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Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Chapter 1


Richard Branson once said, “Take care of your employees, and they will take care

of your business.” Creating a business that listens to its people is of supreme importance.

Happy and thriving people make a bright and flourishing business (Branson, 2016). A

study found out that employee satisfaction drives productivity and customer satisfaction

(Matzler, Fuchs, & Schubert, 2004). Another study concluded that job satisfaction is one

of the most critical drivers of quality, customer satisfaction and productivity (Matzler &

Renzl, 2006).

Reasoning from the findings in a variety of literature, a concept was formed that

positive mood-inducing events increase job satisfaction (Brief, Butcher, Houston, &

Roberson, 2000). Evidence showed the circular relationship between employee

satisfaction and retention, and customer satisfaction and loyalty which increase company

profitability. Employee satisfaction is strongly related to employee commitment, and both

measures have proven relationships to retention and productivity (Corporate Leadership

Council, 2003). There will be a win-win situation if employee’s satisfaction and

management expectation go hand in hand (Kumari, 2014). Several studies were

conducted and proved job satisfaction as a significant contributor to the achievement of

some organizational goals such as negative relationship to employee turnover

(Chelladurai & Currivan, 2003), positive relationship to higher work performance (Judge,

Thoresen, Bono, & Patton, 2001).

A study integrates total quality management practices by introducing employee

training, employee empowerment, teamwork, employee compensation, and management

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Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

leadership into a theoretical model for studying employee satisfaction and loyalty within

the context of government. The results of the study revealed that employee

empowerment, employee compensation, teamwork including management leadership are

significant positive predictors of employee satisfaction; and employee satisfaction

increases employee loyalty(Chang, Chiu, & Chen, 2010). Dawis said job satisfaction is

brought about by the degree to which the work reinforces the job match of the

incumbent's values (Dawis, 2001). In accord, another author has stated, job satisfaction

stems most directly from the appraisal of one’s job as providing significant job values or

attaining one’s goals (Locke, 2004).

Acknowledging the importance of job satisfaction, researchers have conducted a

study aimed to identify the variables affecting the level of job satisfaction of employees

in Romanian public and private sectors. The research has identified six (6) variables,

namely, perturbing factors, motivation, social interaction, employee characteristics,

organizational environment characteristics and perception (Izvercian, Potra, & Ivascu,

2016). In line with the effort to discover the factors that contribute to employee job

satisfaction, the Society for Human Resource Management started a yearly survey

entitled “Greatest contributors to employee job satisfaction.” In their 2017 edition, the

highest contributors of job satisfaction were identified to be, Respectful treatment for all

employees of all levels, compensation/pay, Trust between employees and senior

management, Job security, Opportunities to use skills and abilities, and Employee

engagement (Lee, Esen, & DiNicola, 2017). However, during the data gathering of this

research study, the 2017 SHRM data was not yet available. Thus, the 2016 SHRM result

was utilized, and the variables were Respectful treatment for all employees of all levels,

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Overall compensation, Overall benefits, Job security, Opportunities to use skills and

abilities, and Trust between employees and senior management (Lee, Alonso, Coombs,

Mulvey, Victor, Wessels, & Ng, 2016).

Along with the identified variables, recreational programs, if proven, is yet

another variable to be considered in achieving employee job satisfaction. Recreational

programs are purposely designed to boost morale, stimulate motivation, and increase or

maintain job satisfaction (Akmal, Zainol, Mansor, & Ghazali, 2012). Studies found that

recreational program affects regular exercise involvements, fitness levels, patients’

medical costs, employee job satisfaction, smoker quit rates and productivity. A

recreational program promotes excellent health to the employee, and it is organized

purposely to upscale the quality of life in the workplace (Goliath, 2007). The wellness

program is a way to stop the bleeding in health care costs (Top Insurance News, 2010).

Executing employee wellness program creates a win-win situation for employers and

employees (Bates, 2006).

Several studies reported that physical activity affects mood and anxiety, general

well-being, state, and stress (Ströhle, 2009). A study has found a positive relationship

between participant quality-of-life and the number of years spent participating in sports,

exercise, and recreation (Laferrier, Teodorski, & Cooper, 2015). There is evidence, in the

form of keen descriptions of programs and systematic reviews on the benefits of

participation in sport and recreational programs. These include some improvements in

retention, attitudes towards learning, social and cognitive skills, physical and mental

health and well-being; improved social inclusion, association to culture; and crime

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

decline. Even though the effects of sports and recreation programs can be powerful and

transformative, these effects tend to be indirect (Ware & Meredith, 2013).

Wellness and recreation programs increase employee morale and employee

retention. Moreover, when employees feel that their company is concerned with their

health and wellness, their loyalty and satisfaction are increased (Bates, 2006). Also,

sports and recreation can become a carrier of socially desirable values such as health or

healthy lifestyle (Nowak, 2012). Hence, wellness programs play a principal role in

community building, developing social capital, promoting pro-social behavior and

encouraging involvement (Larkin, 2008). The mental health benefit of participation in

organized sports is aimed at enhancing mental health and well-being in the community

and does have the potential to decrease social and economic costs (Street, James, & Cutt,


Managers are becoming more aware of the importance of promoting a healthy

work-life balance and recreation and wellness in the workplace (Downes & Koekemoer,

2011). Studies have concluded and recommended the incorporation of suitable and

desirable recreation and wellness programs in their workplaces. Hence, it is profitable to

both employees and the management (Abdullah & Lee, 2012).

Because of the stiff competition where organizations are trying to carve

competitive advantage through the human factor, the need to enhance employee job

satisfaction has become critical and is believed to be the key to business success

(Naseem, Ejaz Sheikh, & Malik, 2011). Employee satisfaction has become the variable

mostly studied in the field of workplace psychology (Savickas, 2004). Most organizations

strive for employee satisfaction, but not all attain this goal. This is why employees’ job

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Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

satisfaction is essential for human resource professionals to know more about the factors

that can increase employees’ job satisfaction, and how it fits into a company’s overall

success (Bisk, 2016).

Moreover, the exploration of employee job satisfaction is essential not only for

assessing attitudes toward the job but also as a component of a larger picture of the job

performance of both the person and the organization. Since all recreation and leisure

activities require ample amount of investment, it is crucial for the management to identify

and plan which programs would produce the significant impact on employee satisfaction

(Akmal, Zainol, Mansor & Gazali 2012). Some scholars have argued that satisfaction

only reveals part of the paradigm and that exploration is necessary to gain an

understanding of such outcomes. Hence, it remains a critical avenue for investigation in

human resource management (Dixon & Warner, 2010).

In educational institutions, it is critical to have competent employees. Thus, a

strategic response is needed and efforts to cultivate teacher empowerment centered on the

school site and on the factors that support good teaching. For where the good teaching

environment is, there will also be a better learning environment that fosters educational

success (Ortega & Cruz, 2016). In the participating Institution, recreation and wellness

program was first implemented in response to the Civil Service Commission MC

(memorandum circular) No. 38, s. 1992 which was reiterated on MC No. 6, s. 1995

aimed to develop a healthy and alert workforce. Particularly, the allotment of a

reasonable time for regular physical fitness exercises to employees. The selection of

activities was based on employees’ feedback through a survey. Currently, the

implemented activities for the employees were volleyball, basketball, chess, dart, table

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

tennis, and badminton which takes place in January to March, until the University

Foundation week. Also, volleyball games are being held from October to December,

twice a week until the finals in December. Thus, this study may provide a guide on the

implementation of such activities regarding the achievement of its objectives.


This study seeks to measure the relationship between the level of Recreational

Physical Activities and Employee Job Satisfaction.

Specifically, this study expected to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of recreational physical activities and job satisfaction of the

employees of a State University in Negros when taken as a whole, and grouped according

to age, sex, and length of service?

2. Is there a significant difference on the level of recreational physical activities and the

level of job satisfaction of the employees of a State University in Negros when grouped

according to age, sex, and length of service?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the level of recreational physical activities

and job satisfaction of the employees of a State University in Negros?


There is no significant difference in the level of recreational physical activities,

and job satisfaction of the employees of a State University in Negros grouped according

to age, sex, and length of service.

There is no significant relationship between the level of employee recreational

physical activities and job satisfaction of a State University in Negros.

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction


This study intends to examine the possible relationship between employee

recreational physical activity and job satisfaction. The study anchors on the concept of

the relationship between recreational program and job satisfaction. A study has proven

the existence of relationship between the subjects through constructive literature review

and found the link in the form of leisure satisfaction. Furthermore, scientific proofs from

previous studies were highlighted in the said study to provide a better understanding of

the matter (Akmal, Zainol, Mansor, & Ghazali, 2012). A study has found that recreational

program impacts overall levels of job satisfaction (Albritton, 2008). Another study

concluded relaxation program correlates positively with overall job satisfaction (Adams,

2007). Additionally, Kirby has found Organization that offers employees personal

services (including recreational programs) reported stronger relationships between job

satisfaction (Kirby, 2006).

Also, a comparative study found a significant relationship in the level of

participation in recreation and wellness programs and employee job satisfaction by

comparing the level of job satisfaction of those who participated and those who did not

(Obino Mokaya, Samuel & Wegoki Gitari, 2018). Similarly, another study revealed

higher job satisfaction on the respondents who have attended wellness program

(Abdullah & Lee, 2012). Furthermore, a study conducted by Environmental Health and

Safety showed of employees claimed maintaining physical health is something valuable

to them (Smith, 2016).

Furthermore, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory was one of the first that

proposed a relationship between need fulfillment and job satisfaction. It had five essential

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Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

needs; physiological needs, including food, water, air, etc.; safety needs including

freedom from physical threat and harm, and economy security; belongingness and care

needs which are two-fold for mastery and achievement as the need for recognition

(Hassard & Teoh, 2018). In some extents, job satisfaction is what employee feels and

perceived about its job and what are their experiences on work, whether they feel positive

or negative about job (Kim, Tang, & Williams, 2007), or whether they are satisfied with

their present job because their needs and wants are being satisfied (Tsiotsou & Vasioti,

2006). Researchers have agreed that job satisfaction is resulting from a feeling of

pleasure in doing a job (Al-Hussami & Yang, 2009).

In this study, respondents were grouped according to demographics, age, sex, and length

of service. The identified top contributors to job satisfaction were used to describe the

level of Employee Job Satisfaction of the State University. Namely, Respectful treatment

for employees for all levels, Overall compensation, Overall benefits, Opportunity to use

skills and abilities, Job security, and Trust between employees and senior management

(Kennedy & Hill, 2016). The level of physical recreational activities was measured by the

intensity of activities based on Borg’s perceived exertion scale and average time spent

weekly (Borg, 1982) and time spent weekly. The amount of time people spend engaging

in an activity is classified into activity groups or behaviors, where the activity groups are

usually defined by intensity level (Beyler, 2010). The results of this study would then be

used as bases for an enhancement proposal of the existing recreation and wellness

program of the State University.

