Wave Dynamics

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Part-A (2 Marks)
1. What is meant by simple harmonic oscillator?
2. What are the important properties of a simple harmonic oscillator?
3. Distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves.
4. What are the characteristics of transverse waves?
5. What do you mean by damped oscillations and write down the differential equation for a
damped harmonic oscillator?
6. Write a short note on forced oscillation.
7. Write a short note on resonance (or) resonant oscillation.

Part-C (16 Marks)

1. Determine the amplitude of a damped simple harmonic oscillator at any given time.
2. Explain the variation of the kinetic and potential energies of a simple harmonic oscillator.
Illustrate your answer with suitable graphs.
3. Derive the wave equations for transverse and longitudinal waves.
Part-A (2-Marks)
1. State Huygen’s principle.
2. What are Brewster fringes?
3. Define resolving power.
4. What is the principle of superposition of waves?
5. What are Newton’s rings?
6. Distinguish between Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction.
7. Define dispersion of light.
8. Distinguish between interference and diffraction.
9. What is dispersive power?

Part-B (16-Marks)
1. Discuss the theory of plane transmission grating. Determine the wavelength of
monochromatic light using a plane transmission grating.
2. Derive the expression for the radius of the nth dark ring using Newton’s rings experiment.
3. Derive an expression for the diameter of a given thin wire by air wedge method
4. Derive an expression for bandwidth of interference fringes in Young’s double slit
5. Explain the construction and working of Michelson interferometer with a neat sketch.
Part-A (2-Marks)
1. What are coherent sources?
2. What are the properties of the laser?
3. What do you mean by population inversion?
4. What is the difference between Ruby laser and Nd-YAG laser?
5. What are Einstein’s A and B coefficients?
6. Mention the medical applications of laser.
7. State the applications of laser in engineering and industry.
8. Can a two-level system be used for the production of laser? Why?
9. What are the two types of transitions that are possible in a CO2 gas laser?

Part-B (16-Marks)

1. (a) With a neat diagram, explain the construction and working of CO2 Laser. (b) Outline
the use of lasers in heat treatment.
2. Explain the construction and working of Nd-YAG laser with neat diagram. List out
important applications of this laser.
3. (a) Derive the expression for the Einstein’s coefficients of spontaneous and stimulated
emissions. (b) Explain the construction and working of He-Ne laser.
Part-A (2-Marks)
1. State Plank’s hypothesis.
2. State Plank’s law of radiation.
3. What is Compton wavelength?
4. What are Eigen values and Eigen function?
5. State Wien’s displacement law.
6. State Rayleigh – Jean’s law.
7. What is Schrodinger wave equation?
8. Give the importance if Planck’s radiation formula.
9. What is a black body and what are its characteristics?
10. What is Compton wavelength? Give its value.
Part-B (16-Marks)
1. With the concepts of quantum theory of black body radiation derive an expression for
energy distribution and use it to prove Wien’s law and Rayleigh – jeans law.
2. Explain with a neat diagram the working of Scanning Electron Microscope.
3. (i) Describe Compton Effect.
(ii) Derive an expression for the wavelength of scattered photon (Compton shift)
4. Derive the time independent Schrodinger equation for a one-dimensional case. Use it to
prove that a particle enclosed in a one-dimensional box has quantized energy values.
Part-A (2-Marks)
1. Give any two postulates of classical free electron theory.
2. Define mobility of electrons.
3. Define electrical conductivity. What is its unit?
4. What are the merits of classical free electron theory?
5. Define Fermi level and Fermi energy with its importance.
6. Draw the Fermidistribution curve at 0 K and at any temperature TK.
7. Define density of states. What is its use?
8. What is elemental semiconductor? Give some important elemental semiconductor.
9. What are the properties of semiconductor?
10. Mention any four applications of Hall effect.
11. What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor?
12. Difference between N-type and P-type semi-conductor.

Part-B (16-Marks)
1. What is density of states? Derive an expression for the density of states and based on that
calculate the carrier concentration metals.
2. How will you determine the energy gap of an intrinsic semiconductor.
3. Briefly discuss the variation of Fermi level with temperature in the case of an intrinsic
4. What is Hall effect? Explain the experimental determination of Hall coefficients and
list the applications.

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