so[id eyes,0.16 in. each
One row under the
Fifth to sixth rows
Synthetic cotton center of the face of the body
to the fifth row
Doub[e strands of black embroidery f loss
Embroider the nose holes
Size three crochet hook and the mouth line Second to third
rows of the body

Second to third
Step- by-Step Tech n iq ues rows of the body
(Crochet with one strand of yarn)

@ Crochet each body part.

@ Stutf cotton inside the head and body.
@ Atue the eyes to the head, and use the nait Tait (one piece): 0range/red/purpte
ctippers to cut the extra [ength of the stems.
@ Rttach the face to the head.
@ f mbroider the tine on the mouth, stuff it Row Stitch es
with cotton, a nd attach it to the face.
2-10 5
@ Rttach head to the body.
Five single crochet
@ Rttach the hands, [egs, and the taitto the body. 1 stitches in the
@ Pass the yarn through
the remaining stitches of center of the loop

the last row of the ear and tighten it to hotd.

@ Rttach the ears to the body.

Use Common Parts chart on pages 42-43tor:

Head (one piece): Crochet with orange/red/

purp[e yarn.
Body A (one piece): Crochet with orange/red/
purp[e yarn.
Hands and [egs (two each): Use the crochet
chart for [eg A. Crochet with pa[e gotd yarn for
the first and second row, and with orange/red/
purple yarn for the third and fourth rows.


Face (one piece): Pa[e gotd

Row Stitches

5 30 (+6)
4 2a (+61
3 18 (+6)
2 12 (+6)
Six single crochet
1 stitches in the
center of the loop
*Use the reverse side of the
stitches as the front

Mouth (one piece): Pa[e gotd

XXXXXXX03 + Row Stitches

H \x)rc(x
X X X X X XXfjrt H 3


22 (+al

Center of

Seven chain
XXXXXXX the loop stitches

*Use the reverse side of the

stitches as the f ront

Ears (two pieces): Pa[e gotd

Row Stitches

3 7 (-71
2 ru (+71
Seven single crochet
1 stitches in the center
of the loop


J gwg [- [i kg TUft[g Artwork :23,2e

Lime green yarn,0.14 oz. Length:
2.16 in.
6otd yarn,0.12 oz.
Two solid eyes, 0.16 in. each
Synthetic cotton
Size three crochet hook

Twetfth to
thirteenth rows
Step-by-Step Tech n iq ues of the she[[

(Crochet with one strand of yarn)

O Crochet each body part.

Seventh to eteventh
@ Stutf cotton inside the head and she['[. rows of the shett Twetfth to thir(enth rows of the shett

@ Pass the yarn through the remaining The distance between the legs may be set
at your discretion.
stitches of the last row of the she[[, and
tighten it.
@ Alue the eyes to the head.
@ Rttach the head, [egs, and taitto the she[[.
Legs (four pieces): Gotd

Row Stitches

2 5

Five singte crochet

1 stitches in the
center of the loop

Tait (one piece): Gold

a ,il
X(X ( 2


$ 1
Five singte crochet
stitches in the
center of the toop

*.3:fl;fl;- ** *
f ;"I;1'l+rl; +'ii -; I *;
l; I
+ *"
;: + il + :i *f i *.
;' *, l gI -l
1;;Z7,ri3;i;* ,I,1i ;: ; 1 ;;'. 1 3

Head (one piece):

Row Stitch es

I 12 {-6}

7 18 {-5r
5-6 24

4 24 (+$ |

3 1g 4-Gl

SX'r6 2 12 (-G)
Six slngl'e cro(nei
1 stitches Im the
center of the [oop

Shett (one piece): Lime green

Row St itch es

17 6 (-6)
i6 12 -6t
15 18 -6)

14 24 -6)

13 30 -6)

8 - 12 35

7 36 (+61
6 3s (+6 )

5 24

4 z+ (+6)
3 1g (+6,l
2 12 (+ 6)
Six single crothet
1 stitches in the
center of the [.oop

X = This icon in this crochet char:

singte crochet to work in the prer,,
crochet stitches.

*Use the reverse side of the sti-..ches as :Fe :::':.

G feen Cat efpi [[af Magnet Artwork: 30

Mate ria [s

Lime green caterpiltar

Lime green yarn, 0.07 oz.

Pa [e go td ya rn , 0.07 oz.
Purp[e yarn,0.07 oz. Sixth to seventh
rows of the head
Gotd yarn ,0.07 oz.
0range yarn, 0.07 oz. Starting point
of the head
Red ya rn, a tittte
Green caterpillar
Embroider with
G ree n ya rn, 0. 1,2 oz.
fhe red yarn
Pa[e gotd yarn ,0.07 oz.
Lime green yarn,0.07 oz.
Yellow yarn ,0.07 oz.
Red ya rn, a tittte

Two so[id eyes,0.16 in. each

Synthetic cotton
Size three crochet hook Head (one piece each): tr Pate gotd ffi-* Lime green/Green
Three magnets in 1.18 in., one in 0.59 in.