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Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

To give a realistic presentation of the direction of this study, the schematic

diagram is shown in Figure 1 below.

State University in Negros

Employee demographic profile
 Age
 Sex
 Length of Service

Recreational Physical Activities Level of Employee Job Satisfaction

 Time spent weekly  Respectful treatment of
 Extent of physical activity employees at all levels
 Overall compensation
 Overall benefits
 Job Security
 Trust between employees
and Management
 Opportunities to use skills
and abilities in work

Proposed Enhancement of
Recreation and Wellness Program

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram Illustrating the

Conceptual Framework of the Study

This study expects to benefit the following offices and individuals:

The State University in Negros. The results of this study may serve as bases to

address current and future individual and Institutional needs.

The Human Resource Department. The results of this study may also serve as

bases for future program proposals, especially the ones that seek to improve employee

job satisfaction, the Human Resource Management Office of the Institution.

La Consolacion College Bacolod
Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

The Employees. The results of the study may convince the administration to

encourage such programs for its employees.

Similar Institutions. The results of this study may serve as a bases for the future

enhancement program on job satisfaction.

Researchers and Future Researchers. This study enabled the researchers to

practice what they have learned primarily on research and thesis subjects. The conduct of

this study may give clarity and evidence on the connection of recreational physical

activities and employee job satisfaction.

Scope and Limitation

This study focused on the relationship between the recreational physical activity

and job satisfaction of the employees of a State University in Negros. The questionnaire

used in gathering data was composed of two parts: the respondent’s profile and its

recreational physical activities with the estimated average time spent weekly, and

employee job satisfaction.

In the course of this study, the researcher acknowledges the following limitations;

the questionnaire used was a self-assessment type questionnaire which makes it limited to

the respondent’s perspective, and only the regular employees of the State University in

Negros are qualified as respondents. The duration of this study covers the school year


Definition of Terms

Recreational Physical Activities. The term is defined broadly as "all bodily

actions produced by the contraction of skeletal muscle that increases energy expenditure

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

above basal level done for enjoyment or pleasure and is considered to be fun” (Butte,

Ekelund, & Westerterp, 2012).

The term in this study refers to the recreational physical activities participated by

the employees of the State University in Negros as part of their annual wellness programs

such as volleyball, basketball, table tennis, badminton, and dart.

Job Satisfaction. Job satisfaction represents a combination of positive or negative

feelings that workers have towards their work. It represents the extent to which

expectations are and match the real awards. Job satisfaction and individual's behavior in

the workplace are closely associated (Aziri, 2011)

The term in this study reflects the degree of pleasure or happiness their job in

general induces (Hulin & Judge, 2003).

Extent of physical activity. Extent of physical activity is a way to express a

person’s daily activity as a number, and is used to estimate a person’s total energy

expenditure (United Nations University, 2009).

The term in this study shows the level or intensity of vigour of the activities of the

employees of the State University in Negros.

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Chapter 2


This chapter describes the research design, participants, instrumentation, data

gathering procedures and the analyses, validity, and reliability of data and the statistical

treatment in this study.


This study utilized descriptive-quantitative research design. The descriptive

design was employed to identify the level of employee recreational physical activities and

job satisfaction. Moreover, correlational research was used to distinguish relationship

among the two variables; employee recreational physical activity and job satisfaction.


This study was conducted in a State University in Negros Occidental, Philippines.


The participants of this study include all regular employees of the State

University. The total number of regular employees is 135 and is composed of 83 faculty

members and 52 office staff personnel.


The instrument employed in this study was a researcher-made, self-assessment

questionnaire. The questionnaire was composed of two parts; Respondent’s Profile and

level of employee Recreational Physical Activities, and Job Satisfaction.

The first part was the Respondent’s Profile which contains six (6) essential

information of the respondent; name (optional), age, sex, length of service, physical

activities, and average time spent on activities. The second part is the Employee Job

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Satisfaction which is composed of six (6) variables (Respectful treatment for employees

for all levels, Overall compensation, Overall benefits, Job security, Opportunities to use

skills and abilities, and Trust between employees and senior management). Each variable

has underlying questions answerable by Very high, High, Low, and Very Low.


The questionnaire was validated by 15 juries with qualifications of Master’s

Degree, Doctorate Degree or equivalent. Using the criteria developed for Content

Validity Ratio (CVR) set forth by C.H. Lawshe, the validity of the content was rated

Essential, Useful but not Essential or Not Essential. The researcher has personally

administered the said validity to the juries. The result of the validity suggested to retain

all questionnaire items except for the item, “I have the freedom to do things my way”,

which was rejected and was excluded in the final instrument. The questionnaire has

passed the validity with a score of 0.99.


To determine the reliability of the instrument, a dry run respondents, the

employees who are not regular in their job status in the same Institution were asked to

answer the tool for the reliability. Cronbach’s Alpha were employed to measure the

internal consistency of the said instrument. The instrument passed the reliability test with

a score of 0.829.

Data-Gathering Procedures

The researcher requested for a permission to conduct a survey regarding the

research study in a State University in Negros which request was approved. Upon

completing the reliability and validity of the instrument, the researcher, with the help of

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Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

the Research Office of the State University in Negros, administered the said survey to the


Statistical Treatment

The data gathered from the respondents was tallied to facilitate the statistical

analyses. For Problem 1, to determine the level of employee recreational physical

activities and job satisfaction when taken as a whole and grouped according to age, sex,

and length of service, mean and standard deviation was employed.

For Problem 2, to determine the significant difference in the level of recreational

physical activities and job satisfaction when grouped according to age, sex, and length of

service, t-test was used.

For Problem 3, to determine the significant relationship between the level of

employee recreational physical activities and job satisfaction, Pearson r was used.

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Chapter 3

Results and discussion

This chapter presents the data gathered by the researcher using the validated,

revised and reliable survey questionnaire, the analysis of the obtained data, and the

equivalent interpretation of the findings collected for this study. As stated in this chapter,

this study aims to measure the level of recreational physical activities and job satisfaction

of the employees of a State University in Negros. The data were presented with the use of

tables. For detailed understanding of the findings, each table was described. The tabular

presentations were arranged according to the sequence of the problem of the study.

The respondents of this study were the regular employees of the State University

with the total population of 135, composed of 83 faculties and 52 staff. For more natural

interpretation of the measurement of the level of exertion in recreational physical

activities, the researcher has used the version of Harvard Chan of the Borg’s Scale of

Perceived Exertion. The scale was represented as follows: Six (6) is at rest, seven to ten

(7-10) is low extent, 11-14 is moderate extent, 15-18 is high extent, and 19-20 is the

burst of activity, this activity cannot be maintained for long (Harvard Chan, School of

Public Health, 2018).

Table 1 on the next page displays the average extent of exertion in recreational

physical activities of the employees of a state University in Negros. The result reveals

that employees of the said State University have a mean score of 11.51 in the extent of

recreational physical activity which can mean moderate effort (based on the Borg’s scale

of perceived exertion). The same Table shows that the average time spent in these

activities is 1.39 hours or one (1) hour and 23 minutes. Considering the results and

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

comparing it with the recommended extent of exertion and time spent on recreational

physical activities, when taken as a whole, the level of effort of the employees of the

State University in Negros is in the bracket of a moderate extent which is just the

recommended level for adults to stay healthy.

However, the result also showed that the employees fell short on the

recommended time to spend on these activities. According to DiSantis, Birch, Davey,

Serrano, Zhang, Bruton, and Fisher, adults (ages 19-64 years old) should aim to be active

daily. Over a week, activity should add up to at least 150 minutes (2½ hours) of moderate

intensity in bouts of 10 minutes or more – one way to approach this is to do 30 minutes

on at least five (5) days a week (DiSantis, Birch, Davey, Serrano, Zhang, Bruton, &

Fisher, 2013).

Table 1 Level of Recreational Physical Activities of Employees of a State University in

Negros When Taken as a Whole (N=135)
Variables Mean Standard Verbal
Deviation Interpretation
1. Extent of recreational physical activities 11.51 1.864 Moderate
2. Time spent per week in hours 1.39 .490

Physical activity can be measured as the energy cost required to perform, as the

time spent in a specific activity or behavior, or through indirect outcomes that correlate

with physical activity metrics. Often, researchers are interested in the amount of time

people spend engaging in activity that is classified into activity groups or behaviors,

where the activity groups are usually defined by intensity level (Beyler, 2010). Physical

activity groups may also be defined by factors other than intensity of activity. For

example, researchers may be interested in measuring the amount of time people spend in

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

activity in specific contexts, such as for an individual’s occupation, transportation,

leisure, household chores, and exercise. This type of physical activity assessment is

gaining in popularity as interest in studying sedentary behaviors from occupational and

household settings grows (Ainsworth, 2009). A common metric used to classify activity

by intensity is time spent in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA), which

measures the number of time individuals engaged in the activity at or above three (3)

METs in a day or week or month (Troiano, Berrigan, Dodd, Masse, & Tilert, 2008).

Table 1.1 below shows the comparison of the average level of Recreational

Physical Activities of a State University in Negros when grouped according to age. The

employees' groups are the young and old. The 44 years old and below belongs to the

young group, while 45 years and above belongs to the old group. The total number of the

young group was recorded to be 69, while the old group was composed of a total number

of 66.

Table 1.1 Level of Recreational Physical Activities of Employees of a State University in

Negros When Grouped According to Age (N=135)
Young (N=69) Old (N=66)
Variables Mean Standard Verbal Mean Standard Verbal
Deviation Interpretation Deviation Interpretation

1. Extent of recreational 12.03 1.534 Moderate 10.97 2.030 Low

physical activities

2. Time spent per week in 1.44 .500 Below 1.35 .480 Below
hours recommended recommended

The result showed that there is a higher level of recreational physical activity

among the young. The average extent of recreational physical activity of 12.03 and

average time spent of 1.44 hours/week than of the old which was recorded to have an

average degree of recreational physical activity of 10.97 and average time spent of 1.35

hours/week. The young employees were reported to have a moderate extent. However,

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Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

the old employees were recorded to have low intensity. Both groups fell short on the

recommended time to spend being active. The result supports the previous studies that

physical activity is inversely related to age (Takagi, 2015).

Average Physical activity (PA) is known to decline with age. Energy expenditure

and physical activity decline with age and are associated with detrimental changes in

body composition and decreased the ability to perform activities of daily living such as

eating, dressing, transferring, personal hygiene, and mobility. These impairments may

lead to a loss of functional autonomy and independence (Johannsen, 2008).

