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Hospital and emergency 3 Mitchell GK. How well do general practitioners

deliver palliative care? A systematic review. Palliat
department use in the last Med 2002; 16: 457-464.
year of life: a baseline for 4 National Health and Hospitals Reform
Commission. A healthier future for all Australians:
future modifications to final report June 2009. Canberra: Department of
end-of-life care Health and Ageing, 2009. http://www.
TO THE EDITOR : The research by Content/1AFDEAF1FB76A1D8CA2576
Rosenwax and colleagues1 and 00000B5BE2/$File/Final_Report_of_
the%20nhhrc_June_2009.pdf (accessed Jul 2011).
Lowthian and colleagues2 published
5 Australian Government Department of Health and
in the Journal highlights the need for Ageing. Building a 21st century primary health care
increased capacity in end-of-life care system: Australia’s first National Primary Health
within primary care to reduce the Care Strategy. Canberra: DoHA, 2010. http://
inappropriate use of acute health publishing.nsf/Content/CA2575FD004C0485C
care services at the end of life. A257729001BACBD/$File/6552%20NPHC%2
Providing high-quality care for 01205.pdf (accessed Jul 2011). ❏

people diagnosed with advanced

chronic conditions is among the
most complex challenges for general need to be systematically and
practitioners.3 GPs and other proactively identified in a timely
primary care providers are able to way. Needs assessment and care
provide appropriate palliative and planning should be undertaken to
end-of-life care when they are well ensure that problems and
supported by relevant specialists.3 preferences for care are identified
For patients to be well cared for in and mechanisms are put in place to
the community, it is also necessary support such care.
for informal carers to have the To promote optimal end-of-life
strength, the will and the skill to care, a coordinated, multidisciplinary
provide such care, as well as timely approach is as important in the
access to support and medical care. community as it is in the hospital
The recent National Health and setting. Good communication and
Hospitals Reform Commission’s collaboration between primary care
report4 and the Australian providers, the patient’s specialists
Government’s National Primary and specialist palliative care
Health Care Strategy5 both recognise providers are imperative. Also
the need to build “the capacity and essential is an ongoing dialogue with
competence of primary health care the patient and family to enable a
services” 4 to support their dying clear understanding of the goals of
patients. These documents make treatment and to proactively plan for
recommendations that begin to likely adverse events. Routinely
address the current difficulties of planning for likely scenarios will
caring for these patients in the potentially reduce the use of acute
community. Of significance are services and encourage the provision
recommendations for increased of care in more appropriate
support for carers; improved environments.
shared-care arrangements; and
better access to specialist palliative Claire E Johnson Research Fellow, Cancer and
Palliative Care Research and Evaluation Unit1
care, support and funding for
advance care planning and improved Geoffrey K Mitchell Professor of General Practice
and Palliative Care2
access to primary health care
1 University of Western Australia, Perth, WA.
professionals.4 This includes a 2 University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD.
commitment to address workforce
shortages and improving out-of- Competing interests: No relevant disclosures.
hours access to medical care.5 doi: 10.5694/mja11.10714
Such recommendations are 1 Rosenwax LK, McNamara BA, Murray K, et al.
positive and will be helpful when Hospital and emergency department use in the
they are fully realised. However, last year of life: a baseline for future modifications
issues within primary care — both at to end-of-life care. Med J Aust 2011; 194: 570-573.
the community and individual 2 Lowthian JA, Jolley DJ, Curtis AJ, et al. The
challenges of population ageing: accelerating
general practice levels — also need
demand for emergency ambulance services by
to be addressed. People for whom a older patients, 1995–2015. Med J Aust 2011; 194:
palliative approach is appropriate 574-578.

MJA 195 (5) · 5 September 2011 267

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