Part-A Chapter 1 Artificial Intelligence Enabled Operating System. A1.1 Introduction

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Artificial Intelligence enabled Operating System.

A1.1 Introduction

Artificial Intelligence is the current trending topic and the most innovative researches are
undergoing across the world. The artificial intelligence is the future topic where every processor and
every system will be operated automatically. The operating systems will be the important part of the
systems and it acts as a layer between the user applications and the hardware. Operating systems are
important in almost every system such as smart phone, laptops and mac books and in almost every
embedded system. The tasks performed by the Operating systems are process manage, memory
manage, scheduling algorithms and the interrupts has to be controlled and avoided. The top 5 popular
Operating systems available in the present market are Microsoft Windows, Apple macOS, Linux and
Android. The Linux versions and distributors are Red Hat, Caldera, SuSE, Debian and Ubuntu, whereas
different android versions are Oreo, Nougat, Kitkat, Lollipop, Jelly bean.
As the world is growing at a rapid phase the technology and its requirements are changing at a
faster phase. Presently AI enabled OS are more in demand because the present OS can be enabled for
the AI systems and it is friendly apart from developing it from scratch. The operating systems are
developed as quad core or octa core and snapdragon processors for the betterment of the device
processing system. The new developments of AI enabled Operating systems are in huge demand at the
market. The challenging task for the developers to build an OS with AI functions in it or the OS system
can be added with AI features.

A1.2 Requirements

I. Artificial Intelligence Enabled Operating System: To develop the operating system that are AI
enabled require more new algorithms and requirements for the schedule algorithms differ
accordingly. As the ground work and the advancement research process has started in
developing new artificial intelligence OS and it is the development stage. But the design and
algorithms has to be used such that the performance has to be the best and should process at a
higher speed. Kylin is the new OS developed by china [1].
 To develop the new AI OS is a challenging task and a proper training has to be given to the
developers, as it is too complex and requires a dedicated time.
 The system has to accept the requirements and perform at its best.
 The system requirements such as CPU and GPU should be advanced and suits the requirements.
 The OS will have huge demand if its cost and power consumptions are less and performance is
 The OS should be available everywhere as Microsoft and it should be flexible and suit all the
systems. It should be flexible and up gradation should be supported.
 The OS always depend on how effectively the memory is managed and optimized.
 The system should be most brilliant enough such that it can think and work based on the things.
 The system OS should be more reliable and support all the devices and run effectively.

II. The requirements to make the existing OS capable enough for AI: The AI enabled OS are the best
systems if it satisfy the requirements and it’s a challenging task to set up a new OS. The features
that have to be added for the AI systems are based upon the neural networks, deep learning
techniques, fuzzy logics. Recently a test was conducted using the neural network scheme and
the valuation is based upon on how the neural is developed ex: Pymetric test. The camera
features are AI enabled automatic zoom in the smart phone.
 The frames works and the libraries that are used by the artificial intelligence will train and the
main systems and sub system using standard library.
 The system performance is decided upon the process management and utilization.
 The speed of the OS has been achieved by using snapdragon processes.
 Neural Network Device Drivers are used enable the hardware structure of the devices.
 Privacy and Security are the main task in the AI operating system and should be protected by
encrypting it.
 The application and the OS have to be run on any platforms that are available.
 The protocol application interfaces are installed to bring differences between the devices and
applications. Using this deep neural network in the application interface the pixel phone
developed by Google has best performance in the device and camera captured is done using the
AI tools.

A1.3 Challenges

 Challenges to overcome in developing AI enabled OS are the time taken in developing new
algorithms and performance based on neural network and training them to satisfy the
requirements. The operating system always depends on the memory, process management and
scheduling algorithms. OS size will be increasing when new updates and algorithms exist so the
system utilization size should be optimized. Once the OS is ready its battery performance and
the cost should be minimized and AI requires more computational power but it is achieved with
little idea.
 The challenges involved in existing OS by providing AI capability are the system space, power
and system utilization has to be taken care as new algorithms consists vast code and space and
it is executed parallel such that the computational power consumption is more. The space is
concerned more in this type of OS if any updates or features are upgraded the space consumed
and performance should be in optimized way.

A1.4 Stance and Justification

The stance taken is “Complexity involved in providing AI capability to exiting system is more
suitable or develops the new AI OS from scratch”. YES developing a new AI operating system is the most
time consuming and the challenging task. It should be designed, tested in real time scenario using case
studies and modifying if any changes has to be done to the new AI OS and a difficult task to the
developers such that no details will be available to build OS. It is better to develop a normal OS by
adding AI features to it such that the memory has to manage in an optimized manner. The complexity
level involved in providing AI capability to the existing system is lower when compared it to the
development of new AI OS. Developing new AI OS will take at least 7 to 8 years as it involves system
design, architecture and development, coding, analyzing and testing the algorithms. The AI era is just
born and the research started in past 80’s and it continues for certain years and vanishes later. So,
rather than spending huge million dollars for developing new AI operating system it better to minimize
the cost and increase the performance by using AI capability to the existing operating systems. The
better way is to provide frequent updates to the existing OS and try to implement newer algorithms and
utilize the system space effectively.

A1.5 Conclusion

The conclusion for the AI capability to existing system is the best solution as it involves proper space and
memory utilization, cost is reduced, power consumption is minimized and time taken in the
development cycle is optimized. Hence AI capabilities to the existing system are in huge demand and
there is no dedicated OS available in the market. In future it might be available. So from this we can
conclude that the existing OS is much better rather than building it from scratch and testing it takes a
lengthy process.

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