Several studies have used Doubly Labeled Water technique to measure energy

expenditure in older adults to compare with other measures of physical activity, to

examine the relationship between activity energy expenditure and aerobic fitness and

activity intensity, and to describe energy requirements in the later years (Hills, 2014). A

recent summary of energy requirements of persons aged 20–96 years concluded that total

energy expenditure (TEE) declines progressively and linearly with increasing age, at an

approximate rate of 150 kcal/day per decade. Physical activity level (PAL) also decreases

with age; however, whether PAL declines linearly is presently unknown (Johannsen,

Delany, Frisard, Welsch, Rowley, Fang, Jazwinski & Ravussin, 2008). Young adults did

more functional work and performed more sports than the elderly subjects (Krems, 2004).

Table 1.2 on the next page shows the comparison of the level of recreational

physical activities of employees of a State University when grouped according to sex.

According to the faculty and staff roster updated last October 2017, the University has 61

male and 74 female regular employees. The result showed there is a higher level of

recreational physical activity among the male employees which was recorded to have an

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Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

extent of 12.48 and an average time spent of 1.44 hours every week, while the female got

an average extent of recreational physical activity of 10.72 and average time expenditure

of 1.35 hours every week. Both groups fell short of the recommended time to spend being

active. However, the male employees have a moderate level of extent while the female

employees have a low range of recreational physical activity.

Table 1.2 Level of Recreational Physical Activities of Employees of a State University in

Negros When Grouped According to Sex (N=135)
Male (N=61) Female (N=74)
Variables Mean Standard Verbal Mean Standard Verbal
Deviation Interpretation Deviation Interpretation

1. Extent of recreational 12.48 1.468 Moderate 10.72 1.787 Low

physical activities
2. Time spent per week in 1.44 .501 Below 1.35 .481 Below
recommended recommended

Regardless of the guideline used, males were more active than women. The

socioeconomic level relates to leisure-time physical activity in both genders. A positive

dose-response between age and inactivity was observed in men, but not among women

(Azevedo, Araujo, Reichert, Siqueira, Da Silva & Hallal 2007). Females of all ages have

lower physical activity participation rates than males (Hoye, Randle, Nocholson &

Kappelides, 2015). Men play more sports than women, and participation declines with

age (Etemadi, Shameli, Hassan, Zakaria, Khairudin & Hara, 2016). More males

participated in physical activities than females at least once in the 12 months. Similar

proportions of males and females participated for 53 times or more during the same

period. Males had a higher participation rate in organized sport than females.

Participation in sport and physical activity also declined with increasing age among

males. Males aged 18-24 had the highest participation rate and were more likely to

participate in sport and physical activity (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2006).

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Table 1.3 below displays the comparative data of the level of recreational physical

activities of the employees of a State University in Negros when grouped according to the

length of service. Respectively, short, for those employees who are employed by the said

State University for 15 years and below, and long, for those employees who are

contracted in the State University for 16 years and above. The level of recreational

physical activity of employees who served the State University for a short period is 12.00

and has an average time spent of 1.46 hours every week which is higher than of those

who served the State University in a lengthy period. Tenured employees were identified

to have an extent of exertion of 10.57 and an average time spent every week of 1.26

hours. Still, neither group which served for short and long periods have reached the

recommended time to spend being active. However, the employees who worked for a

short period have reached the moderate extent, while the female got a low extent.

Table 1.3 Level of Recreational Physical Activities of Employees of a State University in

Negros When Grouped According to Years in Service (N=135)
Short (N=89) Long (N=46)
Variables Mean Standard Verbal Mean Standard Verbal
Deviation Interpretation Deviation Interpretation

1. Extent of recreational Low

12.00 1.45 Moderate 10.57 2.198
physical activities
2. Time spent per week in Below Below
1.46 .501 1.26 .444
hours recommended recommended

In a study entitled “Comparison of Health-Related Physical Fitness and Its

Association with The Length of Service,” results showed that length of service negatively

affects the morphological, neuromuscular, and cardiorespiratory fitness (Domingos-

Gomes, Ribeiro, Silva, Melo, Cirilo-Sousa, & Rodrigo, 2016). Although the result

somehow supports the claim of the study above, the Campus recreation facilities and

programs continue to be an even more significant factor as well as the contribution of

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Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

recreation center activities and programs to the quality of life (Forrester, 2014). The

employees with the longest tenures in the company are also the least likely to be engaged

(Harter, 2015). Despite many positive contributions of participation in recreational

activities, individuals would not participate in such events because of various reasons

(Ozturk, 2016).

Table 1.4 on the following page shows the level of employee job satisfaction of

the State University in Negros when taken as a whole. The individual results showed that

the highest mean is 3.45 which occurred twice, namely, employees’ well-being under the

variable Overall Benefits, and the stability of the Institution under the variable Job

Security. On the other hand, the lowest mean recorded is 2.74 in the item, “My

suggestions are valued;” under the variable Trust between employees and senior

management. The computed Mean of means and mean of standard deviations of every

variable, and results showed that the highest mean perceived was Job security, having a

mean of 3.38 and standard deviation of 0.035 interpreted as a Very High level of

Satisfaction. The lowest perceived satisfaction between six (6) variables is Trust between

employees and senior management which garnered a mean of 2.83 and standard deviation

of 0.015 which has a verbal equivalent High level of satisfaction.

When taken as a whole, the level of employee job satisfaction of the State

University in Negros ranges from High to Very high. The mean of means of the six (6)

variables is 3.21. Also, out of 23 job satisfaction indicators, 14 were rated to be Very

high, and nine (9) were measured high based on their mean. The mean of means of the

variables, three (3) out of six (6) was reported to have Very High Satisfaction, namely;

Overall compensation, Overall benefits, and Job security.

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

On the other hand, the other three (3) variables (Respectful treatment for all

employees for all levels, Opportunities to use skills and abilities, and Trust between

employees and senior management) were rated high.

Table 1.4 Level of Employees Job Satisfaction of a State University in Negros When
Taken as a Whole (N=135)
Variables Mean Standard Verbal
Deviation Interpretation

Respectful treatment for employees for all levels

1. I am respected as an individual in my workplace. 3.30 .508 Very High
2. The Institution promotes respect among employees through various
3.22 .538 High
3. The management is keeping employees informed about matters
3.16 .601 High
affecting us.
4. People in the Institution value diversity (recognize and respect
3.25 .484 Very high
differences in race, gender, age, etc.).
Mean of means 3.23 .051 High
Overall compensation
1. My salary matches the responsibility I am assigned to perform. 3.26 .610 Very High
2. Considering the time I spend working, I am compensated fairly. 3.27 .576 Very High
3. Considering the effort I exert working, I am compensated fairly. 3.29 .597 Very High
4. I am motivated to perform my best considering my overall
3.42 .565 Very High
Mean of means 3.31 .020 Very High
Overall benefits
1. My well-being is being taken care of as one of my employee benefits. 3.45 .620 Very High
2. I am happy with the health benefits the Institution is providing. 3.34 .693 Very High
3. The benefits provided by the Institution suit the needs of the employees. 3.30 .612 Very high
4. The Institution is providing non-monetary benefits that I really
3.35 .662 Very High
Mean of means 3.36 .038 Very High
Job security
1. I do not perceive any threat to lose my job. 3.39 .532 Very high
2. The Institution I am employed with is stable. 3.45 .500 Very High
3. I have a positive outlook regarding my career in this Institution. 3.31 .579 Very High
4. The Institution is more likely to grow. 3.37 .515 Very High
Mean of means 3.38 .035 Very high
Opportunities to use skills and abilities
1. My skills are suited to my job. 3.23 .646 High
2. The Institution has provided channels where I can use my skills and
3.11 .709 High
3. The Institution has provided opportunities to hone my skills and
3.13 .696 High
Mean of means 3.16 .033 High
Trust between employees and senior management
1. My ideas are respected. 2.78 .698 High
2. My suggestions are valued. 2.74 .701 High
3. The management is trusting me with important matters. 2.97 .690 High
4. The senior management acts on staff feedback. 2.84 .725 High
Mean of means 2.83 .015 High
Overall means 3.21 .192 High

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

A study on the impact of compensation and benefits on job satisfaction showed

that compensation positively and significantly affects job satisfaction. However, no

significant relationship between the benefits to job satisfaction was found (Mabaso &

Dlamini, 2017). One way to build competitive advantage for an organization is to

improve the health status and well-being of its employees (Chenworth, 2011). Job

security, often measured using the perceived risk of job loss shortly, is a significant

determinant of job satisfaction (Artz & Kaya, 2014). Organizational trust is an essential

part of professional relationships between co-workers, between managers and employees,

or between employees and managers (Krot & Lewicka, 2012).

The Table 1.5 on the next page shows that the employees of the State University,

when taken as a whole, has a high to a very high level of satisfaction. Job satisfaction is a

topic that concerned both employees and employers, and researchers. It is the most

studied variable in organizational behavior studies. Also, a fundamental variable in both

research and theory of corporate experience (Atif, Rehman, Rehman, Muhammad, &

Asad, 2011), including psychology, public administration, business and higher education

(Methle, 2005). The principal reason of why job satisfaction is extensively researched is

that it relates to significant associations with several variables; it has a positive

association with life satisfaction, organizational commitment, job performance corporate

performance and employee satisfaction (Luddy, 2005).

