Area of Square and Rectangle

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Detailed Lesson Plan

in Math 3

I. Objectives:
1. Derive the formula for the area of a rectangle and a square
2. Find the area of a rectangle and square in square centimeter and square meter.

Subject Matter: Area of Square and Rectangle

Value Focus: Decisiveness

Prerequisite Concepts and Skills:

1. Multiplying whole numbers
2. Measuring length using centimeter and meter
3. Finding the area of a region by counting square units
4. Unit of measure for area
Square grid, tape measure, crayons, and activity sheets

Instructional Procedures:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill
Show the following shapes.
Let the pupils name the shapes and tell the number of its sides.
Flash cards and let pupils answer mentally.
a. 15 50 f. 500 100
b.120 20 g. 3 000 100
c. 200 10 h. 1 500 100
d.180 100 i. 8 300 100
e. 500 20 j. 16 000 100

Answer Key:
a. 750 b. 2 400 c. 2 000 d.18000 e.10000
f.5 g. 30 h. 15 i. 83 j. 160
Call pupils to convert the following measurements to the indicated unit of measure:
a. 300 cm=_____m (3) d. 6 000cm =______m (60)
b. 10m=_____cm (1000) e. of 800 cm = ______ m (6)
c. 5 m = ______cm (550)

3. Motivation: 1 cm
1 cm

What can you say about the illustration? What does it show?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presenting the Lesson

Let pupils identify the shapes given in Motivation and let them explain why they say it is a square
or a rectangle.

Teacher: One small square inside the square/rectangle is equal to 1 square unit. The number of
square units that covers the region/surface of the rectangle/square is called its AREA.

What is the area of each figure?
How did you get the area of each figure?
(Expected answer: Count the number of small squares) Let them identify the length and width of
each figure.

Teacher: The column is referred to as length and the row is referred to as width. Ask pupils to
write the measures of the length and width of each figure.

Ask: What is the relationship of the length and width to the area? (the product of the length and
width is equal to the area) How can we get the area of a rectangle? Area of a rectangle = length x
width = l x w

Teacher: Look at the measures of the length and width of the square figures, what can you say
about them? (they are equal)

Teacher: For squares, length(column) and width(row)are referred to as sides

Ask: How can we get the area of a square? Area of a square = side x side = s x s

Teacher: If the length of one small square is equal to 1 cm, what is the area of each figure? Using
the figures in Motivation, guide the pupils to complete the table below.

Figure Length (in cm) Width (in cm) Area Formula Area (in sq. cm)
square = s x s
A 2 cm 7 cm Area of rectangle Area = 2 cm x 7
= l x ws cm = 14 sq. cm

Answer Key:

B 4 cm 4 cm Area of square = Area = 4 cm x 4

sxs cm = 16 sq. cm
C 3 cm 3 cm Area of square = Area = 3 cm x 3
sxs cm = 9
D 4cm 3cm Area of rectangle Area = 4 cm x 3
=lxw cm = 12

2. Performing the Activity

Ask: What are the standard units of area measure that we have already learned?
Let the pupils do the following activities in groups. Provide them with the activity sheet, tape
measure or ruler or meter stick and the materials needed. Let them find the area of the given
objects by completing the table and answering the questions provided.
Note: You may use other materials available. Draw the square (2 m by 2m) inside the room using
masking tape before the start of the lesson or the day before.

Groups 1 and 2
Materials: Activity sheet, tape measure, piece of cloth or Manila paper
(1m by 2 m),notebook(15 cm by20 cm),ID card (8 cm by12 cm)

Measure the length and the width of each object then fill in the table.

Object Shape of Length Weight Formula Area

ID card

a. What is the length of the cloth in meter?
b. What is the width of the cloth in meter?
c. Compute for the area in square meter.
d. What is the length of the notebook in centimeter?
e. What is the width of the notebook in centimeter?
f. Compute for the area in square centimeter.
g. What is the length of the handkerchief in centimeter?
h. What is the width of the handkerchief in centimeter?
i. Compute for the area in square centimeter.

3. Processing the Activities Let each group present their outputs. Let them discuss how they get
the area of each object given.
Ask: How do we get the area of a rectangular figure? How about the area of a square figure?

4. Reinforcing the Concept Let pupils do Activity 1 individually. Afterwards, call pupils to share their
answers and reasons.
Let pupils answer the following problems. Pupils can work with their partners. After the pairs solve
one problem, discuss their solution and answers. Do this to the next problem.

1. Find the area of a square with side15 cm. Write the solution or formula and then solve for
the area.

A = s x s A = 15cm x 15 cm = 225sq. cm
2. A rectangular garden has an area of 24 sq. m. If its length is 6 m, what is its width?
Ask pupils to give the given facts. Then let them write the solution or formula. Let them
solve for the missing width.
Given: A = 24 sq. m length=6m width=?
By substitution, A = l x w
24 sq. m = 6 meters x width Width = 24 sq. m ÷ 6 meters
Width = 4 meters

For more activities let pupils do Activity 1

Afterwards, discuss and share their answers and solutions.

Answer Key:
A. 1) 14sq. m 2) 36 sq. m 3) 1 600sq. cm 4)2 500 sq. cm 5) 24 sq. m
B. 1) 3 m 2) 10cm by3 cm or 6 cm by5 cm or15 cm by 2 cm 3)256 sq. cm 4) 7 m
5. Summarizing the Lesson
How do we find the area of a rectangle?
In finding the area of a rectangle, use Area = length width or Area = l x w
How do we find the area of a square?
In finding the area of a square, use Area = side side or Area = s x s

6. Applying to New and Other Situations

For more exercises let the pupils do Activity2 and 3 in the LM.
Afterwards, discuss and share their answers and solutions.
Answer Key: Activity 2:
1) 48 sq. cm
2) 12 cm
3) They are equal; their areas are both 144 sq. m
4) 12 sq. m

C. Evaluation:
Let pupilsdo Activity 4 in the LM individually.

Answer Key:
1) 84 sq. cm
2) 9 m
3) 16 sq. cm
4) 12 sq. m

D. Home Activity:
Let pupils answer Activity5 in the LM.
Answer Key:
1) 9 sq. m
2) 6 sq. m
3) 16 sq. m
4) 24 sq. m
5) 4 sq. m 6) 25 sq. m

Prepared by:

Teacher Applicant

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