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09/16/15--04:08: 11/9/2015 or 11/9/2016...or perhaps 0 0

October 19, 2016 AND 11/9/2016

Report adult content: Having floated the 11/9 alert on September 2 of this year HERE, I was stunned to see
the news report that Al Quaeda was looking to have a repeat on 11/9/2015.

click to rate
I was led to 11/9 by another date, October 19, 2009, appearing in a contemporary
fictional work that I'd seen.   The exact spelling of that title of that fictional work appears
in WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" some 26 times.  The last and middle names
Account: (login)
(each word contains several letters) of the author of that fictional work appear in TTTTA
comparably numerous times.  And the first name, a very unique four-letter name which
I'd not seen spelled as such before, appears as a telestic wording on page 330.  Let me
restate that.  The title of the fictional work appears prominently in TTTTA as does the
More Channels first, middle and last name of the author of that work.

Of course, October 19, 2009 is a fictional date but consider its unusual properties that
may link it to 11/9/2015...or 11/9/2016; from the September 2 essay:

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(showing articles 61 to 80 of 415)

09/16/15--04:08: _11/9/2015 or 11/9/2...

09/17/15--04:52: _The Map of Time-


09/17/15--07:34: _The Map of Time


09/17/15--09:56: _The Map of Time "All of his future happiness was blasted in a moment."
Now consider the nature of the relation of October 19, 2016 to previous
09/20/15--06:15: _Prove it to yoursel...
market events in 1929 and 1987; again from the September 2 essay:
09/21/15--12:59: _"Begin(ing) right" ...
09/22/15--08:21: _Prove it to yoursel...

09/22/15--16:12: _A note regarding pa...

09/27/15--16:18: _2016 - Putting some...

10/01/15--05:27: _Some disparate


10/14/15--07:16: _How might Mr. Gann


10/21/15--04:34: _"Looking back" a Gr...

10/22/15--07:00: _A Wheel Within a


10/28/15--07:47: _2016, part 1 of 4 (...

10/30/15--12:21: _The Greatest Myster...

11/01/15--05:41: _The Greatest Myster...

11/03/15--05:30: _The Greatest Myster...

11/06/15--06:14: _Minor anecdotes

One last consideration; the 2000 'Tech Wreck' crash began well in
advance of 9/11/2001.  The above timing would provide the same
11/18/15--11:26: _Road trip #3 to Mr.... chronology of the 'epicenter' of the crash and would be more similar if the
11/18/15--17:16: _The November 13, top has already occurred (the Nasdaq market top preceding the 2001
20... crash was 3/24/2000 as I recall).
(showing articles 61 to 80 of 415)
I've wasted your time in reprising the September 2 essay only because it
seemed uncanny that terrorists are reportedly, unfortunately, thinking
much the same.  If this timeline has merit, and there isn't a bit of scientific
evidence of which I am aware in my study of Mr. Gann's apparent
understanding of advanced concepts of relativity and spacetime, I would
favor 2016 as the year of occurrence.  Again, not from science but from
circumstances or perceived 'clues' left by Mr. Gann.

And to that end, it is offered for consideration, not proclamation.

Jim Ross

09/17/15--04:52: The Map of Time-Part 1; A 0 0

summarized map of mankind's time and the
'remarkable events' of 2016, perhaps

WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" is a map of time (MOT).  I'd long thought it so but
there were too many otherwise interesting threads of research to follow this tedious and,
apparently, less lofty thought.  I was wrong.  Pages 76 and 77 of TTTTA:

Page 77, the age at which Mr. Gann passed, but his predicting his final
life span was the subject of a previous essay.
Follow the math.  I have counted, via Excel, the number of lines with a line
space between paragraphs, between each page and from sub and page
headings, this book dozens of times.  The counts were becoming very
close with a recent count at 15,300 lines.  At that juncture I realized that
counting upward from the last date in TTTTA got me to August 30, 1976,
a seemingly irrelevant date for all I then knew.  So, I doubled the lines to
get me to August 30, 2016…very contemporary.  And then I noticed the
line on which September 11, 2001 also defined the number of deaths
(with and without 19 terrorists included).  Well, it was 1 off but I found that
error that fixed both counts of 9/11 deaths….my error.

Still, I'm at 15,300 lines, 40 short of exactly 42 years.  Well, there are 40
chapters in TTTTA when including the meaningful Foreword.  Adding 1
line per chapter gives me 15,340 lines which comports with exactly 42
years at one day per line.  And when I recheck the September 11, 2001
date versus the number of deaths.  The line number added to chapter
number still gives me the 2,996 total deaths figure.  The 9/11 proof still
works with the extra 40 lines.