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Table 1.5 Level of Employees Job Satisfaction of a State University in Negros When
Grouped According to Age (N=135)
Young (N=69) Old (N=66)
Variables Mean Standard Verbal Mean Standard Verbal
Deviatio Interpretatio Deviatio Interpretation
n n n
Respectful treatment for employees for all levels
1. I am respected as an individual in my workplace. 3.20 .440 High 3.41 .554 Very High
2. The Institution promotes respect among Very High
3.12 .471 High 3.32 .586
employees through various programs.
3. The management is keeping employees informed Very High
3.07 .524 High 3.26 .664
about matters affecting us.
4. People in the Institution value diversity Very High
(recognize and respect differences in race, gender, 3.19 .394 High 3.32 .559
age, etc.).
Mean of means 3.15 .054 High 3.33 .051 Very High
Overall compensation
1. My salary matches the responsibility I am High
3.33 .657 Very High 3.18 .552
assigned to perform.
2. Considering the time I spend working, I am .621 High
3.29 Very High 3.24 .528
compensated fairly.
3. Considering the effort I exert working, I am .651 Very High
3.25 Very High 3.33 .536
compensated fairly.
4. I am motivated to perform my best considering Very High
3.43 .555 Very High 3.39 .579
my overall compensation.
Mean of means 3.33 .046 Very High 3.29 .022 Very High
Overall benefits
1. My well-being is being taken care of as one of my 3.39 Very High
.574 Very High 3.52 .662
employee benefits.
2. I am happy with the health benefits the Institution 3.32 Very High
.606 Very High 3.36 .777
is providing.
3. The benefits provided by the Institution suit the 3.29 Very High
.597 Very High 3.30 .632
needs of the employees.
4. The Institution is providing non-monetary Very High
3.32 .606 Very High 3.38 .718
benefits that I really appreciate.
Mean of means 3.33 .015 Very High 3.39 .064 Very High
Job security
1. I do not perceive any threat to lose my job. 3.28 .539 Very High 3.50 .504 Very High
2. The Institution I am employed with is stable. 3.33 .475 Very High 3.58 .498 Very High
3. I have a positive outlook regarding my career in Very High
3.19 .550 High 3.44 .585
this Institution.
4. The Institution is more likely to grow. 3.29 .488 Very High 3.45 .532 Very High
Mean of means 3.27 .037 Very High 3.49 .040 Very High
Opportunities to use skills and abilities
1. My skills are suited to my job. 3.19 .670 High 3.27 .621 Very High
2. The Institution has provided channels where I can
3.13 .705 High 3.09 .717
use my skills and abilities.
3. The Institution has provided opportunities to 3.16 High
.699 High 3.09 .696
hone my skills and abilities.
Mean of means 3.16 .019 High 3.15 .050 High
Trust between employees and senior
1. My ideas are respected. 2.70 .671 High 2.86 .721 High
2. My suggestions are valued. 2.64 .664 High 2.85 .728 High
3. The management is trusting me with important High
2.90 .645 High 3.05 .732
4. The senior management acts on staff feedback. 2.75 .673 High 2.92 .771
Mean of means 2.75 .013 High 2.92 .022 High
Overall means 3.17 .031 High 3.26 .042 Very High
La Consolacion College Bacolod
Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Table 1.5 on the previous page shows a comparative data of the level of

satisfaction of a State University in Negros when grouped according to age. The total

population was divided into young (ages 44 years old and below) and old (45 years old

and above). Group populations were identified, younger group has a total population of

69, and old a total of 66. The result showed that in four (4) out of six (6) variables, there

is a higher employee job satisfaction among the older employees, while the other two (2)

variables have different results. The result also showed that young employees were most

satisfied with the item being motivated to perform at best considering Overall

compensation which averaged in 3.43 under the variable Overall compensation. On the

other hand, old employees were most satisfied with the item, “The institution I am

employed with is stable;” which garnered an average of 3.58.

Furthermore, young and old employees were both least satisfied with the item,

“My suggestions are valued;” under the variable Trust between employees and senior

management. The mean of means and standard deviation of every variable show that the

Overall compensation and Overall benefits were tied at 3.33, which were the highest

among the six (6) variables according to the young employees. Also, according to the

young, they were least satisfied with the variable Trust between employees and senior

management which was recorded to have a 2.75 satisfaction rating and still belongs to the

bracket of High satisfaction. On the other hand, the older employees has rated Job

security to be the highest (3.49) among the variables and also estimated Trust between

employees and senior management to be the least (2.75).

Also, under the variable, Respectful treatment for employees of all levels, there is

a consistently higher level of respect felt by older employees than the younger ones

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

regardless of their level or rank. The result may have something to do with culture, Parent

and child relations. Discipline (physical, cultural, and psychological) is a very significant

component in reinforcing the teaching of respect. Explanations of the correlation between

age and job satisfaction are mixed. These include limited career prospects at a certain

age; that older workers may be more tolerant and have developed coping strategies, or

that intrinsic motivators become less important as people grow older (Oshagbemi, 2000).

On the variable Overall compensation, there were three (3) out of four (4) items

that showed the younger ones to be more satisfied than the older ones. Organizations

may analyze Compensation Satisfaction Index by various personal and job characteristics

to gauge how well compensation suits employee groups. Dimensions for such analysis

may include age, gender, tenure, pay grade, employment type and employment level

(Victorian Public Sector Commision, 2015).

A study which examined the level of job satisfaction experienced by Greek

teachers, and the relationship between personal characteristics and specific aspects of job

satisfaction, found age to be a significant predictor of different aspects of job satisfaction

(Koustelios, 2001). Additionally, Ssesanga and Garrett, in their study of the job

satisfaction in the university academics from Uganda, reported age to be a significant

influence on teaching satisfaction (Garrett & Ssesanga, 2005). The results show that the

job satisfaction levels of the older age groups of academics are on the whole higher than,

the younger age groups. Overall job satisfaction and extrinsic satisfaction do not seem to

indicate a linear relationship with age, with overall job satisfaction and extrinsic

satisfaction levels varying for different age groups (Saner & Eyüpoğlu, 2012).

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Table 1.6 on the following page shows the comparative data of employee job

satisfaction of the employees of a State University in Negros when grouped according to

sex. The total population of respondents (135) was split into two groups, male group with

61 respondents, and female with 74 respondents. The highest rating on the male

satisfaction was 3.49 on the item “I am motivated to perform my best considering my

Overall compensation;” while the lowest was 2.79 in the item “My suggestions are


Looking at the mean of means and standard deviations of the variables, generally,

there is a higher level of job satisfaction on males than of females. All variables showed

there is a higher job satisfaction on males than of females. Males rated Job security to be

the highest at 3.44 with a standard deviation of .017 and Trust between employees and

senior management to be the lowest at 2.91 with a standard deviation of .038. On the

other hand, females rated overall benefits and Job security to be the highest at 3.33 with

standard deviations of 0.050 and 0.044.

However, several studies have found that women were more satisfied with their

job than men (Bender & Heywood, 2005). Despite women receiving lower wages

(Mbaabu, 2015) and being either less likely to receive promotions (Saner & Eyüpoğlu,

2012) with cheaper associated wage increases (Shariful Alam, Shahrani Ahmed Saeed,

Sahabuddin, & Akter, 2013).

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Table 1.6 Level of Employees Job Satisfaction of a State University in Negros When
Grouped According to Sex (N=135)
Male (N=61) Female (N=74)
Variables Mean Standard Verbal Mean Standard Verbal
Deviation Interpretation Deviation Interpretation
Respectful treatment for employees for all levels
1. I am respected as an individual in my workplace. 3.28 .488 Very High 3.32 .526 Very High
2. The Institution promotes respect among 3.25 .505 Very High 3.19 .566 High
employees through various programs.
3. The management is keeping employees informed 3.21 .581 High 3.12 .618 High
about matters affecting us.
4. People in the Institution value diversity (recognize 3.28 .452 Very High 3.23 .511 High
and respect differences in race, gender, age, etc.).
Mean of means 3.25 .054 Very High 3.22 .048 High
Overall compensation
1. My salary matches the responsibility I am assigned 3.31 .564 Very High 3.22 .647 High
to perform.
2. Considering the time I spend working, I am 3.33 .507 Very High 3.22 .625 High
compensated fairly.
3. Considering the effort I exert working, I am 3.31 .564 Very High 3.27 .626 Very High
compensated fairly.
4. I am motivated to perform my best considering my 3.49 .536 Very High 3.35 .584 Very High
overall compensation.
Mean of means 3.36 .027 Very High 3.26 .026 Very High
Overall benefits
1. My well-being is being taken care of as one of my 3.48 .566 Very High 3.43 .664 Very High
employee benefits.
2. I am happy with the health benefits the Institution 3.36 .606 Very High 3.32 .760 Very High
is providing.
3. The benefits provided by the Institution suit the 3.31 .534 Very High 3.28 .673 Very High
needs of the employees.
4. The Institution is providing non-monetary benefits 3.43 .531 Very High 3.28 .750 Very High
that I really appreciate.
Mean of means 3.39 .035 Very High 3.33 .050 Very High
Job security
1. I do not perceive any threat to lose my job. 3.43 .531 Very High 3.35 .535 Very High
2. The Institution I am employed with is stable. 3.46 .502 Very High 3.45 .500 Very High

3. I have a positive outlook regarding my career in 3.43 .531 Very High 3.22 .603 High
this Institution.
4. The Institution is more likely to grow. 3.44 .501 Very High 3.31 .521 Very High
Mean of means 3.44 .017 Very High 3.33 .044 Very High
Opportunities to use skills and abilities
1. My skills are suited to my job. 3.26 .630 Very High 3.20 .662 High
2. The Institution has provided channels where I can 3.15 .703 High 3.08 .717 High
use my skills and abilities.
3. The Institution has provided opportunities to hone 3.21 .686 High 3.05 .700 High
my skills and abilities.
Mean of means 3.21 .013 High 3.11 .028 High
Trust between employees and senior
1. My ideas are respected. 2.87 .718 High 2.70 .677 High
2. My suggestions are valued. 2.79 .733 High 2.70 .677 High
3. The management is trusting me with important 3.11 .661 High 2.85 .696 High
4. The senior management acts on staff feedback. 2.89 .661 High 2.80 .776 High
Mean of means 2.91 .038 High 2.76 .047 High
Overall means 3.26 .031 Very High 3.17 .041 High

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Table 1.7 on the next page shows a comparative data on the level of Employee

Job Satisfaction of the employees of a State University in Negros when grouped

according to the length of service. The result according to the table below shows a

difference in the level of satisfaction according to the length of service. However, it

varies in its respective variables. If based on the Respectful treatment for employees for

all levels, a consistent higher satisfaction was found on the employees who served for a

long period than those who served in short period.

Also, the highest recorded satisfaction of the employees who were employed in a

short period was 3.44 in the variable Overall compensation, specifically, “I am motivated

to perform my best considering my overall compensation;” while they rated lowest 2.66

in the item “My suggestions are valued.” For the employees who were employed for a

long time, the highest satisfaction was rated to have a mean of 3.63 in the item, “The

Institution I am employed with is stable;” while the lowest is 2.89 which occurred thrice,

namely, “My ideas are respected;” “My suggestions are valued;” and “The senior

management is trusting me with important matters;” all under the variable Trust between

employees and senior management.

On the variable Overall compensation, three (3) out of four (4) questions showed

higher satisfaction in favor of those who served in a short period, not those who served in

a long period. While on the variable Overall benefits, three (3) out of four (4) questions

showed a higher satisfaction in favor of those who served for a long period.

On the variable Job security, a consistent result showed a higher satisfaction in

favor of those employees who served for a long period. While the variable Opportunities

to use skill and abilities showed higher satisfaction on employees who served in a short

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

period. Lastly, the variable Trust between employees and senior management showed

higher satisfaction in favor of employees who served for a long period.

