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€h* *st Smflastems.

n ff*r ffifl$m&cm* ffih* $stny fumbmnmftmry

Analysis method Discre te, srng[e Iine random ae cess mutti-test analyzer Run monitor Analyzer operation status dispi.ay
Number of test items Reaction curve monitor 0ptrcal ebsorbance qraphic oispla,v
36 / tray
on board OC Based on Wesigard's ai.qoriihm, etc.
Throughput ?40 tesis / hour Voice message Announce tesi status
Anatysis method Encl point assay, iate assay Test results storage 1 0,CCi maximun:
Catibration curve S kinds {linear, sp[ine, etc] Pri nter lrternal., Externai
0pticatabsorbtion Cuvette direci measurement Ii oi- 2 waveLenEths] Re po rtin g Patient ani QC Idait;; & curnuLaiive i'epcrt)
Catcutation between CalcLrlation ba:ed on user's formui"a and ccrrelation System lnterface pq_???n
items factc r
Power suppty AC 100/115r'23C ',,oi.i c00 !A[5Oic0 Hz]
EnvironmentaI condition An'b jert tenoei-aiti-e 15'-30'a, i-i'-,j:r,iiity 30-80% [Nc
loriersairci.] Grcrrdii: ii^d q.3ou ir-iii resisiive < 'l 0n
Dimension ENC rm iv;t x e7! n',rr lcl r:2C nrr ihl
Sampte kind 5erum, piasma" urine, CSF Weight Appicx 95 xg
Sampte container 5amp[e cup, micra cup, pi-imary tubes i 5,7,'10 mL]
Number of samptes
Maximum 55 / tray
on board
Number of sampte Maxinrum i 0 [2 trays are supptied with analyzer)
trays Pure water consumption Nla:<irrum 3

CaLibration tray 56 posittcn Water qual,ity D istr i.ieC r/",aier eq r i'v.a r.e ni
Sampte dispense 2.0 -3il 0 uL lCI"i i;l- step]
Purification system R0--:g c,ie:: lJ-rf :a::'r
D itution ratio 6,"ic -'i00
STAT sampte Tested by i nter-r^upiian

Bioche mistry-Su bstrate Aibu mi n, Bu NIU rea, B ii.i r-u lir. - D reci, 3 r i. r.rtir -Icla r.

Ca u m, C ir c i.esie i-c i, H 3 !- C r cieste rc :, LD,*- C i,: -

C reati n i n e, Fre e - tra :t',' a ci : i i! ; i - i:'
iesie i-ct-, i; e : i
Gluccse, i-1bAi c -?-ilycrc>:vbri),'i-rc Acrd, n:rgan :
Number of bottles on 72 i36 items] Phosphorus, I ron, Lipcp;-cteiriai, l'"1 icr-c,ALlu m .-Tc:=i
board Pr-ctein iUrine), Magnesiun Phospci.ii:ro
Reagent tray 36 seciors iRemovableJ
Bottte voLume i 3, 25, 4C n-,L Biochemistry-Enzyme,AcidPhcsphatase,A[raiinePhosphatase ALT ASi
Reagent dispense Amylase, Amylase- Pa nc i'ea ii c, Ch e ii neste i-ase, C i(-
votume 20-330 ul- ii t,L siepJ NAC, CK-MB, Gamma-GT, s-HBDH Laciaie ien-vdic-

Coo[ed ai 5o:i 5'C [24-hour, reaqeni tray cocLing] genase iLDHJ, Lipase
Reagent storage j

Residuatvotume Resiciuai" rroiurne 1,r li5play bv ccunt dcwn ca|cuLation lmmunotogy Antistrepiclysin-0,ApoA-l,.ApoA-ii,ApoB,ApoC-ii, i
ApoC-lll, ApoE, B2-micrcglobuLin C-Reactive Frcie n, i
C3, Cl+, lg-A, lg G, lg-lu'!, Rheuniatoid Factor, Transf ei-r- n,l
Ti-eponenia Pailidum
Drug Carbhmazepine, Digcxin, Phenobarbiial, Phenytcin
Prinnidcne, Vatpr-oic Acid
Cuvette materiaI PLasiics Isemi-dispos;blel
Mixing method 2 rooms air pressure mixing lwithout stirreri Coagutation
Reaction volume Mrnin'lunr'l 40 pL, msximum;r00 pL
Reaction time 1C min ['l st reacii,rn 5 m!n,2nd reaction 5 m]nl
Temperature controI Direet block heating
Reaction temperature 37.0' * 0.1 "t
Optical, measurement 12 fixecjwavelengihs {34C-800 nnrJ
OpticaL source Tungsten haLogen larnp Ii-ong-tite typei
Optical range 0n 0-2 5
BioLis 24i Premium #20102012887
Opticat path Length I mm
Cuvette washing Cn-line v;ashing urith h+ated r,vater and 2 xir,ijs of v,rashing solution
Biolis 24i Premium with sampte barcode reader #20102012888

Reaction waste cot|'ection Reaction waste is sioied i1 a dedicated tank Biolis 24i Premium with sample and reagent barcode readers #20102012889


2-'1 3-8, Hatchobori, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 04-851 0, Japan

TeL: +81-3-3555-7353 Fax:+8'1-3-3555-7367
URL http://www tokyo-boeki-kikai
C€ Perkantoran Ptaza Pasifik Blok B2l 41
JL. Raya Boutevard Barat, Ketapa Gading
TOKYO BAEKI MEDICAL SYSIEM tTD. Telp: (62-21) 458 45736 [Hunting)
H eadq Fax | 162-21lt 458 58402
569-6, o, Tokyo 1 97-0823, Japan
E-mai[ :
TeL: +8 1 Fax: +81-42-532-8234
URL h medical co.lp Website :

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