At this point, you can visualize 15,340 on the left side of a spreadsheet
that counts down (descending) from August 30, 1848 at 2 days per line to
August 30, 1932 (the last date in TTTTA).  And on the right side you have
the same number of lines counting up (ascending) from August 30, 1932
to August 30, 2016 (well, actually July 31, 2016 but let's keep it simple).
 A column on the left of a descending 84 years at 2 days per line and a
column on the right of an ascending 84 years….we now have 168 years.
 We have redoubled the time period again.  First from 15,340 lines or 42
years, to 15,340 lines at 2 days per line or 84 year and then redoubling
again from one column of the ascending timeline to an ascending and
descending timelines.  [Remember the doubling and redoubling.]

A spreadsheet of 30,680 lines is impossible reproduce on this blog.  So

let's shrink it by "appointing" a line for a year (365.242 days).  We then
get a "timeline" that is 84 years the descends from the first line in the book
to the 84th line which is the end of the book.  And the end of the book is a
known date.  Mr. Gann assigned the year, 1932.  Because the end is
known, the first year would be 1932 minus 84 or 1848 which would
appear at the top of the left descending column.  And the last date on the
right side ascending timeline is 2016.  Here's the MOT in years:
Okay, its tough to make out.  Top of the left column, 1848, top of right,
2016, at the bottom 1932, all highlighted in red.  But what are the other
highlighted years in blue and yellow?

This is the MOT of mankind.  The blue and yellow cells are the repetition
of events in time for mankind; not for New York City, not for the NYSE,
not for the US, not for Jim Ross….for mankind.  And what are the aspects
that apply universally for all mankind?  War and inventions.  And what
were recurrent themes of TTTTA?  War and inventions.  

The most graphic example of history repeating is the blue highlighted

cells, 1919 and 1945.  In 1919, the 'war to end all wars' (which wasn't)
formally ended with the Treaty of Versailles.  In 1945, there were 2
ceremonies that ended the two fronts of World War II; the first for
Germany, the second for Japan.  The blue highlighted years represent an

The yellow cells of 1863 and 2001 are troubling, very troubling.  They
representing battles at the middle of respective wars.  1863 represented
a mid point in the Civil War with Gettysburg heralded as the bloodiest
battle and the turning point.  2001 is, similarly, a turning point in the war
with Islam; a war that, unbeknownst to the US, began with the 1993
attack on the WTC and Osama Bin Laden's declaration soon thereafter.

The troubling aspect of the yellow 2001 is that, as we can see, the time
cycle of 168 years "folds" and on each side we have repeating events
involving the same character and institutions (page 80 of TTTTA).  In the
2000 year cycle (probably 2016 more specifically), Islam was nearing its
peak of global domination in the early 1000s.  It stretched from the
Pacific, covered Asia and extended to the Atlantic including a great
portion of Spain.  Jerusalem was controlled by Islam.  It was not until
1099 or so when the first Crusades took back Jerusalem and broke
Islamic domination.  Crusades that had as their champions, men like Sir
Robert Gordon, Baron of Nova Scotia, Robert de Bruce whose heart,
upon his death, was carried by Sir James Douglas to Jerusalem for its
interment there…., the many knights of the St Claire or Sinclair family who
also so happened to have built the Rosslyn Chapel.  Men who likely met
at the great Castle of Kennelworth at some time during their lives to plan
the Crusades.  If you have read TTTTA, you will recognize these names.

Islam that was ascending from, arguably, early 1000AD until 1099AD.  A
1000 years later, we find in the very first year ending the new 1000 year
period, we find 2001 marking a new ascendency of Islam.  Ask yourself,
is Islam stronger or weaker today than 2001?  So, yes, I find the mid
points of the Civil War in 1863 and the Islamic War very troubling.

Back to the Map of Time, the map of mankind's time.  I have identified
more than a dozen clear examples of repetition and have spent only last
night and this morning doing so.  You can identify milestones in invention
in addition to milestones in war…after all, there are many more of the

There is so much to do in the thread of research.  Later yesterday, very

late, I found some encouragement and some assistance to confirm I was
on the correct path on page 45.  It is the poem with the quizzical "Tid Bits"
as the author.  Tid Bits, a tiny morsel of tasty food or important
information.  I won't reproduce the poem but will provide two excerpts:

What did we do in the early stages of developing the MOT?  We doubled.
 Then we doubled again.

What have I done for the past several days?  I've doubled my work and
redoubled my effort.  Once doubled out of shear interest in the subject
matter….and now redoubled out of the personal need to understand and
near mathematically prove what I believe this great man of math, science
and foresight was and is trying to tell us about our future.  Our age, the
age of the 266th Pope.

I fear 2016 will be the worst for the world that I have seen in my life span
(I'm a baby boomer). The end of not only the component 168-year cycle,
but of a 2016 year cycle, to put a finer point on Mr. Gann's simplified
2000-year cycle (page 80 again).  Again, there are 12 cycle of 168 years
within the 2016 year cycle as I've developed.  And 2016 is the end of a
grand cycle.  The counterpart of 2016 on the MOT is 1848.  Can anyone
find encouragement in the European history of that year?