Table 1.7 Level of Employees Job Satisfaction of a State University in Negros When
Grouped According to Years in Service (N=135)
Short (N=69) Long (N=61)
Variables Mean Standard Verbal Mean Standard Verbal
Deviation Interpretation Deviation Interpretation
Respectful treatment for employees for all levels
1. I am respected as an individual in my workplace. 3.22 .471 High 3.46 .546 Very High
2. The Institution promotes respect among employees Very High
3.17 .505 High 3.30 .591
through various programs.
3. The management is keeping employees informed about High
3.16 .541 High 3.17 .709
matters affecting us.
4. People in the Institution value diversity (recognize and Very High
3.22 .420 High 3.30 .591
respect differences in race, gender, age, etc.).
Mean of means 3.19 .052 High 3.31 .070 Very High
Overall compensation
1. My salary matches the responsibility I am assigned to High
3.33 .579 Very High 3.13 .653
2. Considering the time I spend working, I am High
3.30 .531 Very High 3.20 .654
compensated fairly.
3. Considering the effort I exert working, I am Very High
3.28 .564 Very High 3.30 .662
compensated fairly.
4. I am motivated to perform my best considering my Very High
3.44 .543 Very High 3.37 .610
overall compensation.
Mean of means 3.33 .022 Very High 3.25 .024 Very high
Overall benefits
1. My well-being is being taken care of as one of my Very High
3.40 .578 Very High 3.54 .690
employee benefits.
2. I am happy with the health benefits the Institution is Very High
3.30 .592 Very High 3.41 .858
3. The benefits provided by the Institution suit the needs Very High
3.28 .564 Very High 3.33 .701
of the employees.
4. The Institution is providing non-monetary benefits that Very High
3.38 .533 Very High 3.28 .861
I really appreciate.
Mean of means 3.34 .025 Very high 3.39 .095 Very High
Job security
1. I do not perceive any threat to lose my job. 3.29 .527 Very High 3.57 .501 Very High
2. The Institution I am employed with is stable. 3.36 .483 Very High 3.63 .488 Very High
3. I have a positive outlook regarding my career in this Very High
3.29 .505 Very High 3.35 .706
4. The Institution is more likely to grow. 3.34 .499 Very High 3.43 .544 Very High
Mean of means 3.32 .018 Very High 3.49 .100 Very High
Opportunities to use skills and abilities
1. My skills are suited to my job. 3.24 .658 High 3.22 .629 High
2. The Institution has provided channels where I can use High
3.16 .721 High 3.02 .683
my skills and abilities.
3. The Institution has provided opportunities to hone my High
3.19 .705 High 3.00 .667
skills and abilities.
Mean of means 3.19 .033 High 3.08 .027 High
Trust between employees and senior management
1. My ideas are respected. 2.72 .674 High 2.89 .737 High
2. My suggestions are valued. 2.66 .656 High 2.89 .767 High
3. The management is trusting me with important matters. 2.93 .671 High 3.04 .729 High
4. The senior management acts on staff feedback. 2.81 .672 High 2.89 .823 High
Mean of means 2.78 .008 High 2.93 .042 High
Overall means 3.19 .026 High 3.24 .060 High

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

In a previous study, it was found out that job satisfaction was inversely related to

a length of service (Kirk, 2011). The Table also shows that the employees who served for

a short period were most satisfied in the variable Overall benefits at 3.34 with the

standard deviation of 0.025 and were least satisfied in Trust between employees and

senior management at 2.78 with the standard deviation of 0.008. For those who served for

a long period, they were most satisfied with Job security at 3.49 with the standard

deviation of 0.100, while they were least satisfied with Trust between employees and

senior management at 2.93 with the standard deviation of 0.042.

Another study indicates that the employee’s age is not significantly associated

with overall job satisfaction level, but tenure is. There is also a significant relationship

between tenure and facets of satisfaction (job, pay and fringe benefits), but the effect of

tenure on satisfaction is significantly modified by age (Sarker, 2003). However, in other

studies were typically found that age is positively related to job satisfaction (Feldman &

Ng, 2010). Latin Americans value seniority because, in the workplace, length of service

means more money and more benefits (Bryant, 2017).

Table 2.1 on the next page shows the comparative data of the level of

Recreational Physical Activity of the employees of a State University in Negros. The

result showed a difference of 1.06 (12.03-10.97) on the level of exertion between the

young and old employees. The result also showed a difference of 0.09 on the average

time spent every week. The result showed a significant difference on the Extent of

exertion while no significant difference was found on the average time spent of the

employees when grouped according to age.

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Table 2.1 Comparative Statistics of the Level of Recreational Physical Activity of the
Employees of a State University in Negros When Grouped According to Age (N=135)
Variables Years In N Mean SD P(T<=t) Sig @ .05 Status of
Service Two-tail level hypothesis
Young 69 12.03 1.534
1. Extent of Exertion .001 Significant
Old 66 10.97 2.030 Rejected
Young 69 1.44 .499 Not
2. Average time spent per week in hours .308
Old 66 1.35 .480 Significant Accepted

One of the major findings of social gerontology is that older people spend less

time active than the younger people (Cornwell, 2011). The free time that older people

gain is largely allocated to passive leisure (Smeeding, 2003). Time use may differ

between young and old for a variety of reasons. Structural changes in how aging

individuals engage in society, along with changes in biology and the onset of senescence,

(Marcum, 2013). Evidence from the longitudinal Americans’ Changing Lives Study

shows that exercising for leisure declines early during adulthood and continues declining

through old age (Shaw, Benjamin, Krausse, Jersey, & Benette, 2010).

Table 2.2 below shows a comparative statistics of the level of recreational physical

activity of the employees of a State University in Negros when grouped according to sex.

The result showed a difference of 1.76 on the extent of recreational physical activity of

males compared to females and 0.09 difference between the male and female with regards

to the time spent in their recreational physical activity. The difference with the extent of

recreational activities between males and females was found to be significant. However,

the difference between the times spent in these activities were found to be not significant.

Table 2.2 Comparative Statistics of the Level of Recreational Physical Activity of the
Employees of a State University in Negros When Grouped According to Sex (N=135)
Variables Years In N Mean SD P(T<=t) Sig @ .05 Status of
Service Two-tail level hypothesis
Male 61 12.48 1.468
1. Level of Exertion .000 Significant
Female 74 10.72 1.787 Not Accepted
Young 61 1.44 .499 Not
2. Average time spent per week in hours .283
Old 74 1.35 .480 Significant Accepted

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

A study entitled “Gender Differences in Recreational Sports Participation,” has

confirmed that the factors influencing enjoyment of recreational sports participation

differ among men and women. Also, the study found the female subjects to have a higher

motivation to participate in recreational sports than the male (Tchounwou, 2015). Also, a

survey has found that much larger percentage of women participated in walking and

fitness activities, while more men participated in cycling and marathon than the women.

More often than not, male students are seen to be more active in recreation activity than

female students. However, an investigative study found that most of the female students

perceived themselves as participating regularly in recreational activity and prefer outdoor

activities such as camping, abseiling and wall climbing (Australian Bureau of Statistics,

2012). Furthermore, Qi, Gibson, and Zhang said that the females are more risk-conscious

than males. Males are more spontaneous and adventurous, while the females are more

careful in their actions (Qi, Gibson, & Zhang, 2009).

Table 2.3 below shows a comparative statistics of the level of Recreational Physical

Activity of a State University in Negros when grouped according to the length of service.

The result showed 1.43 difference between the extent of recreational activities between the

short term and long term (tenure) employees. While there is a 0.20 difference in their time

spent in these activities, both variables were found to have significant differences when

respondents were grouped according to the length of service.

Table 2.3 Comparative Statistics of the level of Recreational Physical Activity of the
Employees of a State University in Negros When Grouped according to Length of Service
Variables Years In N Mean SD P(T<=t) Sig @ .05 Status of
Service Two-tail level hypothesis
Short 89 12.00 1.454
1. Level of Exertion .000 Significant
Long 46 10.57 2.198 Rejected
Short 89 1.46 .501
2. Average time spent per week in hours .024 Significant
Long 46 1.26 .444 Rejected

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

In most research studies around barriers to participation and again, time

constraints were cited as the predominant factor in non-participation in organized sport

(Maher & Santos, 2010). A study called Adult Participation in sport found participation

in a game, walking and cycling for health varies widely by tenure, employment and

socio-economic status (Jones, Millward, & Buraimo, 2011). To encourage people to

increase activity through sports clubs, it is important to offer activities that they want, at a

fair cost, near to where they live (Brent, 2008). A study suggests that participation in

organized sports was significantly associated with employment (Leslie, 2013).

Table 2.4 on the succeeding page shows the difference between the level of job

satisfaction when grouped according to age; young and old. To find out whether age has a

significant effect on employee job satisfaction, the significance level was set at 0.05.

P-values that are lower than 0.05 value would be considered significant. Thus, the

researcher found five items to have significant differences when respondents were

grouped according to age. Under the variable Respectful treatment for employees for all

levels, two (2) items were found to have significant differences on their results, namely,

“I am respected as an individual in my workplace” garnering 0.018 p-values; and “The

Institution promotes respect among employees through various programs” garnering

0.028 p-values. However, these results may also have been brought about by other factors

like how Filipinos’ culture value respect towards seniority (Panda, 2015).

“Respect is the glue that holds teams and organizations together.” This is true in

organizations and among people nowadays. For the company to be successful in realizing

its vision, carrying out its mission, and living its values, there must be a sincere and

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

effective communication among its members. Most of the organizations have this as a

central value (Business Solutions, 2018).

