Oral Presentation English - Odt

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English Oral Presentation


We all know that the planet is with serious Enironmental problems.This means
that the Environment is in danger of destruction, like endangered species,
toxic waste, air polution, climate changes, global warming, ice melting and
many more problems. So, we really need to ask ourselves what we can do to
change this?Today, I will talk about the problems that Earth is having and
how we can stop them.

Do you all now that exist an Earth Day? It is a global event each year, and
more than 1 billion people in 192 countries take part in what is the largest
civic-focused day of action in the world. It is a day of political action and
civic participation. People march, sign petitions, meet with their elected
officials, plant trees, clean up their towns and roads.

But we should not wait for an Earth Day to start thinking how we can change
this problems that will bring a lot of bad consequences on the future. Here
are a few suggestions:

 firstly, we should use more public transports,

 conserve water,
 recycle,
 plant trees,
 use less fossil fuel based products and
 protect wild life.

Before I end my presentation I would like to share these importante facts

with you:

 Did you know that the number of planet Earths we need to provide
resources and absorb our waste, is 1.8 Earths,
 the tons of resources extracted from Earth, 15,139, tons of waste
dumped, 589.

This are very scary numbers that are not single and that are
constantly increasing!

So don’t forget: think, reflect and make your green choices, because
the planet is to all of us!

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