[Next up, I'll show how a third aspect of Tid Bits "reconciles" with the
MOT.  Hint; page 45 and the 45 degree angle.  What could be a greater
hallmark of WD Gann than the 45 degree angle?  Some as great
perhaps, but greater?]

Jim Ross

09/17/15--07:34: The Map of Time part 2; The MOT 0 0

and the Mr. Gann's 45* angle

The last essay ended with the quizzical poem, Tid Bits appearing on a notable page 45.
 I derived the interpretation that, in retrospect, I'd created the Map of Time (MOT) by
doubling and re doubling the number of lines in "The Tunnel Thru the Air" (15340 lines)
to arrive at a vertical chart that is 84 years tall.  I also considered my increasing work
ethic in respect of Mr. Gann's work; it has clearly doubled and re doubled.  But I did not
explain the most interesting 'coincidence' that the discussion occurs on page 45.

So we have the MOT with one red date at the bottom, 1932, and two red dates at the
top, 1848 on the left top and 2016 on the right top.  The left is a column descending by 1
year per cell to the year 1932 and the right ascends at 1 year per cell.  I will not present
the MOT in full here because I will change it to a more familiar format later in this post…
and that takes room.  For now, HERE's a link to a picture.

I'm now going to change the two-column MOT to an isosceles triangle and then two
right isosceles triangles.  How so.  Well, we have two columns that are 84 cells (years)
high originating at a single point, 1932.  Let me ask, how many years separate the two
years in red at the top of those two columns.  Why its 2016 - 1848 or, surprise, surprise,
168 years, the 12th period of the theorized 2016 year cycle.

Do you get my drift?  An isosceles triangle with the top leg at 168 years and which is 84
years tall.  Let's adapt that spreadsheet to a still terribly difficult size to illustrate:
We have at the top left 1848, top right 2016 defining 168 years.  At the
bottom we have a single point, 1932.  Connect the 3 points and, intuitively
you know, it is an isosceles triangle.  I'll forego the trig and move forward
to what geometer's are always want to do; bisect a line to form right
triangles.  I'll draw a vertical line from the midpoint of the 1848 to 2016
top most line to the bottom point of the MOT, namely, 1932.

The violet vertical line now bisects the isosceles triangle creating two
perfectly mirrored triangles.  Upon pondering what we have, you'll
recognize each of the triangles has two sides that are equal at 84 years
and each of the triangles has one 90 degree angle.

Again, intuitively you know, you have two right triangles whose
two lesser angles are 45 degrees.

Additionally, you can visualize a single rectangle that is 168 X 84 years.

 You can visualize two component squares that are 84 X 84 years.

And then you might notice something a bit more profound.  Start with
visualizing the descending left timeline of the MOT from 1848 to 1932
arrayed on the downward sloping 45 degree angle and the 1932 to 2016
ascending years arrayed on the upward sloping 45 degree angle.  Ask
yourself what the interval is between the points where the paired event
years of 1919 and 1945 (end points of WWI and WWII) fall.  And the
interval between where the paired event years of 1863 and 2001 (mid
points of the Civil War and the proposed Islamic War).  In the former the
gross interval is 26 years and the latter is 138 years.  The half intervals
are 13 years and 69 years.

The intervals between repeating events are not static, they're not Phi
related at first glance, they're not readily observable as a square or
multiple.  In contrast, the intervals between repeating events
respond to the 45 degree angle. 

A great hallmark of Mr. Gann's cosmology; the 45 degree angle.

[These are new thoughts on my part and I reserve the right, upon further
thought, to be wrong.  Next up, the MOT and special relativity.]

Jim Ross

09/17/15--09:56: The Map of Time part 3; restriction 0 0

of the MOT to the realm of 'mankind', special
relativity and vibration

If you try to apply the MOT to the stock market, to your family tree, to the USA or Russia
to find comparable dates, you won't be happy.  It is the related to the whole of mankind.
 Only events happening to the whole of mankind will find repetition.  That's putting the
end before the beginning.

The most dramatic of the events that I have backtested on the MOT is the endings of
WWI and WWII.  They work perfectly to the year.  More than that, if you wish to
establish the "correct beginning" to the MOT for mankind for daily purposes, I suspect
those repeating events in history will backward identify the correct day which is the
"correct beginning." It is not the last day in TTTTA as best I currently reckon.  That
would be far to easy.  Mr. Gann won't give us his most prized secrets.  When I
backward computed it in the wee hours of this morning based on the end of WWI and
WWII I was stunned.  Not the first time have I been stunned in this endeavor.  But I have
pondered that date only briefly as yet so I'll hold on to it a bit longer.