Table 2.4 Comparative Statistics of the Level of Employees Job Satisfaction of a State
University in Negros When Grouped According to Age (N=135)
Variables Age N Mean SD P(T<=t) Sig @ .05 Status of
Two-tail level hypothesis
Respectful treatment for employees for all
1. I am respected as an individual in my Young 69 3.20 .440
workplace. Old 66 3.41 .554 .018 Rejected
2. The Institution promotes respect among Young 69 3.12 .471
employees through various programs. Old 66 3.41 .586 .028 Rejected
3. The management is keeping employees Young 69 3.07 .524
Not Significant
informed about matters affecting us. Old 66 3.26 .664 .074 Accepted
4. People in the Institution value diversity
Young 69 3.19 .394
(recognize and respect differences in race, Not Significant Accepted
Old 66 3.32 .559 .120
gender, age, etc.).
Overall compensation
1. My salary matches the responsibility I am Young 69 3.33 .657
.150 Not Significant
assigned to perform. Old 66 3.18 .552 Accepted
2. Considering the time I spend working, I am Young 69 3.29 .621
.634 Not Significant
compensated fairly. Old 66 3.24 .528 Accepted
3. Considering the effort I exert working, I am Young 69 3.25 .651
.399 Not Significant
compensated fairly. Old 66 3.33 .536 Accepted
4. I am motivated to perform my best considering Young 69 3.43 .555
.676 Not Significant
my overall compensation. Old 66 3.39 .579 Accepted
Overall benefits
1. My well-being is being taken care of as one of Young 69 3.39 .574
my employee benefits. Old 66 3.52 .662 Not Significant Accepted
2. I am happy with the health benefits the Young 69 3.32 .606
Institution is providing. Old 66 3.36 .777 Not Significant Accepted
Young 69 3.29 .597
3. The benefits provided by the Institution suit .901 Not Significant Accepted
Old 66 3.30 .632
the needs of the employees.
4. The Institution is providing non-monetary Young 69 3.32 .606 Accepted
.601 Not Significant
benefits that I really appreciate. Old 66 3.38 .718
Job security
Young 69 3.28 .504 Rejected
1. I do not perceive any threat to lose my job. .014 Significant
Old 66 3.50 .475
Young 69 3.33 .475 Rejected
2. The Institution I am employed with is stable. .004 Significant
Old 66 3.58 .498
3. I have a positive outlook regarding my career Young 69 3.19 .550 Rejected
.011 Significant
in this Institution. Old 66 3.44 585
Young 69 3.29 .488 Accepted
4. The Institution is more likely to grow. .063 Not Significant
Old 66 3.45 .532
Opportunities to use skills and abilities
Young 69 3.19 .670 Accepted
1. My skills are suited to my job. .450 Not Significant
Old 66 3.27 .621
2. The Institution has provided channels where I Young 69 3.13 .705 Accepted
.747 Not Significant
can use my skills and abilities. Old 66 3.09 .717
3. The Institution has provided opportunities to Young 69 3.16 .699 Accepted
.569 Not Significant
hone my skills and abilities. Old 66 3.09 .696
Trust between employees and senior .
management .
Young 69 2.70 .671 Accepted
1. My ideas are respected. .163 Not Significant
Old 66 2.86 .721
Young 69 2.64 .664 Accepted
2. My suggestions are valued. .081 Not Significant
Old 66 2.85 .728
3. The management is trusting me with important Young 69 2.90 .645 Accepted
.218 Not Significant
matters. Old 66 3.05 .732
Young 69 2.75 .673 Accepted
4. The senior management acts on staff feedback. .173 Not Significant
Old 66 2.92 .771
La Consolacion College Bacolod
Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Under the variable Job security, three (3) items were found to have significant

differences, specifically, “I do not perceive any threat to lose my job” which garnered

0.014 P-value; “The institution I am employed with is stable;” garnering 0.004 p-value

which happened to be the lowest p-value in the table; and lastly, “I have a positive

outlook regarding my career in this Institution” which garnered a p-value of 0.011.

Job satisfaction increases with age, according to the survey. For example, 84

percent of the survey respondents 18 to 29 were reported to be being satisfied with their

jobs. However, 87.5 percent of respondents 30 to 44 reported having been satisfied with

their employment (Robison, 2002). Links between job satisfaction and age may still be

valid despite differences in survey results. Morello noted that the head of the University

of Chicago polling center asserted that age is the best measure of job satisfaction among

employees as people in their 50s are usually the most satisfied with their jobs. People in

their 50s have usually discovered which field they excel in, and they have had a history

of good work in their field that has led to promotions and gained respect from their

supervisors. As a result, people who are 50 and older often have more autonomy at work

and earn higher salaries than the younger workers (Morello, 2010).

Los Angeles Times writer Tiffany Hsu reported that the Conference Board survey

showed only about 36 percent of people under age 25 are satisfied with their jobs. Hsu

added that a workplace consultant tied the high job dissatisfaction among younger

employees to unrealistic expectations because of their desire to work in an engaging, fast-

paced environment. Their dissatisfaction with their work may result in discovering that

many companies are resistant to change. Furthermore, younger workers may get

frustrated with co-workers who are satisfied with mediocrity (Hsu, 2010).

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Table 2.5 on the next page shows the difference between the level of job

satisfaction when grouped according to sex, male and female. To find out whether sex

has a significant effect on employee job satisfaction, the significance level was set at

0.05. P-values that are lower than 0.05 value which would be considered significant, thus,

the researcher found two (2) items to have significant differences when respondents were

grouped according to sex. Under the variable Job security, one (1) item was found to

have a significant difference on the result, specifically, “I have a positive outlook

regarding my career in this Institution” which garnered a p-value of 0.035. Under the

variable Trust between employees and senior management, one (1) item was found to

have a significant difference, specifically; “The management is trusting me with

important matters,” which garnered 0.027 p-values.

In response to a substantial rise in the number of women entering work, the Queen’s

University of Belfast, U.K. has conducted a study which aimed to answer whether sex has

a significant effect on the job satisfaction of their University teachers. The results indicated

that sex has no direct influence on the job satisfaction of the University teachers (Titus,

2000). Another research shows that there are gender differences apparent in the job

satisfaction levels of university teachers. The female faculty was more satisfied with their

work and co‐workers, while their male colleagues were more satisfied with their pay,

promotions, supervision, and overall job satisfaction (Okpara, 2005). Several Studies have

concluded that one of the main reasons for women’s higher job satisfaction is that their

expectation was comparatively lower than those of men (Unutmaz, 2014). In another study,

a sizeable portion of job satisfaction literature does not find differences between men and

women in regards to job satisfaction (Sanwar, 2014).

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Table 2.5 Comparative Statistics of the Level of Employees Job Satisfaction of a State
University in Negros When Grouped According to Sex (N=135)
Variables Sex N Mean SD P(T<=t) Sig @ .05 Status of
Two-tail level hypothesis
Respectful treatment for employees for all
1. I am respected as an individual in my Male 61 3.28 .488 Not
workplace. Female 74 3.32 .526 Significant Accepted
2. The Institution promotes respect among Male 61 3.25 .505 Not
.544 Accepted
employees through various programs. Female 74 3.19 .566 Significant
3. The management is keeping employees Male 61 3.21 .581 Not
informed about matters affecting us. Female 74 3.12 .618 Significant Accepted
4. People in the Institution value diversity
Male 61 3.28 .452 Not
(recognize and respect differences in race, .561 Accepted
Female 74 3.23 .511 Significant
gender, age, etc.).
Overall compensation
1. My salary matches the responsibility I am Male 61 3.31 .564 .369 Not
assigned to perform. Female 74 3.22 .647 Significant Accepted
2. Considering the time I spend working, I am Male 61 3.33 .507 .264 Not
compensated fairly. Female 74 3.22 .625 Significant Accepted
3. Considering the effort I exert working, I am Male 61 3.31 .564 .691 Not
compensated fairly. Female 74 3.27 .626 Significant Accepted
4. I am motivated to perform my best Male 61 3.49 .536 .151 Not
considering my overall compensation. Female 74 3.35 .584 Significant Accepted
Overall benefits
1. My well-being is being taken care of as one of Male 61 3.48 .566 Not Accepted
my employee benefits. Female 74 3.43 .664 Significant
2. I am happy with the health benefits the Male 61 3.36 .606 Not Accepted
Institution is providing. Female 74 3.32 .760 Significant
3. The benefits provided by the Institution suit Male 61 3.31 .534 Not Accepted
the needs of the employees. Female 74 3.28 .673 Significant
4. The Institution is providing non-monetary Male 61 3.43 .673 Not Accepted
benefits that I really appreciate. Female 74 3.28 531 Significant
Job security
Male 61 3.43 .531 Not
1. I do not perceive any threat to lose my job. .418
Female 74 3.35 .535 Significant Accepted
Male 61 3.46 .502 Not
2. The Institution I am employed with is stable. .880
Female 74 3.45 .500 Significant Accepted
3. I have a positive outlook regarding my career Male 61 3.43 .531
.035 Significant
in this Institution. Female 74 3.22 .603 Rejected
Male 61 3.44 .501 Not
4. The Institution is more likely to grow. .139
Female 74 3.31 .521 Significant Accepted
Opportunities to use skills and abilities
Male 61 3.26 .630 Not
1. My skills are suited to my job. .595
Female 74 3.20 .662 Significant Accepted
2. The Institution has provided channels where I Male 61 3.15 .703 Not
can use my skills and abilities. Female 74 3.08 .717 Significant Accepted
3. The Institution has provided opportunities to Male 61 3.21 .686 Not
hone my skills and abilities. Female 74 3.05 .700 Significant Accepted
Trust between employees and senior
Male 61 2.87 .718 Not
1. My ideas are respected. .170
Female 74 2.70 .677 Significant Accepted
Male 61 2.79 .733 Not
2. My suggestions are valued. .490
Female 74 2.70 .677 Significant Accepted
3. The management is trusting me with Male 61 3.11 .661
.027 Significant
important matters. Female 74 2.85 .696 Rejected
4. The senior management acts on staff Male 61 2.89 .661 Not
feedback. Female 74 2.80 .776 Significant Accepted

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Table 2.6 on the next page shows the difference between the level of job

satisfaction when grouped according to the length of service, short and long. To find out

whether the length of service has a significant effect on employee job satisfaction, the

significance level was set at 0.05. P-values that are lower than 0.05 value which would be

considered significant. Thus, the researcher found three (3) items that have significant

differences when respondents were grouped according to the length of service. Under the

variable Respectful treatment for employees for all levels, the item “I am respected as an

individual in my workplace” was found to have a significant difference having a P-value

of 0.011. Under the variable Job security, two (2) items were found to have significant

differences, specifically, “I do not perceive any threat to lose my job” having the P-value

of 0.004; and “The Institution I am employed with is stable” having the p-value of 0.003

which was the lowest recorded P-value in the table. Organizational researchers have long

discussed how different metrics of time affect job satisfaction. Tenure’s effect, in

particular, has been subject to dispute, with studies providing conflicting evidence on the

direction and shape of its relationship with satisfaction (Ganzach, 2016).

However, Robbins believes that there is a correlation between job satisfaction and

two key factors: length of service and age (Robbins, 2005). Tenure (however measured)

was a more consistent and stable predictor of job satisfaction than chronological age. The

functional relation between tenure and job satisfaction, however, was found to differ for

males and females (Nestor, 2000). Another study concluded that age and tenure influence

job satisfaction and commitment among nursing staff at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga

Teaching and Referral Hospital (Muranga, 2018).

