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Cross-Specialization Training of Grades 7-10 Science Teachers

on their non-major Science Subjects

October 15-20, 2018

INSTRUCTION: Write the CAPITAL letter of the correct answer before the number.

1. Which of the following refers to an imaginary line on a map or globe that measures distance in
degrees north or south of the equator?
a. Longitude b. Latitude c. Prime meridian d. Tropic Cancer

2. Heat from the sun is absorbed in different amounts depending on the location. At some places,
more heat is absorbed. Will there still be atmospheric phenomena if there is no heat coming from
the sun?

a. Yes, because there will be no differences in air pressures that will make the air move in any
b. No, because there will be no rising air particles. This results to no differences in air pressure.
c. Yes, because air particles will move down and closer.
d. No, because air particles move up and this creates a high pressure region.

3. Which pair of resources is renewable?

a. Aluminum and Iron c. Soil and Minerals
b. Coal and Solar Energy d. Leather and cotton

4. Which of the following can be used to collect important information about stars’ composition
from Earth?
a. Telescopes b. Space shuttle c. Space probes d. Spectroscope

5. How does the windward side differ from the leeward side of a high land?
a. The windward receives more precipitation than the leeward.
b. The leeward side has more vegetation than the windward side.
c. The windward side receives no more heat than the leeward side.
d. The leeward side receives more precipitation than the windward side.

6. If you are a cartographer, what will give you an idea that the continents were once joined?
a. Ocean depth
b. Position of the South pole
c. Shape of the continents
d. Size of the Atlantic Ocean

7. What energy resources is not yet available in the Philippines?

a. Geothermal b. Wind c. Hydroelectric d. Nuclear

8. Why did the distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes help confirm plate tectonic theory?
a. Both earthquakes and volcanoes were distributed randomly.
b. Earthquakes and volcanoes were different along different types of boundaries.
c. Earthquakes and volcanoes were the same along all of the plate boundaries.
d. Neither earthquakes nor volcanoes had been studied much before plate tectonics.

9. Why are stars important to man?

a. Stars tell time c. Stars can predict that will happen to your life
b. Stars tell direction d. Both a and b

Cross-Specialization Training of Grades 7-10 Science Teachers
on their non-major Science Subjects
October 15-20, 2018

10. Philippines is one of the largest producer of which elements or minerals?

a. Gold and Silver c. Copper and Tin
b. Gold and Copper d. Mercury and Nickel

11. Why do mountain climbers bring thick jackets when they go up the mountain?
a. The temperature increases as the altitude increases.
b. The temperature decreases as the altitude increases.
c. The altitude increases as the temperature increases.
d. The altitude decreases as the temperature increases.

12. Which observation was NOT instrumental in formulating the hypothesis of seafloor spreading?
a. Depth of the ocean
b. Identifying the location of glacial deposits
c. Magnetization of the oceanic crust
d. Thickness of seafloor sediments

13. What do you call the resources that people can use again and again but its supply can be
a. Recyclable b. Unlimited c. Renewable d. Non – renewable

14. Why do places at the same latitude but different altitudes have different climate?
a. Same amount of heat received.
b. Amount of precipitation differs.
c. Higher altitudes have lower temperature.
d. Higher altitudes have higher temperature.

15. The color of a star depends on its

a. altitude b. temperature c. size d. space

16. As a new seafloor is formed at the mid-ocean ridge, the old seafloor farthest from the ridge is
destroyed. Which of the stated processes describe how the oceanic crust plunges into the Earth
and destroyed at the mantle?
a. Convection b. Construction c. Diversion d. Subduction

17. In most weather forecasts in the Philippines, it is mentioned that ITCZ causes raining. Why is this
a. ITCZ absorbs water from the soil and plants.
b. ITCZ involves cloud formation due to rising warm air with water vapor.
c. ITCZ bring water from the outer space.
d. ITCZ creates cloud found in soil.

18. Why can’t we see the stars during the day?

a. It’s because the Sun outshines all other stars during the day
b. It’s because the Sun is bigger that of the Dwarf stars
c. It’s because of its apparent magnitude
d. Because of its size

19. Which of the following will happen when direct rays fall on the equator?

a. It is autumn in northern hemisphere and spring in southern hemisphere.

b. It is spring in northern hemisphere and autumn in southern hemisphere.

Cross-Specialization Training of Grades 7-10 Science Teachers
on their non-major Science Subjects
October 15-20, 2018

c. Northern hemisphere gets warmer and southern hemisphere gets colder.

d. Northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere receive equal amount of heat from the Sun.

20. From the illustration, how will you describe the season experience by each hemisphere?

a. The southern hemisphere is receiving the most direct rays from the Sun, It is winter there.
b. The southern hemisphere is closest to the Sun. It is summer there.
c. The northern hemisphere is receiving the most direct rays from the Sun, It is summer there.
d. The southern hemisphere is balancing out the temperature for Earth.

21. Why is studying lunar eclipse important?

a. The concept of lunar eclipse proves that it causes mental disorder.

b. The concept of lunar eclipse proves that the Earth is not flat.
c. Studying lunar eclipse is important because diseases can be avoided if lunar eclipse is predicted.
d. To prepare for calamities and other natural disasters that may occur.

22. Why does cloud formation disappear as the air moves slowly towards the leeward side of a
a. The air condenses as it moves to the leeward side.
b. The amount of water vapor is not enough.
c. The temperature becomes lower.
d. There is too much water vapor.

23. In 1912, Alfred Wegener proposed a theory that the Earth is once a single landmass. What is the
name of the Mesozoic supercontinent that consisted of all of the present continents?
a. Eurasia b. Laurasia c. Pangaea d. Gondwanaland

24. What would be the outcome if there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
a. Greenhouse effect occurs. c. Water vapor condenses.
b. Temperature increases. d. Climate change.

25. Which one of the following statements is true?

a. oceanic plates are more dense than continental plates
b. continental plates are more dense than oceanic plates
c. transform boundaries are associated with explosive volcanoes
d. hot spot volcanoes are always found at plate boundaries

26. In which of the following most earthquakes are located?

a. along plate boundaries c. on continental crust
b. in the ocean d. on oceanic crust

Cross-Specialization Training of Grades 7-10 Science Teachers
on their non-major Science Subjects
October 15-20, 2018

27. Which type of plate tectonic boundary formed the Himalaya Mountains?
a. transform-fault boundary
b. ocean-ocean convergent boundary
c. ocean-continental convergent boundary
d. continental-continental convergent boundary

28. Alfred Wegener is a German scientist who hypothesized that the Earth was once made up of a
single large landmass called Pangaea. Which of the following theories did Wegener propose?
a. Continental Drift Theory
b. Continental Shift Theory
c. Plate Tectonics
d. Seafloor Spreading Theory

29. Which type of plate tectonic boundary is shown?

a. continental rifting boundary c. transform boundary

b. ocean-ocean divergent boundary d. ocean-ocean convergent boundary

30. Stars differ in color, depending upon their

a. size and temperature c. age and volume
b. size and shape d. age and shape

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