The beginning, what did Mr. Gann say about the "right beginning" in TTTTA?  Pg 78:

What's the right beginning?  Its a reference point for BOTH time and
space.  Planning a trip from Virginia Beach to Brooklyn, among other
things, I need to know from where I start and what time I start.  Knowing
my average speed, number of stops, number of miles between the points
will not help me one bit in predicting my arrival if I do not know BOTH
when I start and from where I start.  And I need to know BOTH
simultaneously.  That seems pretty straightforward.  But time and space
are not independent.  Likewise, we would think we need to know BOTH if
we had the ability to predict the future.  Wouldn't you think?

Special relativity and the Minkowski space…. an idealized zone in

spacetime where the laws of general relativity do not apply.  A place
where acceleration or gravitational do not influence spacetime.  A "gravity
well" where we are moving at a constant speed and where gravitation
does not affect time.  Kinda like where we live…on earth, but not entirely.

Generally, we do not accelerate and we are not differentially affected by

gravity.  A person standing on the equator is prevented from being
affected by gravity by the ground that is below him and is traveling at just
over a constant 1000 MPH hour according to the Earth's rotation.  No
acceleration.  A person standing in Central Park at the 40th parallel is
traveling at just under a constant 900 MPH by virtue of the smaller
circumference of the earth at that parallel.  No acceleration, no differential
gravitational influence.

Well, except that the moon and sun do exert relatively minor but
observable gravitational and acceleration influence.  Tides rise and fall by
virtue of the moons gravity.  Relative to the sun, our speed in greater and
lesser at the aphelion or perihelion of the earth about the sun….speed is
changing during the solar year.  Acceleration and deceleration.  We are
not in a Minkowsky space, but largely we are.  And the divergences, we
might consider them separately.  That's another essay.

Within those contexts what is important about the beginning for

mankind?  Well, again the correct location and the correct time.  Except
that the correct location on earth is not important relative to the subject of
mankind.  Mankind is all over the earth.  Which location of any single
person do you use to measure the beginning?  The cycle of mankind is
independent of a location of beginning when measuring spacetime.  Only
time is important.  Might you be prone to say "time is the most important
thing?" Wow, sounds really really familiar.

Now what if you say you wish to measure the MOT of the NYSE located
at exactly at 11 Wall Street? That address doesn't change as the earth
turns on its axis.  Only time will be important.  And that's yet another

So, the MOT as I've currently defined it for only mankind and we can
backtest its accuracy by matching events that appear on its previously
defined descending and ascending 45 degree angles.  Events ignoring
the location of the event;  only time has importance.  That can be
backtested to the MOT.  Only vastly universal events like world wars and
inventions having pervasive impact might find related historical repetition
on the MOT.  That's what I've found to date.

I would submit the MOT is the general curvature of history and "curve for
the future" for mankind from which Mr. Gann applied his understanding of
how persons and institutions vary with the MOT depending on their
individual vibrations.  Perhaps Mr. Gann had read Luo Clement's "The
Ancient Science of Numbers," published in 1908.  Hmmm, didn't Mr.
Gann make a great discovery in 1908?

Consider again the methodology:

Past history and the "curve for the future" is the independent variable; the
MOT of mankind.  The rate of vibration is the multiplier unique to person
and institutions other than mankind that, when applied to the "curve,"
produces a different but correlated result.  The rate of vibration which
might be identified for each person or institution based on the vibration
apparent in their name and nativity; the specialty of Luo Clement and his
"The Ancient Science of Numbers."

Perhaps Mr. Gann wrote "The Ancient Science of Numbers" himself.  I

think I've written essays on that….

Jim Ross

09/20/15--06:15: Prove it to yourself; WD Gann's 0 0

Map of Time and the numbers 69, 82 and 84....and

You will find the immediately preceding 3 posts dated September 17, 2015 and this one
will be dated September 20, 2015.  I came upon the mathematics of this post
September 18, 2015, a date which I realize is most important.  Keep that date in mind
these next two essays.  In this essay I give background information necessary for
persons without such.

WD Gann's "Map of Time" or MOT is encoded in "The Tunnel Thru the

Air" by counting every line of the book after adding a line for every page
(a page break), a line for every paragraph, a line between every
subheading (including the page header), salutation or sign off of a letter,
and 1 extra line for each of the 40 chapter (a chapter break, the Foreword
counts as a chapter).  There are 15,340 lines in TTTTA and that line
count is verified by its ability to predict the World Trade Center attack of
2001.  Take my word for it for now.  In due course you may prove it to

15340 lines is the number of days in 42 years (365.242X42).  According

to the clues on page 45 (45 is the degree of two angles in the isosceles
right triange), we double and redouble which brings us to 168 years.  168
years is one of 15 units of a Biblical week or 2520 years (or
168X15=2520).  Counted from the beginning at 0A.D. (actually there isn't
a 0A.D.) 12 units of 168 is 2016.
We have the last date of TTTTA as the year 1932.  Conceptually, appoint
one year for every 365.242 lines of the 15,340 lines doubled and you
count downward (descending) on a spreadsheet from the number 1848
and you will arrive at 1932; 84 years.  Now count from the bottom of the
sheet upward 1 years for every 15,340 years doubled and you will arrive
at 2016 (1932+84).