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Table 2.6 Comparative Statistics of the Level of Employee Job Satisfaction of a State
University in Negros When Grouped According to Years in Service (N=135)
Variables Years In N Mean SD P(T<=t) Sig @ .05 Status of
Service Two-tail level hypothesis
Respectful treatment for employees for all
1. I am respected as an individual in my Short 89 3.22 .471
.011 Significant
workplace. Long 46 3.46 .546 Rejected
2. The Institution promotes respect among Short 89 3.17 .505 Not
employees through various programs. Long 46 3.30 .591 Significant Accepted
3. The management is keeping employees Short 89 3.16 .541 Not
informed about matters affecting us. Long 46 3.17 .709 Significant Accepted
4. People in the Institution value diversity
Short 89 3.22 .420 Not
(recognize and respect differences in race, .367 Accepted
Long 46 3.30 .591 Significant
gender, age, etc.).
Overall compensation
1. My salary matches the responsibility I am Short 89 3.33 .579 Not
assigned to perform. Long 46 3.13 .653 Significant Accepted
2. Considering the time I spend working, I am Short 89 3.30 .531 Not
compensated fairly. Long 46 3.20 .654 Significant Accepted
3. Considering the effort I exert working, I am Short 89 3.28 .564 Not
compensated fairly. Long 46 3.30 .662 Significant Accepted
4. I am motivated to perform my best Short 89 3.44 .543 Not
considering my overall compensation. Long 46 3.37 .610 Significant Accepted
Overall benefits
1. My well-being is being taken care of as one of Short 89 3.40 .578
.218 Not
my employee benefits. Long 46 3.54 .690
Significant Accepted
2. I am happy with the health benefits the Short 89 3.30 .592 Not
Institution is providing. Long 46 3.41 .858 Significant Accepted
3. The benefits provided by the Institution suit Short 89 3.28 .564 Not
the needs of the employees. Long 46 3.33 .701 Significant Accepted
4. The Institution is providing non-monetary Short 89 3.38 .533 Not
benefits that I really appreciate. Long 46 3.28 .861 Significant Accepted
Job security
Short 89 3.29 .527 Rejected
1. I do not perceive any threat to lose my job. .004 Significant
Long 46 3.57 .501
Short 89 3.36 .483 Rejected
2. The Institution I am employed with is stable. .003 Significant
Long 46 3.63 .488
3. I have a positive outlook regarding my career Short 89 3.29 .505 Not Accepted
in this Institution. Long 46 3.35 706 Significant
Short 89 3.34 .499 Not Accepted
4. The Institution is more likely to grow. .297
Long 46 3.43 .544 Significant
Opportunities to use skills and abilities
Short 89 3.24 .658 Not
1. My skills are suited to my job. .875
Long 46 3.22 .629 Significant Accepted
2. The Institution has provided channels where I Short 89 3.16 .721 Not
can use my skills and abilities. Long 46 3.02 .683 Significant Accepted
3. The Institution has provided opportunities to Short 89 3.19 .705 Not
hone my skills and abilities. Long 46 3.00 .667 Significant Accepted
Trust between employees and senior
Short 89 2.72 .674 Not
1. My ideas are respected. .175
Long 46 2.89 .737 Significant Accepted
Short 89 2.66 .656 Not
2. My suggestions are valued. .073
Long 46 2.89 .767 Significant Accepted
3. The management is trusting me with Short 89 2.93 .671 Not
important matters. Long 46 3.04 .729 Significant Accepted
4. The senior management acts on staff Short 89 2.81 .672 Not
feedback. Long 46 2.89 .823 Significant Accepted

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Table 3 on the next page shows the relationship between the level of recreational

physical activities and job satisfaction of the employees of a State University in Negros.

To determine the significance of the six (6) variables, the researcher has set the

significance level at 0.05. Therefore, all items under the variables having the P-value of

0.05 and below would be considered significant. Looking at the table, four (4) variables

under job satisfaction were found significantly related to recreational physical activities.

The identified items are “The Institution has provided channels where I can use my skills

and abilities,” recorded to have a p-value of 0.034 and “The Institution has provided

opportunities to hone my skills and abilities, ” which was recorded to have the lowest p-

value of 0.018, under the variable “Opportunities to use skills and abilities,” and the other

two items were “My ideas are respected” garnering a p-value of 0.026, and “My

suggestions are valued” having a p-value of 0.029, under the variable Trust between

employees and senior management.

Human resources research has well established the importance of job satisfaction

(Arthur, Hawkings, & Catalano, 2002). In Cincinnati, Ohio, USA served as a host to

compare the benefits of employees’ recreation involvement with those of employees’

fitness participation. The results indicated that employees participating at any level

showed less absenteeism and higher job satisfaction than the employees who did not

participate at all (Ho, 2007). Also, in another study, Lu and Hu have concluded that

leisure satisfaction plays an extremely pivotal role in the overall life satisfaction (Lu &

Hu, 2005). The validated importance of recreational programs for employers and

employees (Kelly, 2000) has led to replication of further studies by another researcher as

stipulated in Table 3.

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Table 3 Significant Relationship on the level of recreational physical activities and Job
Satisfaction of a State University in Negros (N=135)
Variables Pearson Sig. (2- Sig @ .05 level Status of
tailed) hypothesis
Respectful treatment for employees for all levels
1. I am respected as an individual in my workplace. -.047 .589 Not Significant Accepted
2. The Institution promotes respect among employees through .120 Accepted
.164 Not Significant
various programs.
3. The management is keeping employees informed about -.002 Accepted
.985 Not Significant
matters affecting us.
4. People in the Institution value diversity (recognize and respect .104 Accepted
.229 Not Significant
differences in race, gender, age, etc.).
Overall compensation
1. My salary matches the responsibility I am assigned to -.071 Accepted
.410 Not Significant
2. Considering the time I spend working, I am compensated -.079 Accepted
.361 Not Significant
3. Considering the effort I exert working, I am compensated -.127 Accepted
.142 Not Significant
4. I am motivated to perform my best considering my overall .130 Accepted
.132 Not Significant
Overall benefits
1. My well-being is being taken care of as one of my employee -.014 Accepted
.871 Not Significant
2. I am happy with the health benefits the Institution is .066 Accpeted
.444 Not Significant
3. The benefits provided by the Institution suit the needs of the .108 Accepted
.211 Not Significant
4. The Institution is providing non-monetary benefits that I .042 Accpeted
.627 Not Significant
really appreciate.
Job security
1. I do not perceive any threat to lose my job. .123 .154 Not Significant Accepted
2. The Institution I am employed with is stable. .127 .143 Not Significant Accepted
3. I have a positive outlook regarding my career in this .156 Not Significant Accepted
4. The Institution is more likely to grow. .112 .194 Not Significant Accepted
Opportunities to use skills and abilities
1. My skills are suited to my job. .137 .112 Not Significant Accepted
2. The Institution has provided channels where I can use my .183
skills and abilities. Significant Rejected
3. The Institution has provided opportunities to hone my skills .203
.018 Significant
and abilities. Rejected
Trust between employees and senior management
1. My ideas are respected. .191 .026 Significant Rejected
2. My suggestions are valued. .029 Significant
3. The management is trusting me with important matters. .283 Not Significant
4. The senior management acts on staff feedback. .887 Not Significant

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Chapter 4

Summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations

Previous studies suggest that Recreational Physical activities can affect the

Employee Job Satisfaction which can also be crucial for organizational success. About

this, the results of this study may provide a reliable guide in providing recreational

programs or enhancement of the existing for the employees of the State University in


Summary of Findings

On the level of recreational physical activities and job satisfaction of the

employees of a State University in Negros when taken as a whole, and grouped according

to age, sex, and length of service, Mean and Standard Deviation were used. When taken

as a whole, the employees of a State University got a moderate extent of recreational

physical activities which is the recommended level but fell short of the recommended

time to be physically active. When grouped according to age, young employees got the

moderate rating on the extent of their recreational physical activities, while the old

employees got low extent. Similarly, the young employees spent more hours being active

than the old employees. When grouped according to sex, the male employees got

moderate extent on their recreational activities, while female employees got low extent.

Also, male employees spent more time being active than female employees. When

grouped according to the length of service, the employees who served for a short period

got a moderate extent of recreational activity, while those who served for a long period

got low extent. Also, employees who served for a short period spent more time being

active than those who served for a long period.

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

On Job Satisfaction, the employees of the State University, when taken as a

whole, got a high level of satisfaction. When grouped according to age, sex, and length of

service, the means of the six variables contributing to job satisfaction showed varied

results. This may imply that demographics alone such as age, sex, and length of service

are not reliable predictors of job satisfaction. Such groups have varying satisfaction

preference and cannot generally be taken when addressing concerns about their job

satisfaction. Also, the study has found that the employees of the State University in

Negros, among the six variables, were most satisfied with their Job security and were

least satisfied with their Trust between employees and senior management.

On the significant difference of the level of recreational physical activities and the

level of job satisfaction of the employees of a State University in Negros when grouped

according to age, sex, and length of service, the t-test was used. When determining the

significant differences of the level of recreational physical activity among the employees

of the State University in Negros when grouped according to age, sex, and length of

service, the study has found the following significant differences:

When grouped according to age, the extent of exertion was found to have a

significant difference in favor of the young employees. When grouped according to sex,

the extent of exertion was found to have a significant difference in favor of male

employees. When grouped according to the length of service, the extent of exertion and

time spent were recorded to have significant differences both in favor of employees who

served for a short period.

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

When determining the significant difference of the level of job satisfaction among

the employees of the State University in Negros when grouped according to age, sex, and

length of service, the study has found the following significant differences:

When grouped according to age, two variables were found to have significant

differences. Respectful treatment for all employees for all levels and Job security. The

result showed that old employees felt more respect than the young employees. Similarly,

the older employees felt more security in their jobs than the young employees. When

grouped according to sex, two items were identified to have significant differences. The

result showed higher satisfaction on males regarding their positive outlook on their

careers. Also, there is higher satisfaction on male employees to whether the management

is trusting them with important matters. When grouped according to the length of service,

three items were identified to have significant differences. Under the variable Respectful

treatment for employees for all levels is the item “I am respected as an individual in my

workplace.” under the Job security are items, “I do not perceive any threat to lose my

job;” and “The institution I am employed with is stable.” Of all occasions, those who

served for a long period were recorded to have higher satisfaction than those who served

for a short period. Based from the results, three variables are repeatedly having

significant differences when grouped according to the demographics age, sex, and length

of service; the Respect for employees for all levels, job security and the trust between

employees and senior management. Therefore, the perception of the employees of the

State University on these variables is affected by demographics age, sex, and length of


La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

On the significant relationship between the level of recreational physical activities

and job satisfaction of the employees of a State University in Negros, Pearson r was used.