Step-by-Step Tech n iq ues

(Crochet with one strand of yarn)

@ Crochet each body part.

@ Ctue the eyes to the head, and use the nait
ctippers to cut the extra [ength of the stem.
@ f mbroider the mouth tine on the face.
@ Cover the magnets with the face and body.
@ Rttach the feelers to the head.

Row Stitches

9 24 (- o)

8 30 (-6) I,,,. sreen/

7 36

6 36 (+6)
5 30 (+6)
4 2a (+61
3 1B (+6)
1,,,. *.,,
2 12 (+6)
Six single crochet stitches in
the center of the loop

Body (three pieces each):

P u rp [e/go td /o ra n ge/[i m e gree n /ye [low/gree n

Row Stitches

5 12 (-6)
4 18
3 18 (+6)
2 tz (+o)

Mtr 1
Six single crochet
stitches in the
center of the loop

Fee[ers (two pieces each): Lime green/green

Row Stitches

4-5 5

3 s (-s)
2 10 (+s)
Five single crochet
1 stitches in the
center of the loop

; I; i;E; i;.-;i; *g; i$3IgX;*gi;Ig*;[;fi9;gX;Igigig$;3;t;i sSiI gSgEgx;f;l;19$g $iX gii Iii;l;]il;i;[;lgi; i;:;:

Ladg b ug Magnet Artwork: 28

Mate ria ts First row of the head

on both edges
Red yarn, 0.12 oz.

B[ack yarn, 0.07 oz. Third row of

the head
Two crystaI eyes ,0.2+ in. each
Synthetic cotton
White-out pen Starting point
of the body
Magnet, 1.18 in.
Size three crochet hook
Embroider the tine
with the btack yarn

Ste p- by-Step Tech n iq ues

(Crochet with one strand of yarn)

@ Crochet each body pa rt.

Head (one piece): B[ack
@ f mbroider the black line and attach the
seven spots to the body.
@ paint the reverse side of the crystal eyes /t\ X ,rA.Oi
with white-out pen and glue them to X XXXX04 X Row Stitches
the head. Q/ xxxx03 \D 5 13 ( 7l
@ Stutf the head with cotton and attach
the fee[ers. 4_\ xxxx02,D
4 20

@ Stutf the cotton tightty in the body and 2????( 3 20 (+a)

EI xxxx l+,,
insert the magnet. 2 to (+4)
@ Rttach the head to the body.
a*\ xxxx 1 l2
Four chain
X XXXX Stipknot

Body (one piece): Red

Feelers (two pieces): Black

Row Stitches
XXN Two single crochet stitches

over two chain stitches
9 24 (-6)
8 30 (-6)
7 36
Seven Spot patterns
6 36 (+6)
(seven pieces): Black

s qYe
5 30 (+6)
4 2a (+6)
Row Stitches
3 18 (+6)
Six single crochet
2 12 (+6) 1 stitches in the center
of the loop
Six single crochet
I stitches in the *Use the reverse side of the
center of the loop stitches as the f ront

Hgaf t Artwork:17

Materials Ste p- by-Step Tech n iq ues

(Crochet with one strand of Yarn)
Pink or pa[e b[ue yarn,0.12 oz.
f ifth row.
up to the
Sy nth etic cotto n €) Crochet two circles
@ Rttach the two circ[es in the sixth rows
Size three crochet hook
by picking up the stitches.
@ Stutf the cotton whi[e you crochet, untiI
you reach the ninth row.
@ Complete the remaining stitches of the
[ast row, and tie and knot them.

Heart (one piece each): Pink/pa[e b[ue

Row Stitches

9 4 (-4)
8 8 (-4)
7 t2
6 tz l++l
5 8 (-4)
3-4 12

2 12 (+6)
Six singte crochet
1 stitches in the
center ofthe toop

, ': *+T+f *f ** *+i+ ** * " *: * ui * *" + * * *'
il :; ':=; Z7=7=r;r;uir,;*;* 1;* 11*,
flr*;i+;F+o+ : l I ' I f *; +
f * +"
fl *; :"
I +"
g *,
:i.n.n. .".j,,
u* ,itr ,ii
. ,:ill li
- .._ *
:lii -ti t
'.+ ii,r, ,,,i .,I. ?: * .l

MUShfOOm Artwork:22

M ate ria [s Ste p-by-Step Tech n iq ues

Red mushroom Yel[ow mushroom (Crochet with one strand of yarn)

Red yarn, 0.12 oz. Ye[low yarn, 0.12 oz. @ Crochet each part.
Ye[[ow yarn,0.07 oz. Lime green yarn,0.07 oz. @ Stuff the cotton in the caps and stems.
Pale gold yarn, 0.07 oz. Pale gold yarn, 0.07 oz. @ pass the remaining yarn through the last
row of the caps,and tie and knot them.
Blue mushroom
Synthetic cotton @ Rttach the potka-dot patterns to the caps.
B[ue yarn, 0.12 oz. @ Rttach the stems to the center of the
Size three crochet hook
Pa[e gotd yarn , 0.A7 oz. bottom of the caps.
White yarn,0.07 oz.