Now inspect your spreadsheet.  You will see the years 1919 (Treaty of
Versailles ending WWI) and 1945 (two cermonies for the surrencder of
Germany and then Japan ending WWII) are aligned on the same row.
 You will also see 1863 and 2001 aligned...1863 representing a mid point
and turning point in the Civil war, 2001 marking, arguably, the a mid point
and unfavorable turning point in the war declared by Osama Bin Laden
some years hence.  The 'vertical' MOT:

This is a good, but not final, representation of the MOT.  You will discover
the bottom of the MOT is a single point, the year 1932, where the top is
two points; 1848 and 2016.  1848 and 2016 are separated by 168 years.
 So, we have a triangle with sides of of 168, 84 and 84 years:
No we don't.  Any two sides of a triangle MUST be greater than the third
and 84+84= 168.  In time, we have a straight line; remember the WD
Gann Memorial Triangle or GMT.  Set that aside for the moment.  

Of the above, the triangle is marked by the dates, 1848 at the top left,
2016 at the top right and 1932 at the bottom.  The yellow bar marks the
year 1863 at the left and 2001 at the right and the blue bar marks 1919
on the left and 1945 on the right.  The actual years reside on the 45*
angles and are arrayed in a descending fashion on the left 45 degree
angle from 1848 to 1932 and are arrayed in an ascending fashion on the
45 degree angle from the 1932 to 2016.  For example, if I were to mark
exactly where 1863 appears on this chart, it would be the intersection of
the yellow highlight and the 45 degree angle.  One last note about the
triangular MOT, it forms two 84X84 squares, somewhat reminiscent of
Bradley Cowan's illustration of the the sqrt(5) diagonal of two 1X1
squares on page 51 of "Four-Dimensional Stock Market Structures and

That's the background, now do the math yourself.  I'll lead your through it.
 Triangle 1932, 1919, 1945.  What's the difference between 1919 and
1945?  26.  Now whats the difference between both 1919 and 1932 and
the difference between 1945 and 1932?  13.  Again, we have an
isosceles right triangle with sides of 26, 13 and 13, but it is a straight line
not a triangle.  

Can you see how Mr. Gann inferred 2001 from the dates 1932, 1919,
1945 and 1863?  He knew the world events of 1919 and 1945 and
inferred their mid point which is 1932 ((19+45) / 2 = 32).  He knew the
world events of 1863...wait a minute, the Civil War was an American war.
 Not really.  The whole of TTTTA underscores that the United States was
the leader of the world.  So goes the US, so goes the world, even at that
early date in the history of the US.  

From the mid point 1932 to 1863 we have 69 years on the left 45 degree
angle.  1932 plus 69 years and we have 2001 on the right.  Mr. Gann
knew that a world impacting event comparable to those that occurred in
1863 would occur in 2001.  Given 1919, 1945 and 1863, can you
compute the logical 2001?  69, the great page 69 of TTTTA.  Page 69,
Jonas' 3 plus 3 is 6 and 3 times 3 is 9; 69 to put a very fine point on it.

Now consider the intervals.  1932 to 2001 or to 1863 is 69 and 1932 to

1919 or to 1945 is 13.  And 69 plus 13 is 82.  We find on page 82 Mr.
Gann telling us there will be remarkable events following the election of
the 266th Pope....our age.  [Troubling, where are we at on the MOT right
not, 2015?  We are one year short of 2016 with a corresponding year of
1849.  2016 minus 1842 is 164 which is 82 years from 1932 and 82 years
from 1849.  Our year, right now, comports with a resonance of the 1919-
1945 duality and the 1863-2001 duality.  Again page 82 of TTTTA, the
"remarkable events" following the election of the 266th Pope.]

The correspondence of those dates and intervals with the methodology

prove themselves, do they not?

The details of Mr. Gann's 6th Prophecy (see HERE, HERE and HERE)

are far more elaborate than simply picking out the year as is
accomplished above.  He gave us the 110 story Mammouth which was
named "the Cedar," gave us the name "Ata" 15 times in the telestic
encoding of TTTTA, gave us the number of successful terrorists (15 as 4
were on board the unsuccessful plane that was scuttled in Pennsylvania),
the name of the predecessor airline, TWA, and the exact day to the
minute from which Muhammad Ata departed Logan Airport.  Of those
details, I do not know how he divined them.  But, he knew.

I have asserted Mr. Gann knew when he would die; 1955 at the age of 77
years.  Consider his own assertion on page 77 of TTTTA:

["...mathematical science, which is the only real science..."]

