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Project Title

Bagasse Washable Food Containers

II. Proponent

Campo, Rhine I.

Tolentino, Charles Brayan L.

Tulabut, Erica S.

III. Background of the Project / Rationale

Bagasse washable food containers are made from sugarcane coated with Epoxy Resin.

This product has variety of washable food containers such as Plate, Cup, Tray and Bowl. These

products are environmental friendly organic bagasse containers that are made from sugarcane.

They are applicable for different foods, packing food in safe, healthy and easy to handle.

In India, they are now practicing the use of bagasse as an alternative for manufacturing

disposable kitchen wares such as disposable plates, food boxes, etc.

IV. Objectives

 Increase recycling level and reduction of organic waste in the landfills

 To replace both plastic and ceramic waste into bagasse

 To become the biggest distributor of containers in the Philippines

V. Marketing Aspect


Bagasse washable food container is variety of washable food containers

made from Sugarcane Bagasse. Bagasse is a dry pulpy residue left after the

extraction of juice from sugar cane and to make it washable and soluble in

texture, Epoxy Resin will be added at the last process as a coating.


Based from the initial computation we made our product which is bagasse

disposable food container offers a lower price than the common paper food

containers and it is because of replacement of wood with bagasse that are

just commonly see as a waste for some agricultural lands.


Plants would be located on the nearest sugarcane plantation or bagasse

suppliers to reduce delivery expenses. While many stores will be located at

the market and the product itself will be distributed on all possible retailers.


As a part of our marketing strategy, we come up with an idea of promoting our

product through advertisement that shows how we replaced wood chunks that

are harmful to our environment with bagasse which is just a scrap on producing

VI. Technical Aspect

a. Include initial drawings or picture of the product with specification indicating the

materials used for each part. Identify features that are new and innovative
VII. Financial Aspect

Monthly Cost


Bagasse 10,500 (3500/Ton)

Adhesives 2,000

Water/Electricity Bill 3,000

Epoxy Resin 10,000

Labor (10 workers) 100,000

Total 125,500

Capital Investments

Land 1,000,000

Facilities and Machines 200,000

TOTAL 1,200,000

Sales: 30,000 units (20 Pesos) = 750,000 Pesos per month

750,000 − 125,500
𝑅𝑂𝐼 = × 100 = 52%
VIII. Environmental/Social Aspect

 Unlike other existing disposable food containers, bagasse washable food containers

could be used for a long time and are not easily turned into trash after usage.

 Sugarcane bagasse is an agricultural waste that is needed to be eliminated and by

proposing this product we will be able to reduce or even eliminate this waste.

 This product is made by combining all waste that we have collected and didn’t harm any

trees for producing paper.

IX. Methodology

Collecting of Bagasse from suppliers and this also includes the buying of all materials that will be

needed in the production.

Washing refers to the removal of all unnecessary particles from the Bagasse with the use of

clean water and cleaning agent.

Mixing and Pounding is where the bagasse is pounded into tiny pieces and mixed with

adhesives and water.

Shaping is the actual shaping of the product to achieve the desired formation.

Drying is the removal process of the water or liquid of the bagasse using a specific machine.

Coating is where the Epoxy Resin is coated in any specific Bagasse Food Container.

Drying, for the second time, it is for the drying of the Epoxy Resin that was coated in the plate.

Finishing and quality assurance are where products undergo QA prior to packaging.
Packaging, in this part each product will be divided into bundles.

X. Major Activities/Work plan

June July August September October

WEEK 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Conceptualize Feasibility Study
Information and Data Gathering
Proposal Study Creation
Construction of Introduction/Background
of the Product
Analysis of the Market, Demand and Supply
Design Marketing Strategy of the Product
Construction of Market and Technical Study
Canvassing of Equipments and Raw Materials
Identifying Suppliers of Raw Materials
Identifying and Construction of Financial
Prototype Construction
Preparation of Survey Questionnaire
Prototype Trial
Survey Results and Prototype Evaluation
Finalize Feasibility Study
Preparation for Presentation and Oral
XI. Expected Output

The prototype that we are going to present is a pure bagasse made washable containers like Plate, Cup,

Tray and Bowl, this way we can show how flexible our products.

 Bagasse washable Plate – is expected to have a 9” diameter just like a usual plastic and

ceramic plate we are using.

 Bagasse washable Cup – it has a 4.5” height,3.5” top diameter and 2.40” diameter at the


 Bagasse washable Tray - A 12 X 9 food tray that can be used for both home and food


 Bagasse washable Bowl – has a height of 2.5”, top diameter of 4” and bottom diameter

of 3”

XII. Target Beneficiaries

Our target markets are retailers and wholesalers.

XIII. Project Budget.

a. With detailed activities, indicate in detail the expenses for each activity.

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