Caps (one piece): Red/b Luely et[ow

Row Stitc h es

1,4 6 (-6)
13 rz (-o)
1,2 rs (-o)
11 z+ (- ol

* Continue to crochet x
7-1,0 single stitches along the
back ridge of the stitches
30 (+6)

24 \+ \

4 2a (+61
3 18 +6)
2 12 (+6)
Six singte crochet
1 stitches in the center of
the loop

Stem (one piece): Pa[e gotd

Row Stitches Polka-dots (six pieces):

5-6 8 Ye [[ow/wh ite/[i m e gree n

4 8 (-4)
3 1,2

2 12 (+6)
Six singte crochet
1 stitches in the
center of the [oop :i

*Use the reverse side of rl

the stitches as the f ront i


Staf Artwork:21-22

Materials 1
Ste p- by-Ste p Tech n iq ues
(Crochet with one strand of yarn)
Yellow yarn, 0.12 oz.
Synthetic cotton €) Crochet two stars.
Size three crochet hook @ Stack the two stars, with the reverse side
of each facing outward. Stitch them
together white stuffing them with cotton.

Star (two pieces)

Row 5titches

Extend the five

edges of the star

3 1s (+s)
2 to (+s)
Five single crochet
1 stitches in the
center of the loop


O Crochet Chart Sgmbots

These are the standard crochet chart symbols and methods that are
used in this book. Forthe method to make a chain cast on, please
refer to pages 31-38.

Slip knot

Chain stitch
\ fnr..
chain stitches

Sing[e crochet stitch ffi

Doubte increase with
a single crochet stitch

Trip[e decrease with

a single crochet stitch


Decrease by
one stitch

Single decrease with

a single crochet stitch

Short doub[e
crochet stitch

Doub[e croche t stitch

Singte crochet stitch to

work on the back ridge
of the stitches

S tip stitch
Mitsuki * Hoshi
Mitsuki began her career as a self-taught To date, she has pu btished twenty books,
crafter when she purchased her first Mickey including Ami Ami Dogs, Ami Ami Dags 2,
Mouse amigurumi kil.ln 2002, she launched rt4 i\u ki H osh i's Trave li ng Am igu ru m i,

a website dedicated exctusive[y to amigurumi The Nigtrt Befare Christmas in Crschet,

dogs. The site caught the attention of severaI ABC Crochet,and many others. Her books
dog magazines and quickty became a huge have been transtated into Engtish, Chinese,
hit. Today, Mitsuki is an accomptished Korean, French, Thai, Dutch, and Swedish.
amigurumi artist and a craft creator with
other materia[s, including fett and beads, and
her goat is to create as many characters in h tt p://ww w. h os h i-m its uk i . co m
various craft materiats as possib[e.

Sparkting Crochet
Copyright O 2015 Mitsuki * Hoshi First pubtished in 2015 by: Book design: Terumi Hara/Ayumi Hoshino
0riginaI Japanese Ianguage edition Harper Design (mitt design studio), 0 design
pubtished under the tit[e of An I mprint of HarperCotti ns Publishers Cover design: Terumi Hara/Ayumi Hoshino
Hoshi* ttrtitsuki No Kirakira Amigurumi 19 5 B roadway (mitL design studio),0 design
by Kawade Shobo Shinsha PubIishers. New York, NY 10007 Photography (for cover and pages 1-30):
EngIish transIation rights arranged with Te[: (z1,2lzo7-7ooo Nobuhiro Miyoshi (STUDl060),
Kawade Shobo Shinsha PubIishers through Fax: (s tslt +6-6023 Wataru Nakatsuji (pages 31-40)
Rico Komanoya, Tokyo, Japan. ha rpe rdesign @ ha rpe rco[[ m Styting: U K0 Line drawing: Toyomi Kawashima
ALt rights reserved. No part of this book (Kawashima Design 0ffice)
may be used or reproduced in any manner Distributed throughout the world EngIish transIation: Rico Komanoya
whatsoever without written permission except .la pa n by: Editors: Chie Muramatsu (Cre-Sea),
except in the case of brief quotations H a rperCotti ns P u b I is h e rs Rico Komanoya, Aki Ueda (Pont Cerise)
embodied in criticaIartic[es and reviews. 19 5 B roadway Production: Aki Ueda (Pont Cerise)
For information address Harper Design, New York, NY 10007
195 Broadway, New York, NY 10007. Fax: ( 85517 46 - 6 02 3 Library of Congress ControI N umber:
HarperCotLins books may be purchased for I SB N 97 B-0-06 -23 48s9-3
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use. For information p[ease e-maiI Printed in China
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