The problem in proving the year of Mr. Gann's is one of 'vibration.' The

MOT, as I've offered, is the "curve of the future" for mankind.  It's
"vibration" is, likely, different from that of a person.  Once the "correct
beginning" is known based on critical events in a life and based on that
person's "vibration," the result will be a correct prediction of mortality.
 That's how he predicted his death.  Consider the dates of 1908, the year
of the great discovery and 1927, the year in which TTTTA was dated and
then consider Mr. Gann's first name is "WD" as opposed to William.
 Using the MOT methodology those parameters will get you very close to
calculating Mr. Gann's death age, but for a half year convention of sorts.
 Not having the entirety of the answer, I'll defer for the moment.
We now have explanations of the number 69, 82 and 84 which are teased
in the title of this essay.  Remaining is the number 83 and the date further
teased in the opening paragraph, namely, September 18, 2015.  Next

Jim Ross

09/21/15--12:59: "Begin(ing) right" on the WD Gann 0 0

Map of Time of mankind

The WD Gann Map of Time (MOT) is explained in the immediately preceding post and
is developed in more detail in three posts provisos thereto.  What's missing is how to
"begin right" (page 78 of "The Tunnel Thru the Air):

If the MOT's method is to find the point (date) of inflection where on the
left side we have events of the previous 84 years and use those events to
predict future events, then we need to know what day that date of
inflection of the 168 year period occurs.

Assuming that the greatest dates of events of the 168 year period were
the end of WWI and WWII, then I calculate July 1, 1932 as follows:

No, its not the last date in TTTTA (August 30, 1932, the "Peace
Conference of the World").  At least in my opinion.  Wouldn't that be a tad
easy for a person having spent hundreds of hours, now, trying to unravel
all this?  Nothing is easy.

And its not the 4th of July, the date of the final "Battle of Washington" as
such a person, having read the book in minute detail to include encoded
acrostic and telestic message.  No, it would have been much to easy.
 Nothing is free.
In my opinion, the final date is mathematically derived as above; not
subjectively, poetically derived.

Why mid year?  Well, I can only guess.  There wasn't a 0 A.D (Google "0
A.D" and read Wikipedia). so half of that year was removed to B.C. and
half to A.D.  Hence, each 168 component of the 15 parts of the Biblical
week (15 parts at 168 years per part 2520 years) begins and ends mid

As we might suspect from a study of the WD Memorial Triangle (GMT),

the MOT forms an isosceles triangle and a straight line based on there 3

The above includes 3 excerpts out of my daily MOT spreadsheet (one

line for every day between 1848 and 2016, 84 years of days in the left two
columns and 84 years in the right two columns, "folded" at the "right
beginning," July 1, 1932).  

The total span between WWII dates of 9/2/1945 and 5/7/1945 above is
118 lines (lines 4810 minus 4692).  And the span between the WWI date
of 6/28/1919 and each of the two dates in WWII is 59 lines (4810 minus
4751 and 4751 minus 4692).  

If we were to try to create a triangle out of side lengths of 118, 59 and 59,
it isn't a triangle….it is a straight line.  If you were to construct it out of the
visual plot of the spreadsheet, you'd have an isosceles triangle that has a
width of 118 and a height of 30681 (25930 + 4751) or very high.  One
very small angle at point 6/28/1939 and two very large equal angles at
points 9/2/1945 and 5/7/1945.

Recall the WD Gann Memorial Triangle has both space dimensions in

terms of miles and time dimension in terms of years.  The former a right
triangle and the latter a straight line.  Perhaps we have the demonstration
that, absent a measure of space (miles, feet, inches) we have a chart of
space that gives us a spacial orientation in 4 dimensions and a
corresponding time straight line; a triangle that we can see on the chart
(hmmm, like price on a stock chart...) and a line we can sense as forward
time.   A triangle and a line.  How basic.

Just talking out loud.  The point of this post is July 1, 1932.  

Jim Ross 
09/22/15--08:21: Prove it to yourself part 2; The Map 0 0
of Time counterpart of 9/11

I was not expecting to find as the counterpart of 9/11/2001 on the MOT as anything
other than battles of the Civil War, averaging to a date that is the historical "cause" of
the former.  I'm not sure the Civil War in 1863 is irrelevant to 9/11, but only this morning
it took assumed the 'shotgun' seat in this vehicle.