When checking the relationship between recreational physical activity and job

satisfaction, the study has found the four items having a significant relationship with

Employee Job Satisfaction. Under the variable, Opportunities to use skills and abilities,

the item “The Institution has provided channels where I can use my skills and abilities”

and “The Institution has provided opportunities to hone my skills and abilities” were

found to have a significant relationship with recreational physical activity. Under the

Trust between employees and senior management, two (2) items were found to have a

significant relationship with recreational physical activity, My ideas are respected, and

My suggestion is valued.


In this concluding part, the researcher summarized the contributions of this study
and its possible impact, and the significant directions of future work.

The study concludes that generally, employees lack time expenditure in physical
activities. However, the results of this study do not include the reasons behind this gap.
Hence, it is recommended that this area is explored in future studies.

The study also concludes that demographics; age, sex, and length of service are
significant factors affecting the level of recreational physical activity.

Furthermore, the study concludes age and length of service are positively related
to respect and job security.

Also, the study concludes that recreational physical activity is significantly and

positively related to job satisfaction when considering the variables “Opportunities to use

skills and abilities” as well as “trust between employees and senior management.”

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction


It is recommended that the result of this study be considered as bases when

formulating an enhancement of the recreational programs. The researcher suggests that

the time for recreational physical activities be prolonged and be scheduled at the

convenient time of the majority of the employees.

It is recommended that when formulating recreational programs, demographics such as

age, sex, and length of service shall be considered.

It is recommended that Trust between employees and senior management be enhanced

through the encouraged participation of all employees from the top management down to

rank and file employees on recreational physical programs; as one of the objectives of

such programs is to develop open communication and good camaraderie among


La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Chapter 5

Employee Wellness Program Enhancement Proposal

Need for enhancement

As determined in the study, there is a gap in the employees’ time spent and the

recommended time to spend being active physically for adults with ages 19-64 to stay

healthy. To address this gap in line with the Institution’s Quality Policy, an enhancement

of the employee wellness program is advised. The enhancement program aims to increase

the employees’ time expenditure in their recreational physical activities by providing

channels and facilities for them. Furthermore, the study found that the employees of the

State University were least satisfied with their Trust in their senior management.

Therefore, it is recommended that the said variable be enhanced through the encouraged

participation of all employees from the top management down to rank and file employees

on recreational physical programs; as one of the objectives of such programs is to

develop open communication and good camaraderie among employees.

Recreation and Wellness Office Quality Objective:

To continually improve its value to customers through enhancement of Recreation

and Wellness programs.

Proposed Schedule of Regular Weekly Activities

(June – December)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

5:00-7:00 p.m. 5:00-7:00 p.m. 5:00-7:00 p.m. 5:00-7:00 p.m. 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball
Basketball Basketball
Table tennis Table tennis Table tennis
Badminton Badminton

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Annual Tournaments:
1. Basketball (Tuesdays and Thursdays)
2. Volleyball (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays)
3. Table tennis (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays)
4. Badminton (Tuesdays and Thursdays)
5. Chess (Foundation Week)
6. Dart (Foundation Week)
7. Bowling (Foundation Week)
Note: During the schedule, only the employees are allowed to use the facilities.

Roles and Responsibilities

Employee Wellness Coordinator leads the efforts to establish the Institution as a model

of health and wellness. The Coordinator models wellness and assesses the effectiveness

of the employee wellness programs to contribute to the body of knowledge in the health

education/wellness disciplines by tracking the measurable impacts on the employees.

Wellness Center Attendant maintains the cleanliness of the wellness facility, and serve

as gym attendant during his/her shift. The attendant will work with the Wellness

Coordinator to assist in running programs and document use of the facilities. The

attendant will also inventory and inspect all equipment for safety and accountability.

Interns and Volunteers – Interns/Volunteers from the State University will be the one to

officiate in the games during regular seasons.

Referees – Officiates the games during tournaments.

Note: Prizes for the tournaments will be posted and announced on the day of the opening

program as it depends on the allotted budget.

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Budget Proposal

In relation to the proposed enhancement on wellness program set on 2019-2020,

please consider the proposed budget to include the following:

Referee’s professional fees---------------------------------------------- 6, 000.00

Bowling fee------------------------------------------------------------------- 1, 500.00
Snacks ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1, 500.00
Cash prize for tournament winners----------------------------------- 21, 000.00
Basketball---------------------------------------- 5, 000.00
Volleyball----------------------------------------- 5, 000.00
Bowling------------------------------------------- 5, 000.00
Table tennis------------------------------------- 2, 000.00
Badminton--------------------------------------- 2, 000.00
Chess--------------------------------------------- 1, 000.00
Dart------------------------------------------------ 1, 000.00
Jersey/uniform ------------------------------------------------------------- 40, 000.00
Basketball---------------------------------------- 20, 000.00
Volleyball----------------------------------------- 20, 000.00

Total---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Php 70, 000.00

Summary of Proposal

The above information is a brief outline of the enhanced Employee Wellness

Program. We will be able to develop and implement this program with a minimal budget

using a variety of resources mentioned above. We are also going to pursue any grant

opportunities that may be available to help fund this program to save on the use of state

funding. We believe this program can help with recruitment, employee morale, retention

and can lower costs associated with sick leave, lower workers compensation costs and

chronic illness issues for employees. We look forward to developing and managing this


La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction


Abdullah, D. N. M. A., & Lee, O. Y. (2012). Effects of Wellness Programs on Job

Satisfaction, Stress and Absenteeism between Two Groups of Employees (Attended
and Not Attended). Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 65(ICIBSoS), 479–

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La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Appendix 1


Please take a few minutes to answer this survey.

Instructions: This questionnaire has two (2) parts. The first is the respondent’s
profile and the engagement to sports/physical activities, and last is the job
satisfaction. Please answer all items with honesty. The confidentiality of your
answers will be highly considered.

1. Respondent’s Profile

Direction: Please provide your personal data on the blanks.

Name (Optional): _________________________ Age: _________

Sex: Male Female Years in Service: ________

2. Extent of engagement in Physical Recreational Activities

Direction: Please read the detailed instructions below.

To measure the extent of engagement in Physical Recreational Activities,

this instrument will be using the Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE)

While you were doing physical activity, rate your perception of exertion for
the last three months (October-December 2017). This feeling should reflect
how heavy and strenuous the exercise feels for you, combining all sensations
and feelings of physical stress, effort, and fatigue. Do not concern yourself with
one factor such as leg pain or shortness of breath, but try to focus on your total
feeling of exertion.

Look at the rating scale on the succeeding page; it ranges from 6 to 20,
where 6 means "no exertion at all" and 20 means "maximal exertion." Choose

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

the number that best describes your level of exertion. This will give you a good
idea of the intensity level of your activity.

Appraise your feeling of exertion as honestly as possible, without thinking

about what the actual physical load is. Your own feeling of effort and exertion
is important, not how it compares with other people's. Look at the scales and
the expressions and then give a number.

Points Level of Exertion Physical Cues

6 No exertion at all The activity does not induce sweating unless it's
a hot, humid day. There is no noticeable change
7 Extremely light in breathing patterns.
9 Very light
10 Breathing starts to get faster.
11 Light
12 The activity will break a sweat after performing
for about 10 minutes. Breathing becomes deeper
13 Somewhat hard and more frequent. You can carry on a
conversation but not sing.
15 Hard (heavy) The activity will break a sweat after 3-5 minutes.
Breathing is deep and rapid. You can talk only in
short phrases.
17 Very hard
19 Extremely hard
20 Maximal exertion

Direction:Please complete the table below with the needed information

regarding your recreational physical activities for the last three months
(October-December 2017).

Average time spent/week

Activities participated in Level of exertion
(in hours and minutes)

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

3. Employee Job Satisfaction

This part will be measuring how satisfied you are with your job considering the
following variables: Respectful treatment for employees for all levels, Overall
compensation, Overall benefits, Job security, Opportunities to use skills and
abilities, and Trust between employees and senior management. Please put a check
in the box that corresponds your answer.

Variables Level of Satisfaction

Very High High Low

Very Low
(4) (3) (2)
Respectful treatment for employees for all levels
1. I am respected as an individual in my
2. The Institution promotes respect among
employees through various programs.
3. The management is keeping
employees informed about matters
affecting us.
4. People in the Institution value diversity
(recognize and respect differences in
race, gender, age, etc.).
Overall compensation

1. My salary matches the responsibility I

am assigned to perform.
2. Considering the time I spend working, I
am compensated fairly.
3. Considering the effort I exert working, I
am compensated fairly.
4. I am motivated to perform my best
considering my overall compensation.
Overall benefits

1. My well-being is being taken care of as

one of my employee benefits.
2. I am happy with the health benefits the
Institution is providing.
3. The benefits the Institution is providing
suits the needs of the employees.
4. The Institution is providing non-
monetary benefits that I really appreciate.
La Consolacion College Bacolod
Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Variables Level of Satisfaction

Very High High Low Very Low

(4) (3) (2) (1)

Job security

1. I do not perceive any threat to lose my

2. The Institution I am employed with is
3. I have a positive outlook regarding my
career in this Institution.
4. The Institution is more likely to grow.

Opportunities to use skills and abilities

1. My skills are suited to my job.

2. The Institution has provided channels
where I can use my skills and abilities.
3. The Institution has provided
opportunities to hone my skills and
Trust between employees and senior management

1. My ideas are respected.

2. My suggestions are valued.
3. The management is trusting me with
important matters.
4. The senior management acts on staff

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Appendix 2

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Appendix 3

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Curriculum Vitae

Albert P. Alvarez
San Gabriel Subd., Brgy. Balingasag
Bago City

Educational Background:

Graduate Studies La Consolacion College Bacolod

On-going Galo-Gatuslao Street, Bacolod City


SY 2013-14 La Consolacion College Bacolod

Galo-Gatuslao Street, Bacolod City


SY 2007-08 Ramon Torres National High School

Bago City


SY 2003-04 Bago City Elementary School

Bago City

La Consolacion College Bacolod

Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction


June 2017 to present - Quality Assurance Staff

2015-2016- Human Resource Staff, Negros Women for Tomorrow
2015- Customer Service Representative, Transcom Bacolod


 Finished MBA academic subjects, on-going thesis

 Assisted in ISO 9001:2015 audit
 Assisted in 2 AACCUP accreditations
 Passed Civil Service Exam October 26, 2014


o Internal Audit Training (ISO 9001:2015)

o Client – Centered Services Seminar
o Records Counter-Disaster Preparedness and
Business Continuity (NAP)
o Seminar-Workshop on Internal Audit ISO
o Practicing Organizational Development in the
VUCA World


Title: Employee Recreational Physical Activity and Job Satisfaction

Bacolod City
MBA major in Human Resource Management, March 2018

Title: Performance Appraisal of Non-teaching Personnel: As basis of Training

Bacolod City
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Human Resource
Management, March 2014

La Consolacion College Bacolod

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