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A Personal Power Point

“All About Me”

Minimum of at least one picture and no more than 3 on each page.
Slide No. Content/Slide Title Other Information/ Description
1 Title/Subtitle “All About Me’ “The Life of….”as title
Your name as the Subtitle
2 Just the Facts, Please Birthdate; Birthplace, Size, Weight, etc.
3 My Family Tree Go back at least to your grandparents – draw out a flow ch
make a tree, etc.
4 Family History/ Country of Origin What country does your family come from? More than one
Include the family crest if possible and flag of country. Any
additional family information?
5 Your given name What does your name mean? (Google it!) Is there a family
connection or reason why you were named as you were?
Does your last name reflect your country of origin? How?
6 My Favorites List at least 5 of the following favorites: food, music, sport,
class, song, TV show, movie, celebrities, relaxation mode…
Say My Favorite TV Show is……
My Favorite food is…..
Include pictures!
7 Favorite Holiday What is your favorite holiday? Why? What does your fam
do on this day that makes it special?
8 My Dream Job for the Future….or What are you thinking about now? It might change, but do
What I Want to Be When I Grow Up! have a dream job?

Save as About Me_Lastname Power Point.

A Personal Power Point

“All About Me”
Minimum of at least one picture and no more than 3 on each page.
Slide No. Content/Slide Title Other Information/ Description
1 Title/Subtitle “All About Me’ “The Life of….”as title
Your name as the Subtitle
2 Just the Facts, Please Birthdate; Birthplace, Size, Weight, etc.
3 My Family Tree Go back at least to your grandparents – draw out a flo
chart, make a tree, etc.
4 Family History/ Country of Origin What country does your family come from? More than
one? Include the family crest if possible and flag of
country. Any additional family information?
5 Your given name What does your name mean? (Google it!) Is there a
family connection or reason why you were named as
were? Does your last name reflect your country of
origin? How?
6 My Favorites List at least 5 of the following favorites: food, music,
sport, class, song, TV show, movie, celebrities,
relaxation mode…..
Say My Favorite TV Show is……
My Favorite food is…..
Include pictures!
7 Favorite Holiday What is your favorite holiday? Why? What does you
family do on this day that makes it special?
8 My Dream Job for the Future….or What are you thinking about now? It might change, b
What I Want to Be When I Grow Up! do you have a dream job?
Save as About Me_Lastname Power Point.

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