Like part 1, you can prove the circumstances of part 2 to be described in this essay and
make your own decision.  You have available to you the July 1, 1932 "right beginning" of
the MOT and the ascending, descending nature of the MOT.  In addition, one more "tid
bit" of information.  Recall WD Gann's inclusion on page 80 of "The Tunnel Thru the Air"
the citation of Hans Delbruck in the study of ancient wars:

I call your attention to the 1000-year cycle (which was separately and
singularly described by WD Gann in TTTTA as the "great 1000-year
cycle") and to "same political institutions" and the "likeness between

Now to the MOT.  I've reconfigured the MOT with 30681 lines on the left
descending section starting at the top with the day 7/1/1848 and ending
with the day 7/1/1932 and then starting at the bottom with the day
7/1/1932 ascending 30681 lines and ending with 7/1/2016 at the top.  I
then find 9/11/01 on the right scale and look across to the left and find

You can do this with "" Subtract from 9/11/01 the 'right

beginn(ing)' of 7/1/1932 and you get 25,274 days.  Subtract 25,274 days
from 7/1/1932 and you get 4/20/1863.  That differs from my spreadsheet
by 1 day because in the former calculation, 7/1/1932 is not part of the
interval to 7/1/2016 where in the latter calculation it is.  It should not be
part of either interval and thus the calculation needs to
be set back yet one more day to 4/21/1863.  Bottom line, 4/21/1863 is the
MOT counterpart of 9/11/2001.

Armed with this clue and Hans Delbruck's insights I was fully expecting to
find that dates of surprise attacks in the Civil War might be averaged to
arrive at 4/21/1863.  In 1863 we have, as well, the New York
Emancipation Proclamation Eraft Riots of New York which might be
epicentered on 4/21/1863.  I have every expectation that those histories
play a role as "causal" to the 9/11/2001, or at least, Mr. Gann's synthesis
of 9/11, but I was only partly right.  [Being right is subjective so you
should 'consider' for yourself.]

I found two 'causal' events in 1863; one related to the Civil War and one
related to an aspect (not a sect) of Islam.  The former events is Union Col.
Benjamin Grierson's Raid (April 17 to May 2, 1863) and the latter is the
beginning of Baha u liah 12-day stay in the Garden of Garden of Ridvan,

Regarding Grierson's Raid, 1700 Union calvary troops traversed

Tennessee, Mississippi and Louisiana drawing Confederate attention and
resources and enabling Major General Ulysses Grant forces to cross the
Mississippi just below Vicksburg.  Grierson's surprise raids, spanning
the exact date of 4/21/1863, staged Grant's forces for campaigns that
would ultimately lead to the bloodiest battles of the Civil War; Vicksburg,
Chancellorsville and Gettysburg.  The latter is largely considered as the
bloodiest battle and turning point of the Civil War.

Regarding Baha u liah's 12 days in the Garden of Ridvan which began on

exactly 4/21/1863, we find in Wikipedia the following:

Both the tactics and strategies of the Civil War and the self ordination of
an Islamic Prophet as the one who God shall make manifest are beyond
this CPA's understanding of Generally Accepted Account Principles.  Its
hard for me to go down either road without exposing greater ignorance
than to which I wish to confess.  

But with that apology, I believe you'll find Hans Delbruck's same
institutions and methods present in 1863 recurring in the 9/11/01 attacks.
 Surprise attacks and the rise of Islam.

Ultimately, we will want to tie all of this to the final days of 168 year
period, those being July 1, 1848 and July 1, 2016.  Remember the name
of Maj Gen Ulysses Grant, Robert E. Lee, 'Stonewall' Jackson among
others, who also participated earlier in the 1846-48 Mexican American
War that ended on February 2, 1848 and later were major participants in
the Civil War.  And regards Islam and Baha u liah, he attended at the 22
day conference of Badasht which ultimately in 1848 devolved into violence,
the Baha's imprisonment and his execution in 1850.

The same participants, the same methods.  1863 mirrored in the events
of 2001 and even further tied to the events of 1848.  You are likely better
equipped to make these comparisons than I but I am satisfied.  In this
essay I am simply providing the causal historic events that are reflected in
present events.  1863 is simply another of the proofs you can parse in far
greater detail if you've the time and interest.

I intend to provide two more "proofs" of the validity of the MOT of

mankind but from in the sphere of invention.  I've seen their sketchy
outline and I 'know' they will be there, but I have yet to develop the details.
 But I 'know' they are there.

One last thought previously addressed more than once.  The 1000-year
cycle is the only cycle in TTTTA to which Mr. Gann conferred the
adjective "great." 1000 years back from now or from 2016 or the century
of 1000-1099, we find Islam dominated from the Pacific Coast of China
much of the land to North Africa, to parts of Spain and notably including
Jerusalem.  Before 9/11, how many Americans recognized the name,
Osama Bin Laden, or recognized the threat of Islam?  In the century of
1000-1099 Islam had reached its apex of domination and was to be
deposed by the Crusades in the last decade of that century.  Ask yourself
now, is Islam at its apex now or is it on its ascension?  Decline in 1000-
1099, ascension in 2000-2099?  Same theme, Islam and all those not
Islam, but, perhaps, opposites; descent versus ascent.

The next essay will be two events of invention mirrored in the MOT.  I
don't know which ones as yet or whether I will find them compelling.  I
'know' I will, but, until it is done, they will not be proven.

And as with the part 1 post and this part 2 post, do the research and
prove WD Gann's Map of Time to yourself.  When the part 3 is complete
there will be an essay to explain my understanding of the meaning of the
number '83' that I believe Mr. Gann wants us to hear in this the age of the
266th Pope and my understanding of the date of September 18, 2015.

Jim Ross

09/22/15--16:12: A note regarding page 82 of 0 0

TTTTA, the 266th Pope and the Map of Time

Page 82 of WD Gann's "The Tunnel Thru the Air" gives us St Malachy's (or
Nostradamus if you prefer to believe) prophecy of the 266th Pope and predicts
"remarkable events" upon his election.  As I've offered many times, Mr. Gann knew full
well that the 266th Pope would not be elected for decades after the publication of
TTTTA and decades after Mr. Gann's death.  Doesn't take a rocket scientist or a
prophet to make that prediction in 1927 given that the number of the Pope in 1927 was
number 259, Pope Pius XI.

Obviously, the message of that page and pages 83 and 84 are meant for the age of the
266th Pope which is widely recognized as Pope Francis (there are discrepancies in
counts concerning anti Popes), elected in 2013.  Mr. Gann gives us St Malachy's
description of the 266th Pope:
"Fides Intrepida, which means---"Unwavering Faith…." Would we expect
the 266th Pope to embrace the words "unwavering faith?" Is Pope
Francis winking at us when he gives us:

It would be hard to attend church for a significant number of Sunday's and

not encounter the phrase and Psalms 3:5-6 as the subject of a sermon.
 Yet, I found it oddly timely.

After all, 2014 is the 82nd year after the mid point the 168-year cycle or
July 1, 1932.  Restated, we find the consensus 266th Pope uttering
"Unwavering faith" in the 82nd year of the ascension from the mid point of
the WD Gann Map of Time and find that same description on the 82nd
page of TTTTA.  82 years between the notations.

Did Mr. Gann know and arrange his book to create this….synchronicity?

9/23/15 addendum.  How I forgot, I don't know.  The date September 29,
1922 was an intentional plant.  The "New York American" article of that
date was, in reality, found in the Brookly Daily News on that date and
discussed the St Malachy prophecy.  And, aside form providing us
insight into the 'modus operandi' of Mr. Gann's elaborate encoding of
TTTTA, what further insight is this link providing?  Count the pages of
that daily paper on that date.  82 pages.  I made that count in the
following essay found HERE.  

Jim Ross
09/27/15--16:18: 2016 - Putting some clues, and 0 0
evidence, together - January 8 to January 28, 2016

There are nice numbers that seem to work together, dates and events that produce the
'deja vu' and there are clues thought to be so but none of which are real.  The numbers
work now and won't work tomorrow.  The 'deja vu' never occurs again and the clues
weren't such.  This blog's first contemplated the numbers that never worked and the
feelings of repetition that didn't recur.  Of the clues, which are the real clues?  Which are
the imagined?  I've identified 2016 as a focus of research and floated dates on the
slimmest of whims.  Hopefully, I've identified them for what they are; nice dates.  This
essay will be different as the clues, the laws of cause and effect and history repeating
and the math will, hopefully, demonstrate.

In plain words WD Gann tells us in "The Tunnel Thru the Air"history

repeats and that the greatest cycle of repetition is the 1000-year cycle.
 I've checked.  He does not proclaim any other cycle in TTTTA with the
wording "the great 1000-year cycle" (page 82).  Starting then with the
subject of this post, 2016, what happened 1000 years ago?  The normal
battles, coups, etc. but 2 items catch one's eye; the offensive against the
Muslim city Sardina and an earthquake that damages the Dome of the
Rock in Old Jerusalem.  [I will defer regarding the Muslim conflict but that
Muslim conflict was raging 1000 years ago is context for other essays,
some of which I've previously offered.]

An earthquake of Biblical significance in 1016.  Perhaps 1000 years later

in 2016?

The first paragraph of Chapter 1 of TTTTA gives us not only the birth of
the hero of TTTTA (Robert Gordon), but his mother's sad reflection on the
April 18, 1906 San Francisco earthquake.  That  event, the 1906
earthquake, continues to be considered by many contemporary writings
the worst natural disaster in the history of the United States; 7.8 on the
Richter scale, but massive in terms of its immediate impact on San

The first paragraph of TTTTA, a clue.  And a clue on the last monument
to Mr. Gann's life, his gravestone.  It measures 30X30X8.  30X8 is 240
and 30X30X8 is 720.  Mr. Gann's was 77 when he passed and Sadie
Gann was 53 adding to 130.  240 less 130 is 110 and the 1906
earthquake plus 110 years is 2016.  A clue?  A person's last monument
would be a clue?  How could he know his and his wires lifespan in 1927
let alone weave it into a riddle and prophecy?  If you consider the
possibility of his foresight for the purpose of foretelling the events of 2016,
then its hard to deny his similar knowledge of his demise in advance.

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